Sugar & Spice. { Dementia & Jugger82 }


Jan 3, 2013
"Are you fucking kidding me? Another one?!" Panty yelled over the roaring wind. They, Panty, Stocking, and Chuck were in their hot pink car, driving way to fast for Stocking's liking down the highway. Ahead of them was a large ghost that seemed to be smashing everything in it's path. Stocking merely laughs, punching Chuck away from her desert.

"Of course, Panty. We don't get any day off!" She says, standing. The ghost didn't see them yet but Stocking didn't plan on waiting. She slips her stocking off and waits for it to transform, hopping atop the car roof. "Come on, Panty! A little closer." Panty casually throws back a fuck you before speeding up. Once within a safe distance to Stocking's liking, she hops off the hood and takes two giant swings at the ghost, it panning out to watch explode.

Stocking snatches the two Ghost Coins and grins. "Well, that was a bit easier than expected. Panty had only noticed the men surrounding her car and she just happened to take a group into an alley way. Soon all Stocking heard were her erotic moans. "When the hell is she gonna learn how gross that is?" She huffs, shoving a lollipop in her mouth.
"Yes...Gross." Came a voice from behind Stocking. A blue haired looking fellow was standing there, glaring into the alley. He could see nothing but he could definitely hear what all was going on in there. "Excuse me, Stocking...but allow me to introduce myself." He stepped back and grinned as his own angel wings spread from his back to show his proof of what he would say. "My name is Glove...I've come to be your judge. You and your sister, Panty. I've come from the heavens above to judge you two for one whole see if you are both fit for rejoining us up in heaven. Though...IF...You cannot succeed, well...The three of us, myself included, are stuck here on earth as mortals without our Holy powers.

He smiled and showed his gloves, which suddenly turned his hand into a spiked ball...then a boxing glove...then fireballs. "My ability is that my gloves can turn into whatever I want them to..." His hands then became swords that protruded from his wrists...then a handcannon...then back to his normal hand. "I'm to assist the two of you while I judge you. You may collect these Ghost coins...They will only aid in your returning to heaven, yet if you are too full of sin...Well, you should already know." His wings would finally retract back into his body. "Now then...Shall we get your sister and return to your home? I'm to stay with you as well."
Panty came walking from the alley, flipping her golden blonde hair. "So let me get this straight, mitten boy. You want to hang out at our house, eat our food, and stalk us 24/7?" She states. Her and Stocking look at each other for a moment before they start completely laughing, tilting their heads back and holding each other up. Panty wipes a tear from her eye and kicks the giggling Chuck into oblivion.

"I'll only let you stay if you don't touch my sweets," Stocking pouts, fluffing her skirt dress. She slips her stocking back up her leg, bending over and diligently sliding it on. She slips her shoe on afterward, perfectly executing a hairflip. Panty only grins at the male.

"You chill with us..then you got to relax a bit. I could certainly handle that," she smirks and hops into their car, Stocking following and Chuck somehow appearing in the backseat. "Well, come on, Mittens. Let's go!" She calls, waving her hand as to hurry him up. She then murmurs to Stocking. "Before noon he'll be my bitch." The pair laugh and lean into their seats.
"Of course...No touching your sweets...Gluttony is a sin you know. Its fine to indulge yourself once in a while but don't overdo it, Angel Stocking." Nathan replied with a smile, and then looked to Panty and frowned at her demeanor over everything. "Right...Lets get going then." He walked over to their car and sat in the backseat next to Chuck, obviously creeped out by the little doll-like dog. "Is this a...Pet...of yours? What in the Lord's name is this thing?" He tugged on Chuck's zipper, and accidentally undid it, causing the fluff to fly out of the little guy. Nathan nearly turned white from the shock, but decided to ignore it. "Head on...I know you two live in a Church. A perfect place to live for an Angel of Heaven...even if you've been cast down here for a good reason. The reports I hear about the two of you are most...unsettling, to say the least."
"Your face is sin," She mocks, taking a chomp at her lollipop. She snaps her chair back, making it crush the fellow angels legs as she lies back. Panty only giggles. "It's really the cheapest place we could find. Plus Garterbelt pays for it so," She shrugs, thinking of the guy. Chuck makes his usual noises as he shoves all his fluff inside himself and runs around the floor board of the car. Stocking looks up at the male.

"Glove? That's real original," she states, raising a perfect eyebrow. Her bangs fall unevenly on her forehead and she doesn't bother fixing them. "I don't see why we're being monitored. We do our job." She states, licking at the candy on a stick before plopping it back in her mouth. Stocking pouts a bit and her sister pinches her cheek in a very teasing manner.

"Don't worry, dear sister..~" She grins, speeding into the driveway before slamming on the breaks. She hops out not long after, yanking the car keys from the ignition and running inside. Stocking hops out as well, not bothering to lift the seat as she moves into the church, ignoring Garterbelts cries for attention, and goes up to her room.

Nathan grunted as he felt her legs being crushed by the chair as Stocking pulled it back onto him. He tried his best not to say something and just sat there as the two of them bickered at one another and to himself as well. He stayed silent until they arrived at the church. When Stocking didn't pull up her seat, Glove grew even more annoyed with the sisters and how they treated their judge. He tried his best to reach forward to pull the seat's lever to put it up, and finally did after he strained his body enough. He walked in, greeted himself to Garterbelt, and headed upstairs. "You two have a lot of nerve treating me like this. I am your judge! If you aren't angel material, they WILL tear your powers away from you! That means immortality and an non-aging body!" He frowned and looked to Stocking. "You would become fat and plump from all the sweets you eat! And Panty, you would become old and ugly! Bags and wrinkles, not to mention your body will look like the body of some cheap brothel whore. You two should be taking this seriously!"
"But that isn't going to happen. Because if we lose ours, you lose yours, right?" Stockings offers, shoving a piece of cake in her mouth. Panty snickers. "So. You'd being screwing yourself over by screwing us over. And neither of us want that. Plus, I enjoy destroying ghosts and being on Earth," Stocking continues, having stripped from her earlier dress. She was now in shorts and a revealing tank top.

Panty was in boxers and a t-shirt, having grown a bit more relaxed since arriving at home. "Plus, we can show you how fun Earth is," She smiles at him, grabbing a diet drink and moving into the other room to watch TV. Stocking only shrugged at Glove.

"It isn't that bad," she states. "I work out sometimes anyway. No biggie. But honestly, think before you blow up, Mittens." She smiles honestly, moving into the other room to sit with her sister and eat her cake happily.
"You don't seem to understand the gravity of the matter here. I am forced to judge you two based on how you react. My own well being is of no matter. Thats what I decided when I took this job. Whether or not I get into heaven or get stuck on earth is a trivial matter that I don't care about. Besides...even if I judge falsely, those of higher rank will soon find out and I'll be eradicated for my sin." He shook his head. "And if you two are stuck on earth, you lose your POWERS as well! No weapons or magical abilities! You'll just be two normal girls and you can DIE like two normal girls! Any enemies you've made here on Earth will be able to kill you, and you won't have the means of protecting yourself." He tried not to gaze into the beautiful womens' revealing outfits, though it was sort of obvious that he was trying not to peek. "Please tell me you don't think everything is going to work out in the end if you keep going as you are now."
Panty had fallen asleep since he began talking, but Stocking seemed genuinely interested. She stood and sat her cake down, Chuck immediately eating it. She takes Glove by the waist and moves him into the room of worship to speak with him. She hops atop a pew, walking across it to keep her balance.

"I know Panty isn't gonna change but she'll look out for me if it involves my safety. So, explain tone how we better ourselves? I don't plan on doing anything different so," she turns, shaking her hips with the movement. Her breasts bounced with the turn, her hair gently swishing. She looks over him, wondering if she was acting like Panty when she wondered if he had gotten laid yet. She giggles to herself, pulling up her stockings.
Glove frowned as he felt her take him by the waist and lead him out to the main room of the church. As she began to explain herself and her reasoning, he shook his head. "Your sister will only be able to keep you safe from common thugs. She wouldn't be able to keep you safe from a ghost or demon unless you flee." He sat down on a chair and watched as she continued to move about the pew. "What you could do differently is stop eating so many sweets. I am not saying you should stop eating it in general...but gluttony and having your food be your whole way of life is a sin. As well as how you and your sister present yourselves...Lust fills many with lewd thoughts, even an angel such as myself. You'll fill others with sin...Gah...Look...I don't know how to explain it. But stop causing so much trouble with the world while you live here. There is a reason why you're known as a troublesome duo."
"I couldn't fill a man's thoughts with anything, don't make me laugh. Panty is the scandalous one," She turns again, her backside facing him. The bottom of each rear cheek was visible as she hopped from pew to pew. In the far corner there was a large stack of Ghost Coins, from previous ghosts. She looks at them and shrugs. "We do this town a favor. If that mean sinning, so be it. I'm keeping people safe," She says, hopping across the rows of pews, her hair floating up. In the moonlight that leaked through, it almost alluminated her wings and halo, even if she wasn't transformed.

Panty was already making booty calls in her room upstairs, doing many men before the night was over as well as being quiet about it. Stocking decided to just hang out with that male as if to butter him up.
"You...Have a point." He replied. "An angel's duty is to protect and serve mankind. You may be sinning but you're doing it for good..." He murmured and looked to the stack of Ghost Coins in the corner. "Hm...Perhaps you all won't stay down on Earth...but nonetheless...A whole year is a whole year, Stocking. You just have to be careful to not ruin it for all three of us." He stood up and stretched a bit, trying not to look at her butt as she jumped from pew to pew. "Stocking...Why are you doing that? It can't be THAT fun, could it?" Glove walked over to the pew she was standing on and looked up, but then immediately looked away as his view was more lewd than he thought it would be.
"It's actually very entertaining," She giggles, looking down at his flustered face. She crouches down beside him, her purple eyes looking over him. "Why do you ask, Glove?" His name rolled off her tongue almost like a prayer. She tilts her head, her purple locks falling over a shoulder. She listened to him carefully before choosing her next words. "I will do what I have too. If it screws me over. So be it," she states softly, looking down. The halo shape glistened brightly at this, her wings becoming more vibrant in the light.
"Hmph...You words are sincere. I guess so far those in heaven have only seen what you've done, and not really felt your true intentions for what you do." He sighed. "If you're stuck here, might as well have fun with your job, right?" He looked up to her, eyes on hers and not on her body as he spoke. "Alright...I believe you with what you say. But you'd better stick true to that during the entire year. Now would you get down from there, Stocking? I need help finding my room...if there IS a spare room anyway." He replied and turned to walk off toward the staircase. "If not, then perhaps the attic? I am fine in there as well."
She hops down and runs after him, directing him upstairs and past Panty's moan filled room and into her own. "We don't have a spare room but I have a spare bed," she states, kicking Chuck off and out of her room. She dusts off the clean sheets and fluffs a pillow before moving to herside of the room. She hops atop her bed, waiting for him to be settled before stripping down to her underclothes and crawling under the sheets. She then turns off the lights and curls up against her pillow. "By the way, we usually sleep in, the ghosts don't come out until the evening usually anyway," she yawns over to him, closing her eyes.
"Hm...Alright...I trust you enough to not do anything to me while I sleep, Stocking. But your sister...well..." He motioned toward the room where moans were being created from. "I think she'd rape me in my sleep...Tch...How could she do something like that in a house of God?" He sighed and shook his head, and laid down onto the bed. "I think I will get some sleep then, Stocking. It was an arduous trip down here from heaven and then me having to find you all...I don't think I'd have been able to find you if it weren't for that Ghost attacking." He shrugged and curled up in his bed, closing his eyes and relaxed, though did not sleep.
"She's too occupied," she says softly before passing out. Over the next couple ours the loli goth slept soundly, occasionally tossing and turning, small moans leaving her lips as well. She finally rolls out of bed to shower, coming back naked as she always did. She hadn't realized she was naked at all as she started her make up or fixing her hair, having forgotten about the male in her room. panty had already left to go do some errands. She wouldn't be back until late.
Glove hadn't been able to sleep at all. When he was about to sleep, all he heard were the moans of the goth girl that was in the same room as himself, and he kept trying to block out the noise and not let lewd thoughts enter his mind. When she left, he was glad...but heard the shower. 'At least she'll be awake and stop doing whatever it was she was doing...' He thought in his head, and sat up, unable to stretch. He picked Chuck up and began to toss the weird doll creature in the air over and over again, and then noticed Stocking suddenly come out of the bathroom naked. " you always show up naked when a man's in the room? Or is that just your sister?"
She turns slowly, giving a full view by accident. She was still half-asleep so it took her a moment to process his words. "Sorry," she mutters, slipping on a very lacy pair of bra and panties. She then tugged on a short dress and her usual stocking before returning to her routine. She pats her leg and Chuck nearly tripped over himself as he came running. She would drop a cookie in his mouth, enjoying his happy squeals. Stocking would smile to herself before brushing through her hair, humming a bit.
"Its not helping." He murmured when he saw her bra and panties and how skimpy they were. He stood up, and headed out. "I'm going for a walk...see what D-City has to offer me." He replied, and headed out of the Church and out to the city. He wondered what human life had been like. He'd been gone for a long time...though that did not mean he was so alienated from the world. "What to do...what to do..." He wondered as he walked through the bustling streets of Danten City.
She waves bye before picking up Chuck and heading downstairs to laze about, idly talking to Garterbelt about occasional things. She didn't think twice about the male that had left. And G kept going off about bills to pay. "Just go stick Panty on a corner and you'll be good for a couple years," she huffs, picking at a slice of cake.

Panty happened to be at her daily job actually, an escort in a love hotel. She got everything she wanted, customers were happy, and she got a paycheck for having sex. She was thrilled with this idea, her moans always as loud as her partners. She was bow the billboard model, her mouth a vexen for the men that arrived specifically asking for her.
When Glove somehow got mixed up in the 'darker' side of town, he could see nothing but posters advertising Panty. "Thats stupid Angel..." He murmured as he followed the directions and found the love hotel that she worked at. He headed inside, and looked around, glaring as he walked over to a manager. "Where is Panty...she...Owes me something." His eyes began to flash a small tinge of red as his gloves suddenly turned into fireballs. "You wouldn't want me to get angry..." With that, the manager pointed him in the right direction, and Glove proceeded down to the room that she was in. He kicked open the door and glared at Panty. "What do you think you're doing, girl! Jeez! Have some shame you harlot!"
She turns, having been taking the day off. She waves him off, the female brushing her blonde hair. "I make men happy. What's wrong with that?" She asks. Due to being an angel, her body ne'er wore out and kept it's young vitality. Hell, this Glove boy could probably rock her world and she'd be as tight as a virgin immediately after. She sits on the bed, her creamy skin in view as she was only wearing a robe. She looks over at him. "Well don't just stand there. Might as well shut the door and get your hour in so I get paid," She says as she flips through a magazine.
"You'd think I would indulge myself in Lust? You should be ashamed of yourself, girl! Loving the temptation you bring men only to satisfy your own needs. Many of the men you sleep with, possibly already affiliated with another woman and going behind her back to your body! How horrid." He shook his head. "As far as I'm concerned, you'll be the only one left behind...As things are already, I think Stocking is the only one that is going to be able to get back into Heaven, leaving your dirty body here on Earth until you're used up." He glared at her. "Put some clothes on!" His face was a bright red from blushing from embarrassment the entire time he was ranting at her, his pants showing how aroused he was as he was erect while he gave her that small speech.
Panty stands and moves in front of him. Her voice was low but she spoke as she lowered herself in front of him, licking at his erection through his tight pants. "You speak of how filthy I am..but you're so aroused," she purrs, pulling the zipper down with her teeth and kissing his barely clothed erection through his boxers. She reaches in, even if he shouting at her to stop, and pulls his erection out for her to see. "Going in," she grins, downing his whole erection and holding herself there, then she begins bobbing her head on him, drenching his cock with her spit and enjoying the amazing taste of a fellow angel. He was yummy, and sucking on him now only made her horny as well. She drug her tongue around the underside of his erection, teasing the tip. She didn't allow for him to push her away, knowing her mouth would've made him stop to enjoy the gorgeous woman blowing his world right now.
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