The Alliance ~{Raeona and Jugger}~

The Village Hidden in the Snow, a newly formed village originating from a small group of refugees, wanderers, orphans, and others having came together with a goal in mind: To live life peacefully in the quietness of the snow. Though the Snow Village is one of the newer villages, it thrives to become a major part of the nation. And this alliance between the Village Hidden in the Sand and the Village Hidden in the Leaves would help their publicity in the entire country. Nathan Stone had been in the Village of Snow for as long as he could remember, though he was not originally from here, like most of its population. He stands outside of the primitive village's front gate, clad in light clothing as the snow and the temperature was nothing for a ninja like himself. He waits for the two representatives from the Village of Sand and Leaves to meet him, so they could assist the Village of Snow's bandit problem....
It wouldn't be too long before Hinata and Temari showed up, both walking side by side. The trip had been long, but they'd managed to keep up a light conversation to pass the time. They were both there as representatives due to Temari's importance to her village to show their strength, and Hinata's unique clan ability. Soon, they saw the third representative and made their way to him. Temari smirked and put one hand on her hip. "You must be Nathan. I'm Temari, and this is Hinata" She said, pointing towards the timid raven haired girl.
"Good...You're finally here. I hope the cold temperature won't be a problem for the two of you, because you may be here for a while. Our first mission is to help get rid of the bandits that've plagued the area...They've been causing the village trouble to the point where we can't even go out and hunt for our food anymore without suffering a casualty or two, or coming back completely empty handed with some injuries sustained. We're to act as a hunting party, nothing more. If we're ambushed, we spring the trap and attack. We don't kill on this mission...We need to keep them alive and 'convince' them to tell us where the rest of the assholes are hiding out." He looked the two of them up and down and shook his head. "You may need to get changed into something more...native to our Village, if you want to pass as some of us. Come, I'll show you around." With that, Nathan turned and headed out into the village's largest tailor market.
Both girls nodded and followed him into the village. Temari looked around curiously as they went through the village while Hinata kept her eyes on her feet. She wasn't good with new people or places, so she was glad that Temari was a lot more outgoing and confident. Temari was always eager to learn new things, and the fact she'd never been here was interesting to her.
Once they had came to the tailor, Nathan had them outfitted in heavier outfits made of wool to keep them warm. "Its not like what you're used to. Its actually thicker than wood yet as soft as a lamb." He laughed lightly. "This is the sort of clothing newcomers need to wear. If you've lived in this village most of your life like I have, you get used to the cold to the point that it feels like normal temperature and you can wear light clothing...not to mention I AM in my element, ice." He smiled. "Now then...I think you two need a place to stay if you're going to be here for a while, yes? I've already prepared some rooms at my place since we're kind of strapped for room at the moment." He turned, and led the two of them toward the house he lived in. "So...Any questions so far?"
Temari followed along, glancing over her new outfit. It wasn't really her style, but at least it would keep her warm. Hinata was quite content, not minding the style of it. As he mentioned the room at his place, Hinata squirmed a bit at the idea, but said nothing. Temari shrugged and yawned as she stretched her arms into the air. "Nope, everything sounds perfectly fine to me"
He nodded towards the girl with four small pins from her hair and then looked toward Hinata. "And you?" He suddenly stopped and looked a bit shocked. He stepped a bit closer and began to peer into her eyes, examining them closely. "What...Kind of contacts are these? Your entire pupil is...a pupil! Where's your iris at?" He murmured and stepped back. "Are you one of those blind Ninja I've heard about? Blind but able to listen to their surroundings to simulate their own kind of 'vision'?"
"I-I'm not blind, and they aren't contacts" She said shyly, hesitantly glancing away from him as a small blush crossed her cheeks. "It's a clan ability I have." She said before going on to explain how she can see chakra points and see everything around her while looking at one spot
"Interesting...A clan ability eh? I've heard of em better I've never seen one up close before..." He stepped back and smiled. "Well, its good to know we've got someone as powerful as a Clan member with an ability to be part of our squad for the next few missions we'll have. Anyway...if the two of you are tired, you can go ahead and rest. Tomorrow we are to go after the bandits by posing as the hunters. Got it?"
"Yes, thank you. We'll meet up tomorrow then" Temari said, nodding to him and sighing. "We would like rest for sure" She said, glancing over towards Hinata to see her nervously nod her head. They had traveled far, and although they were trained to be able to endure it, extra rest would certainly be welcome. The coming mission could take a while if they had troubles, even though Temari didn't see there being any.
He nodded. "Alright...Let me show you two to your room. I hope you don't mind sharing a room together, though you'll have different beds." He replied and went toward his home's guest house in the back. It was smaller, a one-room little hut that he allowed guests and travelers to rest in for the time being. After opening the door, he'd help the two of them in before closing it behind the three of them. They'd immediately be filled with warm air. "This hut's got its own heating system so you won't have to wear bulky clothes when you go to sleep. But keep the door point in wasting the heat to melt the snow outside y'know?"
Temari smiled and nodded as he spoke. "Sounds great, thanks!" She said with a smirk. Hinata was smiling happily, the warmth being very welcome to her. Taking a deep breath, she glanced around and sighed happily, sitting herself down on one of the beds. Temari crossed her arms and smiled slightly. "Alrighty, so, when are we getting together tomorrow then?"
"Sometime in the mid afternoon when most of us go out hunting. It'll also be dark enough to ambush us, yet bright enough for us to see them and vice versa." He replied and laid down on his own bed. "We should get some sleep the morning, we'll awaken and I'll show you around the town some more and see what you two can really do." He chuckled lightly.
Temari smirked and nodded. "Alright, well, we'll catch you later then" She said, waiting for him to leave before she shut the door. The girls got themselves ready for bed and crawled into bed, both quickly falling asleep. When morning came, they got ready and headed out to meet up for the little 'tour' he'd mentioned earlier.
"Ah...Good. Glad to see the two of you made it on time. Glad you know when to wake up. Anywho..." He stretched and yawned a bit, obviously showing that he had recently awakened from his slumber as well not a few minutes ago. "Now then...I think we should go see the armorer if you need a tune up on your weapons or anything. Or we can go and pick up some supplies...We can't do both, however. Something came up and we need to head out now."
Temari slowly nodded and frowned slightly. "Supplies, our weaponry was tuned up before we left just in case" She said, glancing over to Hinata "You did do that right?" She asked, making sure. The girl shyly nodded her head and lowered her eyes "Yeah, I did" She said softly. Temari nodded and glanced up at him again. "What came up by the way?" She asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.
"Some scouts reported a large gathering of bandits. We fear they may decide to just attack the village for supplies, and with what little firepower and manpower we have at the moment, we may not be able to keep the casualties to none. They want the three of us to go out and intercept them, hoping to thin out their numbers as the rest of the villagers stay at the ready for any bandits." He explained as they proceeded down toward the item shop. "I think I should get some dagger bombs...They may come in handy for a surprise attack."
Temari slowly nodded her head as he explained the situation. It seemed strange, but she supposed it was good that her and Hinata had arrived when they did. "Well, sounds good to me. Maybe we could even weaken them enough to get them to abort their plans" She said softly as they reached the store and stepped inside. Hinata split up from the group and went about to gather a few extra supplies just in case, including a couple extra kunai just in case, and some basics like bandages just in case something happened.
"She doesn't talk much, does she?" Nathan replied to Temari as he watched Hinata off. "For a clan member...she doesn't seem so high and mighty or even talkative for that matter. Is she a good fighter? She has to be....right? I mean she's the Leaf Village's representative for our group." He frowned and crossed his arms. "You're like the opposite of her. You've been talking this whole time and you show obvious confidence in yourself, and aren't shy around others."
Temari glanced over to Hinata and bit her lip slightly. "Yeah... She's really shy. It's hard to get her to talk unless you talk to her directly" She explained before she sighed softly and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "But she can fight for sure, don't you worry about that" She said, smiling over to him and shrugging her shoulders slightly, putting a hand on her hip. "You could always go talk to her, break through that awkward nervousness she has"
"Somehow I feel breaking that ice would be difficult, even for a polar bear, Temari." He replied to the matter of talking to Hinata. "But hm..." He looked her up and down, liking her figure. "I'm certain that both of you must have a suitor back at your home? A guy to go back to that'll be there for you, right? I mean both of you obviously have the body and appearance to be able to get any guy you want."
Temari smirked and shook her head. "She certainly doesn't. She likes someone, but he doesn't really know she exists" She said, sighing softly and shaking her head. "She deserves better, he's one dense kid."
"No shit? Not to be some pig, but most guys would drool after a girl who could hide weapons in her cleavage among other things." He laughed lightly. "And what about you, Temari? Got anyone for yourself that you could call yours?"
Temari chuckled and shrugged "Not really, not a huge guy gal. I don't need one, though I'm not closed off to the idea I suppose" She said passively, moving to buy the couple of things she'd picked up from the shop. Hinata wasn't too far behind, paying for her stuff, mainly medical things.
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