{Retsu and Crown's Life of Partying or Life of Love?}

Meg smiled surprised that he actually did a dance for her. He didn't press against her but it was definitely sexy watching him strip exposing all of that muscled flesh. His bulge was pressing into her stomach and she liked it. She had no thoughts of Hades because her mind was occupied with other things. "You did very well. If we were at my place I would pay you back with a little dance of my own. I guess I owe you one." She smiled at him and looked into his eyes. She pushed his hair back over his ear and licked her lips. "That's a good thing too, it means I will see you again." She looked into his eyes again and she couldn't help herself. She got up on her tiptoes and kissed him. She put her arms around him and the got deeper. The longer she kissed him, the harder it was to leave him. The kiss broke naturally and she looked into his eyes again. She pressed her forehead against, "I can't stay." She whispered and bit her lip.

Meg's arms slid down his body and back to her sides. She took a step back and looked up at him again, "I have to go." The guilt started to sink in, she kissed a guy that wasn't Hades. She cheated on Hades for the first time in...ever. Maybe she shouldn't see this guy again. He tested her will and she couldn't have that. Not while Hades was away, he could pop up by her side at any time and if he found her with another guy. It was scary to think of what he would do. He wouldn't do it to her but he would probably make her watch as he punished who ever she was with. "i'm sorry." She said softly and started to walk away. "I have to go." She left his place with out leaving her number. She stood by the door and thought of what she just did. She could only hope that Hades didn't figure out it happened.
Hercules was rather surprised when she suddenly kissed him, and it actually took him just a wee bit before kissing her back. She was quite good at it, and he loved how she tasted with her lipstick on. The kiss kept getting deeper and deeper until it just broke naturally. He thought that Meg was going to let this night go even further after this kiss, or that she would give him that dance she owed him; however, things took a much different turn. She started to back away from him, and told him that she had to go before dashing out his door. It was almost like she felt guilty about kissing because he knew it couldn't be because he said or did something that she didn't like. He started to wonder if she had a boyfriend already, and started to feel bad about kissing her. She was the first ever woman to not be seem interested in his body only, and now that she was out of his life. Hercules knew that he would never find another woman like her. A sigh left his lips as he picked up his cop uniform, and brought it back into his bedroom. He put it away neatly before dressing into sleepwear. Meg hadn't even left her number, so it wasn't like he could apologize to her; however, he did have access to public records, and could just see where she lived. She did have a very unique name, so it surely wouldn't be hard to find her.

Hercules had moped about a little longer before going through his daily evening routine and getting ready for bed. He woke up the next morning forgetting about Meg at first when he woke up with a hangover. His boss wouldn't be too happy at him for going out drinking tomorrow when he had patrol duty, but he hoped that taking some paid medication would help with the headache. After taking the pills, he brushed his teeth, and had a quick breakfast before dressing back into his police officer uniform, and that was when he remembered about Meg. It made him frown and sigh as he was putting on the outfit, and made himself a mental note to look her up and apologize for what he did.


Hades had woken up the next morning as well way before the Fate sisters, and just laid awake thinking. He wondered how Meg was doing, but didn't want to call her. He really missed being next to her, and couldn't bring himself to sleep with one of the Fate sisters in his arms. It just didn't feel right to him, and he missed the feeling he got from Meg whenever he did so. He wanted to see her again, and sighed quietly before casting a sleeping spell over all three of the sisters. Normally, it would only effect Emilia and Sarah, but not Fate. With his new power, it would effect them equally, and he made sure that they would stay asleep no matter what he did. First, he got out of bed and cleaned himself up before making a circle in the air to make a viewhole. The titians were still making their way to Olympus, but he was actually happy for that. It meant he would be able to see Meg without having to worry about moving on Olympus for a couple more hours. The next thing he did was clone himself, but he wanted to make sure that the clone was as near perfect as possible. Fate had saw right through him the last time he cloned himself, and he didn't want that to happen now.

She knew better to use harmful magic on Meg now, but he still didn't want to her to find out that he was with her. So he kept cycling through his clones until there was one that was so good. That Fate would have a hell of a time figuring out if it was real or not. The minor difference about the clone compared to the real Hades was that his inner thigh had a small birthmark in the shape of a star. One that would be somewhat hard to see as well. He had the clone get naked, and climb back into bed with the Fate sisters before teleporting himself back home, and to their bedroom. He found Meg sleeping peacefully, and he smiled at how beautiful she was. Even without her make-up on, she was beautiful, and that was one of the many things he enjoyed about her "Xypní̱ste , glykiá mou,"(Wake up, my sweet) he said, before kissing her softly.
Meg was beating herself up as she drove home. She shouldn't have kissed him, she shouldn't have taken him home. If Hades found out then he would kill them. She gnawed on her bottom lip and got home. She took a shower and just fell in to the bed and fell asleep. She didn't get a good sleep, she didn't have her cuddle buddy Hades. She tried getting a good sleep, she was wearing one of his shirts, she was clutching his pillow but nothing seemed to work. She sat up and read her book on her iPad and just waited for sleep to take her naturally. It took forever but it seemed like the second she entered dream land someone came and woke her up.

She groaned but recognized the voice and language and she shot up. She wasn't normally a morning person but how could she be grumpy when her love came home for her. She got up and gave him a hug and kiss. "I missed you." She told him and held his hand in her lap. "How was the meeting? Everything go as planned with Tokyo? Or do you have to leave again?" She looked down at their hands and then into his eyes. Meg had a guilt conscious, she always had one and she hated keeping secrets. She couldn't keep his birthday presents a secret. She wouldn't be able to keep this a secret form him, not something this big. she didn't want to mar his welcome home but she couldn't just sit on news like this.

She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him "I have to tell you something but I don't want you to be angry. It was a drunk accident and I swear it will never happen again. It's just...I was upset when you just left me while I was sick in bed and I felt better the next day and I spent a lot of money." She looked down guiltily and then opened her mouth to continue but the words just wouldn't come out. Telling him about Hercules would mean, putting Hercules's life in danger and she didn't want that. 'And I may have bought a new car. A Lamborghini." She bit her lip and looked up at him. "Are you angry?" She asked softly.
Of course he couldn't tell Meg the truth, at least not yet, but he could still use his white lie "I missed you too, Meg. It's really hard to fall asleep without you being close to me," he smiled at her, but that smile soon turned into a small frown "Sadly, I won't be able to stay for too long. It is about eight in Japan, and I just have a small break from business. Figured I would take that break to come visit you," his smile returned now, and kissed her once more just before she started telling him about what she did. He really didn't think anything of it as he hadn't been too focused on Meg at the time, or he probably would of immediately seen she was with another guy, and would of probably killed him. He rolled his eyes in a playful manner as she told him that she bought a Lamborghini, and spent a lot of money "Normally, I would be slightly angry with you; however," he sat down on the bed next to her, and pulled her close "I understand how you felt when I had to just suddenly leave you, and I feel really bad because of it. Like I said, it was urgent that I left as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would of stayed with you for as long as you needed me," he kissed her again after speaking.

While he wasn't actually at Tokyo, he knew enough about it to be able to possibly visit the place with Meg one day "I do wish that I could bring you along because Tokyo is absolutely amazing. The atmosphere, and their culture is just amazing. Maybe the next time we go on vacation, we could go to Japan," he got a slightly sultry smile on his face as he thought about what he was about to say "I think you would look so cute in a Kimono," just to help her imagine what he saw as well, he shared his own mental image of her in a traditional Kimono.
Alexis smiled when he said he wasn't angry and she kissed him happily. "It comes in a few days, I special ordered it to get it here as soon as possible and the best part of it it....it's pink!" she smiled happily and got in his lap where she felt safe. "A kimono?!" She asked and then saw the image he planted in her head.When she saw it, she didn't think it looked that bad. Geisha's were very pretty and the clothes they were very rich and beautiful. "I'd look good in a Kimono. How about when you come back, we pack and we can go to a nice hotel and take a nice vacation? Or would that be too soon for you after all of these meetings?" She put her arm around his waist and kissed under his chin.

"Can't you just ditch work and spend the day with me?" She asked, already knowing the answer to the question. 'You know what these clubs mean for you and me. You wouldn't have nearly as many pretty things with out them. yada, yada.' She rolled here and put her finger against his lips she didn't want to hear that excuse again. "Fine but since you are in such a good mood for some reason, I saw a very pretty ring at Tiffany's but it's a good chunk of money and already spent so much n the car when i saw it, I didn't want to push my luck more. But maybe, since you have to leave me again, you could give me the go ahead to go and buy it." She looked up at him with big purple eyes and pouted her bottom lip out a little. "It's really pretty and it would look really good on this finger." She pointed tot he ring finger but not on her wedding hand. "And then maybe one day you could get me a ring to go on this finger." She said and wiggled her ring finger on her wedding hand.
Hades wouldn't really mind much actually going to to Japan with Meg after he was done with Olympus "Nah, it would actually be quite fun to take you there, and I don't really mind so much if it is after all my meetings. Though, I would like a little time to stay at home with you and relax a bit before actually heading to Japan," as Meg put her arms around him, Hades did the same to her, and he had missed the feeling of her being in his lap and in his arm. When she started talking about ditching work and spending the day with her, there was nothing more that he wanted to do than to do just that; however, he wanted to take over Olympus, and he wasn't the kind of person to be business after pleasure. He was about to explain that to her when Meg put her finger over his lips, and stopped him. Then she started talking about a ring she saw at Tiffany's, and he already knew that this was going to be the most expensive couple of days for him "I really shouldn't do this, Meg. However," he kissed her softly, and smiled at her brightly "Because I love you so much, and the ring does look like it would look good on you. I will allow you to purchase the ring, but please let this be the last expensive thing you buy for a while."

A playful frown came on his lips after saying that "You have already spent so much money as is, and I would really rather not be broke," he chuckled, and kissed her once more. Hades pulled away just slightly to check the time on his watch, and his sleeping spell he used on the Fate sisters should still be active. So he had a couple more minutes before he had to leave Meg once again "So, besides nearly destroying my bank account, how have you been doing without me? Anything I should really know about? You haven't been cheating on me, have you?" he said in a joking manner before chuckling.
Meg smiled brightly when Hades said yes and she hugged him tighter, "thank you baby. I promise, the last expensive thing I buy." She kissed him happily and tugged him on top of her. "I promise, you won't go broke." She said rolling her eyes. "The ring isn't that much. Plus I won't be going shopping any time soon. I already have bags of clothes in my closet. I'll be good until you get back. I promise." She hugged him again and kissed him once more. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she rubbed his sides. "I love you so much baby." She said softly into his neck. She kissed where his neck and shoulder meet and along his shoulder. She felt him shift around to look at his watch and she pouted. "You're leave again? So soon too." She frowned at him and then kissed him because she was happy she was getting the ring.

She forced out a laugh when he brought up doing anything with out him. She rubbed his cheek and smiled at him. "Why would you ask such a silly question baby?" She asked her heart pounding in her chest. 'He knows. He's going to kill us. All for a simple kiss. HE KNOWS!' Her internal dialogue screamed at her and looked up at Hades. She kissed him and rubbed his cheek, not looking in his eyes. "You've been in the same suit since we left haven't you? You should go change." She stood him and patted his chest. She looked at her watch and sighed a little. "You have to leave soo and I have to leave soon. I told Beth I'd take her to lunch today. I can't flake out we are supposed to do some catching up." She hated to cut their meeting short but he wasn't there to stay anyways. "I'll see you in a few days when you come home for real."
The time he spent with Meg was so refreshing, and he was glad to get in some time with her. It was a pity that they had to leave each other once again, but it would only be for a couple more days before he could finally return for real. Before he left, however, Hades grabbed Meg's ass and gave it a good squeeze before whispering this into her ear "Speaking of which. When I get home, you and I are going to have some delicious welcome home sex. So make sure to have something sexy on when I get home," he chuckled softly, and gave her something to remember him by, by giving her a hickey. He pulled away from her after that "God, I am going to miss you again, Meg. You be a good girl now, and I'll try to call you if I can. Love you," he kissed her once more, and let her say her goodbyes before teleporting himself back to his lair where the Fate sisters were thankfully still sleeping. He absorbed the clone back into his body, got himself naked once more, made himself look like he had just woken up, and moved over the Fate sisters. He grew a third arm, and each sister got two fingers thrusted inside them as they started pumping away "Wake up, sluts. It's a bright new day, and the titans have nearly made it to Olympus."


Hercules had spent the entire time at work thinking about Meg, and it nearly cost him. He almost missed a call about someone robbing a gas station, and the perp would of gotten away had Hercules not been paying attention. After that, he tried to get her out of his head, but that was easier said than done. Everything about her pulled him towards her, and he wanted her to be his lover; however, he had a feeling that she was already in a relationship because of how she acted last night. He didn't want to make her cheat on her boyfriend, but he also wished she would break up with him. He knew that was something mean to think about, but she was the first ever girl to care more about him than his body. Hercules didn't know what to do because he couldn't think of any way that he could get her number, and call to say that he was sorry for what happened last night. He just sighed, and kept trying to get her out of his head at least until he was done being on patrol.
Fate, Emilia and Sarah all woke instantly. Fate got on all fours and took Hades fingers like a champ. The other girls weren't as awake yet but they were happy to have Hades attention. Fate could still feel Hades name engraved on her like a tattoo. It seemed like every time he touched her, it lit that spot like a good fire. "What's the next step?" Fate asked and spread her legs. She moaned and started pushing back on his finger. "Don't forget my ass baby." She teased and put her head down on the bed.

Emilia and Sarah were just to Fate getting most of the attention but that doesn't mean they liked it. To get his attention on them they started to touch each other's bodies. In the human world it was very guys fantasy to have twins together at once. If they could get hAdes attention off of Fate and on to them, they could have a fun three some. As long as the titans continued to take their time. They smiled at each other and start to kiss each other. Sarah got under Emilia and started to kiss her more and opened her eyes to look at Hades.


Meg watched Hades disappear from view and she sat on the bed. He didn't bring anything up about Hercules besides his last little quip but after that he didn't say anything. She wondered if she was being tested but she doubted it. Hades was a vengeful man, he would have dealt with the problem right. She was I the clear for now which made her feel good. She hopped out of bed and took a shower and started to do her make up. Since Hades wasn't there she didn't have to put on a crazy colored lipstick so she just stuck with a bold red lip. She covered the hickey with some make up and put a black cat eye eyeliner on? She looked like she just stepped out of the sixties. She put her hair up in a classy bun and got dressed in a black and white mini dress with red platform heels. She grabbed a black Chanel bag and they keys to one of the cars and she drove out of the garage.

She was making her way downtown, speeding on the back roads. She didn't see the cop car until it was flashing its light and siren. She groaned and pulled over grabbing her license and registration. She normally had Hades there to deflect the cop cars, she forgot he wasn't with her and now she had to pay the price. She waited for the cop to walk up the the car and smiled when she saw who it was she doubted he would actually get a ticket. She rolled her window down and smiled at the officer, "Are you going to frisk me?" She asked and pulled off her big Chanel sunglasses and smiled at Hercules. "Or do you not have to do that with speeding tickets?" She winked at him and put one of the sunglasses sides between her teeth. A flirting to get her out of a ticket wasn't a bad thing.
Hades was actually somewhat surprised that Fate woke up so easily. He was sure that she would be the most tired out of her sisters, but he wasn't going to mind much "The next step is finally taking over Olympus. We still have a couple more hours before the titans reach Olympus, but I think I know a little something we can do," he couldn't wait for that to happen, and his mouth nearly started to water at the mere thought of it. That is when he noticed Sarah and Emilia starting to kiss and touch each other. It was a sexy show, and while he wasn't just a mere human. Even he would be lying when saying that he didn't share the same fantasy. They were able to achieve their goal in taking his attention off Fate, and they did deserve a little alone time with him. Hades let his third arm disappear, and he pulled his fingers out of Fate before slapping her ass "I think you have had enough fun, Fate. Your sisters and I are going to have some fun now, but don't think I won't punish you if you do anything but watch. I want you to get dripping wet just by watching me fuck your sisters," he spanked her again before moving to join Sarah and Emilia.

He let them kiss each other a little while longer, and had the perfect idea for them "Stay like that, girls," since Emilia was on top, Hades first rammed himself inside her, and started pounding her. With every thrust forward, his shaft would rub against Sarah's clit. Both girls were getting fucked at the same time, and Hades pulled out of Emilia after a while of fucking her only to ram himself inside Sarah. His shaft also rubbing against Emilia's clit with every thrust. He kept going like that giving each girl about three minutes each of him fucking her.


Hercules had just manged to get Meg out of his mind, and just in time as well. A car clocking in about ninety miles an hour came speeding by him, and he quickly turned on his sirens before chasing the vehicle down. The person driving it had to be some young spoiled rich brat because it was a nice looking car, and he thought he was going to have to get into a high speed chase with it. Thankfully, the driver pulled over once they saw his lights, and he sighed a breath of relief. Even then, he was ready to react incase they did decide to speed off. He pulled behind the car, and got out as he walked up to the driver's side window, and almost wished that he didn't. When he saw who it was behind the wheel, he felt a mixture of happiness and regret "Didn't think I would see you again," he chuckled, and leaned down as he rested his arms on her window "You were going pretty fast there, Meg. I mean, I guess it is pretty hard to resist with a car like this," he chuckled when she asked if he was going to frisk her "Unless you got drugs on your person, and the only place you could hide them is in your shoes, I can't frisk ya," he chuckled again

"May I see your license and registration now?" once she gave them to him, he headed back to his squad car, and ran her through the database just to make sure if this was her first offense or not. Hercules headed back to her after finding out that this would be her first ticket, and handed her back her things "Because this is your first offense, and because I can, I'm going to let you off with a warning; however, let me give you this," he took out one of the tickets he gave people for speeding, and wrote his number on the back of it "Call me sometime, Meg," he smiled at her, and waved her off before heading back to his squad car, and letting her go first before driving back.
Sarah and Emilia were very happy to get their future kings attention. Now they would do everything in their power to keep his attention on them. Fate wasn't happy to just sit in the corner and she was about to disappear and go have some fun else where but then Hades told her not too and she sat in the corner. She was forced to watch him fuck her sisters. Worst yet, she was actually enjoying it and imagining herself in their position. She hated sitting on the side lines but she loved to watch Hades show his strength and fuck some women that probably couldn't stand up to the way she performed in bed. She spread her legs and moved corners to one where Hades could see her better and she did was she was told to do.

Emilia screamed when Hades rammed his cock inside of her. She had never felt so much power in a single thrust before. She loved it. She pushed back but once she got used to it he pulled out and switched to Sarah. Emilia bent over and sucked on Sarah's nipples while Hades fucked her. Then when he went back to fucking Emilia Sarah licked her nipples. They could feel Hades power as they fucked them. They knew it would only get stronger and stronger even once he was on top of Olympus. They couldn't wait to wait to feel that power between their thighs.


Meg smiled at Hercules and handed him her license and registration, "You never know. These are pretty high heels. They could have a secret pocket." She teased and watched him walk back to his car. She bit her finger and waited for him to come back to her car. "Thank you for the warning officer. I will be more careful from now on." She smiled sweetly and bit her bottom lip while he wrote her his number.

She grabbed his hand before her could walk away. "How about dinner? Tonight, somewhere nice. I know where you live, I will pick you up at eight. We will go some where fancy so dress nice. And then we can catch a movie at my place. I know it's short notice but ti's such a big house and I don't want to be alone. Having a big strong cop in the house will make me feel better about sleeping alone. I have enough rooms so you can sleep in one of those and I will have the cook make you breakfast before work." She let go of his hand and put it in her car. "I'm sorry for leaving like I did last night. It'll be different this time and I want to make it up to you. I'm not taking no for answer." She winked at him and watched him get back in his car. She was really wanted to speed off again but she saw that he was waiting for her to go first so she did the right thing and drove the speed limit.
Hades enjoyed fucking both sisters at the same time, hearing their screams of pleasure mingle together, and watching them pleasure each other at the same time. This was truly every man's dream, and they were achieving their own goal in keeping his attention on them and them alone. He wasn't even looking at Fate even though his peripheral vision. After a while of switching back and forth between each girl, and after they had each gotten an orgasm. Both times, Hades put a load of cum inside each girl, but he was sure they weren't quite done yet. He surely wasn't, and rolled onto as he gave himself another cock "How about you two lovely ladies ride me at the same time? Let me see if you are better than your sister at riding a cock," he was challenging them, and hoping that by comparing them both to their sister. That they would be more inclined to pleasure him, and going above and beyond their own limits. After all, he would probably be using them a lot once he took control over Olympus, and they were going to need to gather up some strength to even last a minute with him.


Hercules was quite surprised when she was the one who asked him to come over. Hell, he had taken a bold move by giving her his number. He still wanted to apologize for what he did last night, but that was quickly pushed into the darkest corner of his mind as he watched her drive off. Now he couldn't wait to see her again, and thankfully, never else happened while he was still on duty. Hercules was able to get off around seven, so he still had a little time to prepare before Meg picked him up. She told him that she was taking him to a fancy restaurant, and to wear something nice. He had the perfect suit for her, but took a quick shower first before he even thought of getting it out. He absolutely loved the contrast of the white with the black undershirt, and while he knew that there was the possibly it could get stained. He was just going to be mindful not to spill anything. Hercules spurted some cologne on his body just to give him that masculine smell, and combed out his hair afterwards. He took a quick look at himself in the mirror just to make sure he looked good, and smiled at himself.

He started to wonder what Meg would wear for their little dinner date, and he saw her in all kinds of outfits. Of course, he was still a guy, and he did see her in some sexy lingerie as one of the outfits; however, he didn't want to get aroused just yet, and shook that thought from his head. So before he started thinking about it again, he made his way to his living room, and turned on the TV to have something to do before Meg came to pick him up.
Sarah and Emilia were instantly on board with Hades plan. They forgot all about fate be in the room and put all of their attention on Hades. Sarah got the front cock the new cock and Emilia got the back cock, the cock Hades was born with. They started riding him alternating who was down and who was up so Hades always felt like he was inside one of them. Then they started bouncing on his cock at the same time so he could feel double the pleasure at the same time. They switched spot in a instant and did the same thing. They started to play with each other. Fate was more of a solo person and Emilia and Sarah liked to play with each other. It was all a part of their personalities. But all three of them wanted Hades. Only one was willing to sabotage the other two to get him and she was sitting in the corner all alone and unhappy but horny.

Meg got dressed and hopped in one of the Ferrari's and drove to Hercules house. She knocked on his door and smiled when she saw him all decked out in his suit. "Very handsome." She told him and kissed his cheek. She was wearing a very simple purple dress
that matched the color of her eyes with gold hued make up. If you looked at her lips close enough they were good color as well. She only had on a simple thin diamond bracelet and diamond studded earrings. "There is one thing I need you to change though." She gave him a finely wrapped box and watched him open it to reveal a Rolex. It wasn't flashy, it just simple yet bold. "I went shopping and when I saw it, I thought of you. A hidden potential, I guess. It's not the obviously flashy Rolex and you aren't the typical buff guy. You have a hidden potential, I know you do. You're going to do something great one day. Plus it's the normal thing to get your date flowers, I figured this would do you more good than flowers." Sh smiled at him and looked at her reflection. She fixed a strand of hair that wouldn't get out of her face and then turned back to Hades.

"I also have bad news. I mean it's good because I get to spend more time with you but it's bad because we won't be going to dinner. Not right away at least. But you look very handsome and I know you'll fit in. I'll tell you more about it in the car." She took his hand and lead him outside. They got in the car and she sped off. Remembering that she was with a cop she slowed down and did a little over the speed limit. "There is a fundraiser and I completely forgot that I agreed to make an appearance so we have to go and mingle for just a little bit. If any one asks you can say you're a cop...or my bodyguard." She teased and reached out to take his hand in hers. "Only forty-five minutes to an hour tops and then we can go to dinner I have the reservation all planned out so it'll be perfect. I made sure about that. Then if you aren't tired of me, we can head back I my place and watch a movie."
Sarah and Emilia were definitely right in thinking that it was every mortal's fantasy to have sex with twins. Hades was no exception, but he was able to fuck them both at the same time unlike a mortal. He absolutely loved how they would alternating who he was inside of him, so he was never not feeling some sort of pleasure. It was amazing, and got even better once they started to bounce on his cocks at the same time. That only seemed to double his existing pleasure, and his groans got even louder. He had forgotten completely about Fate at that moment in time, and was focused entirely on her two sisters.


When Hercules heard someone knocking on his door. He didn't even need to think who it was as this was around the time Meg said she would pick him up. He made his way to the door, and his eyes widened as he laid his eyes on Meg. While her dress wasn't anything super special, it looked so beautiful on her, and her gold hued make-up and lipstick only added to that. He was about to comment on just that when she suddenly gave him a box which was neatly wrapped. He smiled at her, and opened the box to reveal the Rolex hidden away inside. It was honestly a lot better than he could ever afford, and he was glad that she got it for him. He started putting it on as she explained why she had gotten it for him, and wanted to say just how right she was. She was still in the dark about his godlike strength, and he was still much too afraid to admit such a thing to her. That would be something more suited to if they ever got married "Thanks, Meg. It means a lot to hear that coming from you, and this is much better than what I could afford anyway. By the way, you look beautiful, Meg," he smiled at her again, and let her take his hand as she started telling him about some bad news which was also good news. Once they were in her car, then she started finally explaining it in detail.

His eyes gave a slightly look of confusion when she said that she had agreed to make an appearance at some fundraiser. Hercules wasn't one to follow up on the latest celebrities, but he knew enough to know that Meg definitely wasn't one. Yet her statement seemed to say otherwise, and it got him curious "I'd be happy to join you, Meg, but why do you have to make an appearance? I'm not saying that you shouldn't, but you aren't a celebrity or some famous person, right?" he still had no idea that she was in a relationship with Hades, but he did indeed know who he was. Only in the fact that he was the very successful owner of two different nightclubs, but nothing beyond that.
Since they started riding him at the same time, and put in the same effort to make sure Hades enjoyed their company, it was only right that they came together. They held each other's hands and their moans got louder. Instead of bouncing on his cock they started to grind against him so their clits were constantly rubbing against hades. They let out identical screams and came together giving Hades twice the pleasure once again. They were still recovering from last nights episode but they were prepared to let Hades go just yet. After Hades came inside of them, they each chose a said and down down next to him and whispered sweet nothings in his ears. It wasn't a loving type of thing, it was just a way to make sure his attention was only on them and let him know that their attention was only on him. It was easy for a god to lose track of time, they have been alive long enough that time had no real meeting. Hours were like minutes to them. Time didn't really matter.


Meg listened to Hercules's question and thought about how she could spin it, "No I'm not a celebrity. It's just...I told you I like to donate to charities and that is what this is. I already donated and now in just have to show my face and show my support for the charity. That's all." She smiled at Hercules. They got to the ritziest hotel in the downtown area and she let valet take the car. She put her hand on Hercules arm and they walked to the venue together. Meg knew it would be a shock for them to see her with out Hades but she didn't think the whole room would stop what they were doing and stare at her and Hercules as they walked by. She ignored it and walked to Beth, a server came with champagne and she took two flutes and handed on to Hercules. Meg and Beth spoke to each for a couple minutes and then Meg turned to Hercules.

"Sorry. I should have warned you about that. The last time I was with these people, I was with some mine else. Some one I was with for a long time. I guess they were expecting him." The crowd went back to their conversations but now it was full of murmurs about Hades and Meg and this new guy she brought with her. She stayed by Hercules's side while they were there she kept conversation light between him and the other people. Those who did walk over and talk to them, didn't mention Hades. She knew she would have to tell Hercules eventually but she was having fun with him and she didn't want him to be scared off so she would just keep pushing that conversation off until she had to tell him.
Once Sarah and Emilia came, Hades felt them tighten around him, and he couldn't hold himself back any longer. He came inside both of them before they fell to the both of his sides. The cock he had created disappeared from his body as he put both of his arms around their respective girls. His hands went straight for their asses, and both of them got a spank before he simply relaxed. Letting them whisper their sweet nothings into his ears. Hades couldn't wait to be the king of Olympus as this would definitely be how he would spend his days. Once again, having forgotten about Meg due to the Fate's expertise in sex.


Hercules believed Meg's excuse, but still believed that she had to be rich or something as they car she drove definitely wasn't cheap, nor was the hotel she drove them to a cheap place. He actually felt a little out of place here, and even more so as he immediately noticed everyone staring at them. It made him uncomfortable because he knew nobody here besides Meg, and wanted to just back away from her. To act like her bodyguard, and avoid the stares. Some of the people he did recognize as politicians, celebrities, and other famous people. That only made him even more uncomfortable, and Meg seemed to realize this as she spoke to him after speaking with her friend. Her words only confirmed his suspicions that he had last night about her possibly being in a relationship with someone else; however, they also gave the hint that she was no longer with that person. While a part of that was good as it meant he could now date her, and not having to worry that he was making her have an affair with him. A part of Hercules made him feel like her boyfriend found out that she had cheated on him, and left her. The weird part was that she didn't look or sound sad in the slightest, and he was normally good at being able to ready people.

Meg kept her close to him as she just walked around, talked with some people here and there, and just mingled. Hercules spoke when asked a question, but mainly just kept quiet. He couldn't wait until this was all over because then he could be alone with Meg, nor would he need to worry about everyone staring at him.
Meg and Hercules were only at the event for a an hour then they got out of there as fast as they could. Meg took his hand once they were outside of the hotel and waiting for valet to pull up her car. "You want to drive?" She asked and looked at her baby (the car). She barely let Hades drive it but for some reason she trusted Hercules not to wreck it. Plus she wanted to see if he could resist speeding in a car that was built for speed. She handed him the keys and valet opened the door for her. She plugged the address into the GPS and let him drive to the restaurant. It was close by but it was far enough for him to get a feel for the engines and test them out.

When they got to the restaurant, she gave the guy her reservations and walked hand in hand with Hercules to their table. It was a fancy place, probably a place Hercules could afford but only for special occasions. Med didn't feel like she was spending too much money on Hercules. She was probably trying too hard to keep him in her life as a friend. If he did find out about Hades and got scared away, she would be lonely again. Except for Beth of course. "So besides pulling me over and giving me a warning, how was your day?" She ordered them both a glass of wine when the waiter came over and then listened to his answer. She played with his hand above the table, measuring it against her hand, tickling his palm, and rubbing the back of his hand.
Hercules was so relieved when they finally got out of there, and he felt a lot better just being able to hold her hand. It was like their hands were made for each other because hers just so felt so right in his. As the car valet pulled up, Meg asked when if he would like to drive, and his eyes widened "Really?" he asked with a mix and surprise and excitement. He had always wondered what it was like to drive a car like this, and to be honest, just being in the passengers side was so amazing for him. Being able to actually drive it though was on a whole different level, and he tried to make it seem like he wasn't over excited as he grabbed the keys from her hand, and made it over to the driver's side. After she plugged the address into the GPS, Hercules carefully pulled out of the parking lot, and felt that itch. That itch to just speed off, and test the limits of this baby. Hell, he didn't even care about the fact that it was Meg's car, or that she was taking him out to dinner. More than anything, he just wanted to slam his foot down on the gas pedal, and see how fast this car could go. Thankfully, his reasoning kicked in, and he was able to control himself.

Which meant they got to the restaurant safely, and Hercules was able to resist speeding. He parked the car himself, and quickly got out the car to open Meg's door for her before taking her hand. He now thought he knew that she was with someone until just yesterday, and wondered if her previous lover took her here before. No one was really staring at them though, so it was either because they just didn't care much, or he never had. Regardless, he just happy that he got to spend this time with Meg. He watched as she played with his hand as she asked him her question. He chuckled softly before answering "To be honest, I was kinda thinking about you. I felt guilty because of what happened last night, and I wanted to apologize to you if I made you feel uncomfortable. I didn't think you were going to invite me to spend the evening with you though, and I really just gave you my number in hopes of you calling me to talk about what happened."
Meg frowned when Hercules said he felt guilty. She shook her head and brushed it off, "Don't feel guilty. You did what you felt was right. I did what I felt was right. I liked kissing you and I shouldn't have left the way I did. I just wasn't ready or expecting it to feel so good. I'm not good for you though. I wasn't expecting to find some one like you, ever. And it's really complicated. I don't want you to be angry but you have to understand, I can't..I just.." She sighed and bit her lip. She didn't know what to say. She could only tell him the truth but telling the truth could and most likely would mean losing him. Loving Hades had its up and it downs and this one of the downs. He was jealous, he would never let her be friends with the hunk sitting across from her.

The waiter came and took their orders. The gave Meg enough time to figure out what she wanted to tell Hercules. She took a big sip of her wine and took a hold of his hand again. "I have a boyfriend and he recently left. I don't cheat, I have been with the same man forever and I have not once cheated on him. I went to the club to dance and have fun and then I met you and it felt like I have been missing something my whole life and you were the only thing that could get me through it. When you kissed me I got scared because of the power my boyfriend has. He's not a nice guy sometimes and he is really possessive. I don't want you to get hurt because of me. I want to be your friend, I want to explore the city with you, and watch movies, and cuddle and do so much with you. But I can't. And it's not as simple as getting rid of the boyfriend. We have been together for ever. Literally forever and I doubt he would let me go."

She bit her bottom lip and let go of his hand and looked in her lap. There was a long pause before she looked up at him again, "I'm sorry for leading you on. If you want to go home, I can take you or you can take the car and I'll pick it up later. Keep the watch, it doesn't do me much good, it would just remind me of you."
As Meg started to explain her relationship, a frown on Hercule's face started to appear. He couldn't tell for sure if she was still in her relationship with her boyfriend because she dropped hints that she was as well as hints that she wasn't. It confused him, but that was the least of his concerns. As she continued to explain, he started to sense that her boyfriend might be a little abusive to her. While he wasn't quite sure, there were definitely some signs, and he felt it was his duty as a police officer to protect her. So after she finished speaking completely, he looked into her eyes with a serious face "Meg, I am not going to leave you, but I must ask you something. Does your boyfriend abuse you in anyway? I know this is out of the blue, but the way you described him makes it seem like he does. If such is the case, then you need to leave him right away. You can stay with me if you need a place to sleep," he was still in the dark about a lot of things, and thought he knew everything though. Eventually, Meg would have to tell him the truth. The real truth, or at least the real truth to an extent.

Hercules would even be willingly to perhaps show that Meg could feel safe and happy with him "Like I said, I won't leave you, Meg. If anything, I want to show you how your life should be. If your boyfriend abuses you, then that isn't love. You can be happy, and I can show you how to be happy."


Hades was still holding onto both Sarah and Emilia as they continued to whisper sweet nothings into his ears, but started feeling like something was wrong. Not with them, but with his little lovebird. Something made him feel like there was something bad happening, and he wanted to call her, or just see through her eyes to make sure; however, he suddenly got some even more interesting news. His magic view hole popped up to reveal that the titans had made it to Olympus, and he immediately shot up at this "Girls! No more time for play, we have a king to dethrone," he was smirking wildly as he snapped himself on a suit, and let the sisters dress themselves before teleporting them into his carriage "Fate, How long do we have until Zeus will notice that we are attacking Olympus?"
Meg frowned when he asked if she was being abused and she shook her head, "It's not abuse. It's protection and love." She said softly and looked in her lap. She didn't know any other way. She has been with Hades for ever. Her boyfriend died, she sold her soul and when her boyfriend left Hades was there to pick up the pieces. She only had him for a long time and she still only has him. Sure there fights were heated but he never laid a hand on her. He would just disappear for a while and when he came back he felt better. Couples did that, it was normal. She shook her head again and looked up at Hercules, "it's not abuse. I know it's not. He wouldn't do that do to me." She was sure he wouldn't. He told her he would protect her and love her for the rest of her life and she believed him.

"I am happy. I'm happy with him and I'm happy with you." She took his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you for caring but i didn't come here to talk about him. I came here to be with you and take you home so we can watch a movie. A bunch if movies if you want too. We can stay up all night and do whatever you want." She smiled at Hercules, trying to get Hades out of her head but thoughts of him kept pushing through.


Fate looked up at Hades and closed her eyes. She thought of Zeus and and saw him relaxing with Hera. Not really relaxing more like fucking. "An hour at least. Should be enough time. The gods are dealing with the Titans, giving you a free walk to the throne. Almost free walk at least. There will be a few you have to take care of." The girls snapped their fingers and they were all dressed. Not in dresses but in pants and tank tops that they could move around in. "Emilia and Sarah, go to the base of the mountain and make sure no one that went down can come up to the top. Hades and I will take care of the top." They nodded and left. "Don't worry, they can hold their own." Fate gave hades a devilish smile, "Let's go get your throne."
Hades liked those odds, and didn't mind much that Sarah and Emilia left them. He knew that they could hold their own, and he was more focused on finally getting what he dreamed of for all these years. His mouth started to water as he imagined Fate beside him, on her hands and knees, and with a collar around her neck. As his queen, was Meg who was dressed in the most beautiful dress ever known to man, and he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. It made him smile, and he wished that this carriage could go faster.


Hercules was still a bit weary about this boyfriend of hers even though she said it wasn't abuse "Alright, but you have my number if you start to see otherwise," he could sense that she didn't want to talk about her boyfriend anymore, and while he would respect her wish, that didn't mean he could stop thinking about him. Not only was he scared that Meg was getting abused by him. He was also thinking about the fact that this meant he couldn't pursue a relationship with her. As her heart belonged to someone else, and that saddened him. He didn't show that on his face though as the waiter came with their order, and set their plates in front of them "So, do you have any kind of idea on what movie or movies you want to watch? Just for the record, I absolutely adore horror movies, but not really a big fan of the super gory ones. I like the ones where they make the suspense scary, and actually make you feel afraid."


After what left like hours, Hades' carriage finally made it to the gates of Olympus. The titans had already destroyed it, and were now working on Olympus itself "Watch yourself here, Fate. You may be almost as powerful as a god, but they can still kill you if you aren't careful. So do try to stick close to me," he stepped out of the carriage, and drew out his magical sword incase any gods decided to attack them. With his increased strength, they shouldn't give him much trouble anyway. So he just started walking to the throne as the city crumbled around him thanks to the titans, and dealt with any gods that decided to attack him. They were all put down quickly, and he took their energy each time. Already he was as powerful as his brother, and would become even more powerful than him once he reached the throne. His prize soon came into view, and he felt himself shaking with pleasure as he walked up the steps to it "Look at it...it's...It's so beautiful!" he cried tears of joy as his sword went up in flames and disappeared "Fate, I'm not dreaming, am I? I really have reached the throne, and beaten my brother, right?"

He started shaking even more before he suddenly screamed out his pleasure. Exclaiming at the top of his lungs how he had finally bested his brother "Take that, Zeus! I finally took your fucking throne! Say hello to the new fucking king of Olympus!" he jumped onto the throne, and immediately felt power welling up inside him. It felt so fucking good as it rushed through his body, and the throne started to take on a darker appearance. Appearing more underworldly now, and fitting so perfectly. Once it was finished, one could easily tell how powerful Hades had become just by looking at him. His muscle definitions had been improved, and his flames were a lot brighter than before. Hades felt even more powerful as well, and couldn't wait for his brother to get here, so he could fight him, show him his new strength, and force him to watch as he fucked his wife "Fate, how much longer until Zeus arrives? I want to test out my new strength."
"Scary movies it is then, but you're going to have to hold me. And it looks like we will be sharing a bed so I don't have to face any monsters on my own." She smiled at Hercules and thought of the master movie collection she had. "I think we will find some thing to watch with no problems." She smiled at Hercules and took his hand in her again. She still got that feeling that some was right when they were touching each other. They ate and talked about everything. It seemed like they could talk about anything with out an issue. They had the same beliefs and views of the world. There was never a dull moment between them. She paid for dinner and let Hercules drive them to her place. She walked him up to the movie room and gave him the iPad, which acted as a remote control, to choose a movie. She went to the kitchen and put some popcorn in the microwave and then she changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. When the popcorn was done she went back to Hercules and sat with him on the couch. She smiled when she saw the movie was starting. She curled up next to Hercules and put the popcorn between them.


Down at the base of the mountain Emilia and Sarah were quickly out numbered. Most of the gods were focused on the titans and either getting them back to their hole so Zeus could lock them back up or killing them. Both tasks were very hard to achieve but which ever one worked first was the one they were trying to do. They all felt the change in Olympus when Hades sat on the throne and a few turned to go and protect it. Sarah's and Emilia fought as hard as they could to keep them down at the base. They even multiplied themselves to stand a better chance. But multiplying them selves, meant using a lot of energy. Sarah was the first to fall and Emilia couldn't do it on her own for very long. After managing to hold off a few gods, she was also killed. The gods that tried to go back up the mountain were quickly killed by the titans so they didn't get very far.

Fate fought her way through the demons that tried to attack her but most of them were heading towards Hades. She felt her sisters die, like she knew they would and she didn't feel sad. They were disposable. She was the strong of the group. She summonsed their energy to her and smiled to herself. The down fall of being able to see into t he future was that they couldn't see their own deaths. They were too focused on pleasing Hades to even think about looking into each other's futures. It was Fate's perfect plan to get rid of the competition. When Hades asked about Zeus she closed her eyes and thought about him. "Three..two...one."

There was a loud clash of thunder and accompanied by a bolt of lightning. "HADES!" Was screamed out by a thunderous voice before the huge towering figure appeared. Zeus in all his naked glory appeared fresh from fucking his wife. He stared down at his brother with a mix of hate and unconditional love, hidden way deep down in his irises.

"What have you done?!" He asked and looked around Olympus. Not only was the throne darker but all of Olympus was darker as well. The sky as still clear but architecture was a dark grey color just like the throne. It was all connected to the man that sat on the throne so it all made sense. Zeus summoned his weapons of choice, his lighting bolts and his lightning sword, to his side and prepared for a fight to the submission. He couldn't kill hades, he could injury him severely until he gave up though. He couldn't kill him because there always had to be a god of the underworld or it would all fall to pieces.

Hera appeared, clothed, a few seconds after Zeus called his weapons and looked around Olympus. She looked at Hades with disdain and glared at fate. She knew all about Fate's relationship with Zeus and she wasn't to of one of it, or Fate. Hera called her weapon to her side, just in case she needed it. Her focus was more on harming Fate though.
Hades smiled at his brother as he appeared completely naked, and erection just starting to die down "Brother, it is so wonderful that you decided to join me for my crowning," his eyes scanned over the new Olympus "Doesn't it just look lovely? So..evil and dark. Just makes you want to submit to a real king, doesn't it?" he began laughing, and his sword appeared in his hands. Unlike Zeus, Hades wasn't so afraid of killing his brother. Hell, he was going to do it as soon as he had his fun with Hera "You want to know how powerful I have become over the years, dearest brother? I am more powerful than you can ever imagine, and you will never be able to beat me. I will kill you once and for all, and finally take my rightful place as ruler of Olympus. Goodbye now, Zeus," the two rushed at each after that, and began their swordplay. At first, they were equally matched, but as time went on. Hades was starting to take the upper hand, and Zeus was loosing more and more energy which slowed him down. Honestly, he was going easy on his brother, and Hades really could kill him at any moment; however, it just wouldn't be any fun if he did that.

Not only that, but he need Zeus alive so he could watch as his wife was fucked by him right in front of his eyes. She would be screaming Hades' name in pleasure by the time he was done fucking her. Zeus' sword was slashed out of his hand, and Hades absorbed his last lighting bolt just as he had done with the titan's cage. He quickly had the water titan freeze him only up to his chest, so he could move "Looks like I won, brother, and I think I have earned myself a little prize," he chuckled, and turned his attention to Hera. With her own newfound power, she was able to keep Hera at bay, and weakened her enough to let Hades grab her by the arm, and pull her towards him "You know, I always did think Hera was a sexy woman. Did you know that she is aware of how many times you have fucked Fate? I wonder if she has ever dreamed about getting payback, and fucking another god," he smirked wickedly at Zeus, and ripped all of her clothing from her body as he did. He forced her down onto her hands and knees, and stripped himself of his own clothing.

She was still slightly wet from having Zeus fuck her, and Hades used that as he slammed himself inside her "Fate, be a good girl, and make sure Zeus gets all of this," his hips pounded deep inside Hera, and fucked her harder and faster than Zeus could ever do so. His hands gripped her red hair, and pulled back "Scream for me you little bitch. Show your husband whose cock you really enjoy."
The idea of getting payback for Zeus fucking Fate was appealing to Hera. She didn't think she would get payback with his own brother though. That would make the moment even more specially. She looked at Zeus when Hades first thrust into her. She had a slight grimace but it was quickly replaced with pure pleasure. Hades cock was hitting all the tight spots inside of her. She loved it already and he was only just getting started.

Fate noticed Zeus trying to block out the sounds and closing his eyes. She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. Now Zeus's eyelids were invisible so he could see them fucking no matter how hard he tried to look away they were always there. Fate crossed her legs and let Hades have his moment. She didn't enjoy watching him fuck another woman but once she was queen, and was rid of Meg, she would keep him well satisfied and that would never be a problem.

Hera was getting wet like a waterfall. Hades cock was putting in so much more work than she was used too. Zeus didn't her like that. She made sure she was vocal about how well Hades was fucking her. Her moans vibrated off the walls and she screamed every time Hades bottomed out inside of her. She had small orgasm but nothing as big and powerful as the one after their two hour fucking venture. It felt like fireworks were going off in her body. Every burst of orgasm was stronger and better than the last. The fact that it only lasted seconds wasn't close enough to be enough for her. She wanted more. Like every woman who fucked a Hades she grew addicted to his cock and wanted to feel him empty himself inside of her over and over again. His name was ringing in every ones ears, especially Zeus's.

Zeus was trying to fight his way out of the ice but he couldn't do it. He wanted to kill Hades both for what they were doing. He had no sympathy for Hades anymore. He was ready for another fight and this time he would kill him.
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