Cafe SpaceTime [MellowYellow, Eclipse Jalorda]

Dec 14, 2010

The world outside of the island was just so big, and so exciting! Everything was going fast, even the birds seemed to be in a rush to get to the next seed faster than the birds on her island. She'd been wanting to leave for a while, but she hadn't had much of a reason to. That was, until finally one of her friends decided that they wanted to meet! She was so happy! Dave, her friend with the bright red text from Texas. They had been friends since they were just kids really, and barely a day had gone by when the two hadn't had a long conversation that usually ended in Dave rapping her to sleep. Which always ended up making her laugh, so she didn't go to sleep after all! They'd end up talking longer, so she stood awake longer, and it became a contest to see who would go to sleep first. She hoped that this meeting would go just like all of the many wonderful conversations they'd had together. With no awkwardness or discomfort or anything that made first meetings go bad. Just two friends that had none each other forever hanging out with drinks and food and friendly conversation.

Jade was happy that she had plenty of time to get ready. Bec was there in seconds, wagging his tail at the started passerby. She giggled, and bounced off of him, adjusting her blouse before pushing the cafe door open. It was a bright, open building, smelling strongly of coffee and baked goods. There weren't many customers, but just enough so that you weren't worried that the place sucked. It was just quiet, and that was awesome. She bounced where she stood, looking slowly over the tables. She knew what her friend looked like, they all had eachother's pictures. But she wasn't seeing him. He wasn't late, so she was just too early? She must've been too excited to get there that she just ran as quickly as she could to get there. Well, she could at least get them a nice table? The waitress was kind and helped her find a nice one by a sunny window where the two of them could talk and bask in the beautiful day light. It was so pretty, glittering off the city. She tapped the table, finding it hard to keep still. She was just too happy!

Jade took a slow, deep breath. She needed to calm down. She didn't have to get all excited all at once. She could get excited a little bit at a time, so that she didn't explode at Dave all at once. Well she was still going to explode at him, but it would be multiple times all day. Just once would knock him over, she was sure of it. Or maybe it wouldn't? He'd probably hold onto that trademark Strider calm. Claim he behaved ironically or something. It would make her giggle and then she'd laugh at him and they'd have a great laugh together. Oh she was so excited. Her eyes were dancing and her hands were twisting together when they weren't tapping on the table. The cafe's doors ringed and she jumped up, nearly knocking her cup of water off the table. Was it Dave? She really hoped it was, she was ready to meet him in person and have a great day together.
If his room wasn't such a mess, he could probably get this done a hell of a lot quicker. And it certainly didn't help that he had to be so stealthy about preparing for this kind-of-sort-of 'date' he was going on. Dave had to keep a few secrets from his Bro after all, which proved very difficult given his older brothers tendency to act like some fucking...modern day ninja. If Bro did find out that Dave was meeting with Jade in real life for the first time ever...well that would lead to a lot of mockery. And just to be a dick his spiky-haired sibling would go out of his way to hinder Dave from getting out of their apartment.

So Dave finally pulled on his shirt, a long-sleeved number with red sleeves and a white chest, a vinyl record painted onto the front of it. He had known Jade for like...ever really. She was kind of a dork, but unlike John she was pretty cool. And pretty. Not that that was important, or whatever. He pulled his jeans up and then slipped on his newest white trainers. Yeah, he looked pretty good too. Not that he cared about that sort of thing. After all, this was just two friends who had never met in person, meeting in person for the first time ever. Okay, so Jade was kind of cute from what he'd seen of her, cute in that kinda dorky nerdy way, but he hardly cared about that. Nope, not at all. Totally.

Once he had fully dressed and checked himself in the mirror (Three times) Dave made a stealthy escape from the apartment and scurried downstairs. Maybe he'd get a chance to see Jade's freaky space-time dog, he sounded pretty awesome. Well, that was the only way she could get off her island after all. The blonde adjusted his signature shades once out on the streets, the sun beating down on him to the point of mild discomfort. Ugh...he could never get used to that heat. But he had someone to meet and he wasn't going to keep her waiting. So Dave pressed on down the streets until he reached the cafe, passing by the window Jade was seated at. He couldn't help but make the tiniest of smiles at the sight of her, opening up the door to the cafe and stepping inside. He could see her almost jump up, and hetried his hardest to maintain a straight face "Someone's eager." he said in an aloof manner, approaching the dark-haired girl.
Dave was much more attractive in person. She could see it as soon as he walked in the door. She blushed a little, carefully stepping away from the table to avoid any property damage. She had always thought Dave was cute, but she never really said anything. She thought lots of people were cute, it wasn't stunning news. Sure, she never went away from her island to meet them, but still, it was, no different. Just the same old, oh, they're cute, I'd like to look at them a bit, sort of a thing. That was all it was. And so meeting him was just a piece of cake, and wouldn't at all make her flustered or embarrassed or anything

Of course I'm eager! I'm meeting you! Face to face! In person! In real life! Did you ever think that any of us would meet each other in person?! I didn't. Well I used to not think so. Then we all got older, and I realized Bec's teleporting could probably take us both off the island, which means that I can visit everyone, and then I stopped thinking that and started thinking about when I could come!" Jade grinned, bouncing up and throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. She waited a few moments, happy to finally have one of her friends in her actual real arms, before letting go. She slowly turned on her heel, returning to the table and motioning for him to sit down with her.

"Are you going to tell me that you weren't excited?" She asked, a playful tilt to her voice. She knew he was just as excited as she was, he couldn't keep up his cool kid shell forever. Well, he probably could if he wanted to, Dave was pretty determined. But she knew that he was just as much a silly dork as the rest of them were. He was just the best at hiding it. She suspected the sunglasses. Jade pushed some of her hair out of her face, still beaming. "You came right on time you know, I just sat down to wait. Do you live close by?" She leaned forward, tapping her fingers on the table again. Maybe he'd chosen it because it was quick to get to? Or because it was far enough from where he lived to be safe. It'd be creepy to just give someone your address, even if you knew them forever.

(( I am the worst Jade v-v))
((Oh relax, you're doing lovely))

Jade was certainly far stronger than her slight frame would imply, clutching him tight to her in a rather crushing hug. Not that Dve would complain about it, she was warm, soft. Ah...all girls were like that, he shouldn't think too hard on it. "I'm just surprised the idea never occured to us before now. I feel pretty stupid for not suggesting it sooner." Dave said, seating himself opposite the dark-haired girl. Her enthusiasm was almost infectious, making the corners of the blonde's mouth curl up slightly into a faint smile.

"Not too far from here. About...five blocks or so." Dave replied, making a gesture out past the window. He came by here pretty often, so he'd be able to get a glimpse inside just to make sure Jade was the genuine article. After all, when it came to meeting someone over the internet it was important to play it safe. He didn't want to be caught up in some shitty Catfish nonsense. "And yeah...I guess I was pretty excited." he added, still trying to play it cool.

He had, after all, usually been more mellow compared to Jade's enthusiastic approach to life. "I mean...Rose is cool and all, even if she is into weird stuff, and as much as a dork as Egbert is he's pretty okay. I was mostly interested in you. Meeting you, you know." Ugh, now he was sounding creepy. He wasn't interested in Jade THAT much, was he? They were, like, total opposites of each other. Then again he could date her ironically and say 'Opposites Attract' or something to that effect. "Still, it's good meeting you face to face. What do you want to drink? I'm buying."
Jade grinned. "I knew it!" Of course, who wouldn't be excited to see their long distance friends. Well, okay, a person could be less excited if their friend turned out to be a serial murderer or something, but, that wasn't the case, and it was so exciting. They were real, both of them! Not just pictures, made of pixels, but people with hearts and minds and souls and they were close enough to actually touch. Which was the hug. And that was all. Just one hug. Well, maybe more than one hug, probably a lot of hugs actually but just hugs.

"Hee, yep, John's the only dork I know." She chuckled, wriggling her eyebrows. She was just teasing, Dave was pretty cool. He was as cool as he wasn't cool. Maybe he was even cool because he wasn't cool. It was probably part of his whole irony thing. Actually that was sort of impressive if she was right. It was impressive if she wasn't right, that would mean that he was doing it instinctively… or it would mean he wasn't as cool as he made himself out to be. Both were amusing thoughts.

"I was interested in meeting you too. I want to meet everyone, but you first! Cause I just gotta start with the coolest one. " She grinned. He was cute when he was a little flustered. She vaguely wondered what would happen if she could throw him completely off his game. But that seemed a little mean. She should just enjoy their time hanging out together, it wasn't like they got to every day. "Oh, hot chocolate please! It's too hot during daylight hours on the island for any hot drink, so it sounds like the thing to do while I'm off of it."
He briefly wondered just how hot Jade's home island had to be, if it was uncomfortable compared to the heat outside. He supposed it didn't matter, but it was a strange thing to ponder. "You got it." Dave said, managing another half-smile. He was hardly shocked by Jade's choice, she seemed like a hot chocolate kind of girl anyway. He would have fainted if she said 'bourbon' or something else to that effect. He rose up and took his wallet from his pocket.

Dave didn't have to wait too long on his drinks, a hot chocolate for Jade and an iced tea for himself. Jade might have been used to crazy temperature, but he was thirsty and needed something properly refreshing. Dave returned to the table and set Jade's mug of hot chocolate before her, a curl of whipped cream marking the top of the drink with a small bar of chocolate placed diagonally into the glass mug. Looked pretty good in all honesty.

"Coolest one huh? Well you do spend more time online with me than with anyone else." Dave remarked casually, before taking a long sip of lemony ice tea, letting the cool liquid race down his parched throat. "Not that I'm complaining or anything. I talk to you more than the others too." he added. Ugh...why did he say that out loud? Now he was sounding just plain stupid, but well he couldn't help it! She was too cute to act fully aloof toward, he'd likely wind up scaring her off if he acted like an ass to her.
Jade grinned, leaning on her hands and watching Dave walk away. That was sweet of him. She wondered if it was weird, getting a hot drink in the middle of the day. It was just comfortable in the café, she felt like she could drink whatever she'd like and not let the weather outside interfere with her choices. She just shrugged to herself, watching Dave as he waited for their drinks. She could see him snapping to the 'southern gentleman' stereotype when it suited him. He was a bit suave. She would not tell him that, he'd get it into his head and she'd never hear the end of it.

"Thanks!" Her decision in ordering hot chocolate was the right one though. Hot chocolate didn't look this tasty when she made it at home. In fact it looked sort of murky and unsettling. Still good, but not if you stared at it. She carefully sipped at it, the whipped cream framing her upper lip, a small trace clinging to her nose. She laughed and licked her lip, using a napkin to clean off her nose. The whipped cream was the best part of hot chocolate, hands down.

"Well, it makes sense. We're online the most, we're bound to talk to each other a lot. " Still, it made her a little happy to know that she was the one who got to have the most of Dave's time. Especially when she didn't have as many exciting stories as Dave did. Sure, she could talk about science and dreams and the island, but it was really only her and Bec on the island. There was only so many Bec stories people wanted to here.
"Hm...yeah, I guess that makes sense." Dave replied. Ugh...why did she have to look cute by just drinking hot chocolate? The way the whipped cream stuck to the tip of her nose and her upper lip was just positively adorable, and he had to put in some extra effort not to stare. Easier said then done. Jade Harley was a very odd young woman, and certainly not the kind of person he initially would have thought himself attracted to.

"Anyway, I was thinking about something recently, and it's like...well it's probably gonna sound weird or whatever but, well whatever." Dave began, giving a dismissive shrug "I've been having some weird ass dreams recently. Like, when I go to bed I'll wake up in some weird purple bedroom, and it's in this tower on this big purple planet. And whenever I'm in the dream, I can fly around on that purple planet like I'm Superman...Do you know what the hell that could mean?"
Dave seemed awful quiet, and Jade was wondering what he was thinking. Maybe it was one of his raps, or more likely his rambles. It was hard to tell, but she supposed he'd say something if it was any of her business. Jade liked to know everything about her friends… that they wanted to tell her. If she forced them to tell her things then that would just hurt them. She really didn't want to hurt Dave, sort of the opposite.

She leaned forward, eyes wide with curiosity. "I don't know what it means, but, I've been having dreams like that too! Although my planet is a golden yellow color. I've always just thought it was a fun dream world I imagined when I was little and I just keep going back. " Jade took another drink, leaning back and tilting her head. "I mean, they could be completely unrelated. But, I remember the dreams perfectly, and when I'm dreaming, I don't feel like it? Like I feel wide awake."
"I know right! It's like one of those...Ugh what's the term..." Dave trailed off and let out an annoyed grunt as the damned word eluded him "Lucid. A lucid dream, that's it. Where you're know you're dreaming so you can control yourself fully in it." Dave replied finally, laughing a little at just how much of a pain that one word had been. He'd really need to go through a dictionary at some point, because right now his vocabulary was balls.

"Anyway, it's...well just a weird thing we have in common I guess. Heh, maybe we could hook up in our dreams and go flying." Dave added, giving a half-smile at the prospect. From what Rose had said, it seemed she was on the purple moon too, so that meant Egbert was likely on the same one as Jade. "Still it's nice to know. You're pretty fun to hang out with Jade.
Jade nodded. "Yeah, that's what I always thought it was." Dave was cute when he was trying to find vocabulary. Maybe she would get him to rap, just on the offchance that he might fumble for words again and she got to watch him be adorable. Although when he was being aloof he got this tough and handsome thing going on… She giggled. She was letting her mind wander when he was talking, shame on her.

"That would be so fun! I wonder if our planets are close? Next time I wake up there, I'll make sure to look around for purple in the distance." Jade gasped, her smile so wide it threatened to break her face in two. How great would it be to visit her friends in person, and in her dreams? " Oh? Hee, you're pretty fun to hang out with too! I'm really glad we managed to meet today."
"It's been pretty kickass." Dave said. He gripped his glass and downed the last few droplets of his ice tea, even taking one of the melting ice cubes into his mouth and starting to suck the moisture from it. It was hot ass balls out there, he needed to make sure he didn't get dehydrated or anything. He was still shocked Jade wanted a hot drink of all things.

"Anyway." he added, looking toward the cute nerdy girl and adjusting his sunglasses. "You want to do anything else today?" he asked. Dave thought about his next words for a moment and decided to just dive right in "I mean I really like hanging out with you, so maybe we could...well I mean you could consider it a date or whatever."
Jade smiled off to herself. It would be pretty amazing if all four of them could meet in their dreams. Meeting in real life took planning, luck and the powers of fate itself. It had taken too long just to be able to meet with Dave. But all four of them in one place for any amount of time? It would take a lot of work, and probably a lot of money. But dreams were free and they could have them any time.

Jade blinked slowly a few times, before her smile bloomed back into a grin, a small blush made all the more visible by her owl eye glasses. "I think, that would be pretty cool." She finally chimed. "Um, I don't get off my island very much, what cool ironic things do you do on dates?" Jade hoped that making out was ironic. She really hoped it was. If it wasn't, then she was pretty sure she could figure out a way to make it so.
The fact that she had accepted the offer, and with such speed to boot, caught the normally stoic Dave by surprise slightly. He managed a more open smile but quickly wiped it from his face, not wanting to appear far too eager. He was rather eager, as a matter of fact. How could he not be? Not only was Jade the most awesome girl he knew, but she was totally cute. In that adorkable kind of way.

"Yeah well uh..." he trailed off and scratched his cheek, trying to come off as a little more aloof "We could know...go see a movie. I mean that's a pretty big cliche when it comes to dating, so we do it ironically." And then there was also the benefit of sitting right beside her in a darkened room. "So ah...what do yo say?" he asked.
Jade was delighted. He actually smiled. It was quick and he put it away swiftly, but she saw it. It was great! And there was no way he was going to keep that hidden away in the depths of his face. She was going to lure it out no matter what. It was her secret goal, to sneak about trying to get Dave to break his cool and let her see that smile again. Maybe she'd get to see it up close.

"Hee, let's be as cliché as humanly possible. We'll break the records with it." She paused, then started laughing. "Get it? Because you like dj-ing? I'm sorry I couldn't help it." Jade quieted down, scooting her chair back from the table. She stood up and wavered happily from side to side, her hair bouncing along with her.
Dave rolled his eyes at the poor pun, letting out a low groan "That was so lame..." he remarked, before holding his hand out to her "But good thing it came from you. You're the only person who could get away with junk like that." Dave added, trying once again to suppress that dumb smile of his. She just had to be so adorable, didn't she?

As Dave was the one who knew the city best of all he was the one to lead on to the cinema, a rather large three storey complex that seemed rather unassuming on the outside save for the movie posters framed outside. Walking hand in hand made Dave feel a little awkward, and his aloof manner walking side by side with the ever-excited Jade Harley made the two look as different as night and day.

"Well...selection isn't too amazing." Dave said, gesturing to the films listed outside the main door. All the summer blockbusters, including the generic action flicks and romcoms. "But since you're my guest here, I'll leave the choice up to you."
Jade grinned. She could see it, the twitching of his lips. She wished she could see his eyes. His smile probably hit his eyes way before his lips had a say one way or another. His smile was endearing. It was going to be the best date ever. Plus an 'ironic' date would probably be all of the little cliché things in the movies, and since she'd never been on a date, she got to go on every girl's dream date right off the bat.

Every step had a little bounce as she walked, her delight visible to everyone on the street. Dave was more restrained, but that just made her giggle. It was a little impressive, being so calm when walking next to someone who was just so ecstatic . She wondered what was going on in his head. What was he thinking behind those glasses. Some day she'd be able to tell. She wanted to be able to see past his shades and into what he was really thinking.

Jade stared up at the film listings, her hand holding firmly onto her chin. There were so many choices, but she was pretty sure the best choice would be an action movie. But which one? "An action movie for sure, but I can't really pick which one. Thoughts?"
"Uhum...Certainly a lot on offer. No Michael Bay crap though, I wouldn't even watch that ironically." Dave replied with a sigh. That was simply far too dreadful to endure, and he had once sat through a marathon of low-budget B-movies, so he knew exactly what made for a dreadful movie.

"Still, that Problem Sleuth one listed there looks pretty good from the trailers I saw." the blonde added, lazily adjusted his glasses by pushing them up the bridge of his nose. "I'll get the tickets and you get the food and junk?" he suggested, pulling his wallet from his trouser pocket. Agh, she was so cute, how was he gonna control himself in there? He just wouldn't be capable of keeping his hands to himself!
Jade nodded. She didn't really care for movies that were nothing but explosions. If she wanted to see things explode she'd stay home and wait patiently. "Problem Sleuth sounds like it'll be great." She actually hoped it sucked. If it was good then she'd end up just watching the movie.

"Sounds like a deal. " She was going to get. So much sugar. And popcorn. Big enough to share but small enough to maximize the chances of accidentally bumping hands. She left Dave to the ticket buying, carrying her squiddle purse to the snack counter. Living on an island with limited things to buy besides paying yourself for coconuts left her with plenty of spending money. Money that she was about to use to wipe this establishment of its sour gummy worms.
Dave had had no time reaching the front of the counter, and he had more than enough money on him capable of paying for a ticket for himself and Jade. Good thing too because this place was a total ripoff. Still, it was the only cinema around her, and Dave didn't think it'd reflect too well on him if he wanted to travel a few miles just to save a few bucks.

When Jade joined him near the entrance of the theatres, the blonde actually had to remove his sunglasses to look at the rather impressive haul she had bought. "Whoa...You bought all that? I mean, you didn't try steal it? Cause ya can't do that in a city." he replied, awkwardly fixing his shades. "I feel kinda bad if you spent that much money. You sure it's not a big deal on your end?" Dave asked.
"Yes Dave, I am a notorious thief." Jade laughed, rolling her eyes. "It's cool. I live on a private island, I can totally handle it. Plus we're going to eat all of this so it won't go to waste." Maybe not all of it, that might make them sick. Which would kill any possible mood. But it all looked so tasty that she just let herself get carried away.

"Come on, let's find the best seats!" She nodded her head forward, stepping forward with a visible bounce. She wasn't really sure what the best seats were. She'd like them to be dark, with few others close by, for, well, reasons. But maybe Dave really wanted to see the movie, and then she'd just watch the movie with him. It wouldn't be any less entertaining than locking lips in a public space. Well it would but she could wait.
"All of it huh? Well I appreciate the challenge," Dave said with the smallest of shrugs. Still he was smiling,clearly he was amused by her antics. He led the way into the dimly lit theatre, the lighting still on because they had a few minutes before showtime. Dave sank down into the fourth row at the back, an area where they had a decent bit of privacy.

When the movie itself started to play however, Dave seemed remarkably disinterested. It meandered quite a bit, going from random storyline to random stoyline of several different characters. What kind of writer does that? On the plus side, he did reach over to hold Jade's hand in the darkness, a wicked smile on his face.
Jade giggled. It'd be more of a challenge if Bec was going with them. Then again if Bec was going with them he'd probably just eat everything in one bite, leaving them both astonished and covered in slobber. Which would get them kicked out. She'd never been kicked out of a movie theater before. Or been in a movie theater. They were huge, and the seats seemed like they'd eat her if she didn't sit down carefully in them.

The movie was, well it was certainly invested in itself. Like watching Bec fight his tail. But she found herself trying to follow it, barely noticing a hand curling around hers. She ripped herself from the movie, glancing down and holding back a giggle. Hand holding, how exciting.

((I am so sorry for disappearing for so long!))
(Ah it's fine)

It was about three quarters of the way through the flick, and Dave found himself lost beyond all hope of return. Man he really shouldn't have let himself get distracted. Oh well, Jade's hand felt nice in his, and she wasn't going out of her way or pulling away or anything. Good to know she was as interested as he was in the whole relationship thing. After all, he liked to appear aloof but he didn't want her thinking him cold or anything.

By the time the credits began to roll, everyone was rising up and chatting away about the sequel hook. 'Homestuck: Coming, whenever.' "Hm... well this wasn't my best choice. Still, you did a damn good job on the candy," he said, gesturing to the empty boxes the two of them had gone through. He hesitated for a moment, looking at her pretty face... and then Dave leaned in and gave her lips a quick and soft kiss.
The movie wasn't all that bad. It wasn't the greatest movie she had ever seen, but it wasn't the worth either. It was her first in theater movie though, so that made it special whether or not the movie was actually decent. Even more so, it was her first date-movie. Hopefully not her last date movie though. And hopefully the next date movie would be better. At least it would be easier to follow. She wasn't quite sure what happened.

"The candy was pretty tasty." She laughed. Jade had, perhaps, gotten a little too much candy. But it was awesome anyway and - Dave was kissing her. It was soft and sweet and gentle and the sweeter than the mass amounts of sugar they both ingested. Jade wasn't sure if she was just excited because he kissed her, or if she was sugar high, but either way it was the highlight of her movie experience. She smiled, and with a little bounce kissed him back.
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