{Retsu and Crown's Life of Partying or Life of Love?}



Meg woke up in bed with her head on her boyfriends chest. He was much more comfortable than her pillows, even if they were the best pillows money could buy. She looked around the lavish room and smiled brightly, three hundred and sixty five days ago they left Africa to come to America. Now the time has come for a change of venue. They were going back home to Greece or the Hellenic Republic as it was called now. She was so excited she could hardly stand it. Even with only a few hours of sleep she was bouncing around on the inside. Any normal person would be struck down with a massive hang over or wake up next to a toilet. She had that taken care of by her sweet heart. A quick touch of the head and she never got another hangover. Which was a major boost. She went out every weekend, she couldn't be struck down with such trivial things.

She rolled out of bed carefully, so she didn't wake up her sleeping partner and went into her closet. It was every girls dream closet, she was in the shoe closet which was as big as a master bathroom and the walls were covered in shoes except in the places where the doors were. She opened a door and it took her to a pocket universe that was her closet. All the new things were up front and the deeper she went the more historical the clothes were. Right now, she needed something to spark Hades appetite, she needed more clothes and she knew the best way to get more clothes was to wear little to none when she asked for new clothes. She just had to find the right set.

She found a pair of black thigh highs that would look good against her milky skin, then she found a purple corset with a black ribbon that went around the waist. Now she just had to find panties. She found a black silk pair of booty shorts and left the closet to get dressed. She teased her hair to make it appear fuller and put on a light purple lip gloss. After applying a little eye liner she got dressed and peeked into their room. Seeing Hades still asleep, she grabbed her crystal Louboutin heels and went into the kitchen. She pulled out the eggs and bacon and stuff for pancakes. She read the directions on the pancake box and it looked easy enough. She started to mix it together and smiled at herself. She rarely cooked because it never came out quite right, but every now and then she would try.

She put butter in the pan and poured the batter in the pan. While that cooked on one side she grabbed her phone and started to text her friends in Greece. She wanted them all ready for her arrival so they could dance the night away. She was lost in the conversation with her friends and forgot to check her pancakes. When she did it was smoking, black and stuck to the pan. She looked up at the fire alarm and hoped it wouldn't go off like the last time. Hades was angry with her the last time it went off, he would know she wasn't paying attention to what she was cooking again. She put the pan in the sink and smiled when the cook came down.

"I tried and I failed. Will you make Hades breakfast. The works. I need everything." She smiled sweetly and went back to typing away on her phone.

The cook was used to being around Meg while she was half naked. She only really appeared when Meg wanted something to eat. She was good like that. It was no wonder why Hades kept the old woman alive so long, she was an expert cook and helped Meg not to burn the house down. In a half hour Meg had everything she needed for Hades's breakfast. She thanked Dolores and left with the tray of food. She walked into the bedroom and put the tray down on her side of the bed. She walked over to Hades side and rubbed his cheek.

"Wakey, wakey dilectione mea (my heart)." She said softly and kissed his cheek. "Breakfast is waiting." Meg grew out of most of her flaws except one. She lacked patience. She knew how to get Hades up toot sweet but she if they started that they wouldn't stop and she would miss the night out with her friends. Boxer, Meg's French bulldog, pranced his way into the room and Meg picked him up. "Lets wake up daddy." She told him and set him on Hades chest. She started to kiss Hades cheek and Boxer went to the other cheek and started to lick. "If you wake up I'll get him to stop."
The life of partying, or the life of love?

((There, gave us a proper title.))

Everything started back in the ancient Greek times, and Hades couldn't be more happier because of it. Pain and Panic had just reported that they had killed of Hercules as instructed, and Hades saw fit to have a little celebration for himself. The little brat wouldn't be able to impede on his plans for total domination of Greece and Olympus anymore. He had a wonderful time drinking wine, and messing around with the people of Greece, but then he met her. The god had decided to take a short rest in one of the forests surrounding the city, and heard a woman crying. Despite being the supposed evil god of the underworld, he had a soft spot for women, and followed the sound of crying until he saw Meg. Hades slowly but surely comforted her, and found out that her previous boyfriend had just ran off on her with another girl. That angered the god, but there was nothing he could do for her unless she did one little thing for him. With the promise of her soul, he told her that he could show her what real love is like, and would give her all that her heart desired. That was the start of their relationship, and it has been going strong ever since.

Hades fell deeply in love with Meg after that, and they slowly started to enter into a tad more sexual relationship as he revealed more and more of his dominant side. He couldn't even imagine what his life would be like without her, and very nearly experienced it first hand. Meg was fifty at the time, and it made Hades start thinking more and more about the fact that she was getting older, and would die soon enough. It scared him to death, so he convinced her to let him make her immortal, so they could be together forever. Thankfully, she agreed to it, and he reverted her back to being thirty years old while also making her immortal just like him. Even after that, their relationship still was strong thanks to the changes of time giving them more and more to do with everything passing year. Now they were in the modern era, and both of them had changed a lot. Being a god, Hades always had a constant quest for power, and the modern era gave him more power than he ever thought possible. He was the owner of three of the most popular nightclubs in all of Greece, and the world for that matter. It not only gave him power to get his finger in the pie of politics, but gave him more money than one could shake a stick at. Even outdoing the richest person in the world by a total landslide.

Of course, that meant he would absolutely spoil Meg, and give her everything and anything that she asked him for. Hades knew that she loved him for him, and not just for his money. Otherwise, they wouldn't of been together for as long as they have. Still, sometimes he would start thinking about what it would be like to start settling down with her, and perhaps start a family; however, every time he starts talking about it, Meg just shoots him down by saying that she wants to have a few more years to themselves. Despite his own wishes, he does agree with her that they can do a lot more things without kids than they can with.

Hades was sleeping rather peacefully, but did stir a little when he felt Meg's body leaving him. It wasn't until he smelled breakfast, and felt both Meg and Boxer kissing and licking his cheeks. It all put a smile on his face "Alright, alright, you can stop licking me Boxer," he said, getting up and gently pushing the dog away from him. Hades stretched, and shook the sleep out of his eyes, so he could see what Meg was wearing. Needless to say, he was impressed, aroused, and already wondering how much this was going to cost him "Well now, either you decided to give me some morning wood so he could have a little morning fun, or you want me to buy you something," he looked down at the tray of food, and would of been rather impressed if he didn't already know it was made by Dolores "I'm going to assume it is the latter," he said, chuckling and giving her a kiss as well as a good slap on the ass.
RE: {Retsu and Crown's} Life of Partying or Life of Love?

Meg winked at Hades when she spanked her and picked up Boxer and put him in her lap. She scratched behind his ear and smiled at Hades, "A new wardrobe would be very nice. All of my clothes in Greece, I haven't worn in years and it's all out of date. So I need an upgrade. You get new ties all the time. I don't see the difference." She smiled innocently and got off the bed. "And Boxer needs a new collar. Maybe bowties, so I could change them out everyday and it could be his staple look. It would be cute." She put Boxer on the floor and sat on the other side of Hades while he ate. "I have to work out before we leave, just knew that plans are already set for our arrival. The club is getting ready now. With the time change we only have five or six hours to shop, come back, get ready, teleport to the house, choose a fancy car and the drive to the club. Busy day but it will be fun." She kissed Hades cheek and went into her closet. She found a real pair of shorts and went to their in home gym and hopped on the treadmill.

She didn't necessarily have to work out, she could have Hades zip her body back to normal, or tweak it if she wanted but she liked working out. They were in a world where women would flock to him because of his status, and brand. Right now she was on the top of the pack but she worried about losing him one day. It helped that he was constantly taking about starting a family now, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold him off forever. She wanted a family but she didn't want to risk her body. If pregnancy made her fat she would surely lose Hades, that was the last the she wanted. She came close to dying once, she didn't want to go through it again. That close call made her realize how much there was to life. Since then she partied. She lived everyday like it could be her last but she would never have a last day thanks to Hades.

She ran for an hour before walking back in their room. Mariah Carrey may run in heels but Meg ran in lingerie. It made her feel good to see the twinkle in Hades eyes when he saw her in almost nothing. She got in the shower and washed her body off in Hades favorite scent. The bathroom smelled of orange blossoms by the time she was out. She walked to her mirror and dried her hair with a blow dryer. She curled her hair with big curls and pined the them back so she could do her make up. She kept it natural for now, she would be able to get wild with make up tonight. After her make up was done she did her nails. It took her a while to pick a color but she ended up choosing dark blue but made it fade out to white as it reached the tip of her nail. She waited for it dry and then she went into her closet to choose what she wanted to wear.

She found a white corset and a pair of short shorts. She shook her head and traded for a pair of bright green shorts and a white tank top with black Toms. She had to be comfortable, she would tanking the clothes on and off all day. She unpinned her hair and ran her fingers through the curls. She grabbed her LV bag and put it on the floor for Boxer to jump in then walked to Hades. "We are ready are you?" She always took Hades along with her because he made her keep a budget, even though she went over it most of the time. With out him she could probably spend it all. She also wanted his opinion on things, if something was too short or showed to much skin to his liking she wouldn't get it. She loved and respected Hades choices, she knew most of them were to make her a better person.

"If you really don't want to go, I will go by myself. Well, I'll go with Boxer and you can stay here and say good bye to the house or do whatever it is you do before we leave." She walked over to him and kiss his lips softly. "And I won't go more than 5 grand over the budget. If I do on Monday you can turn my ass red." She held her pinky finger out and smiled at him, "I promise." She out her forehead against his and looked into his eyes. "I love you and I'm sorry about last night." She rubbed his cheek. They had the making a family conversation again last night before she went out with her friends and it didn't hold over well. They both yelled and said mean things. She drank the problems away, she didn't know how he let out his steam. "You know how I feel about it. We will eventually, we have forever."
RE: {Retsu and Crown's} Life of Partying or Life of Love?

Hearing her ask for a new wardrobe made Hades chuckle, and roll his eyes "You know we have a great relationship when I can read you like a book, Meg," he started to eat his breakfast while Meg moved over to his side "And you are lucky that I love you to death because you know that it's hard to go shopping with you with how much money you make me use," he chuckled again before moving just slightly, so Meg had a little more room to sit, and explain about the plans for today "Min anisycheíte(Don't worry), we will have more than enough time to get back home, and I completely trust Pain and Panic has done me good," before they left to go to Africa, Hades started training Pain and Panic to be able to run his nightclubs back in Greece, and they did surprisingly well. There were some minor screw ups, but nothing that couldn't easily be fixed. He watched as Meg left to start working out, and couldn't help but to read her thoughts. She hated it when he did that, so he normally tried to keep it a secret from her, but perhaps this would have to be something he would talk about sometime. It seemed that she wanted a family almost as much as him, but she was afraid of getting fat, and him leaving her because of it. While he would admit that he didn't want her to get too fat, he didn't mind a tad more meat on her bones. Besides, she could just work off the excess fat, or have him zap it away.

Hades finished his breakfast, and started getting ready himself. He went into his own closet which was mainly filled with suits, and the occasional T-shirt. Just something about the modern day suits really intrigued him, and he always thought it showed just how much power he has in his life. Today just seemed like it was going to be one of those days, so he picked out his favorite suit. He smoothed out any creases before spurting on some cologne, but only a little since he found that he would start choking if he put too much on. A quick inspection in the mirror, and he was ready to go. Before Meg came into the room, Hades quickly texted Pain and Panic to tell them that he was going to take Meg shopping real quick before returning, and that they should have Cleon, the DJ, prepare a special welcome mix for their arrival.

His head turned towards Meg as she arrived, and he caught a glimpse of what she did with her nails. Ever since nail polish started becoming popular in the 20s. Hades introduced it to her, and they soon shared a liking towards it. She was able to get a little more color, and Hades liked how artsy she could be with it sometimes. Combine that with her light purple lip gloss, and he found himself with one sexy girl around his arm. Both of his arms wrapped around her small waist, and pulled her close to him "Of course I am ready, babe," he said, as he hooked their pinkies together and shook "And I am going to hold you to that. If you even go a dollar over budget. Not only am I going to turn your ass red, but I may just fuck it until its raw as well," another chuckle, and he gave her another small kiss "I love you too, Meg, but you needn't worry about that. I still do want a family with you sometime, but I was the one who started the yelling anyway," he flashed her a bright smile before letting one arm drop from her body, but letting one stay around her waist as they both walked out towards their car.

Even though they had a house in the States, it was really only temporary, so Hades only brought one of their many cars with him. It wasn't the fanciest car they owned, but it definitely showed that they were loaded. He helped Meg into the passenger's side before getting into the driver's side himself, and getting on the road "So, where are we going to shop today, Meg?"
RE: {Retsu and Crown's} Life of Partying or Life of Love?

"Please tell me you have some one checking on them. Pain and panic aren't all there in the head. They are idiots most days. We are lucky they haven't burnt the house down. They are like kids, little kids in adult bodies and worst some how. You remember what they did on your birthday." She had a tolerance for Pain and Panic, she liked them some days but most days she didn't want to deal with them. She was friends with every one, she liked every one so saying she wasn't overly fond of those two was saying a lot. She was surprised that he admitted that he yelled first. She tried to hide the surprised look on her face and just smiled.

"Dilectione mea (my heart), we are going every where today. For now, lets start at the mall. The indoor one and then we can go from there." She held his hand as he drove them to the mall. He let valet take care of the car and she held his hand as they walked inside. Meg had two weaknesses. One candy, she couldn't get enough of it, as long as it was candy. If some one did something wrong they would get her a big piece of candy to make her happy again. The second was the mall. Macy's, Dillard's, Bloomingdales, she couldn't get enough of the mall. She squeezed Hades hand and went to the dress section, she pulled what she liked and went to try them all on. She showed Hades each one, they all something in common and that would be they were all short and had a sparkle element to it.

They got attention as they walked through mall. Most of it was male attention and focused on Meg. Meg would smile when she caught some one looking her way but it was all friendly. She did flirt from time to time but only did it to make Hades jealous and she never went too far. She would look at Hades in the mirror after he got a good look at each dress on her. He may say, it's nice, but she's known him long enough to know when he liked a dress and when he didn't. She put back the ones he didn't like and ended up getting three he did like. Then they went to shoes and she went a little crazy. When it came to shoes, she didn't care if Hades liked them or not she got them either way. They spent a good two hours shopping, after going to a store she would have Hades send the bags to Greece so they were there when they got there.

They were on their way out of the mall when she saw it. She was at her budget already but she would happily take any punishment to have it. Hades was talking to either Pain or Panic on the phone so he was paying much attention to her. She walked over to the store and looked at it through the window. She went inside and found the dress in her size then went to the dressing room to try it on. It was like it was meant to be. She had to have it. She looked at the price tag and she was going to so sore on Monday. She walked out of the dressing room and checked herself out in the big mirror. The dress is strapless and hugs her body expertly, it had a deep v going down the front and stopped at the bottom of her breast. It managed to make it appear like she had bigger breasts even though hers were on the small side. It ended a little above the middle of her thigh. The best part was it was made entirely of black Swarovski crystals. It made her purple eyes pop and she though she looked down right sexy.

She turned to face Hades and did a little pose. She was willing to accept any punishment he may dull out but this was her dress. She was going to wear it tonight she would be buried in it if she weren't immortal. She gave Hades the look that said she had to have it and she turned and looked at herself again.
RE: {Retsu and Crown's} Life of Partying or Life of Love?

Hades' face flushed in embarrassment as he remembered that day. He had lost count of how old he really was, but he had everyone believe that both him and Meg were eighteen years old when they first met, and both were now thirty one. It was on his thirty first birthday that Pain and Panic made a fool out of him by giving him a water bottle that couldn't open. Try as he may, Hades' tried to open it only to become pissed at the bottle, and throwing it against the wall. Needless to say, he had to deal with the embarrassment, and the fact that there was a hole in the wall from how hard he threw it "I know you don't trust them, but I made sure they understood what would happen to them if they fucked up. They may be immortal like us, but that doesn't mean they don't feel pain," he squeezed Meg's hand, and took his eyes away from the road just for a second to smile at her.

Soon enough, they were at the mall, and he could tell right away that Meg was going to go over budget. Why? Because in just the first five minutes of shopping, she had already racked up about seven hundred dollars worth of dresses. She tried on all of them for him, and while they all looked absolutely stunning on her. There was really only three that he liked. 'Course, he wasn't the only one that liked them. Hades wasn't stupid, he knew that other men stared at Meg with desire in their eyes, and he knew for a fact that Meg would sometimes flirt with them to make him jealous. Whenever they started to get too pushy, Hades had a tendency to get a little overprotective with Meg, and once nearly killed a guy because he had grabbed her ass. Lucky for him, Meg was able to calm him down, or Hades would have a new soul for the underworld.

All the men who stared at her got an evil eye from Hades, and they paid for the three dresses that really caught his attention with her having already spent a grand just in dresses, but that was nothing compared to the shoes. That was one of her weakness, the other being candy, and just from those alone Meg had spent the other four thousands dollars of her five grand budget. He thought that would be it, but how wrong he was. Just as they were about to leave the mall, his phone started ringing, and it was from Panic "Hold on, hun. I gotta take this call," he didn't think that she would go buy something else(even though a part of him wanted her to). So once he got off the phone with Panic, which was just to inform him that Cleon had the welcome mix ready, it actually surprised him to find her in a new dress. While she looked absolutely amazing in it, it made him sigh and shake his head "What will I ever do with you, Meg?" he walked a little closer to her, and took a quick look around them before grabbing hold of her ass, and giving it a good squeeze "I'll buy this for you, but you better remember your promise. Come Monday, this ass is mine, and I will make sure that you can't sit right for a week."

After that little exchange, they bought her that dress, and finally headed back to the car. They were soon back on the road, and Hades just started driving around "Since you already went over budget, and because I love you more than anything in the entire universe. Is there any other place you want to go shopping today? We can go pick up Boxer's new collar, and those bowties you were talking about. If not, we could just go home, and I had Cleon prepare a special welcome back mix for us."
She bounced up and down when he said yes. She knew he wouldn't say no but saw the look in his face and knew that he loved it. She gave him a tight squeeze and kissed him happily. She moaned loud enough for him to hear and she kissed him again, "All yours baby." Her tongue trailed his bottom lip and she nibbled on it. "Have I told you how much I love you lately?" She rubbed his cheek and continues, "So much. I will spend the rest of my days loving you in every way possible. Thank you for the dress." She kissed him again and left to go get her real clothes back on. After he paid for the dress they went back to the car.

She looked in the back seat at Boxer, who was still sitting in her purse. "Lets go to that boutique he loves so much. We can get him some T-R-E-A-T-S and collars." She had to spell the word because if she said it Boxer would start whining. He was a good well trained dog but he loved to eat. He understood words every other dog understood; walk and treat. Say one of those words and he wouldn't leave you alone until you gave it to him. They got to the boutique and she let him out to walk around. He was a picky eater and only ate certain food and treats. She had to let him test the treats to see what he really liked. Then she got the bowties and collars he looked down right handsome in the bowties so she got one in every color and design. She put one on him so he could wear it out of the store and they were on their way home.

"Lets take him to the dog park one last time." She checked her watch to figure out how much time they had. "It's your event we can be a little late. Plus he'll he all alone tonight. He needs something to tire him out and the. He will need a bath." They drove to the dog park and Boxer went to play with the other dogs. Boxer was the closest thing they had to a kid at this point. Unless they counted Pain and Panic. She saw them more as step children more than anything. She kept her arm around Hades and watched Boxer run around.

"That phone call wasn't bad news then? They didn't do something stupid. The club is still standing and there is a bartender and DJ? They are surprising me more and more."
Hades drove them to the boutique as requested, and just simply walked behind Meg while her and Boxer started buying treats, collars, and bowties. He really didn't see why Meg liked to dress him up so much, but Boxer didn't seem to mind much, nor did Hades really care enough to ask why. Regardless, they finished up there before getting back in the car, and driving to the dog park now, so he could burn off all his energy. The couple found a nice bench to sit down while Boxer played with the other dogs, and Meg asked if the phone call was bad among other things. It just made Hades chuckle at her "Yes, everything is still in working order. I know when Pain and Panic are lying to me. Plus, I still heard the music in the background as well as Cleon announcing that we will be returning very soon," he chuckled before before pulling her into a short one armed hug "Cut them a little slack, Meg. They may be complete idiots at times and maybe they do embarrass me sometimes, but those imps are always right there when I need them," the two continued to sit together while both talking about assorted things, and watching Boxer until he got tried, and used the last of his energy to run back to them.

After that, it was time to head home, and Hades drove them back to the house "So, is there anything you need to do before I take us home?" if there was, Hades waited for her to be done in the car, and teleported them back home to Greece once she was done. He pulled this particular car into it's spot, and got out of the car as well as helping Meg out "You start getting ready. I'll give Boxer his bath then put him to bed," a quick kiss, and Hades escorted Meg into the house before taking Boxer out of her purse, and into the bathroom. While treats and walks were his favorite thing, getting a bath was the one thing that he truly hated. The little dog would always throw a fit whenever one of them tried giving him a bath, but Hades had trained a three-headed hell hound, so a simple french bulldog was nothing compared to that. With a couple stern looks, the dog would stop fighting him, and just take the fact that he was getting a bath whether he liked it or not. While his hands may of been focused on cleaning Boxer, Hades' mind was in a much different place.

Seeing Meg in that dress had really sparked his sex drive, and now the only thing he could see was her in that sexy dress. Not only that, but he knew for a fact that her make-up currently was only her natural look, and that she went all out with make-up whenever she started partying. Of course, she didn't just cake it on as both of them didn't like it, so she always put on the right amount to make herself look sexy without completely over doing it. That sparked his sex drive once again, and a part of him wondered just how long he could last without having at least a quick round with Meg. If he played his cards right, then maybe Meg would allow for a quick round of sex, and he could fix her before they went to the club.

Once he was finished with Boxer's bath, he put the dog in their room where his bed was, and turned the radio on, so Boxer had some kind of background noise. After that, he just waited for Meg to finish while mulling over how he could possibly convince her to have a quickie.
Meg gave Hades a kiss when he took Boxer away for his bath. She knew that was going to be something funny to watch but she had to get her hair and make up done so she couldn't watch her bold little dog take on the god of the underworld. She went into their bathroom and took her clothes off so she could get in the shower. It was times like this, she wished she had a little magic, so she could snap her fingers and start her make up nice and fresh. She washed her face, hair and body and got out of the shower. She used a lotion that made her skin silky smooth, then started on her make up. It took about an hour to get the desired effect but in the end her makeup looked pretty good. She couldn't go too bold because the dress was so sparkly and out there but a bold red lip wouldn't clash with the dress at all.

The next thing she had to do was her hair. She looked at her hair in the mirror and wondered how she should do it. She could straighten it and let it hang down her shoulders. She was never one for strait hair though, it wasn't very fun to her. Curling it would be her normal route, she could do big curls and let them bounce all night. Small curls would be too much for her dress. She plugged in her big curling iron and grabbed a teasing comb. She curled ever strand of hair and then teased the hair on the top of her head. She pinned it back so she had a bump up front and curls in the back. It was sexy and just what she wanted. She looked at the clock and saw she only had an forty-five left. "He gets to just snap his fingers and I have to take the time and do it right." She grumbled under her breath and went into her closet. She put on a light perfumes and chose a pair of red pumps that match her lips. They weren't glossy, they were just a flat red color.

She took off the towel she was wearing and slid on a tiny thong that didn't show any lines or seams. She didn't need a bra for the dress so she finally got to put it back on. She slid it up her hips and felt a hand help her zip it up. She slid her feet in her pumps and turned to face Hades. "Thank you for the help. How long did it take you to get ready?" She asked and rolled her eyes. "Probably two seconds." She walked over to the mirror and and smiled at their reflection. They did make a good couple. She turned and kissed him softly. "Which car are we taking?" She asked and grabbed a red clutch to out her phone and make up in.
Hades was still mulling over how to convince Meg while now getting to work on getting changed yet again. Now he wore one of his many black suits alongside a pair of black shoes that he bought for himself during their trip to Paris. He didn't put on any cologne again since the smell was still fresh, and decided that he should probably see if Meg needed any help. She was just getting her dress on, and he carefully zipped her up before looking at her in the mirror and flashing a smile. Her make-up was perfect, and really made her stand out as the most beautiful woman in the entire world in his eyes. That thought to have a quickie before heading there came back full force, but all he could do was hope that Meg wouldn't mind giving him one. Her question as to how long it took him to get ready made him chuckle yet again "It could of been two seconds, but I rather like the feeling of putting on a suit and tie. It just doesn't feel as fun if I just snap my fingers to dress myself with on instead," another chuckle, and it was time to ask her.

Her arms wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her close to him as he kissed her bright red lips. The lipstick tasted delicious as always, and Hades looked into her eyes with a sultry smile "I know we need to get to the club and whatnot, but seeing you all dolled up like this is torture. So...I wanted to ask if perhaps you and I could have a little quickie before arriving to the club. If my calculations are correct, then we only have about forty-fives to make it there wouldn't be extremely late, but that is more than enough time for me. Once we're done, I can just fix everything for you, so you aren't walking around with messy hair, make-up all over your face, and a pussy full of cum," his sultry smile turned into a slightly begging look as he continued "But I wouldn't mind just getting a little head in the car. If you don't want to take too much time."

Hades could easily just use a bit of his godly powers to make her say yes regardless if she actually wanted to or not, but that just wouldn't be fair to her. Not only that, but she would realize what he had done afterwards, and really didn't want to deal with a pissed off Meg.
"A blowjob in the car." She agreed, she didn't want to ruin what she took so long to get to get together and she wanted to have fun. She loved sex with Hades but it could last for hours. She was shocked at his sexual appetite. A blowjob would hopefully hold him over a whole so when they got the club she could dance and have fun with her friends and then they could go home and have sloppy drunk sex. Plus she liked giving Hades blowjobs. He tasted pretty damn good.

They went outside just in time to see a black limo pull up. A driver got out and opened the door for Hades and Meg, "I guess the boys are alright." Meg said and got into the limo. She raised the partition that blocked the driver from them. "As long as you fix me up before we get to the club." She said and gave Hades a real mouth watering kiss. She tugged her dress up and straddled his waist. She could feel him starting to get hard, with a little rubbing he was getting harder by the second.

She shimmied down his body and undid his belt and pants. She tugged them down to his ankles and spread his knees as wide as they would go. She wrapped her small fist around his shaft and started to pump it to make it as hard as possible, which wasn't very hard. He felt her tongue run up and down the shaft of his cock. It would go down one side, come back up, twirl around his head and do the same to the other side of his cock. "Close your eyes." She said softly and when he did, she used the tip of her tongue and drew circles up and down his shaft.

She sucked his head into her mouth and slowly started to bob her head up and down. What started off soft quickly grew into something more and harder. She bobbed her head faster and started taking more of his cock in her mouth. Her wrist was still wrapped around the base of his cock and each downward thrust her lips would touch her hand. She put her free hand on his chest to keep him steady and moved her hand away from the base. She moved her head down more until her lips were touching his pubic area.

She took him out of her mouth and went down to his balls. Her tongue twirled around those as well and she sucked them in her mouth. She licked the skin that connected his balls to the base of his cock and then she sucked the area as well. She used her hand to massage them and she used her mouth to suck him off again. She tirelessly started to deep throat his cock while she played with his balls. She stuck her tongue out and brought his balls up so she could lick at his balls while he was buried in her throat. If that didn't give him the release she needed she didn't know what would. After all these years of practice she could hold her breath longer than the average girl and she knew every trick in the book. She moaned softly and felt him swell in her throat. 'Come on baby. Do it for me.' She thought and moaned again.
As much as Hades would rather fuck Meg senseless, he wasn't going to complain when she agreed to just giving him a blowjob in the car. So he escorted her outside, and was actually surprised seeing a limo pulling up. He didn't remember calling for one, but this was probably Pain and Panic's way of trying to show him that they could be trusted with the club "See? I told you that they were going to be fine. Like I said, you should cut them a little slack next time," none of that really mattered to him at this point though. As soon as the partition was raised, he could feel himself getting harder and harder "Of course, Meg. I'm not about to let you walk into the club looking all messy when you worked so hard on making yourself look this sexy," her kiss didn't help him much and just made him become even harder. Even the way she rubbed up against him got him harder, and he just let Meg work her fingers on taking his pants off after she shimmed down his body. Soon enough, she was planted in between his legs, and her hand was stroking his seven inches worth of flesh while her tongue ran everything her hand was not.

It felt amazing, but it was only going to get better from here on out. Hades closed his eyes as per her request, and it wasn't long until he felt her mouth engulfing his cock. A groan of pleasure left his lips as he felt the wet and hot sensation around his cock, and soon enough Meg was really going at him. That caused more and more groans of pleasure to leave his lips, and his hand immediately wrapped itself up in her hair to show how much he was loving this. Then she started paying attention to his balls, and that was just as, if not better, good as her mouth around his cock. His sounds of pleasure increased after that, and the god wasn't even surprised when he felt himself already throbbing inside her hand. Meg must of felt that as his cock was once again taken deep inside her throat, and she pleasured him further bringing his balls up just enough, so her tongue licked them every time she brought her lips all the way down to his pubic area.

He just couldn't hold himself any longer, and using the hand that was wrapped up in her hair, Hades pushed Meg down on his cock, and came inside her mouth. Once he was finished, he pulled his cock out of her mouth, and waited for her to finish swallowing his cum before snapping his fingers to revert her back like nothing had ever happened. He fixed his pants quickly, and helped Meg back up on the seat next to him "Thanks for that, Meg, but I hope you understand that is isn't going to hold me over for too long. I'm not going to fuck you raw like I am on Monday, but I am going to come damn near close," he shivered just thinking about it, and it wasn't long until they arrived at the club. Panic pulled the door open for the couple, and bowed to both of them "Welcome back, Hades. Cleon is ready for your arrival, and everyone else is just waiting for you to enter through the door," Hades thanked him, and wrapped his arm around Meg as he led her inside.

As soon as the doors were opened, their ears were blasted with the sound techno. Despite being the god of the underworld, Hades much rather preferred a good techno song over the sound of heavy metal.

Cleon got on his mic, and started speaking all while a simple beat played in the background "Alright all you little demons! Let's give a warm welcome home to the the couple of the hour; Meg and Hades!" every burst out with a cheer, and Cleon got right to work on playing Hades' special mix. Hades turned his head slightly to look at Meg, and smiled at her "I'm going to go into the back for a little to make sure Pain has kept up to date on the paperwork!" he said, having to yell a bit because of the music "You just go and enjoy yourself, and I'll join you later!" a quick kiss on the cheek, and he found himself inside his office. As much as he loved Techno, he had to make his office soundproof because he found himself always wanting to dance if he could hear it, and that would keep him from doing the paperwork that kept this place from declining in popularity.
Meg nodded her head, she knew he wouldn't last very long win just a blow job but she enjoyed giving them. She smiled at Panic when he opened the door and spoke to Hades. The crowd applauded their arrival and the music started. It was time to party, officially. She frowned when Hades said he had to work and let him go. She went to her friends who were by the bar waving her over. She went over to them and ordered drink, all free since she was the owners girlfriend and they were the owners girlfriends friends. They drank and talked and when they got bored so just drinking, they moved to dance floor and danced with each other.

It wasn't long until guys were surrounding her small group and dancing with Meg and her friends. She didn't mind their intrusion because they were being good. Not gentleman but they were just dancing. If it got to bad she was sure Pain or Panic was around to act as her body guard and send guys away. They went back to the bar and ordered some more drinks. She looked around the club and saw a bunch of young people dancing around, grinding their bodies together and getting drunk. They were living the life and having fun.

The thought of kids invaded her mind and she looked out at the crowd. They would eventually give up this life for a more mature life with marriage and kids. She and Hades weren't even married, they have just been together all these centuries. She could probably hold off the kids until he slipped a ring on her finger and she could chalk it up to being old fashioned. Technically she was old fashioned, you didn't aphasia children until after you were married in her time. Things were way too lenient nowadays. Teens were having babies left and right and giving tv shows for it. She wondered if she could get Hades to just destroy MTV, they didn't even play music any more.

She was brought back to reality by Beth, who was snapping her fingers in front of Meg's face. "Where did you go?"

"No where." Meg said and took a sip of her cotton candy martini. Beth gave her a look and Meg knew she couldn't it from her. "Hades wants kids. And I don't want to give this up. We keep butting heads about it. I don't want to lose him" She said and shrugged her shoulders. Clubs were designed to play loud music so you wouldn't think. She was thinking so it was obvious the music wasnt loud enough. She got Cleon's attention and told him to turn it with hand signals. The next song was all bass and it flooded the senses. She gave Cleon a thumbs up. And and dragged Beth onto the dance floor.
And Meg was right. Whenever Meg went to any kind of club in Greece, Pain and Panic would go with her to make sure that no guy tried anything funny with her. They took the appearance of your stereotypical bodyguards despite their real personalities being the exact opposite of such. So both of them had their eyes locked on Meg, and the group of guys surrounding her and her friends. Ready to start pushing them away if they got too touchy, and busting heads if one of them touched Meg in a way that Hades wouldn't like.

Speaking of Hades, he was relieved that Pain had done an excellent job on the paperwork, but wanted to give things a quick once over to make sure nothing was out of order. That took him more time than he thought it would as he missed a lot of paperwork, and he breathed a sigh of relief once he was finally done "Man, I never realized how much paperwork there is in running a nightclub. Still, this thing allowed me to take control of Greece, and gave me all my money, so I really shouldn't complain," after making sure once again that everything was in order. He headed back towards the club since he needed a drink after that, and perhaps a little dirty dancing with Meg. His ears were blasted with the sound of a loud drum and bass song, and it didn't take him long to get into the swing of things. Meg's friends must of noticed him before she did as Sarah moved to another seat to allow him to sit next to her "So, how has lígo stríngla mou(my little vixen) enjoyed her time back at the club?" he asked, not caring much that her friends were giggling at them as he kissed her cheek.

Hades ordered himself a drink, but could never bring himself to abuse his power as the owner of the club. So he always paid his employees with their usual wages anytime he ordered a drink from them. He had read Meg's mind earlier, and knew that she was going to give him some drunk sloppy sex after this, and he just couldn't wait for that.

Perhaps it was because of his status in the world, but Meg's friends were somewhat of his friends as well, and they all enjoyed talking with him. So he spent a few minutes conversing with Meg and her friends, and drinking himself drunk before pushing himself off the bar stool. He turned towards Meg, and took her hand "Shall we dance, my love?" he asked, but didn't wait for her answer as he pulled her over towards the dance floor, and wasted no time in showing her that he wanted to engage in some dirty dancing by pulling her back against him, and letting his hips grind against her slightly.
Meg took his hand as he led her to the dance floor. She moved her hips against him as he started to rub his crotch against her ass. She didn't know why he wanted to do this, she was still full of energy and he was just going to end up teasing himself. Of course, when she left him hard for a long while he would give it to her until she couldn't feel her toes. This might be good for the both of them. "volo te hoc scire, amica mea? (Are you sure you want to do this, my love?)" she asked him and felt him start to grow in his pants. If it got to be too much for they could always go to his office. She did like office sex and his desk was bolted to the floor so it wouldn't move. She had to get him something sturdy because they broke a lot of desks. A tough teak desk, bolted to the floor, as long Hades didn't get to godly the desk would hold out. It has so far.

She put one arm behind her and put her hand behind Hades head and scratched it while they danced. No matter how much flirted or danced with other guys, no one matched up to Hades. He knew her secrets, he knew how to make her happy and she knew the same of him. Well she knew most of his secrets, there were still some things he was secretive about. It hadn't gotten in the way of their relationship yet so whatever it was she didn't really care. She was curious about it but she didn't push him about it.

She turned and gave Hades a kiss. In situations like this they both got attention. The men were attracted to Meg and the women flocked to Hades. They were surrounded by women, all trying to get his attention off of Meg and on to them. Right now he was sandwiched between Meg at his front and about three girls fighting for his back. This was why they spoke in Latin and Old Greek. Latin was a dead language only a small group of people really spoke it and Old Greek was like Greek but over the years some if the words were changed to mean other things. It was easier to speak Latin because they knew no one would understand them.

"In America, I am the center of attention and here you are the center of attention. How does it feel?" She asked in Latin and turned back around so they could go back to dancing how they were. She knew his hearing was better than the average humans so she didn't have to yell but he would have to tell over the music since she was just an immortal human.
Hades had no qualms about doing this with Meg, and fully understood his situation. Although, the alcohol in his body might be clouding his judgement just a tad, but even he knew that she still had a lot of energy in her. She normally didn't start to tire from dancing until it was nearly five in the morning. Nevertheless, he needed something to take his mind off from all the paperwork he had to do, and he also just wanted to have a little fun with the love of his life "Ti ? Den boró̱ na voi̱thí̱sei to korítsi mou kápsei kápoia enérgeia ti̱s?"(What? I can't help my girl burn off a little energy?) he chuckled and continued to dance with her while noticing the people gathering around both of them. The men all staring at Meg, and the women all wanting Hades to dance with them instead of Meg. No matter how much they may wish their attention was on them instead of her. Meg was the only girl for him. She had been the only girl for him for millions of years, and there was nothing that he didn't know about her. He knew even her most secretive of secrets, he knew everything that put a smile on his face, and knew how to use them well; however, there was still one little thing that he never told her, but it wasn't like she needed to know that part anyway. Besides, she hadn't asked him about it, nor was it really something that would impede their relationship, so it didn't really matter much to him.

Hades returned her kiss before responding to her question "Well, you know I can't lie to you, so I will admit that those women behind me are rather cute, and that it does feel nice to have people fawning over me," he gently took hold of her chin, and made sure she was looking directly into her eyes "But not a single woman in this club will ever come close to matching your beauty. You are the only girl for me, and you have been ever since the ancient Greek times," he kissed her again before letting go of her, and letting her turn back around so they could resume their dancing.

As predicted, Hades was just as hard as he was when Meg was sucking him off in the limo. He couldn't help it, Meg was just so damn good at dancing dirty, and it was no wonder that was one of the many reasons men were attracted to her. They kept dancing with each other for quite sometime until both started to get somewhat bored with it. He took her back to the bar, but whispered this into her ear "I think you know what you can do after getting me so hard again," he nibbled on her earlobe, and slapped her ass before ordering a glass of wine and heading back into his office. He may of gotten all the paperwork that needed to be, but that was simply just his break. Hades still had to do his check book to make sure all the expenses were paid for, and that his employees would get paid for the week. Panic was in charge of that while they were gone, and it seemed that he struck true to his name. There was a bit of panic it seemed over recent expenses, and it must of caused him to get slightly worried. There were a couple little mistakes here and there, but it was nothing that he couldn't fix.

His mind had now gotten so focused on his work that he had actually forgotten about Meg; however, this was nothing to either of them. Hades may complain about doing paperwork every chance it gets, but it is actually one of his favorite things to do. Just like when he put his suits on, it reminded him of how much power and money he had in the world, and that was a feeling that he would never tire of.
Meg watched Hades walk into his office and she gave him some time to get some work done. She went to her friends and talked to them for a little while. She ordered a drink and sat and talked to them.


Fate watched as the couple ground against each other on the dance floor. They were waiting for them to separate, knowing it would happen soon. They needed to talk to Hades about his future and his two possible paths. When he walked to the back, she let him sit for a little while and looked over at Meg. She waited to make sure that Meg wouldn't walk over and get in her way. When she was satisfied that Meg was going to stay with her friends she left her sisters and went to the back room.

She opened Hades office door like she owned the place and sat in the chair across from him. She took on the form of Meg to get passed Pain and Panic. She could take form of other people but her black eyes always stayed the same color. She cleared her throat and smiled when Hades looked at her. It was Meg's body at first but hen it changed back to Fate's normal look. She was wear a slinky red number, very short and overly sexy. She looked like a playboy model. "Took you long enough to notice me. Does it normally take you this long notice Meg? It's a miracle she has stayed with you for so long. Can you guess why I am here?" She stood and walked over to the side of the desk that he was on. She pushed his chair back with her foot and scooted over so they were parallel to each other.

She leaned forward so Hades would see her voluptuous breasts. "Does Meg know about us?" She whispered and moved her blonde hair to the side. "I bet she doesn't. Do you think she would be jealous to find out what you did for a glimpse of your future? I think she would. It was on so many years ago, just a day before you met her right? You were magnificent." Fate rubbed Hades cheek and raged her nails across it. "I have good news and bad news." She said and sat back. Her long toned legs now crossed in front of her. "But I don't know if I should give it to you. Now that you have your little cherub, I doubt I could get anything worth while from you."

She looked over her French tipped nails and puckered her lips, "what will you give me, for I know? You know a look in the future isn't free and what I know is really important to you. Unless you don't want to rule over the big O anymore. Has your little cherub made you change your ways?" She was feeling playful, like always, but she always demanded something in return for what she knew. Hades wouldn't pass something like this up but now that he had a play thing she wondered just how far he would go.

He probably wouldn't go too far with her just a few feet away. She needed something more. "If it makes you feel any better the door is locked. The last time I saw Meg she was rubbing her ass against a hot blonde guy. The thoughts going through her mind would make even you blush." She mentally sent Hades a few pictures of Meg and this fantasy blonde guy dancing. "She's occupied. Will be for a while too."
There was a reason why Hades didn't notice "Meg" coming in. This wouldn't be the first time she came into his office while he was working, and she had found out that his work would sometimes make his lose focus on the world around him. As Fate turned him to make him face her, it just made Hades' smirk and laugh slightly "Because you didn't do what Meg does to get me off my work. She can do wonders with her hands, and always start massaging my back whenever she needs to get my attention. You just came in here," years and years ago, a day before he met Meg. Hades wanted to know his future, and called upon The Fates to show him. Needless to say, they came to him, and showed him his future, told him of how he could take over Olympus, but warned about how Zeus and Hera's son, Hercules, would ruin his future. Of course, all this wasn't just free information, and they all wanted to have a piece of him. He was so thankful to be a god as he gave them all a good fucking until they were passed out on his bed.

That was one of the things that he didn't tell Meg about despite it being something that happened before they even met. Just something told him that it probably wouldn't be a very good idea to tell her that he had a foursome with The Fates, and the fact that he was going to kill a baby in order to achieve total control over Olympus "We were never a thing in the first place, Fate. Though, I will admit that you and your sisters were amazing, and I guess I should thank you for helping me relieve my stress yesterday. Meg and I got into another heated arguement about whether or not we should think about settling down. I just needed someway to work out my anger, so thanks for letting me fuck you again," as soon as she told him that she had good news and bad news, Hades knew that she was going to want something from him again. It scared him this time because Meg could come in at any minute, and no doubt Fate wanted to have sex with him just like the last time she showed him his future "Please, I truly do love Meg and all, but ruling over Olympus has always been my main goal. She was just a little something extra, and I am even going to make her my queen once it's mine; however, you are going to have to settle with something other than sex for once, Fate."

Yesterday was just a moment of weakness for him, but he wasn't going to let it happen again. Hades snapped his fingers, and a huge wad of money appeared in his hands "I can give you money," he snapped his hands and the wad of money turned into a model of Greece "I give you a little part of Greece to call your own," another snap, and the model turned into a leash and collar "I can even give you a man slave who will do whatever you say without question, and I do mean whatever you say," he winked at her, and made the leash and collar disappear as well.

However, seeing the image that was put into his head angered him. Hades knew that Meg sometimes got a little dirty with other guys, but nothing that would ever go over the line. It annoyed him and pissed him off to see it, but he believed in an eye for an eye. Perhaps this would be going too far, but Meg would never know. He mulled things over for just a bit before nodding "Fine, but I want to know this news first. Then we can have sex all you want."
Fate laughed when Hades said he loved Meg, "You love her, yet you easily cheat on her. On top of that, you just called her something extra to your little plan. That's not love Hades. That's using her for sex. I wonder how she will feel about that when and if she finds out. You have been together for centuries, oh god. It might just break her little heart." Fates smiled at Hades and rubbed his cheek. "I want the money, I want my own city in Greece and I want you. That's all I want." Fate said and crossed her long legs. "Don't worry, Meg will never find out. I'll make sure of it. Consider it another moment of weakness."

She raised her dress and got on Hades lap. "She's busy. She will be for a while. That door is locked. You want your good and bad news, then you know what's want." She rubbed herself against Hades crotch and smiled at him. "The bad news is you are going to lose something. Which ever path you take, you will lose something." She snapped her fingers and got their clothes off. And slid down on his shaft. She took him deep inside of her and started to rock her hips. She let go of her Meg facade and went back to blonde bombshell she normally looked like. "You're going to have to make a choice as well." She moaned and started bouncing on his lap. His cock bottomed out inside of her each thrust.

She kept riding him until she felt her orgasm building up. Then she bent over his desk and had him fuck her into the desk. She held on to the edge and started to push back and take him deeper. She felt his hands on her hips and tugged the top of her dress down and put his hands on her breasts. She squeezed them through his hands and moaned out. She out her hands back on the desk to keep her upper body off the desk. His cock was hitting her g-spot and her juices coated his cock making it easy for him to slip and slide in and out of her. She felt close to orgasm and her moans were getting louder. If she did scream no one would hear because the music was too loud and the room was soundproofed. She was going to cum, she could feel it. Her eyes shut tight and her walls clenched around him and she came hard. She always came hard when Hades fucked her, she loved the feeling of being ducked by a god. "God, keep going." She moaned and her orgasm took over her body.

When she came down from her orgasm, she took a little time to relax. Then she continued with her news. "The good news is by the time we are done Olympus will be ready for you to take. Zeus is busy with something and stressed, very stressed. Hera is taking him away from the mountain and they are getting lost in some remote location. The titans aren't being guarded because every one is protecting Olympus."
Hades froze again when Fate laughed and told him that he didn't truly love Meg. It got him to thinking, and he started realizing just how right she was. He did easily cheat on her in the past, but surely that was just the past, right? Besides, Fate always asked for sex with him so maybe it was okay? That was a complete lie, and he knew it, but didn't want to admit something like that. He loved Meg with all his heart, and surely that was one of the reasons why he wanted to settle down with her. He wanted to continue thinking about this, but Fate distracted her by straddling his lap, speaking, and rubbing herself against him. Needless to say, he couldn't focus much on his own thoughts after that considering he was quite aroused by now. Hades let out a small sigh, and gave her a stern look afterwards "Alright, but you better be damn sure that Meg will never find out about this. I don't want to hurt her, and this will do more than any kind of physical pain can hurt her," nevertheless, his hands wrapped around her waist to pull her close, and that was the signal that they could begin.

Fate just snapped their clothing away, but really either one of them could do that. He was just allow her control for a moment since it seemed she was about to ride him. That was one of his favorite positions, and it was no surprise that was what she started out with. Once she started lowering herself on his shaft, Hades mixed his groaning with her moaning. This was another part that he didn't want to admit, but even he realized that Fate was much better at sex than Meg was. Not only that, but she was basically a god like him, and could take everything he could give. She kept bouncing on his lap alongside such sexy moans, and was so glad that this room was soundproofed, and the music outside was quite loud. Otherwise, they would surely be caught by someone. Soon enough, Fate shifted positions, so Hades could pound her into his desk, and was more than happy to indulge her.

So he fucked her without a care. Her body was able to take even the most brutal of thrusts, so his filter that kept him from getting too strong was removed. The bolts on the desk were having one hell of a time keeping it in place as he pounded her into the desk, but neither of them really cared. His hands were gripping her hips tightly, but it seemed she had other ideas for them. She took his hands, and brought them to her breasts where she began playing with them through his hands. That was his cue to pick up where she left off, and he chuckled as he did so "I forgot how much of a slut you were, Fate," his cock started searching for her g-spot, and kept rubbing against it with every thrust once he found it. Hades was rather enjoying this despite his previous thoughts, and such was evident by the way his cock was throbbing. Both of them were about to cum, and he just kept pounding himself into her until he couldn't take it anymore. With one last deep thrust, his cum filled her to the brim.

After that, she told him the good news once they both calmed down. That was indeed some good news "Well now, that is good news. Though I can't help but feel that perhaps it is too good to be true. I mean, Zeus must know about my desire to take over Olympus, so what if this is a trap to lure me out?" Zeus was the most powerful god, and not even Hades at his strongest could stand a chance against him. So he was going to make sure everything would be real before even attempting to take over Olympus "How did you find out about this, Fate?"
"You don't think you're the only guy I'm fucking do you?" She asked with a smile and laid on his desk but the papers were in the way so she shoved them off. She made herself comfortable and closed her eyes. "The big man himself told me. Well not literally told me but I did take a quick peak into his mind while I was on my knees in front of him. Do you really want to know all the dirty details?" She asked and batted her eyelashes at him. "Lets just say Hera wants another baby. So they are going to try again. They will be gone for a week. They do have messengers if something gets out of hand so you need to make sure your plan is fool proof and take care of the messengers first. Then release the Titans and then take over Olympus. Simple as that." She rubbed the valley between her breasts and smiled at Hades.

"Jealous that I'm fucking your brother?" She asked and her eyes scanned over Hades. "He is the most powerful god there is right now. When you are the most powerful then I might reserve myself to just you. Then again, you're in love with Meg. You want to settle down? Oh you naughty boy. You're never going to get her settle down, you really think she will be a good queen of Olympus? She just immortal, you need some one better by your side. Or no one at all. Meg is a weakness though. Everyone will see it and she will be used against you." Fate shrugged her shoulder and rolled on to her stomach. "It's the truth of things. You can't have it all." She got off the desk and snapped her clothes back on. "You're going to need a wardrobe change." She snapped hades into a fancy new suit. Something more suited for the ruler of Olympus. "It's time for you to go to work. They're gone. And I'll see you around." She gave Hades a good bye kiss and walked out of his.

Meg got done dancing with the wall of men that surrounded her and remembered that Hades had a hard on for her so she made her way to the back. She passed a hot blonde on the way to his office but didn't think anything of it because the bathrooms were this way as well. She went back to Hades office and walked inside. She walked over to hades and kissed his cheek, "Nice suit. Did you just make it? I don't think I've seen it before. You look good. Down right fuckable." She said into his neck and kissed it softly. "Still have that hard on for me?" She asked and rubbed his cheek. "You want me on my knees first?" She asked and got down on her knees. She was little drunk and it was showing.
The notion of being jealous that Fate was also fucking his brother didn't bother him as he knew her true feelings "Please, you and I both know that you enjoy me a lot more than my brother. Do you really think you and your sisters would spend nearly an entire day being fucked by me when we first met?" he chuckled, but listened to her explain further. Everything besides one thing was fine in his head, but what stuck out was what she said about Meg. His earlier thoughts came back to him, and he lost his focus on Fate. She was right though, Meg was nothing more than a human that he made immortal. She didn't know the first thing about being a god or a queen, and would definitely be used against though. The more he started to think about it, the more it just started to depress him. He was starting to become torn between his own desires, and the love of his life. Something which he never thought he would feel. On one hand, he wanted complete control over Olympus as he had always wanted, but on the other hand, he wanted Meg. Sure, he had cheated her on twice in the past, but that didn't mean he didn't love her.

Ever since he first laid eyes on her, he loved her, and would truly do anything to make sure she was the happiest woman on earth. Hades didn't even notice that Fate had given him a new suit until she kissed him goodbye. As luck would have it, Meg came in soon after Fate left. He easily hid it from her, but he was starting to regret the fact that he just fucked Fate behind her back, and he hid his thoughts from her as well. Thankfully, he was able to clear the smell and residue of sex from his body, and he was indeed still quite hard since he was used to going more than one round "Yeah, I got a little bored of paperwork, so I started searching for some more suits online. I found this one, and just had to have it," a lie, but Meg didn't know that " And of course I am, but you may have to work a little bit to get me truly hard. You did take a little while to come to me," he chuckled both at his words, and how drunk she was.

He watched as Meg dropped to her knees "You know I love watching you suck me off, babe. Just make sure you look up at me with those wonderful purple eyes of yours while you do."
Normally Meg could tell when Hades lied to her. She and been with him so long she knew his mannerisms when he lied. The alcohol was clouding her judgement and she wasn't paying attention enough to tell that he was lying. "It never takes you long to get hard." She said and tugged his pants down. She stroked his cock with her hand and looked up at him while she did it. When he was nice and hard she sucked his head and twirled her tongue around it. She sucked it again and this time she took more of him into her mouth. She would stroke what wasn't in her mouth but each down thrust she took more of him into her mouth. She started bobbing her head on what she had and then with one final thrust she swallowed his cock and held him there before taking him out again. She brought her hand up to his balls and started to rub them in her hand while she gave him a blow job.

Fate was better at most things when came to sex. Meg was better than any human because she got a lot of time to practice. If she was put up against a god or Fate, she was an amateur at sex. They were around longer, they knew every skill known to man. Meg was still learning about stuff. Fate watched invisible to Meg in the corner. Hades could see her but Meg was completely oblivious to her. Meg out her hands on Hades hips and Fate walked over and got between Hades legs, behind him. She turned so she was under him and sucked on his balls. Time to make this a little bit more fun. And speed this up so Hades could be on his way to do what needed to be done.

She kissed Hades inner thighs and went back to sucking his balls. Meg continued to deep throat his shaft, with out gagging. She put her hand around his base and just sucked on his head so she could catch her breath. She used her other hand to rubbed Hades abs through his shirt and she looked up at him with her purple eyes again.
Meg was indeed an amateur when it came to sex, and Fate was definitely a whole lot better than her at it, but Meg had something going for her that Fate didn't. Hades was focusing more on the pleasure coursing through his own body thanks to Meg's mouth, but he could get some thoughts through. He decided that no matter what people thought of Meg, or what Fate said that he loved her more than anything. Even if he had to train her on how to be a queen, she would be by his side when he took over Olympus. He didn't just want her for the sex because his dreams of having a family with her were too detailed to be something he tried to come up with just to make himself feel better. She was the only girl for him, and he would protect her honor with his life if he had to, and she would be his queen once Olympus was his for good.

Hades hadn't even noticed Fate until she started moving towards him, but was no idiot. He knew that Meg couldn't see her and the reason why she was still here Whats wrong? Were you hoping that you could get a little extra from me, or are you just impatient? he spoke to her through telepathy, and was careful not to accidentally send his thoughts to Meg Don't take this the wrong way, but what would you say about you and your sisters coming to join me while I take over Olympus? It isn't just going to be a one and done thing, so I might need something to help relieve me of my stress. The only reason I ask you of this is because I don't want Meg to know what I am actually doing, and she would find out if I brought her along. as much as he truly did want Meg by his side, he wasn't quite sure if she would be cut out for having to deal with the constant stress that would come with taking over Olympus. Hell, he sent her to a week long vacation in Spain when he was taking over Greece for the exact same reason.

However, he couldn't let Meg know that he was speaking to someone else, so his eyes always stayed focused on her unless he closed them to groan in pleasure. It didn't take him long before he came inside Meg's mouth, so she could swallow his cum "So, are you going to leave me with a hard on again, Meg, or are you going to let me fuck you now? I feel like pushing you against that wall, and fucking you into it, so please don't leave me hanging."
Fate smiled, I'm being impatient. You only have a week to make your plans become reality and you are wasting your time with her. Tell her that you have an important business meeting and leave her here. I will take you up on your offer to join you on your quest. We can have our fun when you have down time. Leave her and come have a foursome with us. We can go all night and all day. It will be so much more fun than a crappy blow job. You can press us against walls. You can splice yourself and fuck us all at the same time. I can see your cock throbbing at the thought. You want it, you want us. Lets go.

Fate watched Hades cum and wondered if it was the blowjob Meg gave him of the thought of fucking her sisters that made him cum. She touched Meg's forehead and then walked to a corner and waited. Meg got a little wobbly and disorientated. She ran to a bucket and threw up. Looks like you won't be getting much more from her. Fate said and watched Meg. Fate walked over to a wall and spread her legs, would you like me instead?, she teased. She'll be fine. Don't worry. Just a little too much alcohol. After some rest she will feel much better. You might want to take her home though. And then give her a bucket, she is going to need it. I'll see you in ten minutes. You can punish me then. she winked and disappeared from the room.

"I'm sorry babe." Meg said and looked up at Hades, "Will you take me home? I don't feel too good. Will you make me feel better and put me in bed?" She asked and threw up in the bucket again.
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