Pokemon: The Curse of Ninetales (MysticSparxman & FemShep)

Dante smiled and nodded his head as Umbreon told him that she understood what he was trying to say to her. Of course he was glad that she did understand what he was saying to her, but at the same time, he also wondered what she would make of the fact he considered her to be attractive to him. He was hoping that it wasn’t going to change things between them though. ”No, it doesn’t bother me to see you like this. I was just letting you know why it might be inappropriate for me to stay in here with you.” Dante was about to turn around to walk out of the bathroom when Umbreon had asked him what she would have to do when she was done. He turned back around to face her and smiled a little. ”Well, when you’re done, you have to turn off the shower and then you have to dry yourself.” Dante walked back over to Umbreon as she was in the shower. When he got there, he reached into the shower and turned the dial back the other way, turning off the shower. After doing so, he pulled his arm out and shook off some of the water before he turned and picked up a towel off the towel rack. He turned to face Umbreon a second later. ”Then you have to dry yourself with this.” He held the towel out to her, but since he wasn’t sure she would know what to do, he thought he would show her. ”Come here and I will dry you, and then you will know what to do the next time you have a shower.” He held the towel out in front of him as he waited for her to get out of the shower.
Umbreon was honestly flattered that Dante found her human female shaped body was somewhat attractive to him despite her pokemon features. She wondered if that's why some people stare at her too and not just because she was an unusual sight. She wondered if she's always had that effect, but she ignored it for the moment as she watched Dante turn the knob so the water stopped. Her body was dripping wet and her fur was weighted down, but she watched Dante pull out a towel. Her ears perked up when he held the towel open so he could dry her off. "Thank you Dante." She smiled happily and stepped out to wait for Dante to help dry her wet body off
Shortly after mentioning the effect her human like body could have on human males, Dante soon started to wonder if there was more than one reason as to why Umbreon would get stared at so much. At first he had just thought it was due to the fact no-one had seen anything like her before, but then it started to occur to him that there could be other reasons as to why she was often stared at. He started to think that maybe her human like body may have had something to do with it. For the time being though, he pushed it to the back of his mind as she stepped out of the shower. After she had stepped out of the shower, Dante held the towel in front of him as he walked up to her. Dante walked up to her, and then he stepped behind her before wrapping the towel around her shoulders. ”Here you go, you dry yourself like this.” He smiled a little bit as he started off by drying her hair, ears, shoulders, arms and back. He did his best to get her fur as dry as possible, and after taking a deep breath, he stepped in front of her so he could dry her front. ”Then you have to dry yourself like this.” Dante was careful as he dried under her arms and around her breasts. He also made sure to carefully dry her breasts before he ran the towel over her stomach and hips. Dante knew that he had to focus, because it was at this point that he began to see just how attractive Umbreon really did look. Taking another deep breath, he ran the towel over the tops of her thighs, drying out her fur before sliding the towel to the inside of both of her thighs. He dried the inside of her thighs, letting the towel brush over and dry her pussy before he dried off the rest of her legs. After drying off her legs and feet, Dante made sure he dried off her ass too, and when he was done, he put the wet towel into the laundry basket. ”There you go Umbreon. You’re all dry now.” He smiled with a nod of his head. ”Do you know what you need to do for the next time you have a shower or a bath now?”
At first Umbreon saw no harm in letting Dante dry her off, in fact she loved how he dried off her ears, hair, shoulders. arms, and back. It had a nice feel to it as her fur was getting mostly dried off with only a slight wetness still to it, but it was a different story when he reached to her front. The way he dried off her breast made her ears perk up at how sensitive they were to Dante's hands even if they were blocked by a towel. When she heard his deep breathing she had a feeling he was trying to keep his instincts under control as he touched her more sensitive and womanly features. She gasped softly as she felt the towel move down to her hips and flat stomach. She looked down watching him getting closer and closer to her pussy. When he rubbed her thighs she had to fight every urge to moan as his hands were so close to her most sensitive spot. A small, but sudden moan escaped her lips as he slipped the towel between her inner thighs rubbing against her pussy for a second. She calmed down a bit as he dried off the rest of her legs and only gasped as he rubbed her ass to dry it off for her. When he finished she felt a strange sensation in her pussy, a wet feeling she never had as a pokemon. She looked at Dante for a moment, but found herself trying to fight back a instinctual urge. She avoided looking directly at him and replied "Um yeah. I understand now, thank you for all your help Dante." She smiled
It hadn’t really been so hard for Dante as he had been drying Umbreon’s back, but things had gotten so much more difficult for him when he had moved round to dry her front. It had been difficult for him to keep his urges under control as he had been drying lower and lower on the front of her body. It had been hard enough for him when he had been drying her breasts, but when he had to dry her thighs and pussy, he had to force himself to think of other things, because he knew what was likely to happen if he did let his thoughts wander too much. He knew that he would end up thinking about Umbreon in a sexual way, and as attractive as she was, that was just something he didn’t really want to do. He didn’t want it to affect the friendship they had together. Dante almost sighed with relief when he was done drying her off, and he didn’t notice the fact she wasn’t looking directly at him, mainly because he was doing exactly the same thing and not looking directly at her. Dante did briefly turn his attention back to her after hearing what she had said though. ”Well I’m glad you understand Umbreon, and you should know that you don’t have to thank me for any help. You know that all you have to do is ask for help if you need it.” He flashed her a warm smile before he turned around. ”So now that you’ve freshened up, what do you say about doing what we came up here to do, and that’s relax. We can even watch a movie if you want to, and you can pick. Or is there something else you would rather do? Because I don’t mind either way.” With that said, he walked out of the bathroom and back over to the bed. When he got there, he laid down on the bed and made himself comfortable.
Umbreon relaxed a little when he mentioned that they did come up here to relax. He was right so she gave him a warm smile and replied "That sounds like fun. I never really seen a movie before, so I don't have a preference. I'm sure whatever you wanna watch will be enjoyable for the both of us." She smiled joining him on the bed. She laid down beside him making herself comfortable and trying to stay calm and relaxed again
Dante smiled a little bit as Umbreon joined him on the bed. As she had gotten onto the bed and made herself comfortable, he picked up the television remote and pressed the power button, turning on the television. Dante shifted a little closer to Umbreon and he placed his arm gently around her shoulders as he started to flick through the different channels. He wasn’t quite so sure what to watch, but he was sure that they would find something. As he was flicking through the channels, he passed through some of the adult channels, but kept going as he searched for something to watch. Soon, he found a movie channel, and the movie Independence Day had only just started. ”Hmm, I didn’t know this was on. What do you think about this Umbreon? We can always find something else to watch if you want to? I really don’t mind what we watch to be honest.” He smiled as he relaxed some more, still with his arm around her shoulders.
Umbreon smiled brightly as she felt his arm around her shoulder. She moved closer to rest her head on his shoulder watching him flipped threw some channels. When he asked about what she thought about the movie he found and that they could watch something else. She was honestly wondering what the adult channel was all about, but judging by the titles and images she could tell they were low budgeted films about different methods of human mating habits which wouldn't be the best idea after what they just experienced in the bathroom. "This looks good to me.I'm fine with this." She smiled up at him
Dante had his eyes fixed on the television as the movie got started. The smile remained on his face as Umbreon had rested her head on his shoulder. When he felt her rest her head on his shoulder, he tilted his head to the side slightly and gently rested his head against hers a little. Dante was careful that he hadn’t kept it on one of the adult channels, especially when he thought about what had happened in the bathroom. He had already managed to make himself comfortable as Umbreon told him that she was fine with watching the movie he had found. ”Well this is actually a really good movie. I’m not going to spoil it for you, so I won’t tell you what happens. I will just let you watch it and find out for yourself.” As he had said this to her, the city sized ships had just left the mother ship and had started to descend to Earth in the movie.
Umbreon smiled at him and replied "No spoilers please. I'm actually interested in what's going on here." She sounded sweet as she spoke. She rested her head on his shoulder as she watched the Air force pilots start to fight the large alien ship and it's army of ships. Umbreon looked at him a couple of times, but always looked back at the movie. His arm around her made her smile brightly and feel secure with him holding her like this. In the middle of the movie she didn't know why, but something possessed to turn to him and lick his cheek in a affectionate way
Dante seemed glad that Umbreon appeared to be enjoying the movie. It just meant that it was one more thing that they could both do together and enjoy together. ”Oh, don’t worry Umbreon. I won’t spoil the movie for you, but since I chose this one, I will let you choose the next movie if you want to watch another one after this.” He smiled as they continued to watch the movie together. Dante was a little surprised when Umbreon had suddenly turned and licked his cheek affectionately. He smiled as he looked back to her. ”What was that for Umbreon?” He spoke in a soft yet slightly curious tone. As he had asked her this, the captured alien had already broken free of its restraints and killed all of the scientists in the room. Soon, the president and his advisors had come down to check on things. Dante’s arm remained around Umbreon’s shoulders, but his hand came off of her shoulder and moved up to lightly scratch her behind her ear.
Umbreon truly had no real answer as to why she licked his cheek. Maybe it was because she saw humans of opposite, sometimes same, gender kiss their cheeks and she was curious about it, but never really thought about it until now. Since she was use to licks being kisses she ended up kissing him by licking his cheek. "I was trying to kiss your cheek, but darn old pokemon habits made me lick you instead." She giggled. Her ear perked up feeling Dante's habnd scratch behind her ear. She closed her eyes and smiled brightly as her tail lifted up and fell to hit the bed repeatedly in response.
Dante hadn’t really been too sure why Umbreon had licked his cheek, but he found it hard not to smile at her response to his question. He smiled some more before he shook his head. ”Don’t worry about it Umbreon. You are still a pokemon, even if you do have a human body, so it makes sense that you’re still going to have your pokemon habits. Besides, a lick of the cheek can still be just as affectionate as a kiss on the cheek, so it’s all okay.” He made himself slightly more comfortable on the bed as he had continued to gently scratch her behind her ear. He chuckled a little bit when he saw how happy it made her, and especially when he saw her tail repeatedly hitting the bed. ”There are some things that never change, isn’t that right Umbreon? You still love to have your ears scratched, don’t you? And I’ve got to say that I still love scratching you behind your ears even now.” He continued to gently scratch behind her ears as he focused on the movie once more.
She smiled knowing Dante would be understandable about her odd decision to lick his cheek. Still quite unsure herself why she did it, nonetheless she enjoyed it. She smiled brightly as he continued to scratch her ear replying "Yep still feels amazing Dante." She giggled and let him.continue watching the movie trying to keep her tail still, but failing at it
”Well I’m not really sure why you licked my cheek, but I don’t have a problem with it at all. Feel free to lick my cheek any time you want, okay.”’ He flashed her another smile. ”Just because you have a human body, it doesn’t mean you have to try to act like a human. Just be yourself okay Umbreon, even if that does mean you lick my cheek.” He grinned cheekily at her as he continued to lightly scratch behind her ear without really thinking about it anymore. As the movie wore on, he would scratch lightly at the base of her ear before scratching all the way up her ear and then back down again. Dante kept doing this in a relatively slow manner, and after scratching one ear for a while, he focused his attention on her other ear. As he had started scratching her other ear, the alien ship had headed back up to the mother ship so the virus could be downloaded into the mother ship to lower the alien ships shields. He laughed a little as he saw just how much she was wagging her tail. ”Well I’m glad to see that you still enjoy me scratching behind your ears. Your tail always seems to move on its own whenever I scratch behind your ears, doesn’t it?” He chuckled a little more as he joked around with her.
Umbreon smiled and replied "Well in the pokemon world, licking cheeks is a sign of love or close friendship. So I'd thought I express that to you. It makes me happy to know tjhat I can still be a Pokemon in this body without things being weird for you. It's really sweet." She smiled and gave him another lick and a nuzzle. As he slowly scratched up and down her ear she started making a sound similar to a cat purring. Her tail started hitting hitting the bed harder and faster and even her leg started to move a little. She giggled and replied "What can I say? My tail has a mind of it's own."
He smiled as he listened to what Umbreon had to say, and then he turned his head to look at her a little better. ”Oh, I know that licking cheeks is a sign of love or close friendship in the pokemon world. After all, we’ve seen many pokemon doing it. Don’t you remember seeing that female Arcanine licking the cheek of her young Growlithe pup? That was really cute to see, and it’s nice of you to express your affection in such a way Umbreon, it really is. Anyway, I’m happy with you just the way you are. Just because you have a human body doesn’t mean I would want you to change in any way.” His tone was soft and the smile on his face was sweet and as he had continued to scratch her ear up and down, he couldn’t help but notice how her tail was hitting the bed harder and faster than before. ”You know I’m actually surprised you still like this Umbreon. I know you liked me scratching behind your ear before your transformation, but I just didn’t know if you would still like it afterwards. Still, I’m glad you do still like it, and I certainly agree that your tail does seem to have a mind of its own. I can’t really think of anything else that would get your tail wagging like this other than when I scratch your ear. You know you may have to let me know if there are any other spots you like having scratched.” He said in a cheeky tone.
Umbreon smiled at him and replied "Yeah that Aracanine mother and that Growlithe pup were adorable together. A mother and her child always were cute together. Of course I would express how a feel to you, you're my best friend I wouldn't hide anything from you...if I actually had something worth hiding." She giggled and nuzzled him sweetly as he scratched her ear. She giggled softly and replied "I guess it's just a muscle reflex. Either way it feels great." She didn't get any possible dirty message if there was one since she didn't know anything about human pleasure, but she was use to the affection she got as a pokemon making her happy. "Can you maybe rub my belly again? For old times sake?" She asked sweetly
Dante smiled and nodded his head in agreement as he thought on what she had said about the Arcanine mother and her Growlithe pup. He focused on Umbreon as she spoke, and his smile widened a little bit. ”You know, I’m pretty sure that you would be just as cute if you had a baby Eevee, maybe even cuter.” Still, he continued to gently scratch her behind her ear. ”Well you know that I would never want to keep anything from you either Umbreon. You’ve been my best friend ever since I caught you as a young Eevee, and you’re still my best friend now. You’re always going to be my best friend Umbreon, even when I’m no longer traveling through these regions as a pokemon trainer anymore.” Dante smiled as he had meant every word that he had said to her. She really was his best friend, and he was hoping that she was going to remain his best friend for a very long time to come. He laughed a little bit at her comment about her leg and tail being a muscle reflex. ”Yeah, you’re probably right. After all, there are some cats and dogs out there whose legs often go crazy when they have their bellies tickled. I wonder if that’s going to happen with you.” He grinned a little bit as he winked at her again. Soon afterwards, his hand left her ear and he placed his hand on her stomach. With his hand palm down on her stomach, he started to move his hand slowly in circles over her belly in a soft and gentle manner. His fingers were outstretched as they normally would be when he would rub her belly for her. As he rubbed her belly, he would continue to move his hand in small circles, starting with the upper half of her belly, but soon moving down to the lower half of her belly. Of course, since he had focused on the movie once more, he didn’t really notice just how low the tips of his fingers were actually going as he rubbed her belly for her.
Umbreon smiled brightly when Dante told her she might be even cuter with an Eevee of her own. She giggled and replied "Well we'll have to see if that's what happens. Maybe I will have a little Eevee. We'll just have to see won't we." She smiled brightly. The smile stayed on her face as he spoke about her being his best friend. It warmed her heart to hear him and she replied "Dante you know I'll always be by your side. Even when you stop travelling you'll have a nice family and I'll be the family pokemon and, if you have any, your children's best friend. Point is I'll always be your best friend no matter what." She smiled sweetly and chuckled at what he said about dogs and cat's legs going crazy from belly rubs. She giggled and replied as she laid back "We'll just have to see what happens." His hand felt good against her fur as he rubbed her belly. As expected her tail started hitting the bed as her leg twitched a little. His fingertips made her giggle softly since they slightly tickled her, but as his hand her lower her body seemed to calm down a little. With her eyes closed she felt his fingertips barely touching her pussy. A smile grew across her lips with a look of a small pleasure from his gentle touch
Dante’s eyes had remained on the movie for the time being, and as they did, he couldn’t help but notice how close the movie was to finishing. He turned the focus of his attention back to Umbreon as that same smile remained on his face. ”You’re right. We will have to wait and see if you do end up with a little Eevee. Still, I think you will have a baby Eevee at some point, and I also think you will be an awesome mom Umbreon.” His smile was warm and radiant as he had said this to her, and he had meant it too. Dante really did think that Umbreon would make an awesome mom, even if she was different from most other Umbreons. The smile on his face only seemed to widen as he heard what Umbreon said about being his best friend. It really did mean a lot to him that she was always going to be there for him. ”I’m always going to be by your side too Umbreon, and I really do think that you would make the perfect family pokemon, I really do. I don’t know if I will have any kids, but if I do, then I have no doubt that they will love you just as much as I do.” His tone had grown quite soft as he had said this to her, even though he hadn’t really thought about how what he had said may have sounded. He looked back to the movie just as the credits had started to roll up the screen. Still, his hand continued to move in slow circles over her furry belly. Dante smiled as he liked the way her fur felt between his fingers. He continued to slowly stroke and rub the lower half of her belly, and since he had thought he was still rubbing and stroking the top half, he let his hand slide a little further down her belly. Now, there were more of his fingers that were brushing over her pussy. It wasn’t just his fingertips now. His fingers were just brushing over her pussy lips, just over halfway up her pussy, and his little finger even brushed over her clit very softly. ”Hey Umbreon, do you want to watch something else as I think this movie has finished now.” He looked at her out of the corner of his eye and smiled as he saw her with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Of course he had no idea what she may have been smiling at. At least he didn’t yet.
Umbreon smiled sweetly, it meant alot to hear Dante say she would be an awesome mom despite her appearence, she was an Umbreon either way. She actually liked the idea of having a Eevee of her own. "Really? You think so? Hmm maybe I will have an Eevee. After we're done travelling of course." She replied in a happy tone. Dante's reply to her being his best friend warmed her heart and made her smile widely. It meant the world to hear him say that and the word 'love' caused her to blush. She knew he meanf as a friend, but she couldn't help, but think he meant romantically. It was a nice thought, but she knew it wouldn't be, a human wouldn't love a pokemon beyond being friends. As he rubbed her belly the lower he went the more calm her body became. His hand went lower and lower until she felt his fingers move onto her pussy lips. His finger lightly running over her clit was enough to get her pussy to start wettening. Answering his question she replied "Yeah sure." In a lustful tone and letting a small moan escape her lips
Dante just nodded his head in response to Umbreon’s question about whether she would be an awesome mom. ”Of course I really do think you would make an awesome mom. I think any baby pokemon would be lucky to have you as its mom. You shouldn’t really doubt yourself Umbreon. You will be awesome, you really will. Anyway, I wouldn’t expect you to have an Eevee before we stop travelling together. It makes sense that it would be afterwards. It would be better after we stop travelling anyway. That way, we would both be settled in one place where you would be able to raise your baby Eevee, and I would be able to raise any kids if I have any.” He spoke in a soft yet serious tone as he had said this to her. Dante hadn’t really thought too much about what he would do after he had finished travelling. At least he hadn’t put much thought into it until now. Now, it really did make him wonder what he was going to do when they both stopped travelling together. Even as he continued to unknowingly tease Umbreon’s pussy, still thinking he was stroking her belly, he picked up the remote in his other hand and started to flick through the channels. Thinking he was still stroking her lower belly, Dante’s hand continued to move in small circles. A good portion of his fingers were now moving over her pussy lips, and his little finger was still moving over her clit. Soon, he started to feel her pussy getting wet. ”So, is there anything in particular you want to watch Umbreon? I don’t mind what we watch, but if you don’t want to watch anything, I could always turn the television off for you.” He smiled a little bit as he heard that small moan that had escaped her lips. ”You really are enjoying this belly rub, aren’t you?” The smile remained on his face as he looked back to her, and then he looked down to her belly. His eyes widened just a little bit when he soon came to realize just where his hand was. ”Umbreon…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to touch you there.” He said as his fingers stopped moving. He slowly started to move them back up to her belly as he thought it was something that she wouldn’t want him to do. ”You do want me to stop….don’t you Umbreon? Or….do you want me to…..continue?” He wasn’t sure why he was asking, mainly because he was sure he had a feeling he knew what the answer was going to be.
Umbreon smiled warmly as she looked and listened to Dante's sweet words about her being a mother some day. She found it rather sweet that Dante believed she would be a good mother some day. He also seemed rather eager about it too which wasn't a problem for her, but she thought it was cute to see him this happy when they talked about her having children. "That's sweet Dante. It's great to hear that especially from you. I don't want to doubt myself, I just never really thought about being a mother before. With all the travelling and battling I didn't even think about kids. It would be best if it's when our travels are over, because I don't want it to be at risk when we battle and I don't want to be pregnant when you need me." She explained in a caring voice. Umbreon couldn't tell if he knew or not, but it felt so good and having her eyes closed she couldn't tell what he was doing, but she enjoyed the feeling of his fingers on her pussy. His fingers lightly brushing over her clit a couple of times almost became torture, because she started wanting to feel his finger tips feeling her wetting pussy. It was like her mating urges kicked in, because she didn't want him to stop. But when he did he looked over at him and smiled softly "It's okay Dante and....you don't have to if you don't want to, but....it felt really good....could you...do it again?"
Dante really wouldn’t have said he thought Umbreon would make a great mother if he hadn’t meant it. Sure, he knew that she wouldn’t become a mother just yet, but he did genuinely think she would be a good one when she did become a mother. Dante smiled a little more as he listened to Umbreon, and he nodded his head in agreement with what she had said. ”Well you know I mean it Umbreon, because you know I wouldn’t say something like that unless I meant it. Still, I must say that I never really thought that much about having kids myself before now, but you are right about it being better for when we are no longer travelling and battling. I wouldn’t want to risk you or your baby getting hurt if we were still travelling. That’s why it would be better for when we are no longer travelling, because we would have somewhere to settle down, and we would be in a place where you wouldn’t have to worry about the safety of your baby.” He spoke in a soft tone as he had said this to her. Up until he had looked back to her after hearing her moan softly, Dante hadn’t known that he had his fingers on Umbreon’s pussy. It had been accidental after all. It was probably why it had come as such a surprise to him when he heard Umbreon’s response to his question. It wasn’t quite a response that he had been expecting. His eyes met with hers for a moment, and then he nodded his head. ”Okay Umbreon….I will do it again for you…but umm….do you just want me to use my fingers like I did before? Or would you…..like me to use my….umm….my tongue too?” He wasn’t too sure what she would think of his question, but his hand slowly slid back down her belly. This time, he didn’t stroke her belly as he moved his hand down to her pussy. The palm of his hand was now just inches above her pussy as his fingers slowly started to move up and down her pussy lips. His little finger had started brushing against her clit once again. ”Umbreon….would you like me to….get between your legs and do this for you?”
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