The End Has Arrived (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Begone." Szayel hissed at the imposter, "And change into a form that won't make me want to gut you."

((Well, he just tried to kill his daughter and two experiments he worked really hard on...))
((Haha~ Yeah~~))

The woman ground her teeth and quickly scurried away down the hall, obeying Szayel's order to change form, a glimpse of black hair was seen before she completely dissapeared down the hall.

((Gin smut~?))
Nieve leaned into her fathers touch, smiling softly and nuzzling his hand.

Mao sat curled on one of the many luxurious couches Gin owned, reading a book she had purchased and chewing on her thumb nail.
Mao looked up from her book, blinking and putting a book marker in. "Hai..?" She asked, sitting up.
Mao blinked and watched the large amount of yen. "Where did you- Never mind." She said, setting her book aside. "Why did you earn so much money..? I thought you still had plenty saved..?"
Mao shook her head. "No, I guess not. Sorry, it was just a question." She said, stretching her arms over her head.
Mao settled down on the couch again and blushed, her knee touching Gin's. "Gomenasai." She said softly and moved her leg away from his.
"Um.." A sudden thought flashed through her head; Gin between her legs, pleasing her in a way she could never do for herself. "Nothing.." She said quickly, letting her hair hide her best red face.
"The other day.. A-And how you made me feel..." She took a breath and glanced at him. "I-I want to feel that again, desu..." She said quietly.
Mao's cheeks flushed soft pink. "I-I don't really care.." She murmured softly. "We are alone here after all..."
Mao nodded, cheeks flushed. "Hai.." She said, shifting a bit on the couch.

((She's gon' be all shy~))
Mao looked up at Gin, a small shiver running over her as he hovered over her with his wide smirk. "N-Nothing.." She said, reaching up and putting her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down and kissing him.
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