Mass Effect: Jack/Miranda (AlureNova x Javorcek)

Jack didn't make too big a deal over the music and Miranda could only assume it was for her that the woman held her tongue, though she did hear her say that she didn't mind classical. She would switch the music after she was satisfied with her kiss, something that wasn't going to be easy because she wanted it quite badly. Of course there was only so long a person could kiss another, eventually, not matter how hard one tried they would run out of breath. For Miranda it was longer than for most people, she was trained to handle any situation and being without oxygen for an extended duration was one such situation, though she didn't have a limitless time either. The only difference between her and Jack was that when Jack ended it panting she was barely beginning to feel the effects of the time without proper breathing. So her breath was still regulated and a smile plastered on her face as she watched the younger girl panting before her. It was kind of cute actually, a nice bonus of the lustful action.

When the kiss was ended however it wasn't by Miranda's action, it was Jack and she just had to embarrass the older woman, speaking out in the open about the mention of a bondage party. Instantly Miranda's cheeks burned bright, alerting Jack how right she was in her assumption and leaving Miranda without the proper ability to deny, something she had learned early on was an advantage one didn't want to lose. That was the situation however and as Jack pushed on, saying something about a collar and leash, which only served to further excite and embarrass her, she tried to think of an excuse. Sure it sounded great, sexy and kinky to a point that the older woman really wanted to do it, but it was also incredibly embarrassing and while she could do nearly anything if she had to it was certainly not something she would choose to do without some coaxing. Then again, she had mentioned it, her subconscious could be telling her something.

Nothing that Jack said turned Miranda on quite as much as her choker being pulled, the little piece of clothing essentially being a collar when used in such a way and she instantly felt herself shivering with delight. The power Jack had over her, it was exhilarating. "It was just something I had seen when I was um... Researching." She took a deep breath, her lustful eyes peering into Jack's as she swallowed hard. Though a few seconds later her voice came out a little stronger, a bit more embarrassed and flustered. "And so what if I want you inside of me... I said it yesterday, not like that is going to change..." She turned her face away, her eyes looking at the bed to try and help her keep cool, and she thought about how much Jack did spoil her. Then again they had some matching interests which made the sex all the easier and all the more incredible. Whatever she wanted Jack would oblige, not only because she wanted to please Miranda but because she wanted it as well.

"And fine... I'll go get it... But I better get a reward." She looked up with a small smile, part of her knew that demanding a reward would bring the exact opposite but she didn't much care, whether she got a reward or a punishment it would be amazing either way. So she got off the bed, teasingly pinching Jack's nipple once more before she did, and headed towards the door, opening it and heading out before Jack could get her back or say anything else, a grin on her face that she hid the second she got out the door. And so she moved down to Jack's floor, leaving the girl in her room with full access as she ventured to get the toy she had so come to adore. It wasn't hard to get but it did take some time, she had to be careful because there was no explaining being in Jack's vicinity, at least nothing easy, and if she were caught with the toy it would mean trouble. In fact she had to put it on to avoid detection, tuck up between her legs as she had no other place to hide it, her uniform was not made for hiding things.

That made things a bit more uncomfortable but easier, the sensitivity being quite intense but she didn't know how to work with it and didn't want to risk turning it up instead of down. So she rushed back up to her room, after making it back to the elevator she didn't have to worry, and locked the door again once she was inside. A sigh of relief escaped as she walked back into the room and towards the bed, success being the actuality but no sign of the toy was in sight, though as she approached she decided to mess with Jack a bit, say she was caught and had to get out of there before she could get the toy, make up some sort and surprise her when she stripped, something she should have done on her own but for the purposes of playing with Jack she was holding off.
Jack snorted at the mention of a ‘reward’. Miranda would get what she got and she would like it! So she leaned over, trying to land a good swipe on Miranda’s ass as her girlfriend left but missing as her lover pranced away. Ohhhh her naughty little Pet was going to get it later…

As the doors closed behind the Operative, Jack began to wonder how the hell Miranda was going to get the toy up here anyways. She highly doubted that Miranda would be ballsy enough to wear it up. Did that catsuit even have pockets? If she tried to tuck it in somewhere it would probably stick out against the seamlessness of the uniform. Fuck…she probably should’ve synced it to Miranda’s Omnitool. While the toy didn’t get much smaller than 6 inches, it certainly would’ve been easier to hide than the size it was set to now. Well…Miranda was smart and resourceful, Jack had every bit of confidence that her girlfriend could manage a task as simple as sneaking a sex toy up one floor.

Now that she was all alone in the Cerberus Operative’s room, Jack had the overwhelming urge to snoop around like a good criminal. But she didn’t…at least not for anything incriminating. Jack just needed to figure out what materials she could use to fashion a proper reward for her girlfriend. So she went into Miranda’s closet, looking around in there to try to find something she could destroy and cannibalize in order to make some bindings. Miranda had about a zillion leather uniforms…so that’s what Jack ended up taking out of her closet.

Even though Chakwas had told her to lay off the biotics earlier, Jack of course wasn’t very good at obeying orders. She lit her fingers up with energy, molding and shaping the blue biotics into one sharp point so that she could begin cutting up Miranda’s uniform. She started by cutting the Cerberus logo out and burning the stupid thing to hell with her powers. Then she got down to business. The first thing she cut out was a nice thick strip that would serve as a blindfold which she folded up neatly and put ontop of the pillow so that she didn’t lose it. Then she began shredding the uniform into several long, thin straps. The straps themselves wouldn’t do much to bind Miranda, plus they were rather rough around the edges. So Jack began to braid them into a sort of makeshift rope. Miranda would still be able to shred through them with her biotics if she really needed to, but the symbolism would still there.

She had only had enough time to complete one long woven piece of ‘rope’ and was halfway through making another one before Miranda got back. But the one piece should be more than long enough to bind Miranda’s wrists together. Jack looked up from her work, smiling eagerly as she heard the door open. But when she didn’t see the toy, her eyes narrowed a bit in disappointment. Miranda wasn’t carrying anything wrapped up, wasn’t hiding something behind her back, and her uniform had no noticeable bulges. “What the…where the hell is the toy? You chicken out?”

Jack pouted, showing Miranda her piece of rope that she had worked so hard on while her lover had been away. “Here I worked so hard to give my Pet such a nice new treat and she can’t even bring me her toy to play with.” She moved to sit on the edge of the bed, legs dangling off the side. Jack’s hands lit up in biotic energy, and she used a Pull to yank Miranda forward, making her loose her balance so that she ended up on her knees infront of Jack. “What am I to do with you now?”
Miranda's arrival back at her room came with a nice little surprise, the creation of a rope just for her, an item which would have many diverse uses and something exciting to be sure. Of course she didn't miss the fact that it was one of her uniforms but she didn't really mind, she had plenty and could get more whenever she needed them. Besides, it was probably therapeutic for Jack to demolish the Cerberus symbol, something she had been thinking about rather heavily recently, how much wearing the logo of her employer could hurt the person she truly cared for. However that wasn't something she could simply change, the other Cerberus members on the ship would quickly notice the lack of the symbol of Miranda and she couldn't risk that, not with how people blabbed every little odd detail to The Illusive Man. No, for the time being she couldn't change anything but she could let Jack destroy a few every now and again and simply get new ones, take it and not say anything. It would give her lover a nice feeling surely.

"The toy... Well... I was going to get it and bring it back up but I couldn't figure out where to put it and I was almost caught... So I kind of just left." Her voice wasn't shaky or nervous, the first clue that she wasn't being completely honest, in fact a small grin popped up for a second, a look which was quickly hidden as not to reveal her plan. She did feel a bit bad, tricking Jack when she had been slaving away to make some new toys, being nice even if they were handmade. She was going to play it out though, she wanted to surprise Jack and chances were she would be receiving the same level of punishment for lying to Jack whether she had the toy on her or not. So her lips stayed zipped and she looked at Jack, trying to get a read on what it was that the girl was thinking, something much harder to do than it was to say, Jack having a way about her that made some things obvious and others hard to tell. Perhaps she usually just didn't try to hide her intentions so when she did it was all the harder to figure them out.

As she was pulled to her knees she simply looked up, biting her lower lip as the toy inside of her moved around, the sensation from her tight uniform pushing to bring a moan from her lips. It didn't but she was close, she had to hold back. "I don't know... You could shower me with love, kiss and hold me, maybe use your magic fingers." She looked up, a bit of playful defiance in her eyes as she gave Jack the option she knew wasn't going to happen. That was half the fun, teasing Jack, making her think she was going to be trouble and then crumbling when it all came down on her like the horny mess she was. "I mean it's not like you get anywhere when you try and punish me, I won't learn and I most certainly won't remember. I mean yesterdays cropping, the wounds are almost entirely healed, only the hardest hits are still there." She was goading Jack, trying to get her to strip her down and find the toy, to make her move things along past the playful teasing that would drive Miranda wild because of what she had hidden beneath her clothes.

In truth the day before was still wearing heavily on her body. She hadn't lied, most of the markings were gone, her body healed fast, but the soreness was still quite prevalent, she had been in mild pain every time she had moved her ass on the chair that day, discomfort from her wounds driving her mad. Of course to sell her words she needed the expression, everything Miranda ever did or said had an expression that conveyed how superior or confident she was and this time was no different. After speaking a look came on her face, it was a tad playful but mostly it was just arrogance, a pure confidence that no matter what Jack decided to do that it wouldn't phase her. They both knew it was a bluff, she always ended up a screaming pile of arousal by the end, but it was probably enough to get Jack excited, to have her go full force, or so Miranda hoped. She just wasn't sure she could take the cock being inside of her for so long without going nuts. It was already bulging, trying to push its way out of her tight leather uniform, and if it hadn't been tucked between her legs it would no doubt be an obvious bulge in the front of her crotch.
“For fuck’s sake Cheerleader. You just pussy out on me and you want me to shower you with kisses?!” Jack rolled her eyes, sounding exasperated. But in truth she was just playing. She knew that Miranda was just toying with her, trying to play a smartass because she wanted to be pulled into a scene, and probably just because she liked to ruffle Jack’s feathers. Of course in the end though, the older biotic got her way…the moment her eyes expressed defiance, when she stopped being playful and put on her mask of arrogance, Jack had the overwhelming urge to show her just who was boss in the bedroom.

“Yanno what, you’re right Princess, I don’t get anywhere spanking you, a kinky slut like you likes it too much.” Jack smirked, getting up off the bed and grabbing the back of Miranda’s uniform collar and a bit of her hair in the process, dragging her backwards and onto her ass. Strong and able to amplify her muscles with her biotics, Jack easily yanked her back all the way to her desk, ripping out her chair from underneath and then hoisting the Operative it up into it. “So since you like punishments so much, how about I start taking privileges away instead?” The younger woman growled. With one hand still on her collar to make sure Miranda stayed in the chair, Jack’s free hand began working her belt off. Instead of using it to beat Miranda for being so impertinent, Jack released her uniform only to take a hold of her wrist and quickly bind it with the belt. She yanked the one imprisoned arm roughly behind the chair and grabbed hold of the other. Quickly she began to weave the leather back and forth in figure eights until Miranda’s wrists were tightly bound together in a makeshift pair of handcuffs.

And there Jack left her, just for a moment anyways. Long enough for her to retrieve the long piece of rope she had made and the blindfold. The younger woman was content to take away the priviledges of movement and sight…at least for now. And so she tied the blindfold onto her struggling Pet, blinding her and forcing her to rely on touch and sound. Then she reached down to grab one of Miranda’s feet and lassoed it. She pulled back, then looped the rope through the cuffs and then came back down to the other foot, pulling both legs back tight and just about hog-tieing her in the chair so that her legs stayed spread eagle.

“Well well well…what do we have here.” Jack couldn’t help but grin as she saw the bulge between Miranda’s legs now that she was so helplessly spread wide open. She was actually kind of proud of her girlfriend at that moment, Miranda would’ve made one hell of a smuggler.

“So now my Pet is a dirty rotten liar hmm? Just trying to get me all pissed off so that I give you a little pleasure huh?” Jack used those ‘magic fingers’ to tear the front of the Operative’s uniform to pieces. Even though Miranda couldn’t see the blue, crackling energy, she could certainly feel it because Jack had decided to not pull back her power as much as she usually did. Everywhere she touched left angry red marks and felt like electrical shocks. As soon as Miranda’s entire front was properly bared from her breasts to her inner thighs, Jack stopped tearing the uniform to shreds, stepping back to admire her work for a moment.

“I’ve gotta say Pet…you wear the cock pretty well.” Even though Jack identified as being a lesbian, she could still appreciate the toy sticking up so proudly between Miranda’s legs. She wrapped her hand around the base and then slowly brought her whole hand up to the head where she ran her thumb over the sensitive tip, smirking as she felt the cock throb in her hand. The toy worked simply enough: it gave the sensation of having a real cock, sending feedback through the entirety of Miranda’s sex and tricking her brain into thinking that the toy was really an extension of herself. Jack’s hand came back to the base of the toy and she pulled hard, forcing the toy out of Miranda’s clutching folds.

“But…I think I’ll save riding you for a little later. But do me a favor and hold this for me until then.” Jack grinned as she flipped the whole toy around and inserted it easily between Miranda’s spread legs. She gave the massive dildo a couple of teasing pumps before ramming it in as deep as it would go. Then she lit up her Omnitool, fiddling with a couple of buttons before Bzzzzzz the toy began to vibrate on the lowest setting. Something that could probably bring Miranda to orgasm but not for a very, very long time.

“There…now you be good and try not to make too big of a mess. I’m going to finish my piece of rope. Try to not make too much noise, it might distract me and I’ll take even longer to come back.” Jack cackled before quietly padding back over to the bed. Hmmm…she still had this half piece of rope to mess with. But she needed something a little more fun. After turning it over in her hands a few times to try to brainstorm some ideas. She soon figured out that she could double it over, undo some of the finished end and make a rudimentary flogger.
Miranda got the reaction she was looking for from Jack, it wasn't easy but she knew which buttons to push in order to make Jack go off, to turn her on and get her riled up. It didn't mean she was exactly pleased or expecting the specifics of what happened, of being put in the chair and tied to it, her hands were the only way for her to really struggle, it was a feeling she only liked with her captor being Jack, nobody else would have gotten away with it. Then came the blindfold, it was a similar situation with her being tied up, only Jack could get away with it without some serious fight. It was all going to be worth it when it finally got discovered what she had done, what she had on her. A smile crossed her lips despite the situation she was in and she felt the clothes being slowly cut off of her by the biotics she both desired and feared, they could please or hurt her. Of course with Jack she knew she wasn't in danger, she trusted the girl, though she wasn't being as pleasurable as she had been before, the biotics had a bit of a zap and she knew it was because Jack was displeased with her 'failure'.

Then the young woman figured out what had been said was not true, revealed Miranda's lie and the cock that rested beneath her clothing. A smirk crossed her face as Jack called her a liar and she nodded when her motive was revealed, she had wanted pleasure, though it had also been to tease Jack a bit. "I do want you to pleasure me... It's nearly all I can think about all day." There was other things that crossed her mind but aside from work it was almost entirely Jack, whether it be in regards to pleasure or just simple affection. It was just the truth. That didn't stop Jack, her admission was simply going to drive the woman on, make her continue in whatever it was she had planned to pay Miranda back for the lie and surprise, and probably her earlier look of arrogance as well. Plus she was sure the competitions earlier were going to come out, she didn't like to lose and just because they were on good terms and she didn't hold a grudge didn't mean it hadn't irritated her.

"Thank you." She said at the compliment of her with a cock, it was probably very sexy, her curvy and fit body being appealing regardless but even more so with a powerful and fully erect member. Miranda knew she was bi-sexual at that point, there was no way she could deny lusting after Jack and she had been with men before. Yet there were some clear preferences. She loved the female body and mind, the beauty and elegance that came even from women as tomboyish as Jack. It was something she desired heavily, the breasts and the smooth skin, and they could have the sexy muscles just the same as men but in a more appealing way. She also liked cock though, the strength and amount of power behind the male organ was simply incredible and she found it all the more impressive on a woman like Jack, feminine and yet powerful with a tool that could take Miranda completely, even if it was a fake, it felt real and got the job done. So she preferred women but she also really liked the feeling of a good pounding, so with Jack she had the best of both worlds, a partner that could satisfy every need, not just physical.

The cock being ripped out of her brought a loud moan and a look of disappointment, the feeling was odd but the pleasure from just a finger was something else, obviously men were quite sensitive, or just the new sensation was extra effective. Then it was shoved back into her, though this time the other end, a moan escaping once more as it was pumped inside of her a few times. Then came the vibrating, so low that she instantly knew what was going to happen, she was going to be left with the toy inside of her unable to cum as it slowly raised her arousal, Jack was cruel. A whimper escaped her lips as Jack told her to be good, not being able to see made her a bit uneasy but it also heightened the pleasure and she could only sit there as the toy teased her constantly, her body warming up and a blush on her cheeks from embarrassment. "Damn you..." She muttered, another whimper escaping as it droned on, buzzing at a low volume and doing little to actually pleasure her, though it did feel quite good.

Sex was about release though and the toy provided none of that, even after a few minutes she wasn't even close to cumming and that didn't seem to be changing. "Jack... Please..." She finally muttered between her whimpering and small moans. She wanted Jack to do something to her, touch her to use that dildo to actually pleasure her, and she could hear her working on something so she knew the woman was there. If she didn't hear her she would have been incredibly anxious, though part of her knew it would have been exciting. Tied up, blindfolded, a dildo shoved inside of her. Knowing that someone could walk in and see that, it was thrilling in theory, though if it happened she would have to break out of her binds and kill them, then kill Jack for letting someone from the crew find her like that, though she knew Jack was too possessive to show Miranda off in that position when whoever came across it would know who she was. Hell she doubted her lover would be okay with random strangers seeing, much less someone who would see Miranda during the day and know.
Jack’s ears perked up from the sound of her name and she looked up from her work, snickering as she saw Miranda wriggling around and trying to find release. No one would ever believe her if she said she had the Illusive Man’s right hand woman tied up as her prisoner with a vibrating dildo between her legs. That was almost as unbelievable at how quickly Miranda had broken down. Jack would’ve thought her naughty little smart aleck Pet would have held out a little longer before saying ‘please’; especially when Jack usually had to prompt her in order to get her to say what she wanted.

“Oh come on Cheerleader, you’ve been there not even 10 minutes. Don’t they give you some Cerberus interrogation resistance training bullshit?” Before Miranda started reciting her name, rank and serial number like a wise ass, Jack lit up her Omnitool and increased the vibration level to keep her happy and more or less quiet. The new intensity wasn’t enough to make her finally reach her peak, but it was probably much more satisfying than the lowest setting had been. “Fuck if I’d have known it would be this easy to get you to squeal I would’ve just done this instead of wading through all those files Shepard had you give me.” Jack smirked and turned her attention away from her prisoner and back to the flogger she was working on. It probably took her about another ten minutes or so to finish her little project and she knew that for Miranda, being bound and blindfolded ten minutes probably felt like an hour.

Well…the new toy –looked- like a flogger. As long as one used the term ‘flogger’ loosely anyways. It wasn’t her best work. But having a moaning, needy Submissive in her ear, mad it very hard for her to concentrate on what she was doing. Jack slowly got out of bed. Miranda could probably hear her as she stepped closer. And could hear the swishing of wind and leather as Jack began to twirl the flogger in her wrist. Her body seemed to remember all the motions even though it had been a long time. She resolved to be gentle, at least to start.

“Soooo…I gave up on the rope, made you something else instead.” Jack grinned and moved up closer to Miranda who by now the younger woman could see that her folds were absolutely dripping wet with her arousal. “But you’re going to get it all wet! I thought I told you not to make too big a mess.” The younger woman teased as she got down onto her knees infront of Miranda. The older biotic could feel Jack’s hands come to rest on her inner thighs before a warm tongue flicked her clit. But Jack wasn’t here to get her off, at least not yet. She had every intention of just cleaning Miranda off a little bit. Jack left the toy inside, even though it made her whole vibrate and feel odd. She began licking around the vibrating dildo, hungrily lapping up her lover’s sweet juices. Her nose wrinkled as the vibrations tickled it and she finally pulled away when it felt like her brain was rattling around in her skull.

Jack got back up onto her feet, flogger still in hand. For a moment she just stood there, grinning because she was a very lucky girl indeed to have such a sexy little Pet. Even when she was a moaning and whimpering mess, Miranda somehow still had an air of grace and poise around her. Jack would have to fix all of that, so she ran the soft leather tails of the new toy over Miranda’s hypersensitive sex. She started working it up higher, teasing the Operative’s hardened nipples before leaning forward to take a hardened nub into her mouth. Jack licked and sucked on the poor bundle of nerves roughly for a moment before releasing it; just as quickly as the onslaught had happened, it was over. As much as Jack loved to worship Miranda’s body with her mouth, she still had this brand new toy to take for a spin.

While she knew it was better to use such a toy on a more trained sub, Jack also knew that Miranda was tough. “Don’t forget your word if you need it Pet” was her one piece of advice before bringing the flogger with a couple of warm-up swats with the flick of her wrist. “Not bad huh Pet? Maybe I should go into making sex toys when I retire.” Jack chuckled, smacking Miranda’s stomach with the flogger once more. She alternated between hitting that and her breasts, twirling her wrist and smacking the skin the leather tails until the porcelain flesh lit up bright pink from the warm-up.

Now that Miranda was a little warmed up, the fun could begin. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Jack flicked the flogger over Miranda’s stomach and breasts, dragging the tips over the skin with quite the sting. “Now you’re not going to go around lying to me anymore, are you pet?
Miranda was comfortable with Jack, she trusted her and she loved her, those emotions made it easy to say please or give up private information, allowed her to smile and share everything with her. Hell it was more important to her than Cerberus and Cerberus had always been quite important to her. In fact the only thing she had valued more than her job for the longest time had been her little sister. Now Jack ranked above it as well. So her admissions were no signs of weakness but rather signs of affection, though one could argue affection was a type of weakness. Miranda didn't believe so though and found herself a bit aggravated when Jack insinuated that she was easy to break, even if she was joking, though the Operative couldn't be sure without seeing her expression. She should have known better though, known that if Miranda didn't want to say it that she would never have said it, died before she gave up intel or her own feelings. Jack was just someone she didn't want to do that with, even if she did enjoy messing with her at times.

She decided then and there to teach her a bit of a lessen though, to hold things in even if just for a bit, to deny Jack what she knew she loved to hear, Miranda's voice. So after she said that, and after one last moan as the vibrator was turned up it all stopped. It wasn't easy, she didn't stop making all noise, but the only thing that escaped her lips as she sat there were small muffled moans, barely audible and not sexy whatsoever, at least not compared to her sultry pleasure filled screams. She even managed to speak with a level and calm tone, though the effort involved was incredible, it was harder than most things she had ever done. "I can't help being wet, it feels good." Her voice was a tad shaky but other than that it was perfect, not an audible moan escaped nor did she beg or whimper again, though that was all she wanted to do at that point, moan and whimper, beg for more since the dildo's new speed still wasn't enough to satisfy her.

That was easier said than done though because soon she felt Jack's wonderful silky tongue flicking and licking, not to get her off but the sensation made it incredibly difficult not to voice her approval. She managed, Miranda always managed if she wanted to, part of the point she was attempting to make. Not being able to see what was happening made it more difficult however, she couldn't see Jack's head to know if she was going down and she couldn't see what came next, even as the leather was traced against her sensitive skin she only knew the material and not what it was. At first she had believed it would be more binding but Jack said it wasn't a rope. Then she began to think it would be a whip but it wasn't a single string of leather. So she waited, patiently and keeping her desires buried with great effort. She waited until something finally happened, Jack's lips no longer touching her skin and instead flecks of leather came down, stinging her porcelain flesh.

It hurt but not badly, though if Jack had started full force she may have made a sound, scream or cried out. Luckily she could see it coming and while very small cracks formed in her iron shell it was easy to see how tough she could really be if she wanted to, no loud cries or screams coming but simply uncomfortable muffled noises. Then the hard stuff came, her breasts and stomach feeling the pain but she still continued not to let it be obvious, though she realized something, it didn't feel nearly as good when she wasn't being honest and letting her feelings out. So she looked up, not actually being able to see Jack through the blindfold but looking towards her voice. "I can't promise I won't lie, teasing you is fun, you get all flustered and riled up, it's adorable. But I won't ever lie to you unless it's for teasing purposes." She smiled and the tenderness in her voice was followed by a audible moan, her concession of sorts. She had proved her point already and now she just wanted to enjoy it, and since she was such an odd woman, enjoying the pain and finding pleasure with it, she waited for the next hit, her thighs still soaking and as she chewed on her lip it was obvious that was her intention.
For a moment Jack began to doubt herself as a Mistress. Miranda was trying her best to keep quiet and it sort of rattled the younger woman. Even her talented tongue had barely drawn a lusty gasp out of her lover. Near silence and an unwavering, emotionless voice was not the reaction she had been expecting at all. She had thought Miranda would be moaning or at least engage in the playful banter in a less serious scene. Just like a man, Jack had no idea what the hell she had done. One minute she had been teasing and then the next thing she knew, something she had said made Miranda shut down.

But Jack kept pushing on, trying to get Miranda to either say her safe word or try to fix whatever she had said by giving Miranda the pain she knew her lover liked. When Miranda finally let down her walls again and made her promise, Jack couldn’t help but smile. The younger woman leaned down, capturing her lips in a bruising kiss. She poured everything into it, her ‘I love you’s’ and her ‘I’m sorry for whatever I said that made you upset earlier’, and her ‘Thank you for promising not to lie about the important stuff’’, things she couldn’t say when disciplining her Pet for lying earlier but obviously felt.

“Now let’s get one thing straight…your Mistress is not adorable, Pet.” Even though Jack was smiling, her voice had fallen back into it’s commanding, authoritative tone. Having Miranda give her just that one moan was enough for her entire posture to change; for her to fall back into her more confident, controlling role.

Now that most of Miranda’s porcelain flesh was bright pink with tingling, hypersensitive nerves, Jack brought the flogger down harder. SMACK! The leather tips came down her right breast. SMACK! Now down the left. Then she started to work her thighs, careful not to whack Miranda’s dripping wet sex. Instead she teased the hot, pink folds, tickling her lightly with the leather. SMACK! The crop came down on her left inner thigh, harder this time, enough so that some of the many small welts began to open and ooze droplets of blood. Having finally broken skin on such a sensitive area, Jack finally stopped playing with the toy and set it down on the desk. While she wasn’t too worried about Miranda bleeding a little, she was still very careful with how hard she pushed since this all was still relatively new to her lover. Jack knelt down between her legs once again. She began licking the welts that were bleeding, swirling her tongue around them to both tease and soothe her lover.

“I’m going to give you a special treat tonight. Just because you were such a good girl and brought me the toy when I asked.” Jack purred from between Miranda’s legs. While she was down there, she reached around and undid the bindings around Miranda’s ankles and checked her hands to make sure that they still had circulation going through them. Happy that her lover seemed to be okay except for some little welts all over her front, Jack got up off of her knees and began to undress, quickly stripping herself of the few layers of clothing she had on. “And because I suppose you need a little bit of practice before our date.”

Carefully, the younger woman slowly eased the vibrating toy out of Miranda’s clutching, swollen pussy. She turned off the vibration setting with her Omnitool and adjusted the size of the toy so that it was a tad smaller. She was a skinny girl after all and though her hips had a feminine flare, she was nowhere as curvy as Miranda and so capable of taking on a big cock. Besides, it had been a very, very long time since she had let anyone fuck her this way. Jack slid the smaller, sensation-transmitting end back into Miranda’s aching folds and gave the toy a second to seamlessly sync to her lover’s body. “Light’s, 50%” Jack dimmed the lights before she tugged the blindfold off of her lover. “I want you to be able to see this…” She smiled and gave Miranda a soft kiss on the lips. Even though this was a more tender moment, Jack still felt a bit better knowing she still had control of the scene. Miranda was still bound with her arms behind the chair and even though she now wore the cock, Jack was the one that would ride her how she saw fit.

“Now just relax…” Jack purred, partially talking to Miranda and partially talking to herself. She wasn’t nervous…but there was just something about this change in how they were intimate with one another that made her stomach flip flop and her heart flutter. She placed her hands lightly onto Miranda’s shoulders, using them for leverage as she climbed into her lovers lap. She eased the glistening lips of her sex over the head of the toy, moaning softly as it brushed her clit. With a little bit of rocking and teasing, Jack finally had her hips correctly positioned so that she could lower herself onto Miranda’s throbbing cock. “Oh f-fuck….” Jack stammered, even with the reduced size of the toy, she was still very tight. Her short nails dug into Miranda’s shoulders as she shivered, relishing in the little bit of pain that came with a whole lot of pleasure. Inch by inch, she lowered her body onto the fake cock, her hot, slick pussy spasming around the toy.
Miranda's eventual change back to the lusting moaning mess seemed to relieve some obvious discomfort with Jack and while she wasn't sure exactly what she had done wrong her affection screamed sorry. Miranda had already forgiven her and wasn't truly mad to begin with but she couldn't just let Jack think she was easy, she wanted the girl to know how special it was that she gave herself up and was so damn honest about how she felt and what she liked, which was just about anything Jack did to her. Miranda had a feeling Jack already knew, she was not dense and she was treating her well, which was something when most people just wanted to get with her for sex and nothing else. So really it was more of an immature move by Miranda, wanting to have Jack acknowledge and appreciate her more than she already did, and she already cared more than anybody else. Perhaps she really was a princess, spoiled and a bit of a brat when it really came down to it. She expected to be treated well, which in her case was being tied down and smacked with leather, but to each their own.

"But you are Mistress, extremely adorable... And sexy..." She smirked, not arrogant but playfully, she wouldn't give up on the cute remark and she knew what she would receive for being so adamant, punishment. It came swift and hard, smacks of the leather instrument Jack had fashioned leaving welts on her skin and bringing some loud moans from her pouty lips. It was beautiful really, the mix of pain and pleasure that came out as where most women would simply scream out in pain. She was a different kind of woman than most though, she enjoyed having Jack do things that she didn't experience on a daily basis and giving up her power, something she usually kept under all circumstances. The truth was something she couldn't figure out completely herself, it was hard to put into words why it felt so good to be in a submissive position to Jack, to have the younger girl take control over her and the pleasure she received. It was just the way it turned out and she loved it.

She couldn't deny becoming excited when she began to be untied, at least her feet, and Jack began to speak of their date. She remembered what Jack wanted from her and remembered what she had been wearing when she entered the room, it got her biting her lower lip in anticipation. Then it came, the toy was retracted from her pussy, never once having given her an orgasm despite all of the pleasure it had tormented her with, and it was shoved back inside of her, this time the other way around. It quickly synced with her body, though she felt it shrink in size a bit, not that she minded, though she did think she looked rather sexy with a large cock. The size it had been changed to wasn't small and she could guess why Jack shortened it, but she couldn't see to compare. She didn't get a glance until Jack decided to let her, taking off the blindfold and giving her a good view of both Jack's naked body and the new, slightly smaller cock attached to her. It was one hell of a sight.

"Oh? Well I'm glad you're letting me see... I've been wondering what this would be like ever since you got this wonderful toy." She purred in delight, nuzzling Jack as she mounted her, Miranda's hands still being tied and her mobility still quite limited. Jack was cute in the more womanly position, she was beautiful and while she was smaller than Miranda it didn't matter, in fact it only made watching her lower herself onto the cock all the more tantalizing. Besides, she was obviously sensitive and it had probably been a long time since she had ridden anyone. Not that Miranda had much time to be thinking, Jack's tight sex was gripping down on her new cock so snugly that she moaned with even the slightest movement. "Shit... You are so fucking tight..." She muttered, her mouth kissing and suckling at Jack's neck, not caring if she left a visible hickey in the moment, though she would probably be concerned the next day.

At that moment the only thing Miranda cared about was Jack and the pleasure she could receive. Of course she had already thought about ways to increase her pleasure, pumping the cock up into the smaller girl, gyrating her own hips, or even getting her angry again so she would begin to move on her own to prove a point. In the end she did none of it, instead she just smiled, moaning and bearing with it, allowing Jack to take her time and enjoying watching the process at work. It was nice really, Jack was so innocent in her own way, not untying Miranda to keep control, the way she couldn't take even the smaller cock easily which was proof of her discretion with men, though there was no telling how many women she had bedded. Miranda liked seeing those sides of the girl and she wasn't going to ruin the sight or speed it up unless she could no longer take it, and for the moment she was fine with the agonizingly slow pace, she was use to it from previous pleasures.
“F-fucking…shit…fuck…I knew I should’ve made your cock smaller.” The younger biotic hissed as their hips finally met, her blunt nails digging into Miranda’s back and shoulders for dear life. The first few inches of the throbbing rod had been bearable, equal parts pain and pleasure. But as she sank lower and lower, getting stretched more than she had ever been in her whole life, her grip on Miranda’s shoulders became tighter and tighter, more than enough pressure being applied to leave interesting bruises later. Pain radiated throughout her core and shot up her spinal cord, exploding behind her eyes and she whimpered, resting her head on her lover’s shoulder to collect herself for a moment. Fuck, why did Miranda have to look so obscenely hot with a massive cock between her legs?

Everything began to feel much, much better as Miranda began to aggressively kiss and suckle the sensitive flesh of her throat. Years of wearing a shock collar made the nerves extra raw and sensitive. It was an area of her body that she guarded the most, but with Miranda she didn’t cringe or pull away. Instead she tilted her head to the side, offering more of the delicate, tattooed skin. “Mmm…right there…” Jack purred as Miranda began to suckle and bite at her pulse point. Her hips began to grind into the older biotic’s, unable to sit still with Miranda’s talented mouth paying so much attention to her neck and riling her up.

Now that she no longer felt like she was going to be split in two, Jack slowly lifted her body up off the toy. Her walls clutched and spasmed in protest but Jack kept going, finally retreating enough that only the tip of the toy was inside of her. Already her nerves missed the feeling of being full, so back down she went, inch by inch she enveloped Miranda’s cock, filling up her slick heat. She kept up these slow, controlled movements for several more minutes, allowing herself to get used to having something so big inside of her. Jack wasn't a virgin, but she had wanted to give Miranda a big enough cock to the point where she would definitely be the biggest that the younger woman had ever had. It was a sort of ego booster she willingly wanted to give up to her lover. "'re so big." Jack groaned, her core started to tingle and wind up again. Before long, Jack couldn’t take the slow fucking anymore. She craved something rougher and wanted to hear Miranda scream.

Jack began to bounce on the toy in earnest, lowering herself full force onto the toy and quickly picking herself back up just to do it all over again. The younger woman was soaking wet, her hips and ass smacking lewdly into Miranda’s thighs as she impaled herself down onto the cock at a rapidly increasing pace. She let out a whimper as the toy stretched her even fuller, but she didn’t let up on the brutal pace.

As she had said before, she really did want Miranda to see this. So she leaned backwards a little bit, angling her hips so that the head of the toy kept dragging against her most sensitive spot which made the muscles in her abdomen twitch. Her calloused hands stayed on Miranda’s shoulders to keep herself from falling backwards. Now that there was more space between them, Miranda had a perfect view of Jack’s small breasts that bounced and jiggled just out of her reach. If those blue eyes traveled down lower, she’d see the younger woman’s pink, glistening folds wrapped around the toy that looked and felt so real. Jack's clit was so swollen and neglected, begging to be touched. She probably should've untied Miranda's wrists before this...but for now Jack was content to keep taking her own pleasure.

The bright side of not having large breasts was that she could look down between them and watch the action too. Jack cried out as she saw Miranda’s massive rod disappearing into her quivering folds, only to be withdrawn and freshly coated in her arousal. “Fuck…Miranda…your cock feels so good. Ohhh…mmm…yes...cum inside me Pet, fill me up.”
Miranda had learned a lot about the pleasures her and Jack were experiencing using her resources, watching porn mostly but she had read a few articles and books to get herself acquainted with what they were doing. The rest had been hands on, with what Jack did to her and the immense pleasure she had experienced night after night with her lover. What she hadn't learned, and couldn't learn anything about prior to experiencing it, was how great fucking another woman with a cock would feel. The moment Jack began lowering herself onto Miranda's new cock she was shivering a shuddering in delight, it was so sensitive and felt absolutely incredible. She had never imagined it would feel so good and she began to understand why men were such animals when it came to getting laid, why the pushed forward and pursued a woman until she finally gave in. Miranda had never been easy to get but men tried hard and she was sure it was because of the pleasure. Of course her enjoyment was biased, it was a first and the first taste of something amazing was always the best.

Regardless it was something else and something she wouldn't mind getting a taste of every once in awhile. If she understood correctly women could cum much more often than men and easier if they were good, so she had a feeling they were the lucky ones and overall they obtained more pleasure, but that didn't stop her from enjoying it. That was especially true because it was Jack on top of her and the girl's struggle to take it all in only made it that much better of a show for Miranda, her eyes watching every little movement made by Jack's body. It was beautiful and hearing her moan, which mixed with Miranda's loud moans as the tight sex clenched around her cock, excited the older woman to higher and higher levels. "Fuck... You are so damn tight... I almost hurts." She whimpered before going back at Jack's neck to nibble, kiss, and lick away at the sensitive spot, working overtime to keep Jack high on ecstasy.

Soon enough the slow lowering and pained sound mixed with Jack's pleasured voice changed. She began to derive pure pleasure and Miranda could hear it, and feel it as she went up and down on the large and now throbbing cock. When that happened she began to watch, labored breathing and moans growing in frequency as it became harder to last and the sexy sight not helping. Jack was fucking gorgeous, the smaller breasts were so attractive to Miranda and watching them bounce as Jack moved her body up and down atop her cock was an immaculate sight. She took it all in, the breasts, the rippling muscles of her lover's stomach, the look on her face as she fucked herself on Miranda's rock hard cock, and then the actual sight of that cock plunging inside of the younger woman over and over. It was all too much and Miranda was afraid, and knew, she wouldn't last very long, not at the current pace. She needed to do something to keep herself going longer, unfortunately without use of her hands it was impossible to do anything, she just had to take it.

She did however come up with something to derive more pleasure out of the situation, to get more for herself even if she couldn't last longer, and as Jack told her to cum she put it into action. "Yes Mistress..." She moaned out, and then in a strong rapid succession her hips began to piston upwards, her freed legs pushing up from the floor and allowing Miranda to sent the cock thrusting up into Jack each time she started coming back down, slapping of skin, the sloshing of juices, and louder moans being the only sounds in the room. That was it, the extra effort and friction brought Miranda's last bit of endurance crashing down, the cock taking one moment to shove up inside of Jack before cum poured out, long thick streams pouring out into Jack and Miranda's head tipped back as she moaned louder than ever, her body shaking in delight. Men had some incredible orgasms and while she couldn't speak to its value against one of her usual climaxes, the experiencing being way too different and not having enough time to see if she could cum again, she did know it was one of the best things she had ever experienced. "Fuck, it feels so good in your pussy!"
The younger woman loved helping Miranda relieve the stresses of the day this way: to help wash away the pressures, deadlines and frustrations of her work-filled day with some pleasure, pain, and a little domination. Jack had entirely expected to not orgasm right away, wanting to ride and force Miranda through a couple more climaxes before she let herself have one.

She had been in control of her pleasure, bouncing atop Miranda roughly but still in control of the orgasm building up inside of her. All of the movements were her own; she knew what was coming and could speed up or slow down to keep herself from climaxing. The younger woman was well aware of her limits, knew she was dancing on the edge and she loved that feeling: the deliciousness of a good build up towards the final peak. But as soon as her lover started pistoning the cock up into her, Jack lost her ability to hang onto that edge. The toy stretched her, filled her so fully. And when Jack thought she couldn’t possibly have anything else inside of her, Miranda had thrust into her roughly one final time, filling her up with her juices.

“Ohhhh fuck!” Jack cried out, head tilting back as she screamed. Holy fuck. Miranda’s juices were so hot, her cock pulsed so deliciously inside of Jack’s already tight slit that it made her groan. She couldn’t hold back the build up of pleasure any longer. It burst forward like water rushing from a dam, filling up every inch of her body. “Fuck fuck fuckity fuck FUCK!” Jack shouted, her entire body trembling as she came. Her pussy convulsed around Miradnda’s cock, milking the hard, fleshy rod for everything she had.

By the time she came down from her high, she was a trembling and whimpering mess. If she thought she had been wet before, it was absolutely nothing compared to what she was covered with now. Her thighs, her butt, Miranda’s thighs…everything was covered in their mixed arousal. Jack leaned forward, hugging Miranda tightly and giving her a deep, passionate kiss. Being on the receiving end of the toy was just so damn different from being the one doing all the fucking. It was good…really good. But even though she was ontop and Miranda was bound, she still felt strangely vulnerable….and all…girly. She needed to take back a little bit of the control that Miranda had stolen with all her fucking.

“Mmmm…you’ve been such a naughty little girl. Did I give you permission to fuck me?” Jack was still purring from her post orgasmic bliss, her eyes half-lidded as she basked in the afterglow. But soon enough, it came time to discipline Miranda for taking Jack’s control away. Her left hand came to the back of Miranda’s head and she grabbed her by that luxurious brown hair, forcing her head back to bare her throat. Jack leaned down, letting loose a feral growl as she bit the fading hickey she had left yesterday. She started sucking on the mark, hard. Bursting all the blood vessels she could in an effort to make sure that it would stay there in a lovely little bruise. “You are –mine-. You belong to me. And you are mine to fuck how –I- want to.” Jack growled against the porcelain flesh that now had a pretty little hickey that was her mark

She pulled away from Miranda, smiling deceptively sweetly. “You know why I love this toy so much, Pet?” Jack rolled her hips against her lover’s. Unlike a real cock that would grow soft when spent, Miranda was still rock hard. Sure it felt a little different she supposed…lighter, empty. But she knew that could quickly be remedied with another round of lovemaking. “I love it because it’s going to stay hard so I can squeeze every last drop of cum out of you.” To emphasize her point, Jack squeezed the muscles of her already achingly tight pussy, her walls clutching even tighter to the massive cock buried inside of her.

“You are going to sit here. And I am going to ride you again. And if you are really such a horny little slut that you need to fuck me to get off, you’re going to ask me. Nicely.” Another roll of her hips was given, a small moan finding it’s way past her lips. This little break was all Jack needed to feel energized again. She adjusted their position a little bit, perching herself precariously in Miranda’s lap, knees on her lover’s thighs. While she could only take about half the toy in this position, it put her breasts even with Miranda’s face. With a little tug of her head to urge her to play with her small, sensitive breasts. Jack began to ride her lover’s sensitive cock once more.
Miranda was proud of herself, relieved and satisfied personally but proud at getting Jack to climax. It was displayed on her face as well, how much she liked making Jack scream in pleasure for once, especially with her using the cock instead of Jack using it, something she could tell was special, as Jack was obviously not use to taking such a member. She had been so happy and proud of herself that she had forgotten one of the most important things, that Jack had never given her permission and she had never asked if it were okay to increase the pace. Miranda had always lived by the philosophy that was better to ask forgiveness than permission and she probably wouldn't change too much on that end but she did have an appreciation for the relationship her and Jack were developing in the bedroom. She liked being submissive to Jack, even if outside of sex she was quite headstrong and dominant. So she wanted to get into the habit of asking permission, of being even more loving and obedient than ever when they were in that mood, and for Miranda it would take some time.

However Jack made sure to remind her of what was expected, that asking permission to fuck her, even if she had cried out in pleasure during the act, was required. Of course since she was already in trouble she simply looked up and grinned, shaking her head but not looking sorry for what she had done at all. A small yelp escaped her lips when he head was yanked back however and soon it was followed by a purr when the hickey was not only refreshed but made much more present, which she would have to be careful to hide with her choker. "Yes Mistress, I understand, I am yours." She spoke to let Jack know she got the idea, and even liked it, but that she still didn't feel sorry for what she had done, even if she was going to do better the next time. A moan escaped her lips seconds later as Jack made another valid point, that no matter how long she wore it or how many times she ended up cumming, that it would never be anything but rock hard.

Jack's plan didn't really bother Miranda however, she had just received the first taste of the interesting new toy and she wasn't ready to stop. So when her Mistress began to ride her she didn't put up much of a struggle, in fact she merely smirked and relaxed in the chair to let Jack do all the work and reap the benefits of her tight little hole which was gripping ever so tightly around Miranda's hard cock. Her moans were proof of how much she enjoyed it and she made no attempts to hide her approval of the situation, purring and biting her lower lip, unable to suppress her further desire. So when Jack motioned for her to play with those lovely tits she licked her lips and eagerly went in. At first it was gentle, she took the first nipple into her mouth and mulled it about, her tongue swiping over it and swirling circles around the sensitive bud. Then she suckled and licked the entire perky length. Yet it eventually became more passionate and rough, her teeth locking and pulling the beautiful pink nub, grinding it and applying pressure to bring Jack's voice forward and torment her.

Miranda was even switching between the two lovely mounds, teasing and tormenting each time and making sure Jack felt as much pleasure and frustration she knew how to provide. She was even giving her playful looks as she suckled and nibbled, leaving marks and peering up from her position into Jack's lust filled eyes. Between several of her rougher actions she spoke, muffled slightly as the nipple was still in her mouth but it was audible. "May I fuck you now Mistress or shall I simply increase my efforts on other fronts?" She had another idea but she wasn't sure it would do much, she was hoping Jack was near the end of her wits as she wasn't sure she could hold back too much longer with the unpredictable pleasure driving her towards another peak, but also because she just wanted to pound Jack and drive her crazy. Of course as she awaited an answer she didn't give up, she was going hard at her little nipples, taking in the taste of the breasts she had so come to lust for so much. She thought they were absolutely sexy on Jack's body and the amount of sensitivity was amazing, she loved having one of Jack's weaknesses free for her mouth to exploit, and she was doing just that. Of course if her hands were freed she would be capable of so much more, she would just leave that option open for Jack, whether or not the woman wanted her at full force was up to her, she did after all hold all the power.
Without anything within her reach to bite or muffle her moans with, every little noise Jack made was available to Miranda’s ears. Her breathing came out in fast, frantic pants as though she were unable to ever get enough air into her lungs. Every little nip and lick to her sensitive nipples made her gasp or whimper. She was trembling, her nerves overloaded as her throbbing sex and her hard nubs were both stimulated at the same time. Jack was delirious with pleasure. Even though she barely ever had her breasts covered, they were still very sensitive. And no lover had ever been as talented in their attentiveness to them as Miranda was right now. “Mmmm…ohhh…fuck…yes! Your tongue feels so good Pet.” Jack cried, her back arching hips rocking faster. It was maddening, she couldn’t manage to generate enough force on her own in this slightly awkward position to make herself cum. But she was stuck in this loop where everything felt so damn good that she didn’t want it to stop…Jack couldn’t take it anymore, she needed release.

She finally gave up riding Miranda’s cock, lowering her body fully onto the toy so that their lips were even once more. Jack busied her mouth by giving her lover another bruising kiss as she reached around, hands finding the belt. Calloused hands quickly undid the clasp and she pulled at the leather, the strap soon became more than slack enough so that Miranda was free from her bindings with a little bit of wiggling.

Jack wanted to test out her Pet’s fucking skills. She knew from her own experience that wearing the cock was weird the first couple of times…but since this model was so new and so realistic, Miranda should have a fairly easy time getting used to it. Still, Jack knew that developing a rhythm with a brand new extension of her body could be a little difficult. So she slowly eased herself off of Miranda’s throbbing rod and climbed out of her lap. A shiver went up and then back down her spine at the feeling of emptiness. Holy fuck…how did she miss having Miranda buried inside of her already?

Jack hurriedly scrambled onto her unsteady legs, taking a few steps backwards so that she could hop up and sit down on the edge of Miranda’s desk. She estimated that it would be about the perfect height so that the toy would be level with her pussy once her Pet was standing. Surely the Operative could easily figure out how to work her hips and bring Jack serious amounts of pleasure in this new position.

“Come here Pet, right now.” Jack ordered, pointing to the spot between her splayed thighs as Miranda struggled out of the slackened makeshift handcuffs. She sat up nice and straight while she waited, showing off her glistening tattoos and rippling muscles. Even her chest was proudly puffed out, bright pink nipples looking like hardened pebbles atop her small mounds due to all of Miranda’s previous attentions. Her legs were spread wide open, offering her Pet the perfect view of the mess she had made earlier when she had cum inside of Jack’s tight passage. Even in the low light, there was no mistaking the arousal that was smeared all over the Convict’s inner thighs.

“I want you to fuck me. I want that cock ramming inside of me until I can’t take it anymore.” Jack’s growled, eying the toy between Miranda’s legs hungrily. Her hips were already undulating slightly in the anticipation of a good, rough fuck. It was so rare that she ever wanted anything inside of her her, but right now all she could think about was how good it would feel to have Miranda’s deceptively soft body ramming that rock hard rod into her.

Ever the impatient one, Jack couldn’t even wait for Miranda to get out of the chair, she needed pleasure –now-. Her left hand dipped down to her sopping wet folds. With her index and ring fingers, she pushed apart her engorged outer lips, revealing her light pink inner folds. The little button of her clit was so swollen that the bright pink nub peeked out from under it’s hood. The Convict was so hot and ready that she couldn’t stand it. She started toying with her clit with her middle finger, mewling like a cat in heat in her need.
Miranda's goal had been to get Jack to admit defeat, not out loud but by either untying her or asking for her to buck her hips upwards once again. It wasn't a power thing, she simply wanted to pleasure Jack and it wasn't something she could do without a little extra effort, without being allowed to go at it in a more furious way than the current slow riding. Miranda licked her lips as Jack reached back and began fumbling with the belt holding her wrists together, getting it off and allowing Miranda to have full use of her hands once again. It wasn't easy not to simply reach forward and grab Jack, to piston the hungry cock up into her tight sex until she unloaded inside of her once again. She only held herself back because Jack pushed herself off, which gave Miranda some ideas about what was to come, all of them tantalizing and highly desirable. Of course she didn't like being out of Jack's sex, her cock was throbbing and begging to be put back inside the hot hole it had just been deprived of, instantly seeking further pleasure.

When she was beckoned she didn't hesitate, moving over in front of Jack and looking down at her, mouth watering and cock still throbbing. "Yes Mistress, it will be my pleasure." Her voice was heavy with desire and as she moved ever closer her eyes drank up the sight, the beautiful pink pussy with her cum spilling out, her cute little clit, it was all very nice to look at. No matter how wonderful a scene it was Jack was too damn sexy to resist, her mewling was what sent Miranda over the edge, as soon as that noise escaped Jack's lips she had moved over and shoved her down, knocking various papers to the floor. "Mistress... I'm going to give you exactly what it is that you want." With a purr she adjusted her cock and then without further hesitation she shoved it inside of the younger girl, moaning out in pleasure as it sunk deep inside Jack. She was so tight and it felt amazing, Miranda knew that soon she was going to be bucking her hips wildly but for the moment she simply enjoyed the feeling, let herself sink into Jack and just sit there. She was in no rush at that very moment, though soon she would be once again.

The cock was awkward still, Miranda hadn't had a chance to get use to it, being unable to move around herself and having only worn it for a short amount of time. It wasn't the most difficult thing to get down though, Miranda's pistol was like an extension of her body, she had been trained in the ancient art of swordplay from a young age as a status symbol, and she picked up new things faster than anyone else. So as she began to move her hips it fell into place, being awkward at first and not being perfect even as it continued but her lack of experience wasn't going to hold the older biotic back, in fact it simply made her more eager than ever to achieve success in the newest endeavor. She did go slow during the beginning though, she didn't wish to get ahead of herself, she wanted to ease her way into it and do her best to make Jack want it all the more before she finally increased her efforts. Even that didn't last long, she couldn't keep herself calm and Jack wasn't exactly resistant.

When it all became too much to handle she finally began to let her instinct take over, the muscle that hid beneath Miranda's luscious and curvy body went to work. Slam after relentless slam brought her hips smashing into Jack's, her hands on the woman's knees to keep her legs spread as the cock plunged completely inside of the younger beauty over and over. Eventually it became more elegant, as with everything Miranda did an air of perfection soon arose, the cock delving inside of Jack and smashing against a point inside she had found particularly sensitive when faced with her thrusts. At the same time one of her hands went upwards, playing with the cute little breast, another hand moving and rubbing her clit, pulling and twirling it between her fingers. She even leaned forward and kissed Jack as things progressed, attacking all of the sensitive areas she could at once, looking to use her quick learning and impressive multitasking skills to make up for the lack of experience actually using the cock.

Of course it all had limits. For one Miranda was feeling it quite powerfully, she was moaning into Jack's mouth and eventually she had to stop kissing her all together, unable to breath and moan while kissing her, having to choose the first two. Then a hand fell away from Jack's body, the one playing with her breasts going down and pressing against the desk, keeping Miranda's upright so she could continue her assault on Jack's body. Eventually even the hand playing with Jack's needy clit had to be moved and she placed it on the desk as well, a hand being on either side of the younger woman. It was the perfect leverage for the near violent thrusting that came as Miranda approached another peak, her mind clouding over with lust as she stopped caring about anything else besides her own pleasure, though the brutal pounding of her cock into Jack was part of that, and it was going to be plenty for her lover as well, and if it were not she wouldn't know how to best it anyways.
Jack just about squealed in delight at being knocked backwards onto the desk top; the metal top instantly chilling her glistening back. Brown eyes looked up at Miranda with a new hunger, she felt so vulnerable and dirty now that she was laying on her back with her legs spread wide. Even though they still held their roles of Mistress and Pet, Jack felt herself starting to tip towards feeling like Miranda’s dirty little slut. It was actually surprisingly exhilarating. It was so rare that she ever got manhandled or had someone look at her, -really- look at her, the way the older biotic did. Part of her loved it; loved being reminded that Miranda was just as dangerous as she was. It was so easy to forget, what with the Operative’s curvy hips, bouncing breasts and pouty lips.

Jack moaned and writhed on the desktop as soon as the toy entered her sopping wet folds. Her pussy had become even more swollen and tight in the time Miranda’s cock had been separated from it. And now the pain of being penetrated was back as her Pet forced the massive toy back inside. Jack let out a little whimper of pain and discomfort, squirming slightly. She wasn’t even that bothered that Miranda was going so slow to start out with…Jack really did need a gentle pace to start out with. “That’s right Pet…find your rhythm…” the younger woman said encouragingly after a few awkward thrusts. As much as she wanted to buck her hips and take her pleasure, she tried her best to stay more or less still as to not hinder Miranda’s progress as she figured out how to work her new toy. Once the older biotic started to get things down though, Jack became less than patient with the slow pace.

“Harder baby. Come on, fuck me!” Jack growled. She knew that Miranda was still getting used to having a cock between her legs…. but Jack felt like she was going to die if she didn’t cum again within the next ten minutes. The younger woman was so wound up that her pussy was actually starting to seriously ache with wantonness. “Nice and hard Pet. Fuck my pussy. Prove to me you deserve this privilege! Ohhh fuck! Yes! Good girl!” With a relieved moan, Miranda’s faster, more elegant thrusts took the painful edge off of lust off, winding her up tighter. The way her Pet worked the toy was so different from how she did. Jack was an animal in bed, rough and relentless, borderline violent, -claiming- Miranda as hers every time she fucked her. But Miranda was so graceful and elegant to the point where Jack was sure she was planning every move like she had in their fight earlier today. It was so different…perfect.

She had thought she had gotten used to the massive toy and was ready and eager for Miranda to really let her have it. But once the Operative let her instincts take over, Jack rapidly realized that she –wasn’t- used to the massive cock, not in the slightest bit. She felt like her entire lower half was being slip intwo two once more as Miranda’s powerful hips began to slam into her, forcing the toy in and out of her quivering pussy. Her lover fucked her with such force that Jack was sure that her entire tattooed pelvis was going to be one giant bruise in the morning. But she didn’t care. It al felt so damn good. And when the Operative began manipulating her sensitive breast and clit, Jack totally lost it. The stimulation of so many of her sensitive spots was far too much. Her arms wrapped around Miranda as the older woman caught her lips in a passionate kiss. Jack desperately clung to her, fingertips beginning to claw into her lover’s back as she came, pleasure tearing through her like one of her Shockwaves. Her dull nails were sure to leave row after row of angry scratch marks all over the porcelain flesh. But rather than slow down and let Jack down easy from her high, Miranda seemed lost in her own lust. She was going to drag Jack to another orgasm!

“Ahh…AH! YES!” Jack screamed, her head snapping back, breaking their kiss and cracking against the desk, making her hiss in pain. “ACK! Fuck! Son of a…” Chakwas probably should’ve added ‘no extreme sex’ to the list of things she wasn’t supposed to do while she had a concussion. Even that little bang against the desk made her feel like she couldn’t tell which way was up anymore. She felt Miranda falter, probably wondering if she was hurt or not. But Jack bucked her hips up and hooked her legs around Miranda’s hips, giving her a squeeze with her thighs like a rider would to their horse to urge them on. “I’m fine. Don’t stop. Keep going. Mmmm…ohhhh fuck yes. Yes! YES!”

Her slender back arched like a bow as she tumbled down from another peak, this one even higher than the first two. Calloused hands flew upwards and away from Miranda as she felt her biotics flare without her meaning them to. She found the edge of the desk and gripped onto it for dear life as she tumbled through another massive orgasm. So tight was her grip that her knuckles turned white and her hands began to hurt. Her entire body spasmed as wave after wave of pleasure made every nerve in her body fire off, the muscles in her thighs twitched so bad that her legs visibly shook. Jack could make no other noise than surprisingly feminine, high-pitched moans. The folds of her slick channel had stopped their gentle quivering and fluttering and were now clenching at Miranda’s cock, trying to milk her Pet of every last drop of cum she had to offer.
Jack was encouraging when Miranda started, she wanted the hard rough pounding but she also was giving Miranda space to get use to the new attachment on her body and to find a rhythm. It didn't take long and her efforts, and Jack's patience, were rewarded with loud moans and screams from both women, though Jack was particularly vocal in her approval. Her words and adorable cries filled Miranda's ears and she found herself more vicious and hungry than ever, pushing her body to its incredibly impressive limits, being very aggressive yet still holding on to a degree of grace that surely only she could keep during such passionate sex. She could feel Jack's body against her own, each kiss that touched her lips and nail that dug into her delicate flesh was like a ripple of ecstasy that sought to bolster the already extraordinary level of pleasure running through the older woman. It was truly the most exhilarating experience Miranda had experienced in quite some time outside of battle, the woman experiencing a small power trip as she continuously smashed her hips into Jack's.

The only thing that had even halted Miranda's aggressive advance was the sound of Jack in pain, her head had hit the desk and Miranda was aware of the injury the woman had suffered, as while she hadn't left her desk she had taken a peak at Chakwas' records for the day after Jack's visit. However when the younger woman told her to continue she smirked and did just that, not only continuing but she had become more intense than ever, her actions being on the verge of violent as opposed to passionate or intense, she had lost control of her body and in that moment it was only seeking pleasure, nothing else mattering. That aggression extended past even Jack's next long orgasm, it continued until Miranda finally cried out, her head tipping back and her hips slamming one last time to push the cock all the way inside Jack before releasing the hot torrent of cum. Now Miranda wasn't sure what was normal but that second time, her second climax with a cock, it lasted for what seemed like minutes, though it was truly a mere handful of seconds, and she unleashed a large thick load.

The force and duration of the orgasm seemed to calm her luckily, Miranda's body shaking after so much over exertion and she slumped down on top of Jack, her head falling next to her lover's and her breath coming out in heavy pants. "Oh god Jack... I don't think giving me this thing is a good idea." She giggled lightly, a tired sound in her voice and expression on her face as she pushed up off of Jack, looking down at her for a moment before making her way back to unsteady feet. With a disappointed groan she pulled out, the cum soaked cock plopping out of Jack's tight and most likely sore sex, the member still hard but if it were real it would be limp, tired and unable to continue to fit the rest of Miranda's body. With a few unsteady steps she moved backwards, looking at Jack from a few steps back and her eyes were drooped slightly. She could definitely use a shower after all that, though most of her wanted to simply plop down onto the bed and pass out.

Of course as tired as Miranda was after the rough dominant moment she couldn't help but think about Jack above herself, her mind wanting to know what her Mistress wanted before it decided what it was going to do. "Mistress... Did I do good?" As she asked her question, one she really already knew the answer to, she moved closer again, reaching down and pulling Jack up so that she was no longer laying on the desk but sitting upright, enough to where they were eye level, or close enough. Her face was still set in such a way that the exhaustion she felt was noticeable, an oddly beautiful and vulnerable look for Miranda, but her eyes had become attentive again, looking at Jack as she waited for an answer. Her expression was not the only thing about her appearance that was sexy, in fact she looked more wild than she ever had before, her sweat covered body glistening and her messy and matted down hair seemed almost designed to create lust from those who looked at her. Then there were all the marks, whether they be from the bindings or Jack's nails and hands, or even accidental marks from her legs nailing the desk as she pummeled Jack's pussy, it all came together to make her a visage of incredible sexiness. And all of that was Jack's, every single fiber of Miranda's being now belonged in some way to Jack, a prize any being would have loved to claim for one reason or another.
Jack shouted and bucked wildly as she felt Miranda’s arousal spill out into her clutching walls, coating every inch of her insides with her hot cum; claiming the younger biotic as hers. Jack loved the absolute rawness and primal nature of the act and she moaned with delight at being so full. Delirious with pleasure, the younger woman was a little relieved that Miranda’s lusty hunger had been sated for the moment, she didn’t know how much more of her lover’s relentless, pistoning hips she could take anymore. Panting and sweaty, she hugged her Pet to her as she collapsed after that mind-blowing orgasm.

“Holy fuck…you’re right. It wasn’t a good idea, it was an –amazing- idea.” Jack giggled in return and gave Miranda a light kiss before the older biotic pushed herself back and onto her feet. “Nnnggghh…” She groaned, legs twitching involuntarily and eyes rolling back into her head as the thick cock slid out of her. Already she was starting to miss the heat and feeling of fullness. She could sense their mixed juices running down her thighs now that the toy had been pulled out of her. It made Jack shiver, the feeling of sweat and cum cooling on her overheated body was a very strange sensation indeed. But she couldn’t do much about it, the poor younger biotic was all worn out.

For now she was content to lay there on the desk and stare up at the ceiling, legs dangling limply off the edge, body sweat soaked and cum covered. Mmm…the post-orgasmic bliss was the best part after a rough fuck. The feeling of being so completely sated…it was nice. Jack was incredibly tired though. Between the sparring earlier today and then taking a rough pounding for what felt like hours, and probably had –indeed- been hours, she was ready to go to sleep. But she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to…not without a shower. There was so much cum smeared all over the entire lower half of her body that she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep without washing it all off.

Miranda seemed to have other plans for her it seemed, because soon Jack found herself getting yanked up which brought her out of her drowsy, post-orgasmic haze. Those brown eyes opened up, big and deceptively innocent as usual. As she looked Miranda over, she couldn’t help but grin. This was –her- woman, her dangerously beautiful girlfriend that was all Jack’s, no one else’s. Her lover that looked so very wild and sexy at the moment. Jack had very few things of her own…but as long as she just had Miranda it didn’t bother her that she didn’t have a home, belongings or a true identity. She had a girlfriend that was both her Pet and her lover, and nothing else mattered.

“You did magnificently my Pet.” Jack smiled and pulled Miranda towards her, wrapping her legs and arms around the woman, shuddering as the very messy toy pressed up against her belly. “Gah! You are such a mess…” Jack smirked, but she chuckled and reached down between them. She knew Miranda was absolutely spent, but that didn’t keep her from gently tracing her fingers up and down the length of the toy. “Mmmm…I think we both need showers now. Do you still want to play Mean Warden and Naughty Prisoner? Or do you want to go back to being my Miri that I will kiss and love…and maybe even wash your back if you’re good.”
As exhausted as Miranda was she was strangely alert, perhaps due to her life of training to be prepared in any situation, even when she hadn't slept in days, or simply due to her love for the woman. However when she received the compliment and Jack posed an interesting question she was fully attentive and a smirk grew on her face. First off she loved being praised, even if she had already known what Jack's response would be she asked the question anyways just to receive verbal confirmation. Then there was the game she herself had suggest, naughty prisoner and mean warden. While Miranda was quite tired she was also incredibly interested in playing that little game with Jack, being unable to fight back as Jack played and got rough with her, it seemed to be her new favorite way to fuck, rough and merciless. So the suggestion, despite her bodies protest, got Miranda horny once again, mere thoughts of what she could have done to her if she said yes filling her weary mind.

With how much she really wanted to have Jack play that role, and the fact that she needed to shower anyways, Miranda's mind was made up quickly. She leaned in and kissed Jack for a brief moment before smiling and biting her lower lip. "Okay, I'm thinking Mean Warden Jack and her Naughty Prisoner Miranda while we shower and when we get back it's your Miri and my adorable Jack cuddling and going to sleep." With that decision made she reached down, taking the cock that was still incredibly sensitive and removing it from her body, a shudder escaping her lips as she laid the soaked cock on the desk behind Jack and looked down at her dripping thighs. Miranda had cum and it had been something special, but her pussy hadn't been tended to like it usually was, not as much blissful thrusting had been given and so while her body was a bit tired she was sure she could take more if Jack decided to do anything more than play with her, which was slowly gaining ground as what Miranda was hoping to happen, over nothing so she could get some rest.

After a moment Miranda looked Jack up and down and then took a deep breath. "Of course I'm wondering if we should go together or separately in case someone is still roaming the halls." Miranda wasn't sure, she was usually the only person that took random walks around the floor but people were unpredictable, not to mention she had a feeling Jack wanted more than the simple leather bindings they had just used, a spark had hit her eyes earlier when Miranda mentioned the little idea, there was devious intent. So she wasn't sure if Jack had to go get something or prepared something and if she did that would be reason enough to arrive at different times. There was also the thought that they were doing the first thing they had ever done with a real chance of being caught. Miranda couldn't lock the showers off and they would be dreadfully obvious when playing as they would be, not to mention all the marks and bruises that would be all over Miranda's body when it wasn't covered with clothing. Hell she already had to sneak around to bathe separately so people didn't see evidence of her rough sex life, if she were with Jack it would be easy for any onlooker to put two and two together.

"What do you think love? How do you think we should go about things?" Love, a nickname Miranda had never used before felt so natural with Jack, it was truly what she was to the older woman and she had been tempted to start giving Jack other cuter nicknames recently, something she would eventually try out, slowly in case she didn't like one but she would find one she and Jack both enjoyed, though love and any adjective that described beauty were fun, especially cute or adorable, they got the best reactions. "Hell we could just both run naked through the halls to the showers if you want." A smirk grew on her face, she knew that wasn't going to be the choice but the image was very entertaining, a naked Jack chasing her through the halls, nobody would believe they were awake.
Ack! ‘Adorable’…she hated such diminutive compliments. It was worse than when Miranda called her ‘sexy’! At least ‘sexy’ was something one said to adult. ’Adorable’ though…it was one of the words that made Jack actually feel her age. It was weird…not entirely unpleasant but just…really fucking weird. She knew she was young, but because of all her life experiences, she had never really -felt- it before. Of course she did the usual things young people did: she was reckless, thought she was invincible, drank too much, partied too hard if Shepard took them out, and she always slept with lights on if she was all alone. A little afraid of the dark like a kid…not like she’d ever confess to it though. But at the end of the day, she saw her and Miranda as equals in experience, enough so that it made their difference in age just something easy to ignore. Except for now…when her damn girlfriend decided it was funny to call her ‘adorable’.

‘Love’…she liked that nickname though. It didn’t make her feel all…fuzzy and girly. And she showed just how much she approved of the new term of endearment by giving Miranda a soft kiss on the lips. “Mmm…as tempted as I am to lead you through the hallways naked, how about you go get started and I’ll go see if I can get some things for us to play with from the Armory.” Jack smiled and gave Miranda a tender kiss on the lips, and then a not so tender smack to the ass. She had yet to abuse the porcelain cheeks today and couldn’t wait to get her hands on them in the showers.

She hopped off the desk, feeling much better now that her body had had a couple of minutes to recover. Plus the chance to expand their BDSM relationship to include a little roleplay put a spring in her step. Scenes like this always opened up new doors, and Jack was excited to explore this one with Miranda. Before she got dressed to leave, she grabbed their toy and put it in. Then she grabbed her boyshorts panties, trying her best to tuck it comfortably into the measly bit of fabric before she slid on her cargo pants and then the leather straps that hid her nipples. Fully dressed and looking very eager, Jack gave Miranda a rough kiss goodbye.

“I’ll be there in just a few minutes, promise, Pet.” Jack grinned, licked her lower lip teasingly, and then bounded off out of her lover’s office. She wasn’t particularly nervous about people coming in and walking in on them. She used to take her showers around now. That had been back when she first came on board. For whatever reason, women don’t like to shower with a tattooed Convict right next to them, go figure.

Once she got up to the Armory, she was relieved to find that Jacob wasn’t around to ask her a bunch of stupid questions about why she needed this that or the other thing. So she was free to roam around and find things on her own. It didn’t take her long before she found a pair of cuffs with a key looped around them on a piece of paracord. She put the key around her neck and shoved the cuffs into her pocket. Then she looked around for something else…she could use a riding crop for discipline, but that didn’t fit into this particular scene…

Perhaps a stun baton on the lowest setting might be a little more fun. It took her a little while to find one since it was collapsible and Jack hadn’t recognized it at first. But once she did, she grabbed it, flicked her wrist, extending the baton. She played with the settings a bit, putting it on the lowest one and then using it on herself. Jack jumped and almost yelped in surprise as an electrical shock went through her, making her entire hand get an electrical shot of pain before going numb. But after a couple of seconds she could feel her fingers again and could move them. Perfect!

A piece of black armor caught her eye. Dressed as she was…she looked just like regular ol’ Convict Jack, that wouldn’t do at all if she was supposed to be a Warden. She grabbed the light armor that was rather thin. It actually looked like a black version of Miranda’s cat suit. She slipped it on, looking down at her body for a moment since she lacked a mirror. The young biotic didn’t quite fill out the chest area, but Jack definitely didn’t look all that bad in it, even though it was a little confining. Well…hopefully Miranda would appreciate it.

She rushed down back to the Crew Deck, she threw her previous outfit back into Miranda’s room before almost running over to the bathrooms. No one was awake, she hadn’t seen anyone in the hallways at all in all her moving around. This must be their lucky night! Jack slipped quietly into the bathrooms and grinned as she saw Miranda there, under there water.

“Prisoner Lawson? What the fuck do you think you’re doing out of your cell at this hour?!” Jack growled, her jaw set in a scowl as she waited for her naughty prisoner’s explanation, as she menacingly tapped the stun baton against the palm of her hand.
Adorable irritated Jack but Miranda loved that particular word when describing her beloved girlfriend, it described her perfectly. Sure anyone who didn't know Jack's true self would believe the exact opposite Miranda had learned the truth. Miranda knew how cute Jack was, her adorable expressions and odd innocence combined with her absolutely wonderful way of looking at things always had Miranda adoring the girl. They truly were an wonderful couple. Both of them seemed different than they truly were at first glance, both women putting on a front to appear tougher or more perfect than they really were and both having a side nobody else would have expected to find underneath. Not to mention how gifted they both were, Miranda more obviously so due to her upbringing and personality but Jack was equally as intelligent and certainly as naturally talented as the engineered Miranda. They even had their own respective sets of demons, Miranda had her father and the genetically engineered truth that always loomed overhead, and Jack had her unfair experiences and her obvious doubts about her own self worth. Together they were perfect where as apart they had both been vulnerable.

"Get started first?" She asked it as a question but simply shrugged when Jack made it clear she would join, besides Miranda had expected it. "You'll have to miss that moment where I first go into the water, head back and eyes closed, a shame really. Just don't keep me waiting too long." She said before they went their separate ways, Jack heading off to prepare and Miranda to grab some clothing to get her to the showers and back without being caught bare ass naked in the halls. When she was finally ready she went to the showers, Jack on her mind the entire time. Then the water hit her skin, the feeling of the hot liquid washing her clean was incredible and a sigh of relief escaped her lips, the sore muscles loosened and her exhaustion was staved off for the time being. It was a remarkable turn about just because of water but that was how things went, hot water always helped Miranda relax, almost on par with seeing Jack after a long way, though one effect was temporary while the other lasted for as long as the person was with her.

Of course the feeling of a shower was quickly overshadowed by Jack when she made her entrance, Miranda turning around with a faked look of surprise. She was in role as well and it was hard not to be with what was standing behind her. The uniform on Jack got her going, it was sexy as hell and she made a mental note to get her in more tight outfits and more leather, perhaps even get her some sort of thin lacy nightwear for the hell of it as well. That aside the current Jack was more than enough to keep her eyes occupied and her mind busy and she swallowed hard before speaking, her voice full of disdain and venom, she was a good actress after all. "What? So stupid that you can't figure out what I'm doing yourself?" She smirked, looking down at the weapon in Jack's hand, part of her unsure about how that would play in but the other part more excited and ready to experience whatever her lover and Mistress had in mind for the threatening device.

"Guess it's true, the guards really are all ignorant cunts." She muttered the words but clear enough so that Jack could hear and she soon found her feet carrying her a tad closer. "Corrupt too I heard and from what I've seen of you I wouldn't have been safe even in my cell, even in there you would have found some bullshit to levy against me in order to do what you want without proper punishment. Typical of those in power, always wanting the few things they can't have or the people who don't want them." Miranda really was a skilled actress, she had been playing a part for most of her life and so little things were nothing and she could make roleplaying a lot of fun, for both herself and Jack. Of course she was sure it would be difficult to find interesting roles, things unusual enough or scenarios one of them really wanted to do, it was hard to get above the real action and excitement of their everyday lives. Perhaps the Normandy itself wasn't terribly exciting but there was no doubt that Miranda and Jack were both part of something incredible and that made some things seem less desirable, such as stupid action movies or the idea of a boring or an average roleplay. "Oh and to answer your question Warden, I'm out of my cell to take a fucking shower." Yes, it was going to be fun, though she knew being so arrogant and rude would get her in trouble, even within a game.
The bulge of the toy was straining against the leather uniform as brown eyes drifted over Miranda’s form giving the illusion that Jack was just getting turned on by seeing her prisoner’s gorgeous body slick and glistening with water. Jack licked her lips hungrily. Claiming Miranda in the shower had been a fantasy of hers for as long as she had been on the Normandy. The shower had some excellent acoustics, it would surely provide a fantastic place for all of Miranda’s wonderful little screams and moans to be amplified. Now that her head was clouded with the feeling of power over her prisoner, the young biotic couldn’t wait to get started. But as always, Miranda wasn’t going to make things easy for her. And Jack wouldn’t have it any other way.

Those big brown eyes that Miranda so loved narrowed into menacing little slits, fixing the mouthy prisoner with a mean glare. Jack was not an actress by any means. She was an emotional animal and fell into her role by letting her true anger at her prisoner’s arrogant mouth show through. It was easy for her to get lost in her own emotions…which was why she was so careful to guard them. Even though Jack was so good at balancing her animal nature and her humanity…balancing her raw emotions was a whole other challenge. But she was fairly confident she could rip herself out of the character she was letting herself spiral into. She loved Miranda above all else, surely the pained cry of ‘Mercy’ would immediately revert her back to Jack rather than the Warden.

Her posture changed, she stood taller, squared her shoulders and looked bigger, more intimidating. Maybe it was the uniform…there was something about clothes that contain so much power. Jack knew that the black leather gave her a certain air of menacing threat, and she reveled in the feeling.

She set her jaw and growled, storming across the couple feet distance between them with stun baton in hand. She cracked the thin metal rod right over Miranda’s ass, flicking her wrist so that the pain was more biting than blunt, dragging the electrical shock of the baton over the curve of her ass before pulling away. It must’ve been a strange sensation, to have that initial jolt of pain, then numbness that lulled the body into a false sense of safety, then vengeful pain once more. She grabbed Miranda right by her mane of hair, fisting and holding her to make sure she didn’t start to fight back now that the threat of being hurled around like a ragdoll by her hair was very real. She yanked her head back, forcing that regal neck to be bared which Jack immediately bit with an animalistic growl, pressing her front into Miranda’s back.

“What did you call me Lawson?!” Jack hissed into the delicate flesh, her voice low and threatening because she didn’t know if the showers were soundproofed like how Miranda’s office was. She released Miranda’s hair and now grabbed her wrist. It was one of the things she had learned in prison…the guards were always unpredictable and quick. As soon as you got used to one form of torture, another took it’s place immediately to keep you on your toes.

Her calloused hand was rough and unyielding, with a grip like a vice, the warden yanked her prisoner’s arm behind her back, pushing upwards until the tendons in Miranda’s shoulder surely screamed in protest. Now vulnerable, Jack could use the pressure on her strained arm to walk Miranda forwards, putting her near the warm stream of water but not under it, just slightly to the side. And she kept moving forward, right until those luscious breasts were pressed into the cold, tiled wall. “You know I was going to be nice and just fuck you before throwing you back into your cell. I know a little slut like you must be going crazy without a cock to pound you with every night.” Jack pressed her entire body up against Miranda’s backside, letting her feel the bulge of the massive toy straining against her uniform.

“But you have such a dirty little mouth Lawson. Now I’m going to have to punish you before I fuck you.” Jack hissed in her ear. She tucked the stun baton under her arm to hold it before pressing her body firmly against Miranda, forcing her into the cold tiling of the wall as she yanked her arms down, cuffing her wrists together behind her back. “I think one hit for each curse should be good.” Jack was quick, making adjustments, dragging Miranda through their roleplay at a breakneck pace so that she didn’t have time to plan, only time to react. She relieved Miranda of the weight behind her, stepping back and to the side. Before she could run or squirm away, the baton came crashing down on her ass. “One!”

Jack grinned as her prisonder’s body stiffened. She wondered if she could get Miranda to cry out. “Two!” Another brutal smack, the electrical shock of the baton flared out from the intial contact point, shocking and then numbing her ass. “Three!” The final hit was hard, almost borderline violent as Jack spiraled deeper into her role as Warden. The marks from yesterday were almost entirely faded away. And now between the stunning electricity of the baton and the actual physical force of the rod, her entire ass was lit up in deep maroon welts with bright red electrical burns radiating from them.

“On your knees, wise ass. I’m going to wash out that dirty mouth of yours with my cum.” SMACK! Jack’s bare hand came down, lighting up the welts from the baton with even more pain.
Miranda loved everything about Jack, including how easy her emotions were to manipulate. The older woman used that quality in the younger woman for her own means previously, making her mad to get off a topic she no longer wished to discuss, pushing her buttons to back her into a corner, work her up to win an argument or fight. It had been so easy, and it still was, but she had new purposes for her knowledge. Now she used it to get Jack turned on, she had also found it made it easier to get the closely guarded girl to open up, and in the specific instance she found herself in she was using it to get Jack into the role she was to be playing. It wasn't that difficult, Jack had the look after her visit to the armory, both in outfit and in equipment, and there was a general bad girl turned good vibe that Jack always had coming from her. Not in a way that made her seem reformed but in the way a dirty cop or military leader had, someone with both authority, or a cause, and the willingness to do what it took.

That presence was merely elevated as Jack made a quick and decisive move, smacking Miranda's ass with the stun baton she had seen previously, something she had been curious about. She was tempted to yelp out but kept it to herself, instead she stayed in character and growled angrily before her hair was used to yank her head back and teeth bore in to her neck. It didn't draw blood but the bite had proved dominance in a way only animals and predators understood. Miranda got the message, it didn't cause her knees to go weak but she was wise enough to get the meaning. "Fucking bitch." She muttered, trying to yank her gorgeous mane of hair away from Jack with no luck, her eyes narrowing as she looked back as best she could. "That the best you got whore?" She soon found out that it wasn't the case, her arm bent in an unnatural way and sending a shock of pain through her, not horrible but enough to cause her to think twice about really fucking with Jack, though her adrenaline was currently at peak capacity.

"Going to have to do better than that bitch." Her goading was believable, though anyone really paying attention could notice the excitement that contradicted the hatred Miranda was trying to portray as the naughty, and quite horny, prisoner. The roleplay was hitting on some major turn-on's for Miranda, especially as she was shoved up against the cold wall, her nipples hardening more than they already were and her tongue running over her plump pouty lips. "Like I'd want your cock." She struggled to say the words even in the roleplay but it was difficult to hide her true feelings as the bulging cock was pressed up against her backside, a breath being caught as she resisted her desires to turn around and drop to her knees. Both her and Jack knew it, hell the damn roleplay was designed for her to be a naughty prisoner in the first place, she just didn't want to be naughty for this Warden, it would be fun to deny only her. Of course it was just a story but the one concocted in her head was one of disdain between them.

When the punishment was decided though she changed her expression dramatically, the cocky and amused grin on her face shifting to something much more aware of her position. Then it came, the first strike with the baton and she grit her teeth, snarling but not screaming despite her desire to. "That all you have bitch?" She stayed in character despite the punishment, taking hit after hit and even an extra one from the curse she had just spat out. By the time it was over her ass hurt immensely but she had managed to stave off the feelings and keep herself from screaming, though the pain could be seen regardless of her efforts. "My knees? You have to be kidding me, I think perhaps instead of expecting me to do a damn thing you should go on back to your office..." She leaned in much closer, ignoring the smack of her bare hand with little more than a grunt of pain, and whispering slowly. "And... Go... Fuck... Yourself." She leaned back with a satisfied grin, playing the tough prisoner suited Miranda. She was already much more durable than people would believe at first glance, she had a bit of an attitude, and for the most part she was a pain in the ass when confronted. The real Jack was exempt from that side of Miranda, she hadn't been for a long time but she was currently in a very good spot with her older lover. The role Jack was playing however was not.
"Go fuck myself?!" Jack snarled. Her prisoner was -really- starting to push her buttons. Lawson's bravado was infuriating and Jack wasn't going to take the arrogance in her voice for any minute longer. She stepped back far enough so she could flip Lawson around to look at her. Any traces of Jack were barely there anymore; instead there was a very pissed off, shaved headed Warden glaring at her stupid bitch of a prisoner. A calloused, strong hand shot up, grasping Lawson by the throat much like how she had when they had been sparring earlier that day…except now it applied pressure and forced Lawson to meet her brown eyes that were burning with how furious she was. "You stupid little slut." The young biotic hissed threateningly, snarling, baring her teeth like an animal. Every muscle in her body was tensed as she tried to fight the urge to squeeze, to smear her prisoner against the wall.

Miranda…this is Miranda…she doesn't mean it…it's just a character…

The thought flickered in her mind and she loosened her grip that had slowly been tightening around her lover's throat. Fucking Miranda…she was going to get herself killed with her acting. Jack's eyes flickered for just a moment, the urge to drop the scene weighing down on her. But then she noticed Miranda's nipples and how hard they had gotten from pressing them to the cold tiles. Then her eyes dropped lower…and there, right between her legs, was her lover's arousal smeared all over her sex from their moving around. Between the scent that Jack knew so well and the way it clung to her body rather than forming droplets like water would, Jack was fairly certain that Miranda had been getting turned on by the rough treatment, though perhaps the younger woman trying to choke her had gone a little too far. So she switched gears and tried to work a new plan of attack to get her prisoner right where she wanted her.

"Oh you don't want my cock huh?" Jack ran the stun baton down Miranda's front with her one hand, while the other kept a light hold of her neck to keep her from wriggling around too much and running away. The baton sent crackling electricity down her sternum, down the soft flesh of her stomach and finally down her mound. She swirled it, letting the slightly unpleasant electrical shock force the nerves of her pussy to hit a hypersensitive state. She raised the baton between their faces, smirking as it glistened with Miranda's arousal. "What is this? Doesn't look like shower water to me Lawson." Jack flicked off the baton before she stuck her tongue out, slowly running it up the length of the tip. She shivered at the taste of Miranda's arousal, it always got her going like nothing else did. "Doesn't taste like water either."

Jack smirked and tucked her baton under her arm and released the grasp on her throat. With Miranda bound with biotic suppressing handcuffs, she wasn't particularly worried about her prisoner escaping or getting too uppity. She used her now free hands to work the zipper of her uniform, drawing it downwards to her hips, giving glimpses of the tattoos and muscles that hid underneath it. Even though the uniform was now growing moist with the steam and spray from the shower, Jack didn't want to take it off. It helped hide the tattoos that were so characteristically her own. As the zipper finally stopped at her hips, the cock that had been so desperately straining against the material sprang out, bobbing proudly between Jack's legs.

"I'm going to fuck you until you can't even stand. Then I'm going to fuck that smart ass mouth of yours when you finally get to your knees." The younger woman growled, taking hold of the stiff toy and running the bulbous head against Miranda's dripping slit. "You can't hide what a slut you are from me Lawson…I know you want this. When was the last time someone fucked you? -Really- fucked you?" And while Miranda thought about the answer to that question, Jack slammed the entire length of the throbbing cock into her, groaning as her prisoner's slick heat enveloped the sensitive member.
Jack's anger had an authenticity to it that didn't scare Miranda but had her cautious. She was already pushing it, pissing her off beyond what seemed smart when the younger girl had such a difficult job holding back her emotions. However she couldn't stop, not only was she enjoying it too much but she was also in character and had become carried away herself. It was difficult to maintain that thinking when she found her throat at Jack's mercy, the pressure proof that she wasn't entirely safe. Ultimately though Miranda trusted her lover, the woman loved her and the feelings were mutual so she knew Jack wouldn't hurt her. So she smirked, looking down at Jack and watching as her mind worked until finally the grip loosened, though she wasn't released which was just the way she wanted it. In fact she was a bit more excited than ever, choking not getting her excited but having Jack demonstrate so much power, get so passionate, it was definitely something Miranda found herself enjoying.

Miranda soon found out what Jack was going to do if not severely punish her, that was running the stun baton trailed down her beautiful chest body and to her sex. It was an odd feeling, the electric shock hurt but at the same time it caused some incredible arousal that was present on the same baton when it was lifted in front of her face. She swallowed hard as Jack called her bluff and went as far as to taste her arousal from the baton, an action that was much sexier than she had believed it would be. "That's right, I don't want your pathetic cock." She paused and then smirked, looking right into Jack's eyes as she spoke again. "As for that, I was masturbating before you got in here, playing with myself while thinking about that tasty guard I plowed the other night, you know, the cute Asari, she seems to have a little crush on me and it made things so easy..." Miranda was certainly enjoying the roleplay, it was fun to let go of the real life problems for some random bullshit problems and experiences that wouldn't allow her to think about anything else but the now.

As the zipper began moving downwards Miranda swallowed hard, her eyes began to show the lust and desire, she even managed to slip in a bit of surprise for the sake of the act. "I always pegged you for a no good piece of shit... Just like the inmates you guard... Those tattoos are just more proof." She smirked, though the look didn't carry as much weight as it had previously. Miranda was turned on, her true self and the self she was trying to play as an inmate, both liked what they saw. So when she was promised such a thorough fuck she didn't have much to say, not that it mattered because Jack seemed to see right through her now, the uncontrollable arousal too difficult to hide. It really was impossible for her to deny the allure of being fucked by that large cock, Jack's powerful hips thrusting the member inside of her over and over. The thought made her become so ready, and so when the entire length was shoved inside of her she couldn't hold back the moan.

She fought back though, trying to stay in character and moved from moaning to snarling. "Think this means I like it? Well guess again, sex is about more than a thick cock and powerful thrust... Attraction... Is needed." Unconvincing was about the only way to describe Miranda's voice, the layer of pleasure hiding behind her words and the inability to hide the bit already on the surface gave her no credibility. In fact it was more amusing that convincing and she knew Jack would notice, a fact she couldn't do a damn thing about as she looked upon the woman. Yes, Jack had always turned her on in terms of appearance, she was a damn sexy woman and could be cute at times as well. Yet in front of her right now was an even sexier woman than usual, the authority and uniform adding enough sex appeal to have Miranda's practically drooling, her eyes drinking in the sight and her tongue tracing across her lips. "Fuck... Oh Shit..." She grit her teeth and tried to stop her mutterings, keep herself from moaning. Jack may have had the upper hand but she wasn't going to give in.

The question was what could she do, the powerful movements Jack could do were difficult to compete with on a regular basis, more so when she was handcuffed, already quite tired, and supposed to be the prisoner in the first place. She didn't want to just let it happen though, that wouldn't make sense in context with the roleplay. So she did the only thing she could do at that moment, she taunted, pushed buttons. "Is this all you have? Quite laughable really..." Her voice still wasn't too confident or convincing but her words were going to sting. "I guess being so young makes you shit in bed... Not that it matters, since you rape your partners... It isn't like you being good matters." A single moan escaped her lips and she quickly bit down to stop it from happening again, her eyes looking into Jack's before she slowly spoke, taunting the woman. "Try. Harder. Bitch." It was a struggle to not moan but even more so to speak and not moan, it took all of Miranda's willpower to keep up her act, she just hoped it got a rise out of Jack.
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