Commander Shepard and The Bounty Hunter (FemShep and Mister Grimm)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
It's been 2 years since Commander Shepard's death. Two long years. Cerbrus had been working to bring her back from death after the Collectors attacked the Normandy. All had survived except for Shepard, she had put her life on the line to save her friends and died from it.

That's all Shepard has done. Sacrifice. It's all she's done in this damn war against the Reapers. But it seemed the choices she made were the good ones. She's saved Kadian, calmed Wrex down so she didn't have to loose his temper and cause him to be shot down, kept the Queen Rachni alive, saved the council. And if course, all these decisions had a price to pay. She's lost and gained many friends, but all her hard work was rewarded with death.

Not anymore. Cerbrus brought her back. She was alive with nothing changed. Same personality, same morals, same raven black hair and icy blue eyes. Unfortunately now she's forced to work for them and spent the first several days of her life recruiting her squad. Some new friends like Mordian, Thane , Jack, Samara and old friends like Garrus, Tali, and Joker. But there was one last man to recruit who went by the name: The Bounty Hunter
Yavas hid in a building with his customized M-29 Incisor locked and loaded. He watched his pray quietly, calculating everything from distance, to the speed of air distribution. He watched as his target came into clear sight, a Volus merchant named Han Dobus. He was wanted for supplying the Blood Pack with weapons when he was the Blue Suns supplier.

Yavas aimed and watched the 3 guards accompanying him. He aimed and fired quickly. The 3 guards dropped and Yavas gave a grin to himself. "Insects" he said. Yavas activated the jets in his ghost armor and dropped down to the ground.

Han dropped and coward in fear. "Please Palaven-Clan, don't kill me! I'm just a business man" he said in fear.

Yavas but his Mantis Pistol to the Volus's head. "If I'd wanted to kill you I would have done it along with the guards" he growled. Yavas grabbed the Volus and dragged him to the local bar, Afterlife. Yavas was a veteran of the First Contact War, something that was apparent by the Turian insignia on his arm that had been scratched out. He was by far one of the most effective bounty hunters in all the Terminus System. Maybe not the prettiest, but definitely one of the best.
EDI had informed Shepard that The Bounty Hunter was at Afterlife on Omega. No surprise really for someone named The Bounty Hunter, Omega sounded like his territory. She knew nothing about him since the Illusive Man loves to withheld information from her. Which bothered her greatly cause now she has to hope she could find this man amongst the thugs and gang members. She had Garrus and Kadian accompany her in case of trouble.

She immediately went to the only person on Omega who she could get help from in this forsaken hellhole. The Queen of Omega herself Aira
Yavas walked into the club with Han in hand. Yavas walked into a private region of the bar where his client, a Bataraian named Dol'ark, was waiting.

Dol'ark looked up and smiled seeing his turian 'gun-for-hire'. "Well, Janus, I didn't think you'd show up" he said smugly.

Before he had entered the room, Yavas had activated the suit's built in helmet and kept incognito. His name was Janus by clients but Yavas by friends and family. Yavas dropped the volus at the Batarian's feet and opened his hand. "The" he said, the helmet scrambling his voice.

The batarian chuckled. "See here's the thing..." he began.

Yavas pulled his pistol out and took aim on the batarian. "Now either you give me the credits we agree on or a put a bullet in you and then the volus" he said aggressively.

The batarian chuckled. "Alright" he said. The batarian typed a few buttons on his Omni-Tool and looked up. "Pleasure doing business with you" he said walking out.

He deactivated his helmet and took a seat at the bar, he ordered a drink and downed it. Yavas sat quietly, his drink in hand. He used his free hand and touched his scared face, his eye now blind. Sure he could get it fixed but he kind of liked it. He glanced to the entrance of the club as a turian and 2 other humans came in. They seemed to be working together, and the turian seemed in as bad of shape as he had been. As they approached he recognized the woman.

This was his contact. Well at least she was a beauty. Though he had served in the First Contact War, he had a fondness for human woman. He didn't quite know why, but something about them was appealing. "You must be the contact I was told would meet me" he said in a gruff tone. "I'm the bounty hunter your looking for" he added.
Just before Shepard, Garrus, or Kadian made it to Aria they were stopped by a Turian who looked to be in rough shape like Garrus was. Something about Turains and getting horribly injured seens like tradition for them. Something about this Turain fascinated Shepard. His scars and blind eye told a story behind each injury. Just like Shepard's scars told her story. Maybe that's why she's so fond of Turians either that or she just loves men with scars.

Seeing this Turian address himself as The Bounty Hunter she assumed it was him they were looking for. "Ah yes. The Illusive Man told me I could find you here. I'm Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy. I wasn't told much about you so I'm trusting that you're a good soldier then." She introduced herself holding out her hand to shake it formally
Yavas looked to this woman that stood before him. Long black hair, icy blue eyes, a few scars on her face, and a great figure. He mentally shivered but smiled a bit. It appeared like him, she was sizing him up. Smart. By the woman's armor, she was a member of the alliance. He wasn't to fond of the alliance but for a beautiful woman, he'd make an exception. He looked to her as she said her name was Shepard and she was from the Alliance. "Curious, the Illusive Man sent you but you are Alliance Navy. Guess things are getting out of hand in the Terminus System" he said with a chuckle. As she asked if he were a good soldier, he shook his head and took a drink of his alcohol. "I ain't a good soldier...." he began. He turned to her and gave her hand a firm shake. "But I'm a damn fine hunter" he said with a chuckle. Garrus seemed to approve of Yavas' attitude. At least that was one person that approved.
Shepard smiled and firmly grasped his hand shaking it formally. She already liked this Turian. He wasn't an asshole and seemed to know his place as in combat. She chuckled a little and replied "It's a long story. We're with Cerbrus for now, but I'm an Alliance soldier at heart." She eventually let go of his hand abnd asked "Well then now that we're acquainted, care to return to the Normandy or is there something else you need taken care of?" She had to ask. Every person she's recruited so far has some issue that needed solving, but really she didn't mind it at all.
Yavas had to admire her grip. A firm grip was always something he looked for. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled as she said she was an Alliance soldier at heart. He took his hand back and smiled as she asked if he wanted to return to the Normandy or if there was something else he needed to take care of. "Nope, let's go. My business is done here" he said. Yavas took another drink of the alcohol and put the glass down, standing up and following her through Omega towards the ship. He'd heard a great deal about Shepard. The Hero of the Citadel they called her. Defeated a Reaper even. Needless to say, it sounded like she knew how to have a good time.
The inside of the Normandy was busy as always. Cerbrus soldiers and even some ex Alliance soldiers roamed around doing what needed to be done. The CIC room was by far the busiest room for obvious reasons and now the Normandy's crew was complete wit h The Bounty Hunter as their newest addition. Once inside Garrus said he had to return to calibrating while Kadian had to practice to improve his L2 biotics. This left The Bounty Hunter and Shepard alone for the moment. She asked him "Did you want a tour of the Normandy? Oh by the way I never caught your real name or do you prefer me calling you The Bounty Hunter?" She asked with a smile
Yavas had to admire the ship. He liked Cerberus even less then Alliance but they made a damn fine ship. Yavas walked beside Shepard as she took the lead. He couldn't help but admire the way her hips swayed. He smiled as she asked him if he wanted a tour of the Normandy and then asked for his name. "You can call me Yavas. And if your offering a tour I'm more then happy to follow, not often I get a tour from such a seductive woman" he said with a turian grin. Like most turians, he had sharp teeth. It gave him a bit more of an animalistic look and the scars on his face only added to it.
For some reason Shepard always had an attraction to Turains. Their animalistic looks and scars just did something for her. Most people believe Humans and Turains were too different to be together romantically, but Shepard saw differently. Sure they had different DNAs and there were some health issues that came along with it, but it didn't matter what race you are as long as they loved each other. Hearing his comment masde her chuckle softly "Seductive? Careful there Yavas I might start thinking your flirting with me. But a tour I can definitely give you."

She showed him around even meeting some crew members on the way. She showed him each floor of the Normandy except for her cabin. Once on the last floor she turned to him to say "And that's it. If you need anything you can visit me in my cabin or the CIC room. Are there any questions?" She asked him
The turian grinned as she chuckled at his comment. "You just might be right" he said with a chuckle as he followed her through the ship. He had to admire the Normandy's weapons and had to give credit to Garrus. The two even agreed to brainstorm sometime on how to improve the weapon system. He smiled once they reached the last floor, smiling as she said if he needed anything he could visit her in her cabin or the CIC room. He thought for a moment. "Where exactly will I be staying? It seems like the boat is running out of space for crew members" he said with a chuckle. Ideally, he could sleep in the cargo bay but if there was an actual place for him to sleep and relax, he'd take it.
"You can stay where you feel the most comfortable at, but if you have trouble finding somewhere to stay just let me know. I know the ship is getting full so space will be an issue. If you absolutely need to you can stay in my cabin." She informed him. Normally she didn't like having to force someone to stay somewhere, but if it was necessary she would have to let him stay in her cabin with her
Yavas put one hand on his chin in an inquisitive manner, resting his elbow on the arm around his chest. The cargo hold would do but would he be comfortable. He had to balance to two out in his mind. As she suggested that if he couldn't find a place to stay that he could stay in her cabin. "Now who's flirting with whom?" he said with a grin. He chuckled and looked to her. "I appreciate the offer. Should I find nowhere to stay, I will gladly take you up on your offer, if I'm not imposing of course" he said with a gentle smile.
Shepard couldn't help, but smiling and rolled her eyes playfully. "I wouldn't be offering if you were imposing. I need my crew in the best shape possible so I need them to be comfortable and a place to sleep well. If that means it's my cabin then so be it. Just let me know if you find a place or if you need my place." She joked and gave him a smile before returning to the elevator to return to her cabin to take a shower and get some rest
Yavas smiled as she walked to the elevator, explaining she needed her crew in the best shape possible. He smiled and clicked his tongue, grinning at her playfully attitude. He smiled and walked to the glass, looking down on the cargo bay. He had equipment to keep in shape, an obstacle course of supplies and boxes. Not to mention plenty of space and vehicles to improve. What more could he ask for. He walked to the elevator and went down to the cargo bay, making his way towards the cargo bay. He talked to someone about getting a cot down in the cargo bay. They double it by giving him access to the downed Mako. Yavas set up and used the computer onboard, sending a message to Shepard's personal computer letting her know that he was in the cargo bay should she want to speak to him. Yavas stripped his weapons off his back and took his armor off, dawning something more casual.
Shepard had just finished showering when she got the message. She read the message and smiled a little to see he found a place to stay in the cargo bay. After getting dressed in her casual Cerbrus uniform she decided to check up om him and hopefully get to know more about him since she knew little to nothing about him. When she walked inside and saw him in a more casual outfit she walked up to him and asked "Well well. Looks like I won't have to share my cabin after all hmm?" She playfully said with a chuckle
Yavas was getting to his normal down time routine, grabbing a bar in the cargo hold and doing some pull-ups. Yavas kept in as best shape as he could, though finding a fat turian was difficult, they existed if you could believe that. He grunted and breathed slowly as he kept the workout going. He smiled as she came down and asked him if he'd be sharing her cabin. "Not unless you give me a reason beautiful" he said with a playful wink. Yavas brought his feet up, hooking them on the bar as he began to do hanging sit ups. "I appreciate you picking me up out of Omega, while I'm not a fan of the Illusive Man, he's paying me pretty well. Though if I had known I would be sharing this fine ship with such a woman I would have done it for free" he said with a chuckle and grunt as he kept the sit ups going, clearly in better shape then most human beings.
Shepard smiled and looked impressed at the Turian's work out. She worked out hard herself, but there was no way she could do upside down sit ups. Although she was in good shape herself and even having muscle she mostly used her powerful biotics. She walked over and leaned against the nearby wal. She chuckled at his flirts and find them actually flattering. Normally she wouldn't fall for such comments and flirts, but for some reason coming from a Turian like him just seemed okay. "Keep that up Yavas and you just might have a reason to be in my cabin." She teased playfully. "But watching you work out is both interesting and impressive. You're probably the most fit Turian I've seen yet." She chuckled watching him and keeping eyes contact
Yavas smiled back at her as she admired his workout. He kept the pace going, quietly counting as she leaned against a nearby wall. He laughed as she said if he kept it up he would have a reason to come to her cabin. "Well don't I feel all special" he said with a chuckle. Yavas did one last sit up and grabbed the bar, dropping down to the floor. He looked to her and smiled. "Well working in the Turian military for a good portion of my life has given me some habits, one of those keeping in shape. Though being a bounty hunter kind of requires a good work out" he said with a chuckle. Yavas rolled his shoulder and stretched a bit, feeling his back pop and his shoulder crack. He felt very loose and ready for anything.
Shepard smiled and stood up normally saw him look ready for anything. Hearing him having a long military history she found herself interested in hearing about it. "Really? What kind of military were you? Any good war stories?" She asked "I would tell you some of mine, but everyone pretty much knows them all. Not that I'm bragging about it." She smiled and walked to the middle of the open space of the room. "How about we have ourselves a little fight. Youu know to get to know each other." Her friendly smile turned more into a smug yet friendly grin
Yavas smiled as she looked up at him. He was a little taller but turians were usually tall. He chuckled as she asked what kind of military he was in. "I was in the Turian Navy but that was a long time ago" he said with a chuckle. His expression grew a little darker as she asked if he had any good war stories. "Not really, not all too happy with the Relay 314 Incident. I have that to thank for this" he said pointing to his scar. He noticed her walk to the middle of the room and suggest they spar. "If you wanted to dance we could have done it without throwing punches, but I suppose it's for the best since I can't dance" he said with a laugh. Yavas walked to her and rolled his neck and shoulders. "If you were in the turian navy, you'd fit right in on a suicide mission" he said with a chuckle as he raised his fists to block any punches to his chin. He had a height advantage and had reach, she was quicker on her feet and no doubt more flexible.
((How's that for a ME2 reference ;) ))
(XD very nice)

Shepard frowned a little knowing excatly what it feels like to have unhappy war stories. While most of hers so far were adventurous she still lost friends in this damn war. Worst of all she felt responsible for them. Ashley's death won't be an easy one to get over, but it was her or Kadian and she chose Kadian. She didn't know how she chose over the two, her closest friends besides Joker and Garrus. But it was eitjher lost one or both. She shook her head to forget the bad memory and focus on what was happening now. Shepard chuckled when Yavas mentioned he wasn't a good dancer and replied "I couldn't dance to save my life, but to kick a Turian's ass. That I cab do." She taunted playfully. "The Turian Navy? Hell I've been told I have a bigger quad then Krogans which I can assure you biologically I don't." She chuckled and held her fists up to cover her chin and chest in a more defensive stance and got ready for the first blow.
Yavas watched as she frowned. All soldiers had an unhappy war story. Yavas was a member of the 26th Armiger Legion, specializing in front line combat and stealth. Yavas had lost friends and gained allies, he'd made just as many enemies as he had friends. He had made a name for himself in the Turian Military. He was a skilled hand to hand combatant. He grinned as she commented that she wasn't a good dancer either, she could however kick a turian's ass. "Where I come from, those are fighting words" he said with a grin. Yavas began to bounce a bit, moving in a circle around her as she said she had been told she had a bigger quad then Krogan. "Oh you got them, they just grow out of your chest" he said with a wink. Yavas tensed a muscle in his left arm, moving it forward a bit. When she seemed to anticipate a blow to the left side, he switched it up and threw a right hook.
She smirked at his comment about her chest. "Be careful what you say Yavas. With that kind of flattery I think you'd be trying to get in my cabin for less professional reasons." She almost fell for the fake attempt to hit her and quickly blocked his attack coming from the right. "Hmph trying to trick me Yavas?" She smirked and used her free arm to attempt to punch his face.
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