Commander Shepard and The Bounty Hunter (FemShep and Mister Grimm)

Yavas grinned as she smirked, telling him with that kind of flattery she would think he was trying to get in her cabin. "That obvious eh?" he said with a playful wink. As she spotted the fake out, blocking his attack. Being from Palaven, a planet with a little more gravity then Earth, Yavas was a bit more stronger. She was only just able to stop his right hook. With a quick motion, he ducked and spun, taking her off her feet and putting her flat on her back. "Just letting you feel like you can win" he said with a playful wink.
Shepard looked impressed that he was able to knock her down on her back. It shown that she had to rely on her speed and flexability. She knew Turian's were top heavy and didn't have the same bending functions that a human had in their legs. So while on the groud she gave a smirk saying "Who says I won't win?" As quickly as she could she got up in sa crouching position and extended a leg to swipe it at his feet and knock him down.
Yavas grinned as she looked up at him. He smiled as she extended a leg whilst in a crouching position. He watched as she tried sweeping his feet out from under him. Needless to say, it worked. He came crashing down onto the floor, laughing. The turian brought his legs up to his chest and put his hands under him, propelling himself off the ground and back onto his feet again. He smiled and offered a hand. "How about we call it a draw, I'd rather not hurt you too bad" he said with a smile, the scars on his face moving a bit.
Shepard couldn't help, but smile a little and grab his hand to help pull herself up. "You hurt me? Scars and injuries maybe, but never hurt." She smiled. Honestly she wanted to still fight, but she never denied a hand offering a draw or surrender. It was just in her nature to always accept a offer of peace
Yavas smiled as she told him he'd never hurt her. "I suppose. Your reputation precedes you. As I seem to recall though, you have a soft spot for turians" he said with a grin and a playful wink. Yavas smiled down at her and made his way towards the Mako, grabbing a bottle of water. He smiled and took a drink and offered her a bottle of water. "You got some moves on you, like I said, you'd fit right into the turian ranks" he said with a grin and a chuckle.
Shepard smiled and chuckled when he mentioned her soft spot for Turians as she walked over to him. "I'm not gonna lie. Turains are a weakness for me, probably why I'm so fond of you already." She admitted and leaned against the Mako next to him. "I doubt I'll last in the Turian Navy. I might be distracted by all the attractive Turain guys on board." She joked playfully
Yavas smiled as she seemed to turn down the bottle. He set it down next to her and smiled as she admitted her fondness for turians. He laughed a bit as she said she doubted she'd last. "With looks as good as yours, I think the turian guys would have a hard time doing their jobs, lord knows I am" he said. He paused for a moment and laughed. "Ok that was a little dirty" he said, careful not to choke on his water. He didn't mind her being fond of him. It was healthy to want to blow off steam on high stress missions.
After a minute or two Shepard picked the bottle up to drink it finally wanting to drink some of it when she didn't want any earlier. She smiled little listening to his comment not thinking anything wrong with it. But when Yavas pointed it out that it was a little dirty she couldn't help, but smile and laugh with him. "Wow nice one Yavas." She teased. Honestly she saw nothing wrong with a little dirty thinking after all they were spending time to relax. Relaxation is key in war to make sure you keep your sanity after all
Yavas smiled and looked to her when she finally got it. "And you people say us turians have sticks up our ass" he said with a laugh. He laughed again at a joke he remembered hearing about how turians beat people with that stick. He smiled and chuckled. "Well it isn't far from the truth. You are an absolutely gorgeous woman" he said with a wink and a drink of his water.
She smiled at him and replied "Well I think you're the first Turain I've met that seems loose and knows how to have a good time." She looked around the cargo bay when she heard his comment about her beauty which normally would've made her roll her eyes, but this time she just looked at him with slightly blushing cheeks. "Really? So you weren't just trying to get one my good side by being a flatterer?" She asked to check to make sure he was serious
Yavas smiled as she said he was the first turian who was loose and knew how to have a good time. He grinned as she looked around, blushing. He chuckled. "I was trying to get on your good side but I also was telling the truth. Your a very exquisite woman" he said once more. Yavas finished his water and put it in a recycling unit. He looked to her as she seemed to be blushing still. Apparently he'd done a little too well.
Shepard looked away from him in embarrassment from her light blushing. She tried to make her blushing go away, but failed at it. " worked." She chuckled softly eventually looking back up at him trying to kill off her blushing as she did
Yavas smiled as she blushed and tried to make it go away. "Perhaps you should head back to your cabin. You get any more red and I'd start to think you were going to burst into flames" he said with a chuckle as she looked back up at him. He liked that he could make her blush. It meant she liked what he said. Truth be told that was what he wanted. He always enjoyed female woman, now he shared a ship with one of the most exquisite ones he'd ever seen
Shepard snapped out of her trance she had with him and chuckled softly. "'s getting late I better get going. I'll see you around." She smiled then turned to walk away and return to her cabin. She's always liked Turains, but he was the first to actually make her blush just by complimenting her. She tried to forget her blushing and his words as she laid down in her bed looking up at the stars from the small window above her bed until she eventually fell asleep
Yavas smiled and nodded as she turned and walked away. He couldn't help but stare at her perfect rear as it swayed almost teasingly. He clucked his tongue and smiled. He sighed and took the half empty bottle of water, closing it and putting it away. He laid down and relaxed, just staring at the ceiling of the Mako. Her voice, her perfect curves, her intense blue eyes. They haunted his mind. It was like there was a splinter in his brain that just couldn't be removed.
Shepard couldn't get Yavas off her mind even after she fell asleep. He just seemed so wonderful. Tough yet playful. Well fit and ready for action. His scars, his voice, his perfect fit body. Everything about him seemed perfect and at first she thought Garrus was a dream boat, but now...she couldn't keep him out of her mind for a second. When she woke up the next morning she took a morning shower and got dressed to got down to CIC
Yavas eventually went to sleep. He slept deeply and quietly. His mind was filled with images of her. Rather lewd images of her. Needless to say, he woke up rather charged and ready for anything. He took a moment to relax and let his mind unwind. He got dressed in his armor and came back up to the main deck. He stood at one of the consoles. He typed quietly as he could detect the smell of her. It was more intense, she had gotten a shower. He turned to her and smiled gently. "Morning Shepard" he said with a smile.
Shepard was walking went she heard Yavas wish her a morning. "Oh morning Yavas." She smiled at him still feeling a bit tried still. She had a bad habit of not sleeping for days because she was so focused on the war that she would stay up for several days at a time and when she did sleep it was like she was in a coma. She tried to keep herself well rested, but old habits die hard
Yavas smiled as she said morning back. He could understand her feeling tired. War was hard on everyone. It was always recommended to let off steam. Whether it be sparing, drinking, or just screwing someone's brains out. You had to let off steam. He looked to her as she seemed like she hadn't had a good night sleep. "You look like you haven't had a good night's sleep in ages" he said.
Shepard shook her head and smiled at him after sighing. "This war has beaten the hell out of me these past years. I'm lucky if I can get myself to sleep these days. Those two years I've spent dead was the most sleep I've gotten since I became a Commander." She chuckled tiredly. "Don't worry about it. I'll be awake soon and maybe we can go on our first mission together." She normally had to force herself to wake up by the time she got to CIC so she wouldn't look dead by the time everyone saw her.
Yavas smiled gently as she sighed, saying she would be fine once they got to work. "Perhaps. Nothing like getting dropped into the shit to wake you up. That or to have a good fuck the night before" he said with a playful wink as he chuckled. "I'll let you deal with what you need to. I'll get back to work. From what I can tell, we have a Collector hot zone ahead. If you need my sniper, just give the word" he said with a chuckle. Yavas was a tremendous soldier. He made a better commando then a soldier. Stealth missions were his bread and butter thanks to his ghost armor.
Shepard chuckled at his comment and replied without any shame "To be honest I have had a nice screw in a long time. Maybe that's what I need." She teased playfully at him. Shepard didn't have any doubts about Yavas. The Illusive Man selected him for a reason and she was sure as hell as a Turian he was a hell of a soldier or whatever he liked to be called. "Don't get too comfortable Yavas cause I'm sure there will be a mission that I need your help with soon enough."
Yavas smiled and chuckled. "You know where to find me" he said with a chuckle and a wink. Yavas moved to another console and took a few notes. "While your here, I want to run something by you" he said. Yavas walked to her and smiled. "I think I've found a way to increase our long range scanner and also configure it to detect the Collectors before they can find us" he said. He looked up, hearing EDI pipe up. "Yavas is indeed correct. He can increase the long range sensors" he said. He looked to her and chuckled. "All I'll need is a turian sensor link and I can increase it's power" he said.
Shepard was happy to hear Yavas could add some improvements to the Normandy. While the Normandy was a mighty fine ship and one of the best stealth ships the alliance had to offer, it did lack on the defensive and offensive tactics since it had to be quickly rebuilt by Cerbrus fighting against a enemy they barely knew anything about. "That's great news Yavas that'll be a useful improvement. Where can we find a Turain sensor link? Can we just buy it or do we need to find one?" She asked curiously.
Yavas smiled as she seemed to like the specs. He smiled and chuckled as she asked where they could find a Turian Sensor Link. "I would imagine you could find one in any salvage yard. The better the quality, the better the signal" he said. Yavas smiled and observed her quietly. He smiled as he just took in her beautiful curves, the bounce in her step. He smiled and shivered. God he could only imagine seeing her naked.
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