A Middle Age Naruto RP (Yajirobe and LadyYunaFFX2)


Jul 14, 2011
The powers of this world were that of a triangle, one which when out of balance was a dangerous thing able to lead to times of trouble, violence and heartache, times when the triangle went out of balance it became necessary for two sides to join to equalize the power of the largest side of that power triangle. Thing had worked like this for generations since the three great kingdoms were created years before by the early Uchiha, Uzumaki and Hyuuga. Each had grown and each was filled with capable young men and women. They were at this time in a balance, how long such a balance would last this time was unknown, but the leaders of each side wanted to keep it thus as long as was possible.

As such the groups each were gathering to have a meeting with each other, leaders from all three sides were meeting at a neutral place.The families would talk about the various aspects of their relations, about their trade agreements and about their aims for the future. They would strike deals at this meeting that could have large and lasting effects that would be felt in all three of the kingdoms.

King Uchiha Fugaku had been the first to arrive, the elder Uchiha, and King of the Kingdom had been focused on getting agreements made with the villages, He left Itachi home to look over things while he was at the meeting. He had to find someone for Sasuke, he knew that it was important to marry off his younger son to someone worthy of him. That this could be a great bargaining chip to get other things that were needed and to improve relations with one of the two sides. He knew that his younger son was as talented or more so then the older whom had married a common woman, from the kingdom. That made this arranged marriage with Sasuke all the more important for Fugaku.

He approached the table, Orochimaru had been going over the numbers and profiles of the noble women of both sides that he was to make a deal with, He knew the Hyuuga had the cards, but he wasn't sure he was willing to pay the price to have a marriage between himself and Hinata, plus, he was sure that the Hyuuga wouldn't want their daughter to marry to someone of her own rank, to keep them independent should she take over the thrown from her family. If for some reason, Hinata's sister name came up, the same situation would follow. That meant looking for other whom could work, and he could use them as a deal to help match up someone with either Hinata, or if the Uzumaki wanted Naruto. Deals were there to be made and he had to be able to see them, and able to take a chance.

Hiashi walked in after Fugaku, quiet as ever stoic as ever, as he sat down he only said a single word to the Uchiha of recognizing him as there. Hiashi had many of the same thoughts as Fugaku, but he knew that he had Hinata, and he knew she wasn't his ideal heir, that he was looking much like the Uchiha to name the second born as the heir which would mean that he could use Hinata to marry off to anyone, even a prince such as Sasuke or Naruto, a fact he wasn't going to tell anyone. He figured it was a card he could play if he needed too. He also wanted to avoid it, if possible, finding a great influence other ways, but he would demand a lot of one of the sides demand Hinata as a bride for either Naruto or Sasuke or someone else of the two kingdoms. Each were the same age, and it was why this meeting had taken place, they were all about to reach adulthood.
Back at the Uzumaki Manor, a steadily impatient Kushina was tapping her foot gently against the floor. "Minato! What is taking you so long?! We're going to be late!" A weary sigh passed the Queen's lips. She loved her husband and son both .. but sometimes the two could seriously irritate her. Worse off, this was an incredibly vital meeting. It would, hopefully, help determine the fate of their son. Naruto was now more than old enough to be with a woman ... but since he'd been too timid to approach someone on his own, steps were being made to do so for him.

Not to say Kushina didn't feel a bit guilty, but she knew herself and Minato wouldn't live forever. And with the knowledge that the Uchihas and Hyuugas would be there as well, it was obvious they all had the same mindset and concerns. At least, she supposed, the Queen wasn't alone in that aspect; a blessing in itself.

But perhaps a bit more than her own child, Queen Kushina felt perhaps a bit most sorry for the Princess Hinata. She was already, more or less, Queen as the bride of Hiashi had been deceased for years. Already, so much pressure was upon the young Princess's shoulders to wed ... this meeting wouldn't help her out much, she knew.

But, still, it had to be done.

Speaking of said Princess, she was next to arrive, having been instructed to go ahead. Her father was to meet up with her soon enough -- or if not him, one of her guards. Thus her entrance looked ... not-so-typical, for a royal member to have actually entered inside alone.

A barely stable hand moved up towards her face and guided some raven locks away from her light violet eyes, noting Fugaku to have already made himself present. Her head bowed gently and she finally mustered enough courage to speak up. "Afternoon, Lord Uchiha."

Pulling a chair out, she sat down, her hands resting in her lap lest they take some strands of her hair and twirl them around her fingers nervously. Her eyes slowly glanced around ... and noted all that was left would be the Uzumakis.

Once they arrived, the meeting would officially begin. And knowing what the matters were concerned of made poor Hinata all the more anxious.
Minato was finishing getting ready, he wasn't the biggest fan of having to set his son up with another woman, but he knew that these things could work themselves out, he hoped that was the case anyhow. He had married into the Uzumaki family though he wasn't from another kingdom at all. So it was going to be different for Naruto. He knew that it would do him good though, Minato slipped down stairs and looked at his redhead of a wife as he gave her a smile. "Well, just taking care of a few things, best we be underway, don't want to keep the others waiting to long, they will cut us out," he said with a smile as he took his wives hand and looked at her, "I think perhaps, maybe we should have the Naruto meet his future wife before it becomes official, that way we avoid problems, the others might agree to such a deal," MInato said as he walked out of the home with his wife, leaving Naruto to look out after things while he was gone.

Hiashi noticed his daughter enter into the room and moved closer to her as he looked at her, "it is good to see you here, Hinata, I trust you are prepared for this," he said calmly, he didn't show the real thoughts going on in his mind. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to set up his daughter with someone worthy of her. He knew that as a female, her role as a bargaining chip was far greater then normal, but that didn't mean, he didn't know she was still just a young woman, and that she was his daughter despite everything. He was glad to see that the he was able that he had at least beaten the always tardy Uzumaki to the meeting that could of been embarrassing to be the last ones to arrive.

"It is good to see you as well, Princess HInata, Lord Hyuuga," Fugaku said calmly as he looked at the woman, for a moment before looking outside to see the last of the arrivals was getting there, "it seems the last of us will be here soon, we have much to talk about," He said as he looked over, he knew this was a game, that it was to keep things in balance, he felt somewhat bad about going behind Sasuke's back, but that young man wasn't going to land a woman despite the number of fan girls he had after him. It was worrisome, and he knew that this might be the best way to set his son up with someone where they would be forced to be together. It also was his only chance to have a diplomatic marriage to help the kingdom, due to Itachi's rather common marriage.

Fugaku leaned back as he turned back towards the table, looking at the papers that Orochimaru had gotten together for him, and then looked up, "it seems that there are many new nobles in our kingdoms at the age of consent, it should be most interesting, don't you agree, seems you have a daughter and a nephew yourself."

Haishi raised an eyebrow at the comment but nodded his head, "yes, Neji is also at that age, as are a couple of others, though some happily together with someone from their own lands," Haishi counter with his comment as he had a feeling the name of his nephew would be brought up at some point.
Kushina looked up quickly in thought of her husband's words. As her eyes met his, she snuck a brief but passionate kiss upon his lips. Allowing a hand to intertwine with one of his, her mind wasted little time beginning to think of ideas on how to go about this meeting. It had many touchy and sensitive subjects. One wrong question, sentence, word or anything of the like ... and things could go from neutral to horrid in a matter of seconds. But, then again, that was how politics tended to work, she knew. "Well ... we'll see. Personally, I think there should be a way to allow for Naruto to have some say in this matter." She finally replied, her steps quickening slightly to avoid being more late than they were.

Still, she gave a light nod of agreement. "But, yes, a meeting will definitely be something we should allow for Naruto to have ... " She added, determined eyes remaining ahead to avoid having either herself or her spouse run into anything --- or anyone on the way to the meeting place.

As Hiashi's voice echoed gently in Hinata's ears, she nodded and swallowed nervously. "Y-yes, Father." She replied softly, her fingers now messing slightly with the fabric underneath the table. There had been a secret the Princess had held for years ... and most of everyone knew of it. Her father, unfortunately, was one of those whom she hadn't had the courage to say it to. But for years, her eyes had been upon the Uzumaki prince. Even to this day, she couldn't honestly explain what it was about him ... his charisma?

Regardless, there was definitely something, there had been for so long. But worse than having failed to bring this up to her father, she had been horrified to bring it up to the young Naruto himself.

But how could she? It'd likely upset not only Lord Uchiha but the balance and peace the clans had worked for years to keep and maintain. That alone made her heart sink, her head silently bowing.

No sooner than her cousin was brought up did Hinata inwardly flinch. There had been several times Hiashi had pushed for her to marry him. Alas, though, Hinata saw him as an honorable man and spouse; but not to herself. He was handsome and strong, no doubts on that ... but she didn't view him in the same intimate light she'd done so with Naruto for years.

Already, the talk was beginning to get tense and it added onto poor Hinata's anxieties. Her heart raced even more as the door opened yet again ....

It had taken a good ten or so minutes but finally, Kushina walked in, Minato close beside her. Light pants left for a few moments before she regained her composure. Her cheeks matched her hair color, clearly embarrassed that they were indeed late. "Deepest apologies, Lord Uchiha and Hyuuga ... " She replied firmly, bowing her head to each and taking her own seat. She snuck another glance around the table and then - upon seeing Hinata to be at this meeting - offered her a reassuring smile, not knowing the rather ironic situation the Princess was in.

It'd be so easy ... for Hinata to speak up and finally get her feelings and confession off her chest. But ... her father was right beside her! How could she dare do so, let alone in front of the other Lords and Ladies? Poor Hinata's heart raced more ... and never in her life had she hoped for a way to leave a room so swiftly.
Hiashi looked at his daughter for a moment again as he heard the footsteps of two more people approaching, he knew whom they were coming, he rose as did the Uchiha as the arrived, Hiashi nodded to Kushina as she made her statement and then sat back down calm and collected as he looked at them, thinking about how to start the meeting, what offer to put on the table first. The Hyuuga's eyes traveled to Fugaku and could tell the Uchiha was thinking about the same thing. They both wanted to put out some offer, and he knew that Fugaku was looking though his information for such a deal at that moment. He was lucky in one regard, he knew that the deals would involve Hinata, which meant he didn't need a large list to look though, plus he had read his large file on the people whom were of age to be married already, he was ready in short for whatever would go done.

Minato looked at the group and then looked at Hinata, such a sweet young woman, and then smiled as he thought of something quickly. He would use boldness as his ally here, take something from his mentor and teacher's playbook, just not to Jiraya's level cause god knew what type of trouble that could get you in. "Lord Hyuuga, I want to offer you a deal, it is simple, I want my son to marry your daughter," Minato said boldly as he looked at her and him, he had no clue about her feelings for Naruto, but she seem such a sweet girl, that action was needed and whom better for Naruto then a sweet girl."I know that you shall need someone as an heir, and I am guessing you are aiming for it to be perhaps your younger daughter or your cousin. If you agree to this," Minato said pausing for a moment as he looked right at Hiashi, "I will promise the arrange marriage of our youngest knight to your daughter, he is a promising young one, and they in a couple of years would be of the same age," Minato paused a second time to let his offer settle in as it were with Hiashi whom actually looked surprised. "First though as part of this deal, I would want your daughter to come and stay in my kingdom, I want to make sure that your daughter and my son are suitable for each other, I find my son's happiness to be important, and I don't want him to live his life unhappy in marriage."

Minato held his wives hand, he had noticed the looks she had given to the young woman, it told him, that Kushina would approve of the Hyuuga and most likely wanted to help the poor girl as well. This would give her that chance to do so, which always helped him win some brownie points in the long run as well, which was always a good things with Kushina.

Hiashi was surprised by the directness of the offer, as was Fugaku whom had no expected Hinata's name to come up till the end. Hiashi had been planning on having Hinata's sister take over after he married off HInata, and this would solve that problem down the line, setting up the ruling family of having important connections for years, He paused before answering and leaned in close to HInata, "Can you handle this," he whispered to her, wanting to know if his daughter was able to be up for such an ordeal and event in her life. He did love his daughter, and he knew she had meet Naruto Uzumaki before, if she refused this, he would turn down the deal, if she approved of it, it was a interesting deal, something that would advance his own kingdom's aims and set up them well for Hinata's sister were he could work to make sure she and whomever this young man from the Uzumaki side were together and would have the best chance to be happy. Still he did wait on the reply by Hinata before replying to Minato on the deal.
A very content and proud smile was on Kushina's face. Usually, she had to think of plans and ideas ahead of time. It was nice to see a change of pace, albeit she couldn't deny to herself that a part of her was as astounded as the others. This plan .. had left the lips of her own husband? It was not only intriguing but amazing in it's own forms. Her hand gently squeezed Minato's. Though she remained silent for now, her mind was definitely racing swiftly, especially now that the very abrupt offer of Hinata being wed off to Naruto was brought up. Why? Simple .... there was still the Uchihas left.

And some nagging feeling in the back of Kushina's mind was feeling that Fugaku wouldn't easily accept this. Her head lightly shook. Maybe, hopefully, she was just over-thinking? That would be a nice change of pace also; if, for once, she could be wrong. Yes, incorrect. There were too many times her instincts were dead on ... and most were irritating or annoying somehow. This was definitely no exception. If anything, it was one of the more major gut feelings she'd had in a while.

"... H-huh?"

It was the only thing which could immediately pass Hinata's lips for a reply. Was this really happening? Had she heard or imagined things? Minato ... wanted her to wed Naruto? She felt light-headed, as if she were going to faint then and there. But a mix of determination and her father's voice snapped her back to life.

"Can you handle this?"

More than anything, she wanted to say 'Yes!' so bad but ... in front of Lord Fugaku?! It seemed rude, almost like an insult even.

You can't keep lying or hiding to yourself though .. and ... this is more than perfect ...

Wasn't it? She at least tried desperately to reassure herself of that. By now, her heart was racing so fast and beating so loud and hard, it'd be a miracle if everyone within the entire room couldn't hear her pulse by now. But the realization that this would likely be her best - maybe only - chance finally gave Hinata enough courage. Her gaze went from her lap to all the individuals before her, resting mainly upon Minato himself. A firm yet gentle nod left as she finally whispered back a simple but powerful phrase to her father.

"Yes, I can ..."
Fugaku was shocked beyond shocked the boldness from Minato was not something that he saw coming at all, he had expected this to be a drawn out affair with barbs here and their hiding the true purpose of the meaning of the words from each of them. Still part of him wanted to object, to say something to stop the agreement, and he was at first gut reaction going to, but he thought of something else. He could use this to his advantage, push his points, Hinata Hyuuga was not the aim he had for his son, she seemed far to weak to be the queen of the Uchiha. That didn't mean he couldn't get what he wanted from this though, maybe without any arguments.

"Lord Hyuuga, Lord Uzumaki, I can think this is a bit bold for my taste, but given that I am not in this talk, I think the agreement can be modified for my wants as well as we can be done here far faster then any of us so thought we would be when we walked in," he said calmly with a clarity of a man whom had an idea. "My son in this situation will be the only one without a proper wife given this situation, that has to be fixed. If I am to approve of the deal, I want you both to enable my son to spend time in each of your kingdoms, and let him select the woman of his choose as his bride no questions asked. Secondly, Neji Hyuuga must marry someone from my kingdom," he said as he looked at Haishi for a moment. He then looked at the Uzumaki, "Also since we are adding deals for the future, your youngest most all agree to in time marry someone from my kingdom, when the time is right," he said calmly, it was the best play he had, something that would help him the most.

Minato looked at his wife, still holding her hand, this second part of the deal, was going to be much harder for his wife to handle, he had married into royality, he wasn't royal by birth, she was. He was like the great warrior of the Senju whom married the a queen of the Uzumaki taking on their name as his own due to the marriage. He would let her have final say in this matter, but for the sake of their son, he hoped this would work out, the idea of the Uchiha kid getting to pick out his wife was going to make things far more chaotic.

Haishi nodded, he had planned to marry off Neji to someone at some point, but it seemed that time was now, and this would at least set up the Hyuuga with relations via marriage with both sides, "I can accept if you send the woman you wish to marry my nephew with Sasuke when he visits, if this is okay with the Uzumaki, we can call this a deal and set up arranging the transport of our young ones to each others lands."
Well ... Kushina couldn't admit she hadn't seen this coming, somewhat. This had been inevitable to a certain degree. There wouldn't have been any damn way Fugaku would have allowed his clan to be left out of the deal. Then again, to be more accurate, he shouldn't have been either. His own son, admittedly, did deserve some sort of chance to have a life and continue the bloodline. Indeed, the second part was more difficult for Kushina to accept. Weren't enough people's lives getting decided as it was? Did Neji really have to be involved? And so abruptly? She doubted the man was more prepared for marriage than Princess Hinata! But what was perhaps taking her the most aback ... was how in the world was Hiashi so calm on any of this?

She supposed she was due to having coming here and knowing this was for her son's own good. Wasn't his focus meant to be Hinata? Her teeth found her lower lip as red hair fell against the back of the chair she was sitting in. Saying no would definitely cause so much more chaos than it should. Her eyes steadily closed as she contemplated the deal carefully, each and every word that had left Fugaku's lips echoing again in her mind. Finally, they revealed themselves once again and she gave a nod. "Yes ... I approve. It does seem fair we lay all cards on the table, per se, which would indeed include Neji as well as Sasuke."

Even despite her own words, part of her still hated feeling ... dragged into this. None of her thoughts nor reactions, however, were daring to show within her eyes or upon her face. If nothing else, Fugaku was including some generous keywords into the deal ... like 'when the time is right'. He definitely could have made this all rushed, she knew. And for the fact he wasn't made her grateful for that.

By now, Hinata was so glad no one was asking for her input. She had no idea if she could have begun to try to speak up. Her head was still spinning from knowing she would have the chance to finally speak her mind to Naruto, to tell him she'd had feelings for him for years. True, this was all going rather fast .. a bit more than she'd expected. But she'd failed to be able to talk for so long ... maybe this would be the push - metaphorically, of course - she needed? Hopefully .. this would work out somehow.
Fugaku had played his cards right, he smiled, he wasn't Haishi able to play that poker face of his till the end, somehow. He could agree to this, it would leave the best course open for Sasuke, and his kingdom, and keep his own kingdom connected to one of the two others. Still, he was a bit worried, Sasuke's indifference towards females had him somewhat bothered, he worried quietly that in his time in the two kingdoms he would find no one for himself. Then his part of the deal was just some vague future promise and the Neji marriage which was why it was part of the deal, it would at least ensure that part of the deal would go though if the other didn't. He was sure the deal at the start most likely would, which meant he had to play middleman. Now he just had to figure out whom he was going to send to the Hyuuga, which was left open as to the deal for him to decide.

MInato smiled happily, he was glad that his idea was going to happen, he was more glad that the poor Hinata was going to be the one set up with his son. Though the extra terms were odd, he figured that focusing on what it would do for them was important, and the most important part was the connections it would make. Perhaps these connections would keep things going well for when Naruto was in charge, as well as they seemed to be going at this point.

"Lord Hyuuga, Sasuke as well as the woman for your cousin will be headed your way, and should be there in the matter of a week, I am sending them with as a unit, there will be two more with them, an older adult to handle other things between us dealing trade volumes and other such boring stuff, and a friend," he said proudly that he was able to get the deal into place."Lady Uzumaki, if you were to send Naruto and whomever he was going to go with to the Hyuuga Kingdom, perhaps the group of them could have a gathering there, and all get to know each other better, it could play a better role in good relations for this next generation," he proposed to Kushina as he looked over at her. It wasn't going to be on his truff, but that could be for the best, as it would keep things quiet, when it becomes Sasuke's turn to go to your lands, he can travel with the party you send back with them to your lands, where he can stay after he has spent his time in Hyuuga lands, is this acceptable?"

Haishi nodded his head, "Yes, most acceptable by me, Lady Uzumaki make sure to send the young knight that will someday marry my younger daughter as well, I would prefer they also start to get to know each other," he said sounding calm,but with a edge of a proud tone that his home was the place the first meeting was going to be held at. He also knew this agreement would be best for his clan, Neji needed to marry, he was to focused on his duty as a knight to find someone, so this might be a kick in the pants for all of the young Hyuuga.
Kushina wasn't one to usually get confused so easily. But with all the names, back and forth talking and such, it was honestly becoming slightly difficult to keep track of whom was with whom -- or going to be, rather. What bits of pride she did have, though, were a major factor keeping her emotions hidden away. Her own smile that was much more genuine than fake was on her face. She had understood a major part of this talk .. and that was they'd figured out someone for their son to be with! And one who was already a Princess, no less! Granted, she wouldn't have minded if Hinata had been a commoner or not but the noble blood added on quite a bit of additional factors which made the arrangement all the more exciting. And given the smile she saw on Minato's thoughts, the Queen could assume her husband was as overall happy about this as herself; and the other factions.

Peace had somehow been maintained despite the fears of it being broken. Kushina was astounded ... but she wouldn't dare complain. Another quick glance at Hinata, however, showed that she wasn't alone. Her own anxieties on a major fight breaking out were etched in her eyes.

Poor girl ... Kushina mused silently, bowing her head politely to Hiashi. "Of course, will do.The meeting ... for Naruto and the others sounds good, more than acceptable."

But as the words 'young knight' echoed ... she wondered whom exactly he was referring to? She wanted to ask and clarify with Minato, though part of her did have an idea on whom exactly it was her spouse had hinted about. That, she decided, could wait. They needed to head back and inform Naruto. Hopefully he wouldn't be too ... shocked at this news. At least it was a proper and beautiful lady Minato had decided upon, rather than a short-tempered and impatient one.

Hinata had been silent, still taken aback at the talk which just happened. But it hadn't been until some of Minato's earlier words replayed in her ears that she realized there was a question which clearly needed to be addressed. "Ah ... um ... Lord Minato?" She asked gingerly, focusing her light violet eyes upon the blue ones across from her. "How soon do you want me to be ready to head to your kingdom, as per the arrangement?"
Fugaku looked at the group as he stood up and bowed politely, "It seems I will be able to head home early from this meeting, Lords, Ladies, may you all be blessed, I shall send My party out a week from today," he said as he gathered up his things, he wasn't one to want to leave his own family for long, he was an devote Uchiha, and a devote husband, it made him a bit jealous to see Minato with his wife, he quietly left the meeting content with the decision and how things were playing out. Sasuke was going to need a good one and one talk with both him and Itachi before he left, but he would send a group consisting of his son, Anko to keep an eye on him, Tayuya as the prospect for the Hyuuga, as well, it would be enough. Only three women were even possible to send, Kin, Tayuya, and Karin, the best choose of them was Tayuya, at least she somewhat well rounded in life. Still he knew that they could handle themselves and he woudln't have to worry about a Sasuke fangirl episode with Tayuya going and not Kin or Karin.

Minato smiled as he looked at Hinata, he could see almost even feel the nervousness coming from the young woman. It was not something uncommon for him to see, he had trained a great number of young knights in his time, and each had similar problems over their development. He rubbed his chin and then looked at Hinata, "Well now, Princess Hyuuga, I think a week will work, you may decide though if you want to come up early, you are always welcome, Naruto isn't going anywhere, and we will be glad to have you up," he said with the calmest polite voice possible to put the young woman at ease.

Haishi nodded as he looked at the the interaction, this could bring a good working alliance for the future. He stood up as well, "I will have Hinata and the others ready to leave within the week, they will arrive at the same time as the Uchiha party in your land, if that is workable with you," Haishi commented as he put away his things, content that things were at a end, given what had happened. He waited for Hinata to finish what she was talking to the Uzumaki about before he left, he would have preparations to make and people to contact and Neji to deal with too, having to break the news he was going to be married to some unknown woman.
"Do take your time though. Don't feel the need to rush getting prepared." Kushina chimed in, knowing her words may sound very odd. This meeting had basically ensured that quite a few people's futures were about to be pushed forward, or attempt to be, with little to no warning. There was still a surge of guilt going through her but not nearly enough to regret all she had wound up saying in front of the other Lords. Gently pushing herself up from the table, she gave both Hinata and Hiashi a polite bow of her head. "We will meet again in a week. Until then, I bid thou both farewell." Turning gracefully upon her heels, she began walking back with Minato by her side once again.

Only when they were out of earshot did she allow a scoff to next pass her lips, her head steadily shaking. "Geez ... Minato. Next time you make us late ... " She let the words trail off, still managing a small smile in the end. "But I'll let it slide because you made a great deal and no doubt one of the best choices for Naruto. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you ... " Hinata replied softly, her own head bowing back in return as she slowly got to her feet. Her body was lightly shaking and part of Hinata was still in shock on what had just finished occurring. It was like .. a dream come true or something. A small part of her mind couldn't help but wonder on her cousin, though, and whom he would end up with. Swallowing gently, she began to leave, knowing her father was close behind ... and very eager to break the news to Neji.

Then again, she herself did need to begin to make a mental to-do list so that when the time arrived, she would be ready.
Minato smiled at his wife, he looked at her, "Well then, since I came up with the idea, you need to be the one to tell the young man that he has been set up with the Hyuuga Princess," he said quietly to her, knowing that most likely that it would cause more nervousness if somehow the Hyuuga in question was to over hear him and think about what was about to happen to much. Hinata was far different then Kushina, but that wasn't a bad thing, he heard from Jiraya that the Hyuuga Kingdom had a young woman who was much like personality wise to Kushina, which he thought was somewhat interesting by itself. "Oh, also tell Naruto, to tell Konohamaru he has also been set up in advance with a Hyuuga as well, I think he will take the news less favorably then Naruto, so that should work out the best," the blonde commented as he walked.

Haishi could tell that Hinata was ready to leave and lead her out of the building, he figured they had much to do to prepare, Haishi wasn't about to send his two treasure and his nephew away without being prepared for the trip to Uzumaki lands he would send with them some people he trusted, he just had to decided which of those people he wanted to send the most. He figured that things were going to get really busy reguarding the youngsters, but it was a step in there development, and a new generation of Hyuuga to show the world the greatness of their family.

Neji was training, working as he heard the news that the meeting was over, he was a focused young man, he knew that he could never been the leader of the family, he had accepted it, it was his duty to support the main house of the family as a member of the branch parts of the family. Neji stood still, his eyes focused on nothing as he let his mind clear, as he thought about the possibilities that could of happened. He was a pretty serious one, Neji Hyuuga, he had though this though, and the most likely he would find that Hinata was going to marry Naruto somehow or Sasuke. He just needed to focus on his duty, making sure he was the best knight, and was ready whenever it was needed. He calmly walked towards the main house stopping to get water as he heard the arrival of his uncle and cousin back.

Naruto was pumped, he wasn't left in charge of things, unluckily, it would of been such a great chance to show off his skills, to show that he could handle any thing that his parents left for him to do. He was Naruto Uzumaki the next and soon to be greatest King ever. Naruto smiled as he enjoyed the day, having lunchi with Iruka sensei, ramen as normal, meeting with Konohamaru, and dealing with having to run annoying assignments for prevy sensei. He actually forgot why his parents had left for, he figured it was meeting of some kind, but he wasn't paying that much attention, plus it was possible his parents could be using the meeting as cover for some alone time, he wouldn't past either of them, mostly his mother to think of something along those lines.
A simple nod would be seen from Kushina's head, the silent signal she heard and figured the suggestion to be a very fair one. It would be about another ten before they arrived back into the Uzumaki Kingdom. Her head bowed towards all whom greeted her. It was a common ability that all royalty had, some form of charisma. Kushina was no exception. She had as much influence to the others as Minato, perhaps a bit more since it was her surname and not his that signaled the existence of this part of the clan. The first person she inquired gave the location of where the young Prince was ... and the answer made her chuckle softly. "Of course .. " she murmured softly, her feet beginning to guide her towards the Ramen shop. "Him and his love for that food. Now hopefully he'll be able to develop a new type soon enough ..."

Sure enough, she soon found Iruka close beside Naruto. Her throat gently cleared to signal she was behind them before gently hugging her son from behind. "I have big news for you .. and Konohamaru even. But right now, the main focus will be more upon you so ... finish up then meet back at home, okay?" Letting the mystery of what she was referring to linger in the air for a bit more, Kushina slowly walked off, heading towards the Throne Room. Her heart raced and she felt nervous and excited to break such news to him ... even honored simultaneously. Hopefully he wouldn't be infuriated. Shocked, she would understand ... but within time, she prayed Naruto would begin to accept the idea.

The walk back on Hinata's behalf was silent. Then again, her father was, usually, a man of few words. It was times like the meeting that he spoke up ever, when it was deemed most essential. She had contemplated whether to go straight to her room .. but decided against it. She'd let Hiashi break the news to him ... but she would gladly clarify it. Neji likely knew what the meeting had been about; but it would be a fair assumption that he wouldn't expect to have been included in it. He wasn't supposed to have been .. but in the end, Fugaku had played his cards in his favor and made it happen.

Her head bowed politely as they arrived nearby Neji. "Afternoon .. " She greeted gently, holding her hands in front of her. She went silent ... knowing it wouldn't yet be her turn to talk. Hiashi had seemed incredibly eager at the thought of both him and even Hanabi being wed off; she would let him talk lest he gave her consent to do so ... though she didn't expect it either.
Iruka smiled with as he saw the mother and son hugging each other and thought about what a great family that his prize pupil had. He was always proud of all his students, but Naruto was a student of his own heart. Iruka quietly paid for the meal and watched a Naruto happily waved good bye, really excited about the new that was coming for him. Iruka had a good guess as to what it dealt with he, wasn't a man to be out of the know.

Naruto was so happy, something big was going down and it had to do with him, as well as his almost brother Konohamaru, which was really cool. It meant that it had to be something big, maybe he was going to get the chance to run the country on the next vacation that his parents went on. He walked quietly as he followed. Maybe he was going to do something super awesome cool for the kingdom, a mission where he would get to show everyone just how great he was perhaps, or a way to show his skills and his natural talents that would make him a great king. Oddly as he followed the idea of this having to do with a female never once crossed the mind of Naruto, that was the thing that was the most out of his mind of thing possible thing. He figured on something more directed to his goals to prove himself as worthy of being Minato, and Kushina's son and heir.

Haishi looked at Neji as he arrived, Neji having bowed to the elder Hyuuga, he paused and looked at him, measuring him up in a way, thinking about the growth of the young man, he was so skilled at everything, a truely great young man. He was very much like his late father, and his late brother. Haishi wasn't going to beat around the bush, "Neji, you are getting married for the good of the kingdom, you are going to take your cousin's to the Uzumaki lands, I believe your future wife will be coming from Uchiha lands to meet you there as well," he said calmly as he looked at him his tone one of a professional nature, without any real emotion in it at all. Just stating the facts. "You will be leaving in 3 days to head up there, so be prepared," Haishi said as he left to head into the house leaving Neji there to take in and think about the bombshell that had just been dropped.

Neji was surprised, he had not figured this on happening, and it actually showed just by looking at the young man, he blinked a few times, and then nodded his head as he worked his way to sitting down on the porch looking out as he thought about it. "So, married, hmm..didn't realy see that one coming," he mused to himself quietly as he thought about it. He knew this day would come most likely, he was a card that could be played, and in politics that card did get played often. He just was curious as to whom it was, he turned to Hinata, "so your to marry Naruto correct," he asked looking at her, making the guess it was related to that having happened.
As Naruto arrived, Kushina almost contemplated on the half-joke and half-serious suggestion of him taking a seat. He may have needed it .. but she decided against it in the end. After all, he needed to start acting more like a future king and that would require having a slightly more mature mindset. Hopefully this news would be a jump start of sorts. Moving a few strands of red hair away, she gave her son a smile. "We just got back from the meeting ... as you can probably guess. Well ... the main discussion was of the future; for you, Hinata, and Sasuke in particular. Your father made the offer for this, mind you, but I fully back him up on it. But ..."

She exhaled, taking a deep breath. Well, here goes everything and nothing .. After nodding softly to herself, she resumed the confession and revelation that Kushina had sworn to tell to Naruto. "You --- and Konohamaru --- are going to be married. Konohamaru, of course, will wait several years for his future bride. But you .. have a more immediate future to now think of. Your father decided upon what I believe was the best choice and woman, Princess Hinata Hyuuga." Her hands rested gently in her lap as she waited, hoping the news could be taken as well as possible from her son.

A soft nod passed Hinata's head. "I .. I am, yes." Light violet eyes remained upon her cousin, noting how he'd quietly sat down to think on the abrupt mentioning of being wed off ... let alone to an unknown person. "You okay, Neji? I can imagine this is a lot to take in ... " In fact, there were almost no women that she knew of in the Uchiha clan. How was Fugaku supposed to keep his end of the deal? Well .. if there wasn't someone, she didn't think he would have made the promise. After all, all the Lords and Ladies were at least individuals of their words.
Naruto looked at his mother and could tell this was something big, he blinked as he stood there looking at her, it took a moment for her to say anything. Was that a sign that this was something perhaps not to positive or was he reading into the situation far to much then. He shifted on his feet as he waited nervous energy that was rather natural to the young man poured out from him completely as he lookeda t his mother, and then he blinked. He was going to get married, he paused his face a look of bewilderment and surprise. He hadn't thought about that, he hadn't much thought about many females, the main ones he knew he wasn't ever going to want to marry, females like Ino just were not his type at all.

He thought about Hinata and then looked at his mother, "are you sure this is going to work," he asked not judging his mother and father's choose so much, Hinata was nice and kind and helpful all good things actually. "Well you see, every time I am around Hinata she tends to turn red and get sick for some reason, I am not sure it will be good for her health if she were to marry me," Naruto said w3ith concern in his voice for the princess, he figured that she was either always ill or that something about him made her this way, it just was a rather odd reaction that he hadn't figured out yet.

Neji nodded as he looked at Hinata, "good, I am sure it will work out well, and I will support you however I can, Lady Hinata," he said with a kind and respectful tone to his voice, hen then nodded a second time, "yes, it is quite a lot to take in, I didn't think this would happen, but I guess one must be ready for the odd things to happen, I will be fine," he said somberly, "I will have to put faith that I don't end up with someone whom will be a poor match for me," he said pausing, "I must admit Hinata, I find myself rather curious and nervous as to whom it will be and if I have meet them, I guess we will find out when we find out."

Neji was nervous, and a bit worried that he would end up with some crazy woman, someone whom was ill suited for him, but he didn't' have a day in such things, and he would have to fogure a way to make the most of the situation no matter what happened.
Kushina raised an eyebrow slightly upon her son questioning their judgement .. but then smirked lightly as he went on to explain why. "Oh? Has she now?" Her head glanced up in thought and went back to when the decision for Naruto to marry Hinata was made. There had been a sense of ... relief? Definitely a positive emotion. And now that she was informed she had blushed around him before, the Queen felt even more assured on what she had to say in response. A soft laugh passed as she nodded. "Yes ... I'm sure. In fact, now that you've hinted how she reacts and all, I'm pretty sure I can help clarify it for you -- " Kushina then abruptly stopped.

Was this her place? No. If anything, it should be something that Hinata could elaborate on when she arrived. Her head shook as she smiled softly to Naruto. He'd definitely taken the news better than she feared; that alone was a good sign. "Trust me when I say I am sure it'll work. She's not ill .. but I do think it should be her whom better explains what happens. Her turning red isn't a bad thing though, rest assured. Princess Hinata, Princess Hanabi and Neji will all be here in a week. Try to be as ready as possible by then. Hinata and Hanabi will, for sure, be staying with us for a while. The marriage won't be immediate; however it has been arranged that you and Konohamaru are both more or less betrothed. And that will be why they remain with us .. to ensure you can get along fine and would even be a decent match."

Her head glanced up again, ensuring she hadn't forgotten anything. When nothing came to her mind, she bowed her head to Naruto. "You may leave if you so desire. As I asked .. just be ready when they arrive."

"I ... I am too." This still had gone in a very different direction than even Hinata had thought; though it was likely for the best. A small smile managed to cross her face as Neji continued to talk. It was good to hear she wasn't the only person nervous. Then again, she'd known Naruto longer than Neji was about to meet this ... woman he was to marry. Taking a seat beside him, she kept looking quietly at him for a few moments. A slow nod left and finally, she spoke a thought that had entered her mind. "Do try to be a bit patient and understanding with them. Whomever this is .. I doubt they saw this coming too. More likely than not, they'll be as taken aback as you are now. But all the Lords of each respective clan keep their words. I trust that somehow, Lord Fugaku will figure out someone for you."

Back within the Uchiha territory, the woman whom Neji would end up with was in her room. Her first love, her flute, was in her skilled hands. While the girl herself wasn't an Uchiha, she had been taken in by them years ago. And for that reason alone more than any, she'd been fiercely loyal and devoted to them, serving as a bard in place of a jester for the Uchihas. At the moment, however, the young girl was playing for herself. The young prince Sasuke had a nasty habit of frequently whining; today had been no exception. In fact, it only was made worse by the fact Itachi wound up watching him all day ... and Tayuya found herself silently hoping that Fugaku would return soon.

The music was doing it's job, somewhat, in drowning out the annoying lad ... but even with her fastest and best songs, she could still hear him. A frustrated sigh left as she lowered the flute away from her lips, her foot tapping in annoyance. "Lucky brat .... " She murmured. "He better be thankful I have no damn control over him or else I'd --- " Her head shook as she sat upon her bed. "Nah, that'd be stupid. Fugaku would have my head if anything happened to him ..."

The red-haired bard knew that even with his .. mannerisms, his parents did greatly care for him and Itachi both. But the elder of the two boys was already wed and thus not around as often as usual. So now ... she guessed it would be Sasuke's turn to, eventually, grow up as his brother had already done.
Naruto nodded his head, it was big news, but he wasn't actually all that surprised, he had worried that at some point, that his mother would push him to start seeing someone, and as he knew the only person was Ino. Compared to her, Hinata was so much nicer. Still, now he was more then a bit curious as to why Hinata turned red whenever she was around him, it seemed such a odd thing. He would of sworn that it was illness, what other options could there be. He figured when she came he would have to ask her, as the answer his mother gave him didn't completely solve the mystery, actually more or less created the mystery for him. He also knew that Neji was coming as well, he had thought of him as somewhat of a okay, he was to serious for his own good, but he seemed well enough. Naruto nodded his head before hugging his mother and heading off to find Konohamaru and tell him what had happen, this was going to trigger a heck of a funny reaction from the young Sarutobi.

"That is true, plus, Lady Hinata, it is our duty to our clan, we have to help them out however possible, and by me marrying helping out the clan, and I am guessing helping out you as well, I have no problem with such a action," he said honestly, he figured that the arrange marriage was needed to get things done, "Now, I don't think I have meet anyone, but I just hope Sasuke doesn't have some unknown sister that is like him personality wise," he said giving the small side joke, as he calmly looked outwards, "Well I best be getting things ready, I need to make sure you and your sister have a good trip to Konoha," he said as he got up, "I am sure that this is going to be a challenge, but life often gives us such tests."

Fugaku had arrived back home, he knew whom he was going to have to talk to, both of them. He found Sasuke with his brother as ever. He soon gave him the news, to the negative response that he had been expecting, Sasuke was more about other things then getting married. Still as his father he only complained for a short bit before he understood there was no getting around this need. Sasuke would have to at least try to find a woman worthy of being his wife. Fugaku was a bit worried on that front, he didn't think Sasuke was quite ready mentally to do so at least yet. He left his son to think on it as he went to find the other person, eh had heard the music being played a good sign of where she happened to be.

He found the red head musician shortly after and looked at her, "Well Tayuya, you have a new mission and goal today," he said bluntly as he looked at her, his voice not angry at all, just calm stating the fact, before softing a bit as he looked at the young woman, "I made a deal to have Sasuke find a wife in the coming months, as I am sure you already guessed," he said as he looked at the redhead knowing she wasn't a idiot, "You are part of that deal that was made, the arrangement of your marriage has been set up as well, you are to marry Neji Hyuuga, nephew of the head of the Hyuuga clan. I am going to send you with Sasuke to meet him, while Sasuke meet with the other females of the other kingdoms and hopefully finds one to be his bride," Fugaku commented to her, as he watched her carefully to see her reaction.
As Naruto wondered off, Kushina had no doubt one of the biggest smiles on her face. She'd almost half-expected her son to be more stubborn on the matter. But he'd taken this all so very well; a subtle sign that steadily, he'd already begun to mature. The queen wanted things to go well for not just Naruto but Hinata ... and she was seeing signs that it wouldn't go well. It'd go damn well nearly perfectly from the looks of things. The worst case scenarios seemed to be if one or the other was ... a tad clumsy or socially awkward. But compared to the many array of things - like arguing and such - this was merciful! Today had been a much better day than she'd expected ... and to say her mood was excellent was a huge understatement.

And she could think of no better way than the idea which had slipped into her mind. Pushing herself out of the throne, she called out in a soft, almost sing-song voice, "Oh Minatooooooo .... " Giggles passed every now and again and when she found her blonde haired lover, the first hint he would get on why she'd been so adamant of seeking him out was the feeling of her tongue slowly teasing his ear. "You were wonderful at the meeting; I'm sure you can repeat something similar, yes?" She whispered in his ear.

Hinata's smile widened as a few chuckles passed her lips, her head shaking no gently. "I highly doubt that, Neji. Everyone would have heard the news if there was a sister Sasuke had. Yes ... I should get ready too. Hopefully by now, Hanabi is doing so herself .... lest I need to get her out of a pouting fit again." She sighed as the latter possibility came to her mind. She could understand why she may at first but ... it was still an annoying task to do. But poor Neji had enough on his hands; it seemed only fair to make things a bit easier by taking care of one thing so he wouldn't have to. Giving a gentle hug to her cousin first, hoping that'd help keep his spirits up, she pulled away and headed off into the Manor, ready to begin preparing getting ready to head to the Uzumaki's.

An eyebrow raised but Tayuya didn't dare speak up. She knew better than to interrupt the Lord. Deal? Oh .. was that what the meeting had been about? With her not being a member of royalty, she didn't often find it as necessary as Itachi or Sasuke to know what the King and Queen did, why they headed out, or anything of the nature. But when he finished, she wished that hadn't been the case. "W... huh?! But .... " That was as far as she got, her lower lip quickly gripping her teeth to keep from letting anything else slip past. It wouldn't do any good and would likely make things so much worse.

Since they hadn't left her lips, the replies had begun to repeatedly echo in her head.

"But I'm not royalty! Me, a wife?! Why in the hell did I get included in this now?! What .. what the fuck?! Why me?!"

The last .. she could mentally answer well enough; there weren't many other options. Still, this had been like a rude awakening or slap to the face to the musician. Her head bowed as she nodded, gripping the sheets of her bed. "I'll be ready, my Lord ... " She replied gently, unsure of her own response for once. Surely the marriage wouldn't happen immediately next week ... right? She'd get to be able to know this Neji character first .. then wed after a certain amount of time?

It wasn't common but Tayuya found herself so scared and anxious she wanted to break down. But definitely not in front of Fugaku ... no no. When he left, maybe. Now? Hell no, her pride wouldn't allow it.
Naruto was rather nervous, far more nervous then he was when he was told about marrying Hinata Hyuuga. He knew she was a really nice and sweet young woman, but that was pretty much all he knew about her. He wasn't sure how they were going to get along. The young man, was pacing around as he waited for the new of the arrival of the Hyuuga Clan. It was easy to see that he had a lot of extra energy about himself as he walked back and forth, He took a deep breath as he looked out and walked to the gate, just about the same time that the carriage with the symbol for the Hyuuga rolled right passed himself.

Naruto wanted to get back fast, and took off running the whole, way taking back alley shortcuts so that he would beat the carriage to its destination. He knew that he was in charge of welcoming the Hyuuga to the Village as well as the others from the Uchiha whom were coming to visit them. Naruto had to not mess this up, he managed to just get back before the carriage arrived and took a deep breath as he tried to calm his nervous as best as was possible at that given moment in time. He then calmly walked over the the carried and waited as he looked up it opening the door for the group inside.

Neji Hyuuga was inside the said carriage, he looked over at his very nervous cousins, Hanabi was pouting most of the way, on the trip, but he could easily pick up the nervousness of Hinata. He too was nervous about it, but he did his best to not let it show. He was doing something for his family, it was what he reminded himself again and again, this wasn't his choose, but that of his uncle, and for the good of the kingdom. As they arrived in the capital of the kingdom, he swore he saw Naruto Uzumaki looking at the carriage before dispearing, he thought little of it, and started to wonder if the woman he was to be with had already arrived or not. He was curious whom she was, he looked though all the information they had on people from the Uchiha lands, and he was getting worried it was some unknown illegetimate sister of Sasuke, and that worried him a good bit. As they arrived, he saw Naruto open the door and decided that it would be best to let Hinata exit first motioning her out, "Well, we are here cousin."

Sasuke Uchiha wasn't in a happy mood, he had to get married, or else, his father's words, so annoying, this whole marriage stuff was so overrated. He was to be the best warrior, being the best leader could be his brother. He shook his head as he pouted in the front of the carriage he was riding, he didn't want to even deal with that idiot musician, whom was coming along, how did she deserve to get married, she wasn't evne an Uchiha. Still as he rode along Sasuke was sure, he wouldn't find any woman worth the time of day, especially his time of day, and would return home empty handed unable to find the right woman for himself.
Neji was greatly helping reduce her fears and anxieties more than anything. She definitely couldn't say Hanabi was assisting at all. A weary sigh passed the Princess's lips, her hands having remained upon her lap this whole time. "Hanabi, please. You do know none of this is immediate, right? It's .... more like .... a meeting." A raised eyebrow was all she got for a silent answer, making her head gently fall back against the seat behind her. Ugh, how did her Father deal with her? Oh, right. Because all he had to do was shoot her a glare if she did this crap and she'd get her attitude in line. If nothing else, there were several good things about the trip to the Uzumaki lands. It was an entirely new scenery ... and honestly, it looked rather gorgeous. Hinata had been raised to appreciate art of most any forms easily enough, even in nature.

"Well, we are here cousins."

The phrase made Hinata's muscles temporarily freeze up. For a while, she forgot how to move. Her head shook quickly as she exhaled. This is what you've wanted for so long. Get a grip! And her mind seemed to take the suggestion a tad literal as her fists clenched, slightly pinching her skin. Despite the temporary sting, it did snap her out of her dazing off phase and helped her slide out of the carriage, helping Hanabi climb out carefully to avoid tripping.

Tayuya was still ... very torn. Part of her was bewildered, amazed this was even happening at all. And yet, she was also equally infuriated, scared, worried and a mass of other emotions all mingled together at once. For the most part, she was able to ignore the bratty Uchiha. It was only when he glared over every now and again, with her returning said looks eagerly. "Will you fucking stop?! You're not helping ... " She murmured, closing her eyes to reflect and think on advice many of the ladies had given her, including the Queen. Well ... not even advice. Just comments and words, honestly.

"Congratulations!, "You're so lucky, you know?", "You should feel honored by this" and other similar praises. The last one she'd often thought upon the most. Was she truly meant to feel honored? Tayuya knew that she should in some aspect. But ... like this? This Neji person ... they couldn't be enjoying this, could they? Would they be so irked by the arrangement they'd take it out on her? Tch, just what I'd need ... She inwardly mused, twirling a few red strands around her finger. She would have gladly played her flute .. but that had been packed away with all of her clothes.

Who the fuck is driving anyways?! They're making us late! Lovely impression this is gonna make. Fucking fantastic ...... A frustrated sigh left as poor Tayuya exhaled deeply, trying to keep herself as calm as possible.
Naruto smiled as he watched Hinata and her sister getting down from the carriage, he looked at Hinata for a moment and gave her a kind look, feeling a bit odd knowing that she was going to be here to see him. He was glad to see her help her sister, he knew she was a good person, and this only caused him to feel far more confident about that small little fact. Naruto bowed before the princesses out of respect, "Well Hanabi, Hinata, it is a pleasure to have you both here, I was asked by my parents to greet you, and point the direction of your rooms to the both of you," he said politely as he noticed that Neji was gathering the luggage up for the three of them.

"Well now, you go into the house, you walk down the hall and take the first right, you will find three rooms on the left side all three of them are next to each other, these are you rooms, you can decide however you want to take the rooms, they are all pretty much the same," he said with a kind smile as he looked at the three of them, then focused his eyes on Hinata, "Lady Hinata, I have a couple of questions to ask you, um come back down when you want, I would go with you, but I have to wait for the Uchiha party to get here to point the way for them to find their rooms as well," Naruto commented as he gave her a friendly smile. He wasn't surprised the Uchiha were the last to get there, it was the farthest away.

Neji heard this and sighed inwardly, he wanted to meet this woman, unknown as she was, so he could figure out what type of person it was. It was well frustrating not knowing, it was like being kept in the dark about something very important. He couldn't plan for how to react, or how to think or deal with it, so he just went along with what was happening. He would figure it out in time, and he just had to hope it would work out.

He nodded to Naruto as he carried the bags, "Okay, I will take the first room, Hinata you can take the second and Hanabi you can take the third," he told the two of them as he walked into the building. He carried the luggage in and put Hanabi's and Hinata's just inside each of their rooms before returning down to the meeting area to wait and see if he could get a look at the woman that the Uchiha were sending, he was more then a bit curious, and despite his skills at hiding a bit of nervousness was effecting him as well.

Sasuke side as he looked at the driver of the carriage, his personal guard, it seemed his father didn't trust him all that much, and send Obito to keep an eye on them. He sighed as he knew it meant he couldn't get away with nearly as much as if he wasn't. They arrived at the city a short bit later though, and he found it to be rather okay in his view. He wasn't big on it, and he saw his biggest rival standing waiting for them. "Oh, the idiot is here," he said to himself as he got down, ignoring Naruto to some degree after giving him a bit of a glare. As he got down from the carriage. Obito opening the door for Tayuya as Neji watched figuring whom ever the woman was she had to be inside the carriage and seeing Sasuke the fear of it being a unknown sibling of that guy were growing by the moment.

Sure enough, as Hinata made eye contact with Naruto, her face began to try to go red. But it took every ounce of willpower to keep from giving into the temptation. No! No! No! Not now! She insisted, fearing she'd faint. Her own polite bow matched Naruto's. "U-um ... just ... Hinata will suffice. You don't quite have to be so formal with me. But .. I will, thank you." Gently grasping a few of the more lighter bags, she gave Neji a nod of approval at the idea. "Sounds fair to me."

The sigh from Neji was all Hinata needed to hear to know how he was feeling .. and she couldn't blame him. He'd been so patient .. but she truly didn't think whomever the woman was, she was anymore prepared for this than he'd been. Giving her cousin a reassuring smile, she began to follow behind whilst recalling the instructions Naruto had given them. She counted softly under her breath and upon reaching the second door, opened it carefully. As much as she wanted to rush down and take up Naruto's offer on speaking with him, she did want to unwind and unpack first.

Taking the bags which held some of her clothes, she began to neatly fold and place them away. Her heart raced, the realization of all that was going on hitting her hard, as if a brick connected with her head. She was going to live here and see if she'd be a good enough bride for Naruto. Her hands shook as she swallowed softly. Would she be able to meet the expectations? Suddenly, she felt as scared and nervous as Neji was.

Even as the door opened, Tayuya hesitated slightly. She almost didn't want to step out. But .. honestly .. was there even any point in trying to hide herself away? Well duh, no .. She scolded herself. A deep breath left as she took one of Obito's hands, helping ensure she stepped out as opposed to tripping or falling. "Thank you, Obito." She murmured, gently straightening her dress out with her hands. Red hair and a set of equally nervous eyes would be the first things Neji would see.

Over the past week, Queen Mikoto had made multiple servants and handmaidens assist with her having dresses made. The one she was clad in now was no exception. It was by far not her typical attire ... nor were the heels on her feet. But she'd been insisted to look as if she were a lady despite not having royal blood. And Fugaku had already made it very clear; she was not going to get out of this, no matter what she would have wanted to try.

Two figures immediately caught her attention; a male with blonde hair and blue eyes. The other had flowing raven hair and the no doubt most set of mesmerizing eyes. Admittedly, the Uchihas had unique orbs also .. but to see another individual have something few had ever gazed upon before added an exotic factor of sorts to him. Both carried a sense of pride and charisma to them. The one with raven, though, had his own feelings of nervousness surrounding him .. and it was a good part of the reason Tayuya's intuition hinted he was likely Neji.

Words failed, though, to pass her lips. Every time she got close to speaking up, her courage failed. So ... she allowed for Obito or someone else to talk on her behalf for now. It wasn't normally something she would allow .. but right now, she was struggling enough as it was to avoid trembling in front of the new faces.
Naruto walked up to Obito and smiled, he knew Obito for a long time, he was friends with Kakashi sensei, and they wree both helpful for him when he had been learning all about the skills needed to be a good knight. He smiled as he bowed and then hugged Obito, "Lord Obito, it is good to see you again, um Lord Kakashi told me to tell you that you are welcome to go have drinks with him any time you are here," Naruto said with a smile as he then looked at the information telling them where they were located, it happened to be that they were on the opposite side of the hallaway from the Hyuuga. Naruto also noticed the redhead, but had no clue whom she was, he figured she was someone that came along to help Sasuke or maybe one of Sasuke's girlfriends perhaps, it could be either on really Naruto tried not to keep up with that guy.

Sasuke wondered off as he headed to his room to get some sleep, acting his normally over confident self as he took his things and headed to the room, not worried much about Obito, and really not worried about whatever Tayuya was think at that moment, it didn't bother him much and wasn't very important.

Neji saw her rather quickly, he blinked, he didn't know anyone like that lived even in the Uchiha lands, he paused as he looked at her, she looked so different. He wondered if there was something too the odd redhair, not to many people had it, just herself, Lady Uzumaki and one other Uchiha female. He took a deep breath, calming himself as well as could be possible as he walked over to her and looked at her. He took her hand and kissed the top of it as his eyes looked into her own for a long moment.

"Lady, I am Neji Hyuuga, I am guessing you are the mystery woman whom was sent here to meet me and for me to court," he said respectfully, doing his best to hid his nerves and doing a rather good job at it overall. He let go of her hand, "may I ask but one question of you, what is your name, I don't even have that information and it is always good to put a name to a face," Neji said calmly as he looked at her, she wasn't bad looking, she actually looked pretty good, perhaps maybe, still he wanted to get to know this woman, figure out if he could even stand her, and more over figure out if he could deal with her and maybe even like her if things worked well for him and her. He had hope though, he didn't think it was was worthless useless thing from first appearances.
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