Guided By the Force (Zellsantal and Scanthach)


Dec 9, 2012
A X-70B Phantom class ship lands near what looked to be ruins of an old temple surrounded by forest, once the ship touch the ground the a ramp extends from the ship and onto the ground. The hatch door opens up and slowly Kaless walks out of his ship, the young Sith lord looks around and take a deep breath of the fresh air, just as he seen in his dreams.

Kaless wore red and black cloth robes with a black hooded cloak which clovers his head and hids his hair. Kaless was on a quest for a forgotten power which most Sith believe to be just myth. Though it seems the force have been guiding him for he have found prove that this power is indeed real and if what he have gather is true he could very well become the most powerful Sith ever known. His quest lead him to old ruins of what might have been from the first force users, a time before there was a dark and light side of the force. His data he been garthering form other ruins state that there was indeed a time where the force users were one and there was no war between them but something happen which made the froce into two different sides. Though he doens't know yet but working on knowing more about them and this hidden power that they once had.

The force have given him dreams and those dreams so far have lead him here but there was something else that would be here too. He knew not of who or why this woman would be here but he would so find out soon enough. Another figure start walking down, this one however had black battle armor on with a visor helmet which made him look very much as a trooper commando. The figure is in fact a battle droid that Kaless made himself to fight like a trooper who is always learning and improving his battle skills, he gave the droid the name "Spartan", a name after a clan of forgotten warriors.

"Should I scan the area for any threats sir?" Spartan ask and waited for a reply. The young sith lord still looking at the temple as he heard his battle droid question "No, I'll go in alone. If any luck it wont be too long, stay with the ship and if you don't hear from me within an hour then come looking for me." Kaless said without turning as he walk down the ramp and headed inside of the temple. (Tan skin, blue eyes and silver white hair.)
Aoife had been here for hours, surching the runes for a sign, anything that might give her a clue to what her dreams were trying to show her. Nothing so far, just dirt, rock and thick layers of dust. Her master tryed to tell her to meditate on it to figure it out but she never could, it tugged at her insides and she could never let it go. So she came to this place seeking answers, a long forgotin power and a man, who or what he was was unknown to her but she came anyways, agenst her masters orders.

Growing up in the temples back on coruscant, she was never good at taking orders, always running off and getting in to more fights then a jedi should. She shook her head and continued to look around, at the back of the temple was a big room with a big stone figure of a cloked man she recognized fom her dream, she lowerd her hood to get a better look and let out a small gasp "wow", she ran up to the platform were the stachue stood and started to walk around it examining it closely, nothing.

She was getting frustrated with the out come and kicked a small rock making it fly across the room, it hit the far wall and made a loude echo. "I wish I knew what I was looking for!" She said mumbling to her self, "I'm not leaving this place till I find it!" She continued to walk around the room carefully examining everything in there.

Then she sensed it, the force twisted her guts telling her she was not alone on this planit any more. She tweeked her pointed black ears to hear for a noise but nothing, yet the force was telling her something diffrent and it was getting closer. Aoife took a deep breath to keep herself calm and reached under her cloke placing her hand on to her double edged light saber at the ready.

Https:// (with blue eyes)
It was a short matter of tiime while inside the ruins that Kaless felt something in the froce, the feeling hes getting... there is another froce user is here. His dream didn't state anything about another sith or jedi be here... Unless it was that woman. It would make sense of who it could be but didn't make sense why a jedi would want to be here. Kaless gets out his light saber but didn't ignite as of yet but will once he got site of this froce user. Once he have went down a set of stairs leading down, there he would see the woman he have seen in his dream standing almost in the middle of the room itself. He could feel that she is strong in the froce and being she's not wearing any sith clothing he had to guess she is a jedi.

"Well this is a sirprize, I know I've seen a woman in my dreams but didn't say thing about a jedi. Surrender and I may let you go with your life but if you've truely think you can beat me then draw your saper!" he said though she would able to tell he was already garthering the darkside around him and ignite his own saber, the blade itself of a blood red color and it was a nice size blade as well.
Aoife spun around right away and withdrew her own saber, igniting it, it was double ended and a bright shade of perple. She looked at the sith for a minute, looking him over, was this the man from her dreams, it coulden't be.... could it? She thought to herself, she looked over his face and then in to his eyes, "thows eyes!" She thought to herself "it is him, the from my dreams! But...... he's a sith!" Her head started to real around in cercles, 'why?' She continued to think 'why a sith' she knew that the man she dreamd of would be a force user but not a sith, this was a little confusing to her and wasn't making any sens. She felt her frustration build up agen and started to cloude her mind.

"You! Its you!" She said with a suprised sound to her voice, then her vibrent blue eyes narrowed as she took a step forwerd and placed herself in to a defensive stance with her saber slighty off to the side. "I don't know who you are but it dosn't matter..." she started to growl "... I do not surrender to anyone! Speshully to the likes of you..... sith!" She leapd forwerd with such speed and grace and in one swift motion, swong her saber in to the air and went to bring it down, aiming for his head, still growling "dream or no dream..... no surrender... never... surrender!"
When she said dream it made him blink, did the force taken her hear as well? If so why and for what reason would the force bring two hated enemys together unless it was to fight to the death or was there more to it? In any case she came at him first, just like the jedi to make things harder for themselfs and not just simply give themselfs up peacefuly. Though the jedi speak of wanting peace in the universe but Kaless knew better and their no differnet then the sith, wanting control.

Kaless quickly leaped back just enough that her saber would miss him and only hiting the ground where he once stood. At that moment she hit the ground he push his hand forword to send a wave of force at her which would hit her like a truck would. He wanted to toy with her for a bit if he could sense he could feel her anger rising, meaning she's steping closer to darkside which a jedi was not soppost to do it.
She slammed down to the ground from the force of if his push, dazed a bit she jumped back up and shook her head, trying to regain her balance. she took a deep breath trying to clear her mind, but it kept going back to the dream...... and this man... and the frustration started to come swimming back and she started to growl but stopped when she heard her self. She needed to focus and breath, she will not surrender.

She paced her self this time, walking in a semi circle staring him down, "Why have you come here sith?!" she growled staring him down waiting for a weakness to show so she can strike. She was never very good at keeping her calm in a stressful situation and it was beginning to show...
"Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing but I think we both know why we are here. You seek the hidden power of the first force users known as the Volk. No doubt you came here to stop any sith from finding this infomation out or use it against the sith just as I have plan to use it againt you jedi." he said to her as he watch her carfuly. Kaless readys himself for any type of counter attack he could think of just incase she plans to attack the same as before. Though he had to say for a jedi she is a fine looking dark elf, he wonder why all a lot of hot women are always on the other side. In either case he would wait for her to make her move before he make his own.
Her eyes narrowed as she stared at him, still wondering why him she spoke softly "I have not come seeking any tipe of power but just pure knowledge...... this place holds a secret.... not just for the jedi or the sith but of both" she stopped speaking and bit her tong, her master always said she talked more then she should and she decided that its best to stop right were she was, she continued to stare him down not moving from were she stood. She wanted to strike him down but there was something about him that was making her stand her ground, she was intreaged on what he knew about this place and what he knew in general, "i do not seek to destroy a thing but preserve......" she squinted her face, wrinkling her nose at him "You sith always seek to destroy.... anything you touch! The knowledge of the Volk belongs were it is...... and no were else!" She shifted her footing and stood back in to a defensive state in case he decided to strike first.
Hearing what she said about not looking for a weapon only made him laugh almost to the point of leting down his gaurd. However she seem to be more carful as well, she wasn't rushing like before, good he wanted a good fight then some one in blind rage but still it was fun to watch. "Do us a faver and spare me your lies, again your no better then the sith but the difference is that your kind fear the greater power the darkside have to offer only becuse you can't control it where we the sith have. You say we only seek to destroy but again the jedi do no different, my village who trusted a jedi buried them alive in a cave. The very reason I became who I am was because of that Jedi, oh but I wouldn't worry about him sense I delt with him years ago when I was strong enough." he said as he held anger in his voice but yet pleasure as well. "So lets end this so one of us can move on already, but I can already see you dont have a chance and would offer you again to sirrender but I can tell your the type to give up so easily." he said once more with a grin on his face.

Using the power of the dark side he start making what looked to be clones of himself, they were of crose fakes but these ones are special. There are no two of them, one on either side of Kaless. If she touch ether one of them she would be shocked with a touch of froce lighting, it would stun and shock her if she attacked or even touch one of them. His clones quickly charge at her, if she didn't believe they were real that was fine with him because thats when she would get his little surprize.
She listened to his words intently and grew a sad look upon her face "then he was no true jedi..... jedi's do not hurt defenseless people..." Her heart started to get the better of her as she looked at this man, she knew that some of her kind strayed form there true paths and turned to the dark side, this is the out come of such a tragedy she thought to her self, how sad, but then her own memories and why she is who she is and why she became a jedi came rushing back and she felt rage build up inside as she spoke agen "You are not the only victim of such a crime....... you sith are just as bad if not worst..." the memories of her parents dying screams filled her head as tears started to fill her eyes "your kind took what was most impotent to me....." her voice began to shake "it was your kind that lead me to become a jedi, your kind that slaughtered my parents in there very bed as they slept..." she shook her head trying to keep her self calm and her mind clear but it was becoming harder and harder the more she was in his presence.

"Your right about one thing thow......" she smirked lightly at him "My kind never give up so easly!" She watched as the two clones ran at her and she jumped to avoid the attack. She used the force and flung her self high in to the air and landed right behind the sith, aiming her saber right for his back.
He heard her little story and to him it didn't matter other then he is greatful she would share some pain he gone though, really he could care less. He seen her jump over his clones which he had to say wasn't a bad move but still leave her open. However she was right behind him now which didn't give him much time to react so he did something he didn't think she would see coming, he jump to the left side but as he did he left another clone in his place so she would hit it insteed. If she did hit it would sock her and long enough for the other clones to come and attack her as well. With all the clones hiting her like that it should be enough shock to know her out cold, if not the sith lord would be surprize.
She did not react in time to stop her self from swinging and hit the clone instead, a shock ran threw her body and knocked her back, dazed her just long enuf for the other two clones to attack, she tried to block and as the other two hit her, more shocks radiated threw her body and sent her flying to the grown with such force, she layed there for a few seconds, let out a small mone before passing out from the force of the knock back and shock, this was it she thought, this what what was suppose to happen, she thought this was the end..... and then she fell limp, laying there on the ground and passed out.
Kaless slowly went over to her to make sure she wasn't faking it, once he knew she wasn't he ease up some. He takes the jedi's double saber away from her hands and place it to his belt, he get his arm infront of him and push a button on the wrist band "Sparten, send the probs to scan the whole place... and ready a cell, I have with me a jedi who will be staying with us, for now." he said before looking at her again. He couldn't help but grin as he though of having some fun with this jedi. He picks her up and over his showder before carrying her back to the ship.

When Aoife would awake she would notice a few things, first of all she would notice she id naked on a bed on her back with her wrist chained just above her head. She would feel a coller around her neck and she cant feel the froce as of now. It would be in that time Kaless comes in "well I see your finaly awake."
When Aoife awoke she jerked with tryed to sit up but could not move, she looked above her head and could see her hands were tiyed up and she was not waring any cloths, she shivered a bit due to the cold and looked around, slightly frightened and not knowing what was going on or were she was. When Kaless came in she crossed her legs to try and hide parts of herself, she had never been naked in front of a man before and it made her nerves.

"what do you want?" she screamed at him then realized she had a collar on and gave him a dirty look "what are you intending to do with me?" This was not looking good for her and she knew it, what was he going to do to her? she kept thinking and she started to tremble with fear.
"Hmm let me see, I got you chained to the bed, got you naked as well and you are telling me you still dont get what I'm about to do. Then I'll make it simple for you, I'm going to fuck your sluty ass!" he said as he remove his cloths and let them fall to the ground, she would see he had for human a will build body and when she see his cock down between his legs she could tell it would be about a foot long and two and a half inch's thick. "How do you jedi go without pleasing your selfs is indeed beyond me, just be greatful I am leting you live. You might become useful to me even if only in bed." he said once more before he slide right on top of her and feeling her skin against his own. First he take his hands on her breasts only squezz them before he lower his mouth to her left one and start sucking and licking her very nipple.
When he talked about fucking her she started to brake out in a full tremble, she had never been with a man before and was scared. She had never thought of being with one let alone just pleasing herself or a sith, in her mind she had other priority's. As she looked down to his cock she let out a small gasp and tried to lock her legs closed as he layed on top of her, she let out a small sqeel as he began to suck her nipples and squirmed to try and get free, It was no use, the ties were to tight and with him on top she could not move. This felt strange to her, something she had never experienced, never felt, never had. She looked at him as he sucked her nipples and whispered in a shakey voice "Please..... no.... please.."
He sense the fear from her and by her actions he could tell she never done this before, that made it all more sweeter for him. She try to get out of his grip but with her hands chained and her force powers useless to her she is his for the taking. He gave one last lick of her nipple while he heard her plea, he only grin at her "Your mine slut and I'm going to enjoy giving you a taste of pleasure and have you beg for me to fuck you again." he told her before moving lower, he reach with his hand and rub her pussy lips. He didn't slide any in her but only rub her lips with his hand to give her a small wave of pleasure, he lower himself down and spreed her legs as he did. He made sure to keep them apart just before he give her pussy a good lick and tasting her very folds. Kaless liked what he taste and knew this woman would start getting wet soon as well sense all virgins do without knowing it until after they done it a few times. His mouth went ahead and cover her pussy lips and leting his tongue slide all around and geting what he could though her pussy lips as well.
When she seen the smirk roll across his face she knew he was not going to stop and the more she struggled the more he liked it. When his hand reached out and touched her pussy she gasped agen but this time in surprise, she had never been touched there and it was a sensation she did not know how to resist. She tryed to struggle for a minute but the moment his tong touched her pussy lips she fell limp, letting out a loud mone and slamming her head back down on the bed. She didn't want to like this but as he said, it was becoming pleasureful, she found herself breathing heavier the more he licked her pussy and she let out another small mone and started to tremble agen, this time partly from her fear and partly from the pleasure of him licking her were she had never been licked before, it was almost becoming to much.
He stoped for the moment to let her catch her breath, he knew she wouldn't die from pleasure but still he didn't want to pass out either. "My my, sounds to me your enjoying every bit of this, maybe I should recored this and put it though the holonet just to show much much a slut you really are." he said as he start moving back up. Kaless move her legs on ether side of his hips while he kiss her very neck, he get his lips close to her ear "now its time for the main event." He whisper in her ear while alining the tip of his cock to her pussy lips. Before she could say anything against it he thrust himself hard with her, having his full leagh in her as he could feel his tip hiting against her very womb.
She gasped as his lips pulled away from her pussy and travailed up her body, she bit her lip as they found there way to her neck, she didn't want to want this but it was starting to feel to good, a pleasure she had never experienced before and had no resistant agents. Aoife felt his cock between her legs and he looked right in to his eyes as he thrust in letting out a scream of pain and pleasure, then letting her head fall back on to the bed and arching her back as she could feel him deep in her womb and penetrate her very virginity.
Feeling her squeeze his very cock with her pussy and feeling how tight she is around them as well, he loved every moment of it. He felt the mix of blood and her love juices, it made it easyer for him to slide in and out of her but he didn't move yet. He waited for a bit so she would adjust to his size, once hebelieve she had enough time he start thrusting in and out of her. "Whats your name, even though calling you my bitch could work out but want to hear your name first." he said to her and waited for a reply if any. "How does it feel to have a sith cock inside of you?" he asked her once more as his ships moved on thier own.
It took her a moment to get use to him inside of her before she could catch her breath and speak, "Aoife..... my name is.. Aoife" she said with a rattle in voice. As he began to thrust in to her she let out a loud mone and tensed up agen, it began to feel more and more pleasurable with every thrust and the more he trusted the louder she moaned. Never having experienced anything like this she could not resist the pleasure of it and found herself losing control and screaming with pleasure "Don't..... stop....... more.." she panted harder and faster and moaned out of control. This was to much, she could feel herself climaxing and she screamed out with pleasure.
He had to say it didn't take much to get her to the point of beging for more, hearing her moans were like sweet music to his ears. He could feel her walls tighting up on him meaning she was about to cum, she didn't seem to take too much pain when he pop her cherry but then again some race's dont feel the pain at all but the pleasure it brings. He wasn't sure which with dark elfs but still she felt dame good to him and he was close to cum as well. At the moment she screem her climax he gave one more deep thrust and gave a loud moan as well, cuming inside her womab. He held her tightly and waited until he was done cumming inside her before he started pating. Kaless look at her once more "and my name is Darth Kaless, you will address me lord Kaless or master, is that understood Aoife?" he asked her though it was more like telling her. He would slap her around if he have to make a point across but he doubte she would be that foolish.
As she felt his cum fill her wome she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and looked at him as he spoke, a smirk rolled across her face, she shifted her hips, showing that even without the force she still has some agility and strength and flipped him on his back saying "Only if you call me by my name and nothing else!" she leaned in to his ear and nibbled a little whispering "Lord Kaless.." she ended with a slight purr and began kissing his neck. She had no idea why but she found herself attracted to this man, she knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help herself.
Now this got him by surprize, he didn't think the woman could flip him over even chained she was able to do it easly. That and how she became so willing to him, not broken as she thought she would be but more willing to do as he asked and liking it. That alone got him off guard and how she just turned him on again he was a bit lost for words. Kaless didnt want to stop though he wasn't sure if the jedi was trying to trick him, 'ah hell with it.' he thought to himself before she is suddenly unchained. "Alright, seems fair enough, though I have to say I am surprize your so willing. Or is it you understand where your place is on this ship?" he asked her before sliding his hands on her nice plump ass and give it a slap.
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