Pokemon: The Curse of Ninetales (MysticSparxman & FemShep)

Seeing Terra take out the Tropius successfully Umbreon did as Dante told her to and opened her mouth as dark energy started to spiral in her mouth. Soon the spiral grew faster and larger turning into a large ball of dark energy. With one move Umbreon shot the ball at Houndoom. Since he was too tired to move the shadow ball was a direct hit and sent Houndoom sliding backwards trying yto stay standing. But almost immediately after the Houndooms shaking legs finally gave out and made him collapse to the ground. Houndoom was defeated!
Dante smiled brightly as he saw both Terra and Umbreon defeat their opponents. ”Hey, you did it. You were both absolutely amazing.” He smiled some more as Terra turned and flew over towards him, cawing happily and in victory. Dante turned the focus of his attention towards Umbreon a second or so later. ”I knew you could pull it off Umbreon. You totally dominated that Houndoom.” He was glad that his pokemon had emerged victorious, even though he didn’t really have any doubts that they wouldn’t.

The other trainer looked shocked as he saw both of his pokemon defeated. He pulled out both of their pokeballs and recalled them both. ”Return guys! You should have done better.” He shook his head a little bit as he placed the pokeballs back on his pokebelt. After doing so, he looked back over towards Dante and Umbreon. ”You just got lucky, that’s all. I’ll beat you next time, I promise you that.” With that said, he turned and walked out of the field so he could head back into town to get his pokemon healed.
Umbreon returned to Dante's side and smiled "Now that was a good battle." She nuzzled his cheek like she use to when she would ride his shoulder every now and again. "There wasn't a single doubt they we wouldn't win." She smiled at him feeling better then ever. Battles always cheered her up, but the other trainer's threat didn't seem threatening, but the way he called back his pokemon made her concerned. "So what's next Dante?" She asked curiosusly
Dante didn’t really pay too much attention to the trainer or his threat. Instead, his focus remained on Umbreon and Terra. He looked back to Umbreon as she spoke, and he nodded his head in agreement. ”Well, you’re right about that. That certainly was a good battle, and I didn’t really have any doubts that we wouldn’t win anyway. Still, a battle is always good when it’s with you Umbreon.” He spoke in a soft yet serious tone, and as she nuzzled his cheek, he gently scratched her behind her ear like he usually would have done before she had transformed. Afterwards, he turned back to Terra and patted his chest a few times. ”You did great too Terra.” He smiled before he pulled Terra’s pokeball off his pokebelt. Dante enlarged the pokeball and pointed it at Terra. ”Terra, return! You deserve a nice long rest boy.” He smiled as he placed the pokeball back on his pokebelt. As he did this, he thought over the question Umbreon had asked him. ”Hmm.” He said as he looked back to her. ”Well, I think we should see if we can find somewhere to stay for tonight. After all, we’ve been travelling for a few days now. We might also need to pick up some supplies too. After we’ve found somewhere to stay and picked up supplies, maybe we can do some exploring.” He suggested to her.
Umbreon closed her eyes and smiled as Dante scratched behind her ear, which felt very good to the young Umbreon. Then she gave Terra a smile as Dante called him back. She listened to Dante's suggestion and shrugged "That all sounds good to me. Maybe we can explore for a bit and get some rest later. The day is still young after all." She smiled, her tail swaying happily.
Dante smiled as he could see how much Umbreon liked him scratching her behind her ears. It was something he knew she had always liked, which is why he still did it for her. He thought over what she had said for a moment before he responded. ”Tell you what, let’s make a compromise.” He said to her. ”Why don’t we find ourselves somewhere to stay tonight, and then explore straight afterwards. That way, if we find somewhere to stay now, at least we will know we’ve got somewhere to stay for the night and we won’t have to worry about trying to find somewhere a little later. I promise you that we can explore to your heart’s content afterwards though.” He offered her his best smile as he had said this to her.
Umbreon's ears perked up even more and she thought that was a great idea. "Sure that sounds better." She smiled and nuzzled his cheek again. Her tail wagging slowly with joy. Then she backed up a little giving him so space and replied "So shall we go before it's too late?" She chuckled softly and smiled
Dante had a feeling that Umbreon would have liked his idea, and he was glad that she did like it too. He smiled and nodded his head as Umbreon asked if they should make a move. ”Yeah, maybe we should make a move. After all, we’ve got no reason to hang around this field anymore, so let’s head back into town, find ourselves somewhere to stay and then explore.” The smile remained on his face as he started walking from the field. The walk back into town didn’t really take too long, and as soon as they had made it back into town, Dante started walking around, looking for somewhere they could stay for the night. It was around ten minutes later when they found a hotel. Dante stopped outside and turned to Umbreon. ”Hey, it looks like we may have found ourselves somewhere to stay. Now we just have to hope they have some spare rooms going. Shall we go and find out?”
Umbreon smiled back at him as they walked to leave the field. The only thing she really missed about her old body was that she was small enough to ride on his shoulders. It wasnt that she was lazy it was just fun to ride on him. It was also the best way she could get as close as possible to him. It didn't take long to reach the town which was good for time. She looked with him at a place they could stay at and smiled at him as he asked if they should go inside. "Sure. Let's go." She said and walked inside with him
Dante was glad that Umbreon was happy after their victorious battle. It always made him happy to see her happy. Still, it didn’t stop him from wondering what she may have been thinking about half of the time. When they had finally stopped outside the hotel, Dante had turned to Umbreon to see what she thought of the place. After all, he didn’t really want to stay there if she didn’t approve of the place. When she seemed to like it, he smiled and walked inside the hotel with her. They both made their way up to the front desk and were greeted by an older female receptionist. She was older than Dante by a good ten or so years, and she looked at Umbreon strangely for a second before turning her attention back to Dante. Again, Dante paid no attention to this. ”Excuse me, but I was wondering if you have any spare rooms going for me and my pokemon. We are hoping to stay here in the city for at least a few days.” He flashed the receptionist a smile before turning back to Umbreon. As he did, the receptionist started checking to see if there were any available rooms. After a minute or so, she looked up from her computer. ”You’re in luck sir. We still have a number of rooms available. Would you be looking for a room with single beds or a double bed?” She asked curiously. Dante stopped to think for a moment before looking back to Umbreon again. ”Which would you prefer Umbreon? Do you want a room with single beds or a double bed?”
The stares of the receptionist didn't bother her. At this point she's learn to accept it and find it as just people's way of seeing her, a pokemon with a human shaped body and height. She looked at him smiling then heard the receptionist that they had rooms for them. When he asked her if she rather prefer single bed or a double bed and personally she was wanting a double bed. Only because as a pokemon she slept right next to him went they slept. Se would always go into a little ball and suggle against him. Knowing she couldn't go into a ball like she to she would have to settle with just snuggling him. "A double bed sounds good to me. That is if you're okay with that Dante." She smiled at him happily
Even though it had been a whole year since Umbreon had undergone her transformation, it did still get to Dante when people would stare at her. It was probably why he always did his best to ignore it, mainly because of how much he often lost his temper over it in the early months after her transformation. It was one of the reasons he didn’t say anything to the receptionist. He was certain he had better things to think about anyway, and getting a room for the both of them was top of the agenda. When he had asked Umbreon what type of room she had wanted, he honestly didn’t know what she was going to say, but no matter what she would have said, he knew he wouldn’t have had a problem with it anyway. When she gave him her answer, he smiled and nodded his head. ”Of course I’m okay with that Umbreon. We can get a room with a double bed if that’s what you want.” He turned back to the receptionist a second later. ”We will take a room with a double bed then.” He brushed a few strands of hair behind his ear as the receptionist nodded her head. She turned around and walked over to a small cabinet on the wall behind her. When she got there, she opened it up and pulled out a key card with the number 93 on it. She turned back around and handed Dante the key card. ”Here is the key card to your room sir. Enjoy your stay here.” She flashed him another smile before she turned her attention back to her computer once more. Afterwards, Dante looked back to Umbreon. ”So, do you want to explore now? Or do you want to go and check out our room?”
Umbreon was glad that he still didn't mind sharing a bed with her despite her transformation. This day has really shown her how.close she and Dante were and she couldn't ask for a betted friend then him. She was sure that another trainer would've abandoned her or found a way to get rid of her. But not Dante, he was always there and honestly without him she would feel lost. Her thoughts were interrupted by Dante's question on rather she wanted to explore now or see the room. She wanted to explore, but the room sparked her curious side as well. Well maybe they could take a break from all their wondering since they've been walking for so long. She turned to him and answered "We can see the room first. We deserve a little break from all our walking and the battle anyway." She smiled sweetly at him
Even though Dante was still trying to locate the Ninetales responsible for Umbreon’s transformation, he had come to accept it by now and there was a part of him that was even glad about her transformation. After all, it did enable them to communicate much better, which was something that he had always wanted really. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Umbreon responded to his question. After thinking over her answer, he smiled and nodded his head. ”Sure, we can check out the room if that’s what you want to do. After all, we’ve got plenty of time to explore, and a rest wouldn’t be such a bad idea anyway, especially when you think about how long we’ve been travelling.” He turned around and stepped away from the receptionist’s desk. ”Come on then, let’s go and take a look at this room.” He looked back over his shoulder to Umbreon with a smile on his face before he started heading towards the elevator. It didn’t take too long to get to the elevator, and he pressed the call button as he waited for Umbreon to catch up with him.
Umbreon smiled at Dante and replied "Yeah we all deserve a well needed rest and you're right the day is still young." Really the only thing she instantly liked about her transformation was her ability to communicate with Dante. There was so much she wanted to say to him as a her old self, but never really could say anything due to the fact he can't understand her pokelanguage. She understood what he said, but he couldn't understand her whicj was upsetting, so she kept her responses to him quick and easy to understand. But now she was able to talk to him which was not only easier, but more fun and wonderful as well. She followed him quickly to the elevator and stood beside him with jher hands behind her back smiling sweetly and happily. She couldn't wait to see their room and get that well needed rest for the long tiring journey to find the Ninetails that did this to her, but honestly she questioned if she even wanted to go back to her old self again.
Dante waited for the elevator after pressing the call button. As he was waiting for the elevator, he smiled as he was soon joined by Umbreon. Luckily for the both of them, they didn’t really have to wait too long for the elevator. All in all, they only had to wait around thirty seconds before the elevator arrived and opened its doors. As the doors opened, Dante looked back to Umbreon. ”Ladies first.” He winked at her, smiling cheekily as he waited for her to step into the elevator. As soon as she had stepped inside, he stepped inside after her. Once they were both inside the elevator, Dante pressed the button for their designated floor, and then the elevator doors closed soon afterwards. The elevator started moving up through the different floors until the elevator finally reached their floor. The doors opened, and Dante stepped off of the elevator and motioned for Umbreon to follow him. Once off the elevator, he made a right turn and started walking down the hallway, stopping just a few short moments later. He stopped and turned to his left, pulling out the key card they had been given. ”Okay, it looks like this is us.” Dante slid the key card into the slot, and soon the light turned green and the door unlocked. Dante pulled out the key card as he opened the door and pushed it open. ”Shall we?” He smiled as he stepped into the room, waiting for her to follow.
Umbreon smiled as she stood beside him waiting for the elevator. When he said 'ladies first' and gave her a wink with a cheeky smile she feel her face grow hot. If she were human she would be blushing, but because of her raven black fur she couldn't be seen blushing. She didn't know what the feeling was and why did she have it toward Dante. She followed him the entire way to their room and followed him inside.

The room was nice with a visually relaxing look to it. It had a single double bed inside that was larger then both her and Dante, but looked extremely comfortable and soft. Across from the bed was a large flat screen TV that hung on the wall above a large long dresser. The TV had cable and movies of every genre they could watch. Action, horror, mystery, abnd surprising even adult flims. There was a bathroom with a large bathtub and shower inside.

Umbreon smiled and sat down on the bed looking at Dante saying "Wow this is a nice room I have to say. Probably our nicest yet." She smiled sweetly at him
Dante genuinely had no idea that he had made Umbreon blush with the comment he had made before he had gotten onto the elevator. Not that he would have known what to say to her if he had seen her blushing. Even though he wouldn’t have known what to say to her, the chances were likely that he still would have thought she looked cute. Dante didn’t really think too much of the comment he had made to her as they had been going up in the elevator to their floor.

When he entered their room, he couldn’t help but feel surprised at just how nice it really was. Dante honestly didn’t think it would be as nice as it was, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. He was just glad that they had such a nice room to stay in. As soon as they were both inside the room, Dante closed the door and made his way back into the room. He stopped to take another look around before turning the focus of his attention back towards Umbreon. ”You’re right about that. This sure is a nice room. It’s much nicer than I thought it was going to be, it really is. I think we should make the most of it as long as we are here.” He smiled. ”Is there anything you want to do Umbreon? Watch television? Have a bath or shower? Or would you rather relax?” He asked in a curious yet friendly tone.
Umbreon honestly didn't know what she wanted to do. It's been so long since she actually got a moment to relax with Dante. She sat for a moment and looked at him "Well it's been awhile since I was bathed. Do you mind if I take a shower and since I'm in this body could you help me figure out how I'm suppose to be bathed now? If you don't mind of.course." She asked tilting her head softly
Dante didn’t really know what Umbreon would want to do, and he also didn’t really mind what she wanted to do either. He was happy either way, but he paused for a moment after she had told him what she did want to do. A thoughtful expression formed on his face as he thought about what she had said. A few seconds passed, and he nodded his head. ”I don’t mind if you take a shower at all Umbreon, and it’s no problem if you want me to show you what you need to do. After all, this would be your first time showering or bathing in this body, wouldn’t it?” He questioned in a curious manner before he rose to his feet. ”Come with me and I will see if I can show you what you need to do.” He smiled at her before he turned and headed into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, he walked over to the shower and then he waited for her to join him in the bathroom. When he saw her walk through the bathroom door, he reached inside the shower and turned the dial clockwise, turning on the shower. He turned the dial until the hot water started to come through, and he stopped turning it when it was at a reasonable temperature. ”Well, you turn the shower on like this, and then if you wore clothes like me, you would have to take them all off. Then you would have to climb into the water and step under the water.” As he said this, he placed his hand under the stream of water as it fell from the shower head, just to show her what he meant. ”Then you use shower gel or soap to wash your body.” He pulled his hand out from underneath the stream of water and then walked towards Umbreon. When he got to her, he smiled at her. ”I’m going to have to step outside and leave you to it Umbreon. After all, it would be inappropriate of me to stay in here with you as you shower, unless you still need help with something.”
Umbreon watched carefully as Dante told her how to bathe and it was completely different then what she was use to so it'll be difficult to adjust, but seemed easy enough. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I'll call you if I need help if you do leave." She smiled and got inside of the shower without closing the curtain not knowing she should've. Her ears flattened from the water weighing them down and she closed her eyes feeling the warm water wetten her fur. The water traced and outlined her thin curvy human shaped body. She saw nothing wrong with bathing in front of Dante, but he seemed to think otherwise. "Why would it be inappropriate? You're helping me learn how to clean myself. What's so inappropriate about that?" She asked curiously
Dante had just started to walk out of the bathroom when Umbreon spoke to him. When she spoke to him, he looked back over in her direction over his shoulder, and he was surprised at what he saw. She hadn’t closed the shower curtain, but that wasn’t what surprised him most. What surprised him most was how good he couldn’t help but think she looked. Dante remained by the door, but turned around to face her for a second or so. He had to think of a way to answer her question. As he thought it over, he lightly tapped his chin with his finger. ”Umm, it’s a little hard to explain Umbreon.” He paused for a moment to think it over some more. ”I know I’m only helping you learn how to clean yourself, and that’s not what is inappropriate.” He turned so his back was leaning against the door frame. ”Basically, it’s only inappropriate because of your new body. You see, you might be a pokemon, but your body is shaped like that of a human. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?” He asked in a somewhat curious tone. He didn’t know if she would understand what he was trying to say to her, but he was hoping that she would.
Umbreon tilted her head listening to him try to explain himself. It wasn't a big deal to pokemon to watch each other bathe for obvious reasons, but Dante didn't seemed to mind it when sje was a full pokemon. It must've been a human thing of some sorts. "I see? Is it because since I have the body of a human female you might feel sexually attracted to me and that's why it's inappropriate?" She asked curiously rubbing shower gel in her fur and slowly washing it off.
Dante was still leaning against the door frame as he had been trying to explain himself to Umbreon. He had to force himself not to look at her, mainly because he was afraid of the effect it would have on him if he did look at her. Sure, she may have been his pokemon, but that didn’t stop her from looking attractive in her human shaped body. Dante glanced at her as he listened to what she had said, and he nodded his head. ”Umm….yes that’s exactly why it is inappropriate Umbreon. I know you might be my pokemon, but your transformation has given you a body that many human males would consider to be very attractive.” He paused for a moment and sighed softly to himself. ”Do you understand why it might be inappropriate for me to stay in here with you now?” He asked as he had to look away from her once again.
Umbreon smiled softly thinking it was somewhat interesting that he thought in some way she was attractive to him. "I understand Dante. If it bothers you to see me like this then it's okay with me." She smiled finishing off as she washed the shower gel out of her fur. When she was done she let Dante know by asking "What do I do went I'm done?"
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