Cafe SpaceTime [MellowYellow, Eclipse Jalorda]

Jade's dog seemed to nod, silent as ever, and then it was gone in a quantum flash of lime green light. Bec returned a split second later in a similar brilliant flash of alien colours and set down the two fishing rods he held in his mouth, before curling up into a fuzzy white ball on the grass. "We'll it certainly beats catching them with out hands," Dave said as he sat down on the bank of the slightly warm river, giving Jade the chance to climb off his back.

He reached over and grabbed both rods before handing one over to his lovely girlfriend. Dave reached over and ran his fingers through her silky black mane of hair, before leaning in and kissing her soft and sweet lips. "Consider that one for good luck," he said coyly, before flicking the rod slightly and letting the hook land in the slowly flowing stream.
Jade chuckled, sliding off of Dave's back and rolling lazily onto the bank. It was a lot more comfortable than the beach. Not cold, but it wasn't as blindingly hot either. Plus there wasn't sand going everywhere. All around the better option. "Hee, yeah. That'd be way too difficult. Although if we don't catch anything, I can always ask Bec to give us a ride back to the house so we can get something to eat." She chimed, accepting the pole from him.

She grinned when he kissed her, gently kissing back. "Thank you. If I don't catch anything, at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I caught you." Jade laughed, casting her line into the water. She relaxed, watching the water with a peaceful expression. She made the right suggestion, this was wonderful. Jade did hope for a fish or two, it would make it perfect.
"Dirty pervert," Dave said teasingly before settling in for some fishing. He filled the time with small talk on what he had been doing since they last met, hoping to keep her interest while they waited for some fish to take the bait. After a few more minutes he felt his line snag, and he was quick to lift his rod up, pulling a wriggling trout out of the water. "Phew, that's a big one," Dave remarked matter of factly as he observed the dripping grey fish. He smirked and then glanced toward his gorgeous girlfriend, holding his rod upright so he wouldn't risk losing his catch "So how about a little reward for a job well done?"
Jade laughed. "I gladly accept that title. But only because I don't think you minding me being a dirty pervert." She winked at him, happy chatting as they waited for a fish to come. She loved fishing. No matter when you did it or how you did it, it was never really a disappointment. Although it was extremely exciting when a fish was caught. She bounced as Dave reeled it in, grinning as he drew it out of the water. "Wow! Great catch!" Jade carefully held her pole away and leaned around his, giving him a quick, firm kiss. "That's your reward for catching one fish. Catch another and it'll be a little better."
Dave welcomed Jade's lips on his own with the same eagerness as ever, giving a low moan into the recesses of Jade's mouth. She always knew just what he liked after all. "Mm... is that so huh? Well I think I'll gladly take that incentive," Dave added. A challenge would always prove to be worth the reward, especially if it was coming from his girlfriend. With the gauntlet thrown down, he swung his line back into the flowing river.

He was left waiting there on the banks of the river, pressed tight against his lover and feeling her silky soft skin against his own. Dave hummed slightly and then felt the line snag, quickly pulling up and yanking a large wriggling salmon from the rushing water "Ha! How's that for a big one?" Dave boasted.
Jade giggled. Dave was so cute. She loved how expressive he could be. It was hard to concentrate on fishing when everything was so blissfully peaceful. She could just let the rod go and be just as happy as she was with it in her hands. At least one of them was trying to catch fish though, they wouldn't go hungry after all. She gasped in surprise and delight as he drew a large salmon onto the bank. She jumped up and excitedly stopped it from slipping back into the water.

"Wow! Look at it! What a great catch!" She laughed, holding the struggling fish tight as she near skipped to the tacklebox. "It'll probably take a while to cook, being that it's so big. " She remarked, plucking up a knife to clean the fish. "Plenty of time to, go for a swim together."

[[I'm sorry, my computer needed repairs, if you aren't interested anymore I'd understand.]]
Dave had gotten comfortable on the banks, enjoying the unfamiliar sights and sounds of the foreign island as he got comfortable with his eager and excitable girlfriend. No matter where they were, Jade just made it fun. "Swimming huh? I thought you'd have something else in mind," Dave teased as he rose up to his feet. "Ah, sure. We just gotta either put the fish on a spit to cook or find somewhere to store it. Otherwise the fly's will treat it like a free meal," Dave explained.

[[Hm... maybe wrap this up with a final sex scene and then we could plan out something new?]]
Jade chuckled. "Of course! We could cook it on a spit, or we could bury it! You dig a hole, then put rocks, then leaves, banana leaves preferably, then the fish, then more leaves, then more rocks, then the fire! Or we could have Bec zap it back to the house. He probably wouldn't eat the fish." She giggled. Jade liked the idea of having it ready for the two of them when they were, ready for it. But she supposed that it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to get back to the house when they were done.

[[^o^ sure]]
"Hm... well I kinda would like to try eating dinner on the beach. You know just to try something new," Dave replied. He gave the dark haired beauty a coy little smile, a rare show of genuine expression from him, as he led the way from the river back toward the sandy white shores. Living her all the time... well Dave wasn't sure if it would be paradise or somewhere that would get very boring to live in very quickly.

It took a little time and effort to set up the spit, but Bec was all too happy to lend a little help to starting a fire and descaling the fish. Dave smirked once the fish started to cook, before suddenly hoisting Jade up as if she were weightless "Well e got some time to kill... how about a little bit of fun in the ocean?" the hand holding her ass up gave her a teasing grope, a sign of his true intentions.
Jade smiled warmly at Dave. He was so sweet. She happily kissed his cheek, following him back to the seashore. It was warmer, she hoped the sun would help the fire cook the fish before it spoiled the fish. She laughed as Bec duck at the fish, the scales flying at anything to close to the excited dog. She sent him off as soon as she made sure the fish wasn't going to fall off the spit.

She laughed brightly as Dave picked her up, grinning mischievously back at him. "Mmm, that sounds pretty fun… In fact…" She leaned closer, whispering into his ear. "We planned this early enough in advance, I was able to get on a certain pill…" Jade wiggled her eyebrows and giggled. She was lucky it hadn't been too hard to get them, given her parent was a giant teleporting dog. But she hoped that it would be worth it.
"Really? You do have a very dirty mind," he replied with a cocky smirk resting on his face. All this time they had been stuck using condoms, and while it still felt good Dave had always pondered what it would be like to go bareback. If he could take a chance to do that, then he was most certainly going to take it. Dave leaned in then, claiming Jade's lips with her own in a rather heated battle of their tongues, eager to show his passion to her.

Well they were in the middle of nowehere, so really there would be no issue in the two of them fucking in public. One of Dave's hands had moved up, unlacing Jade's bikini top and then tossing it back onto the sands. He leaned in and caught her rosy pink nipple in his teeth before dropping his trunks and kicking them onto the shore behind them as he worked away at teasing her soft breasts.
Jade chuckled. She wanted his first visit to her island to go perfectly, and he seemed to be rather happy with her surprise. She eagerly kissed him back, twisting her tongue excitedly against his. She had spent the past few days before his arrival dreaming of island sex. Sex everywhere. The entire island was about to be one giant memory of places where the two of them had a personal entertainment session. She didn't even bother containing her joy at that.

"Dave-" Jade started, unhappy that he'd stopped their kiss. She giggled in pleasant surprise as he pulled her bikini top off, relieved to see that his mouth was still on her, although making out and having him tease her nipples were strong competitors for the best usage of Dave's mouth. She laughed at her silly thought, her laugh broken by a giggly moan.
"Someone's excited..." he teased lightly. Jade always was a funny one, even during sex she could get a little goofy and show off her dorky side. Not that Dave saw any problem with that, it was cute, and it always served to keep his mood nice and light. While she was lost in a giggling haze of lust, Dave managed to guide his hand down to free her fro the restriction of her bikini bottom, which the blond promptly flung ashore with the rest of their discarded gear.

"Now then," Dave said in a low purr, adjusting his hold on Jade until her breasts were pushed tight into the toned flesh of his torso. Both of his hands took an asscheek each, hovering her just over his cock "Let's have some fun," he growled before sinking her steadily down his thick and hard dick.
Jade calmed down her giggles as he pulled off her bottoms, smiling at him with a sultry grin. It was so easy to focus on him, even when she was caught by the giggles. She loved his smiles, and his smirks, and all of his strange expressions that she didn't even think the human face capable of making. But his could, and she adored them. She gave him a kiss on the nose as he held her close, wrapping her legs gently around his waist.

Jade moaned as he brought her down, shivering at the sound of his voice. She loved it when he sounded like that. She pressed her lips firmly against his, the salt in the air staining their kiss. Jade shifted her hips slightly against his, eager to push herself against his dick.
Ever since their first time, Dave believed that Jade had lost none of her tightness. Of course it was less painful for her without any sort of hymen to worry about. "Fuck..." he murmured, descending into a series of shallow thrusts that sank his dick in steadily deeper to Jade's hot honeypot. "Damnit..." he mumbled. So this was what it felt like without a condom... she was like a furnace! But it felt so good, and he could never imagine using one again after experiencing something this amazing. Dave let out a few shuddering groans, and then the handsome blonde leaned in to nibble at her throat.
Jade moaned as he thrust himself deeper into her, the heat of their bodies a sharp contrast with the cool water. She had definitely made the right decision to start using the pill, it was well worth the effort she had gone through trying to get them. She felt great, and she could tell that he was enjoying it just as much as she did. Which was the goal, it wasn't fair if she was the only one who was enjoying it. Jade arched back with a soft, breathless moan as Dave's teeth grazed her throat, surprised but pleased. She didn't think she'd ever get used to how good teeth felt on her skin. "Daaave." She gasped.
"Mm... you say something? You'll have to speak up a little bit," he teased dryly, Jade's melodic moans acting like music to his ears. The handsome blond kept his hips hard at work, forcing his fat cock back and forth, making Jade a little looser with each consecutive thrust, allowing him to force in just a bit deeper. Dave was enraptured, and after feeling the sheer warmth and wetness of Jade's pussy without a condom blocking him, he doubted he could ever use one again.

"Jade... I'm getting close..." Dave murmured against Jade's pale flesh, the pressure in his fat dick increasing a little more with each passing second.
Jade muttered incoherently into his ear, her limbs tightening their hold around him. She rested her head on his shoulder, her breathing falling between heavy panting and shamelessly loud moaning. She wouldn't be able to be that loud off the island. Unless she wanted to make neighbors uncomfortable. And sometimes she did. Not always, but sometimes. She smiled for a second at the thought, letting it vanish from her mind as a ball of hot pleasure began swelling in her core.

"M.. Me too." Jade gasped between pants, her legs tightening their grip around his waist. Her body clamped down around him as she orgasmed, her mouth mouth parting in a soundless moan.
There were few things that sounded sweeter than Jade's moaning, and hearing her howling like a bitch in heat with zero restraint... well that was enough to make the arousal in Dave's toned frame spike rapidly. Finally he felt his limit approaching, and as soon as his lover started rippling around him, Dave was shoved clean over the edge. he let out a long groan of his own, his fat cock pulsing, and soon he was spraying thick ropes of hot semen into Jade's hungry and eager womb. He breathed out a harsh sigh of relief before grinning and looking Jade in the eye. "Love you," he murmured as he worked to catch his breath.
Jade's breath caught as he came, her own orgasm taking her breath away. She sat still and quiet for a few moments, her lungs catching up to the rest of her body. She smiled softly and leaned her head against his, her limbs feeling like they were going to jelly. At least they were in the water, nothing particularly hard to land on if she couldn't hold herself up. "I love you too." She whispered back, kissing his nose and moving her head to rest tiredly on his shoulder. "We should probably check on the fish. I hope it's not burnt."
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