Pokemon: The Curse of Ninetales (MysticSparxman & FemShep)


Nov 2, 2012
The sound of many different pokemon could be heard all around as a young pokemon trainer named Dante was traveling through the Johto region, heading towards Goldenrod City. Of course Dante wasn’t traveling alone. The nineteen year old pokemon trainer was traveling with his regular traveling partners who happened to be his pokemon. His team of pokemon consisted of a female Sceptile he had named Venus, a female Arcanine he had named Calypso, a male Pidgeot he had named Terra, a male Electivire he had named Sparks and a female Feraligatr he had named Lexi. Dante also had one special member in his team too. This pokemon had once been his loyal and faithful Umbreon. At least she had been his Umbreon until they had a battle with a wild Ninetales. Of course it had been a Ninetales that he had wanted to add to his party, and the battle had been going well right up until the end. Just as the battle was nearing its end, Dante’s Umbreon had accidentally grabbed a hold of one of Ninetales tales as she had been attempting to dodge an attack aimed directly at her. Grabbing the Ninetales tail resulted in the wild pokemon fleeing from the battle, but something happened in the days that followed the battle. Dante’s Umbreon underwent some sort of transformation. She became something else. She gained human features, even gaining the ability to talk, whilst still retaining her pokemon features and abilities. It was unlike anything Dante had ever seen before.

It has been almost one whole year since Dante’s Umbreon had changed, and there didn’t appear to be anything that could possibly reverse the change. Still, Dante had managed to get used to the change in his Umbreon, even if it had taken him some time. Because they had been traveling for a number of days, Dante really wanted to get to Goldenrod City so they could all get some rest and something to eat. Dante and his changed Umbreon were traveling on the back of Calypso as they neared Goldenrod City. After around thirty more minutes of traveling, Dante was finally able to see Goldenrod City up in the distance. He smiled a little bit as he looked over his shoulder to his Umbreon. ”We’re nearly there now. When we get there, we can rest up and get ourselves something to eat. Sound good to you?” He asked in a curious tone, even though he was pretty sure he already knew the answer. Calypso continued walking towards Goldenrod City, finally making it into the city ten minutes later. Dante breathed a sigh of relief when they finally made it into the city, and he wasted no time in directing Calypso towards the Pokemon Centre.
Umbreon couldn't be a more loyal friend to Dante, from the moment he got her as an eevee she became very close to him. He had lead them to win plenty of battles rarely losing, but that one day she fought a ninetails changed her life. The transformation she went through was frustrating and confusing for her. She became more human like, but still keeping her black fur, yellow rings, red eyes, and her long ears and tail. That she could deal with, but when her front legs became arms and her hind legs changed she was forced to walk on two legs. The worse part was when she grew two large balloon like things on her chest. Breast she believed was a word for it. She didn't see the point in having them, but she was stuck with it.

After a year she's gotten use to her new body, but wondered if her transformation was irreversible, so far no luck. Hearing her trainer she replied "Yeah sounds great. About time I was getting hungry." She chuckled walking into the pokemon center with him getting strange looks from the people inside, but she was use to being stared at.
Even though it had taken Dante a while to get his head around the fact his strongest pokemon and best friend had gone through such a dramatic change, it really did make Dante wonder just how Umbreon had managed to cope with it all. After all, it was her who had gone through the strange transformation, so he couldn’t help but think it must have been much tougher on her to adjust to her new body. However, what Dante hadn’t imagined was just how much the transformation would change her. For one, it surprised Dante at just how attractive his Umbreon had become, despite the fact she still had many of her pokemon features and abilities. For this reason alone, Dante did his best not to look at her in the same way he would look at a human female. All Dante really wanted to do was to help Umbreon learn to understand life in her new body.

When they finally made it to the Pokemon Centre, Dante recalled Calypso back into her pokeball and headed into the Pokemon Centre with Umbreon. Sure enough, he noticed the strange looks that she was getting, and he knew exactly why she was getting them too. Even though it had been a whole year since the transformation had taken place, it still bothered him how other trainers would still give her strange looks. When he saw the other trainers giving her strange looks, he turned in their direction. ”Hey, quit looking at her in that strange way. Just because she looks different from any other Umbreon doesn’t mean she won’t kick your ass like one.” With that said, he continued making his way into the Pokemon Centre. Soon, he arrived at the front desk just as Nurse Joy was finished handing over a young trainer’s pokeballs. There was a smile on her face as she turned her attention towards Dante, but then a look of surprise formed on her face when she set her sights on Umbreon. Of course he tried his best to ignore this. ”Umm, Nurse Joy, can we get something to eat? And can you heal my pokemon too?” He asked curiously before turning his attention towards Umbreon. ”Do you need healing Umbreon? Or are you just hungry?” He asked curiously, smiling a little bit.
Umbreon had to come to terms that as far as she knew, this transformation was permanent. Sure it took awhile for her to get use to her new body that was very similar to a human female's body. Despite keeping her minor pokemon details such as her black fur with golden rings designed on it, her circular pointed ears and tail, her little nose, and blood red eyes. But after a year she's learned the basics of the human body, but not much more about it.

She smiled seeing her trainer and best friend shout at the staring people who were still questioning her. He was always her best friend and was glad that her transformation didn't bother him. Umbreon didn't mind the nurse's stares, but it did bother her that she was being stared at so much. Dante's question snapped her out of her thoughts and replied "No, no I'm fine. Maybe some berries will be nice, I am getting a bit hungry." She answered him ignoring the nurse's stares
Even after Umbreon had been through her transformation, Dante often wondered if there would be a possible way in which to reverse the transformation. There was no doubt in his mind that Umbreon had managed to get used to her new body, even if it had taken her a while, but he still couldn’t be sure if she was happy in her new body or not. It was why he was still keen to try to find a way to possibly reverse the transformation…..if there was one. It had occurred to him to attempt to find the Ninetales who had originally cursed her in the first place, but that had turned out to be much harder than he had first expected. Dante had every intention of continuing the search for a way to possibly reverse the transformation.

He was still doing his best to ignore the stares of Nurse Joy, but it was proving to be increasingly difficult. Finally, Dante felt as if he had to say something. ”Nurse Joy, you act as if you’ve never seen an Umbreon before. Sure, she might look a little different, no thanks to a Ninetales, but she’s still an Umbreon at heart.” As soon as he had said this, it seemed to snap Nurse Joy back to her senses, and she turned her attention back to Dante once more. ”Oh, I’m sorry, really I am. It’s just such a surprise to see a pokemon with humanlike features. I meant no disrespect.” She looked past Dante towards Umbreon with an apologetic look upon her face. ”I’m sorry for staring, I meant nothing by it.” Once again, she focused on Dante. ”You said you wanted your pokemon healing? Let me take them so I can heal them. Oh, and I will get you some berries for your Umbreon. We’ve got quite a few in the back going spare.” She said, smiling a little. Dante smiled back and pulled off his five pokeballs from his pokebelt. He handed the five pokeballs to Nurse Joy who put them on a tray, turned around and walked through a set of double doors behind her. Dante turned back to Umbreon a second later. ”As soon as we’re done here, we can find ourselves somewhere to stay and maybe pick up some supplies if we need them. Afterwards…..well, I’m sure we will find something to do. This is Goldenrod City after all. It’s pretty hard not to find something to do here. We could even battle one of those guys who wouldn’t stop staring at you.” As he said this, he glanced over at one trainer who was still staring at Umbreon. This suddenly caused the trainer to look away.
Umbreon was pretty unhappy with her new body at first. She felt so odd and uncomfortable with her new transformation. She had to relearn how to walk and cope with her changed paws and legs, the new large ballons on her chest and even how her reproductive parts had changed. She was currently trying to break her habit of fighting on all fours like she use to, but she was learning. Eventually she grew to cope and soon enjoy her new body. Once learning everything she needed to in order to peacefully and effectively live in her new body, she grew to accept it.

She smiled at Nurse Joy and replied "It's okay. I've gotten use to it by now." She listened to Dante's plan and it seemed like a fun and good idea to her. After all he deserved a break from hunting the Ninetails that cursed her, which wasn't going so well. The thought of a battle brought a smile to her face and replied "Yeah that sounds like fun! I haven't had a good battle in a long time maybe we can get a few good ones while we're here." She smiled at him.
Of course Dante had known that Umbreon had been unhappy with her new body after her transformation. He had seen how unhappy it had made her, which was why he had started searching for the Ninetales that had cursed her. Not only had he wanted to find the Ninetales because he feared she was unhappy, but it was also due to the fact he felt partially responsible for her transformation in the first place. He felt partially responsible because it was him who had spotted the Ninetales in the first place, and it was also him who had initiated the battle with the Ninetales. Dante knew that if he hadn’t wanted to add the Ninetales to his party, then Umbreon never would have had to battle it, meaning she never would have gone through the transformation she had been put through. Still, despite everything, he was glad that it seemed as if Umbreon had come to accept her new body.

Dante’s lips curled up into a smile as Umbreon seemed to like his idea of a battle. He really did think that a battle would be fun, especially when he thought about how long it had been since he had battled with Umbreon. After all, he had been more focused on helping her to adjust to her new body, and battling had seemed to take a back seat while he helped her. Dante looked back over at the trainer who had been staring at her, and then he turned his attention back to Umbreon once more. ”Hey, why don’t we make it a team battle. We could make it a 2 on 2. All you would need to do is pick your partner. I also think that we should be able to find ourselves a few good battles here too. We just have to hope we can find some trainers who will give us a challenge.” He flashed her another smile just as Nurse Joy returned with his pokemon and some berries for Umbreon.
Umbreon's ears perked up at the idea of a two vs two battle. Two vs two was the most fun for Umbreon since she got to fight with her pokemon friends that Dante had in his party. "That sounds great and fun! How about me and Terra vs. that trainer who.keeps staring at me. I'm sure it'll be a awesome battle. We'll teach him a thing or two about staring at one of Dante's pokemon!" She joked and chuckled, but nonetheless fired up.

Seeing the berries she smiled and thanked Nurse Joy for getting some for her. Almost immediately Umbreon took the berries and ate them, feeling more energy and ready to figjht with each that she ate.
Dante smiled and laughed a little bit as he saw how fired up Umbreon was for the battle that they were going to have. He had to admit that it had been quite a while since he had last had a 2 on 2 battle with Umbreon. Dante had missed them too, considering how much fun it usually was to battle with Umbreon and his other pokemon. When she asked for Terra to be her partner, Dante smiled and nodded his head. ”Sure, you can partner with Terra if you want to. You both make a good team anyway, so why not. I think Terra’s been itching for a battle recently anyway. You’ve seen how grouchy he’s been lately.” He laughed a little bit as Nurse Joy handed him his pokeballs. Dante placed all but four of his pokeballs on his pokebelt, making sure to keep Terra’s pokeball in his hand. ”Thanks Nurse Joy.” He smiled back at Nurse Joy, just before she went to help another trainer.

Meanwhile, as Umbreon was eating the berries that Nurse Joy had gotten for her, Dante made his way over towards the trainer who couldn’t stop staring at her. The trainer was around the same age as Dante, but he was a few inches shorter. The male trainer had short jet black hair and green eyes. He wore a red top and black pants, and he quickly looked away as he saw Dante making his way over towards him. Dante stopped just by the male trainer and grinned a little bit. ”Now, since you can’t seem to stop staring at my Umbreon, I’m going to assume you wish to battle her, so we challenge you to a battle. My Umbreon and another one of my pokemon versus two pokemon of your choice. We can find somewhere close by to battle, so what do you say? You think you can beat us?” He had a cocky looking grin on his face as he folded his arms across his chest. The male trainer turned to look at Dante and thought on it for a few moments. Finally, he nodded his head. ”Fine, I’ll battle you and I will beat you and your Umbreon, and then I’ll wipe that stupid grin off your face. We can battle in one of the fields on the edge of town. I’ll see you there in ten minutes.” With that said, he walked out of the Pokemon Centre. The grin was still on Dante’s face as he walked back over to Umbreon. ”Well there you have it. We’ve got ourselves a battle in ten minutes. You up for it? Because I know you can wipe the floor with him and whatever pokemon he’s going to choose.”
As she ate her berries her tail swayed happily and the thought of an upcoming battle only made her more happy as it was. She had just finished eating Dante came up telling her the good news. "Great! With you as my trainer I know we're gonna win! We always do, I don't think there's been a single battle we've lost. Only because you're such an awesome trainer." She smiled at him. "I don't blame Terra for grumpy I would be too if I didn't battle in such a long time." She chuckled then happily said "Come on! We have a trainer to beat!"
Dante smiled as he saw just how happy Umbreon seemed to look. Just like she was, he was also looking forward to the battle with the trainer who had been staring at her. He smiled a little bit but then shook his head at what she had said. “Thanks Umbreon, but it’s not just me who’s awesome. A pokemon trainer really is only as good as the pokemon that he trains, and I know I wouldn’t have had nearly as much luck if it hadn’t been for you and the rest of the team. You’re awesome too Umbreon, you really are and you should never forget that.” He spoke in a genuine tone as he had said this to her, mainly because he did genuinely mean every word that he was saying to her. ”Anyway, shall we get going. We’re battling that trainer on the outskirts of town in one of the nearby fields. Besides, I get the feeling that you’re itching for this battle just as much as Terra will be. Come on, this is going to be fun. We will teach that trainer not to stare at you like that again.” He winked at Umbreon before he turned and started to walk from the Pokemon Centre, motioning for her to follow him. After walking out of the Pokemon Centre, he started walking with Umbreon as they headed towards the field on the edge of town.
Umbreon smiled as her trainer's words seemed to correct her own, but if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be as strong as she is today. She remembered the day she first met her trainer as a young eevee. Thanks to his friendship and the light of the moon she was able to evolve into a the Umbreon she is today. She really was itching for a battling and knowing Terra he was too. Finally she was gonna get to battle, she only hoped it would be one worth waiting for.
Dante couldn’t seem to shake the smile from his face as he walked with Umbreon towards the field on the edge of town so they could battle the trainer they had challenged. After a few minutes, they finally made it there, and sure enough, the trainer was already there, waiting for them. He had already taken up his position on one side of the field. There was a serious look upon his face, and he had his arms folded across his chest as he watched Dante and Umbreon. ”It’s about time you showed up. Now you’re both here, I can kick both your asses.” He smirked a little bit as he reached for two pokeballs on his pokebelt.

Hearing the trainer’s words, Dante couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. As he walked to his position on the field, he looked to Umbreon again. ”Well, you’ve certainly got to admire his confidence. He thinks he’s going to kick our asses, so let’s just show him who’s going to get their ass kicked.” He stepped a little closer to Umbreon, moving close to her so he could whisper in her ear. ”Hey, if you want to have a little fun, you can even toy around with him. Give him the impression that him and his pokemon might actually stand a chance against you and Terra. If he thinks he’s going to win, then he could start to get cocky, which could mean he might start making mistakes. Anyway, you better get ready for battle Umbreon.” With that said, he stepped back and took up his position on the field once again. Dante reached for Terra’s pokeball, pulling it off his pokebelt. He pressed the button to enlarge the pokeball, and then he threw it up into the air. ”Terra, come on out, it’s time to battle.” In a flash of light, a larger than average Pidgeot emerged on the field beside Umbreon. Terra stood on the battlefield, puffing out his large chest and spreading his large wings, before beating them back and forth a few times.

It was at this point that dark haired trainer finally chose to send out his pokemon. He pulled two pokeballs off his belt, enlarging them both. ”Come on out guys.” The dark haired trainer threw two pokeballs up into the air, and in a flash of light, his chosen two pokemon emerged. The two pokemon that emerged were a Houndoom and also a Scizor. Dante smiled a little bit before he turned his attention to his own two pokemon. ”Umbreon, Terra, get ready.” He called out to his two pokemon.
Umbreon personally thought Dante's plan was a good one. If she could get him cocky enough he'll start making mistakes and with that they'll have the upper hand. She gave a nod and stood next to Terra on the battlefield. Houndoom would be tough for her since their both dark types, but he was also a fire type. Siscor being a steel bug type she'll at least stand a chance. Umbreon stood confidently and replied "I'm ready when you are Dante. Just give us the word. Let's kick this guy's ass!"
Dante was confident in both the abilities of Umbreon and Terra, and he was also pretty confident that his plan was going to work too. Well, if his plan did work, it would certainly make their victory over their opponent easier and much, much sweeter. Dante turned the focus of his attention towards Umbreon once more. ”You’ve got this Umbreon. You’ve beaten bigger and stronger pokemon than this.” He spoke the truth as he had said this to her. It was at this point that the other trainer chose to attack first. He looked straight towards his Houndoom first. ”Houndoom, start things off with a Flamethrower, and direct it at that Umbreon. Tropius, you use Razor Leaf on her too.” He kept his arms folded across his chest and smirked a little bit as he waited for his two pokemon to act out on the commands they had just been given. Houndoom was first to react. The Dark/Fire type dog pokemon bound forward a few steps before stopping. As he stopped, he looked straight at Umbreon, growling in the process, and then he opened his mouth. As he opened his mouth, a ball of fire could be seen forming in his mouth. The ball of fire grew a little more. ”Houndoooom!” Houndoom shot off the Flamethrower attack, aiming it directly at Umbreon. The Flamethrower attack barrelled towards Umbreon just as Tropius had also launched his Razor Leaf attack in Umbreon’s direction too.

It didn’t take Dante long to react after hearing the commands given by the other trainer. First, he turned his attention towards Umbreon. ”Umbreon, Double Team, then follow it up with a Quick Attack on Houndoom, and Terra, you use Double Team too, but follow it up with a Wing Attack on Tropius.” He called out to his two pokemon. Terra reacted first, spreading his large wings and taking to the sky. As he did, he split into numerous carbon copies of himself and flew straight at Tropius with his wings spread wide as he flew in for a Wing Attack.
Umbreon was the second to react, she quickly used double team to create carbon copies of herself. Luckily the fireball Houndoom sent missed her, destroying one of her copies. While razor leaf wiped out a few more copies, but ultimately missed her. Once she had the chance Umbreon quickly ran over to Houndoom performimg her quick attack. She was too fast for the Houndoom to react, so she ran into him sending the Houndoom flying back. With her larger human like body her attack had more force to it then her Umbreon body did. Umbreon stood up straight with a smug grin on her face.
Dante kept his arms folded across his chest as he had issued his commands to his pokemon. He watched both of his pokemon as they both reacted to his commands. Dante watched both Umbreon and Terra as they both successfully dodged the attacks that had been thrown their way. His lips curled up into a smile as he saw Umbreon connect with her Quick Attack. His smile only seemed to widen as he could also see how she had managed to inflict more damage than usual due to her human like body. Meanwhile, Terra was still closing in on Tropius. A number of his copies had been taken out by the Razor Leaf attack, but fortunately he hadn’t been hit himself. Terra looped in the sky, closing the distance on Tropius, and as he got closer, his wings started glowing. His speed increased as he flew past Tropius, driving his wing into Tropius’s left side. Terra flew past Tropius, quickly banking and turning back around to fly back towards Dante.

Both Houndoom and Tropius were knocked back by the attacks that had hit them. Tropius took slightly more damage than Houndoom due to the fact he was a part grass type pokemon, and the move used against him had been a flying type move. Tropius hit the ground and skidded a few feet before coming to a stop. The trainer’s eyes widened a little bit. ”Get up Tropius, and you too Houndoom. We’ve not lost this battle yet.” He shouted to his pokemon who slowly but surely managed to get to their feet soon afterwards. As soon as his pokemon were back on their feet, the trainer got ready to issue his next commands. ”Houndoom! Get back in there and target Umbreon with your Fire Fang! Tropius, Body Slam on Pidgeot! Go!” He shouted, and both pokemon instantly reacted. Houndoom growled at Umbreon as he had done before, and then he started running towards her as his mouth filled with fire. Meanwhile, Tropius started running before jumping up into the air. He soon started flying towards Pidgeot.

Dante grinned a little bit as he waited a bit before giving his commands. ”Umbreon, let’s make this interesting.” He started off. ”Use Attract on Houndoom, and then follow up with Sand Attack.” He turned his attention back towards Terra once more. ”Gust attack Terra.” He smiled as Terra spread his large wings and lifted himself up into the sky. Once he was airborne, he started beating his wings back and forth at an increasing speed, kicking up a large Gust attack in the process.
Umbreon gave a nod and replied "Right!" Then as the Houndoom ran at her Umbreon smiled sweetly as the start of her attract attack. Umbreon started giggling and winked at Houndoom in a seductive sort of way. When she winked that's what caused Houndoom to have hearts in his eyes and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. Her attack was a success then she grabbed some sand and threw it into Houndoom's eyes. Houndoom howled a little as he felt the sand stinging his eyes causing him to try to shake it out of his eyes, either way he wouldn't be able to attack Umbreon now that he was in love with her.
Dante couldn’t hide the smirk that had formed on his face as he could see that Umbreon’s Attract attack had worked. Coupled with that was the fact that Tropius had been seconds away from landing his Body Slam attack when he was knocked back by the Gust attack Terra had launched. The trainer didn’t look to be too happy as he saw this. ”Hey, that’s not fair. She’s not allowed to use her body and charm like that. That’s cheating.” He shouted over to Dante. Hearing this caused Dante to simply laugh a little bit. He chose not to say anything back to the trainer though. After all, he saw no real point.

The trainer looked towards his Houndoom. ”Fight it Houndoom. She doesn’t really love you. Snap out of it and use Fire Spin. And Tropius, use Aerial Ace and follow it up with Body Slam on Pidgeot.” He shouted to his pokemon. Tropius reacted with no problem, but the trainer couldn’t be sure if his Houndoom would even react against Umbreon. He seriously hoped he would, but there was a small part of him that doubted it was going to happen.
Since Dante hasn't given her anymore commands, she just continued to keep up her attract attack so his trainer's calls would fall onto deaf ears. The Houndoom was completely frozen from the almost human body. She teased the trainer mocking him. "Of course I love Houndoom. Isn't that right Houndoom?" She smirked at the trainer then continued to charm the Houndoom as she waited for Dante's next command.
Dante was glad to see that Umbreon still had things under control with her Attract attack. It was at times like these that he was glad he had taught her the move in the first place. After all, it had come in very handy against a number of different opponents. Unfortunately for the other trainer, his Houndoom was still very much under Umbreon’s spell and he showed no signs of wanting to attack her at all. As Umbreon spoke to the Houndoom, the dark/fire type pokemon looked back to her with a look of love on his face. His tongue still hung out of the side of his mouth as he looked lovingly up at Umbreon. It was at this point that Dante spoke. ”Aww, look at that Umbreon. You’ve got yourself another admirer.” He teased, motioning towards the love-struck Houndoom. ”He really does seem to like you doesn’t he?” He grinned. ”Now, go ahead and use Confuse Ray.” He motioned towards the Houndoom as he had said this to her.

The other trainer looked straight at Umbreon as she mocked him. Of course he didn’t look too happy. ”Hey, shut up you. You had no right to make my Houndoom fall in love with you. That’s just a cheap way of winning. You’re just afraid he was going to beat you. That’s why you made him fall in love with you like that. I see how your team works now. You….you….cheaters.” Despite the fact he was around Dante’s age, the trainer sounded rather immature as he spoke. As he spoke though, Tropius flew through the air at speed as he used Aerial Ace to close in on Terra. This hadn’t gone unnoticed by Dante as he had intentionally chosen not to issue Terra with a command just yet. It was all a part of his plan. He wanted the trainer to think he had a shot, and by now, Umbreon and every one of Dante’s pokemon, including Terra knew of this plan, considering it had been used so many times before. Terra’s eyes remained locked on Tropius as he flew straight at Terra. Seconds later, Tropius was a matter of feet away from Terra, and as he closed in on Terra, he switched to using Body Slam. Tropius hit Terra head on, catching him square in the chest.
Umbreon giggled at Dante's attention to her mocking. Hearing his next command for her attack she replied "It's a shame we have to kick my new admirer's ass, but oh well." After she was done speaking she stared right into Houndoom's eyes while her own started to glow. The yellow ring on her forehead glew and semnt a ring of small balls of light that landed on Houndoom causing him to look not only in love but confused too.

Umbreon growled at the trainer at his immature comment. "It's a move a lot of pokemon know so it's fair game. Why don't you stop complaining and get your head back into the fight!" Umbreon's ears perked up when she saw watch happened to Terra and looked towards Dante for his next command
Dante looked on as Umbreon followed the command he had given her. So far, the battle was going just the way he wanted it to, and he was hoping it was going to continue to go his way too. His lips curled up into even more of a smile when he noticed that Umbreon had successfully managed to confuse the Houndoom that was already in love with her. It was at this point that he was certain he wasn’t going to have to worry too much about the Houndoom now, considering it seemed as if Umbreon had everything with the Houndoom under control. His eyes met with Umbreon’s when she looked back to him for his next command. ”Okay Umbreon, get in there with another Quick Attack and then follow it up with Iron Tail.” He quickly turned his attention towards Terra soon afterwards. As he did, he could see that Terra was reeling from the vicious Body Slam attack, but he was relieved to see Terra getting back to his feet and getting back into the air. ”That’s it Terra. Now get back in there with an Aerial Ace of your own.” He said, and moments later, Terra started flying straight at Tropius, keeping his wings pressed firmly against his body so he could pick up more speed. As he did, what appeared to be a white light surrounded him as his speed increased.

The trainer looked back to Umbreon with a not so happy look on his face. ”I don’t care if it’s a move a lot of pokemon use. I still think it’s a cheap way to win.” He shouted defiantly at her. After doing so, he turned his attention back to his pokemon once again. ”Houndoom, snap out of it already! We’ve got a battle to win here.” He turned to look at Tropius once more. ”Tropius, go for another Body Slam.”
Umbreon didn't respond to the trainer trying to stay focused knowing her attract would probably end soon. So she did as Dante told her to and used her quick attack to charge at Houndoom and sent him flying back making him land on his side and staying down. Before Houndoom could even think about getting up she ran towards him with her tail completely glowing with a white light. She jumped in the air and did a flip dso that her tail slammed against the Houndoom's side causing it to howl in pain. She landed on her hands and did a somersault to return to her spot and on her feet with a smug grin.
Dante couldn’t keep the smirk off his face as he saw Umbreon connect with both her Quick Attack and Iron Tail. As soon as she had somersaulted back to her spot, Dante focused his attention on the fallen Houndoom. He could see that the Houndoom was struggling to get back to its feet. For a moment, it looked as if the dark/fire type dog pokemon was out for the count, but somehow, he managed to pull himself back up to his feet. His legs were quite shaky and he was struggling to keep his eyes open. Dante saw this as his chance to finish the Houndoom off. ”Umbreon, that Houndoom is finished!” He shouted to her. ”Finish him off with Shadow Ball.”

Meanwhile, Terra was closing in fast on Tropius. The Grass/flying type pokemon was also picking up speed as he flew towards Terra. Both pokemon closed in on each other and for a moment, it looked uncertain as to which pokemon would land their attack first. Due to the fact he had more speed behind him, it was Terra who got there first. He folded his wings flat across his back as he slammed straight into Tropius’s large chest. This caused the Grass/flying type pokemon to cry out in pain as he was slammed hard into the ground. He skidded a few feet after hitting the ground, rolling over a few times after hitting the ground. Finally, he came to a stop and as the dust settled, the Tropius remained motionless. The Tropius had finally been defeated.
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