{Retsu and Crown's Life of Partying or Life of Love?}

Hades shot an angry look at Fate before she left, and felt bad that Meg had thrown up in a bucket. A part of him wondered if it was Fate's doing, but there was nothing that he could do about it now. So he fixed his pants before tending to Meg "Don't worry about it, Meg," he said, rubbing her back and kissing her forehead "You were a little drunk when you came in here, so you might of just drank a little too much," he easily lifted her up off the ground, and into his arms "Now let's get you home, and put you to bed," he teleported them to their house in Greece, and placed his hand on her forehead this time to suppress her sickness, but he couldn't get rid of it completely "You may have to take some medicine to help you feel better, but just ask Dolores for help if you need it," he snapped his fingers to both clean her up, and to put her in clothing more appropriate for sleeping; however, that didn't mean he was going to leave her right now. Instead, he placed her to be sitting on the bed, and sat by her side.

Hades sighed, and gently took hold of her hands as he looked into her eyes "Meg, I know you aren't going to like this, but I have to leave on another business trip. I want you to come with me, but you need your rest, and I don't want to stress you out. I should be back in a week or two, but I promise that I will call you whenever I can to see how you are doing," since he cleaned her, Hades kissed her on the lips this time, and smiled gently at her "I love you," he said, and kissed her yet again before going to start packing "Like I said, just call Dolores if you need anything," he made sure to give her a bucket, so she could throw up again if she needed to, and was soon all packed and ready to go take over Olympus "You be a good girl, Meg. I'll be sure to call you whenever I get the chance," with that, he waved goodbye to her, and teleported away to the underworld where The Fates would meet him. Just being there made him remember the last time he was down here, and he hated that he had to admit that it was an amazing time. A foursome with the Fate sisters that was beyond wonderful. They were all little sluts when it came to sex, and it made him wonder sometimes if they were succubi before becoming Fates.

While waiting for their arrival, Hades started to plan things out. Like Fate told him, he would have to take care of the messengers first before releasing the titans, so he started jotting things down that might work to either distract them long enough, or ways he could just off them. After that, it would be smooth sailing to just release the titans from their prison, and watch them march on Olympus. It was making him smirk wickedly at the mere thought of it, and it was almost hard to believe that he was truly about to take over the kingdom of Gods once and for all, and he could finally leave this putrid hell hole.
Whatever Hades did helped, she didn't feel the need to throw up but she still didn't feel well. She wanted sleep more than anything at this point. She frowned when he said he had to leave, "We just got here. What could so important?!" She asked. She hardly asked about business because she didn't care about that side of the clubs. She kissed him back and rubbed his cheek, "I love you too. Try to make it back sooner." She squeezed his hand and rolled over so she could get some sleep to sleep whatever this was off. She wasn't happy about him leaving her, especially when she was sick. She normally got soup and affection and he was leaving for business. It better be important, 'could lose the club' type of business.


The Fate sister didn't have real names. They were all called Fate in ancient times. They liked to change names as they changed. Right now the blonde was called Fate, the red head was called Emilia and the brunette was called Sarah. They all the same build, big chests, small waists and nice hips and a juicy ass. On top of that they were triplets so they all looked alike, besides the hair. They were every guys walking wet dream and they knew. They made themselves like that. In Ancient Greek times, they were old wrinkled and ugly. Now that they had the power to change their form, they were always hot. They appeared at the underworld where Hades was. All wearing a form of lingerie. They didn't mind clothes but they didn't like wearing them. They had the bodies, they might as well show them off. They were teases and they didn't care.

"It's been too long." Sarah and Emilia said at the same time. They looked at each other sharply and then smiled at Hades again.

Fate rolled her eyes, as the older sister she had more power than the other two. That was the only reason she was the one to see hades and fuck him first.

"We are here to help. Getting you on Olympus is first on our list and then getting you laid is second. We will not be using Pain and Panic. You're going to need them later for..." The sisters looked at each other. They were talking through their sisterly bond that much was obvious. They looked back at Hades, "Lets just say, they will be handy later in your plans. Keep them open."

The sisters walked to Hades and each kissed his cheek. This would be fun, "Now, what do we ned to do first?"
It would just hurt him to think about Meg while he was with the Fate sisters, so he blocked her out of his mind for the time being, and had just finished doing so when they walked in. As per usual, they came in all wearing lingerie, and he had to admit they were quite alluring. He really wanted to have some fun with them now, but understood there were more pressing matters "Well we first need to get rid of their messengers first, or Zeus will know what I am doing before we even get a chance to strike. I wrote down a couple things that we could do to get rid of them, and I wanted your insight on which might work better," he cleared his throat before reading them off "From what I understand, there are three messengers inside the temples, and they are constantly watching everything. So one of my ideas was to send you three lovely ladies as a way to distract them, maybe have sex with them a little, then kill them. Another idea I had was to lure them into a little trap. I would send a ghost of me to walk in the corner of their eye, and force them to investigate where they saw me. Then one of us would come from behind, and off them. I know it would be less messy to just tie them up, but we need to be sure that they can't break free, so killing them is our only option."

They probably wanted to hear the rest of his plan, but that was the easier and most obvious part of it all "Once they are taken care of, I will go to the titan's prison, free them, and command them to march towards Olympus. Then we just need to wait since they are going to take their sweet time to get there, and that could be where we have a little fun," he said, a sultry smile on his lips as he spanked Emilia's ass "Oh, and I am still going to punish you for what you did to Meg, Fate. Your ass is going to be bright red once I am done with it. Anyway, once the titans have destroyed everything, I will force the other gods to give me their power, and to rebuild the city the way I see fit. When Zeus comes back, then I will be ready, and more powerful than he could ever hope to be. I will crush him like the bug he is, and maybe even fuck Hera while I'm at it, so she could feel how a real god pleases his woman," Hades chuckled with delight, and this seemed to be going quite smoothly already. His mouth was watering at the mere thought of sitting upon his throne as he watched the other gods, including his brother, rebuilding the city in his name. Another wicked smirk came to his lips at it, and a shiver of delight coursed through his spine as well.

"So, what do you girls think about my current plan?"
"The first one." Emilia said and looked up at Hades. The sisters were talking to themselves again and forgot to include Hades. "We are going to go up there and distract them. Giving them one last hoorah before we kill them and take their power. That way, you are safe." Emilia explained.

"Plus, we can easily get up there as long as we say, we have something to tell the guards about their future." Sarah added.

"And we can't pass up a good fuck. This way we don't have to put on clothes. We can just go like this." Fate added as the final statement and they all giggled.

They listened to the rest of Hades plan and nodded their head, agreeing with what he said. Emilia let out a small 'ooh' when he spanked her. Fate winked when Hades promised her a punishment.

"Then while we distract the messengers, you get the titans taken care of. We meet back here and can have some fun while we wait. One at a time at first, with Fate going last since she had her fun. Then a foursome. A glorious amazing foursome." Emilia started.

Sarah rubbed her self and added, "But you're going to have divide yourself in two, so we each have something to do."

"Oh I can't wait." Fate ended and felt her body get ready for a fuck. "We should go take care of ourselves now. Then come back." Emilia and Sarah nodded and left but Fate stayed behind "you're planning on fucking Hera now?" She asked, not jealous just intrigued. "Your little Dove won't make it five days with the new you. Your sex drive will more than she can handle. You will be all powerful, you will want to fuck anything with a pulse. Maybe you should leave her behind, spare her the heartbreak." Fate left before Hades could say anything and went to take care of her job.
He had a feeling the sisters would pick that option over the other, but at least now he could focus on freeing the titans instead of having to send a ghost of him to each temple. He watched as both Sarah and Emilia left, but Fate stayed behind to remind him about Meg even though he was trying to block her out of his head for the time being, but he didn't really understand what she meant. She could tell the future, but his filter had worked well enough with the power he had currently, and he was sure that he could just adjust it to be even stronger. Nevertheless, he had more pressing matters to deal with than worrying about what Fate said. Once she left, Hades made sure everything was in order before teleport himself to his carriage, and riding off towards the titans. Considering the Fate sisters had most of the powers he did, they should already be there, and taking care of the guards by now, so he had to wait a bit before freeing the titans. The messengers could see for miles, so once he was sure the Fates had distracted them all, he finally approached the titan's prison "Brothers! Titans! Look at you in your prison! Who put you down there!?"


Hades shot his own flames of hell down on the lighting that kept them imprisoned as it went towards his own body, and gave him more strength "Then now that I set you free! What is the first thing you are going to do!?" they all answered in unison "Destroy him!" one by one all the titans emerged from the hole. First, it was Lythos, the titan of the earth, then came Hydros, the titan of water, Pyros, the titan of of fire was next, and finally Stratros, the titan of wind was next. All screamed out Zeus' name as they marched towards Olympus, and as predicted they were walking rather slowly. It somewhat annoyed Hades because as much as he did want to fuck the Fate sisters, he wanted to be ruler of Olympus more, and didn't like having to wait. Still, he watched their path of destruction for a little before going back to his lair.

The sisters would be back any moment now, and he was ready to show them all what merely freeing the titans gave him in terms of power.
Fate and Emilia made it back and laid on the bed in the room while they waited for Sarah. Ten minutes passed and they laughed it off and called her a whore. Twenty minutes passed and they nervous. After thirty minutes, they knew something was wrong and they couldn't stand by idly and just wait for her to appear. Fate left to see what was happening. Seeing Sarah chained to a wall was all she needed to see. She went back to Hades and Emilia, "Sarah's caught. I can't save her with out you helping me. Some one needs to kill the guard, some one needs to distract all the other and some one needs to save Sarah. He must have seen or felt something was wrong. I really doubt Sarah would let something like slip."

Fate looked at Emilia, "She looked really hurt. She chained to a wall." She sent the mental image of what she was to both Hades and Emilia so they knew where every one was. "He was still probing her for information so he doesn't know much yet. But when he doesn't, he will kill her and stop us." I'll deal with him. Save Sarah." Fate said to Emilia and left the room. Emilia left less than a second after fate. Fate tried to distract the guard with her body, but he was already used to that trick so while he was busy with Sarah she grabbed a special blade made to kill gods specifically and stabbed it into his heart. Normally when gods die, they become a giant ball of light. She stopped this process by absorbing his energy into her body. She glowed as she consumed it and she she was done she went back to normal.

Emilia went over to Sarah and undid the chains that were holding her up. Fate walked over and fixed the broken bones and internal bleeding. Sarah was passed out by the end of it but she was going to be alright for the most part. "It's amazing what gods can do in thirty minutes. A world of pleasure or a world of pain." Fate sent Emilia and Sarah back to Hades lair and she walked over to Hades. "Did you doit? Are they free?" She asked.
Hades smiled when he saw two of the Fate sisters had come back, but it seemed Sarah was still getting rid of the guard. They didn't think anything of it at first, and just continued to wait for her arrival. As time went by though, all of them started to get worried about her, and thought something might be wrong. Thirty minutes passed by, and she would of surely been back by know. Fate went to go see what was wrong, and came back to them sweating and a face of fear as she told him what happened to her. Sarah had been caught by her guard, and was now chained to a wall, and been tortured for information. They weren't full blown gods, but Hades knew that a simple Fate wouldn't last long with the pain they can dish out. Hell, she was lucky enough to even last thirty minutes against his torture "I'll distract the guard. They may already of been informed of your tricks, but they don't know why you are there. As long as they just barely see me, then I don't think they will go tell Zeus," everyone left to go do their part, and Hades sent ghosts of himself to the guards surrounding the temple where Sarah was being held.

When they were away from each other, Hades quickly teleported to each and everyone as he killed them. Each one gave him even more power, and he was going to already get a headstart on besting Zeus' power. He teleported back to his lair, and it seemed Emilia was already back from her job. He didn't exactly what to be a stranger, so he talked with her bit, and flirted with her as well just to tease her a little before they got to fucking. Not long after that, Fate came back with Sarah in her arms who was completely passed out; though that wasn't a surprise. She placed her on the bed, so she could rest for the time being before coming over to Hades, and asking if he had freed the titans "Yep, like I predicted though, they are more worried about creating a path of destruction first than destroying Olympus," he sighed at that, but wrapped his arm around Fate's waist as he turned them to be looking at Sarah. Fate did heal her, but it was clear she was still in pain. So he let go of Fate, and approached Sarah "Let me try something," he pulled up a chair, and sat beside her as his hand hovered above every inch of her body. They couldn't see it, but he could see all her bones and internal organs, and he was scanning to see if there was anything Fate forgot, or if there was something her powers couldn't fix. He didn't find anything, but wanted to play it safe, so he placed his hand gently on her stomach, and his other on her forehead.

His own healing magic coursed through her body, and it was much stronger than Fate's. Sarah started to stir, and tried to sit up, but Hades quickly stopped her "Hold on there, Sarah. Don't get up just yet. You were just tortured by a god, and I just healed you so you need to give your body some rest. You should feel like your normal self in about five minutes," he smiled at her, and got up from his chair "You two take care of her for now. I promised Meg that I would call her, and I am going to do just that," he left the others to be alone, and pulled out his phone as he pressed speed dial two, which was Meg's number, and waited for her to pick up her phone.
"She's probably sleeping Hades, fuck us first." Emilia said and climbed on the bed with her sisters. While he made the call, they started to play. They weren't going to wait for him to join them on the bed. So they decided to take the fun to him. Sharing a cock between the three of them was no easy task. Especially when one, Fate, wanted more than the others. They all got on their knees in front of Hades and each took a turn stroking his cock then each girl got a piece of the pie. Emilia and Sarah went to Hades balls and sucked and tugged on them. Fate got the shaft and watched Hades talk to his love bug.


Meg was feeling much better after taking a small nap. Beth came over after she was done partying and wondered how she and Hades got out of the club with out being seen. And with out saying good bye. She and Meg were watching a movie when she heard phone start to ring. She quickly got up and ran to it and smiled at the screen picture of Hades sleeping. He was peaceful and cute when he was sleeping, it was the only time his mind was moving a million miles a minute. We answered the phone, "hi baby. How is the thing you are doing? What are you doing, you didn't even tell me."


Fate didn't want this to be a long conversation and it sounded like she wanted to talk. She rolled her eyes and swallowed Hades cock. 'Lets make him moan ladies." Fate snapped her fingers and Hades was on his back on the bed. Sarah climbed on top of him and slid his cock inside of her with one thrust. She didn't start slow, she didn't like it slow. Her hips started moving inhuman speed. She was moaning but she was put on mute by Fate. They were trying to see who could make him moan the oldest while he talked to Meg. This would be fun. After a few minutes, Sarah came and rolled off of hades. Fate took her place and slid Hades cock into her ass and started to rock back and forth. She went about the same pace as meg could handle. And she fingered herself. It took her longer than Sarah to cum but still nothing they got nothing from Hades. Emilia snapped her fingers and another cock popped up on Hades. She smiled at her sisters and slid both cocks inside of her. One up the ass the other in her pussy. She changed up her pace from fast to slow. She bent over and kissed Hades jaw bone. She nipped along his collar bone.
Hades should of realized that the Fate sisters would be more worried about getting fucked from the soon-to-be most powerful god when he called Meg, but he wasn't going to let them get to him. Besides, it would be a nice show of his new power, The three started off with using their mouths on his cock, and while he would admit that he felt beyond amazing to have not one, but three different women sucking him off at once. Meg was his main concern at this moment "Sorry about that, babe. I wanted to be by your side to help you feel better, but this was really urgent, and I couldn't stay for long. Like I said, I am at a business meeting with a nightclub owner from Tokyo, Japan. He heard about my club, and wanted to know if I might be interested in creating a night club back at Greece together. I really wish you could of come with me, Meg. His nightclub is amazing, and it kinda makes me a little jealous," he chuckled, and found himself laying on his bed with the three sisters about to try their hand yet again to make him accidentally reveal himself to Meg. Hades couldn't help, but flash a cocky little smirk at Sarah as she went first.

While her pussy did feel absolutely amazing, it was still nothing that he couldn't handle. So he continued to speak with Meg as she soon came only to be switched out with Fate. Fate used her ass to ride him, and fingered herself to give him another little show. They were getting better, but he showed no signs of slipping up. Then came Emilia, and he hadn't even noticed that she gave him two cocks until he felt double the pleasure. Hades very nearly broke right there, but stopped himself before that could happen. Meg was still talking to him, but she was talking to a god. Hades mimicked a Japanese man talking in the distance, and was so thankful that Japan wasn't one of the places he has gone to yet, so he hadn't taught her the language yet. While he was speaking actual Japanese, it was really just gibberish "Sorry, Meg. I have to go now. The guy I am meeting with finally made it to the club. Love you, talk to you soon," he let her say her own goodbyes before hanging up, and finally letting a groan of pleasure escape his lips "You know, sometimes I think you ladies used to be succubi before you became The Fates," he chuckled, and looked up towards Emilia "When she cums, I want all three of you on this bed, and asses high in the air pointed towards me."
Meg frowned at his excuse but knew work came first when it came to Hades. "Right. Okay well I love you too and I'll see you later." She hung up the phone and turned to Beth. "Want to go shopping tomorrow?" She asked with a smile and hopped back on the couch. "We can get some new dresses and then go to a club. Any club, I don't want to go to Hades club or Pain and Panic will watch over me. There has to be another place we can go around here." Hades would be gone for a week, she wouldn't have anything to do. She might as well go party mp every night and spend Hades money.


Fate was able to last for a while with both cocks inside of her. Her hands went to his chest and she ground her hips against his. She screamed out and came on Hades cock. Her body trembled and she couldn't move. She slipped off and snapped her fingers so the cock she placed on him disappeared. She bent over and kissed him lustfully. Sarah and Emilia got on their knees with their asses pointed towards Hades and up in the air. Fate moved over next to them and got in the same position. They all looked over their shoulders at the same time. "What's next baby?" They even asked at the same time. They giggled together and looked at each other. Sarah and Emilia kissed and then Emilia, who was in the middle, turned to Fate and they kissed each other.
Hades didn't quite like having to stop talking with Meg so soon, but the Fate sisters were going to keep teasing him until he eventually broke, and there was no doubt in his mind that they could succeed with enough time; however, they were amazing when it came to sex, so while he felt a little guilty about this entire thing. Even he couldn't pass up the chance to fuck all three of them. He watched as they kissed each other for a little while, but chuckled as he split himself into threes "Well, I am going to give you all a good fucking at the same time. As I know how much you little sluts enjoy having me all to your own," all three of the Hades were speaking in unison near perfectly, but the real Hades had actually switched with one of his clones. It was something he liked to do with Meg where he could make a couple clones of himself, and they would all have a go at fucking her; however, she had to guess which one was really him. They all had minor differences that would be hard to spot unless someone truly knew him, and Meg's reward for figuring who was the real him was that she got to use his credit card, and have an unlimited budget to buy whatever she wanted for a whole day.

Obviously, he wasn't going to let the Fate sisters have his credit card, but he did want to see if Fate could figure out who was the real one. The Hades' behind Sarah and Emilia instantly thrusted their cocks deep inside them, and wasted no time in pounding away at them. Both were going at a mortal speed because neither of them wanted to make the two sisters cum too quickly. The Hades behind Fate, however, wasn't fucking her, and instead quickly used his own magic to cuff her hands to the bed before grabbing hold of her hair, and pulling back to make her look at him "Now, about your punishment. I am going to make this ass of yours as red as a tomato, and I am not going to stop until you both apologize, and figure out who the real me is. Let's see just how much you truly know about me," as he said he would, his hand soon came down upon her ass rather harshly, and gave her only a moments rest before doing it again. Things continued like that, and he even started alternating between cheeks.
Fate liked this game, she could have fun with this. She tested the bonds the cuffs and smiled back at Hades. "Oh babe, you sure do know how to make a girl want more." She giggled when he told her she would have to apologize before she could get his cock. She wasn't one to apologize though, so this game of his might just lead him astray. She laughed again when her punishment was a spanking. "That may be enough for you little slice of cake but if you want me to apologize then you should really get harder. Need a little help?" She asked and snapped a paddle with his name etched into it into his hand. She poked her ass out and in an instant the redness from the spanking was gone. "Try again baby."

She looked over at Emilia and Sarah, not at them but the Hades behind them. They didn't seem the least bit affected by her little dig on Meg. She looked over her shoulder at Hades and tilted her head to side. "Will you turn around for me?" She asked and watched him do a little turn. "Thank you baby." She looked back at the Hades fucking Sarah and noticed the mole on his hip. That's not Hades. She ruled him out and looked at the Hades fucking Emilia. Now it was just between the two. She had a feeling the real Hades was the one giving her the punishment.

Sarah and Emilia were getting treatment. A nice fast for a human fucking, they were moaning their pleasure through out the room. She knew they were both close. Hades was an excellent lover, he had a monstrous cock and knew exactly what to do with it. He watched how the Hades behind Emilia was fucking her. It was the little things that changed when a person cloned them self. That is how she was able to tell that Hades fucking Sarah wasn't the real Hades. She knew what Hades looked like naked and he didn't have a mole on his hip. The Hades fucking Emilia and punishing Fate were near identical. Until she saw his eyes. That Hades a lighter shade of blue. To a human it would be near impossible to tell but she was as close to a god as she could get. She could tell the difference between clones. She looked at the Hades behind her, "Hades babe, either punish me or fuck me. I'm not going to apologize."
Hades gave a playful sigh when Fate put a paddle with his name etched into in his hands "Perhaps I am testing you, Fate. Though, you should probably know that I'm not exactly what I used to be," he chuckled, but turned around for her regardless, and watched as she tried to guess who the real Hades was. The one fucking Sarah was probably a little too obvious thanks to the mole on his hip, but he had no control over that. All of his clones were random, and the only thing he could change about them was how many he made. Emilia's Hades gave her the most trouble it seemed, but she saw right through him, and figured it was indeed him, the real Hades, who was going to punish her. At that, and her little comment about either punishing her or fucking, a smirk formed on his lips "Oh trust me, Fate. I was holding back on you when I was using my hand, but you have no idea how strong those thunderbolts were. I think you will find that this new me is more than capable of making you apologize," by the time he was done with her, his name would be forever etched into her ass, and he was going to make sure that no matter how much stronger she got. That his name wasn't going to go away.

The thought of the chuckled, and the two other Hades fucking Sarah and Emilia really started going at them now, and they would no doubt have a much bigger orgasm than they might be used to. Even then, those clones had as much stamina as he did, and they wouldn't stop fucking the poor girls; however, the real Hades wasn't paying much attention to what his clones were doing. Instead, he pulled his hands back after gripping the paddle, and swung it harshly towards her ass. It connected, and made a loud slapping sound that even seemed to echo throughout the room. If anything, Fate probably enjoyed it, but that was only the beginning. He continued with the same amount of force as the first strike with the paddle for the second, but the force started to gradually become harder and harder until he was spanking her with force that could easily kill a mortal being, or severely injury them no matter where he hit them. While Fate was more or less a god, even she would have to admit that it hurt her just as much as it felt good.

The clones fucking Sarah and Emilia buried themselves inside her their respective Fates, and filled them with a load with a cum after they had their orgasms. Though, like stated earlier, they weren't done quite yet. Both only waited as long as their cum lasted before they were thrusting into the sisters once more, but their hips didn't start out slow like last time. They were as fast as both could possibly go as Hades wanted to literally fuck them senseless. Perhaps using it as a way to make Fate even more aroused than she already is, and force her to apologize to Hades for making Meg sick.
Fate smirked at Hades and poked her ass out some more. "Prove it baby." She screamed a moan with that first whack to her ass. It hurt but it felt amazing at the same time. He actually managed to hurt her a little bit. Maybe he would make her apologize. Each whack got harder and she felt Hades name raise up in welts after he pulled back. He was pretty much marking her ass as his with the paddle and she loved it. She was able to hold out for a long while. She didn't want to apologize but the hits were becoming to much for her ass. The paddle was over lapping spots where it had hit her multiple times before. His name was over lapping on her ass.

Sarah and Emilia were being fucked to oblivion. After their first orgasm their Hades's were fucking them harder and harder. After each orgasm they would just speed up, make them cum again and go even harder. They couldn't feel their fingers or toes because they were being fucked so well. Emilia came again and she could handle it any more. After her Hades came inside of her she snapped him away. She laid on her bed and tried to regain feeling in her limbs. She forgot how well Hades could fuck; even the clones of him pushed her libido farther and farther. Sarah laughed at her and came again. She was able to last longer than her sister but not by much. She came a couple more times and then snapped her Hades away. They both looked at Fate and Hades who was still paddling her ass. But looking at Fate, she was about to crack.

"Okay!" She screamed and looked at Hades, "Okay, I'm sorry for making Meg sick. I won't mess with her any more. Please fuck me. I can't take it any more. I need to cum, I need to be fucked. Fuck me, please. I won't mess with Meg any more. I promise." She was dripping wet and she wasn't apologizing because she was in pain. She was apologize because she wanted to be fucked. Se could t cum with a spanking, she was close but she just couldn't get over the edge. "Please Baby, please fuck me." She begged.
Hades flashed Fate a cocky smirk, and laughed appearing hearing her apologize to him. Sure, he knew it was only because she wanted to be fucked, but she said herself that he would never be able to break her "What was that, Fate? I could of swore you said you would never apologize to me," his hand quickly grabbed her hair, and pulled back so she was looking right on him "Guess you shouldn't underestimate my powers, huh?" he chuckled again, and his hand grabbed her ass to remove all but one of the many names he had marked on her ass. His finger than traced the mark of his name on her ass, and laced it with magic. Now, no matter what she did, that would be forever etched into her ass, and anyone who fucks her now knows who can fuck her the best; however, he wasn't fucking her just yet. Sarah and Emilia may be spent, and probably couldn't go again for a while, but that didn't mean they could help him. Hades turned Fate around, so she was on her back, and he turned his attention towards her sisters "Would you two mind helping me in showing this haughty little slut her place?"

While he did enjoy that she was slightly like Meg in the fact that she was submissive, yet a delicious tease. Hades wanted to make Fate his bitch, and that would be easy enough with his newfound power. Once Sarah and Emilia started helping him. His hips thrusted as deep inside her as he could, and immediately began pounding her like no other. She was much stronger than her sisters, but now he was much stronger than all three of them combined. He had to sacrifice some of his power to give to his clones, or he could of actually hurt her when spanking her, but with his clones come now. All the power he had given to them now returned to him. He was fucking her with all that power, and it would be a miracle if she could sit up or even form a sentence by the time he was done with her. Suddenly, Hades snapped his fingers, and his second cock grew back as that was quickly pushed inside her ass. Fate was now being double-stuffed by him, and he wanted to shove a cock inside her mouth as well, but that was impossible for him at the moment.

By now, Hades had completely forgotten about Meg as having three different girls to fuck at anytime he wanted to was a lot better than what she could ever give him. Not only that, but once the titans got to Olympus, and after he got the power from that. He was going to have his way with Hera who could take as much as he could give, and Zeus would be watching it all without the power to stop him. Just the thought of it was making his mouth water again, and an wicked smirk curved on his lips "So, Fate, who is my little bitch? Who has his name forever etched into their slutty ass?" he asked, wanting to hear her say it now.
Fate was happy to feel Hades many names fade from her ass. She was starting to think giving him a paddle with his name on it was too much for his ego to handle. Hades name light up after he sealed it with his magic. She made it light up again and she looked back at him, then her ass. Her mouth opened to protest but then shut. It's going to be nice to have once Hades is all powerful. She smiled at Hades and shrugged her shoulder. If she really needed to hide she might be able to hide it with make up. She hoped she would be able too, at least. Then she was turned onto her back and held down by her traitor sisters. She could easily push the, off if she needed too. Then they started pumping her with their magic and she knew this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.

Sarah and Emilia were all too happy to help Hades fuck Fate. It was about all they could do after the fucking they received. They laced their fingers through Fates and pumped her with a little bit of their power so she could handle Hades. They didn't give her too much because they still had some healing of their own to do. They doubted she would be able to get Hades to stop of snap her fingers and transport him some where else, so they were also preventing her from snapped herself away from him while he fucked her with all of his strength. Fate was always the one 'in charge' when sex was had. The only time she submitted was when she was with a god who had more strength than her. She only pushed Hades buttons because it made sex better. She was the only one of the sisters to push his buttons so much, she had a curiosity to see how far she could push him. She obviously hit some type of line when she made Meg sick.

Fate was definitely not ready for the full force of Hades when he shoved himself inside of her. She let out a loud moan. She tried to push her sisters off, to get him to slow down at least a little bit. He stopped for a split second and she relaxed. She relaxed too early because before she knew it she had two cocks pushing into her at the same time. She squealed and he started fucking the life out of her. She wrapped her legs around him in effort to get him to slow down but with some silent command her traitorous sister unwrapped them and tied them to the foot of the bed. Fate relaxed her body and closed her eyes. For a second she glowed with magic and soon she found in the pleasure in what Hades was doing. The initial shock of the situation faded away and she started moaning in pleasure. She squeezed her sisters hands and her body moved up to meet Hades's body. "I'm yours., she moaned and closed her eyes. "I'm all yours." She screamed out and creamed all over Hades's cock.
((Sorry this is so short, but I couldn't really figure out how to span it out. Probably would be a good point to shift gears, and introduce Hercules though.))

While Hades was giving Fate the fucking of her life, he was laughing like an absolute manic on the inside. She was clearly his bitch now, and wondered just if she truly realized it, or not. Hopefully his name being forever etched onto her ass, and her screaming out that she was all his reminded her of that, but one could only be so sure. Even she had her first orgasm, Hades never once stopped fucking her. It just wouldn't be fair if her sisters were fucked until they had to teleport them away to stop him, but he had a feeling that him and her sisters knew exactly what to do with Fate. Such was evident when they tied her feet to bed post, so he couldn't move much. Her sisters may of gotten lucky, and were able to escape from him, but he wanted Fate to pass out from all the pleasure he was giving her. He soon joined her in cumming though as he couldn't take things much longer, buried himself deep inside her, and blew a load of his cum into both of her holes. Once again, he never once stopped fucking her with all his might though.

They continued like that for quite sometime as Fate, and the magic she got from her sisters, allowed her to go for much longer. Nevertheless, even he was starting to get tired, and her holes were overflowing with his cum. Most of it was leaking out of her, but his cocks were stopping the rest from truly doing so. He couldn't go on for much longer, and had to stop. So he thrusted inside her for a little while longer, and shot his last load inside her holes. Once he pulled out though, that load and all the rest of his cum started flowing from his holes. He chuckled softly at the sight, but soon fell back onto the bed "I hope you remember your place, Fate. Once I rule Olympus, I am banning you from fucking anyone, but me, so you better get your last fucks in before then," he chuckled again, but ultimately just passed out after speaking
Fate couldn't really say much to that, she couldn't really much either. Her sisters let her go and she snapped herself clean. Then she passed out with Hades. She couldn't feel he elegant, she wasn't sure if the was a good or bad thing but after cumming four times with an all powerful god, she figured it was a good thing. But becoming Hades bitch and being tied to him for the rest of her very long life wasn't part of the plan. Unless, of course, that meant she would be his queen and rule Olympus beside him. He clearly wasn't thinking of Meg, she was sure she was easily forgotten by him she wouldn't be much of a problem to her.


After a day of spending Hades money, Beth and Meg went back to Meg's place to get ready for tonight. They found a small club that was slowly gaining popularity. She didn't want to be watched by Hades little minions so it was better than nothing. Hades would probably kill for all the money she spent but he wasn't here to give her a budget so he couldn't really be mad, could he? Plus he would just make the money back in a matter of days and he just left her while she was sick in bed. Work or no, he should have stayed with her. He wanted a family and he couldn't stay with her while she was sick, all he would have had to do was hold until she fell asleep. Maybe that was why she spent so much money, she was upset with him. It made sense to her.

Beth and Meg went upstairs to get ready. Meg hired the best hair and make up people to come and make them up tonight. Beth wanted to meet a guy and a meg just wanted to have fun. She was hopelessly devoted Hades and didn't need any one else. They found the perfect dresses and shoes and accessories for tonight. They would look like sex goddesses. They were air brushed and then had to dry before the stylists got to work. The hair stylist gave meg big bouncy curls and the make up artist did a bold look, with red eye shadow and a matte nude lip. Meg walked into her closet and slid on her slinky backless number. It was a shiny black material with chains on her back instead of cloth. She had a strip of cloth across her ass but that was it. The front was cut pretty low, since she only had B cups it wasn't as obscene amount of cleavage. She had on bra cups that attached to her skin and no panties. The fabric was a little to clingy to wear underwear and not have under wear lines. She slid her feet in to some Christian Louboutin heels and met Beth down stairs. They took Hades new 2014 Lamborghini, he barely drove it anyways so it was a chance to get it out there and tests it limits. Probably another bad idea considering this car was Hades baby but once again she didn't care.

They got to the club and they both helped out of the car. A Meg slipped the valet guy a big tip and told him to take extra care of the car. They walked inside and were greeted to the loud boom of the bass. Meg looked around, she has never been a club that wasn't owned by Hades, this was a nice change of pace for her. They walked to the bar and she order shots and looked around the club. Her eyes met with a few guy but no one really stood out. She continued her scan until her eyes met wi the brightest of blue eyes she had ever seen. She wasn't looking for a guy, true, but if she was he would definitely be some on she gravitated too. He was...wow.

Beth looked at where Meg was looking and pushed her arm playfully, "You're eye fucking him, be careful. You don't want to anger Hades."

"Hades isn't here and I can dance with who ever I want. I can also eye fuck who ever I want as long as I don't actually fuck him." Meg said and smiled at the guy she was staring at. He looked to be in his late twenties which was good. He looked very fit as well. There was also something about him that reminded her of Zeus but she was clearly thinking of weird things. She clearly wasn't the only one who had eyes on him because he was surrounded by women. She realized Beth was telling her something and she took her eyes off of him and listened to Beth speak. Her eyes occasionally glanced up at the mystery man.
Why so many women saw fit to gravitate towards him, and constantly go all goo-goo eyed over him was beyond him. Everywhere he went, women would stare at him absolutely ripped body, his bright blue eyes, bright red hair, and that handsome face of his. To say it didn't annoy him a wee bit would be wrong because he both enjoyed and hated the attention. He hated it because that attention sometimes led to conflict, and those conflicts meant someone would get hurt. That someone always being the one who is attacking him. Hercules, the son of Zeus and Hera, turned mortal when he was only a small baby, and raised by a mortal family after they found him crying in the woods. Hercules never knew, or figured out that he was the son of a god and goddess, and therefore never knew he could become immortal. What he did know though, was that he had strength far beyond what regular human beings had. At first, he paid it no mind because he thought that was the norm for everyone, but once people started calling him a freak. He stopped using all his strength, and faked struggling with things that would be considered heavy by others. In reality, it was like a feather to him.

That was what his life was like, and he probably would of never come to this nightclub if a friend from his work hadn't convinced him. Ever since he was a child, Hercules dreamed of becoming a hero, and had a plethora of job choices that would give him that sort of satisfaction. The career he did peruse though was the police force, and his Sargent told him that he was the best trainee that he has seen in years. It wasn't hard to understand why he said that though because Hercules easily outperformed the other trainees by two miles. He didn't much like that though, but he was lucky that the others didn't treat him that bad because of it. Regardless, that friend knew he didn't much like going to dances and nightclubs because he wasn't a huge fan of the attention he got from women. It wasn't that he didn't like women, but it was more because they saw his body, and instantly were drew to him because of that and that alone. Before he started to realize that, he dated a few women, but it was always the same. They only liked him because they were their ideal man, and didn't care much to truly know him. So he always just stayed away from women because of that.

So it was nothing new when he caught a cute girl staring at him from across the room; however, he would definitely admit that she was probably the best looking girl here. Just to confirm that, he took a quick scan around the nightclub, and confirmed that was indeed true. Still, he had thought that before, but it was the same kind of outcome. So he decided to just be nice to her and smile sweetly while giving her a small wave. It would be pointless to invite her over, or go towards her since he knew exactly why she was looking at him, and really didn't have that much interest in her because of it. A complete lie though because Hercules couldn't stop taking small peeks at her, and got butterflies in his stomach each time he did. It was like something kept drawing him towards her, and this was a feeling that had never been felt before by him. It was hard to ignore, so he just gave up.

Hercules finished up his wine with a single swig before pushing himself off the chair, and walking up to her "Hello, ma'am," he said, taking her hand to kiss it "I saw you looking at me a little earlier, and I just couldn't help, but to do the same," he said, his smile shining brightly at her "So, could I trouble you for a dance, or was it perhaps your friend over there the one who was looking at me?" he asked, smiling towards Beth before bringing his attention back to Meg.
Meg smiled the guy that walked up to her and she kept eye contact with him, instead of letting her eyes eat their way up and down his delicious body. "Of course we can dance. There's no harm in that." She said the last part to Beth, after getting a dirty look from her. She slipped out of her seat and another guy walked over to Beth and pulled her onto the dance floor. They wiggled their way to the middle of the dance floor and they started off slowly, to see how the other person's body moved and then they got closer and danced. It was like some unknown chemistry between them, they danced gracefully and in step. Not once did she step on his toes and he didn't step on hers. She turned so they were chest to chest and she put her hands behind his head.

They danced some more, slower though. Still dancing to the beat just not as much, grinding and heavy petting as every one else. "You never told me your name?" She said to him over the music. "I'm Meg. My friend over there is Beth." She moved her hair to one side so when he talked to her, he would talk in her ear not in her hair. She turned back around so they were back to chest and she looked over her shoulder at him. "I don't say this to every one but you are a very handsome ginger." She teased ruffled his hair with her fingers. She laughed a little and rubbed his cheek, "In all seriousness, you are a very handsome man. You have this sort of old world Greek about you. That's very hard to find, a very rare quality."
Hercules never really was one for dancing, but that didn't mean he never learned how to dance. He was more knowledgeable on how to waltz and do the tango, but even someone who didn't know how to dance could easily do so to the beat of drum n' bass "The name is Hercules, and thanks for the compliment, Meg! You don't look half-bad yourself!" he chuckled, and smiled at her as both his hands traced their way down the side of her body. Not only was she one of the more beautiful women in this entire club, but she also had one of the nicest bodies of all the women. Beth was the same, but she couldn't match the beauty and sexiness of Meg in his eyes. Since he never went to Hades' club, or to any club until now, he had no idea that she was already dating someone, and especially someone so powerful. Because of that, he just had to have her in his life, and it seemed like they had some good chemistry. He honestly never expected to meet someone in a nightclub of all places, and he definitely wasn't wearing beer goggles in the presence of Meg.

The two kept dancing until both got bored, and he gently took hold of Meg's hand as he led her back to the bar "Well, that was rather fun," he told her as he took a seat on one of the stools "I'll admit, I didn't actually think I would meet anyone at a nightclub, but I am glad that I did," he ordered a Shark's Nipple for himself, and let Meg order whatever she wanted since he was going to be nice, and buy some drinks for her. Not that he wanted to get her drunk, so he could sleep with her and whatnot, but merely because it was something he could do to court her with "So, tell me a little about yourself, Meg. I would love to know a little more about you, and in return, I shall do the same."
"I wasn't excepting to meet anyone either. I am happily surprised to have met you actually." Meg smiled at Hercules and bit her bottom lip. She was flustered and nervous, something that never really happened to her. She was confident and sure of her actions most of the time. With Hercules it was completely different. She couldn't describe it but from the moment she took his hand she knew this wasn't the typical guy asking her to dance. By the way he was acting he didn't know about Hades which was a plus for her. She didn't really have to tell him about Hades either. It's not like she is cheating or planning to cheat. A little company while he was away is always a good thing. It would be a long week with out him and she could use a new friend or two.

"I don't really know what to tell you. Lets see, my name is Meg, or Meghara but no one has called me that in ages. I am twenty-seven years old. I love to travel all over the world. I have been to America, all over Europe, South Africa. I was born here in a small village by the base of Mt. Olympus though. I don't have a family, it's just me and my dog. I haven't gone to college. I do know English, French, Greek and Spanish. Which means you don't have to be college educated to learn a new language. But I'm not a dead beat. I have a nice allowance type thing, I donate to charities and I do things for them. I like to help the people that can't help themselves, but if you ask any of the people that barely know I'm shallow or a complete bitch." She paused and shrugged her shoulder. She looked up at him, "It feels like we should be doing this over dinner. Don't you think?" She teased.
((I have no reason for being so late in my replies simply that I was more focused on other things besides writing. I am deeply sorry, and will completely understand should you not want to reply back, and possibly discredit me.))

Hercules chuckled at her teasing, and responded back to her "Maybe, but I don't think dinner here would count unless you want an entire bucket of hot wings, or shrimp," he chuckled again "But you got me beat by a mile, Meg. Everything about you is a lot more than I expected, and I could hardly match it; however, we do share one thing in common so far. I don't have a family either besides my adopted parents, but even they don't know who my real parents are. Apparently, they found me found all alone in the forest while I was just a baby, and crying my eyes out," obviously, he left out the part about him beating up to red and blue snakes, and throwing them half way across the land as he didn't want Meg to think him a freak "Besides that, I'm just a cop who loves to help anyone that I can, and has had his fair share of bullets fired at him. I actually have a scar on the left side of my waist from a bullet that grazed me. Hurt like hell when it happened, and still does if I bend to the left too much," his lips formed into a grin before he spoke again "Word of advice, Meg. Don't ever get yourself shot," he said, a chuckle leaving his lips afterwards.

The evening continued like that with them probably getting a little more drunk then they should have "Now I am no expert on people, but even I could tell the sarge was both pissed, and amused that we were able to cover his entire office in post-it notes. Needless to say, we all got desk jobs for a while, but it was totally worth it," Hercules said, as he finished up the last of his third glass of a Shark's Nipple "What about you Meg? Got any interesting stories from your travels around the world? Of course, if you have none, then maybe we could go do something else?" he asked, a slight hint of a sultry tone in his voice. Hercules would normally never say something like that to anyone, but her changed slightly when drunk, and got bold. Meg was extremely attractive, and he would truly love to have her around his arm. To him, it was very well possible if he played his cards right this night.
(It's totally fine. I have school and homework so take as much time as you need.) Meg laughed at his story, "His entire office?! In post it notes?! You guys are crazy. I'm not surprised you got desk jobs." She thought about all the places she has been. She did have s,e funny stories but they all involved Hades and she was having too much fun. She didn't want to tell him about Hades and then have him afraid of her. "Go do something else? Mr. Hercules, are you being naughty and thinking naughty thoughts of me?" She teased and took his hand in hers. "One more dance and then I will escort you home. I think you are a little too drunk to drive." Meg was a few drinks away from drunk but she was able to see and walk straight. In a few minutes she would be able to drive Hercules and put him to bed. She led him to the dance floor and they started to dance to the music. It was as easy dance with him as it was to walk. Even when he was drunk, well he was a little more adventurous than before but that was to be expected from a drunk male.

After the dance she said goodbye to her friends and gave her the key to her car and the house. She walked back to Hercules and walked with him to his car. She took his keys from him and had him get in the car. It was hard to maneuver a man as big as Hercules b she got him in the car and buckled him up. "You're like a big baby." She teased and kissed his cheek. She moved to the drivers side and started her up. "So mr officer, where do you live? Maybe when I get you home, you can put on your uniform and do a little dance for me while you take it off." After getting his address she plugged it into her phone GPS and drove him home. She found his house key on the chain and opened the door. After he got inside she closed and locked the door behind her. "Are you going to be okay alone? You aren't going to drowned in the bath are you?"
Hercules chuckled, and snapped his fingers when she asked him if he was thinking naughty thoughts of her "Drats, secrets ruined," he chuckled again, and gladly allowed her to lead him back to the dance floor for another dance. Just like his personality when drunk, his hands got a little more bold as well, and were exploring her body. He was avoiding her breasts and womanhood, but his hands couldn't help themselves, and did grope her ass during the dance. It was so delicious, and he hoped that he would be seeing that ass while pounding away at her before this night was up; however, he still had yet to find out if the hand he was dealt was a good one, or if he would be forced to fold his hand. Once their dance was over, Meg said goodbye to her friends before she stole his keys from him, and led him out to his car. He really had no idea why she was helping him into his car, nor why she was buckling him up. Sure, he was drunk, but such trivial things like that were easy even for a drunk person.

He did smile when she called him a big baby, and chuckled afterwards while she got into the car. When she asked him for his address, he told her it, but didn't expect what she spoke about in her next sentence. It could be just hid drunk mind thinking this, but surely that was her basically saying she wouldn't mind spending some time with him, and that he would be getting some action tonight. Still, he still nothing about it though as she drove him home, and soon they were inside his home. It wasn't anything super fancy, but it was homely, and that was good enough for him. Now was his time to strike now that she had asked him if he would be fine alone. That sultry smile came back on his lips as his arm wrapped around her waist, and pulled her close to him "You seem to be on a real baby kick, Meg. I have no plans to drown myself in the tub, but I think you requested a dance?" Hercules swept Meg off her feet, and brought her over to his couch before setting her down "You just sit right there, and I'll get changed into my uniform," he kissed her cheek now before heading off into his room, and searching through his closet for his police uniform.

He wasted no time in putting it on, and all he could think about was if Meg would want to spend the night with him in bed. Like stated earlier, he would usually never think about such things like this, but he was drunk. After he was dressed, and everything was in order, Hercules headed back to Meg, and just couldn't help himself to be a little cheesy "So, what seems to be the problem, Ma'am? I think I need to do a little investigating," he certainly wasn't a male stripper, but he found it wasn't really hard to make even something like removing his tie to be sexy. He laughed quietly to himself, and joked that he should also take up a job as a male stripper. With his tie removed, he got to work on slowly un-buttoning the buttons on his shirt, and revealing more and more of his muscled body. He was ripped, and while he wouldn't admit this to anyway, he hardly ever had to work to keep this body. As he grew older, his body became like this to compensate for his strength. Even then, he did workout just to make sure he didn't start get flabby though, and it gave people the illusion that it was how he earned his body.

He threw off his shirt to join his tie before taking off his belt, and dropping it before removing his pants as well. While doing so, he moved towards her to let Meg feel his body should she be so inclined to do so. He hadn't a single clue if this was what happened to all male strippers, but it would be easy to tell that he was even aroused by what he was doing because he had a slightly bulge in his briefs once his pants were removed. Hercules pulled Meg up off the couch, and wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her close "So, how did I do?" he asked.
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