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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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"Hey! What's wrong? Why don't you want me to see you? What are you afraid of?" He says. He then cringes from the wound he had suffered earlier, and falls to his hands and knees. "Gah! Damnit!"

Blazes cock began to throb. "About to myself."
With a cry she gets close to him "Oh.. your bleeding.." she crys "I.. don't.. I don't want to.." her had is just a few inches from his head "I.. scared.."

Memy cums as she bites his neck "pull .out.."
"I-I'll be fine." He falsely says. "I've been through worse, heh."

Blaze nods and pulls out. He begins to masterbate himself. "Can't, hold out, much longer, where do you want it?" He asks.
(Master.. ate? )
Memy gets on her knees and starts to suck him

"Hold.. still.." her soft grey hand lands on his head wound "I.. wish to heal him.." she said softly as the blood and cuts heal up
((Sorry, phone doesn't know what masterbation is.))
"Memy..." Blaze says looking down smiling. His breathing became rapid.

"Nngh... How..." Drake thinks it over for a minute. "Healing wish..." He whispers. He looks up at Jir. "Th-thank you." He says with a slight blush.
Memy sucks him faster as her paw squeezes his sac

He couldn't see it but she was smiling "I'm sorry.." she gets up to leave but trips a moment later. as she falls her hood drops back.. to show off a grey face, blue eyes and golden hair. charms hand from her ears "Oh.. no..." she said quickly trying to cover her face from Drake
Drake wants to yell out that she's really Jirachi but holds himself back from doing so. Instead all he said, in a calm and quiet tone, was, "Woah, y-you're beautiful." Drake blushes. "I... I won't stop you..." Drake gets up and looks down at her. "I'd like you to stay but I won't stop you from leaving." He said.

Blaze can't take it any more. He holds onto the back of Memy's head, and his hot cum releases into Her mouth.
Her cheeks turned red "I.. need to go.. it was a bad Idea to even try and rest.." she has tears rolling down her cheeks. slowly she gets up bows to him "You'll never see me again"

Memy holds him as her mouth is filled with his seed.. swallowing it all she looks up "tasty.." she giggles
That frown was still there, longer if possible as Noel explained. "Did you tell Memy? She'd probably kick him out if she knew. Getting her angry is not something a smart person would do."
"But, I'd like to see you again. I need to repay you somehow, for treating me. I mean, you could have let me die, but you didn't. I have to repay your kindness somehow, if there is any way..." Drake stared into her eyes.

"Heh, I love you Memy." Blaze said as he helped her up.
Jirachi looks away "There's men.. hunting me. I shouldn't have used a wish, now they may know were I'm at." She crys "We're hunted.. you know that.. that's why we're so rare.." she wipes her face of tears

Memy gets up and hugs him "I love you.. now lets get home"

Noel nuzzles him "Can.. you carry me to my room?"
Alistair nodded. "Of course I can," he replied, picking her up like she was nothing as he rose from his seat, before making his way down the halls of the mansion. He did get lost, if only for a second, and he'd never admit it, but eventually he did find it. He opened the door and stepped inside, not paying much attention to surroundings as he placed Noel down on her bed. "There you go," he said, still standing himself.
Jirachi blushes "I'll.. stay for a bit.." she said with a cute smile before floating a bit in the air.. "I don't like walking"

Memy walks with Blaze as it looks like it's going to storm

Noel wriggles in her green bed and under her pillows. poking her head out "Want.. to rest with me?" she said as a vine rubs on Al's back
Drake smiles, happy to see she'll stay. He looks around the room and finds a bed, nothing else since no one owns the room. He decides to sit down on the edge of the bed. "So, you're here because your running from rare hunters?" He asks.

Blaze looks at the sky. "Wanna hurry home or take it slow through the storm?" He asks.
Jirachi floats closer to him but stays away "Yes.. I was running with my friend Celebi.. till the Regis found us.. he fought them but.. I couldn't help.." crying she balls up as she floats "I ran.."

Memy pulls him close "Just a little rain.." she smiles
"You'll see them again, I'm sure of it. And I'm sure he'd be happy to see you safe. And sometimes, running is better than fighting." Drake says trying to reassure her.

"Heh. Okay." He says with a laugh.
Jirachi stops crying to look at Drake "I.. don't want to be found.. they.. do stuff to us.. Celebi.. he escaped once.. he told me stuff" she floats close to him just inches from his body "He.. said they trying to breed with us.. I.. don't want to get bred but so man.."

Memy giggles as the rain starts
Jirachi gets closer to him "I.. miss him.. Celebi and me were friends for years.." she said pressing up on his warm body "Why would they want to breed me?" she said looking into his eyes
Alistair held back a little outrush of air as the vine rubbed his back. "I'm not sure," he replied, looking down at Noel. "I'm worried I may squash you." That was said jokingly, though he made no move to get in.
Noel wriggles out from her pillows "Please.. I need a story befor I can go to bed" Noel's vine rubs him more

Jirachi lays by him "Is it because I can.. make wishes come true?" her soft hand rubs his chest
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