In the Service of Hell (Cold x Lawpreacher)


Jul 7, 2012
Mai woke in darkness. For a moment, her training failed her and she flailed about, crying out wordlessly. Her body was sore and she hurt all over. Realizing she was naked, she hugged herself tightly.

Slowly, the memories returned and Mai closed her eyes, wishing they hadn't. She had tried her best to protect herself, but she had failed her master, failed her training. There had been too many of them and against magic she had been unable to hold out for long. The things they had done to her....tears came to her eyes as she realized her Vows had been broken. She had been defiled over and over, made to wallow in filth and hurt so badly she had not been able to stop screaming. She had failed her teachings.

She reached out and grasped the bars of the cage she was locked in, trying to gaze out into the dark and make something out. A hollowness had settled in her chest. She did not know what they intended with her. She had been warned not to come into Cheliax, but she had not been imagined such a response to her trying to spread the teachings of her homeland. What would happen to her now?
Taerin, dressed in her purple robes with green flame design over her Mithral Breastplate with her five pointed star holy symbol visible and her matching boots of speed, stands just outside the cell in darkness as the monk awakens. She thinks this monk almost cost her four men in the first day. "Now, my pet to be you better be worth the trouble my men took to break you kneel in nadu position and face the door of this cage."

Taerin waits to see if she responds while looking over her body appraising her at first like a horse trader judges horse flesh and near the end licking her lips. Taerin readys a hellfire eldritch blast if she fails to obey.
Mai glances up to see the priestess of Asmodeus, recognizing the symbol on her chest. She says nothing, looking the woman over first. Every fiber of her being rebelled against listening to her. Break her? She shuddered. They had come closer than she would have thought possible.

She did not want to obey. But she was trapped in a cage and weakened and from the looks of her this woman was a caster. If she was strong...she could deal some real damage to Mai.

Her eyes lowered in shame, she did as the woman asked. She faced the cage door and knelt, sitting back on her knees. Closing her eyes and uttering a whisper of an apology to her master, she pulled her knees apart, exposing herself shamefully.
Taerin smiles and licks her lips more as the monk finishes her obedience. Taerin notices there is still will within her. "Your former Master died in the battle when we captured you. Your will is strong, perhaps to strong. I have an offer for you I had hoped the ministrations of my soldiers would have made this easier but here goes. I could use one of your talents and beauty. You would give yourself to me as a bodyservant."

Taerin watches her waiting for an answer. As she signals her men to prepare.
A sob caught in her throat as the woman confirmed that her master was dead. Mai shut her eyes tight as grief and anger and horror threatened to overwhelm her. Controlling herself with great effort, she looked up at the woman. Body...servant? "Why...would I serve you?" She asked, her voice quiet. "You are evil." She said matter-of-factly.
Taerin blasts her seemingly burning her with out burns on her skin afterwards almost making her pass out. "That was your first warning. Next time I send my soldiers in and we talk when in a week."

Taerin stands there with anger in her burning red eyes. Taerin awaits a proper response.
Mai wasn't prepared for what happened. She screamed at the sudden searing pain. Reducing to a quivering mess on the floor by the time it was over, she stared up at the woman with hate, but also terror. Mai hated to admit it, but she didn't want to be hurt again. Her heart thundering, she slowly pulled up to her knees again, her eyes wet with tears and she bowed her head.

"I will be your bodyservant." She said, hating herself for capitulating so easily.
Taerin smiles and signals to her soldiers. "Better. I may be evil but have honor you will learn how that applies to you and you may begin to love in the future. I am going to send my men in to get you and take you to a bath. Any resistance on your part and we repeat this conversation after they have you for another week. Understood, Mai?"
Mai inclined her head, beaten, ashamed. She should have accepted the torture with her head held high, but she did not have the strength of heart. "I will not resist," she said and as a show of faith, she lifted her hands and held them pressed together, as if awaiting being bound. If nothing else, a bath sounded lovely at the moment.
The soldier take you out man handling and one of them fisting Mai. As the pass by Taerin, she slits the throat of the one fisting her. "I did not say anyone could use my Bodyservant. See to it she is cleaned and this trash is disposed off."
The soldiers pulled her out of the cage, holding her aloft like some obscene prize. Mai cried out in pain and shock when one of the soldiers unceremoniously stuffed his fist into her vagina. The shock of the action and the size of the man both made her reel and she screamed in pain, vow long forgotten. She squirmed, tears falling from her eyes. "No!" She yelled, trying to strike at the man's hand.

But before she could do much, they reached the woman and she casually slit the man's throat. The fist fell away with a pop. Mai stared in shock. Taking a life was a great deal in her ways and she had never seen someone killed so...easily. Like swatting a fly. She looked at the woman, shivering. Evil. But she had stopped that man. Hesitantly, feeling skeevy, she inclined her head. "Thank you." She said as the men carried her away to her bath.
Taerin strokes her cheek before they lead her away. "I said I was honorable. You will learn to love me even." Then the guards lead her away and wash her with taking any more advantage then they have to. One of them apologizes for everything even. After they wash you they lead you to a conference room and set you down on a table. The guard who spoke speaks again. "Wait here. Don't move. Marquesa Eldritch Flame Taerin Devilschild will be here soon."
Mai wasn't sure about loving this woman. She had never thought about loving anyone. Chastity was a virtue. But that had been taken away from her. She shivered when she was lowered into the water and grimaced at the touch of male hands all over her, flashing back to the traumatic rape she had suffered at their hands. But they were surprisingly gently this time, one even apologizing. This woman terrified them, obviously.

After washing, she was led to a room and sat at a table, still naked. She shivered at the name, wondering if the woman had infernal blood in her. That would explain much. She sat with her legs together, her arms neatly folded and set on her lap, covering her vagina. She waited, her heart pounding, wondering what fate awaited her.
Taerin walks into the room and laughs. "Still being a prude my bodyservant? Lay down and spread your legs so I can mark you." She walks to the table holding a tattoo kit then waits for you to obey.
Mai hesitated, but the memory of the hellfire was still fresh in her mind. She obeyed, feeling sick about it. She laid on the floor and pushed her legs on either side of her, exposing her vagina. She looked at the tattoo kit apprehensively. "Will this hurt badly?" She asked, quiet and proper as always.
Taerin sets her kit down and opens it. Taerin kisses Mai's labia. "Yes. Would it offend you if I said I would enjoy your pain?"

Taerin pulls out her red ink and starts with the Asmodean Pentagram on her labia. "It will mark you as mine and give you protection against others." Taerin casts Divine Mark and Protective Mark on the Pentagram. Then moves to the left breast kissing and sucking Mai's nipple.
Mai shivered when Taerin kissed her down there, suppressing the urge to swat the woman away. She closed her eyes. Before this horrible incident, no one, man or woman, had even seen her private parts. It felt...wrong to have her use her so openly.

She said nothing to her question. How did she answer? Instead, she called upon her training as the tattooing began, subsuming the pain in ritualistic breathing. Once it was over, she breathed out. So she belonged to this woman, like an animal. It was so degrading.

Mai squealed when Taerin began kissing and sucking her nipple, unused to such attention. A wave of pleasure ran through her, and her pussy wettened. Her nipples hardened and she gasped, not wishing to respond positively to such things. "N...Is this what a bodyservant is?" She asked, trying to hide the mingle alarm and pleasure in her voice. "A sex slave for your personal use?"
Taerin switches ink to purple as she stands straight up again. "That and and bodyguard." Taerin tattoos a purple flame on her left breast as she watches Mai's reaction. "Again you will love me eventually."
Mai did the breathing exercise as earlier to deal with the pain. "Bodyguard," she murmured, wondering why the woman wanted her when she had so many soldiers serving her.

"So you keep saying," she muttered when Taerin told her again that she would come to love her. She looked down at the flame tattoo on her breast and thought it looked fine.
Taerin sighs. "How do you think you get a promotion in Cheliax?" Taerin finishes and suckles on her left nipple again.
Mai shuddered as Taerin started suckling on her again. The wetness of her mouth felt good after the searing pain. She was breathing heavily already; warm, tingling sensations spread from the point of contact.

She looked down at the woman. "By murdering the one above you?" She replied, only half mocking.
Taerin stops. "Yes, but only under certain ritualistic procedures. So bodyservants who can never advance are the only ones someone can trust to guard them. And Bodyservants are considered part of you so they can fight with you in a duel."
"I...see," Mai said. She needed someone who was not Chelaxian to be her bodyservant, since she could never advance. This would be her life from now? Tears gathered in her eyes again. "Until I die?" She asked plaintively, her voice trembling.
"Yes my love to be. Of course you are the only one I can have the potential of loving either. Understood?" Taerin sucks on her nipple again.
She nodded, but she didn't mean it. She could not imagine falling in love with this woman. She could hardly imagine falling in love at all. She had taken a Vow of Chastity, had meant to keep her virginity until she died. And now she would be a sex slave to this devil worshipper. It was a cruel fate.

She moaned, a sharp tang of pleasure bursting in her pussy as Taerin sucked on her. She trembled, unused to such sensations.
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