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Fellowship Of Forodwaith - LotR Group RP OOC

I didn't start RPing until I was 15 and I started on gaia in the fishing rooms. My responses were a lot like yours ><;;
...Quite possible worse ._.,

For awhile I went between PM's and IM's. It took me a long time to go into threads honestly. Once I did...I discarded PM / IM RP's with an impatient flick of my wrist x3. But I didn't actually start improving until I joined BMR 2 years ago. Between the people here and the books I'm fairly content with where I'm at.

Not happy mind you, just content. I still worry unduly about how well received my posts will be. I always fear I'll be a bit....disappointing.
Wrinkles her nose
My teachers really just ignored me.

My fascination is with the ancient world. With the dead cultures and ancient myths of an era long past. That's where my interests lie.

I really just don't understand the world around me. It confuses me, I've never really been able to understand it. I understand enough to survive...but thats it. I've never understood peoples fascination with certain things....nor their reactions...their thoughts,'s all...incredibly foreign to me. So I lose myself in my RP's and my books and try to ignore the world that I'll never understand.

In fact...the more experience of the world I get and the older I get...the less I understand it. I have some very odd notions.
I used to do only IMs and sometimes threads. Now I find myself usually opposite, preferring threads over IMs. Though I think I'd have to give part of the credit to that due to my HTML and being able to make nice posts. That's maybe one of the few things I still do on Gaia from time to time. I log and go edit chat layouts I've made for canons.

Like these sort of things for example.

Frowns as looks at them again, chuckling softly.

One of these days, I probably should figure a way to make them better. They seem ... meh. But I've always been my own worst critic too.

Nods in understanding

Yeah, I was afraid of seeming inferior with my posting in general when I joined. I've seen everyone else here and most of the posts from you all are definitely better, usually, than my own.

xD Mine probably would have ... if my parents didn't ensure I always went to private schools each year.

Ohh yes, history was always one (and still is to some extents) favorite subjects, especially mingled in with mythology.

I don't either so don't worry. Sometimes, I'd give anything to move out of this nation, honestly.

Some of the things that are said or happen are just so very mortifying.

Yeah, it probably sounds a bit anti-patriotic but .. it's true in it's own ways. We talk so highly of ourselves, thinking we're flawless. But the problem is .... that's not true. It's like America's in a major state of denial and with certain issues, it's even more annoying.

But moving is too damn costly ... so I just ignore (try to, anyways) the people and things that make me want to punch them and concentrate on the more positive ones.
I actually only RP in threads anymore.
I don't even RP on gaia >.o;
Ever since encountering clarky....I just quit...I gave up at that point..

[Just to clear confusion I'll show you what clarky is....]

I suppose a bit of an explanation should ensue..
The main people that are concerned in this post ::

Murcielago :: Son of god and the devil [god-modder extraordinaire]
Clarky :: Essence of light
Nolie :: Light fairy.

Mucielago has gone on a rampage and has knocked nollie out. Here is Clarkies post [literally...copied right from the RP. It should be noted that the name in the quote isn't anyone one from BMR and isn't the name of the user on gaia either]

Clarky said:

Clarky sees the helpless Nollie fall onto the floor.
being completely ignored clarky yelled out...
LIGHT COUNTERS DARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ill show you the true power of light!!!!!

Thats also...his longest post. Also the one with the least amount of text speak...
So yeah, after that I just....left.

I went to a lot of public schools in poor neighborhoods. Either that or school on a military base which wasn't much of an improvement.

I adore mythology. It's one of my favorite subjects. Sadly I haven't really looked into it in a number of years so I'm quite rusty >.<;

It's not even this nation....but the world as a whole. I don't really feel like I belong in this time....then again...I don't really feel like I'm wholly connected to this period in time. It's like part of me was meant to be here...but larger part...should have been born in another era...
Shrugs a little

I suppose...a lot of people feel like that though.
Sneaks out from a shower and reads the post, glancing at Clarky's post


Snickers, chuckles as nods

Yeah, stupidity like that made me leave also. No worries, I completely understand.

Despite not having done friendly reminders to myself, I still recall most names and domains, especially from Greek, Roman and Egyptian mythologies. Those are hands down my favorites though with how much I'm finding myself loving Japanese culture, I should probably do more research of their names and such. I need to remind myself of others ... at some point in time.

Hm, yeah. I do see now that you expand more. Though it seems worst when you - well, I at any rate - focus more upon just America. But yeah, the entire world is in a rather confusing state, true.

They probably do, yes. I know for sure aside from me, Veinexes does. So you're not alone in your thoughts, no.
Hey all,

Looks like I missed some deep conversation, but please don't ask me to rehash my teenage rp'ing efforts which were over a decade ago! After a long hiatus, I stumbled upon BM and found it a lot more fun to than the crap I used to do!

@kara -> I think it would be great fun for Vaemyr to be pompous and condescending to Teemu! I see the potential for a friendship after a rough start ala Gimli/Legolas. Teemu teaches Vaemyr how to hunt (animals not virgin maidens in court ;P ) and Vaemyr teaches Teemu how to ride a horse, etc. I personally think its great if there is some awkward tension and they get forced together somehow.

I do think the Forochel as described is a tough landscape, so they'll need a guide that can help them survive and Teemu might be incented to join them if he runs into trouble with the other Lossoth that don't like his Suri-Maja background.

Same goes for the other characters. I think culture clash is always delicious to play out and Teemu will certainly grow to broaden his perspective if others do as well, but I'm going to play him as fairly stubbornly set in his traditional view of the world for now. I'm sure the other characters all will assume he's some primitive savage so it'll cut both ways! Imagine how he'll feel if Celeste outshoots him...

Also returns from a shower

Yeah between him and the god-modder I felt thoroughly disgusted. Before leaving the RP though I destroyed it. It was a small satisfaction. =p

My interest in the matters actually originated with my fascination of the Egyptian culture. It wasn't even the mythology aspect of it, I just found Ancient Egypt utterly fascinating....eventually I got into the mythology portion of it...and in the later years there was a lot of Roman influence and since the bastards stole heavily from greek I sort of jumped to it. After that I found I loved Mythology.

Ah Japanese....they have a confusing and thoroughly convoluted mythology. They have a deity for everything. More so than other cultures. And their myths are far more twisted and twining than just about anybody elses. x.x;
Spend years unraveling that knot >.<;

America is bad, sure. And we are declining still but the world as a whole is in decline. Still living here, it will always seem worse.

I'm about as white as white can be. I'm a heritage of angry white people with a dash of angry Native Americans.


Prince ::
Grins wickedly

Aye, there is that. But what you described was far different than what I had in mind. I was trying to avoid him becoming a character who was in essence a blase type. I didn't want to make it seem like he was heedless of any dangers from other characters. Like he'd seen everything, done everything and was therefore uninterested in offending Teemu because he didn't think he'd cause Vaemyr a single problem.

However, I do see a potential Gimli / Legolas relationship. Tehe. I'm sure there is a lot about hunting that Teemu could teach Vaemyr. And when they encounter Orcs and other such things, Vaemyr could keep Teemu from getting killed ;D. Naw, I'm sure he'll fight fine but Vaemyr could probably help make it easier lol. But Vaemyr by nature is a cautious man. He's also a man who believe in respecting those around him, so I tried to keep that in mind when writing the post.
Smirks lightly

I hope you do expect and realize, Prince, Celeste is very likely to outshoot him. Her age and amount of years she's had that will definitely help. I can say though in melee, he'll more likely win with his spear as she hasn't used her dagger against a human or actual person before, if that helps. So in a way, it'll tie them up (not quite literally yet but hey, who knows? =P).
@kara - Got it! I thought from your earlier post you were trying to tone down Vaemyr to avoid an instant clash. That's fine, I'm sure they'll get off to the wrong foot anyway and have a nice potential for growth.

@Yuna - I'm definitely assuming she'll be the better shot and have a better bow. Teemu's is really a short range hunting weapon. His manhood will take a hit!
It's going to be fabulous watching this group grow and interact. Quite frankly, I'm quite ecstatic for the culture clash. It adds so much depth to the overall arc and any side arcs we wish to add and develop. So far everyone is doing beautifully and I can't wait to see even more unfold. Truly, I'm grateful for such a wonderful group! :)
DA - reading your earlier posts, I'm going to play Teemu as superstitious and fearful of change regarding the curse. Perhaps the Suri-Maja in particular believe that if the foreigners left their lands completely, the curse might go away? I was thinking of him knowing that his father has been preparing the Suri-Maja for war secretly, with plans to conquer the other Lossoth and 'cleanse' the homelands.

Perhaps the plan has been influenced by some lingering agents of Mordor in the area who have been currying favor with the Suri-Maja to goad them into creating more chaos in Forochel and distracting Eriador further from the East... The remaining dark elements might be trying to sow fear and uncertainty amongst the other Lossoth before the Suri-Maja attack?
Ooohh... yes. That sounds wonderful as far as I'm concerned. It more or less fits the overall arc beautifully. Also, don't forget that the cold-drake has been sent to sort of help nudge things along. So, that can be one of the remaining dark elements that can be assisting in that matter. Not to mention, how nifty to add that to the story? At least, I think it would be nifty. But maybe I'm biased there. hehe. But it doesn't have to end there either. There can be other dark elements at work besides the cold-drake. I just see him as the ring leader and perhaps spokesperson for Mordor, if you will. But anyway, I rather like the whole of the idea. *nods* :)
Well it seems like people have been busy! Gone for a few days and there are suddenly posts all over!

Anyways, I am back and ready to get back into the mix!
Plops down and huddles in the corner sniffling.

Now I'm all sick v ~v
Sniffles and snugs seren.

Thanks for the soup but I already made my own tea >.<;
Hopefully it doesnt last very long.
*pats Kara*

Well I think we all hope it does not last long for you.

*ponder face*

To make an evil character or not...
Wrinkles her nose and smiles

Yeah. If it get too much worse or lasts long it'll start to affect my posting ><;

I'm still wondering if I should make a second character. I haven't seen a need to thus far.
>////< *has made her entrance into the*

And now she darts off to judo to wrestle with sweaty men ;p

*snuggles mah awesome twinny and rivine and flees*
Well get lots of Vitamin C into yourself and nap as much as you can Kara!

Your entrance into the rp was lovely Serenity! It will be fun to have another person involved with Maran and Mithon! :)

And have fun at judo!

I drink a cup [or more] of Orange juice daily, so I'm good on that score. The more difficult part will be getting enough rest ^^;;;
If it's prolonged it's just cause I don't get the rest I need e-e;
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