I enjoy parts of the book. Anna, the main female character, tends to piss me off a bit. She's weak, narrow minded, and has the self-esteem of a ten year old. --_--
But, every now and then, you actually like her.
Christian, on the other hand, is nearly irresistible. I'd love to break every rule he has and watch what happened next. XD
Maybe a beating over the hood of Jamie's car might not be the best idea.. but if they were to stop off by Jamie's house and there was no one else home?...
*whistles innocently*
Oh yes, and I think you begged just fine. Seemed about right to me. I can't say I am the best 'beggar' either. I have a hard time admitting I really want what it is very obvious I want. Making me actually say it... it always makes me want to growl and bite and what-not. ^-^'''