The Call of Manda (Atroxa & Rivine)

Adenn's body certainly did stand as evidence to the life he'd lead, scars, hard muscle and sinew, tough skin, but it was just all the more appealing to Valeria. She had never much had a taste for bodies so smooth and perfect, featureless, a body that belonged to a man who had never done anything dangerous or exciting in their life. Adenn was far from that, and it excited her, he was dangerous, a living weapon, yet here he was, wrapped up in her. His lack of remorse for the lives he had taken mirrored her own mindset, she had killed millions, many up close and personal, but even more had died at the wave of her hand, the whim of her will. They were very much alike in so many ways, though even Valeria was unaware of that.

His growl made her shiver with desire, her hands still gripping the tight muscles of his ass, but they slid back up, over his back, which now bore the marks of her nails like she had marked her territory in his flesh. She could feel him throbbing inside her, a hard beat that spoke to her body on some primal level of life and vitality. Valeria closed her eyes for a moment, reveling in the sensation, but opened them to look at Adenn as he moved. She let him manipulate her body into how he wanted it, keeping her legs wrapped around his hips, the position arched her back, making the muscles along her abdomen and sides flex and stand out.

Valeria looked up at him, a smirk playing on her features, though it melted into a lustful expression when he thrust into her, making her moan softly. His words made her give him a sly grin though, “Would have me any other way?” One of her hands covered the one on her breast, running up his wrist and arm from there, then down his side to grip his waist, her eyes following the path of her hand, devouring the sight of him, and how their bodies were joined.
His eyes looked over her form as she lay there, drinking in the sight of her. It was not the first time that night that Adenn had marveled at her body that night, and he doubted very much that it would be the last time. Her body was the body of a warrior, but also the body of a woman. It pulled him towards her, made him lust for her, knowing that she had crafted herself, had formed her body through hard work and desire. Perhaps that was because he could only imagine what it would be like to have her turn her will and desire into shaping their time together, into throwing herself into their lust filled unions. Well... perhaps he did not entirely need to imagine. After all, he was with her and had seen the results of her desire.

As she smirked up at him and asked him if he'd want her to be different, Adenn chuckled and shook his head. "No," he said softly, squeezing her breast even as her hand covered it for a moment. He remained still as she ran her hand over his arm and then down his side, sighing happily and loving how she so willingly explored his form. He then opened his eyes again, focusing on her and smirked, then drove into her hard. The Mandalorian wanted to make her climax for him, not just once more, but time and time again until neither of them could stand it anymore. His ambitions were likely a little bit much, but at the moment he could have cared less. So he took her with a fervor and a passion that few beings were ever likely to equal, groaning out lustfully as he did.
Though she hadn't seen a battlefield in some time, Valeria tried to stay ready for the day she might have to return, or be suddenly in a fight. She maybe had not been doing so as effectively as she should, as Adenn had pointed out, but, her body still bore the scars of her years leading troops. Most of them had faded into small nicks or smooth lines of slightly raised skin. The only one that still had enough substance to it to really be of any notice was a four inch slash just below her left breast, where a piece of shrapnel had gone through the joint in her arm and into her rib cage. It'd punctured a lung and it had been one of the most painful things she'd ever been through. She'd also been far less restrained in those days, facing death every day certainly made you look at things differently. She'd been more impulsive, and had done things back then she would probably be more hesitant about now.

Valeria would happily explore Adenn's body if left to her own devices, she loved it, but he had other ideas, and she let out a sharp moan when he drove himself into her hard, the fingers on his waist gripping him tightly. Her other hand gripped the side of cushion she was laying on, her eyes staying on his, burning with lust and excitement. She'd just climaxed, but she was still just as eager as she had been before. She was forced to close her eyes though as he took hard and fast, her head pressing back into the couch and the muscles along her jaw and throat tightening as she grit her teeth and let out low, growling moans.

The position he had her in opened her up for him, and her sex flexed and rippled around him. Every thrust sent a shock wave through her, accompanied by the smack of flesh on flesh and her moans, breasts rocking with the rhythm of their movement. Valeria could only hold on and enjoy the ride.
He commenced with pistoning into her once more, lowing how she moaned and responded to him. The feeling of her hand gripping his waist only encouraged him to give her more of what she wanted, more of him. The sight of her eyes closing and her mouth half open, groan after groan emanating from it, was intoxicating to him. Adenn could not help but let out a groan of his own as her pussy rippled around his pulsating shaft, squeezing at it as if begging it to fill her with his seed. His teeth found his own bottom lip as he bit down a bit on a growl, then smirked a bit. Oh yes, this was something that he would have to do to her again.

The couch that they were on had begun to rock back and forth a bit, but Adenn barely noticed. Had he been paying closer attention he would have noticed that the legs had become a bit loose where they were connected to the frame. But, as things were, he payed it no heed. Not that he could be blamed for that. Had any other male been in his position it would have been equally unlikely that they would have noticed probably.

The Mandalorian began to thrust harder, driving into her even more. He could feel that he was growing closer to his own climax, but he wanted to coax more from her yet. He wanted her to squirm more, wanted her to beg for more of him, to beg for him to finish. Adenn enjoyed doing that, exhausting his partner, making them capitulate to their body's tiredness from being taken by him so much. Some thought that he was sick or cruel for enjoying that, but he had a feeling that Valeria would not hold any such qualms. Perhaps she would even encourage him to indulge in such desires.
Valeria's body writhed, an undulating motion that fell in rhythm with the bounty hunter's thrusts, since they were causing it. Her fingers dug into the hard muscle of his side until her knuckles were white, the same happening to her other hand as it clutched desperately onto the cushion. Her brow beaded with sweat and her skin was practically glistening with a light sheen. She felt like she was on fire again, Adenn's thrusts stoking it inside her. She didn't notice the rocking of the couch either, and her panted breaths and moans made it so she didn't catch the slightly creaking and groaning that was starting to come from the piece of furniture. Really, how could she notice with Adenn dominating her mind and body?

Her thighs were aching from the impact of his thrusts, and her sex was beginning to feel raw, but she still let out high, hungry moans as he started driving himself into her even harder. Her pussy swallowed him up, tightened to try and keep him inside her, hot, slick flesh stroking his shaft. Valeria managed to open her eyes, staring up at the bounty hunter, face flushed, “Adenn,” she gasped, “Cum in me.” Her voice was mewling and sweet, full of need and desire. She did want that, she wanted him to fill her, she wanted to see him climax, to feel it, and know that she'd caused it.
Valeria was not the only one breaking out in a sweat from their efforts. Adenn could feel it beading down his chest and back, his brow was even damp. Their session was not lacking for physicality, that was for certain. The Mandalorian shuddered as he continued to drive himself into her, not at all caring about any possible aches in his body. There would be time for worrying about sore muscles later after all, right now he was far, far, to much invested in this to care about that at all. Right now this was about them, their bodies, their desires, their needs. Nothing else in the galaxy mattered. Her ship could have been under attack or a black whole could have formed right in front of them and he would have cared less.

When she spoke, begging for him to finish inside of her, Adenn let out a growl more intense then any others that he had uttered before before. He could hear the desire in her voice, the raw need. It aroused him to almost no end, knowing that he had driven her to beg for him to finish, caused her to lust for him to fill her. He slid the arm that was at her waist further up behind her, lifting her upper body and pressing it against his as his lips locked to hers in a hungry and need filled kiss. His hips pumped upwards, driving him into her, and it not take long.

A deep and guttural groan emanated from him as he drove into her deeply, just as he came. His cum spurted into her in a warm torrent, his manhood pumping it inside of her to give her what she had been begging for. As he came he held he close, shuddering as he groaned nearly constantly. He broke his lips from the kiss, but only enough so that he could look into her eyes, wanting her to know that she had pleased him more then he could have hoped for that night.
It would definitely take a great deal to tear Valeria from the sexual reverie she was enjoying with the Mandalorian, if it was even possible at all. Likely it wasn't. He consumed and commanded her mind and body, right at this moment nothing existed outside of this room, if even that, outside of the small sphere of consciousness that existed around them, which consisted of the two of them and the couch, didn't really matter. Her world had narrowed drastically, and she was enjoying not having to have her mind spread out on a sector of the galaxy for once.

His growl made her body quiver with excitement, pushing her hips into his as best as she could, hungry for him. She helped him though when he lifted her, pulling herself up, one arm wrapping around him over his shoulder, hand in his hair, gripping it tightly as their lips crashed together. The arm wrapped around him under his arm, fingers gripping his back dragging down his battle scored hide, nails digging into him. Valeria let out a throaty moan into Adenn's mouth, pressing her body against his.

Her moans turned high and full of sweet need though as he thrust up into her, feeling his pulsing shaft penetrating deep into her. His chest vibrated against hers when he growled, announcing his climax, Valeria shuddering when she felt him filling her with wave after wave of cum, burning hot and slick. His arms practically crushed her as he held her against him, groaning, but she only enjoyed it, reveling a little in his strength. Her legs stayed wrapped tightly around his hips and her one hand still digging into his back and she was panting heavily when he finally broke their kiss, looking at him and giving him a slightly exhausted smile at the look he gave her.
Adenn held her against him, panting slightly, a smile formed upon his lips. The look on her face was exquisite, one of exhausted pleasure, and it made him shudder slightly. He certainly had not thought that she would plead with him to finish in her, but the fact that she had had been incredibly exciting to the Mandalorian. If what they had done that night was any indicator of the days to come then he had very high hopes indeed. Just the mere idea that there might be more sessions like this... or rather that there would be more sessions... excited him to no end. He smiled a little bit at that thought, having very little doubt that the woman he was holding would have any complaints about his intentions.

He held her there for awhile, his eyes jut fixed on her. Then, with a slight groan, he shifted, moving to lay her back down... but it turned into more of a flop. He had been worried that he might have suddenly put too much weight on her, since he had only been able to catch himself slightly, but the flop caused a bit more of an issue then that. The couch, which had been taking a beating during their rather physical sexual dalliance, finally gave way. There was a loud snap as one of the legs broke, the other and that side giving way as well. This resulted in the end of the couch that their heads were towards slammed into the floor.

He ended up halfway on his side, still tangled with her with his arm braced against the arm of the couch to hold himself off of her. Adenn blinked a bit, then smiled before he started to chuckle a bit. "Well... never broke a couch before," he said softly.
Valeria would certainly have no complaints with his plans for them, she would only complain if he had planned for this to be their only encounter. She wouldn't be happy about that at all. He'd only just whetted her appetite after all, not sated or satisfied it. She didn't know if she'd ever be able to slake her lust for him really, certainly not any time soon. It was usually obvious to her when she slept with some one, whether it was going to be a one time tryst or one of many, and she knew she'd be getting Adenn into her bed, or herself into his, any time opportunity allowed her. Hell, it wouldn't even have to necessarily be a bed. So that he had high hopes for their future encounters would only please Valeria.

She stayed wrapped up around him securely, feeling suddenly exhausted, so she was glad when he started to lower her back down onto the couch, though she let out a bit of laugh when he more sort of flopped them down. His weight didn't bother her, but her eyes did go a bit wide when she felt the couch under her jerk just a bit and then there was a loud snap and the couch lurched under her, making her grab onto Adenn in surprise and let out a small, startled noise.

Valeria blinked though when he spoke, and after a quick moment, let out a laugh, “First for me as well.”
Adden could not help himself, he started to laugh along with her a bit, still holding her. He smiled down at her, still chuckling a bit, then said, "Well... I suppose that we should... relocate?" he suggested a bit. However he showed no indication whatsoever of moving. Instead he looked down at her, smiling a bit and marveling at her. Had all of this just happened? Had he really just fucked a high admiral and a warlord? It seemed almost a bit to surreal to have really happened...

He chuckled a bit again and then sat back again, lifting her along with him. The Mandalorian paused for a moment, then shifted, putting one foot down on the cold floor, then the other. With a slight grunt he surged to his feet, one hand on her ass to support her, the other around her upper back. He carried her over to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it and then laying back, bringing her down on top of him. A smile pulled up the corners of his lips then as the hand at her upper back moved up to run through her hair. "Well, I hope you were not attached to it," he said to her, in reference to the couch.
Valeria laughed with the bounty hunter, holding onto him, smirking at him when he suggested that they relocate, “Sounds like a good idea,” she agreed. Then they just sat there for a moment, she glanced around a bit before looking back to Adenn, arching a brow at him and giving a slightly unsure smile. She was about to ask him if he was alright when he finally sat back, lifting her with him, keeping her legs wrapped firmly around him as he stood, her arms loosely around his neck, glancing at the floor in a dubious way. She knew the Mandalorian wasn't going to drop her, glancing at his muscular arms for a sense of security, but still.

When he sat back on the bed with her on top of him she settled into straddling him, her hands splayed on his stomach for balance, looking down at him. Her dark blue-violet eyes half closed when he ran his fingers through her hair, making a soft, pleased noise, but shook her head a bit, glancing at the couch. “No, just one of the spoils of my conquest,” she said, her hands running up his stomach and over his chest, her gaze following her fingers, obviously enjoying herself a little. She lifted a hand to stifle a yawn, then gave a slightly sheepish smile. “I think,” she said, “that it's time to retire.” Her hands slid back down his chest and stomach, “You're welcome to stay of course.”
Adenn had noticed her uncertainty as he carried her and could not help but find it rather endearing. She was one of the more powerful beings in the galaxy and here she was being frightened of falling to the floor. It reminded him once more that she was not just an admiral, a warlord, but was also a woman. But before too long he was on his back, looking up at her. From that position he could not help but notice new things. She felt soft as she straddled him and her eyes were a rather glorious color as he fixed his upon hers. When she spoke, talking about the couch, he nodded a bit and replied, "Well, I guess it will not be so much of a loss then."

When she stifled the yawn, he could not prevent the small smile that crept onto his lips. The mercenary nodded a bit when she said that it was time to retire, "I suppose that it is," he agreed softly, but made no move to get up. Her hands slid down his chest and stomach, which made him grin, which was unfortunate since he could not widen his smile when she offered to let him stay. Adenn chuckled a little bit, then said, "Well I must have done good then," an obviously teasing tone to his voice. His hands slid slowly up and down her legs, brushing against her soft skin as he gazed up at her and then joked, "Although you know how the saying goes; once you go Mandalorian, you never go back..."
Valeria tilted her head and gave Adenn a wry smile when he said he must have done good, to be invited to stay the night with her, then rolled her eyes and let out a harsh laugh at his very bad joke. “Don't get overconfident,” She warned him teasingly, her hands rubbing across his stomach, she couldn't seem to stop touching him, and she enjoyed his hands as they brushed up and down her thighs. She shifted though, and finally moved off of him, leaning over him on her knees to press a kiss to his mouth before she slid off the bed, “Be right back.” She told him with a smirk before she disappeared into her bathroom to clean up a little. She returned a moment later, still naked, turning off the main light in her room as she went, a lamp by her bed the only illumination in the room, giving off a soft, warm light.

She crawled back onto the bed, and slid under the covers. Her mattress was thick and plush, and the sheets were incredibly soft. She wondered what the Mandalorian thought of her luxuries, knowing they rarely partook in such things. Valeria laid on her side, head propped up in one hand, her elbow in her pillow. She looked at Adenn, a slow smile spreading across her lips. This night had certainly gone wonderfully, she couldn't say better than she had planned because she hadn't really planned much. It'd been more a spurt of the moment decision, a want and a need that she'd decided to satisfy. And Adenn had certain satisfied her.

Valeria's eyes glanced down to Adenn's body, though this time not so much in an obviously lustful way as it was a curious glance. She leaned forward, pressing a finger tip to his left pectoral muscle, or more specifically, a scar there, “Where'd you get that?” She asked him curiously. They were both warriors, one more active than the other now of course, the exchange of battle scar stories was bound to have happened sooner or later.
"Me? Overconfident?" he asked with a sly smile, looking at her as he went on, "If you think I am all boast, then you certainly are thinking of the wrong Mandalorian." He paused for a moment for a bit of dramatic effect before he added, "Which begs the question; how many Mandalorians have you known so... intimately?" There was a rather obvious teasing tone to his voice, after all he was playing with her. Adenn knew well that he was a good lover, at least he had not had complaints from the last several so he assumed he was, but he was not egotistical enough to believe that he was the be-all end-all.

The Mandalorian returned the brief kiss, but then sighed when she excused herself and rose. Adenn could not help but marvel at her retreating form. "Do not be gone to long. I might get amorous again and you'd miss out!" he called out after her in a playful tone. He shifted while she was gone, moving onto the bed entirely. He paused for a moment, a hand brushing over the sheets, blankets and other things she had piled on the bed. There were so many... Typically he just slept with one blanket, which kept him warm enough in his mind. Her bed had so many layers to it that he was not entirely sure which layer he was to slide between. But eventually he moved most of them back, propping himself up in a half sitting position with an abundance of pillow that was not even half of what was on the bed, and covered himself with just a sheet.

Soon enough she had returned and slid into the bed with him. He glanced at her, smiling as she lay on her side, looking at him. He did not mind her eyes looking him over again, this time in an almost studious fashion. Mere moments later her fingers were brushing over one of his scars. He glanced at it, then back at her, speaking quickly in answer to her question, "I got that when I was barely twenty. I was doing a job on Boz Pity. My target and some of his friend got the jump on me. At the time I did not have my beskar'gam that I do now. The suit I had had plates made of durasteel. One of the blaster bolts hit the plate on my chest right there and heated the plate up. There was backing behind it, but I had not put the right kind on. It did not penetrate, but it heated the plate up and you see the results of that."

He glanced at her form, then moved some fingers to brush along under her left breast, "And what is the story behind this?" he asked her softly.
Valeria just smirked at Adenn's question about her past partners that were also Mandalorian, shrugging her shoulders a little, “Just you.” She'd met several, but only in passing, usually she didn't even get to see them without their helmets on. Some had also been women, which didn't tickle Valeria's fancy. She'd always been curious about them, their culture was interesting, and there was something appealing in the air of danger and mystery that surrounded them. She was fairly sure some of them played that up for the sake of romanticism and reputation. A smart thing to do though, in her opinion. It kept them at the forefront of people's minds, either as a thing to fear, a people to respect, or as prospective bounty hunters.

As for the luxury of her surroundings, it was what she had grown up with. Valeria had had the best of everything growing up. She'd been far from spoiled, but she'd certainly been used to the finer things in life. Of course, her days spent in the field had made her appreciate such things, and to have a respect for the bare minimum as well. It was impossible, after all, to bring a giant, comfortable bed along to the battle field. She'd spent plenty of nights huddled against a boulder to shield herself from the wind so she could get a few hours of poor sleep, or curled up in a bed roll which had seemed like the greatest thing in the world after a long day of marching. Valeria was still very much a humble person despite her upbringing, thanks to her father's no nonsense attitude and her years as a field officer. Now though, she was an Admiral, and they were expected to live in a certain fashion.

Valeria listened though as Adenn told her the story behind his scar, one that he'd gotten out of apparent youthful inexperience. It was strange to think of him as a young man making such mistakes, but then mistakes were what people learned from. She'd made a fair few in her life.

When his fingers brushed the scar beneath her left breast though she glanced down at it, running a finger along the faded, jagged line absent mindedly. “Some back water planet I can't even remember the name of now... the locals were rebelling and we were sent in to put them down, they'd fashioned some crude shrapnel bomb and one of my men triggered it. He was sliced to pieces, and a piece of shrapnel went through one of the joints of my arm. Punctured a lung,” She gave a soft laugh, “That was fun... let me tell you.” Her humor hid that that had been one of the scariest moments of her life, she'd thought she was going to die.

She glanced over him again and she took his left wrist, pulling his arm out and pressed her lips to a scar along the inside of his lower arm, “And that one?”
Just him. For some reason the knowledge that she had not been with another Mandalorian made him feel a bit giddy. He knew well that she had been with other men of course, but none like him. He was something new for her, something unique. Hopefully that would cause her to want to explore more, to spend more time with him. Adenn wanted to give her as many reasons as he could for repeating tonight after all.

The course of his life had certainly been different then hers. His parents had not been wealthy, not even close to it. They had made a living mining for the most part, trying to find the precious beskar that his people treasured so much. They had scraped at the earth with crude tools and sometimes used more advanced machines. But none of it had been glorious, none of it had provided luxury. It had provided a life, a life that Adenn had thought he himself would live. He had worked in those mines for a few years, helping the family, but also secretly saving what he could. He had been able to escape that life, to leave, and it had taken his father years to forgive him for leaving the family. A small sigh escaped his lips as he tried to take his mind of such thoughts. His eyes fixed on her again then and he smiled. Getting his mind of the memories was not so hard with such a beauty beside him.

Thankfully her story helped to distract him even more. He listened intently, nodding a bit and then arching an eyebrow. "When was it that you took part in ground operations?" he asked her, more then a little surprised. "Your records had indicated that you were a pilot and then after that were give command of a frigate, then worked your way up from there." It was clear that he had done his research on her, but he had not thought that some of her records would have been redacted. He went on after a bit, "I know that the Imperial navy has an infantry force, did you serve with them?" he asked her.

His mind was pulled away from her story as she kissed along a scar that was on the inside of his left arm. He smiled a bit, then replied to her, "That is from a vibro knife. A contact pulled it on me in the middle of a double cross. He had sold me out to a Hutt that wanted me dead. I snapped his neck in the end." He considered for a moment, then said softly, "I know that we each have stories behind our scars. But they do not make us entirely. I know that there is more to you then your service. At least I hope there is..."
Adenn really didn't have to try and provide any more reasons for her to keep her coming back to him. It certainly couldn't hurt, but for the moment he was perfectly safe in having secured her interest. And she didn't see herself losing that interest any time soon. Nor did she think he would either, perhaps that was a little overconfident of her, but it was just a feeling that she had, that they'd likely be spending many more nights wrapped up in one another.

Valeria didn't really notice the slight dampening of his mood, usually she was very observant, but she was perhaps a little distracted tonight, and she was tired. So when he asked her about her experience with ground operations she looked at him, “I was a pilot for a fair time, then I served about four years as an Imperial Commando, before I returned to the Navy to have command of my own ship.” She explained, moving a bit closer to him, ending up tucked against his side, her head resting on his shoulder, her free hand, as she was laying a bit on one, trailing up and down his chest and stomach.

She listened to him tell her about his other scar, smirking a bit when he spoke of snapping the man's neck. For some reason that just amused her. Adenn wasn't the only one that people might consider a little twisted if they ever really got to look into their mind. She lifted her eyes to his face though when he spoke of their scars not making them entirely, finding it an oddly insightful thing to say given the rather light mood that had been prevailing. She blinked a little at his implied question and looked away, shrugging her bare, slender shoulders. “I would like to think not but...” she paused, thinking for a moment, “I've been serving in the navy since I was seventeen, and was in the academy even before that. It's all I know.” Her tone was hard to read, not sad or regretful but more contemplative. There had never been anything outside of her life as a soldier in some form or another since she was a teenager. No other dreams or aspirations.

Valeria gave a soft laugh, “The only thing I know how to do that doesn't involve killing or leading people is play the piano.”
The Mandalorian was rather glad that the admiral had missed his dampened mood, for he would not have felt like souring the night by sharing the bad experiences he had had in his life. Those experiences had shaped him, yes, but he did not think that they defined him. He was not simply some miner's son, not just a Mandalorian, not just a warrior. That was what he told himself at least. In many ways he was those things alone, but with her, by working with her, he had a chance to be far far more. That was what Adenn wanted, to be more then what he had been born as. He wanted to be a man who was known for his own deeds, his own achievements, not just those of his clan.

But his attention was not focused on such things for long, for she answered his inquiry as to how she had gained combat experience on the ground. He nodded as she explained that she had been a commando, smiling a bit. "Well, that would explain how you jumped from being a starfighter commander to a line commander. That kind of transfer is not common in the fleet. You would have been lucky to have been a lieutenant, but instead you had command of your own ship. I had thought that, perhaps, you might have been someone's favorite," he admitted to her. It was not uncommon for young officers, especially attractive ones (and he could not imagine her being less attractive in her youth), gaining favor with members of the upper echelon. Granted, one's abilities might as well be enough to garner favor, but often enough in the Imperial system, at least in his experience, the former model for currying favor was most common. Of course he was also half implying, accidentally mind you, that she had possibly slept with a few of her superiors. But he was oblivious to the implication... at least for the moment.

Adenn noticed how she smirked when he told her her of how he had killed his contact. Admittedly the memory did bring a smile to his lips, but not because of the killing, rather because of what it represented. He had been wronged by someone he had trusted and the man paid for his lack of faith with his life. It let others know a simple, yet potent, truth; Adenn was not a man to be crossed. Of course there were other such examples now, but that contact had been the first one he had had to make. And he would make even more still if he must, even if that meant killing the woman in his arms. He would admit that he hoped it would not come to that, but, if it did, he liked to think that he would not hesitate to do what needed to be done.

When ext she spoke, disagreeing, at least in part, on his comment about them being more then their scars. He nodded slightly as she made her point and was about to retort when she pointed out that the only skill she had beyond killing and leading was that she could play the piano. This made Adenn chuckle a little bit and pull he closer, a contemplative hum replacing the laughter as he held her form against his own form. "Oh, I would disagree," he started, his voice soft an with a slightly playful tone. "I know well that you are a good pilot," he added, then paused a bit for affect. He raised a hand up off her form then and brought it back down, clapping it against one of her butt cheeks as he looked into her eyes and smirked, "Not to mention your rather formidable skills in bed."
Valeria could understand wanting to be known as your own person, instead of being absorbed into the collective deeds of your family. She had striven to do much the same in regards to her father. And she had certainly made a name for herself, she'd achieved a great deal. She had secured her place in history, she only needed to maintain it, which was perhaps the hardest part of all. As she had seen for herself, Republics could crumble, Empires could crumble, nothing was safe from fate and time. Lasting long enough to be termed a true success would not be an easy feat, she knew this well, but that wouldn't stop her from trying. She'd maintain her power and position for as long as she could, and would do whatever it took to do succeed. Her penchant for working opportunities into her favor, like what she had done with Adenn, had gotten her this far, hopefully her resourcefulness would continue to work in her favor.

Her dark blue eyes glanced at the bounty hunter as he spoke of her service record, smirking a little. He certainly had done his homework. Her groomed brows though lifted when he admitted to thinking she had climbed as fast as she had by currying the favor of her superiors, which implied she'd slept with them. Giving him a slightly wry smile, Valeria lifted her head slightly to look at him, “I'll admit that I slept with a few superiors, but never ones that had any bearing on my career. I have far too much pride to sleep my way up the ladder. I wouldn't really be worthy of leading anyone if that was how I had achieved my ranks.” She didn't seem offended, it was a fairly common assumption that a beautiful woman as successful as her had used her 'feminine wiles' to get as high up as she had. It was a little annoying, but at the same time, blowing up over it would do her no favors. If anything it would merely seem defensive. “It would have eventually caught up with me if I had... 'cheated',” she shrugged, showing it was not morality that had kept her from sleeping with her superiors to advance her career, but prudence.

Valeria though was still well aware that this night together by no means meant they were safe from one another. She knew that if she crossed him, he would kill her, and she hoped he knew that if he still crossed her, she would kill him. She would rather not, especially not after tonight, she'd much rather have him alive and wrapped up with her in bed. That didn't override her promise to kill him if he ever betrayed her though, and she knew the same stood with him.

She glanced up at him though as he replaced the thoughts of their promise to one another with far more pleasant musings, smiling slightly as he pulled her against him and hummed thoughtfully. She raised a brow as he paused for effect, noticing he liked to do that, deciding he was a bit of a showman, though whether he realized that or not she wasn't sure. Valeria let out a startled noise though when his hand clapped against her ass, jumping a little and giving him a playful glare, “Thanks,” she said, her tone slightly sarcastic, and laughed a little before prodding him in the side. “This oh so talented Admiral is tired though,” she told him, her head laying back against his shoulder, settling against his body, her hand laying on his chest, “Think I'll tell my advisers to make it without me tomorrow...”
He looked at her as she told him how she had slept with some of her superiors, but then insisted that it had not been to better her career. Adenn smiled a little bit then, nodding slightly. "Yes, I can see how you would have too much pride," he id softly, teasing her. "After all, who would not have pride with such a lovely shape?" He was not sure if his comments had irked her at all, she had not acted like it did, but it was better to be safe then sorry and make the conversation a bit lighter and more entertaining. So why not spin things a little bit? When she said that it would have caught up with her eventually he nodded a little bit, then smirked, "Well I am sure it would of. Especially for me around now to make all those ex-lovers jealous."

The yelp that came forth from her when he spanked her made him chuckle and brought a small smile to his lips. It was rather endearing to hear such a hardened woman making such a noise. When she thanked him for his spank, his eyes glittered mischievously as he shifted to whisper into one of her ears, "Oh, there will be others, I am sure that there will be many, many others," he said to her, curious how she would take it. He rather liked giving out spankings for some reason... and with a reaction as lovely as the one he had gotten, why would he not want to give her more still?

But her next comment made him arch an eyebrow as he smiled. "Oh? Why might you be doing that?" he asked her, then added, "Find something more pressing, or perhaps enjoyable, to do?" Adenn would not be surprise if she had found a bit more of a reason to enjoy another full day of rest and fun? But she had had a good point about being tired. The fit man yawned, his body flexing and hardening for a moment as he did. He kept his arms around her, holding her close, and smiled. "Well I think that we should rest a bit," he said to her, then leaned over, kissing her cheek and then whispered to her, "After all, we want to have plenty of energy for tomorrow. Yes?" He certainly had more then a few ideas of what tomorrow might hold for them, he was just hoping that she had similair ones.
Valeria gave Adenn a bit of a sly look out of the corner of her eye, only turning her head slightly to look at him when he teased her, but just smirked at him a little. She let out a soft laugh and rolled her eyes though at the mention of jealous ex lovers. “Most of them are dead, or not in my fleet,” she told him, but smirked anyway. His mention of other spankings though made her give him a bit of a glare, “Don't push your luck, Adenn Farr.” It was clear by her tone though that she wasn't truly angry or offended, still though, she meant what she said. She rubbed her cheek a bit against the soft skin of his chest when he asked her about her decision for tomorrow, smiling a little, “Much more enjoyable, yes,” she murmured, watching his chest and stomach flex and then relax as he stretched a little during his yawn. Her dark blue eyes glanced at him though when he kissed her cheek and whispered to her, making her laugh a little, “Yes, definitely.”

She settled into her spot snuggled against Adenn, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep quickly, which didn't usually happen. Valeria usually found herself laying in bed for some time thinking about the day's events and the agenda for the next day and a hundred other things before she finally fell asleep. The Mandalorian had worn her out though, and she slept soundly through the night, waking later into the morning than she usually found herself stirring. She was more or less in the same position as she had been when she fell asleep, and sat up, making a face at the sensation of how their skin was stuck together, peeling them a part. Valeria ran a hand over her face, letting out a yawn before she looked at Adenn, smirking a little before she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead, not sure how awake he was.

Valeria slid out of bed, wincing a little at the ache between her legs, her inner thighs, just before the apex of their meeting, feeling particularly sore. She went to find her data pad, sending a message to her advisers, informing them that they'd have to function without for the day, before returning to her bed, slipping back under the covers, shivering a little against the chill she'd had to endure without them and without the heat of Adenn's body. She settled back into her spot beside him, looking forward to her first day not spent dedicated to the fleet in some time.
He nodded a bit when she explained that most of her former lovers were dead or not in the fleet. "Well I suppose that is a good thing. It probably would not be good to have word of your rather wanton dalliances spreading throughout the fleet," he said softly in a teasing tone. He was especially glad that he did not have to handle them. He had done that more then a few times and some of his scars had come from such encounters. But he was still standing while those men were not, so he'd showed that he was the better man in more ways then one. His mind was brought back to her when she said that he best watch himself when it came to the spankings. Adenn smiled, then said softly, "The big bad admiral can't take a few spankings?" he half teased her.

Soon enough though he was focusing far more on relaxing. He nodded a bit when she said they'd have a more enjoyable day, smiling sleepily and responding softly, "Good. I really like the sound of that." One of his hands started to slide up and down her back slowly as she draped herself against him. He only half hear her agreeing to his comment about them needing rest, just grunting in response. Just like her he drifted off to a deep, deep sleep. Adenn usually slept best after he had had a rather... physical... evening. This evening though had been more physical then most he had had in a good while. So he was out for the count when sleep finally overtook him.

The next morning he woke when he felt the rather lovely body beside him departing. He was about to pull her back to him, but she leaned down and kissed his forehead. He waited until he felt and heard heard her moving off, opening his eyes a bit. The Mandalorian watched her with a smirk as she strolled around her room, marveling at her wonderful form. But when he noticed her stop typing, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep once more. He waited for her to slide back under the covers, then slid his arms around her and pulled her close suddenly. He pressed his lips to hers in a deep and long kiss, his lips moving agianst hers passionately. As he broke the kiss a bit later he smirked, then spoke to her softly, "Mmm... good morning..."
Valeria let out a bit of a surprised noise when Adenn's arms slid around her and pulled her close, but then let out a laugh against his lips as he kissed her. She returned it, her hands running into his hair, keeping a firm hold on him, holding his lips against hers until he broke away, letting him go. Her hands dropped to his shoulders instead, quirking a brow at him and smirking back at him. “Good morning,” She told him with a smile, before stretching languidly, pressing her body against his in the process with a soft groan. Valeria punctuated the act with a yawn, covering her mouth with her hand, and then laid her head back against the Mandalorian's shoulder.

“Sleep well?” She asked Adenn quietly, running a hand slowly over his chest, watching the path of her fingers. She pressed her lips against his shoulder, kissing the skin and running her tongue over it. Valeria loved waking up like this, it'd been a long time though. Even longer than the last time she'd had sex, since that had not been with some one she felt it would have been appropriate to have stay the night. How she could view having sex with them as appropriate but not letting them sleep in her bed most people wouldn't understand, but for Valeria, allowing a man actually into her bed, sleeping in their arms, waking up with them, was something a little more than just having sex.

Not that she was seeking any sort of emotional relationship or commitment, but perhaps a bit more of a bond than fucking and then sending him on his way. Valeria wouldn't admit it, but it was possible she was a little lonely. This encounter had satisfied her on more than just a physical front.
The noise of surprise that she make made him chuckle and grin. He really loved surprising his partners, especially when they made such lovely noises. As she kissed him back and draped herself on him he could not help but guess that she enjoyed his actions as well. Before long their lips had parted and she lay her head against his shoulder. The mercenary grinned, reaching up and running his fingers through her hair as she lay against him. When she asked him if he had slept well he nodded a bit, then said to her softly, "I slept wonderfully. What about you?"

His mind was diverted then as she kissed his shoulder and then ran her tongue over his skin. He shuddered ever so slightly and smiled, loving the feel of her lips and tongue on his skin. But what sane man would not enjoy that? Well, one that was not into dames certainly would not enjoy that, or someone who did not like sex or... well there were probably a good deal of other sexual preferences that would not enjoy her actions, but he certainly damn well did. It felt good to feel wanted, even if it was merely because of their physical and business relationship. Of course he was unaware that to have a position in her bed was a privilege and might have meant that she wanted a bit more out of this. But that was the nature of things.

The man smiled after a bit, a hand running slowly up and down her back before he asked her, "So, what do you think we should do with all out time today?" Of course he had some idea of what she would like to do, at least when it came to physical pursuits. But did she have other things in mind? Would she want to spend time with him beyond that? Then something popped in his mind. He smiled a little bit, his fingers brushing down her spine as he asked her softly, "Would you play the piano for me perhaps?" As he asked he looked at her face, curious to see her reaction.
Valeria made a soft noise and closed her eyes as the bounty hunter's fingers ran through her hair, rubbing her cheek against his chest a little, “Slept wonderfully,” she repeated back to him, the corner of her lips curling in a small smile. His subtle reaction to the contact from her lips and tongue and amused her, enjoying it, but she would agree, it was good to feel wanted. And she couldn't think of many women who wouldn't enjoy receiving this level of attention from Adenn. She certainly was, though whether it was something she'd be able to enjoy long term or not she didn't know. Their business relationship was still very new, and perhaps a little unsteady yet. It could all fall a part for all she knew, but for now, she was just trying to enjoy this time right now.

She shifted slightly to rest her chin on his shoulder, looking at him when he asked her what they should do with the day, arching a brow at him with a suggestive smile. “I have an idea how most of it will be spent...” she murmured, the hand on his stomach trailing low for a moment, her fingers brushing the edge of the hair between his legs before sliding back up to his chest. She blinked a little though at his request, her head tilting to the side slightly and smirking a little, “I... suppose,” she laughed a bit, “I'm a tad rusty, but sure.” Her bare shoulders shrugged a little and she seemed pleased with the idea.

About then there was a soft rumbling noise, muffled from trying to escape from between the bed and Valeria's stomach. The Admiral gave a slightly embarrassed laugh and a sheepish smile, “I guess I'm hungry.” She admitted, deciding that she was, and that a hearty breakfast sounded about as wonderful as a day spent tangled up with Adenn. “Perhaps you'd treat me to another demonstration of your cooking skills?” Valeria asked him curiously, smiling a little.
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