Cafe SpaceTime [MellowYellow, Eclipse Jalorda]

Well it was nice knowing that he could read Jade well enough in person, that she could welcome his lips on hers with enthusiasm. When Dave pulled away, he was trying to maintain his usual sense of coolness... but the pink tinge on his cheeks was a dead giveaway that showed how much he had enjoyed that intimate encounter' "You're pretty tasty too," he replied, his lips curling into a small and warm smile.

Dave rose up out of his feet and then extended a hand out to help Jade up out of her seat. It took a good deal of self control to stop himself from kissing the adorable nerdy girl again, as he didn't want to risk overstepping his boundaries and freaking her out. "So... Are you and Bec heading back to your island now?" Dave asked. He hoped not, he wanted any chance to get intimate with Jade if he could.
Kissing was better than she thought it would be. She had never really pictured it as some awful experience though. Jade had always imagined that kissing would be pretty great, but kissing Dave was even better than great, and she couldn't wait to do more of it. " Of course, I'm the tastiest" She laughed, taking his hand and hauling herself up. She kept her hand in his, curling her fingers through his with a permanently broad smile.

"Hmm… I don't think so? I mean, we didn't set a particular time or anything. I'm just supposed to whistle for him when I'm ready to go home." Jade took a moment, making sure that Bec wouldn't get particularly worried. She didn't think he would, she was with Dave and thus safe. "Yeah I think we're good. I'm not done hanging out with you yet."
"Good to know..." he said in a clearly pleased tone, allowing himself to smile. He felt... happy with her, so happy that he honestly had to let his normally aloof persona drop. Dave gripped Jade's hand in his own and started walking from the theater with her, stopping for just a moment to dump the emptied boxes of candy in the trash. At the very least he didn't need to worry about Jade's scary as fuck dog for the time being.

As they left the theater he noticed there had been a slight drop in the temperature, and it was getting a little darker too. Well it was the early evening by now, around 5:15 PM. Dave hummed and scratched his temple with his free hand. "So ah... what do you wanna do?" he asked, looking at his attractive date. "I mean... you know... we could go to my place. Check that out if you want to... you know?"
Jade giggled. Hand holding was so cute. Just being linked to someone and going where they go and having them go where she was going, it was cute. She adored it. Adored Dave. He was so good at just being 'cool', but he still dropped most of it whenever his friends were around. And she liked that, that he trusted them. It was sweet. She wanted to return the favor by dragging him around everywhere and finishing their adventures with the warmest cuddle.

"Wow, it got dark sooner than I expected." She blinked up at the steadily darkening sky. She wondered what the stars looked like in Texas. "Oh, that sounds awesome, we can hang out and talk with no one listening. You can tell me all your cool secrets." Or they could just make out on his couch. That would be a cool secret. Hopefully his brother was out and doing whatever it is that he did.
"Sooner than expected? Jade we've been inside the cinema for almost... three hours I'd say," he replied. That was a long-ass movie, there was something that hooked him in. Well almost, he lost interest about halfway through and instead focused his attention on Jade. His legs felt half asleep by now as a result, but he hardly minded. Having Jade with him certainly helped him into a speedy recovery in that area.

"Hang out yeah? I don't think that's all you have in mind," Dave said teasingly as he led his girlfriend through the winding Texan streets, going from street to street until they reached his looming apartment complex; a structure that threatened to penetrate the heavens. Thank goodness the elevator worked once they were inside. Dave smiled Jade's way as the doors rolled open on his floor, and he slowly opened the door to his large, but somewhat unkempt, home.
That movie had been three hours? Jade blinked. She had never really noticed that movies were that long. Or maybe that was just a longer than average movie? She just chalked it up to the whole 'having so much fun that time just flies by' thing. Maybe she could keep track now, see if time really went faster when she was having fun. She chuckled to herself, and then laughed at Dave.

"Maybe it's not." Jade flirted back, gazing wide eyed at every building they passed. Living in a city seemed crowded, surrounded by people and cars and towering buildings. But at the same time, it was so exciting. She didn't think she could walk five minutes without meeting someone new and interesting or seeing something she'd never seen before. Like Dave's apartment. She'd seen it through skype, but in person was a different experience. "Tee, I see you boys don't enjoy regular cleaning maintenance."
"Well it's mostly my brother's stuff," he said, gesturing to the various piles of suggestive puppets "I don't get it either," he added. Dave lead the way into his home, feeling mildly nervous of having Jade in his inner sanctum. He certainly hoped this would be alright by her, that she wouldn't be scared off. "And I make a point of cleaning my stuff. Like, food stains and junk," he added, fixing up his sunglasses.

He opened up the door to his room, revealing to Jade a sight she would have seen several times through a skype window. Now she would be able to see it all in its entirety... having a girl in his room. Dave let his fingers lightly caress over Jade's, letting her look around his room, dotted with posters and machinery that emphasized his interests "So, how does it look in person?" the blond asked.
Jade giggled. "Don't worry about it, you're much cleaner than Bec is." She paused, making a mock horrified look. "So much mud Dave. There is so much mud." It was only half a joke. When it rained she had to make sure she had the mops at the ready because there would be mud covering every inch of her home. It made the Strider apartment look like a glimmering beacon of spotlessness.

He stroked her hand, and she smiled, finding the action sweet and endearing. She found herself gazing at their clasped hands, not his room, when he spoke. Jade jumped a bit, looking over the walls with large eyes. "It's so cool!" She finally gasped, dragging him with her as she bounced closer to stare at various objects. "I never thought I'd end up in here."
"Yeah? With that magic dog of yours you could've poofed in here while I was asleep and I wouldn't have been any wiser," Dave replied with a cheeky, teasing grin on his face. Baaah... of course Jade wouldn't have done anything as voyeuristic as that, she was as innocent as a bunny rabbit. A particularly adorable bunny rabbit with a pretty face and adorable spectacles that served to highlight how pretty her eyes were...

... Damnit, Dave really needed to clear his head. He followed alongside her here and there and everywhere, letting Jade browse his room to her hearts content. "You're certainly excited," he said, allowing himself to smile a little more. They weren't in public, so he could feel far more relaxed around her. "Then again, this is the first time a girl was ever in my room."
Jade giggled, shrugging and turning to examine jars on a shelf. "Alrighty, this is the first time I've been in your room, legally." She would've never just poofed into someone's house without permission, but, it was a little funny to imply that she had. She contemplated taking the joke further, but she lost her train of thought looking at all the little trinkets that were just blurry pixels from her screen.

She couldn't see how she could be anything but excited. She'd never really been in someone else's home at all, and this was Dave's home. Dave's room, more specifically. And everything was so neat and so new and so Dave and it was just thrilling. She paused in her examinations, turning and grinning at Dave. "Really? I would've thought the ladies would be crawling all over you." She said, smiling gently. It was an honor, being the first allowed in. She felt trusted.
At that remark, Dave shrugged "Yeah I guess but I've never really had an interest in other girls. None of 'em are as cute as you," Dave explained. He smiled playfully and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. God she was so cute, and here she was in his bedroom... should he ask? Bring up the possibility of sex? The blond honestly didn't know... He didn't want to scare her off, but she was sometimes more confident than she looked...

Dave hummed slightly and then stroked under her chin "I'm kinda hoping this will be an exclusive thing between us," the male said, taking a moment to fix his sunglasses up. Then he leaned in and kissed Jade's lips again, feeling their silky softness as he let the tip of his tongue explore about in her warm mouth.
Jade blushed. She'd never really had interest in anyone else either but, she sort of lived alone on a private island with a dog. She always thought that there were all sorts of pretty girls for Dave to flirt with. That he decided she was the cutest was, unbearably touchy. It made her want to giggle and blush and smother him with kisses, or just squirm and hide her face and giggle. Although the kissing was probably a lot more fun.

It was, it was a lot more fun. He pushed his glasses up, and she could see his gorgeous eyes. She almost excitedly chirped about them, but his lips pushed against hers, and his tongue brushed against hers. Soft sounds bubbled up from her throat, quiet little moans. Her arms rested around his shoulders, holding herself as close to him as she could.
Jade's whole body felt remarkably soft when pressed into his own, and from where Dave stood with his lips locked against her own he could take in her sweet scent. Agh... everything about Jade just felt so nice, and the pleasing sensations gradually had his blood running south to make his large cock steadily harden in the leg of his pants. He trailed his finers through her silky raven locks, admiring the sheer softness to its texture.

When their lips finally parted from each other Dave was panting softly for breath, and a faint blush had come to linger on his face. It was only then that he realized he was getting hard, and he mentally cursed his teenage horniness. "That was... really awesome..." he breathed out, pausing to admire Jade's attractive features.
Jade was so content. She could just melt into Dave. He was, steady. He was steady and she felt like she could flow around him forever. His fingers slid through her hair, calming her, bringing her to a level of serene she rarely dropped to. She clung tightly to him, not wanting to stop their kiss for anything. But breathing was necessary, and she hesitantly broke away, panting and grinning at him, unable to stop smiling. He was really just so cute.

"Yeah, it was! I can't wait to do it again!" She grinned, clinging him tight before gasping and backing away, glancing down at the noticeable bulge in his jeans. He was… but she didn't want to assume… he might not…She would just, go ahead and ask. It wasn't as though she was asking out of the blue. "Do you…." She giggled nervously. "Do you want to, have sex?"
That was perhaps the best way to ruffle his normally stoic demeanour, a loud gulp escaping the blond when Jade seemed to catch onto what had happened. It was embarrassing enough that Dave had been caught, and it was shocking that Jade was the forward one to finally ask about having sex. He supposed he just never thought Jade would have learned about it on the island, too busy thinking on Squiddles and the like...

... but Dave was hardly gonna complain. "S-sure thing," he said finally, managing to snap from his embarrassed daze after a few more seconds. He sat down on his comfortable bed beside Jade, and after mustering his courage he ran a hand down her back until he was gently rubbing at her backside "I mean... if you want to, anyway."
Jade blushed, shuffling around nervously in the silence. Perhaps she shouldn't have even asked. It wasn't as though she knew much about sex, just the few things she accidentally wandered to online. Those few, very interesting things. She fidgeted, slowly scooting to perch on the edge of his bed, staring at her shoes. Her eyes snapped up and her blush darkened as he agreed, nervously smiling as he came to sit down next to her.

"I… yeah I want to." Jade smiled softly, giggling as his hand trailed down. "Although, um… hm. I haven't… so I'm not… Fanfictions don't really tell you how to start if you start quietly." She mused, eyes widening as she realized she mentioned her, reading material. She took a deep breath, then kissed his cheek. "Should we, start by taking our clothes off?"
"Fanfiction? Nerd," Dave joked, before stroking her cheek affectionately. As if he'd ever mock her tastes seriously. Oh sure, he could mock Egbert and his tastes, but he wasn't dating Egbert... and John was hardly anywhere near as adorable as Jade. "Yeah... sounds good," Dave replied, nodding at the dark-haired girl... god he really hoped his brother would be out for a few more hours, otherwise this would be dreadful...

He gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head to reveal his modest chest. He had an athletic build, so while he wasn't ripped or anything he didn't have any real excess fat. Dave hesitated for a moment, wondering if Jade would really be alright with this... he supposed he'd know soon enough. Down went his trousers and underwear, and his large shaft was quick to spring up without the fabric restraining it. Quite impressive for a teenager, long and thick and nearing ten inches in its size.
Jade giggled. "You just haven't experienced the wonderful world of Squiddles fanfiction." Also the horrifying world of squiddles fanfiction. It was a double edged squiddle. She probably shouldn't have mentioned it, now he was going to look and he'd never sleep again. She bit her lip slightly, slowly pulling off her shirt, folding it and starting a little clothing pile. Her skirt came off next, folded and dropped on top of it.

Her panties and bra followed suit. She was fond of her boobs. They were large and squishy and just fun to have. Not having boobs seemed like one of the saddest things sometimes. Although when she turned to look at Dave she figured it must not be sad all the time. He was, impressive. She liked what she saw but still giggled nervously. "So… what do we do now? Um…" She scooted closer to him, pausing and taking off her glasses, reaching to set them on a shelf. She was pretty sure that they'd get in the way, and as long as she wasn't reading anything it was fine.
So... those were what boobs looked like in the flesh. Dave, like most teenage boys, had taken plenty of chances to look at porn, but this was indeed his first time seeing a full-on naked woman. He had to admit, Jade had a larger chest than most would think at a glance, and he honestly found it hard to look away from her naked body. "Aha... well..." he replied, slowly adjusting his sunglasses.

Ah... well he hardly needed them right now. Dave placed them on the shelf beside Jade's own and then leaning into her. "We could... I dunno, start off slow?" he suggested. "I mean... you know, feel each other and get used to each others bodies," Dave explained. "And then we can do it properly." Dave gently cupped under her right breast, squeezing the flesh in his strong fingers. he wanted to savour this and take his time for his first time.
Dave seemed to like what he saw. At least, he didn't look away from her at any point, so Jade assumed that he liked her body. It was exciting, in a sort of breathless, nervous excitement. She wasn't sure how exactly to continue with this. She just knew that she wanted to and he wanted to and between the two of them one of them would figure something out.

His hand felt nice on her breast. Warm and touching her just right. Her hands hesitantly reached to roam over his body, over his arms and down his chest, trailing in curious, interested circles as they moved. He was so… Dave. Jade blushed as her hands finally found his length, hard and hot against her hands. She continued her exploration, her fingers rubbing softly wherever she touched. She leaned forward, giving him a soft, adoring kiss.
Her skin was so silky soft, as if he was touching a cloud of some kind. It was amazing, here she was, the girl he'd been chatting to over the internet for ages now, naked and giving him her affections. Well, he was more than happy to return the gesture to her, to show Jade how much he cared for her.

That kiss earneda low groan from him, his voice echoing throughout the wet chamber of Jade's mouth. She was a virgin too, but she knew how to excite him with the smallest of touches. Dave gave Jade's breast a few more rubs and squeezes, before slowly trailing his fingers down the dark-haired girls stomach until his digits were rubbing at her pubis, his index and middle fingers caressing at her exposed pussylips.
Jade adored the feel of his fingers on her skin. He was warm and firm and exciting but, also so gentle. What she loved more was how he reacted to her touches, from the slightest twitch to the surprisingly pleasing groan he made. She grinned, kissing him again.

She broke the kiss to gasp as his fingers gently caressed her lower lips. She blushed and gave an appreciative smile. Jade attempted to begin to stroke his cock, gently stroking with one hand in a loose grip, the other rubbing lose circles on the tip. He felt hot in her hands, and, interesting. She liked having her hands on him, liked exploring. She liked having his hands on her too, a lot. "Does this, feel good?" She asked softly, peering into his eyes.
The question surely had an obvious answer, like asking if the sky was blue or if Rose was a little nuts in the head. Dave gave a small nod in response in between low shudders of pleasure. Rarely had anything felt so good, and this was only for foreplay! How good would it feel to be inside her?

Dave continued the slow and steady strokes of his fingers, mainly testing to see how sensitive Jade was down there and how wet she was. He'd done enough research to know wetness was important... "Have you ever had anything in there before?" the blond asked, taking a moment to let his teeth tease along her exposed collarbone.
Jade giggled. He was so cute. His fingers felt so good. Far better than when she did when she was on her own. Maybe it was because it was Dave. His fingers moved differently than hers did, more steady and curious. She panted slightly, feeling herself start to dampen under his touches.

"Um… ahh Daave… That's… that's nice…" Jade gasped. "Um. Oh. Well, I've, had my fingers in there. Three of them was the most I've ever done." Telling him was a little embarrassing, but the thought of his fingers instead of hers was, exhilarating. Not that she wanted just his fingers, but, slow and steady would get them both to where they wanted to go.
Jade was completely adorable by default, but when she mewled in pleasure like that, well she was positively breathtaking. Honestly, if she got any cuter Dave was liable to suffer a heart attack. He smirked and leaned in, continuing to nibble and tease at the soft flesh of her neck "Oh yeah? You're a naughty girl Jade. I always knew the nerdy thing was just for show," he joked n a low purring tone.

Now that he knew she had some experience and that it would be harder to hurt her, Dave had no qualms about pushing two f his fingers slowly and steadily. A wicked smirk graced his handsome face and he kissed her with a firm passion, worming his hot wet tongue around inside Jade's hot maw.
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