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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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"Well, that's interesting,' he replied,glad to hear that she was alright. He knew he'd have panicked as well if he'd suddenly found himself on the roof. "And don't worry about it. Just doing my job," he added as he kissed her forehead. And that was just in time to find himself at his room, his legs going there automatically for some reason despite her wanting to go to the poo. "Um, oops. Sorry. You wanted to go to the pool, didn't you," he asked sheepishly.
Noel stays balled up for the trip to town "Ok.. we.. need to go.. there.." she points in a random area..
"There..?" Nox looked a bit confused, though he hadn't been in this town for long nor did he really know where to go for baby supplies. So, he nodded and entered the building of her choosing, planting a loving kiss on her head as he did so.
(Sorry I wasn't no much today.. *kisses* to everyone.. good night)
Noel hops down and trotts around grabing stuff for her games "Want anything Nox?" she said kissing his belly.. in moment and the baby will want out
(Nini~ <3)

As Nox smirks, laughing a bit as Noel starts grabbing things for her games, he thinks and says, "I think some snacks are in order." However, he couldn't really move to get any. The little Snivy living inside of him started to squirm around his insides, making him groan a bit as he held his extended tummy.
(It's okay I am sorry I was not on much yesterday I was busy. Now being the weekend you know Memy my replies maybe all over the place I work over nights Friday Saturday and Sunday 11pm to 7am est ))

Jane giggles and sighs "it's fine, I see it didn't take you long to bring me back to your room, you sure this wasn't on purpose?" Jane asked, as she hops out of his arms landing gracefully .
Alistair nodded as he scratched his head. "Yeah, I'm sure," he replied as Jane moved about his room. There was a half hearted shrug. "I guess we can just walk there. I did kinda leave my clothes there after all."
Noel looks up at Nox "Nox... could.. it be time?" she said happily.. she was holding two bags of games and boxs.
Nox nods quickly, feeling the little Snivy struggling to escape his body, the Umbreon making a soft whimper of fear and excitement at once. "H-Help me..."
(( X is much better D:< ))

Jane smiles and twirls around Alistars room, and smiles to him. "I like you Al your pretty awesome, we can stay here but if you wanna go to the pool that is fine too"
"I think the pool would be best. At least so I can get a towel and dry off," Alistair replied, shivering a bit. He was getting cold now, and he figured Jane might be tired of getting carried around by him. He walked back to the door. "Well, if you want to stay here, I don't mind, and I'll be right back. But if you want to swim as well, better keep up," he added as he stepped out the door and headed for the pool.
Jane laughed and twirls around as she walks spinning around, she loved to do this. It made her feel elegant, she stays right on Alistars heels, as they enter the pool area she spins and strips out of her clothes, and jumps in the water. Diving elegantly she twirls under the water
The Sliggoo was grinning when the killer had started to kill off some of the people who had gone outside of a building where a party was being held, what made it so much more engaging was that there were no giveaways as to who was actually the killer. Right now people who were in the building were still oblivious as to what was going on. "Well at least things are picking up now..." Swagger said with a smile, moving his attention away from the movie.

Nero groaned as he got back on his feet seeing Memy next to him in bed. Maybe they both blacked out after mating or..before they actually mated.
Alistair glanced back as he walked, watching her twirl through the halls as she followed him, and wondered why she did that so much. Of course, there was the skirt, but that couldn't be the only motivation. But, nothing to worry about as they arrived at the pool, him diving back in and cutting through the water, strong muscles pulling him ahead as Jane took off her clothes then dived in as well. He sighed, glad that the return to the water had warmed him up as he began swimming lackadaisically.
Jane continues to twirl under the water then shot up out of it, doing anther spin, till she landed elegantly in the water. Then she just let herself kinda float there, but seeing Ali naked like this in the water arroused her, moving to him she swims around him. "Ever had sex in a pool?" She asks giggling closing the circle
Alistair swam about as Jane moved over as well. He paused to respond to her. "Can't say I have," he replied, as he swam away, breaking out of her circle and forcing her to chase him. "I think it's my turn to play catch," he said over his shoulder with a grin. And he began to play the game, always moving to keep away, even pushing off the wall past her and going underwater. She'd made him catch her before, now she had to catch him.
"He-hey that is no fair" Jane proclaims but doesn't mind giving chase, twirling under the water she gains speed, and does what ever she can and tries to catch him, even trying to cut angles to catch him
"Says the pokemon who can read my mind," Alistair shot back with a stuck out tongue at a point when both of them where on the surface as he powered away from her. He bided his time, waiting until she was taking a short breath as he went on, going low to try and come up under her and grab her instead. Well, if she didn't see or sense him coming, that was.
Taking a breath as she looked around she indeed sensed him comming but let him get her. She turned and made it easier for him to grab her, once in his arms she kisses his neck. "Tell me what I know big guy" she says in his arms as Jane traces her finger around his chest
(I live.!... )
Noel grabs Nox's hand and pulls him into a restroom.. "Ok.. don't worry.. Snivys know what to do.. it'll get out soon.." she said rubbing his belly softly as the snivy thrushes around inside him.
Nox lays down slowly on his back on the floor in the restroom, breathing heavily and closing his eyes tightly as he feels the baby thrashing around his insides, groaning out loudly in pain as it pushes its way out of his body. "AHH!"
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