Mass Effect: Jack/Miranda (AlureNova x Javorcek)

The younger woman cringed at the word ‘rape’ and her thrusting hips faltered. It stayed in her mind, rang in her ears, and Jack froze up. The word definitely got a rise out of her…but it was probably not the one Miranda was hoping for. Her brain tried to fight for control of the scene, but her heart ached so bad that she couldn’t focus on anything other than how much her words had hurt. While Jack never raped a partner before coming aboard the Normandy…she had indeed raped Miranda after their massive fight upon coming back from Pragia. Up until then, both women had just been sort of burying the awkwardness of talking about it…almost pretending it had never happened in the first place. Jack had defended it in her mind as a necessary evil in order to deal with Miranda’s arrogant and cold personality…to let the passionate animal that the Operative buried under that calculating exterior escape it’s prison. But now all the defending in the world couldn’t stop her from really doubting her actions at that moment.

Jack grasped at threads of control, trying to hold onto the character of the Warden, to use the authority and power of the role to help shield her from the sting. Nothing Miranda had said had been true up until that point. Jack was a confident lover, she had had no doubt that Miranda wanted this and no doubt that her girlfriend truly cared about her. But the harsh lashing that came with the word ‘rape’ changed all that. A surge of guilt rose up, drowning the character of the Warden and leaving nothing but a very vulnerable and unsure of herself Jack in it’s place. She –had- raped Miranda the first time they had ever had sex. And that one bit of truth made Jack start to question every other thing that her lover said. Was she really bad in bed? Did Miranda really think she had raped her other partners before? Did the Operative just have sex with her because she was afraid of what would happen if she denied Jack? She had been so close to choking her earlier…could she ever be so monstrous as to actually do it?

“Mercy…” It was Miranda’s safe word and she knew the older biotic would recognize it. Jack managed to get the word out in one shaky breath before her head ducked down, unwilling to stare into Miranda’s eyes any longer. Brown orbs squeezed shut, trying to keep the tears from falling as she mentally stripped herself down to nothing as her own personal form of punishment. She was a failed experiment. She was a rapist. She was no better than all the people who had fucked her over throughout her life. Miranda had been right…she really was a mistake. Who could ever love a deranged Convict that was little more than an animal? A useless animal that was unable to control herself or her emotions.

Emotions fucking suck. And right now Jack was a mess of them. Angry at herself for losing the scene that Miranda had wanted to play for fun, scared that maybe everything her lover had said had been true, upset and embarrassed that she was now crying like a child…it was everything she could do to keep from crumpling to the floor or running out the door. “Mercy…” she whispered, softer this time, as though talking to herself. Her shoulders began to shake as she tried to keep from sobbing outright.

“I’m s-sorry…I’m so sorry M-Miranda. I didn’t mean to-… Our first time-… I-I-….” Her words came out in heavy, shuddering breaths with choked back sobs. Jack’s entire body tensed up as she fought the urge to just turn tail and run. But she loved Miranda…even when her first instinct to run away from her emotions, she found herself cemented in place because this was where her lover was.

“I’m sorry…please…forgive me… I n-never meant to-…I just-… You were so cold…and I didn’t…I didn’t know what else to do…”
Miranda had been keeping close tabs on Jack's development, waiting to see what she had in store next. So when she stopped in her tracks Miranda immediately became concerned, watching closely to see what had caused Jack to stay her hand. She didn't break her character immediately, she watched, paid attention. It wasn't so easy to turn her off so without anything happening she continued to stand there, her body still Jack's, her mind still in the roleplay, her eyes still hungry for more of what was being slammed into her. That all changed when she noticed the look on Jack's face, the way her eyes squeezed shut to stop tears and how her body began to shake due to whatever was going on in her head. Before Miranda could do or say anything Jack said the safe word, 'mercy'. It was not expected and it definitely meant something was seriously wrong, but what that was Miranda didn't know, she had been so caught up in her character and the thrill of it all that she hadn't been that aware.

It wasn't until Jack's heavy voice explained everything that her heart sunk. She didn't want Jack to feel bad and it was obvious that the girl was devastated, the word rape being more than enough to hurt her by bringing up the initial encounter between the two. Miranda didn't condone what had happened, in fact while she had pushed it away she still had mixed feelings about being raped, even if it had felt good and led to something real. It was mostly pride, she was not the type of woman who liked to give up control, especially not be forced to, or at least she hadn't been. Now she wanted to give herself to Jack but the first time, well she hadn't. That being said she wasn't angry, her mixed feelings were more about how it had all happened than anything else and no matter what answer she eventually came to she wouldn't blame Jack more than she blamed herself, she had pushed and been brutal to the younger girl, all the time knowing Jack was fragile even if she hadn't known the extent.

Instead of saying all that Miranda merely moved and grabbed Jack up in her arms, her wet body pressing into Jack's, her arms wrapping around the younger girl and squeezing her as tightly as she could without it being uncomfortable. "Shhh... Shhh..." She brought Jack's head down to her shoulder and kissed the side of her head, a soft voice coming from her lips as she tried to comfort the girl. "I know your sorry, I know you didn't mean to. I had been more cruel to you that day than you had to me even with the forced encounter... An encounter that only started non-consensual by the way, it ended much more consensual." She paused, taking a deep breath and then lifting Jack's head so that her eyes met those beautiful brown eyes. "Jack... Don't worry about what has happened in the past, it may not have been long ago but I am not thinking about that, I don't want to dwell on it. Besides, it brought me together with you, an unintended cause but wonderful results... I'm happy and I want you to be."

Miranda leaned in after that, several kisses being placed on Jack's head, moving down and kissing her eyes, licking away whatever tears were threatening to fall, and then down to her lips. Miranda was being so soft and gentle, showing that side of herself that wasn't normally showed once again. To most people she always remained cocky and arrogant, cold and harsh. With Jack there was the sweet and loving side, a side of her that was always there even if it was hidden and a side she was more than happy to share with Jack. In fact it was solely for Jack as far as people aboard the ship went, nobody else received the treatment and affection she poured over the younger biotic. "So please don't feel bad... And if you think you have to make it up to me how about simply letting me snuggle against you for the rest of your life." The words were not exactly planned but they slipped out naturally and felt natural. It wasn't a proposal but it was certainly a huge hint at her true feelings, how much she cared for Jack and how completely serious she was about their relationship. Certainly not words of someone coerced into a relationship, though nobody coerced Miranda Lawson to begin with.
“You make me happy Miranda…and I’m glad…I just…I dunno…I’m still sorry…. I’m not sorry that we’re together, but I’m still sorry I did that. I don’t want you to think I’m violent all the time…” Even though Jack did like people to know that she was a violent threat and not someone to fuck around with, Miranda was one of the few people she felt comfortable enough with to show other sides of herself. She wanted Miranda to know that she was more than just an animal. "I just love you so much Miranda and I want you to feel safe with me." Even though she tried her hardest to hide her internal thoughts or emotions and just give off an air of rage and violence, Jack wanted Miranda to know that she was more than what a bunch of bad events in a person’s life looked like. Jack had parts of herself that were just…-her- and not her experiences: she was loyal, loved fiercely, showed respect to the dead by giving them some sort of tattoo on her body, liked to read…and was more sensitive than she’d like to admit.

With a soft, happy sigh, Jack’s breathing began to return to normal as Miranda kissed her eyes and licked away her tears. The feeling of her lover's soft curves pressed against her more wiry form helped to sooth her aching heart and fragile emotional state. While the younger biotic was very attracted to Miranda’s power, looks and self confidence that bordered on arrogance…she loved this side of the older biotic more: the side that was sweet and gentle and made Jack feel safe and like she belonged somewhere. Her heart swelled when Miranda talked about snuggling with her for the rest of her life. And while their lives might be cut short due to Shepard’s suicide mission; the sentiment that if they made it through and would still have each other made Jack feel much, much better as them as a couple. Miranda -wanted- to be with much so that she was willing to say something so tender.

“Alright…but only if you promise to be the big spoon when I snuggle you back…” Jack couldn’t help but chuckle at herself, which came out slightly sputtered from crying. It was so silly to her that she liked to be the little spoon for a woman who looked so obviously very feminine. She suddenly realized that she herself must look like a mess! She had never cried infront of anyone before. Jack tried to move her head away from Miranda’s grasp as the Operative had lightly forced her before to meet her eyes. “Aw c-come on…don’t look at me…I look like a mess right now.” The younger woman sniffled. Puffy eyed, cheeks flushed, and nose slightly running, Jack didn’t want anyone to see her right now…not even Miranda. It was embarrassing.

“No more Warden…at least not tonight. Just Jack and Miranda, okay? Promise we can roleplay another time…I just…I can’t right now.” The younger biotic nuzzled against Miranda’s neck gently as she began to strip out of the black leather uniform. She couldn’t build herself back up to the mindset of a true Domme…at least not right now; not with the pain still fresh. Besides…the feeling of vulnerability and sadness that came with doubting their love made Jack crave something slower, more intimate. She had the urge to actually make love to Miranda…not to just roughly claim her as they both so enjoyed.

Jack was still buried deep inside of her lover and the younger woman had no intention of removing the toy. She liked the more intimate nature of them being joined at the pelvis anyways…it was why she had bought the toy in the first place. They didn't have to take turns and they could enjoy the feeling of one another at the same time. Jack wriggled just a little bit in order to get out of the uniform over the curve of her hips and kick it off to the side, gasping and shivering as all the little movements caused her to thrust into Miranda’s slick heat. Even that small bit of friction seemed to reawaken Jack’s desire to please the woman in her arms.

“Let’s do something slow tonight… Here, let me hold you. You’re not heavy at all.” Always loving to show off her strength, she picked Miranda up, urging her lover to wrap her legs around her hips as Jack brought them both under the warm, relaxing stream of water. After rinsing off whatever tears Miranda hadn’t caught, Jack felt much better and leaned in to give her girlfriend a slow, languid kiss. The younger woman hummed happily, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she slid her tongue out to work it’s way past Miranda’s lips where it gently caressed and explored her lover’s mouth.

“I love you…” Jack smiled a bit as she pulled away to catch her breath. Her strong, calloused hands grasping onto Miranda’s firm rear so she could relax while Jack held her whole weight under the showerhead and began to rock her hips in an unhurried thrusting motion.
Miranda liked the way Jack looked, she was beautiful and seeing the honest reaction was really more adorable than anything else. It was really one of those rare moments where the real Jack came out, which was not only rare but something Miranda enjoyed seeing quite a bit. In fact she found herself smiling wide as Jack sniffled and tried to hide her face, something Miranda allowed but not until getting a nice mental image of the vulnerable young girl. Not that she would have chosen to make her cry but it was the kind of sight she did rather enjoy, her lover in tears, it pushed at a certain sadistic side of her that was recessive but still there, ingrained by her upbringing. However she preferred being the one controlled and to have Jack take the lead, as odd as that was for a woman who was older than her partner. There were more important things than thinking about how much she liked Jack's tear stained face, there was the woman right in front of her, the one that had said something Miranda loved to hear, that she was going to be the bigger spoon every night.

"Gladly, I will hold you so very close my little spoon... So very close." She smiled again and took a deep breath. "Understood, I don't mind putting our roleplay on hold, it's the real you I'm in love with anyways." She giggled and kissed Jack on the head, she did love the girl and her kinky side could give way to her emotionally connected side, in fact she cared much more about the relationship than the sex, as much as their relationship seemed to revolved around the incredible sex. It was interesting really, she had been so use to jumping Jack's bones every time they got together, that was something she was going to try and chance, perhaps a good start would be the date they went on, the one where Jack would be wearing a nice little dress and she would be in a suit. "That being said I will still be playing the loving girlfriend." She joked, that was always her role, save when she had to pretend to hate the girl outside of their privacy.

The role of girlfriend came with benefits of its own, soon she found Jack lifting her up and holding her, the smaller girl easier holding her up. She couldn't help but like the feeling and she immediately wrapped her arms and legs around the younger biotic. "Now why did I have a feeling this wasn't over." Miranda leaned in and kissed Jack, moaning gently as she felt Jack moving up inside of her, it felt amazing and while the slow pace was a bit maddening she did appreciate the intimate nature of it all, something they hadn't had much of in their relationship. "I love you too babe..." She leaned her head back and moaned, the water running over her body a pleasant addition. "Shit..." She breathed a slow steady heavy breath, her head coming back and her face nearing Jack's again, a wild look as her wet hair mattered all over her head and a few strings in her face. "Know this beautiful... You're one hell of a woman..." She kissed Jack again, her tongue moving into those soft lips and letting the thrusting motion begin to send waves of pleasure through her body.

Nothing was ever easy though, as soon as Miranda believed things to be settled, that they were going to have some fun, she heard a sound she had been listening for but one she hadn't truly expected. The door to the shower was opening. The kiss she was sharing with Jack was cut short and Miranda's eyes went wide as she saw a familiar figure staring from the doorway right at her and Jack, a smirking Shepard looking right at them. "Well... This... This is unexpected." She didn't sound displeased, in fact she sounded giddy and she even took a few steps forward. "Jack and Miranda... Now that is really something, Jack, I knew you had found a lover but I hadn't thought it would be someone from the ship... Especially not her..." Shepard took a good long look at the two of them, Miranda's grip on Jack loosened and her feet hit the floor, her arms still wrapped around Jack but she was looking right at Shepard. Miranda's heart was beating incredibly fast, the chance of being caught was part of the thrill but being caught was different, what they had been keeping secret had been found out and by Shepard of all people.

Shepard had noticed the cock, how it was buried in Miranda and she seemed rather intrigued by the relationship she was seeing, not really because they were having sex, they were oddly well matched beneath it all and she was probably one of the only people who could see that. What Shepard hadn't counted on was how Jack appeared to be the dominant one. Sure she was a tough girl, aggressive and certainly assertive but she was soft on the inside and Miranda was such a manipulative and dominant woman, independent and strong. It didn't matter, she was intrigued none the less and she had to tease them, especially on seeing the look on Miranda's face. "I was wondering what had gotten in to the two of you lately. I wonder what all of the other people on the Normandy would think, Jack and Miranda... That is like a celebrity couple." She laughed but then stopped, looking over the two of them again and then taking a deep breath, "But I shall not say a thing... Well, get back to it." Shepard had only wandered in because she heard the shower going, and she was glad she did, though she quickly left them to their fun, it would be the days to follow that she really got to mess with them, odd glances, small little phrases to put them on edge, it would be a blast.
Jack was so focused holding Miranda, kissing her and trying to please her that she didn’t even notice that there was something wrong until her lover’s entire body tensed up. But it wasn’t the same way she tensed like if she were to have an orgasm…what the hell? And then she heard it, the sound of a voice behind her. Jack froze up mid-thrust. Shit, someone was here. Should she kill them? If she murdered someone Shepard would surely space her, but it would be worth it. It would keep any witnesses from ratting out Miranda to the Illusive Man who would surely do more horrible things to Miranda than Shepard could ever do to Jack. She looked over her shoulder to see who it was. “Fuck…”

The young biotic turned absolutely scarlet when she saw that it was Shepard herself. The blush lighting up her cheeks and ears, coming down even so far as to her tattooed chest. She wasn’t embarrassed of being naked, nor was she ashamed of having Miranda as a lover. But the fact that Shepard knew…and that Shepard would definitely mercilessly tease her for being a great big softie was humiliating. Jack liked to be seen as tough and a lone wolf. Having Miranda so intimately connected to her in a slow and sensual lovemaking session was definitely turning that whole image she had created for herself upside down.

“You better not say a damn thing…” Jack growled, trying to position herself that she sort of shielded Miranda from Shepard’s view. The possessive part of herself broke through. While she knew she had nothing to worry as far as the Commander stealing Miranda away from her went, she saw the view of her lover’s perfect, naked body as something that belonged to her and her alone. So she tried to cover Miranda with her arms and her smaller form, shielding her protectively from Shepard until the other woman finally left.

“Goddamnit. Grrrr….fucking Shepard. We are having sex in this fucking shower even if it kills us!” Jack barked before turning her attention back to Miranda. The sight of her wet and glistening was maddening. Twice now Jack had been denied relief during one of the secret fantasies she had had of Miranda for a good month before they had ever been dating…and now the animal inside of her was begging to be let out again to act upon that fantasy. Jack surged forward, pinning Miranda back into the cold tiled wall and capturing her lips as she roughly plunged the cock back into her slick channel. At least she had the presence of mind to reach up overhead and adjust the showerhead so that the water kept spraying down ontop of them.

“Now…where were we…” Jack grasped onto the backs of Miranda’s thighs, urging her to wrap her legs around the younger woman’s thin waist. Once she was securely holding onto Jack once more, the Convict’s hands came to her hips to help keep Miranda pinned against the wall as she rammed her cock into her. “Oh fuck…” Jack groaned, panting as the cock twitched and pulsed every time Miranda's folds fluttered and clenched around her. It looked like they were going to have to wait for another night to continue their soft lovemaking. Being on a crowded ship that was incredibly stressful didn’t really lend itself to anything other than the rough, animal fucking that could so easily let them forget about the day’s problems.
Shepard leaving was a good thing, Jack didn't take well to the woman being in the showers with them. In fact Jack's voice was quite possessive and Miranda had noticed the younger girl protecting her body as best she could from Shepard's view. It was truly adorable, it made Miranda happy to know Jack coveted her body and wanted it for herself. Yet Shepard had seen her nude before, the showers weren't sectioned off and they were both women. Not that Shepard bathed outside of her quarters often but it had happened several times over the course of their shared time on the Normandy. However she knew telling that to Jack would accomplish nothing, not while she was acting like a protective lover and not her usual self. It was a decent look for her, that of the protective one, but it wasn't exactly something that did anything but support what Shepard had seen. Not that it mattered at that point, the Commander knew and while she didn't see the woman telling others it didn't mean that the scene wouldn't cause some sort of future problems.

Jack further insisted Shepard keep her mouth shut however, growling at Shepard to not say a thing and making it clear that it was to stay private, even though Shepard was sure to poke fun at the both of them. It wouldn't be difficult, Jack was acting protective and loving, Miranda was being vulnerable and a bit protective herself, her arms wrapping around Jack tightly and near the end her eyes focused and the look was threatening, making it clear she wouldn't appreciate the news spreading. It wasn't because of others finding out, though the Illusive Man being in the dark would be for the best. It was really about making sure Jack didn't get any site. Most people would be more curious about how Jack got her than anything else, how the younger woman had 'forced' Miranda to do as she said. Nobody would assume that it was consensual and there wasn't blackmail or something else keeping Miranda in line. So she wanted to avoid her lover having to go through any of the annoyance that would come with people knowing. She wanted for them to just enjoy it.

Shepard left though, the woman seeming to get the picture of the secret, and that she was now a part of it but not a party that was suppose to spread the information to anyone else. Jack seemed upset even after the woman left but she seemed more interested in continuing where they left off than she was angry. That being said she wasn't about to go gentle and sweet again, not as aggressive but a fire had been lit underneath the younger lover. Miranda didn't mind, she liked the slow and almost unbearable pace but she definitely liked faster as well. So she looked at Jack with a smile and wrapped her legs back around the woman. "Not that I'm really okay with Shepard knowing but I'm glad to see you aren't too upset." Miranda herself didn't want anyone to know for obvious reasons, it put them both in danger, but Shepard wouldn't be telling anyone, the woman liked to tease the two of them for their rather difficult personalities but she was a good woman and one who knew the risks of letting the relationship become common knowledge.

However Miranda was less upset by someone discovering than she had thought she would be. In fact she was kind of relieved that someone knew about them, like it was finally official and not some dirty little secret that only the two of them knew about. "Shit... You really know how to get a girl going..." Miranda's breath was heavy and she started panting immediately, she had needed it as she hadn't finished during their roleplay and the slow fucking had only got her horny, it didn't bring satisfaction. "Come on Love... Harder..." She moaned, Miranda wanted it hard if that was the route they were going, she needed what she had grown use to, that almost violent bestial fucking that Jack dished out when she got going. It wasn't exactly normal, she had been with others before and none of them had delivered such powerful thrusts or animal lust, and they were men, Jack was just a special breed of power and pleasure that Miranda had become addicted to. So if she was going to give it to the older woman she needed to live up to the expectations she had formed. It wasn't going to be easy to please the 'Cerberus Cheerleader' and Shepard showing up didn't lower those expectations one bit.
“What a needy little girl you can be.” Jack growled, a soft, predatorial sound though still pretty playful. If Miranda wanted it rough, she was going to get it that way. The young biotic started slamming her hips roughly into her lover’s, trying to get the older woman to cry out in ecstasy in that sexy accent that Jack always loved to hear. Her hands fell away from her Miranda’s curvy hips and landed on the perfect mounds of her ass; calloused fingers latched onto bruised flesh, gripping and holding Miranda tightly. She shifted her up higher as though she weighed nothing, allowing her to bounce and ride the toy while Jack kept thrusting upwards into her tight sex as quickly as she could to bring them both some much needed relief.

Now a little higher, Jack was free to lean down and start tormenting those breasts she so loved. She caught a bright pink, straining nipple between her pouty lips. Her teeth lightly grazed along the poor nub before her tongue slithered out, quickly flicking and torturing it while Jack sucked on it. Brown eyes drifted upwards to watch Miranda. So often she ended up bending the Operative over something in order to have her way with her. And while Jack had a lot of fun doing so, she still loved to see those piercing blue eyes when they were glazed over with lust.

“Oh fuck…how are you still so tight.” Jack finally panted against her breasts, forcing her throbbing member as deep as she could. She loved the way Miranda’s walls clenched around her, the way they fluttered and tried to milk the fake cock that was very much Jack’s. “Come on Miri…cum for your girl.” Always loving a little bit of dirty talk and since their roleplay had been interrupted, Jack decided maybe she’d fill Miranda’s head with a different fantasy. They had just been caught by Shepard, though not in as nearly a compromising position as they were now. How would Miranda feel to be paraded around like her Pet and then fucked raw infront of a crowd of total strangers?

“You really want to go to a Bondage Club sometime, don’t you my Miri?” Jack grinned as she looked up at her gilfriend, ramming her cock into Miranda’s slick heat and groaning loudly. Just the thought of claiming a leashed and collared Miranda at a Bondage Club made her blood boil. They had to be so hidden about their relationship all the time. It was a little relief that there was at least one person they didn’t have to hide from anymore. Maybe it would be an even bigger relief to have many people, even if they were strangers, see them in the act. “I bet you’d want me to fuck you just like this: nice and hard infront of total strangers, just how my kinky little girl loves it.”

Jack moaned a little louder now, the fantasy wound her up even tighter. The thought of her being affectionate with Miranda and showing off how much her girlfriend trusted her to be her Master was making her cock pulse even harder. The toy felt so real…it was almost painfully full and ready to release inside of Miranda. But Jack was holding back, wanting to at least finish describing the fantasy to Miranda before she came. “Then everyone will know that my shameless little slut likes her pussy pounded with my big cock.”
"Needy? Don't act like you weren't the one who made me this way." She sounded more playful than anything an a quick kiss to Jack's lips expressed just how okay with her new desires that she was. "Now, give me what I want." Needy yes, but she was also becoming a tad demanding, she wanted to get more attention from the beauty who had her hoisted off the ground. Of course that definitely came with a price, soon enough she had calloused hands gripping her bruised ass and it was a mix of pain and pleasure that prepared her for what was to come, more of the hard fucking that always satisfied. Thew new position was interesting however, being lifted so easily was letting that cock get quite deep inside of her and each bounce sent shots of pleasure throughout her body. Cries began to escape and she tossed her arms around Jack's shoulders, her head tipping back and her entire body was opened up and available for Jack's use. She wanted more and she was bounced up and down that familiar feeling of pleasure began to swell inside of her once more.

Her breasts were the next parts of her to be tormented by her lover, though torment really meant pleasured. She moaned louder, her nipples responding favorably to the stimulation, stiffening and bringing further moans from her lovely lips. "Shit..." She moaned again as her arms wrapped around Jack tighter, pushing her sizable bosom into her lover's face. "You want to know how I'm still so tight... I heal incredibly fast, so as a byproduct my body tightens back up fast... Same reason I'm going to look young for so long and live longer." She wasn't bragging but it was the truth, genetic superiority truly gave her bonuses in every aspect and it was going to keep her beautiful and essentially young for a very long time. It was simply proof that her beauty had a reason, her tight body bolstering the natural beauty. Even if she hadn't been naturally beautiful she would have been rather good looking. Jack was getting it all now that they were lover's, she owned Miranda.

Despite Miranda's moans and cries she was holding out quite well against the onslaught of her lover's cock, no doubt it felt amazing but she was doing her best to last longer, to push Jack as well. However, when the idea of the Bondage Club was brought up again her concentration faltered and she found herself quickly approach the climax, cumming at the mere mention of the taboo place. That alone spoke volumes to how much she wanted to do something so kinky, to be owned and paraded around by her beautiful companion and owned like the horny bitch they both knew she was in front of other people. Shepard finding out hadn't been bad so the idea of strangers seeing her didn't bother her nearly as much, though she would probably still wear a disguise of some sort, as if even a hint that Miranda was Jack's bitch got to The Illusive man it would mean trouble for herself and even more so for the woman she loved so much.

When her orgasm finally came to a halt, which had taken quite some time, she looked at Jack with an adorable expression on her face, a slight blush and her teeth biting down on her lower lip. "You know I love you... I love when you fuck me... And if it weren't for outside factors I would let the universe know... So until I can do that the club will be an interesting way to make it known how much of a little slut I am for my love." She smiled after that and leaned in, kissing Jack and then moving her lips to the girl's ear, nibbling on the lobe and whispering gently. "I love you Jack." Miranda still wasn't use to such words but when they were said towards Jack it felt right, she didn't mind letting herself become vulnerable, allowing that single woman to know how she truly felt. Strength was only a trait she used when she needed to, the arrogance and brush offs were no longer needed when she was with her lover and that itself felt amazing, even if she didn't always get tremendous pleasure from their time together. "The question in love, what will we wear to the club? I'm thinking something more revealing than ever... Leather... Maybe Latex?" She giggled, obviously excited, her legs still wrapped around Jack as she spoke, she wasn't done until Jack finished, she wanted to give her girl some pleasure as well.
Of all the things she expected to happen, Miranda climaxing right at the word ‘Bondage Club’ was not one of them. Her girlfriend must have –really- wanted to go to one, more so than even Jack had anticipated. Which was just as well with her, because Jack really wanted to take her lover out. The younger biotic had been trying her best to hold back; but after about an hour of foreplay with their scene and the slow fucking afterwards, she couldn’t take it anymore. She rammed into Miranda, almost desperate for relief herself, panting and whimpering softly as her lover’s tight sex clenched and contracted against her throbbing member as she came.

“Oh f-fuck yes, YES!” Jack cried, sinking her cock as deeply into Miranda as it would go as the cock twitched and released the first batch of her hot arousal into her lover. She kept thrusting and bouncing Miranda on her cock to help coax out every last drop of her cum. “Ohhhh…oh fuck…I love fucking you.” Jack panted softly before lowering Miranda fully onto the toy so that they were even once more and she could kiss those gorgeous lips. “And I love you…I’m glad you wouldn’t hide being with me if it weren’t so dangerous for us to be in public together.” The younger biotic smiled, holding Miranda close. It meant a lot to her that if circumstances were different, Miranda wouldn’t hide her tattooed, Convict of a girlfriend as though she were ashamed of Jack.

After finally orgasming, her legs were feeling a little weak and so she leaned them both against the tiled wall a little more heavily. Though she was unwilling to take her hands off of Miranda’s ass and put her down; Jack was really starting to like this position that let every inch of her wiry body press up firmly against her girl’s.

“Hmm…what to wear…that’s a good question. As much as I would love to see you in nothing but my collar…I guess we should get you something that you can almost walk around in public in.” Jack chuckled and ninpped her neck lightly. “We’ll have to go shopping...a collar is absolutely necessary. That is how other people will know you belong to someone so they keep their fucking hands off of what’s mine.” Jack gave Miranda’s bruised rear a light squeeze and took a pink nipple into her mouth to show what she meant. For a minute she contented herself with just suckling and licking Miranda’s perfect nipple, she did love the Operative’s breasts so much, especially as her pillows for the night.

“Maybe we need a leash too so I can make sure we don’t get separated…” Jack began peppering little kisses all over Miranda’s chest. The last thing she wanted was for the two of them to get separated at such a place. Even with a disguise, the Operative’s body was so alluring that she was sure that Masters and Mistresses would be clambering to get at her if she was left alone, collar or not.

“But after we get the collar, then we can pick out the outfit to match it. I like leather…even though I’m sure your tits would look amazing in latex. But you’d look like my little bad ass slave in some leather. Maybe a corset to accent your breasts…some thigh highs and heels for those creamy legs…and a thong I can rip to shreds so I can fuck you? You think you can stop watching porn when you should be working long enough to look up a masked bondage club? Or a Bondage Club that’s hosting a masquerade event?” There were many different types of bondage clubs on a host of different worlds. So she was hoping Miranda would look at one that would really suit their needs. “Sometimes they do demonstrations…some of them are much nicer than others…so I want you to pick and maybe we can catch a show of something you’re really interested in.”
Miranda had always been a rather reserved person, she got what she wanted but generally it wasn't something she felt herself shaking in desire for. With Jack that was the case and with each step they took together she found out something new about herself. One such thing was her desire to be shown off, not because she thought people looking at her or that watching other people with their pets would be sexy but mainly due to allowing people to know who her love and owner was. Jack was someone special to her and beyond all obvious reasons, as most people wouldn't understand even if explained, she wanted nothing more than for people to know that. For various reasons that couldn't happen, the largest being that their lives would be threatened, particularly Jack's. The other reasons more or less stemmed from that, it would interrupt the mission Shepard needed their help on, it would put others at risk, and it would probably cause them to separate in the end. So it had to be kept a secret.

Yet if they went to a bondage club things would be different, she could be paraded around in next to nothing, leather as Jack seemed to desire, and it would be fine. People would be able to know, even if they were strangers, and it would be sexy as a bonus. Of course these people weren't exactly special, she would much rather tell someone who mattered but there weren't many of those for either her or Jack. In fact between them there was a single person that came to mind, Miranda's sister. Sure they still weren't close but for Miranda it was a much stronger relationship than it was for the younger sibling, she had been protecting her and watching over her, she set up a future for her sister and for her entire life had been dedicated to taking care of the girl she adored above all else. Now Jack was on that level, a level of adoration and love and one that people rarely got invited to. One day perhaps she could tell her sister about her love, but not then, not yet. The Illusive Man could be watching emails or monitoring her sister, she couldn't afford for anyone to get hurt.

"You know I love you too... And love getting fucked by you." She smiled, kissing the top of Jack's head as her breasts were given more attention than usual. That was nice, they were large and surprisingly sensitive and every time she had those lovely lips on them it felt amazing. "I like the idea of a corset... I've always found them attractive... And a collar, something that suppresses my biotics... I trust you." She knew that was a huge sign of trust for someone like herself, it wasn't easy to say either because she kept thinking about what could happen. However she was not weak without her biotic abilities and it would be a sign of absolute submission if that type of collar were to be put on her and in such a club people would surely take notice. "And a leash yes... I don't want to get lost, I wouldn't have any fun if we got separated... Besides, I've never been led around by a leash." She seemed excited and she was, something about a leash and collar had her anticipating the trip even more, though the rest of the attire was equally appealing.

"I will look for some places, and now that Shepard knows we are together I can request some shore leave for relaxation without her asking questions that will reveal anything new... Though I may have to endure a bit of teasing from her..." Moans escaped between sentences and her desire was peaking out again. It wasn't that she hadn't been satisfied, in fact a lot of Miranda didn't want to do anything else and wanted to simply cuddle in bed for the rest of the night. Yet as he breasts were played with her body reacted and she was once again at Jack's mercy. If the younger woman decided to continue there would be nothing she could do about it, she would simply have to endure and enjoy it as best she could, enjoy the pleasure that came with a lack of rest. "Maybe I can find one and get us a few days off, maybe on the Citadel, I bet there are plenty of places that cater to what we are looking for." Finally she was at her limit of simply talking and leaned in, "Love... Please either take me back to the room or give it to me again... I can't take this teasing much longer."
Jack had no idea what she would wear to the Bondage Club, the times she had gone before she’d just worn her usual leather straps that covered her nipples and her cargo pants. Granted, she’d never really been to a nice one before. Moderate and seedy ones before, sure, but never a posh one which she was sure would be a little better suited for Miranda. She’d have to figure out something to wear…but Miranda would probably be able to help her with that. Her lover was much better at the whole…feminine thing. While Jack already could picture what she wanted her sexy lover in, she was unsure how to dress herself since she was such a blend of masculine and feminine that she could go either way.

“If you’re sure you want a biotic suppressing collar…we can get you one.” Jack seemed a little hesitant on the idea, just because she herself hated biotic suppressing collars, but those had been used on her in a much different way on Pragia. So far all the bindings and restraints she had done with Miranda had been more symbolic than anything. Her lover could have surely gotten out of any of the bindings Jack had put her in so far if she had just remembered to use her biotics rather than be trapped in a submissive mindset that made her forget about them. But the sign that she wanted to submit full to Jack was good, it meant that Miranda trusted her even more deeply than the younger biotic had thought. She supposed as long as Miranda was sure about it, she wouldn’t deny her lover anything.

“Mmm…but I love teasing you.” Jack grinned and gave one of Miranda’s taunt nipples a little bite and a playful growl. She tugged on it lightly before releasing the poor nub and looking up at her lover. “I like my girl wet and begging to cum.” She purred but gave Miranda a light kiss and went ahead to ease the cock out of her and help her stand back down on the ground. Once she was all settled, Jack removed the cock from her achingly tired pussy, groaning a bit as the shorter end detached from her sensitive nerves. She washed it off under the shower before tossing it into the pile of handcuffs, stun baton, and leather uniform she had stolen. Maybe they could play with all that another night.

Jack gave Miranda a couple of chaste kisses as they washed off under the showerhead that was still spraying warm water all over them. They’d been in the bathroom for so long that Jack’s fingers had gone all pruny long ago. She’d be glad to get out of here and back into a nice cozy bed with Miranda. Once she was clean, Jack wrapped herself up in a towel, gathered up all the things from the floor and then snuck out first so that they didn’t draw any attention to themselves walking out of the bathroom together. Thankfully it was late and there was no one making any rounds so she made it all the way to Miranda’s office with no trouble at all. She put her things on her lover’s desk. Jack now had quite a few things stashed away at Miranda’s…for a moment she wondered how the hell she was going to get all this crap back into her bunk.

Well…she’d worry about that in the morning. For now she tossed her towel down the laundry chute and then scurried under the sheets to get warm. She loved having her short hair, it was already dry and she wouldn’t have to worry about sleeping with wet hair. The young biotic wriggled around to get comfy and get onto her side of the bed while she waited for Miranda to come in so that they could go to bed.
Miranda wasn't completely confident with the suppressing collar, it was scary to have the one thing she relied on to get her out of any situation suppressed. It wasn't easy to give that up but with Jack she was okay with it, not only did she trust Jack completely not to do anything even with her powers suppressed but she also trusted her young lover to protect her when strength was necessary as well. She remembered that Jack had a dislike of collars, she couldn't blame her, but the collar wasn't to bring bad memories to Jack it was to replace them, to give her a new thought when the idea of a collar was brought up. It was to get her to think of Miranda and how much the older woman loved and trusted her. So she was sure and she nodded confidently to make it clear to Jack, leaning in and kissing her lover. She was beautiful but even more so she was a gift that Miranda wanted to treasure. She wanted to see her in a nice outfit, both for the bondage club and for the dinner, it was going to be an exciting shore leave for sure.

Jack didn't always make Miranda's job easy, she was a phenomenal lover but she was wearing Miranda out, not an easy feat to be sure, and being teased had her both incredibly horny and ready to rest which didn't lend well to her calmness. It made her want to push Jack down or drag her back to the room but the submissive side of her was much stronger and kept her docile. "I'm glad you enjoy teasing me because I love being teased... To an extent." She grinned but soon found her pussy empty and Jack cleaning up. She had just went over the line into horny and that brought a playful growl from her throat. Oh well, that was part of what Miranda enjoyed oddly enough. So she cleaned up as well, watching Jack wash herself off and lagging behind a bit, only washing herself after she got her viewing out of the way and it caused Jack to get out of the shower a bit before her and Miranda was rushing to dry her hair off a bit and rush out of the shower and back to her room.

It made her a bit nervous, she had gone back to her room naked with clothes in hand to save time. Luckily nobody was out and about, Shepard being the only one who was going to see them that night. By the time she reached the room Jack was already underneath the sheets and waiting for her arrival. She smiled and tossed all of her things next to the closet. She would deal with the clothing in the morning. As she moved towards the bed she thought about how things were going, how Jack had been in her room for several nights in a row now and that she enjoyed that perhaps more than anything else. She liked having Jack next to her at night, having a few of the girl's things in her room, and she was going to do everything she could to make her young lover feel comfortable in her room. Hopefully, if things continued, she would have to spend but the occasional night alone, and the rest would be filled with Jack in her bed.

With her thoughts quelled she moved over and slid into the bed, still naked and mostly dry, though her hair was still a tad damp, something she would usually avoid by staying up until it was dry. She didn't want to miss out on a second in bed with the younger biotic and quickly wrapped her arms around the woman and pulled her close. "You're so damn sexy... I love seeing you in my bed." She leaned forward, kissing Jack gently on the lips and resisting the urge to do more. She was still horny after what had happened but she wasn't going to let that get in the way of some light chit chat and then sleep. "I will talk to Shepard tomorrow about shore leave. I doubt we have too much longer before everything comes to a head so the sooner we schedule our fun the better." She had an arm wrapped around Jack by that point and their bodies were pressed together, breasts pressing in to breasts and a very soft silky let wrapped around Jack as well. "And... I will check out bondage clubs once I figure out our destination planet." Outside of sex she was a bit more discrete about it, a little blush playing at her cheeks as she nuzzled Jack's nose with her own, getting very comfortable.
“Well…you’re lucky I love you so much and humor you by staying in your bed.” Jack grinned, putting up a playful little wall of bravado. But they both knew that she was glad Miranda allowed her to stay. Jack smiled happily as Miranda slipped under the sheets and moved into a comfortable position much closer to her. As much as the young biotic had put up a fight time and time again over spending the night at Miranda’s…she really was enjoying getting more sleep than she had in her whole life. And it was all thanks to Miranda’s protective embrace every night that made her feel safe and allowed her to finally get some rest rather than attempt to sleep with one eye open. Maybe she wouldn't even have nightmares tonight...that would be nice. She felt bad about her dreams, knowing that her restlessness and constant stirring probably kept Miranda up at night. But she was getting better, maybe after a couple of nights she wouldn't have any nightmares at all as long as her lover was holding her.

“You are so damn cute.” Jack couldn’t help but giggle at Miranda’s little blush. The Operative had done some very, very naughty things in the bedroom recently and it was amusing to see how the words ‘Bondage Club’ made her blush like a virgin. The younger woman gave her flushed cheeks a couple of soft kisses before finally meeting their lips together in something slow and sensual Just kissing Miranda always made her heart pound a little faster and half of her was tempted to drag the older biotic into another round of sex. She couldn’t help wanting her, Miranda’s body was so nice and soft, she loved the way it felt pressed up against her more wiry form. Just something about that porcelain, silky skin made her want to kiss and lick every inch of her lover's body.

But it was getting late…they should really get to sleep. She'd probably fly off the handle and try to beat the crap out of Shepard tomorrow if she was grumpy from lack of sleep when the Commander inevitably teased her about being in love with the Operative. So Jack just cuddled in closer, slipping her leg between Miranda’s to try to get as close to her girlfriend as possible. “Lights, off.” She murmured, sending the room into total darkness before giving a yawn. It took a couple of moments but she could still see Miranda, though barely. Sometimes she wondered if it was because she was so used to the darkness or if maybe it was just because she had every feature of Miranda’s face committed to memory already. It was probably a little bit of both.

“I can’t wait to go out with you…” The younger woman grinned and pressed her lips to Miranda’s once more, savoring that taste that was just –her-. “It’ll be nice to just relax for once…pretend to be normal for a change.” Well she wasn’t quite sure exactly how normal they would be going to a bondage club, it was probably a hell of a lot normal than them running around trying to save the galaxy every other day.

Jack didn’t want to talk about their final mission. The thought of it made her anxious…and she didn’t like the feeling at all. She had always been ready to die, always figuring she was living on borrowed time. But being with Miranda changed all that. Deep down she was worried about one of them not making it…well…she was worried about Miranda not making it. As Shepard’s sort of right hand woman on the ship as far as leadership went, surely she’d have some jackass, stupidly hard tasks for Miranda once they made it past the Omega 4 relay.

The younger woman shook her head just a tiny bit to clear it. This was the problem with thinking about the future: it made you worry about shit that wasn’t even here yet. So rather than keep worrying about something that wasn’t happening, she forced her mind back to the present. Back to the very sexy Operative in her arms and back to how nice it was to be spending a night together with her girlfriend.
Miranda smirked, they both knew that Jack wasn't humoring her but it was a cute suggestion, that she was doing Miranda yet another favor. She had been in a way, at first that was the situation they were in, Jack not really wanting to stay in the room for various reasons, one of which were her nightmares. Miranda didn't care about all of that, she had pushed past the concerns and made her the beautiful girl was by her side throughout the night. She was still prepared for the chance that Jack would have a bad nightmare, that she would wake up being attacked or having to stop Jack from hurting herself, all of that was in her mind, but nowhere near as present as the joy it brought to be beside her while sleeping. It wasn't just the closeness however, the banter, being called cute and slowly kissing, relaxing by each others side and decompressing, it brought a sense of ease impossible to obtain alone. For Miranda, and most likely Jack as well, there really hadn't been anyone before, nobody to help them decompress after a long day, nobody they felt understood them, now they both had that in each other and it was amazing.

Miranda felt more comfortable and at ease than she ever had before the past few days with Jack. Her worries were easily pushed aside by the time she spent with Jack and her future wasn't thought about in the same way. She got to think about Jack, perhaps settling down sometime in the future, and while there was still plenty to get in the way of all that there was still a chance, a chance she hadn't considered previously. It was the kind of thing that Jack was perfect because of. She was strong and loving, able to give Miranda what she hadn't even been aware that she needed not only sexually but emotionally as well, she was a lovely young woman and satisfied every one of Miranda's needs.

The lights switching off seemed to be the trigger for both of them to interlock themselves even further. Miranda scooted in closer, so close her breasts were pressed into Jack quite well and her face could feel her lover's hot breath. Jack's leg had slipped between Miranda's and Miranda still had one over the younger biotic as well. Her arm was around Jack's waist and she leaned in to kiss her, lips pressing against the woman's and staying for a good while before she pulled back and listened to the girl's excitement over their date. "I can't wait either, I want to see you in a dress love. And sure, we can pretend to be normal but I don't think that will be the case, you say normal but truth is we are both more beautiful than the average woman, I mean you may try to hide it but your feminine features give it away, they will even more when we have you in something more form fitting." She giggled, Jack was no doubt nervous about that, wearing a dress seemed to be something she hadn't wanted to do but she was doing it anyways, for Miranda most likely. So she would take advantage of that and get her very girly for the night, let everyone see how beautiful her date was and probably have as many eyes on Jack as were on herself.

"Anyways, we will experience that before too long, I'll talk to Shepard tomorrow and make sure we get our time soon." She gave a small smile and while Jack probably couldn't see it in the pitch black room the kiss that came after it spoke volumes. "Now, we should get some sleep, we had fun for quite a long time." She gave Jack one more kiss before pulling the girl as close as she could and getting herself comfortable, the feeling of Jack's breathing a lulling feeling. "I love you babe... So much..." Her voice was soft and her words were those of someone who had completely fallen for another. At their current point Jack had captured Miranda's heart completely and while it had a bumpy start she had tamed a rather difficult beast to tame. As such she snuggled into Jack, closed her eyes, and listened to each soft little noise coming from Jack and just enjoyed the warmth flowing from her little lover, and while it wasn't exactly big spoon and little spoon it was just as nice.
“Blech.” The younger woman grunted her disapproval as Miranda mentioned her attire for their evening out. Ugh…the –dress-. Just the word made her skin crawl…and very few things in this entire galaxy made Jack’s skin crawl. It was strange though to hear Miranda talk about her feminine features. She knew she had those big brown doe eyes and lovely pouty lips…and a delicate jawline (which she hated, because it always made punches to the face more painful); there was no hiding those things. But she worked so hard to hide the flare of her hips with baggy pants, and her small breasts were an easy enough thing to hide: there wasn’t much there to begin with. But Miranda seemed to like those things…that was yet another thing that set her apart from all of Jack’s previous lovers who enjoyed how handsome the young woman could be.

“Mmm…good…you deal with Shepard, I don’t want to see her at all tomorrow.” If that woman called her ‘Jackaroo’ one more goddamn time…she was going to blast her right through the bulkhead. Jack knew she couldn’t hide from Shepard forever…but she really wanted to. She knew that she’d get teased mercilessly by the Commander who had decided to make Jack into her ‘let’s go save this kid!’ project. Maybe it’s because they both belonged to gangs when they were younger…it gave them a rather strange bond sometimes. It was nice…if Jack had to have a sister, she’d probably like her to be like Shepard. But still, the young biotic would rather avoid the Commander tomorrow. Miranda would probably get teased for being a kinky bottom that liked Jack to wear a strap on. And Jack would probably get teased for being a big softie and finding herself so in love despite her tough girl exterior.

Jack smiled as Miranda kissed her, letting their feelings for one another flow freely through the kiss. Once it was over she tucked her head under Miranda’s, tickling her lover’s chin with her soft, bristly short hair as she found her new favorite spot to fall asleep in: with her head resting on Miranda’s breasts so that she could use them as pillows and listen to her heartbeat to fall asleep to. “I love you too…my Miri.” Jack murmured softly as she drifted off. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until the lights had finally gone off, and she was glad that her lover was there to provide her a safe place so that she could rest for a little while.


Jack woke up a tad earlier than usual. It was probably about 6AM ship time and she had slept through most of the night without any nightmares. Of course she fidgeted and adjusted positions about 1000 times throughout the night…but that was just because she was the type of woman that had a hard time sitting still. When she awoke she found herself in the little spoon position with her girlfriend’s arms wrapped protectively around her midsection. Miranda’s wonderfully fleshy breasts were comfortably pressed into her back and it made the younger woman smile. She lay there like that for a long while, content to not do anything other than listen to her lover’s soft breathing and feel the rise and fall of her chest. Only when Miranda began to stir on her own did Jack roll over to face her. She nuzzled the older biotic’s neck affectionately and peppered a few soft kisses along her delicate throat.

“Hey beautiful…” Jack wriggled around a little bit, seeking more of Miranda’s body pressing into her own. “Mmmph…can we just…stay in bed all day?” She knew they couldn’t do it, not really. But the idea that maybe one day they could have lazy days together was a nice thought. Days where they could just lounge in bed, watch some movies and not worry about the fate of the galaxy.
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