The Call of Manda (Atroxa & Rivine)

Adenn smiled a bit, then said softly, "Well I am glad that it did not escape your notice." The Mandalorian was really enjoying himself, far more then he thought he ever would. He sipped at his wine once more and found that there was only drops left. He took his turn then, the tight shirt showing his rather prominent trapezius muscles. Taking hold of the wine he quickly poured himself another glass before he straightened, sipping a bit, then paused, realizing he was still holding the bottle and then pointedly sitting it back down.

When she answered his question he nodded a little bit, glancing at her calf and smiling. "Well you certainly seem fit, even when put beside some of your more obsessive shoulders," he complimented her. The wine glass was brought to his lips as he sipped again at the rather lovely liquid. He considered for a moment, then glanced over at her and said softly, "You know, now that we are living so close, we could train together," he suggested. He smiled a little bit and then teased her, "I would very much like to see if a High Admiral is any good in a fight."

As she relaxed his eyes traced her neck and he could not help but imagine how her skin would warm his lips if they were to touch it. He blinked a little bit and then grinned, sipping more of the wine. He had wondered why he was thinking that, but then decided that it did not matter. In response to her he nodded a bit, then said softly, "Aye, I know what you mean. It has been several months since I had a day or more to myself." The Mandalorian was silent for a moment before he added playfully, "Especially when I have company that is not only pleasing in conversation, but is also pleasing to the eye."
Valeria smirked a little at his comment, and then watched him lean forward to pour himself some more wine, “Kind of hard for that to escape my notice I think.” She told him, a sly smile on her lips, meaning both his flirtations and the appealing sight of his muscled frame moving beneath the tight fabric of his shirt. She sipped her wine, smiling into her glass a little, looking at him when he straightened, a little amused when he seemed to hold onto the bottle for a moment before putting it back.

She lowered her glass, licking her lips a little and glancing at her calf when he did, before looking back to him with a shrug, “I have always been naturally fit. My father was the same way, good genes I suppose.” Valeria smiled, tilting her head a little. Good genes indeed, since it was her father that she got the Zeltron blood from. It was diluted in her enough that she was not nearly as amorous as a full or half blooded Zeltron, it seemed their appetites were insatiable. In fact much of their culture had been geared towards sex, and Valeria was glad that she had inherited a more practical nature, she did have what she had come to learn was a slightly higher sex drive than normal, but it did not rule her life.

Valeria smirked though at the mention of training together, raising her brows slightly and sipping her wine, “We'll see. Though I think that that's a little unfair. I am well trained, but it has been some time since I've had real use of my skills. You, on the other hand, are still very active with them.” She wouldn't mind taking a tumble with him, though not in the way he had suggested. She laughed under her breath at her self, knowing the wine was having an effect on her as well now. She turned her head slightly though, the back of it still resting against the couch, to look at him, giving him a small, demure smile, “You flatter me.”
"Is that so?" Adenn asked her, smiling more then a little before he asked her, "And are you finding what you notice pleasing?" he questioned her. He saw the road that they were going down and, at least how it appeared to him, it seemed very likely that they would soon enough be arriving at a mutually agreeable and enjoyable destination. The sight of her soft pink tongue sliding over her lips had caused a slight shudder to run through his body, along with all manner of thoughts to tumble into his mind. In an effort to hold them back a little bit and to quench the sudden dryness in his mouth, he brought the glass to his lips once more, drinking of his wine deeply.

He listened to her when she said that she was naturally fit, smiling when she suggested that it was due to good genes. Adenn took a moment to study her form as she was leaned back as she was. "Yes," he found himself saying softly, "I can see how your genes could have contributed, through I believe that you are selling yourself somewhat short." He paused briefly, then smirked and added, "Regardless, the creature before me, rather created my nature or hard work, is far lovelier then one would expect when they hear the title of High Admiral." The Mandalorian felt himself being warmed greatly by the wine after saying that.

Soon his attention was drawn back to her as she spoke again, saying that she was not sure about training with him because he actively put his skills to use. Adenn inclined his head to her slightly and smiled, then said, "It is true that I use my skills more often then you, but how will yours ever be ready in case you need to use them if you are not tested and pushed by someone who has such seasoning in combat?"

Mere moments later, when she said that he was flattering her, he snorted and smiled, his eyes fixing on hers. "I do not flatter. I am merely speaking truths," he told her softly. He continued to keep his eyes focused on hers, then took another drink. After that he leaned over, placing the glass upon the table before he couch, then leaned back, eyes upon hers once more as he said to her softly, "But I think that there are other things, indulgences, that we are dancing around," he said to her.
Another sly grin spread across Valeria's lips, a soft laugh echoing out of her chest, “I'd have to say so, yes.” She grinned into her glass as she sipped her wine some more, watching him down his own. She was reaching the same conclusion he was, though she supposed she'd known from the get go that that was where things were headed when she'd decided on the Zeltron wine. Maybe it was a little unfair of her, picking this wine when he didn't know the effects of it. She already had a bit more control over the situation thanks to her Zeltron blood, the wine had merely assured her that she'd be getting what she wanted. Was it maybe a little manipulative of her? Perhaps, but Valeria had never been taught to half ass a goal. She wanted Adenn, and she'd have him.

She smirked, draining the last of her glass as he studied her body, she was in prime condition despite being in her late thirties, but she took good care of herself, and good genes really had helped her maintain a youthful appearance far past the days of her actual youth. She was in the prime of her life, but unfortunately her position limited how much she got to enjoy that. So it wasn't really ever in her cards to let an opportunity slip by her. Despite herself though, a blush crept into the Admiral's cheeks when Adenn paid her a surprisingly eloquent compliment, looking away from him with a small smile and draining the last of her glass.

Valeria set it aside on the coffee table, inclining her head slightly, “You have a point I suppose.” She agreed, but looked at he bounty hunter as he got the conversation back on track, and once again, despite her best efforts, a blush deepened in her cheeks. She hated it, she thought it made her seem childish, and was one of the only side effects of her Zeltron blood that she disliked, but there was little she could do about it. She gave Adrenn a small smile, almost a smirk, “Yes, I suppose we are.” She admitted, and instead of leaning back into the couch she slide closer across the cushions to Adenn, closing most of the space between, her face only a few inches from his now and her head tilted to the side, the hand on the further side from him coming around to rest half way up his thigh, turning her so that she faced him a little more, “Then perhaps you'd like try a different dance?”
Things seemed to be coming to a head, at least that was how Adenn was reading the situation. Her answer to his inquiry only served to further that belief even more. The Mandalorian could not help the lustful excitement that began to well up inside of him, causing the evidence of that eagerness to swell as well. He had never expected this to happen tonight, but now that it seemed likely he could not help but yearn for it to it to happen even sooner. But when he took all of her smirks and grins into account, it seemed very probable that she had similair ideas as well.

The blushes that his words brought to her cheeks made him smile even more. When she set her own glass upon the table though, he knew that his instincts had been right. Then again he probably would have had to have been an idiot not to notice. Yet the warmth within him needed an answer, needed to be sated, to be extinguished... at least for a little while. Adenn had a feeling that, if the look in her eyes meant anything, that fire might very well find itself being stoked again and again, very possibly in quick succession. Not that he would complain at all.

But even in his dreams he had not expected her to come onto him as she did. As her hand moved to his thigh he glanced to it, then back to her, a smile upon his lips and lust in his eyes. When she spoke, asking him if he would like to try a different dance, Adenn smirked and nodded slowly. He reached out then, an arm sliding around her waist. Then, suddenly, he shifted, moving to the side and depositing her on her back, moving over her. The Mandalorian looked into her eyes and said softly, "I would very much like a different dance. this is one that I am certain that I know the steps too." He leaned in then and pressed his lips to hers, his need for her evident, unrestrained. But what would one expect from a Mandalorian?
Valeria couldn't help the appreciative smirk on her face when she glanced at her hand on his thigh and she caught sight of the bulge in his pants, and felt just as eager as he did, the heat in her body pooling and concentrating deep inside her. A small fire of lust and need that needed to be just as badly as his. As for her rather forward behavior, Valeria was a confident woman, she rarely shied away from something just because it ran a risk, even if that risk was rejection, but tonight she would have been completely surprised, and not pleasantly so at all, if Adenn rejected her. So she wasn't let down by his reaction.

Her dark blue eyes glittered at him lustfully when he smirked at her and nodded, giving him a smirk of her own, but she was a little surprised when he slid his arm around her waist and she found herself being pushed back. The look of surprise on her face melted quickly though, grinning up at Adenn with a bit of a laugh, her hands against his chest. Valeria wasn't bothered by his obvious display of need at all, what would be the point of restraint now? So she pressed her mouth back into his, her tongue sliding along his lips, one hand sliding up his chest and over his shoulder to thread into his short auburn hair, the other moving to rest on his bicep, gripping it lightly, enjoying the feeling of his muscles flexing under her fingers.

Valeria couldn't really imagine the night going any better, and she felt a mixture of excitement and eager lust at the prospect of how it might continue to go. And many nights after this if they both played their cards right.
For a fleeting moment Adenn could not help but wonder how she would react to being deposited on her back without her expressed consent. He saw the look of surprise that came over her face for a fleeting instant, only to be replaced by a grin and a laugh. Well, it seemed that she approved. As he kissed her it became fairly obvious that not only did she approve, she wanted more. As her tongue ran along his lips, they parted, his own tongue sliding out to rub against her's, a somewhat muffled groan working it's way out of him.

As she felt her fingers in his hair he smirked. He held his upper body mostly off of her with one arm, his other hand slowly sliding down her left side. Through the silk robe he could feel the muscle, the curves, the wonderful body that awaited him beneath that thin layer of fabric. Soon enough the hand was at her thigh, pushing the robe up. His rough and calloused fingers slid over her bared skin, caressing it as he lifted her leg slightly an moved it so that it was wrapped around his hip. He then pressed himself against her, pulling her tight against him, the bulge of excitement grinding against her.

It was not until then that he broke the kiss. He looked into her eyes then, smirking as he whispered to her, "I'm thinking I might be in the wrong attire for this dance.."
Valeria knew she often came across as a very controlling person, dominating and intimidating, but while she was certainly willful, and commanding in her professional life, when it came to the more intimate side of her private life, she was happy to relinquish the control she had to maintain over everything else around her. If the man she was with knew how to do it without stepping on her toes that is. She knew it was easy for that kind of control to go to the head of some men, unfortunately for the few men who had pushed Valeria a bit too far in the bedroom, she wasn't the type to put up with being treated like she was their property.

So far though, Adenn's little display had done nothing but excite her, her tongue caressing his, tasting the sweet spice of the wine on him. She could feel his hand running down her side, but a purring moan slipped from her lips when his hand touched the bare flesh of her thigh, being the kind of woman who liked the rough texture of his calloused fingers against the sensitive skin. She gladly wrapped her leg around his hip, her other leg moving out of his way so that he rest between them, moaning softly when he ground himself against her, feeling the hardness of him through the fabric of his pants and her underwear, which was the only thing she was wearing under her robe.

Valeria took a deep breath when Adenn broke their kiss, but released it in a bit of a laugh when he spoke, “I'd have to agree.” She told him, her hands running down to hook her fingers under the thin, form-fitting fabric of his shirt, pulling it off of him. She wasn't disappointed by the sight that greeted her, giving a wicked little smile as her eyes ran over him, her hands following the path of her gaze, exploring a little.
Adenn was a man who liked control, but he knew how to test the bounds of a lover. He was not about to go to the extremes that he enjoyed that she might not, not yet at least. No, he would first let her feel him, let her come to know what he could do to her, let her come to know the pleasures that he could brings to her. It was with these sweet fruits that he would tempt her, sucking her in further and further into the debauchery that he so enjoyed. Perhaps Valeria would be one to go forth willingly, wanting, but time would tell. For the moment he had other things to concern himself with and enjoy.

The sensation of her moaning at his touch caused the muscled Mandalorian to shudder slightly in excitement. That was quickly superseded though as he felt her other leg moving about his hips, allowing him to press against her properly. He knew well that she could feel his excitement now, his need. Her own need was obvious enough to him in her actions, how she pulled him close, how she had kissed him. Adenn could not help for this night to truly begin.

She greeted his words with a laugh, which made him smile, her answer to his statement causing him to chuckle in turn. And soon enough her actions mirrored her words, for she peeled the form fitting shirt from him. He moved his arms as needed, aiding her in the effort. His body was hardened from years of training and war. Upon his form were wounds, some great, some small. Scar tissue old and new, fading and yet pink. Many men boasted that a blade had never touched them, a blaster never scorched their flesh, but perhaps Adenn's boast would be a better one if he ever voiced it, for despite all his wounds he yet lived.

As he fingers moved over his chest a lust filled growl bubbled up from deep inside the warrior's chest. His free hand moved to her rob, just below one of her breasts, an pulled it to the side. A smirk played upon his lips as her left breast was barred for him. He leaned in then and brushed his lips against the soft mound of flesh before his lips graced her nipple, which was hard and pert. He glanced up at her then, his tongue sliding free of the confines of his mouth to flick at the taught nub.
Valeria glanced up from her observation of his body at the growl he gave, smirking at him, feeling his flesh vibrate under her finger types at the noise. She could only watch him though as he moved the one side of her robe out of the way to expose her left breast, making her shiver a little at being exposed to the air, and also a little in anticipation. Her hands ran over his bare shoulders and over his upper back, delighting in the feel of bare skin over taunt muscles as he lowered himself a little.

The muscles along her jaw flexed in an involuntary reaction though as his lips caressed the sensitive skin, making her face flush. But she gasped softly as his tongue flicked against her nipple, her head pressing back into the cushion underneath her and her body squirmed a little at the delicious feeling of friction. She pressed into the contact a little, moving into his mouth. And her hands ran over his shoulders and arms in encouragement, enjoying his attention.

It'd been some time since she'd had sex last, but even counting that she couldn't really recall the last time she'd been this excited. She didn't really know what it was. Maybe it was that she and Adenn were equals, he wasn't her subordinate, or maybe it was the thrill in what she saw as a victory. A little over a week ago, he'd been sent to kill her, and now here they were on her couch, quickly losing their clothing, entwined and only just getting started on what she hoped would be a very satisfying night.
Adenn loved the feel of her fingers upon his skin, the eagerness with which she touched him, seemingly wanting to feel as much of him as she could at any one time. The desire he felt in those touches was driving him even higher, making him yearn for even more, if that were possible. The gasp that she uttered as his tongue flicked against her nipple made him smile, but soon enough he found her squirming and pressing her breast into his mouth. The Mandalorian suckled at her then, sealing his lips around the tip of her breast and pulling it into his mouth as he flicked and circled her nipple with his tongue.

Had he know how she was reveling in this in other ways, he might not have been to eager to do this with her. But, as it was, he was lost in a haze of true desire, aphrodisiacs and pheromones. He was well beyond the point of turning back or even entertaining the thought of it. No, he wanted her, plain and simple... or perhaps at this point he needed her. His body practically thrummed from the lust that she had induced in him, a desire that had gone to long unfulfilled.

Soon enough his mouth released her breast with a slight pop. He smirked and chuckled a bit, kissing and nipping his way up her chest and neck. He placed one last light kiss upon a spot he had bitten lightly a moment before, then positioned himself so he could look in her eyes. His free hand moved up to tangle it's fingers in her hair. He pulled gazed into her purple-blue orbs as he began to grind himself against her firmly, sliding the evidence of his need for her against her barely clad womanhood. Adenn wanted to cause her need to be so great that she could not stand it, that she would plead to have him give her release. He wanted to make her cry out in need of him.
Valeria moaned and squirmed under the Mandalorian as he sucked on her breast, teasing her nipple within his mouth, her hands gripping him tightly and her thighs squeezing his waist slightly. Her skin was flushed and warm, and the sensations were making it impossible for her to stay still. When he finally released her it brought a mixture of disappointment and relief, but it allowed her body to relax a little, the woman looking down at Adenn as he kissed and nipped at the skin on her chest and neck, making her shiver whenever his teeth grazed her. It was obvious she was enjoying herself, looking up at him with a bit of a grin as he moved back up over her.

A soft moan rippled up her throat though when ground against her, her legs wrapping around his hips, keeping him pressed tightly against her, relishing the feeling of flesh on flesh. Valeria did take a moment to free her arms of the sleeves of her robe, which had slipped off her her almost completely anyway, now leaving her almost completely naked. Her body was varying degrees of hard and soft, and like him she bore the scars of a fighter. Though hers were nearly so numerous, and most of them were years old, faded and worn, since she hadn't been out on a battlefield in some time. Her skin flushed as he rubbed against her, a hand on the back of his head pulling him down to catch him in a deep, hungry kiss, her tongue invading his mouth and her breathing already heavy. Her hands slid down his body, fingers catching the top of his pants, starting to push them down over his hips.

Valeria knew better though, than to reveal any hint that the bounty hunter had been manipulated into the situation he found himself in. Not just here with here, but breaking his contract to work with her instead. Mandalorians were proud, she knew this. And he was a man, none of them liked feeling like pawns. Which was not how she had meant to use him, and did not think she had, but she knew it was how he would see it. No, better to let him maintain the thought that he'd ended up where he was by his own decisions.
The responses that he was illiciting from her excited Adenn even more. Her moans caused the fire at his core to rage, making his lust swell and boil. He loved making a woman make such sounds, but for some reason having her make them was even more exciting. Perhaps it was due to her position, how she was a woman of power. Making her react so made him feel strong, powerful, as if he were conquering her in someway my bringing such responses forth from her. There were other responses from her of course that he found equally exciting; how her body squirmed, how her legs and hands gripped at him, keeping him close. Oh yes, he would need much more of this.

His grinding seemed to have the desired affect, for she pressed herself up, obviously enjoying the feeling. Adenn smiled as she freed her arms of the robe, leaving her upper body completely bared. He leaned over then, nuzzling and kissing at her other breast before he moved to kiss along her shoulders, biting her lightly as he teased and tantalized her flesh. But soon enough she was pulling him into a hungry kiss. The warrior growled one more, returning the impassioned kiss, his tongue caressing and wrestling with hers in a wanton display of lust and need.

He soon felt her hands pushing his pants down. He shifted his hips and legs to aid her efforts and, before long, he was kicking free of his pants. He slid a hand down to her last it of clothing, taking hold of it and tugging it to the side enough to expose her. He then pressed his barred manhood against her slick sex, finally grinding them together, flesh to flesh. Adenn broke the kiss, panting, looking into her eyes as he shifted and pressed the tip of his rod against her lower lips, using it to part them slowly as he began to slide his kad into her wet and willing sheath, a low and guttural groan of unrestrained desire burbling forth from him as he began to fill her with himself.
Most people seemed to forget that Valeria was still very human despite her rank and title. She couldn't blame them, she was a hard woman, a good leader, and a good leader often acquired a larger than life reputation among those that followed them. That Adenn might consider getting to lure this side of her out a conquest wouldn't bother her as long as he didn't let the sense of power go to his head. Valeria knew better than most that power and control could get the better of some people, she'd seen it happen time and time again.

For the moment though, she was happy to let him have that over her, relinquishing herself to him. The heady kiss had her panting a little, her blood running hot, flushing her skin that almost odd deep pink that she tended to take on when she was exerting herself. She grew a little distracted though as his rough fingers pulled aside the fabric of her underwear once his pants were off. Valeria gasped into the bounty hunter's mouth though when she felt him pressing against her, grinding his own hot flesh against hers.

She was left trying to catch her breath a bit when he ended the kiss, but didn't have much of a chance to before she felt the pressure of the head of his cock against her entrance. Valeria was slick and hot and ready for him, and her hands involuntarily gripped him tightly, giving him an eager, lustful look. The feeling of him invading her depths drove a moan from her, low and soft, with just a touch of satisfaction, her legs wrapping around his hips, trying to pull him into her and her hands running down his back appreciatively.
Adenn's body shuddered as he slid more of his manhood into her. He could feel her hands gripping him, her legs pulling at his hips to get him to go even deeper. But those were not nearly the most exciting thing, not by a long shot. The look that she gave him as he invaded her was one of pure, unbridled lust, lust that would take a long while to sate. Possibly even more arousing was the eagerness that accompanied that lust. The look made him groan out and, almost reflexively, hilted his full length into her, his thick cock buried within her up to it's base.

The Mandalorian had been with his share of women in his life, but few had been so lustful and eager the first time. Adenn certainly was not going to complain about her attitude toward the entire situation. It had been far to long since anyone but him was responsible for his sword getting polished. He certainly could have taken the opportunity to get laid while he was on the station he had destroyed, after all he had been there for three days. However, the mission had had to be his primary focus. If it had not been he knew well that he would likely have ended up dead or her strike force would have been assailed by the New Republic fleet he was supposed to cripple. This was certainly making him think that he had made the right decision.

His lips quickly found hers again, initiating yet another fevered kiss. As his lips caressed and massaged hers, he slid himself nearly all the way out of her, then suddenly filled her once more. The feeling of sliding into her caused his body to warm even more, his manhood pulsing as her body took him in. A groan made his lips quiver against hers as it emanated from deep inside of his chest. He taught body moved rhythmically as he began to thrust into her again and again, taking her like he had been longing for for the past hour, if not more.
Valeria let out a sharp, sweet moan when the Mandalorian buried himself in her, filling her nicely, making her hands grip him tightly until her fingers were digging into him a little. Her mind swam a little in the intoxicating sensation, loving how he groaned, as she was far from a selfish lover, and liked knowing her partner was enjoying himself as much as she was. She recovered in time for Adenn to kiss her, her lips moving against his, tongue tasting him, and her body tightened slightly when he pulled out of her, having a good idea of what was coming, and not being disappointed when he pushed back into her, making her moan into his mouth, one hand sliding into his hair, the other pressing into the small of his back.

The inner walls of her sex rippled and pulsed around him, gripping him hungrily. Her lips vibrated with the groan he let out, and she answered with a moan, and each thrust pushed another out of her and into his mouth. Valeria's body moved with his, her hips rolling to meet him. She broke their kiss finally though, gasping for breath between moans and her breasts bouncing in the rhythm of his thrusts. She looked up at Adenn, eyes glazed with lust and pleasure, face flushed and her lips red from the force of their kiss.

Valeria decided she could definitely get used to this, and if Adenn's behavior was anything to go off, so could he.
The Mandalorian grinned into their kiss as she moaned, thoroughly enjoying the rather obvious reactions that he was drawing forth from her. He was truly enjoying pleasuring her and being pleasured in return. Adenn enjoyed being in control in sexual situations, but part of that for him was getting his partner to feel aroused, horny, wanton, sometimes even when they would not want it to happen (not that he would force them, but more like inopportune times). Knowing that he could get a lover wound up, wanting, in need, caused him to feel needed, wanted and in control. Perhaps it might have been a rather disturbing way to look at things, at least to some, but he could care less. It was what he enjoyed and he would damn well enjoy it.

He could feel her sex pulsing about him, encouraging him to take her even more, which he did without restraint. Her fingers were dug into his shoulders, causing him to growl as they broke their kiss. He looked into her eyes for only a moment before one of his hands moved up to her head so that his fingers could tangle in her hair. He used her hair to pull her head to the side a bit and expose her neck, which he set himself upon, nipping and licking at as he continued to drive himself into her again and again.
As restrained as Valeria was in her public and professional life, she was very much the opposite in her sex life, perhaps for the very reason that she had to be so restrained the rest of the time. She didn't hold back noises or reactions unless she had to. Only during battle and sex did the passion that had always burned inside her under the mask of the strict professional come out. It was how she had been raised, perhaps by a father who had had an even more intense passion in him thanks to the higher percentage of Zeltron blood in him. He had tempered Valeria into steel, but lust melted that part of her, if only temporarily, and the heat of the wine and Adenn's attention had very effectively done just that.

In fact she felt like her blood was practically on fire, a pleasant but intense heat that seemed to emanate from where their flesh was joined and climbed up her spine into her mind. She put up no resistance when the Mandalorian used her hair to pull her head aside, in fact in her heightened state the pain felt more like pleasure, and she let out a gasp when he nipped at her neck. Her skin pulsed under his lips, and Valeria had to close her eyes. Pinned under him she felt powerless to stop his onslaught, but that only served to excite her even more, letting out a wanton moan, her grip tightening until her nails dug into his skin, dragging her fingers down his back.

It was refreshing really, he wasn't holding back, so she didn't have to either. Too often men thought women too delicate for their full strength in bed, maybe some were, but Valeria was a warrior. She might not have seen battle directly in many years, but it didn't change who she was, so as he drove himself into her she could only revel in it.
Adenn was much like Valeria in some ways, for he often restrained himself from showing passion or even making it obvious that he liked someone. It was usually a very dangerous proposition for the other party to be seen with him after all. But that was not so with Valeria. He doubted very much that she would be endangered if any of the criminal elements he had crossed came to know that they were together. After all she was a Warlord and was surrounded by an armada of ships that was impenetrable to all but the most powerful fleets in the galaxy. So he was far more confident that she would not come to harm from being involved with him. Had she known his thoughts she might have pointed out that he would be in danger because he was with her, but the Mandalorian did not think in such ways. He worried about his lovers far more then he did himself.

Pleasure rushed through his body as she acquiesced to his moving her head so authoritatively. She was compliant, wantonly so. He felt her nails digging into his skin, her fingers dragging down his back. That caused him to growl more, the pain from that distracting him momentarily from his ravishing of her... but only for a second. The warrior surged forward then, driving himself into her once more. As he continued to move he could feel her fingernails moving up and down his back, the touch of them causing him to shiver.

He shifted his mouth away from her neck, kissing along her jaw and then kissing her quickly and heatedly before he pulled back, looking into her eyes. He wanted to see that lust in her eyes, that need. As he gazed into her orbs he continued to drive himself inside of her, not relenting.
Valeria rarely worried about herself or her lovers in terms of personal safety, she was the most well-protected person in the fleet. It had taken Adenn months just to get at her after all, and now she was even harder to get at. When it came to others, she didn't worry because she was rarely so attached to them as to feel personally effected if they died. Adenn could handle himself, but even with what was happening between them right now, she would shed no tears over him if he died. Dying was just a part of life, and in all honesty, Valeria was fairly sure she was incapable of any sort of deep emotional attachment to people. She'd been attached to her mother, like all children were, but she had died, and her father had been dutiful, but not very loving. That had set the tone for the relationships in Valeria's life. She'd never even been in love, or felt anything beyond a sense of attraction, except maybe some mild infatuation in her youth.

The Admiral panted and moaned under Adenn, his mouth on her neck and his body ravishing hers, her hands unable to remain still. She felt his chest rumble with his growl, making her shiver against him, but she let out a soft cry of ecstasy when he drove himself into her. Valeria felt like she was drowning, her mind and body submerged in lust and sensation until she was left gasping for air. That was thwarted for a moment when he kissed her, though she returned the gesture happily before it was over, looking up at the bounty hunter when he pulled away. Her face was flushed, practically glowing, mouth slightly open as she moaned in time with his thrusts, and her eyes held that lust he sought, mirrored in his own.

Valeria's body tightened slightly, struck suddenly by the realization that the approach of her climax had grown to an almost to a point that she couldn't hold back any longer. She pulled Adenn into another kiss, hot and hungry, one hand gripping his hair, the other still gripping his back tightly. Small strikes of intense pleasure hit her, like sparks before a fire, making her give a high, desperate moan. “Harder,” she murmured against his lips, pressing up against him.
Harder. The single word rang out in his ears after she had said it. The feeling of her lips on his of her body pulsing and squirming, those had all been glorious. But that simple one word plea of desperate and unbridled need was better then all of the physical stimulation. She wanted even more, she needed more, she needed him to take her hard. The thought of causing that need made Adenn feel powerful, feel desired, in control. Many might have said that was egotistical, that he was not caring about her needs, but were those feelings not the product of giving her pleasure? Besides, what person did not like feeling that way from time to time? Surely he was not all that different from many.

Valeria got what she had asked for. The Mandalorian surged into motion, his hips pumping as he drove his throbbing manhood into her again, only to repeat the motion rapidly. The sound of their union, the wet impacts of his body against hers, filled the room, not that either of them had noticed. He could feel her womanhood gripping, the hand in his hair, the other on his back He wanted to feel her go over the edge for him, he wanted to caused her too. His lips pressed hungrily to hers, kissing her with wanton need, just like he was taking her.
That Adenn might be having a bit of a power trip over her need for him wouldn't bother Valeria, why should it? She was enjoying the results, she had no reason to complain, and she was happy to let him have the power and control he desired. For her, the release of not having to be the one in control and in charge was enjoyable, since it happened in almost no other part of her life. It was a novelty for her, one she thought she didn't really get to indulge in nearly enough. Adenn though was certainly indulging her, and she knew she'd have to have him again.

His thrusts were almost machine-like in their strength and precision, his member rubbing and stroking and pressing into all the little sweet spots inside her with a hard driving force. Her hips and thighs ached from the impact of his body striking hers, but it only just seemed to serve to enhance everything even more. Valeria's moans went up in pitch, her body writhing under his, back arching and her fingers tightening, the one in his hair, pulling on it, the other gripping his back. She had to pull out of their kiss though, head leaning back into the couch as she arched, “Adenn!” she gasped, feeling an intense white-hot heat streaking up her spine into her mind, overwhelming her until she let out a soft scream, every muscle in her body tightening.
When he thrust her over the edge, Adden groaned, loving the feel of her body grasping at him. The gasp of his name had only been a hint, for when he did climax he could feel all of her tightening, her muscles taught as they clung to him, trying to coax him to his own fall. The Mandalorian held himself back, but barely. The feel of her convulsing and squeezing at him practically made his eyes cross and he let out a deep and lust filled groan of pleasure. To keep his mind from it, if that were possible, he leaned in, kissing and nipping at her neck.

He half wondered if she would be done after that, considering her orgasm was so intense, but for some reason he doubted that greatly. He prided himself on being able to last a long while as well, at least with most women, but he had the suspicion that Valeria was going to give him a run for his money.This was certainly turning out to be one of the more intense sexual relationships of Adden's life, and they had just gotten things started. The mere thought of what they'd get out of each other after a few hours of practice, let along days or weeks, made him shudder. He certainly would be coming back for more again and again.

Moving his lips from her ear, Adden brushed them against one of her ears, then whispered softly, "I... could use another round..." There had been a playfull and coaxing tone to his words and he very much wanted to hear, and feel, her response.
It seemed like forever before the crashing waves of sensation subsided and Valeria was able to finally think clearly. She lay under Adden, her legs still loosely wrapped around his hips, her hands running down his back soothingly. She was panting heavily, her skin covered in a sheen of sweat, and a hand left his back to push some hair off her face, a few strands stuck to the moist skin, irritating her. That same hand ran over his hair as he kissed her neck, grinning slightly, still riding that high from her orgasm and feeling very satisfied and content.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her blue-violet eyes though when he whispered into her ear, making her grin a little more and raise her brows at him. “Could you now?” She asked him, sounding a little out of breath. Her hands ran down his back to his ass, giving it a playful squeeze, pushing him down into her a little more and rolling her hips so that he filled her completely, her juices flowing out of her, tightening herself around him with a soft, sighing moan. “Well what's stopping you?” Valeria inquired, giving him a smirk. She knew she was going to be sore as hell in the morning, it'd been some time since she'd had sex at all, but she didn't care, it would be well worth it.

The thought occurred to her as well, that as intense as this was, it was only the first time, and she knew there would be more. There would be many nights spent tangled up together if she had her way, which she usually did. Valeria was admittedly excited to see how things went.
As her hands ran over his back, he shivered, enjoying the feel of her softer hands upon his toughened and leathery hide. When it came to his body it was rather obvious that his profession had been a hard one and required a good deal of grunt work. But everyone has to start somewhere right? He did not regret his past, what would be the point in that? Stars about, he had just killed millions upon millions of people, and that mattered not at all to him. Likely there were brain doctors and what not out there that would think he was very much sick, but he could have cared less. All that mattered to him was the moment, what was happening now and how it felt. To put it lightly, what he felt right then was very close to what he hoped Manda would be like.

Her answer came quickly, he words drawing forth a growl from Adenn. But that growl was quickly cut short as she squeezed his ass, which was not very pliant, having been chiseled seemingly from the same piece of granite that the rest of him had. She then tightened herself and rolled her hips, pulling him in as deep as he could go, which caused him to groan. It felt as if his heart had somehow flowed down into his member, for it throbbed so hard as she squeezed it that he thought he would pass out from lack of blood to other parts of his body. But all of this only made him grin and plot what more they could do.

Adenn slid an arm around her waist as he shifted his leg under himself and leaned back a bit. This allowed him to move into a kneeling position while he lifted her hips and ass off the couch. He smiled, looking down on her, his eyes drinking in the sight f her fit form sprawled there for him. His free hand brushed against her stomach, but quickly shifted to enfold and squeeze one of her breasts. He smirked and thrust into her deeply, speaking throatily, "What a nasty girl you are..." a teasing tone to it as well.
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