The Call of Manda (Atroxa & Rivine)

When she told him how well she had slept a small smile tugged up the corner of his lips. "I am glad that you slept so well," he told her, his fingers still running through her hair. Considering they had both slept well, this seemed like something that should be repeated, even if it was just sleeping together. Although he really, really doubted that they could be in the same bed and only sleep together. But even if it was just then sleeping together, curled up together, he would have been happy. However if the sex was added in? Well, he knew full well that that would make him even happier then just sleeping with her would.

Soon the conversation shifted to their plans for the day... which meant that she was still thinking about sex thanks to her. He shivered a little as her hand drifted lower, then let out a slightly disappointed groan when her hand did not go further. "You are a cruel tease sometimes," he said to her softly, grinning despite the tone that he had had. When she agreed to play the piano for him, that grin remained plastered on his lips. "I look forward to it. I have never seen a gorgeous nude woman playing an instrument before," he teased her a bit.

But when their conversation was interrupted by her grumbling stomach, Adenn broke out into soft laughter. He continued to chuckle as she stated the obvious. But when she asked him if he would cook, he nodded and slid some fingers down her back. "I would love to," he said to her softly, his eyes fixed on hers. He groaned a bit and stretched, then said, "But first I think I would like to take a shower. I need to work out some kinks." Adenn smirked then and asked her, "Maybe having an extra set of hands would help."
Valeria doubted she could be in the same bed as Adenn and not wind up having sex with him. She wasn't even sure she could be around him after this without trying to devise some way of getting the two of them locked together. Right now though she was content to simply lay with him, her chin resting on his shoulder as he ran his fingers through the now wavy black hair, since she had not had the chance to tame it the night before after her shower, and now that she had slept on it, and her free hand rubbing his chest and stomach. Sex was still on her mind of course, how could it not be? But she was happy as she was for the moment.

She gave him a mischievous, satisfied smirk at the disappointed groan he let out and then told her she was a cruel tease, laughing softly under her breath. She laughed a little louder though when he mentioned getting to watch her play naked, “Well, I suppose it's a good thing I had one put on this ship as the only other one is in my office, and I would rather not go traipsing about naked in my office. Or go there at all, since my advisers will just bother me.” If they saw her at all she'd get no peace. She'd turned off her communications after sending them the message that she was taking the day off. Only the emergency channel was still open, but they all knew that it had better be an actual emergency if they were going to use that, or the Admiral just might kill them.

Valeria gave him a smile when he agreed to cook, feeling his fingers run down her back, and then watched him stretch a little before she sat up, still sitting beside him, propping herself up on one arm. She smirked down at him though when he said he should take a shower, and implied he'd like some company. She arched a brow at him slightly, smirking still, “Well, then I'm glad to volunteer my assistance.” She leaned down to brush a quick kiss to his lips before she slid out of the bed, heading for the bathroom and getting the shower going.
The smirk that was on her face in reaction to his groan spoke volumes to Adenn. This was not going to be a one sided relationship where he did the teasing and tempting. Really he did not mind at all that she teased him and such, as long as their was an eventual payoff. But he doubted very much that she would leave him wanting and not satiate his needs. After all, he had more then a few tricks up his own sleeve to entice her into things.

His mind slid back to the moment as she laughed, then commented that she did not want to be naked in her office. He chuckled and smiled, then shot back to her, "You never want to be naked in your office? Well I shall have to make it my mission to change that," he informed her. That idea was quite appealing to him, tempting her into doing something that she seemed to think was not a possibility. But why wouldn't he want to do it? The thought of bending her over her desk would cause just about anyone to shiver with want.

Soon enough she was sitting up, but he remind still, liking the view from where he was for the time being. When she said that she'd volunteer, a smirk formed on Adenn's lips. He was about to reply, but she leaned down and kissed him quick instead. He sat up as she slid out of bed, then chuckled, saying half to himself, "This deal keeps getting better and better." The mercenary moved to the side of the bed and stood up, stretching and groaning a bit. He then moved to the bathroom, smiling as he looked at her turning the fresher on. He moved over then and patted her bottom, "Come on, I want to get you wet," he joked, smiling.
No, Valeria did not have an idle personality, and had never been the type to just sit and wait for things to happen. If she wanted something, she went for it, and if she wanted something to happen, she set it into motion. So Adenn would not be the only one to be teasing and tempting and acting, but he needn't worry about being left hanging, Valeria was not the type to act without having the guts or drive to follow up. She only hoped he returned the courtesy, as Valeria was not the type to take being teased and then left wanting very well. Some parts of her personality carried through both her professional and personal life, and her habit of expecting results was one of them.

The thought of messing around in her office wasn't entirely unappealing, she couldn't lie and say it wasn't, but she was more concerned with being interrupted and then never getting any peace. She had to deal with her advisers in her ear all day long, she'd rather not have them bothering her when she was tangled up with Adenn. That wasn't to say she couldn't be convinced though. Or that she wouldn't enjoy it if he did manage to achieve his new mission.

Valeria glanced over her shoulder when Adenn walked into the bathroom, her hand in the stream of water, checking the temperature. It fell like rain from a foot wide tract in the ceiling, leaving another foot of space on either side, and at each end. She gave him a smirk and arched a brow when he patted her bottom and joked about getting her wet, making her roll her eyes a little, but she just stepped into the stall, catching the hand he'd patted her with. “Well come on then,” she tugged him along after her, the warm water pattering on her head and shoulders in a pleasing way.
Adenn could not help but chuckle when she caught hold of the hand that had patted her bottom, then tugged him into the shower. He doubted that she would have been able to pull him in by main force, but as it was he was more then willing to be pulled in. The Mandalorian stepped under the flowing water, a happy sigh being elicited by the wonderful liquid as it flowed over his face and down his form. He had always loved the feeling of water flowing over his body. Not only did it make him feel clean, but it helped him relax in a way that few things could. Not only was it calming, but it helped him clear his mind.

His eyes opened up after a moment and they focused on her, the blue orbs fixated on her. Adenn's lips curled up in a smile as he spoke to her, "Well, so far my intentions seem to have been a success," he teased her, a joke in reference to his earlier one about getting her wet. He knew that she would likely find the comment cheesy and roll her eyes at him again, but he did not care. He just liked getting her to laugh and the route he took to that goal did not matter very much to him. In his experience, laughter helped to contribute to the prolonging of a relationship. Although, now that he thought about it, maybe he should not follow the same or similair game plan to what he had done before. After all his longest relationship had only been six months long and he certainly did not want one or both of them to be dead by then or before.

He reached out, getting some soap from one of the dispensers that was built into the wall and smiled, reaching out and sliding an arm around her waist while he brought the soap filled hand to her chest and began to soap her up. As he did he asked her softly, "So, what is it that you think you would like for our first meal today?"
Valeria took a moment as the Mandalorian followed her in to tip her head back, eyes closed, letting the water run back onto her hair, getting it wet, letting out a soft sigh of her own. Wiping her eyes with her hand to get water out of them though she looked at Adenn when he spoke, pushing wet hair out of her face. She did roll her eyes at him, smirking a little, a snort of a laugh escaping her nose under her breath. It was cheesy, but she wasn't going to complain, at least he had a sense of humor. Most men she had been with seemed to think that she lacked a sense of humor, and that they needed to be serious around her at all times. While Valeria would admit she wasn't exactly silly, or even a very jovial person, she did enjoy a bit of humor now and again, and liked to laugh when the mood struck her.

As for previous relationships, she'd only been in two that had gone beyond satisfying one another's needs in private, and neither of them had lasted very long, the longer one lasting about five months, the other a mere three. Valeria had a lot of demands on her time, and had little left over to dedicate to a relationship at the level that most people expected. It was a little frustrating really, because she knew many Admirals who had managed to get married, and while their wives had expressed some level of regret that they got to see their husbands so little, they'd been understanding. Most men though, it seemed, thought women should be more dedicated to the pursuit of a husband than the progression of their career. And the one that had asted five months had ended when the man had, half-jokingly, mentioned that before long she'd have to resign as Admiral so they could get married. It hadn't set well with her, so she'd ended things, refusing to give up the one thing she'd worked hardest for in her life just to be some one's little wife.

None of that was here nor there at the moment though as she felt Adenn's arm slide around her waist, looking up at him with a sly little grin, one hand running up the arm around her waist, the other on his side as her soaped up her chest. Her brows raised a little at his question and she made a thoughtful noise as she reached over and got some soap in her hands, lathering it on Adenn's stomach and then up to his chest, “Do you know how to make Iktotch toast?” She asked him curiously, “That's the only request I have, if you can make it, beyond that I leave in your capable hands.”
Adenn smiled as the admiral got some soap on one of her own hands and started to soap him. The feeling was quite pleasant, he had to admit, and he enjoyed it quite a bit. But then again he had enjoyed her touching him pretty much every time she had so far. As her hand ran over his form, his own hand drifted around to scrub lightly at her back. Soon enough she responded to his question with a question of her own. He smiled a bit and nodded, telling her, "Yes, I can do that. Though it might not be Iktotch toast exactly. But I can get it pretty close." He continued to wash her with the smile continuing to play upon his lips. "Perhaps you would also like to have some meat with your toast?" he asked her, actually without meaning it to be a tease or suggestive in any way.

He continued to wash her, a question coming to his mind as he did so. "When I came in... well... to do my job... you were reading," he said to her, his hand moving down one of her thighs, his fingers brushing against it as he went on, "What were you reading? I have not done much reading myself, so I am a bit curious." Adenn had ever been much for reading himself, at least when it did not come to doing it for work purposes. During his youth there had not been much emphasis put upon reading, especially since they had to focus on just living day to day. This was just another illustration of the differences of their upbringing in his mind, but perhaps it did not have to continue to be a difference. If it was something that she enjoyed, then maybe it should be something he should try?
Valeria's hands ran over the bounty hunter's chest and stomach and shoulders, the soap was a good excuse but she was just enjoying herself anyway, being touched and touching him in return. They weren't overtly sexual touches for either of them, more sensual, she found them just as pleasant either way. She glanced up at Adenn agreed to making Iktotch toast, though it wouldn't be one hundred percent authentic, she shrugged a little, “That's fine. I'm sure it'll be good.” She let the water wash over him a little, cleaning him of suds before she pressed a kiss to his shoulder, resting her chin against it though when he asked about other items on the breakfast menu, making a thoughtful noise as her hands ran over his sides, always having been fond of the feeling of water running over skin. “Hmm, some sort of bacon I suppose,” She answered, her hair having absorbed enough water to hang down her back, plastering to her face a little.

His next question was a little unexpected, but she laughed softly, feeling his fingers brushing down one of her thighs. “Actually, I was reading reports,” she told him, “I don't get the time to read for leisure much anymore. I did when I was younger, and I still do sometimes.” Her bare shoulders shrugged, her skin having taken on a healthy pink flush under the hot water. “When I do get to read though I mostly like fiction, sometimes I'll read some sort of historical account of some event or another, or sometimes scientific articles, but for the most part, fiction,” her hands ran around to wash his back, making her end up pressed against him, “I deal with reality enough every day, it's nice to escape sometimes.”
Adenn nodded when she said that it would be fine if the toast was not perfect. He was very glad that she was not a stickler for such things. If she had been someone to want everything just so, then they likely would have been in trouble. Adenn was very much used to and comfortable with making the best of what he had, with improvising. All of these amenities that she had was something that he was very much unaccustomed to. The warrior was slightly worried that all these niceties, this luxury, would make him soft. He could not afford to be soft, to be weak.

However he was distracted from his thoughts when she spoke once more, suggesting that they have bacon of some sort. He nodded a bit and smiled, "Of course," he told her. His fingers roamed over her then, washing her. As much as he was worried about becoming soft, he knew well that he could not walk away from this easily. She was a luxury that not only would he live with, but he would crave it, crave her. Already he was imagining what it would like to be with her next time.

When she spoke next, answering his inquiry, he cocked his head to the side. "Really? Here I thought you were reading something else," he said softly. He moved some fingers up to frame her face, brushing the stray hairs away from it. As he did so he spoke to her, "I have never really read anything fictional, I did not see much of a point," he admitted to her. His hands slowly ran down her back then as he asked her, "What is the appeal in it? Certainly you do not learn from it." He had never had much time for fantasy in his life, since he was to often concentrating on making a living. As he waited for her answer he moved aorund behind her, getting some shampoo, and putting it into her hair and soaping it up, his fingers running through it.
Valeria didn't think herself weak or soft for enjoying the luxuries she had available to her, but then, she wasn't a bounty hunter who had to fight to survive. It was what she was raised with, and even though she knew she was capable of going without, she didn't see a reason to. What was the point of depriving yourself of things that were enjoyable just to prove how tough you were? She also had not been raised in the style of a Mandalorian though. Valeria was from privilege, raised in it, and if she had it her way, would continue to live with it.

And like Adenn, she fully intended to continue indulging herself in him. The luxury of a good lover was harder to come by than others, since it wasn't exactly something you could buy. Well, it was actually, but Valeria would rather not have to pay for a lover. She much preferred it to happen naturally. Well, as naturally as feeding a man aphrodisial wine and subjecting him to pheromones could be. She just smiled softly as his fingers roamed over her skin, her own doing the same to him, on hand running over his hip then back up to his chest.

Valeria looked at him and laughed softly when a shrug when he said he thought she'd been reading something else, “No, reports tend to be my reading material more often than not these days.” She would much rather be reading a novel, but unfortunately she was running a fleet and a sector, and while she indulged in luxuries when she could, she was still a hard worker. She smiled a little when he brushed the stray strands of black hair from her face, then admitted he had never read anything fictional, as he didn't see the point in it. When asked about the appeal, the value of reading fiction she laughed softly, watching him move behind her, feeling his hands in her hair. She let out a soft sigh, eyes half closed. “Are all Mandalorians so practical?” She asked him teasingly before she continued.

“And what do you learn from good food? What do you get from that? When you could get the same nutrition your body needs from some far less appetizing?” She asked him, “What do you get from good sex? When you could get the same amount of exercise from physical training?” Valeria shrugged her slender shoulders, “Some things don't hold a practical value, some things are just good for your mind and soul.”
Adenn arched an eyebrow as she laughed at him. Was it really so comedic? His view on reading had been engrained into him more or less and he thought of it as another tool for him to use rather then something to take pleasure in. When she spoke, saying that reports tended to be her reading material these days, he nodded a little bit. "I can understand why that would be," he started, then went on, "After all, you must know what is going on inside the fleet and the sector." As he spoke to her he continued to run his fingers through her hair, washing it as he went. The sigh he elicited from her by doing so brought a smile to his lips. It was rather satisfying to know that little actions like that could bring such pleasure to her.

However his mind moved back to the subject at hand when she asked him if all Mandalorians were so practical. He nodded a bit, but knowing that she could not see that, he responded, "The vast majority tend to be, yes. Remember, most of us have to work for a living, myself included. Many are mercenaries, bounty hunters and the like when they are younger, but most give that up when they have a family. There are a fair number that actually do not see combat at all. Many are farmers, miners or other similair such professions that many people think are primitive or something that should be left to droids. But when you need to provide for your children, you do it, and you do not have much time for reading for pleasure."

He fell silent when she continued, trying to explain to him why she enjoyed reading for fun. He listened to her as she compared it to food, sex, things like that. He smiled a bit, then said, "Well I do not think that sex can be used for a proper comparison. After all, that is not about physical exercise. It is good for the body and soul as well as meeting physical needs." His fingers ran through her hair, helping to rinse the last bits of soap and the like from it before he said, "But if you claim that it is good, I suppose I could give it a try."
Valeria gave a soft laugh as he voiced understanding as to why she read reports more than novels these days, nodding her head slowly, “Yes, I try to stay informed as much as I can. Of course, I delegate much of the responsibilities to others but, I still have to stay on top of them, and still need to have an idea of how things are going. Even with my subordinates filtering out things that are too small scale or insignificant, it's still a lot of information.” Her eyes stayed half closed as his fingers ran through her hair, the combination of the sensation of his touch and the warm water relaxing her more so than she'd been able to achieve in some time.

She nodded again though when he pointed out that most Mandalorians had to work for a living, either as bounty hunters, or farmers and miners and the like. “Yes, that's true I suppose,” she agreed, “A hard life doesn't really leave room for other pursuits.” Valeria knew this, though it sometimes slipped her mind, after all it wasn't the life she'd lived growing up, and even since joining the military she usually had some luxuries afforded to her. Less so when she'd first joined, but as she'd climbed the ranks, she'd regained them more and more. Now, as an Admiral, she had many luxuries, but little time to enjoy them. She supposed she could likely do as she was now more often, take a day off, but Valeria had not gotten where she was by sitting on her laurels.

She laughed again as he pointed out that sex could be good for the soul, “But that's exactly what I mean about a good book.” Her eyes opened a little more than they had been, glancing at him over her shoulder when he said he could give it a try, “I'd be happy to recommend some books for you then.” Valeria turned as he finished rinsing her hair, her hands running up his stomach and chest to his shoulders, resting on them to give her a bit of extra balance as she leaned up, pressing her lips to his in a slow kiss, though it was interrupted a moment later as her stomach gave a loud, complaining growl, making her smile against his lips before she pulled away to laugh. “I suppose we should wrap this up.”
Adenn grunted when she said that she tried to stay informed, despite the face that she delegated. He really was not paying much attention to it anymore, concentrating on washing her hair more. Soon enough the conversation turned toward the Mandalorians and he smiled a bit at her observation. "Yes, it does tend to narrow one's focus," he said softly. His had been narrowed to a razor's edge before, concentrated entirely on his job an nothing else. But then he had met the admiral and things... well things had changed. He blinked a bit then and wondered a little; how had that happened? Sure she was beautiful, smart... but how had she changed his mind?

But his mind was brought back to the moment when she laughed in answer to his comment about sex being good for the soul. He smiled a bit as she insisted that that was her point, chuckling himself. "Well, I have never known a book that can do for me what you did," he said in a husky voice. But his eyes quickly took on a mischievous glint as he added, "And I am rather sure that you do not want me to find one that can. So be careful about what you recommend."

Soon enough she was turning, running her hands over his stomach and chest again, which made him growl slightly. As her lips met his he slid a hand around her waist, pulling her closer and pressing his own lips against hers. But the moment was interrupted by her stomach, which seemed to be as ravenous as she was, only for different fare. As she pulled back and laughed he could not help but chuckle a bit. "I suppose that we should," he agreed softly.

He reached over and turned the water off, then pressed the button for the dryers. Several panels opened along the walls and over them and a moment later there was warm air blowing out and drying them off. Once that was done he opened the door and stepped out, smiling. "Well, we best get you some food," he told her, "Otherwise your stomach might launch a mutiny of it's own," he teased her. He moved off then and back into her room. He grabbed the shorts that he had worn the night before and slid them on, then stretched a bit. "I will be in the kitchen," he told her, then added, "Come along when you're ready." That done he opened her door and headed out, intent on getting breakfast together.
Valeria didn't know the Mandalorian terribly well, but she knew his type, and men in general, and she doubted he would appreciate it if he knew that he had been practically ensnared by her. She didn't like to think she'd tricked him, after all, her particular abilities only worked if there was already an existing sense of attraction, the aphrodisial wine was not so discerning, but still. Considering he was still here, and seemed to be enjoying himself, even with the wine no longer effecting him, she took it that he wanted to be here. Still though, men were prideful creatures, especially one as independent as Adenn, but Valeria was a firm believer in what you don't know won't hurt you. It wasn't always true, but in this case, she thought it appropriate.

She'd given him a sly smile at his pointing out that he had never known a book that could do for him what she had, making her give a low, pleased laugh. At his 'warning' to be careful about which books she gave him, for fear of having his attention stolen, she'd just given him another laugh, “Oh I don't think I need to be careful, I'm rather confident in my abilities.” Valeria assured him, perhaps it was a little arrogant of her, but she somehow doubted that there was a book out there that would so absorb Adenn that she couldn't lure him away from it.

Valeria stood with her gray-green eyes slightly squinted as the warm air blew around them, drying their bodies, but her hair still stayed primarily wet, she'd have to dry that a little on her own. She followed him out though, smiling a little at his joke about her stomach throwing a mutiny, “It can be rather traitorous at times.” Though, to be fair, she usually would have eaten breakfast by now, and her body was used to a routine, add in the fact that she'd built up quite an appetite the night before, she could understand her stomach's insistence on being fed.

With Adenn gone, Valeria grabbed a towel and dried her hair a little, though didn't bother to take the time to dry it fully, and pulled on one of the thicker robes she owned, once again not bothering with anything else. Instead she left, venturing down into the kitchen to find Adenn, going through the dining hall and into the kitchen itself.
Laughter. That was his immediate response to her declaration about being confident in her abilities to draw him away form a book. It was not that he did not believe her, quite the opposite actually, he just found her confidence in herself entertaining, and quite appealing to boot. Adenn could not help but say to her quickly, "Well then, I will have to find some books. I am quite interested to see what techniques you might use to distract me."

Soon enough he was in the kitchen and cooking. He had gotten out bread and eggs, making the later wash to which he added some spices and then dredged the former in. He then got out a pan and put some butter in it. Once that was melted he started to place slices of bread into it. He then took out another pan and fired up a second burner. He then took some bantha bacon out of the fridge and started to cook that as well.

He heard footsteps as he dished up the first of the toast and smiled. "Ah, just in time," he said softly, fetching out some powdered sugar and dusting the toast with it. He put the plate directly across from him on the counter, smiling. "Dig in," he said to her softly. Only a minute later he pulled some of the bacon out of the other pan and added it to the plate. "I hope it meets up to your standards," he said and flashed her a smile.
Valeria padded barefoot across the kitchen, hair still damp but tumbling over her shoulders and down her back in a slightly messy state since she hadn't bothered to do much with it. Drying on it's own, her hair had a tendency to go a little power mad, and resulted in a wavy, curling black mass. She gave him a smile as he greeted her, and sat down where put the place with the Iktotch toast, sliding onto the stool at the counter, perching atop it carefully since it had no back, just a padded seat.

She watched him, waiting patiently, as he finished cooking the bacon, smiling as he deposited it on her plate and spoke. Taking her hair in her hands she twisted it into a make-shift bun low on her head to keep it out of her way, and picked up the toast, leaning over a bit so not to get powdered sugar all over her robe, taking a bit. She chewed and nodded, giving him a smirk, “Not bad,” she told him, covering her mouth a little as she spoke, as she'd always been taught not to show your food when you spoke while eating. Really, talking with food in your mouth was rude, but she somehow doubted Adenn was much of a stickler for table manners.

Valeria chewed contentedly on the bacon next, looking at him, “Very good,” she smirked, “If you ever decide to retire from being a bounty hunter I would happily hire you as my personal chef.” She teased, leaning on her elbows on the counter and licked her finger tips clean of bacon grease and powdered sugar, a combination that only worked at breakfast.
Adenn smiled as his eyes drank in the sight of her, finding the sight of her with her hair tumbling down her shoulders in a messy state rather appealing. She was undeniably attractive at the moment, appearing far less like an admiral and more like a regular woman who had just gotten out of bed. He had to wonder how many people saw her like this. More then likely it was a very, very select few. He certainly was looking forward to seeing her in such a state far more often.

He concentrated on cooking a bit more for himself, but smiled when she said that it was not bad. "Just not bad? Could you do better?" he teased her a bit. She then made the comment a bit later that it was very good, but it was what she said after that that made him chuckle. "Your personal chef huh?" he asked her a bit, smiling. He was silent for a little bit and was concentrating on flipping bacon before he said to her, "And would you be hiring me for my cooking or for my company?" he teased her a bit. Adenn plated the rest of the toast as well as the bacon and put it at a spot beside her.

The bounty hunter then moved around to the other side of the counter, a smirk playing upon his lips. He paused behind her and stepped in close, his hands sliding along her thighs as he leaned in and whispered into her ear, "As good as this might be, I have something else I would much rather have for breakfast then that food..."
Of the people that got to see the Admiral in such an informal and casual state, there were indeed very few. Adenn was probably the first man to do so in some time, as she usually asked her lovers to leave well before morning. She could say what had made her decide to let him stay in her bed last night, maybe a combination of exhaustion and contentment. And perhaps she was a little lonely, though that wasn't something she'd admit to him, or even herself. It had been nice to enjoy that sort of intimacy again. It had been the icing on the cake after the very satisfying sex.

Valeria rolled her eyes at his teasing question, giving him a wry smirk, “Perhaps, with some practice.” She was a very stubborn and competitive person, if she really wanted to be better than some one at something, she didn't stop until she was. Which was why she rarely set that challenge for herself, she honestly didn't have the time to do so. Cooking toast though, that couldn't really be that time consuming could it? However his question about her reasons for hiring him as her personal chef made her give him a sly grin, her head tilting to the side. “I can't hire you for both?” She asked, licking powdered sugar off her thumb.

She watched Adenn out of the corner of her eye though as he moved around the counter, seeing how he was smirking at her. She didn't turn her head to watch him though as he moved behind her, instead being sharply aware of his presence and movement, so not surprised when he stepped in close and his hands came around to run along her thighs. Valeria arched a brow, the corner of her mouth curling in a smirk as he whispered in her ear. “Oh?” she breathed, “And what else is it exactly that you'd like on the menu?”
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