Mass Effect: Jack/Miranda (AlureNova x Javorcek)

“You want me to fuck you hmmm?” Jack grinned as Miranda whimpered once more. “I dunno…” the young biotic drawled, pretending to think it over while her fingers traced lazy circles around her pet’s aching clit. “I suppose you’ve been a very good pet today…obeyed all my orders like a good girl.” Her hand left Miranda’s sex as Jack made a show of rearranging herself into a more comfortable position. The young biotic was nothing but rippling muscle and ink. She could easily have dragged Miranda through a rough, mind shattering orgasm. But where would be the fun in that? Instead of the roughness Miranda was growing accustomed to, Jack eased the fake cock into her. Centimeter by centimeter, the toy disappeared slowly into the folds that were so ready for her. “Mmmm fuck…you’re dripping wet. You really want to cum don’t you?” Jack purred as she drew out , the bulbous head of the toy draggin against Miranda’s most sensitive spot so terribly slowly that Jack was sure she wouldn’t be able to cum. Every motion the young Mistress made was slow and deliberate. It gave just enough friction to feel good but lacked any sort of speed or passionate thrusting needed in order to finally find release.

No amount of begging or pleading would change Jack’s mind: she was set to torture Miranda with a nice, slow, fuck. After all, her pet hadn’t specified what -kind- of fucking she wanted, so Jack decided to make the decision for her. Besides, she herself liked to play this game: to see how self-disciplined she could be and see how long she could fend off the growing urge to ravish her pet completely. This was the closest she ever came to subbing: Jack herself as her own Mistress. The young biotic had never had anyone toy with her the way she toyed with Miranda. She had never trusted anyone to be her Mistress, let alone her Top. Jack was strong, she just sort of naturally ended up with women with submissive personalities. But Miranda wasn’t a weak pet…she could easily toss Jack into a wall like a ragdoll if she wanted to. The Operative was –choosing- to submit, -choosing- to trust Jack to take care of all the things she couldn’t say. The thought both thrilled and scared her that Miranda may just be a switch rather than a true sub.

Jack was brought out of her musings as Miranda tried to rock her body backwards onto the toy, seeking more pleasure. Jack gave her a nice swift WHACK! on the ass in response. “Stay still pet. Enjoy it....” She cooed softly, trying to get her pet to be still. She knew that this was horrible, especially for Miranda who hadn’t cum yet. But when they both finally found release it would be mind-blowing. The slow build up would be worth it, no matter how maddening and torturous it felt now. Jack hardly ever took her time or savored –anything- in her life. But slowly thrusting the dildo in and out of Miranda was one thing that she could spend hours doing and never get tired of. The way her folds so desperately clutched and squeezed Jack’s cock…the enveloping warmth that made goosebumps pop up over her cool body. Even all her little whimpers and moans, it all drove the younger woman wild.

By the time Jack’s self control broke, she was so wound up that it actually hurt. The cock throbbing between her legs pulsed so hard that she thought it was going to burst. Her core was tight, burning; her entire body begging for her to just submit to the primal urges that were reclaiming her. She couldn’t take it anymore, she –needed- to ravish Miranda, claim her as hers, fill her pet with her cum and fuck her until they both could barely breath. After forcing herself to back out of Miranda, so far that the tip of the cock threatened to fall out, and probably would have had Miranda’s folds not have been clutching so desperately to the toy, Jack rammed the entire length into her with a growl. “Holy…fuck…” she moaned. The brutal pace from the beginning of the night was nothing in comparison to the absolutely frantic, haphazard drilling that Jack’s hips were up to now as she sought her release. “Ohhh...oh shit...yes...fuck! Cum for me Pet….cum for your Mistress.” She panted, a sheen of sweat coating her tattooed body. She tossed her head back, mouth open in a soundless scream as she felt Miranda start to quiver and tremble around her.

“Mmmph…ohhh…oh fuck… FUCK!” Jack cried, her cock pulsing heavily as she came. The tip of the toy burst with thick ropes of Jack’s arousal, filling Miranda, spilling out of her pussy and down her thighs. Her hips lewdly slapped against her pet as Jack kept going, cursing and shouting as pleasure clouded her mind and her body kept rocking forward, seeking more of the wonderful sensation.

Dizzy and panting as she came down from her high, Jack fell forward, her sweaty body crashing into Miranda’s. The poor convict was spent and couldn’t even make an attempt to hold herself up any longer.
Jack's continued denial made Miranda a bit upset, she was whimpering and looking back with hate in her eyes. It was playful, not true hate but she was making it clear that she wanted something more. She did find a lovely distraction though, she found her eyes admiring the beautiful woman Jack truly was. She had always had a thing for muscular and toned bodies, the sexy woman had strength that few people had and she loved it, loved everything about her. Of course she had never been aware how sexy it could be on a feminine woman. She had also learned something else, that she liked tattoos, something about that muscly inked body turned her on, and the feminine curves just made it so much better. Jack was just magnificent and she found herself wondering how she didn't notice before, or if perhaps she had simply been in denial, using what went on between them to ignore urges towards the fiery girl. The thoughts were ended when a single word fluttered into her mind, 'pervert', and it was truly what she was, a woman of her age lusting and fawning over a young girl.

It was worse than that even, she was loving having that younger girl tease and fuck her, so much so that she couldn't even disagree with being called a slut. She was a pervert, a slut and a pervert and she wanted nothing more than to embrace it at that point, to allow herself to go with her new image, yet only in the presence of her young Mistress. So that made it hard to stop herself and as her body began to move on its own to counteract the painfully slow thrusting she knew she was in for a reprimand. The whack to her ass didn't come as a surprise and she simply moaned out, the jolt of pain also bringing her a bit of pleasure that the slow teasing didn't provide, though it did stop her movements. She wanted to be good, to allow Jack to do whatever she wished, and she also wanted to prove that she could listen to orders and trusted Jack. With that she didn't move again, whimpering and moaning gently in frustration as it continued.

The teasing that Jack called fucking was maddening and after awhile she had taken to gripping the sheets and gritting her teeth to stop herself from allowing herself to move. She needed to cum and to do that she needed something more than the teasing and it was more tempting as she felt Jack's cock throbbing in its desire to plow her. So when it finally came she could do nothing but submit herself too it, loud moans and screams of pure ecstasy escaping her lips, it felt amazing and she didn't want anything but more of the rather brutal and animalistic fucking. It really was unique though, she had never been mounted in such a way, never had such desperate powerful hips slamming into her, and the large cock filling her tight hungry hole was enough to get her yelling, but not just anything, she had begun yelling Jack's name. "Oh fuck, Jack... Fuck me... Please don't stop!" She was begging, a tone in her voice that was more than pleasure, one that made it obvious that she would do anything to keep the pleasure coming and that was the truth. At that moment Jack would do absolutely anything to keep her fix coming, especially at the insanely pleasurable pace, even if her body was going to pay for it.

Before she could figure out what was going on she was cumming, the pent up need for an orgasm making it very easy for her to find release. Finally achieving that pleasure was something difficult to handle in and of itself though, she found herself cumming several times without pause and her body was overloading with all that had been done to her over the past period of time. "Oh fuck... I don't know if I can... Take this..." A loud arching moan came from the woman as her body shook and quivered, being fucked so hard and so passionately made it impossible for her to calm herself and almost as her to do anything but moan and scream. "Jack... Mistress... Fuck!" She didn't know whether to ask for Jack to stop or continue and before she could decide it was over, the pounding stopped and after one last long orgasm it all came to an end.

Jack's weight on top of her moments later caused Miranda's arms to buckle and she collapsed on to the bed, her body a sweaty mess but it felt nice, their bodies pressed against one another slick with sweat. The cum inside her and running down her sexy thighs was warm and ultimately satisfying, especially with it being Jack's. And most of all as she placed her head against the bed she could look back and see Jack and a smile formed on her panting face. "Thank you Mistress." The last three words said in a breathless voice, she felt completely worn out. Of course when that was said she smiled again, a hand reaching back and weakly touching Jack's arm before falling back to the bed. "Jack... Do you realize what you've done?" She paused, still breathing heavily as her voice and attitude returned more to a lover than a sub, seeing that Jack was exhausted as well. "I'm so yours..." She giggled weakly before closing her eyes and just laying there for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of finally being relieved and not moving, letting her body cool down and the feeling of her lovers body atop her own. 'Fuck Miranda, you're so in love... How the hell did this happen?' was the only thought in her mind, but contrary to how she had always thought about it in the past she actually liked the feeling now, liked being in love and against all odds liked what that entailed. It was probably the best feeling she had ever had.
“You’re welcome Pet.” Jack murmured. She shut her eyes, a content smile on her face as she relaxed ontop of Miranda’s body. The feeling of a delicate hand touching her arm made the younger woman open her eyes and tilt her head back to look at Miranda again. “What did I do Miri? She asked before chuckling at the admission that the Operative was all hers. “Never thought Ms. Perfect would end up with a fucking psychopath.” The younger woman teased. Looking at them side by side, even when they weren’t spitting insults, no one would ever guess that they were together. They were just so different on the outside…to the point where even Jack was caught off guard by how similar they both were at their cores.

“But I’m glad you’re all mine. I’m not fucking sharing your ass with anyone.” Jack smirked. She knew bitchface Kelly Chambers went around spouting her ‘Jack approaches sex casually and fucks everyone because she’s got issues’ bullshit and yeah, that was true…sometimes. But the Convict actually -liked- Miranda. Sex with her wasn’t casual…it actually meant something to Jack and of course the younger biotic would be faithful to her girl. Miranda was –hers-, her girlfriend, her pet, her lover.

As tired as she was, she managed to make a little effort to wiggle her body up Miranda’s body so that she could kiss her neck. She wanted to physically mark Miranda as hers. Collaring wasn’t really her style…years of wearing a biotic dampening shock collar made her hate the things. And she didn’t think Miranda would be too keen on getting a tattoo; but a hickey would probably a good compromise. Jack picked a spot on her neck that would be hidden by her uniform, to her left side, a little bit under her choker. And once she had kissed and nibbled her way to that spot, Jack gave it a little nip before sucking on the soft, porcelain flesh. Miranda was so pale that it didn’t take long for the sucking to leave a hickey. With a satisfied grin, Jack snuggled back into her. “There, now you’re definitely marked as mine.”

Jack didn’t want to move…she was exhausted. And Miranda felt so comfy underneath her. She liked the feel of the other woman’s body when she was breathing, the way it made both of them rise and fall slightly as Jack laid ontop of her. But the younger woman realized that she should probably get off so that Miranda could go to bed. It was late…they both had to be up early in the morning. So with a bit of a whimpering groan, Jack adjusted herself so that she could at least take the toy out of both of them. “Fuck” she hissed and shuddered as the cool air of the room hit the fake phallus and immediately yanked the sensation transmitting toy out of her, tossing it to the side. The toy had been an absolute wet mess, she could only assume Miranda’s sex was just was uncomfortably wet.

“Stay still…” Jack whispered as she started to crawl down Miranda’s back. The words were more of a request rather than an order. “Just relax…” Lips found their way down Miranda’s creamy skin and to the welts from the riding crop. Tenderly, Jack began to lick the old wounds, soothing and cleaning them with her nice, warm tongue. “I hope I didn’t hurt you too bad,” she said after catching the faint taste of blood from some of the darker welts. A few more licks and kisses were given to her marred rear, sort of an apology. Jack knew that Miranda asked for it, even loved the rough treatment. But after their play, when she fell back into the role of lover rather than Mistress, Jack didn’t like to see Miranda hurt, even if she was the one who had caused it.

Lower the younger woman kept going until she finally reached the soaking wet lips of Miranda’s sex. Diligently she began to lap up the mess between her lover’s legs. Showering before bed would probably be easier…but the showers were sooooo far away. Besides, Jack didn’t mind her own taste, it wasn’t bad. And the Operative’s taste was easily something she liked much better, maybe it was just because it was Miranda’s. “Mmm…think you can cum again for me baby?” Jack purred as her lapping turned into more adamant licking and sucking. She sucked and licked the entirety of Miranda’s sex before focusing just on the little bundle of nerves that she had neglected all night. The little nub became trapped between soft lips, a skillful tongue flicking at it from side to side as she tried to bring Miranda’s tired body over another peak.
'Never thought Ms. Perfect would end up with a fucking psychopath.' Those words made Miranda looked back at Jack with a rather serious expression, no anger or concern but she was deep in thought. People really wouldn't guess about her and Jack but she objected to the use of psychopath to describe her young lover. Sure she had used similar words in the past but the truth was far different, Jack wasn't a psychopath, in fact she was adorable and sweet, cuter than anyone would give her credit for. Miranda knew this now and she would be damned if she was going to let anyone treat the girl badly again, though she would have to figure out ways to protect the young girl without being discovered, as much as she loved Jack they both knew what would happen if someone found out about their connection. Sure some people would accept it, Shepard would probably just tease them, but others would strongly object and it would cause tensions to rise on the ship, not to mention if it got back to Cerberus HQ they would both be in trouble. So for now, while they had to be on point for the mission that was practically suicidal, they had to keep it contained, at least for as long as they could.

That didn't matter though, she was spending plenty of time with Jack and while they had yet to do much more than fuck there would be plenty of time to actually go out together. Besides, when all was said and done she had the girl beside her at night, something she planned on making mandatory for the younger girl. For the moment she was simply relaxing more than anything, she wasn't moving or even speaking, her eyes had closed again and she took in everything around her, especially Jack's very slow movements, wondering what the girl was up to. Then she found out, kissing and nipping occurring at her neck, small giggles escaping her as she remained still, allowing the hickey to be given to her and smiling when Jack spoke of the mark. "Yes, though perhaps something more permanent eventually, until then you'll have to refresh that mark love." Her voice was soft and conveyed the immense amount of emotion she contained for Jack and if she had the will to move she would have turned around and held her lover tight. For the moment though she was having trouble speaking, she was exhausted and needed a minute before she would be able to do anything substantial.

A moment was enough for Jack to get herself mobile again, something that Miranda knew would only lead to no good, and that thought made her grin, wondering what Jack would do. The first step was removing the fake cock of course and while she knew it was coming a soft moan escaped her lips as it did, the filling presence being removed causing her to whimper slightly, it had felt good to be connected. However there was always more with Jack, it never ended when she expected it to and that was true of the current situation as well. Soon she felt the tongue running against her sore but delicious ass, moans escaping as the bruises and welts were taken care of by the warm soothing tongue. "You didn't... Besides, I heal incredibly fast you know, faster than other humans, I'll be fine." She didn't mention how much worse she had been hurt in the past, they both knew pain and how little that had truly been compared to what each of them had experienced, she preferred to speak of the positive, of how she would be fine quickly and how Jack didn't need to worry.

She didn't speak after that, when he sex began to be taken care of she could only whimper, she was still quite exhausted and her body was throbbing after the overload of pleasure but here she was being revved up again. She couldn't say no to Jack's question but neither would she say yes, she had been ready to hold Jack close and drift off, maybe chat a bit but other than that to relax. She wasn't so sure she wanted more attention. Yet she was getting it and her sensitive body couldn't take much, her voice slowly rising in volume until she was thrown onto another ride, her body shaking as pleasure shot through her and her delicate bundle of nerves got attention it had lacked during the long and drawn out fucking she had received earlier. "You bitch..." It wasn't serious, in fact her tone was entirely playful, but by that time she had come down a bit and had some degree of control over herself, panting but rolling over once the orgasm had ended. Then she reached down, using all the strength she had to yank Jack up and bring her to face level, their bodies pressed up against one another, her larger breasts pushing into Jack's smaller yet firm mounds, and her eyes peering into the younger girl's. "You're making me into some sex crazed pervert. You've got to stop."

Miranda had been smiling when she said it and quickly leaned in for a kiss, her lips connecting with Jack's and getting a taste of her own sex and Jack's juices, her tongue invading the warm cavern of Jack's mouth and getting every little bit she could to savor. Then, when she had thoroughly explored the woman's mouth she let her head fall back, her body soft and her defenses completely down. "You know your sleeping with me again right?" The question was more rhetorical than anything, it was part of their relationship, Jack was the stronger one and she was certainly in control in the bedroom but outside of it, when it was just them together, when sex wasn't involved Miranda had some power. Her power was used to have Jack with her as they slept, to cuddle up next to her, to express her affection, and she wouldn't be denied that right. Of course if she had to she would demand instead of just state it, her arms were loosely wrapped around Jack at that point, one wrapped around the girl's neck and the other resting in the small of her back, if she needed to she would hug the girl tight and roll over, pinning her down and sleep on top of her, whatever she had to do in order to secure a nice night of sleep with Jack by her side, as the night before had been one of the best nights sleep of her life and it let them have that much more time together.
Jack giggled, grinning like a fool the whole time Miranda yanked her up so that they were even. She knew that her exhausted lover was very sweet to indulge Jack’s sexual appetite. The younger woman was indeed a lucky girl to have the Operative. “You love it. Besides, I was just trying to help by cleaning you up…” the rest of her sentence was swallowed as Miranda’s lips connected to her own. Jack would never get tired of kissing Miranda…everything about her was perfect. Well…perfect until she started making demands that Jack was going to stay there over night.

“Hmmph…what if I don’t wanna?” Jack’s brow furrowed, but her jaw remained relaxed, making her look more like a petulant teenager rather than a big scary ex-murderer. She knew that she had to make –some- compromises…but staying in Miranda’s room wasn’t something she had planned to make a habit of.

She sighed a bit, realizing how she sounded and how insensitive her words were. She didn’t want to hurt Miranda’s feelings by making her think that Jack just wanted to fuck and then leave. That couldn’t be further from the truth, the young woman really enjoyed Miranda’s company even if she was a pain in the ass sometimes. “I mean…I do want to…I just…” She bit her lip, last night hadn’t been too bad. Jack knew that her nightmares could get much worse though. She’d already gone through two cots, having exploded them to pieces with uncontrolled biotic energy. But as she tried to figure out how to articulate her hesitation, Miranda ended up hugging her tight and rolling them both over so that Jack was pinned under her.

“Oof! Alright…you win…” Jack couldn’t help but smile as Miranda lay atop of her. Her lover’s warmth and weight was reassuring. As much as she’d grumble and gripe about her new sleeping arrangements, it was nice to feel wanted. “But I’m using your tits as my pillows tonight.” Jack grumbled, so used to putting up her tough exterior when it came to all this emotional crap…even though she was with Miranda and in a safe place. But she wanted to fall asleep listening to Miranda’s heartbeat, even if she wasn’t brave enough to say it. Jack wiggled and squirmed under her lover for a little bit until the other woman got off of her and moved into a position where Jack could lay her head down on Miranda’s chest.

“You should come spar with me sometime…” Jack yawned as she got into a more comfortable position, tickling Miranda’s chest with the soft, short strands of hair. “Shepard makes me fight with the biotic dampeners on, even with Jacob cause he’s shit for a biotic…and Samara won’t spar with me. Wants me to meditate with her or some bullshit instead.” Yeah right, like Jack wanted to sit still, stare into ‘The Void’, and be left alone with her own thoughts. The Justicar had explained that it would help with Jack’s control…would make her less reckless and improve her ability to be aware of her surroundings rather than get wrapped up in tunnel vision and battle lust. But Jack would rather just spar and improve her biotics through brute force.

Another yawn, and another nuzzle. Jack was quiet for a little while, turning thoughts over in her mind before she finally spoke, softly, incase Miranda had fallen asleep. “Maybe next shore leave we can sneak out and have dinner together….like a date.” She knew their relationship was a little ass backwards, having sex before even kissing, trading ‘I love you’s before even going on a proper date. But she really did love Miranda and wanted to spend more time with her. Maybe Jack could wear a suit or something…something to cover all of her tattoos so that she wasn’t so recognizable. She had an easy enough time passing for a man, dressed in something nicer she’d probably just pass as a respectable young man that had picked Miranda up at the bar that Shepard always dragged them to.
"If you don't want to I think I will just have to insist." Miranda's voice was both serious and playful, she knew Jack was kidding but at the same time she knew it made Jack a bit uncomfortable to sleep with her, she had voiced that from the start. She had then proceeded to flip her onto her back and pinned her down, smiling as Jack admitted she had won, though the girl hadn't put up any fight. "Good and as long as you are with me I don't care which part of me you use as a pillow, though don't get any ideas about waking me up for more, I'm not sure I can take it." She giggled as Jack moved her and placed her head onto her chest, it felt nice and she simply wrapped her arms back around Jack to get comfortable, keeping the younger woman's body tightly against her own. Comfortable had never really been something Miranda could obtain, she had always felt a bit out of place on her large bed and even when she slept previously in other locations it had always been a purely business relationship, always something she did out of need as opposed to pleasure. Now it was different, with Jack it felt nice to just lay there and clear her mind.

Then Jack proposed an interesting idea, somewhere they could spend time together without anything looking suspicious. Sure some people would question them sparring but it was essentially fighting, they did that all the time and it wouldn't throw up any red flags as long as they didn't make polite chit-chat or make out in the middle of fighting with other people around. It would let her see Jack during the day. "Spar with you... I think I'll take you up on that, we can exercise without that involving me screaming out in pleasure, it will be a nice change. Besides, I need to get you back for kicking my ass the other day, I've practiced a bit with my hand-to-hand, hopefully it won't be so humiliating this time." She laughed, a day of training on her own was nothing but she wasn't going to give up easily and with her as Jack's opponent there would be no need for biotic dampeners, she could trade and withstand the blows Jack could give out, she was one of the only ones who could in the entire galaxy most likely.

"As for meditating, I agree with you on that, I've always been a broad spectrum biotic user and I've never lost sight of an objective despite never meditating." She scoffed a bit, meditation was not something she would do, she was far to busy and could think of so many better things to do, like sleeping with Jack or even doing paperwork. With Jack not speaking she didn't speak either, for just a little while she enjoyed the silenced, the feel of Jack's head against her bosom, and just the general atmosphere between them. It was nice, something she never thought she would have as a Cerberus Agent and something she was going to protect more vigorously than anything she had before, the sole exception being her sister but it was easily on the same level in her heart and that was saying something after a mere couple of days.

She had been about to speak when Jack said something again and she immediately perked up, a large smile appearing on her face as that lovely woman mentioned a date, it was an idea she had believed would take some insisting upon on her part. Yet here it was, Jack had brought it up and she planned to take full advantage, her voice expressing her excitement. "I would love to go on a date with you, a nice restaurant, maybe get ourselves a nice room somewhere afterwards and spend the entire night without having to worry about someone interrupting us or about being private..." Her hand went up and rubbed Jack's back and an idea presented itself, one she knew Jack would disagree with. "Oh but instead of you being in a suit I rather like the idea of you wearing a nice dress, something to show off that feminine body you tend to hide..." She bit her lower lip, compromise, it was the word going through her head. "If you do I will wear a suit, a nice one too, what about it, worthy trade?"

She yawned as she awaited an answer, she was quite tired and the only reason she didn't close her eyes and sleep was because she wanted to talk to Jack and after waiting for a moment she asked something she didn't really need an answer to but wanted to ask. "Hey Jack... Did you ever find yourself looking at me before the other night? Because thinking back I remember times where I would just stare at you and while at the time I blew it off as me disliking or distrusting you I think it was truly because I found you attractive... I mean... You're so damn sexy, I'm just wandering if you ever looked at me out of more than disdain before the other night." Deep down she knew the answer, everyone looked at Miranda, it wasn't arrogance or narcissism but a fact, she was beautiful. Yet she wanted to hear it aloud and so she asked the question, interrupted their conversation almost and looked down at Jack. It was also nice because she liked telling Jack how beautiful she was, how she found her sexy, complimenting her, but mostly she just wanted to say and hear the attraction aloud.
Jack gave Miranda a little hug when she agreed to spar with her later; the younger woman was incredibly excited. If she weren’t so tired, she’d hop out of bed and try to drag Miranda off to the training room right now! She so rarely got to fight other biotics anymore. The last couple of missions had been full of Krogans or rocket troopers….shit that was too easy or too hard. She was glad that Miranda would spar with her, it would give Jack a chance to try to extend the range of her powers a little bit so that she’d be more of a terror when it came to ranged combat. Maybe Miranda would even show her a couple of tricks when it came to marksmanship since Jack was so clumsy with a pistol.

Things only got better when Miranda said that she would indeed go on a date with her. The younger woman knew about romance, courtship and concepts like that…but had never actually performed them in real life, no one had ever warranted that type of treatment. Miranda definitely did deserve something better though…Jack wanted to keep her, to impress her so that she’d want to stay. She’d probably have to do a little extranet research though to brush up on manners and etiquette. Check out tips and tricks to be a perfect gentleman. Fuck…she’d probably have to give up cursing for the night. As she planned the night in her head, she was ripped out of her little fantasy by the dreaded word: ‘dress’.

“You want me to wear…a what?!” Jack’s voice rose a little bit, the surprise evident. A dress?! A motherfucking dress?! Miranda couldn’t seriously expect her to willingly put on something like -that-. “The closest thing I’ve worn to a dress has been a hospital gown…you can’t expect me to wear one of those things! There’s no pockets and…and then I’ll have to wear heels!” The mention of wearing heels made the younger woman shudder. She’d worn heeled boots once and didn’t like how they forced her hips into a very feminine sway rather than her usual swagger. Ugh…how does one even go about –buying- a dress? There are so many: gowns, cocktail dresses, sundresses…but a suit is a suit is a suit no matter how you slice it.

Miranda’s little compromise helped Jack calm down…a little bit anyways. She relaxed her head back down onto Miranda’s breasts as she thought about it. Her lover in a suit? She tried to picture in her mind’s eye…Miranda would surely look good in anything she put on. It might be hot to play with a little role reversal… But if Miranda wanted to get the tomboy into a dress, she’d need to sweeten the pot with a little more than a suit. “Alright…but you have to wear the cock, deal?” Jack liked to be topped every once in awhile, and those words were the closest thing Miranda would get to her admitting that she liked to surrender control and be a bottom on occasion.

Yawning was contagious, and as Miranda let loose another one, Jack couldn’t help but reciprocate with one of her own. Her eyes lids were beginning to feel heavy, but Miranda wasn’t done speaking yet. It was nice having company to fall asleep with. But her present company was making her a little embarrassed by calling her sexy. Jack turned bright pink, burying her face a little bit into Miranda’s breasts to hide…but the older biotic would probably notice the quickly rising temperature in Jack’s face after being called sexy. Compliments were so rare for her…especially ones about how she looked. Jack knew people –looked- at her because she was attractive in her own way, but no one ever said nice things to her face.

“Of course I looked at you…how can anyone –not- look at you?” Miranda was easily every man’s wet dream; and had been Jack’s as well ever since the young biotic had seen her. Curvy with mouthwatering breasts and a perfect ass, graceful, well spoken and educated, the Operative was everything that Jack wasn’t. The fact that the older woman was her complete and total opposite as far as looks went made Jack covertly ogle her in the hallways, half out of jealousy for how well put together she was and half out of lust.

“But…I’ve always looked at you a little different I guess. I know you’re powerful, tough…I like that, it’s a turn on. I don’t want someone that’s easy and weak…it’s boring. Being beautiful was enough to get me to look at you…but being an arrogant headstrong bitch was what made me want to fuck you.” Their first time together hadn’t been consensual…well…it had been consensual with Miranda’s body, not with her mind. Jack was sorry that she did that, but not sorry that it had happened. If she had never taken Miranda by force on that night, they’d probably never be together.

Jack picked her head up, just so that she could look at Miranda for a moment, a stupid grin on her face as she admired how gorgeous her eyes were…the bright blue orbs were easily Jack’s favorite feature on her. Not her ass, not her tits, but her eyes…with those pouty kissable lips being a close second, but only when Miranda was smiling. “I’m glad you turned out nothing like what you show everyone else. Never thought I’d like a girl like you, but I really do love you Miri. All of you.”
The word dress had sparked tension with Jack, she was not comfortable wearing one and Miranda had known it, nothing about Jack's outward appearance nor her personality hinted at dresses or heels. Yet Miranda knew she could look fucking amazing in one and if she was worried about being discovered that could be solved as well, many people forgot that Miranda did more than administrative and front line work, she was a bit of an expert in every field and disguises came with the gig. She could have Jack's natural femininity revealed and keep it from being obvious just who she was, not that people wouldn't be staring but it would be for an entirely different reasons, and that included her tattoos. Sure they could be off-putting but the truth was that each one of them had been placed rather carefully and if she dressed correctly she would look damn fine, even more so with the tattoos. Yes, a black dress, no back and certainly nothing resembling a sleeve, she was going to show Jack off to the world and it seemed she would be wearing a suit.

Of course there was a condition, she had to wear the cock and as much as she was curious she was also a bit out of her comfort zone. She had never been with women before Jack and she had never worn such a thing before. Of course she had moved the conversation on and that basically made it impossible for her to contest the condition, so she had to live with it. Besides, Jack was going to be out of her comfort zone as well and if she would trust Miranda so much as to wear a dress a heels then Miranda could go as far as to wear the fake cock and take the lead for the night, even if she found letting Jack take control to be extremely pleasurable. It would be a wonderful night she was sure and one she wanted to have before the inevitable mission that would risk every life aboard the ship, because while she didn't yet know exactly what would happen in the coming days she knew what kind of battle they were moving towards, it was her job to know.

Regardless at the moment she was more interested in Jack and what she was saying than the future, because in the future she hoped to be with Jack and that meant paying attention then and every time they were together. Besides, the girl was so damn cute it was hard not to look at her and smile, want to tease her more by tossing a few extra compliments in to see her cheeks burn and see as she got nervous. Jack wasn't use to compliments it seemed, another adorable and naive trait in the girl everyone saw as a loose cannon with nothing to lose and no warm sides whatsoever. It was the same with Miranda, people often looked at her as Jack said, a fact she knew, but none of them looked past the bitchy exterior she put on, few people cared who she really was, less knew. Among those who seemed interested there was Jack, Shepard in her own curious way, her sister despite it being a very new relationship, and Jacob had always been interested. From those only two had the full picture, Jack and Miranda's sister. Jacob had admiration, knew she wasn't as bad as people believed her to be, but even then he didn't know, she didn't let him get close enough even if they were involved at one point.

"You know Jack, I'm still an arrogant headstrong bitch, I'm tough, and I'm certainly powerful. Don't think just because I have a soft spot for you that all of that went away. Well, maybe the bitch part is more of an act, but arrogant and headstrong, never going away." She smiled, it was true but it wasn't bad. She knew that her and Jack shared the traits the younger girl liked in her and she agreed, they were desirable traits in a partner. "Of course I also know what you are my sexy little beast, you're headstrong and arrogant as well. Above that though you are tough and crafty, you take what you want... I'm proof of that, though I'd have it no other way at this point." Her voice trailed off as she reached up and rubbed Jack's shoulder, hugging her close, pressing the girl against her breasts. "You're also rather adorable though, innocent in your own way and more than a little controlling, I love it... And I love you Jack... I really do."

Her voice was soft and once again it seemed to trail off but this time it was for a different reason. Then, one last time her voice came out, "Light, off." With that the room was pitch black, the only thing that could be observed by the senses was the soft breathing of each of them, the movement of their bodies with those breaths, and the warmth of being pressed up against one another. Miranda said nothing else after that, her eyes drifting closed and her arms keeping Jack close. She wasn't planning on moving and she was exhausted, nothing could keep her up much longer, and while she wanted to continue speaking to her young lover she couldn't. Her body soon accepted sleep and gave in, Miranda finally drifting off, the last image in her mind of Jack in a stunning black dress with the most tantalizing heels. It was going to be one hell of a night for a wet dream.
“Mrrrhmph“ Jack gave a little garbled sigh of protest, too tired to properly defend that she wasn’t innocent or adorable. The image she projected couldn’t be further from that. The fact that Miranda saw through the tattoos, the scowl, and the anger in those big brown eyes was a little scary…but it was a good trade. Jack got to see the Operative giggle, see her smile, see how playful she could be despite being such a stuck up workaholic most of the time. “G’night” Jack murmured after Miranda turned the lights off. After that, she was quiet, except for her breathing that grew deeper and deeper. The rhythmic beating of Miranda’s heart helped the younger woman fall asleep quickly; something that hadn’t happened in a very long time.

That night, Jack was fairly quiet. She kicked and flailed around a little bit of course. Even cursed and muttered in her sleep, but all in all it was much better than the night before. She only woke up from one bad dream, which caused her eyes to snap open, her heart pounding, a thin sheen of cold sweat coating her body. She found herself still nestled in the soft, supple pillows of Miranda’s breasts and calmed down. For a moment she entertained the idea of leaving early…it was probably around 4 am, it would be safe to walk around the ship and go back to her bunk. But Miranda was sleeping and looked so peaceful that Jack stayed still, knowing she would probably wake her up with all her clambering around. So she shut her eyes, trying to think of other things to help her fall asleep. When nothing seemed to help, she tried her best to focus on Miranda, how the woman was holding her protectively, reassuringly. Her thoughts quieted down and back to sleep the younger woman fell.

At around 6:40 ship time, she started to come out of her deep sleep and was slightly aware of her surrounds. Sometime during the night, Miranda had cuddled up against her back and Jack lay there with her as the little spoon. Fucking…little spoon bullshit. But she did like the way Miranda’s breasts felt pushed into her back, and the way her arm draped around Jack as though she were a great giant stuffed animal. She smiled and wished they could just spend all day in bed. Maybe when all this was over…

Heh…look at her. Making plans for once in her life. Even worse…starting to hope for things. Hoping that Shepard really could pull this shit off, hoping that when life was less crazy, maybe Miranda would want to still be with her. Their lives would be so complicated after this as long as her lover stayed with Cerberus…and Jack wasn’t the type of girl to demand that Miranda choose between her career and her lover. But she would gladly follow Miranda to the ends of the galaxy if that’s what needed to happen. The closest thing Jack had ever had to a home was the Normandy, when that was gone then well…she wanted to be with the one person that could probably make any place feel like home.

Rolling over onto her side, Jack began to gently kiss and nuzzle Miranda’s neck to wake her up. “I need to go baby…” She murmured against the soft flesh before kissing her way upwards. Up her neck, along her jawline, then around to her lips to give her a slow, tender kiss to help wake up. Once Jack felt her start to reciprocate, she grinned and deepened the kiss, wrapping strong, thin arms tightly around Miranda and molding their bodies together.
Miranda didn't wake once throughout the night and that allowed her dream to go for the longest possible time. It wasn't what she had expected however, it wasn't her and Jack at dinner or even a sexual dream, it was sweeter than that. She found herself sitting on a sofa, nowhere specific but it seemed like an apartment of some sort, and Jack was next to her, a bottle of wine in one hand and the other arm around Jack. They were just together, pressed against one another gently, a television on and no sense of danger at all. It was a life, one that she had never known and had always wondered if she would have. She hadn't dreamed about it before though, it had always been an out of reach prospect, something to think about but a thought that always came up short or empty. She had nobody to share it with and at the time her sister was just a name and old image, she simply looked out from afar. She was still doing that now of course but there was a chance for something due to recent events. She had a chance to one day spend time with her sister, and Jack was part of that in her mind.

So when she woke to the gentle kisses she couldn't only smile, a part of her wanting to express her emotions but she kept them in check, that thought was a long way down a difficult road, they had to get there first. So she kept the reason for her beaming smile to herself, her arms quickly wrapping around Jack and kissing her back, a light giggle escaping as their lips parted, though the separation was short. She pressed her lips back against Jack's almost immediately after they disconnected, one leg going up and wrapping around Jack's back, her arms holding the girl close, and for a time she kept it that way, several minutes of wordless kissing and she left no room for anything else. It was only when it was over that her grip lightened and her eyes opened, looking at Jack with a smile. "Now you can go... Shoo, before someone catches you." She said playfully, spanking Jack's ass very gingerly as she helped her up and helped her get dressed.

After ushering Jack out, helping her along the way, she locked the door, her back pressing up against it as she smiled widely. She felt amazing, higher than she ever had before and it was all due to Jack, the girl's presence in her life being a huge boost to her happiness. "Man, I'm going to need to watch out or I may start randomly smiling when I see her, people will think they've gone crazy." She laughed afterwards, moving to grab some clothes, she needed to go to the showers and she couldn't simply stroll out naked, it would attract far too much attention and with Jack's jealousy she was sure some people would be getting their memories wiped. She didn't immediately though, as much as her delay made it important to get moving, she stopped by her computer first. After a few minutes of typing away she had done something, something very significant. She had changed every single voice recognition protocol to include Jack's voice, loading it in off the computer and making it where anything Miranda's voice could do within her own room would also trigger and activate for Jack's. It included the lights, the lock on the door, everything.

With that taken care of she did head out to shower, the entire while thinking of Jack, what had been said the night before and of course her dream. Not that those were her only thoughts but they occupied her mind while she washed her body, luckily being the only one showering at that time and not having to worry about a random smile or curious eyes. When she left the shower and went back towards her room, having a few things to get done if she wanted to spar with Jack that day, she began thinking about the other important topic at hand, the dinner. She wasn't sure when they would have shore leave next, nor did she know where they would be going, but wherever they ended up she was prepared to make a wonderful night out of it. She had plans, many of which included things Jack wasn't going to like, but things she would agree to if Miranda had anything to say about it, particularly the dress she envisioned, something very sexy and extremely feminine. It was going to be fun and the thoughts associated with the future dinner kept her busy as she droned thought her daily workload, distracted and blissful.
As reluctant as she was to leave now that Miranda had gotten her thoroughly riled up after minutes of kissing, Jack knew she had to leave. So with a little help from her lover and another kiss goodbye, they parted ways and she snuck back down into her hole in Engineering. Just in time too, because Shepard soon came by to drag her to the training room. Missions must be becoming scarce, or else Shepard was just trying to get them all up to speed because missions were getting more complicated and more intense. Today they were practicing combat tactics…and knowing that Jack was incredibly weak at ranged combat, the Commander had stolen Garrus away from his calibrations to kick Jack’s ass on the virtual simulator. After practicing with a pistol for about 15 minutes without managing to hit Garrus once and having died about 20 times, Jack was ready to explode the whole fucking thing and the damn Turian with her biotics. Shepard kicked her out of the simulator and Jack was glad to chuck the pistol at her face, which of course the Commander caught, and then go out to the weight room. There she cooled off, settling down to run, lift weights and do pull ups.

“You know…you could easily pass the marine corps physical fitness test. You’re smart…you could probably get into officer training.” Shepard stopped by to see how she was doing. She was amazed that Jack could do almost as many pull-ups as she could. Not a lot of women had that kind of upper body strength but Jack spent a lot of time pushing her body and her limits. She didn’t have much control of the situations in her life, but she did have control of her body and what she did with it.

“Yeah just what the marines want, a fucking murdering pirate with a rap sheet longer than your arm. ‘Oh by the way Alliance guys, just ignore that I’m a wanted criminal and a runaway test subject that doesn’t even exist.’ Really fucking awesome idea Shepard.” Jack snorted, dropping down from the pull up bar. It wasn’t the first time Shepard had pulled her ‘I’m concerned about your future’ bullshit. It was nice that she cared…but Jack was pretty sure not even a reference letter from the esteemed Commander Shepard would make up for her rather colorful record.

“Just think about it. Women like a girl in uniform.” Shepard grinned as Jack rolled her eyes. “But you still haven’t told me about that girl from Illium…maybe I’ll get a chance to see her next shore leave.”

“Don’t you have someone else to fucking annoy?!” Jack barked, eyes narrowing, jaw set in a rather mean scowl. But her ears were turning bright pink and despite her best efforts to will it away, she knew that there was a slight brush creeping to her cheeks.

“Nah. Just you. I hit a nerve? Little Jackaroo have a girlfriend?” Shepard liked to tease the young biotic, they had a sort of…violent, sisterly relationship. But at the name ‘Jackaroo’, the Convict seemed to want nothing more than to smear the Commander against a wall. Shepard barely rolled out of the way in time as Jack sent a Shockwave at her face. “Yeah! Come on kiddo! Let’s see it!” Shepard taunted, dancing around just out of the range of the young biotic’s powers, forcing Jack to really stretch her biotics. A couple of crew members gathered around to watch the Commander spar with the Convict without biotic dampeners on.

Jack could easily take on any of the crew members…she could even beat Miranda, if just barely. Shepard though…the bitch could definitely take a hit and always ended up besting Jack in a fight. And all the stupid upgrades Cerberus had given her body made it hard for Jack to beat her.
Miranda didn't take long to finish her daily work, in fact she made record time and even resolves the backlog of issues from the day before, all of it getting done and leaving the rest of the day for her to do whatever she wanted. Sure things could change if something came up, her job was demanding and she still had to send Cerberus some reports soon, but she had some flexibility in her schedule for once and she planned on using it to spend some time with Jack. Before going to find the girl she decided to get a bite to eat, knowing that without energy she wouldn't last long against the strong younger biotic. The thought made her smirk to herself, looking rather odd as she walked out of her room and grabbed something quick to eat. She was smirking because the question of whether her age mattered in their fighting came up. She had heard a lot of people use that excuse in her life, it was double edged because age brought experience, but it also brought the younger people, those around Jack's age a very prime physical condition. With Miranda it was a toss up though, she was different from most with her genetic altering, she aged slower and so many things for her were superior to others on a base level.

There was no denying that Jack was extraordinary, she had skill and natural talents that made her one of the most powerful humans Miranda had ever met. She was on a class equal to Shepard and Miranda, a class of human above the norm. Sure Jacob was strong, she had met a few other superior humans as well, a few within Cerberus and a few outside of the organization, but Jack was near the top of a short list. It was merely an excuse in the end, one Miranda had no interest in using but it was fun to think about, how a matter of years could possibly mean a slight difference in Miranda's own ability. She didn't really believe so, her uniqueness made it more probable that she was still in her prime than out of it and besides, she had only gotten better over the years, even now she was improving. That led to more questions however, was she improving as fast as others? Jack specifically. How did experience factor in? What would their difference be in a team situation as opposed to a duel?

Many questions floated around her head, all of them purely for fun, and they continued to occupy her mind all the way until she found herself in the training area. What hit her then was the sound of biotic powers being tossed about like someone was on a rampage and she immediately knew who it would be. She didn't expect the recipient of such behavior to be Shepard though, the woman dancing about and playing with Jack. She really was an exceptional woman and with what Cerberus, and Miranda, had done to her she was even more impressive. She wasn't really Miranda's type, she was quite stunning but her personality was a bit of a turn off, too modest and righteous, as if she didn't accept that bad things happened in the world or at least that she would have to make choices. It was going to bite her in the ass eventually, make it hard for her to accept what was lost when she made the decision to sacrifice one thing for another. Sure she had suffered that with her previous crew, lost one for the life of another but that was two people, it would come down to more in the end.

She did know the woman was intelligent however and thus it would all most likely work out in the end, she just wasn't interested in a romantic sense, as a friend they got along well enough and Miranda had respect for the woman that was given right back. They both understood how strong and dangerous the other was. Miranda wasn't down there to watch though, she didn't go down to the training area enough to simply observe and so she decided to cut in, knowing she would have to put on a bit of a show but she would be sparring with Jack soon, having fun like both of them had wanted, and nobody was going to be any the wiser as to her motive, they would all think it was hate, at least that was the plan. She just had to be careful not to slip up, not to let someone as observant as Shepard get too good a read on the atmosphere. For that she would have to punch hard and not pull a single attack, Jack would expect nothing less.

Finally she stepped in, going into the room and sending out a biotic throw against one of Jack's a blast wave bursting out as they smashed together and stopped one another. "Look at you thrashing about like a damn ape, learn some self-control and maybe you would hit Shepard with one of your attacks. Or maybe just figure out how to use a pistol, they are much harder to dodge." A smirk crossed her lips, no punches pulled. There was a lack of psycho, bitch, or any other type of hateful language but the look on her face was that signature arrogant look, the one Jack had always despised, or perhaps just found annoyingly sexy, she wasn't sure. "Let me show you..." With a grunt she sent another insanely powerful biotic throw towards Jack, her power being used in full force, no dampeners, and everyone watching seemed rather shocked and excited to see Miranda training, especially when Jack was the one at the other end. It was going to be one hell of a spectacle with that set of biotics. When that segment ended she would show Jack how to shoot as well, she even had plans on how to instruct her using mocking, to make it seem like she wasn't trying to help while giving her hints, it would almost be fun trying to hide the true meaning of her words, like a code.
“I will destroy you!” Jack roared, launching another Shockwave at Shepard, trying to force the line of purple energy to widen, to clip her so that Jack could use a more focused attack. But Shepard was too fast and read Jack’s every move too well. How the fuck did she do that? She won fights because she was unpredictable as well as incredibly strong…but as reckless and spontaneous as Jack was, Shepard seemed to anticipate her every move…maybe that was why she was such a masterful tactician.

“Now now, is that any way to talk to your Commanding Officer?”

“Fuuuccckkkkk you…Ma’am” Jack spit out the ‘Ma’am’ as though it were an insult. She flung another Shockwave at Shepard, though this one erupted into an explosion of energy before it even made it halfway across the room. Jack whirled around, finding Miranda responsible for the Warp that ruined her attack. Her heart began beating just a little faster, thrilled that her lover was there to come play. Miranda looked cute today…well she looked cute every day… but she was wearing that stupid arrogant smirk that made Jack want to bend her over her desk and ravish her until she wasn’t fucking smirking anymore. But Jack had to keep herself from grinning like a fool at the thought, instead she managed a growl, trying to feign anger at having been interrupted from her very once sided match with Shepard.

“Finally come down to play with us peasants Princess?” Jack rolled to the side as Miranda heaved a massive Throw at her. “Careful, you might break a nail.” Jack’s tone was condescending, but inside she was elated at the chance for a full biotic brawl. Now all she had to do was close the distance…then she could grapple with Miranda. At range, Miranda’s well-focused powers were not something to mess around with. They could easily chew through Jack’s barriers and render her unable to fight. But if she could just get close enough…then she could turn the fight around from a ranged flinging of powers to hand to hand combat with biotically charged fists.

Through extensive gene therapy and painful experimentation, Jack had been molded into a weapon, then conditioned into a fighter through shock collars and narcotics. Perhaps that was what made Jack most dangerous: the Pavlovian response that made her –want- to fight, to the point that she was addicted to the rush, the tingly feeling that made her entire body feel warm and pleasant. Although there was a sheen of sweat covering her body and she was panting, she felt energized, like she could do this for hours even though her body was already protesting.

A massive Shockwave was thrown at Miranda to try to knock her over so that Jack could run at her without having to worry about dodging attacks. When Miranda dodged the first wave, Jack began flinging them, throwing them in such rapid succession that most of the floor erupted into streaks of purple energy. She could feel an ache forming at the bridge of her nose from exertion.

Typical Jack, solve a problem through brute force. But now she was fighting against someone that was actually conscious of what they were doing. Miranda planned, she processed, she was meticulously groomed and trained. But no one had ever taught Jack –how- to fight. She had just learned through brute force, gladiator style matches in the Pit on Pragia. How Jack fought was instinctual, much like how big cats just –know- to go for the throat. The only time her conscious mind entered the fray was at the end, when she had to decide whether what she was fighting needed to live or die. So no, she didn’t pull a single punch when fighting with Miranda, her body and mind wouldn’t let her. Survival was the only thing on her mind. Well…that and how good Miranda looked as she grew sweaty, disheveled…more wild looking. And how she was so damn graceful even though she was scrambling around trying to avoid a minefield of purple energy.
Miranda's arrogant smirk didn't disappear when Jack spat out the princess nickname again, that seemed to be one of her favorite insults to toss out, and that particular one didn't seem to be going away with their new relationship. It wasn't going away because it was rather true, Miranda was a princess, she came from privilege and while in her life that had been more of a prison than anything else the superior attitude had never gone away. She let a surprised look appear on her face when Jack launched another attack but she soon fell back in to her usual expression when around other people, arrogant and overall condescending. She was just that kind of person, sure she had the other side to her but she was always going to be rather proud and she knew that she was superior to most people in most aspects. How else was she supposed to act though? Her breeding and success in life had caused her to be quite sure of her own success, few times had she ever been bested or failed at anything. She had intelligence, looks, power, grace, and a reputation that brought fear and respect with it.

Jack had been one of those few losses in her life. The young woman had defeated and humiliated her mere days ago and while she had found herself enjoying the aftereffects it was still true that it had happened, and at the time she had tried her hardest to win. This would be different, as much as she adored her new partner she wanted to win, she was competitive and she had to continue doing what she had always done, succeeding. So when the massive shockwave came her way she quickly and gracefully rolled to the side, avoiding the blast and coming up from the ground with a counter attack of her own, launching a warp to keep Jack on her toes. If she were using a pistol or going for the kill it would have been easier, she had a clear advantage with the use of guns, especially seeing as the transition from biotic attack to pistol was near instant and she could pop off attack after attack in a near endless continuation.

She didn't have that power however and she didn't want to really hurt Jack so she had to think of another way to win, a way of defeating the insanely powerful biotic before she could get in close. That was the obvious goal at least, for Jack to get in close and Miranda knew that if she could keep her at a distance she could eventually defeat her. That being said it wasn't going to be easy, Jack was gifted and so aggressive that it was hard to do anything but retreat of defend when fighting her, a rapid series of shockwaves keeping Miranda on her toes, moving without much of a chance to fight back, though she did manage to launch a few decent blasts at the girl, chipping down her barriers in an attempt to soften her up. Those watching were silent, wondering which of the two biotics would win. At the current time it looked one sided, Jack was sending out multiple blasts and Miranda seemed to only be running, it seemed all but over. Only a few people knew that was far from true, that Miranda's true strength was getting her hands on an opening and exploiting it.

She had always been trained in tactics and her intelligence made it easy for the Operative to think several steps ahead as if she were playing chess. She could plan elaborate sets of actions to devastating effects and that was what she was trying to do in that moment, planning out a course of action to really strike Jack. In the process she was becoming rather wild though, her instinct not being nearly as honed as Jack's but being quite impressive, her body moving out of range of each attack almost perfectly, rolls and sidesteps, even launching a biotic blast to stop several of Jack's volatile attacks, it was exciting and it made her look absolutely sexy. Few people looked sexy fighting, Jack looked more scary or intense than anything, Shepard looked rather ridiculous and carefree most of the time, but Miranda, she was just plain impressive and sexy. It was a distraction for Jack most likely, Miranda liked her intense look well enough but she had gotten use to the hidden cute side of the young girl and that no longer phased her.

So she focused, moving around until finally it happened, she caught a break. A little extra time between two of the attacks combined with a single spot she could stand to avoid two blasts without having to move again until another was sent. She jumped at it, landing right in that spot after yet another sexy roll and smirking, looking directly at Jack with an 'I got you' expression on her face. She launched an Overload at the girl, knocking her shields down and then used Slam, picking Jack up and slamming her down against the floor. She wasn't the brute force type, her slam was meant to hurt enemies but mostly to stun then, to allow someone else to finish them off, capture an important enemy, or simply for her to put a bullet in afterwards. With most it was enough, it gave her plenty of time, with Jack she wasn't sure how much it would slow her down, if any, so she moved quickly. She hadn't wanted to get in close, that had been the plan, but with a chance to perfect she had to, she rushed over towards Jack at top speed, her right hand glowing blue as she charged it with biotic energy, and she jumped, sending her hand flying down from above as she aimed it directly at Jack's stomach. If she could land the blow it would end it, though in the back of her mind she had a bad feeling that it wasn't going to be that simple.
Miranda looked absolutely gorgeous as she fought. Jack had always admired her body, even when she had despised the arrogant Operative. But now things were different…now she didn’t have her hatred and anger to blind her lust for the older biotic. It was making things very difficult for her. All she wanted to do was to fling a couple of playful comments at her. But she couldn’t, not with Shepard watching with eager eyes. The Commander ready to intervene if things grew too violent.

Don’t flirt…don’t flirt…

She was getting distracted, watching the way Miranda so easily rolled and landed on her feet like a graceful cat…like a dancer… Maybe they could go dancing on their date…

“GYAH! Fuck!” Jack shouted before she was slammed into the ground, head snapping back onto the floor with a sickening CRACK! Son of a bitch…all this love shit was making her soft. Stars exploded behind her eyes and it took a split second for her head to clear after Miranda’s Slam. That was more than long enough for Miranda to come rushing over, her hand charged and raining a powerful punch straight into Jack’s solar plexus as the younger woman tried to scramble away. Having her diaphragm seize up with a punch to the gut made Jack grunt, her lungs refusing to expand and contract anymore. Her eyes went wide, a moment of panic flashing over her face as she realized she had gotten the wind knocked out of her…she couldn’t breathe. Fuck. She was screwed.

…But maybe not…

Miranda was now within arm’s reach, Jack could still end this. Close quarters combat was where she really shined. But everything she wanted to do…she couldn’t, not without seriously hurting Miranda. She thought about headbutting her, but that might knock the Operative out cold. A Warp at this close range would injure them both. If she threw a punch to her throat, that would end the fight…but it might also crush her windpipe. There weren’t many options left that weren’t totally lethal. However, rather than totally give up, Jack expended the last bit of energy she had to fire up her left hand, launching it forward and easily finding Miranda’s neck. Her fingers wrapped around the Operative’s delicate throat. The Convict didn’t squeeze, just held her, firm, unyielding. The energy crackled around her hand, looking rather imposing to an outsider. But to Miranda, her biotics felt warm, tingling and pleasant. Jack had pulled back the strength of the mini mass effect fields in her hands so that it didn’t burn. Instead it gave the more pleasant electrical feeling that Jack had used several nights ago to pleasure the Operative’s more…private areas.

Feeling as though she had made her point to the crew that watched, she powered down her biotics and released her hold on her lover’s neck. Miranda had bested her, but Jack had proven to everyone that she would fight until the last breath. And speaking of breathing… she –really- needed to breath, desperately so.

“Shit.” She gasped, trying to force air into her burning lungs. Jack kicked Miranda off of her, none too nicely, but she needed space for a moment. Now free of Miranda’s weight ontop of her, Jack could roll over onto her side and get to her hands and knees. She raised her hand up in a sign of surrender, then began to cough, hack, and gasp until the paralysis in her diaphragm subsided.

“Good fight…Cheerleader.” Jack panted. She wasn’t the type of girl to hold a grudge or be a sore loser. She knew strength when she saw it, and Miranda was definitely strong. Besides, it would make her weak if she didn’t understand her own limitations. Jack didn’t think ahead in a fight, she knew this. She was shit when it came to ranged combat and planning. But at close quarters with several enemies attacking her at once, she could shine with her explosive, spontaneous attacks. And while her reckless stubbornness worked against most opponents, it obviously didn’t work when fighting against tacticians like Shepard and Miranda. She'd have to work on that. While most people would find the task of improving themselves to measure up to someone like Miranda, Jack couldn't wait to get started.
Miranda was genuinely surprised when the blow landed, she had expected Jack to counter or perhaps simply dodge her attack, anything but be hit by the blow. Jack was such a strong combatant, she had taken more and given more in combat before and Miranda had seen it, she had been impressed by it. Sure she had always poked at Jack, telling her how unrefined and bestial her tactics were, prodding at her and calling her nothing more than an instinctual dog but it was more than that. Jack was so powerful and she impressed Miranda on many occasions, the older woman being impressed by the amount of enemies she could send flying and the havoc she could reign. Of course that didn't mean she was invincible but Miranda had come to expect a certain level of fight from the young woman and she was confused as to why it had been so easy to land the punch, though in the end it meant nothing, because while she had landed the blow it hadn't knocked Jack out or completely stopped her movements.

In fact Miranda only showed further surprise when jack's hand launched up and grabbed her by the neck, looking down at the girl and having to resist the urge to smile. It was that pleasant feeling, that biotic aura that felt so tingly and wonderful, that had her screaming in pleasure nights before. It wasn't painful and it didn't even cause her to concede but it did make one thing clear to her and everyone else around, that if it were a real fight that she would have at least tried, and had a chance, to kill with a final blow, never giving up and being rather hot as far as Miranda was concerned. She liked the never give up attitude and had to once again hide her good mood, hide it behind that arrogant smirk once again and look down on Jack, wanting to kiss her or hold Jack in her lap as she got her breath back, as it seemed the blow had knocked the air from her lungs, which made it even more impressive that she had the strength to do anything, to grab her neck even if not squeezing or hurting Miranda.

Of course she wasn't pleased with being kicked away hard by Jack, stumbling back with a snarl on her face, though she could see how Jack needed some room. So she didn't say anything and instead stood up, straightening her uniform and then pushing some hair from her face. She still looked wild but confidence exuded off of her more than usual, she liked defeating Jack after losing earlier that week, though she wouldn't truly feel like she had won until she could go at least partially even in a close-combat only fight. That would have to wait a bit though, Jack had taken a good blow and even for a girl as tough as her it would take some time before the fighting would be even again, though she did consider asking Shepard for a match in the meantime, adrenaline rushing through her at that point. She didn't however, not because she feared Shepard, out of all the people on the Normandy she was one of the few that could give the woman a run for her money, maybe the only one when it came to tactical knowledge, though the Turian and the Mercenary both knew their way around the battlefield.

Instead she looked back to Jack, a smirk on her face as she decided to challenge her to another competition, thinking back on the marksmanship idea. "It was, you could use some refinement though." She didn't explain, she would do that later, for now she had to keep her act going, though later she would give Jack a few pointers, things she could use to become something truly monstrous. "Want revenge? My thirst for victory isn't quite sated and I would love to show you up again... Maybe something with a pistol? Unless you're too scared to try using accuracy above brute force." She was goading Jack, not only for show but also just to tease her a bit, to get her riled up and ready for more, something just as easily done as it was said. That was especially true considering people were around, they could continue having some time together and having fun without risk of being revealed. Though she did have a feeling she would pay for her remarks later, when Jack had her alone and control once more.
Sit-ups could only do so much to strengthen one’s core. Jack was strong, there was nothing but rippling muscle under the wiry girl’s tattoos. But she was also very, very skinny which left almost no protective padding over her wall of hard muscle. Had any non-biotic wailed her in the gut, she probably would’ve been able to take the blow no problem. Eager to prove herself and always up to take on a challenge, Jack’s ears perked at the word ‘revenge’. Yeah! Miranda was damn right she wanted some revenge! But revenge came in the form of a pistol fight…which was really not Jack’s cupt of tea.

Uggghhh…not pistol work with the combat simulator again. Having absolutely been thoroughly humiliated by Garrus, Jack wasn’t so sure she wanted to get pistol whipped by Miranda too. Granted, a 10 year old could probably beat Jack in any test of marksmanship, but she didn’t need her ego hurt anymore than it already was. But Miranda came the insults coming, insinuating that Jack would be a great big chicken if she didn’t go against her in a pistol competition. Pffft scared…she wasn’t scared of anything! Especially not a kinky submissive like Miranda. So even though Jack knew she was going to lose, knew she didn’t stand a chance against Miranda, she just smirked and nodded.

“Fine, Princess. But your ass is going to be mine.” Jack smirked, putting up a wall of bravado to help hide her nervousness. Plus she was trying to rattle Miranda a little, to remind her what exactly Jack was going to do to that cute little bruised ass once all of this was over. Jack was sure she had some welts that needed to be touched up. So she followed Miranda to the combat simulator while Shepard tried to get the rest of the crew to stop screwing around and get back to work or back to training.

Jack had many, many, maaannyyyy problems her pistol work. Shooting a pistol is very different from shooting a shotgun; her stance reflected the fact that she hadn’t leaned all the differences between the two yet. She stood with her body angled instead of having her shoulders squared, which was the first red flag. Most of her problems stemmed from basic issues like that, still others stemmed from the mental difference of wielding such a small weapon. When holding a pistol, she just –felt- awkward; this feeling made her shoulders tight and her hands shake a little bit from tensing. The gun was heavy, but not in the balanced way that her shotgun was. And she kept doing this stupid thing where she closed her right eye when pulling the trigger, as if she were afraid of the small gun in her hands that had a bit of kick back that she wasn’t used to. Even though she kept both eyes opened when firing her shotgun like she was supposed to, something about the way she had to raise a pistol to –really- look down the sights made her close her right eye, screwing up her depth perception and causing all of her shots to veer slightly to the right.

Even though she kept aiming at Miranda’s head and heart, her shots kept going to non-lethal places. “Grrrrrrrrah!” Jack snarled in frustration as Miranda killed her on the virtual simulator. Oh she was going to get the smug Operative for this. She made a mental note to stop by the Armory later and see if she could find some odds and ends for a night of torture.
As Miranda had expected Jack agreed to the pistol competition, her inability to say no to a challenge, and weakness towards goading made it so. Miranda was being a bit mean of course, pistols being a clear advantage for her and a disadvantage for Jack, but seeing how the girl handled them would help her show Jack how to shoot them properly later. She planned on doing that as well, teaching Jack how to handle the sidearm with the deadly accuracy that could make it as dangerous if not more dangerous than larger automatic weapons. Hell she did that, Miranda's skill with a pistol could be almost as deadly as a sniper rifle, though sharpshooters such as Garrus had a clear edge against even the best pistol user. However Jack needed to learn the skill far more than anyone else, she could annihilate almost any opponent in close ranger, she had a shotgun and biotic ability that allowed for that, but her ranged combat was severely lacking and she needed to hone some sort of ranged skill to be truly safe on the battlefield.

So Miranda took no mercy on her, getting into the simulator and absolutely destroying her, each shot from the Operative hitting its mark precisely and always lethal, only once or twice being non-lethal, but even those shots serving a purpose. She would hit Jack in the leg to drop her down, his her hand to knock the pistol out of it, or even hit her in the ass for a bit of humiliation to go along with it all. There, in the simulated battlefield she had the edge, she was in control of herself and thus in control of the fight. It was something she wanted to teach Jack because while her becoming more skilled than Miranda would hurt the older Operative's pride a bit, if it happened, it would keep Jack safe. She wanted Jack to be safe, Miranda was hardened but at the same time Jack had pierced the walls, she had become someone important to Miranda and thus a soft spot, a weak point which none of her past experiences or hardening could protect, she couldn't lose Jack, she wouldn't.

When it finally ended, Jack having not killed Miranda once and Miranda having taken her life in the simulator twenty times, she stepped out, a look on her face not of arrogance but of disappointment. She was a bit disappointed in truth but it was mostly for show and she walked over to Jack and shook her head. "You need to learn how to shoot a pistol, it is a weakness of yours and it could cost you your life." While she said nothing specific there was an inflection in her voice, an obvious tone that spoke of how much she disliked that idea. Yet it past quickly and she took a deep breath, looking around to ensure that nobody was close enough to hear her and they weren't, even Shepard had stopped watching part of the way through, already seeing how it would come out. "I am going to teach you how to handle a pistol... I'm not having that be the reason I lose you." With that she turned around and walked off, she couldn't show any affection and she couldn't continue talking for long or people would wonder what they were saying without violence. Besides, she had things she needed to do before they could be together later, and she hoped it was earlier than the night before, she wanted more time with Jack.

She could sacrifice sleep if need be though, a night with little sleep would be worth spending another few hours with Jack. She had things to do though before that could happen and after saying her words to Jack she went over to Shepard, speaking to the woman about the need for a report on the progress of the mission. Generally she got her intel from The Illusive Man, used Cerberus' network to help aid the Commander in the overall goal, but part of sending her reports to Cerberus was mentioning what Shepard was doing, not spying, she was direct about it, but it did detail how Shepard planned on operating and she was usually instructed how to go about with or against Shepard's plans. When that was taken care of she left though, moving back up to her floor and locking herself away in her room, sitting down and beginning to type, she had to get moving on the report or she would be working all day and she would need time to decompress and do a few personal things before she could even thing about having a nice night. It was tough being Miranda, she had split loyalties, she was now juggling a personal life, and nobody really helped her. Nobody except Jack, the woman had helped her shed so much stress in recent days, it helped, even if it was still difficult to do everything she was expected and think for herself.
Really?! Shot to the ass? As if her pride wasn’t wounded enough as it was. Jack got her ass handed to her over and over again. It was hard for her to not explode, to just take the beating, grit her teeth and bare it. Finally it was over…23 to 0. Fuck…how the hell could she be this shitty at killing stuff? She could hijack and crash a space station on a hanar moon…but couldn’t manage to point and shoot some jackass pistol at her girlfriend. Irritable and frustrated, Jack was hungry, had a headache and about ready to explode in a fit of rage. But as much as she glared, was angry and over all just upset with herself. Miranda’s disappointed tone made her heart constrict and hurt.

“Nothing’s killed me yet, I’ll be fine.” Jack snorted, flashing her side of confidence that bordered on cockiness. Between Cerberus, criminals, police, and the guards in Purgatory, no one had managed to kill her yet. She wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone; Jack was a survivor. Besides…she was ready to die, she didn’t care: this is what she constantly told herself. She had survived so many struggles that she figured that she was living on borrowed time anyways.

And yet…there was a tiny part of her mind that cried out that it –did- care, that it didn’t want to die, that it had something to live for now. That it wanted to stick around and stay by Miranda’s side. I’m not having that be the reason that I lose you. The words reverberated in her mind…no one would’ve ever missed Jack if she was gone. But here it was, a statement that Miranda cared enough that she would take time out to help Jack learn something knew. That she was worried about her safety and wanted to make sure that Jack didn’t go dying on her just yet.

She watched Miranda talk with Shepard…just for a moment. Before she herself snuck out. The headache that had been developing behind her eyes was now wreaking havoc in full force. It was making the artificial light almost unbearable. Shepard would get it if Jack left to go to the med bay. So she just split without saying goodbye, heading up to see Chakwas.

To say that she didn’t like doctors was an understatement. Jack’s life had been ruined by doctors and scientists that had abused their power, she –hated- them. But Chakwas was different. She actually smiled, her eyes were very kind, and seemed to like her job. Plus Shepard had assured the younger woman that the older doctor wasn’t really part of Cerberus. And it made Jack feel a tiny bit better about going to the doctor. Still…the first time she had had to submit to a full medical examination and a series of immunization shots once boarding the Normandy, Jack had needed to be sedated. However, now she didn’t mind the doctor. The old woman liked to fuss over and tease her, the way kind old people do. If Jack had ever had to have had a grandmother, she would’ve hoped the woman would be much like Chakwas.

After fussing over the fact that Jack’s pupils were uneven from whacking her head on the deck, and the whites of her eyes were bloodshot from pushing her powers too hard. Chakwas gave her something for the headache and told her to get something to eat and drink loads of water. So that’s just what Jack did when she was finished. She grabbed some food and wolfed it down as usual, then drank about double the amount of water she usually did. Then she had herself a nice long shower, went down to her bunk to get a new set of clothes, and then stalked upstairs towards Miranda’s office.

“Hey Beautiful…” Jack smiled, noticing that Miranda was busy typing away at her computer. “Do you want me to come back later?” Jack didn’t really want to go…her meds hadn’t kicked in yet and her head was still pounding. She just wanted to lay down somewhere quiet where she didn’t have to listen to Ken and Gabby and their constant, cheerful, banter. “Or I can yanno…be quiet…fiddle around on my Omnitool in bed til you finish…”
Miranda had made progress but she wasn't quite done by the time Jack showed up at her door, a smile appearing on her face instantly as she paused her work. Jack was gorgeous and seeing her smiling was something irresistible to the older biotic. "No, you can stay, I want you to stay." Her voice was soft but sure, she wanted Jack around all the time, just being in the same room as the girl was comforting and made Miranda instantly relax. Of course she did look back down at her report, it was nearly complete, she was just reading over and giving her thoughts on Shepard's report at that point, something she could easily finish up since she had to attach the original anyways. It was annoying though, she wanted to say 'fuck it' and just enjoy some time with Jack but if she did that she wouldn't be able to pick the work back up until the next day and she would be even further behind. That wasn't really a problem for Miranda, for the first time she didn't give a damn about work, but she knew if she kept The Illusive Man waiting for too long he would grow suspicious and start an inquiry, something she couldn't afford with her new lover.

So she looked back up to Jack, smiling again, "I'll be done in just a moment, sit wherever you like." With that she got back to work, her fingers moving furiously as she got in the last page of the report, the whole time her ears pricked up listening to every little movement Jack made, every noise that came from the woman's presence. Then, when she finally finished and sent the report, she instantly turned her chair, a grin on her face that made it clear she was done with work. "Sorry about that, I've needed to send in that report for awhile now, couldn't put it off any longer." She looked at Jack laying there on her bed, she was so sexy and so tempting, Miranda had an urge to jump her bones but she didn't, she wanted something even more than that, she wanted to spend some time with her that didn't include pure sex. To talk and maybe just kiss, enjoy each others company and maybe even speak about the marksmanship issue.

So she stood and sauntered over the the bed, her usual sway as present as always, and looked down at Jack with a gentle expression. She didn't ask if Jack was alright, if she was hurting, the answer was obvious and besides asking such a question was nothing someone tough liked to hear, Miranda knew that through experience. Instead she lowered herself onto the bed next to Jack and kissed her gently. "I was hoping I would get to see you earlier than usual today... Seems my desire was fulfilled." She kissed Jack again, a light loving kiss with passion but not enough to get Jack hot and bothered, unless she had already been dangerously close. Miranda moved up onto the bed, her head hitting a pillow as she laid on her back and then she grabbed Jack up, pulling her into a position similar to how they had slept last night. "Door lock." With that they had privacy and comfort, exactly what Miranda had wanted all day.

"Hey." She paused, her arms wrapped around Jack loosely but still there. "I want you to learn to use a pistol, I meant what I said earlier, I won't lose you for such a stupid reason... In turn I'm going to have you give me some close-quarters-combat lessons." She didn't dwell on it and it wasn't a question, it was a statement she wouldn't take no as an answer for. Of course she didn't want to do it that moment, perhaps later but not quite then. She just wanted to be with Jack and that meant another kiss, this time to the top of her head as Miranda lay there, thinking and just letting it all sink in for a moment, Jack's breathing, her heat, the freshly showered smell that had her feeling a bit embarrassed. Miranda had started working right after the workout, she probably smelled, not badly as she had showered that morning, but no longer did she smell of soap and shampoo, not sweet like she often did. "Maybe I should go take a shower." She almost muttered it, more of a self thought than anything else, but it was out there and she found herself looking to Jack, almost as if looking for approval, but also because she didn't want to leave the girl's side, she wanted to stay with her, talking or playing, anything.
“Take your time…I’ll be here.” Jack smiled. She wasn’t in any sort of rush, granted she wished Miranda was done right now, but she knew that if the Operative didn’t keep up with her work she’d get behind, and then things would suck. It was better to just be patient. So she kicked off her boots and tossed them into a corner of the room so that she didn’t track all sorts of things into the bed. Then she padded over to the big, comfy bed and plopped down. She ended up tucking her body onto the far side of the bed, eyes facing the bulkhead as she lay on her side, almost entirely up against the wall so that the light didn’t bother her.

She was pretty good at amusing herself and used to being alone. So the fact that Miranda didn’t have time for her right now didn’t seem to bother the younger woman at all. Still…it was nice. Their mutual silence was comfortable. For now it was just enough to know that the other one was present. So Jack began to work on her own things, screwing around on her Omnitool with some personal files. She liked to write…it was something that Shepard had recommended she do in order to help cope with her PTSD. So she wrote poems, short stories, kept a journal…things like that. In order to help her write, she had started to read more and more in order to improve her vocabulary and just…-learn-. Jack had always liked to read…she had missed a lot in her years spent in cryo, reading news articles and history books helped her close the gaps.

The sound of Miranda’s voice made her perk up and she quickly shut off her Omnitool and rolled over to face her lover, immediately brightening up and smiling as she saw Miranda grinning at her. “I’m glad you’re done…come lay with me?” Jack inched closer towards the middle of the bed as the Operative got up to come over. The sway in Miranda’s hips was very tempting…she always looked so delicious in that catsuit. But Jack hadn’t brought her A game today. She’d forgotten their toy, forgotten to swing by the Armory, she didn’t even seem in the mood to discipline Miranda for wearing the uniform she so hated. Instead she just tried her best to ignore that jackass Cerberus logo on it and focus on something else…which was easy because Miranda kept kissing her. “Well…I missed you. I liked having you to spar with and having your company.” Jack purred as her lover pulled away from another kiss in order to get them all set up to cuddle.

Jack let herself be tugged and nudged until finally she was laying with her head nestled in Miranda’s bosom, her one arm laying across her girlfriend’s tummy with her calloused hand lightly resting on her hip. Big brown eyes slowly shut and she lay there, happy to listen to Miranda as she spoke. Though she wasn’t particularly happy about their current subject. “Alright…alright…I’ll learn how to use a pistol. You’re not gonna lose me baby, don’t worry…I’ll always come back to you,” Jack replied, trying her best to put Miranda’s mind at ease. The tone in Miranda’s voice led Jack to believe that it would be wise for her to not protest their new arrangement. So instead, she just went along with it. Besides, more training together meant more time spent together.

“Hmmph…you can’t go shower. What am I going to lay on if you leave?” Jack was quite comfortable in her new favorite spot which was with her head atop the Operative’s chest with two comforting arms wrapped around her lanky body. Miranda’s breasts were like great big fluffy pillows, and Jack wasn’t in the mood to be separated from them. “Besides…I like your scent…it’s just…-you-.” Jack knew the sentence didn’t make much sense, but she didn’t care right now. Her brain hurt. Fact of the matter was, Jack liked Miranda’s natural scent. It wasn’t bad, though neither was whatever bodywash and shampoo the older biotic used to cover up her natural scent and pheromones. So she needn’t worry that she hadn’t showered before Jack had come over.

“But…if you’re going to be a stubborn ass about getting a shower, you better plan on taking me with you.” Jack smirked, half teasing and half serious. She would’ve loved to stay under a nice stream of warm water with Miranda’s slick body pressed up against her…but it was so early. Maybe they could get away showering at the same time…but it still might look kind of weird. Most of the crew was puttering around and it was probably about dinner time, it would be impossible to sneak around. Speaking of dinner time… “You should go eat…if you haven’t yet.” She would be good and wait right there for Miranda to go grab something to snack on. Jack knew that Miranda was a busy woman that easily got lost in her work. And yeah…she cared about her enough to ask if she had eaten because perhaps the older woman had just forgotten to with all her report writing.
Jack didn't like talking about the pistols but that was something Miranda had to say, she didn't like the idea of Jack going about without any ranged combat skills and she wasn't about to let the issue go. She didn't mention it again at that moment but she was going to enforce her decision. That being said Jack didn't seem too resistant, she agreed to learn and she even tried to reassure Miranda, a sweet gesture. It hadn't been needed, Miranda was a smart woman, she knew Jack was reckless but also a survivor, and she knew that the girl would come back to her one way or another, she just didn't like the risk that could be eliminated with a bit of training. Specifics would be attended to later, Miranda would have to plan an entire regime of training for the girl, start from scratch and teach the art of shooting to her all over again, it wouldn't be the most lengthy process but it would take a little bit of time, though she had a feeling just a single session would improve her dramatically, the extra time would be to give her an edge, set her apart from thugs and mercenaries, and to get some of it committed to Jack's talented muscle memory.

"A shower with you... Goodness that sounds lovely and I am going to have to take you up on that, not at this very moment but soon, so soon. Now would just be a bad idea, too many people wandering around, it would be like asking for someone to discover us." That was for sure, around dinner time people were always moving about on Miranda's floor, getting food or just taking a break, everyone was around at some point or another and there was too large a chance of someone happening upon them. So she resisted, thinking it would be best to do such a thing late at night or before anyone else wakes, time of the crew members rising being known to Miranda. She didn't have exact time of course but her memory and the times she often got up allowed her to guess and it would be the riskier option but very possible. "Yep, that can wait, though when we do, and yes I mean when, you have to play the mean warden and me the naughty prisoner." She smirked, kissing Jack on top of the head again.

Then food came up and almost as if by cue her stomach grumbled, lack of nourishment for most of the day catching up to her. "You had to say something... I was doing just fine too." With a sight she looked down at Jack, they were both comfortable. "I don't really want to move though and it's not that big a deal..." She began to speak but muttered, looking at Jack and sighing, if she brought it up it was important to her. "Alright, alright, I will go grab a plate of food, just wait right here." She reluctantly wiggled out from beneath Jack and left her room, looking around at a good deal of people coming to eat. Not getting in the shower was the wise decision, they would have surely been caught. It would have been more exciting than ever but still, certain risks threatened their relationship and being discovered by the wrong person would have it spread and do them serious harm as a couple and as individuals.

She didn't waste time looking around though, instead she moved quickly and grabbed some food, simple stuff really, but it was good as she was eating as she walked, giving every impression of a woman with a more important place to be. She did, with Jack and she made her way back to her room the second she had the food, going inside and locking the door again, leaving herself and Jack in their own little world. She took the food over to the bed, already having started eating the small meal as she sat on the edge, doing her best to munch it down quickly. It wasn't until she finished that she really looked at Jack again, seriously stared at her, only pausing to put the plate on her desk. "There, I've eaten, energy to do whatever we decide to do and not a chance of the stomach rumbling again." She laid back onto the bed, this time leaning over and kissing Jack a bit more passionately. She still wasn't looking for sex, she wasn't really wanting to until a bit later, when they could really go at it. "Hey, I changed all the voice recognition stuff by the way, the room will react to your voice, do everything it would do for me. Try it out." She was almost bragging but it was conversation time with them and besides, she was more curious about the things Jack wanted to talk about, and plenty of thoughts were in Miranda's head.
Jack grinned at the mention of a fun little roleplay in the showers. It was one of her more favorite things that came with BDSM: adopting another character or persona just to switch up the power dynamics a little bit and change the rules of the game. Now she’d –definitely- have to make it a priority to snag a pair of handcuffs from the Armory later. “Mmm…you’re going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble later, Prisoner Lawson.” Jack smirked as she teased, leaning up to playfully bite at Miranda’s neck, then soothed the bite with a few gentle kisses.

When Miranda’s stomach growled, she took it to mean that her lover had indeed totally ignored her hunger throughout the day. When Miranda started to protest, Jack just looked up at her with a hardening glare, ‘I don’t really want to go eat’ was not an acceptable answer. Usually Miranda was the dominant and experienced personality in their relationship, while Jack was the more dominant one in the bedroom. But on something like this…Jack was willing to step up to the plate and chase her out of the bedroom to get her to go eat if she had to. Thankfully Miranda didn’t need much more pushing, and Jack watched her leave with a happy smile. She didn’t have to wait long, soon enough Miranda was back with a half eaten plate of food.

“Shit, you almost wolfed that down as fast as I do.” Jack chuckled after Miranda finished her meal and put her plate away. Being in prison had given her the bad habit of wolfing down her food. If she didn’t eat fast enough, someone bigger and stronger would take away her meal, plus the entire time she was eating she was a sitting duck, open to attacks. But even with neither of those threats looming over her on the Normandy, she still ate her food as quickly as humanly possible.

She perked up when Miranda said that the room would obey her voice commands now. And of course, Jack just had to try it out. “Lights, 75%,” the younger woman commanded. Sure enough, the lights in the room dimmed down enough to take the harsh edge off and confirm that Jack had voice control of several things. “Door, unlock.” Jack’s ears strained to hear the magnetic locks of the door disengage, and when she heard the soft click, her grin grew to be a mile wide. It was touching…it was almost like being given the key to someone’s apartment in order to elevate the relationship to the next level. In her excitement, she gave Miranda a great big thankful kiss on the cheek before saying, “Door, lock.” Even though this was a simple gesture, meant a lot to Jack. It meant that Miranda trusted her with her things and her personal space. Of course Jack wouldn’t make it a habit to be hanging around in Miranda’s office -all- the time. But it was nice to know that if she ever wanted to surprise the Operative with something, she could do so without having to hack the door.

“Thanks Miri…” Jack rarely ever said ‘Please’ or ‘Thank you’, her manners were of course lacking due to her upbringing or lack there of…but sometimes, when someone did something that meant a lot to her, she remembered to say ‘thanks’. Jack began nuzzling at her neck, curious as to what else she could play with. The girl was like a child with a new toy…but she knew few things about Miranda, other than her personality of course. And with her new ability to screw around with the voice commands of her office and bedroom, Jack wanted to see what information she could draw out of her living space. “Play, Music.” Jack pulled a face as sound began trickling out of the speakers. “What the hell is this shit?”
Miranda was a bit embarrassed to scarf down her food, usually she ate quite slowly, nibbling away at food between thoughts and typing, her etiquette including dining. However when she was so excited it was too difficult to maintain such a slow pace, instead she ate every bite of her food quickly so as to spend the extra time with Jack, only a bit of extra time but enough to be worth the quick pace in which she ate. That, like a lot of things as of late, was Jack specific, Miranda's habits taking a back seat to Jack, what she did and how she handled herself changing to give her more time and mesh better with her new lover. It wasn't forced, she wasn't making herself change, it was just happening. She wanted Jack to know more about her, she wanted to spend more time with the girl, and she didn't feel like being the arrogant bitch she had always been before. She simply wanted to be with Jack and enjoy the time they had together and to do that a few things changed, even if only in the moment.

Jack was pleased with Miranda's gesture which made the older woman happy, she was glad to be able to do something that let Jack know what she meant to the older biotic. Then came a thanks, something so rare for Jack, rare enough that Miranda had never seen her say anything of the sort before and that made Miranda smile brightly. "It's no problem, I just wanted you to have full access to my room whenever you wanted... Besides, I want to do something for you that I've never done for another person... I want to be an open book." That was not an easy thing for a woman like Miranda, allowing someone to see her completely, to open up every little personal area in her life to another person. She wanted to do it for Jack though and that was precisely what she had done. In the room was everything she owned, from her clothing to all the data on herself and other sensitive files. She was trusting Jack. Of course she expected a certain amount of curiosity from Jack so she wasn't surprised when the girl began fooling around, in fact she smiled, happy someone wanted to know.

"It's called Jazz, I prefer the pure instrumental. There is also some classical in my saved files." She smirked, Jack was not going to like her music, or at least she didn't think the girl would, supported by her choice of words including 'shit' as a description for the sound. "And it's not shit, it is relaxing and doesn't fill up my head when I'm working..." She flicked Jack's nose playfully, leaning in and kissing her afterwards, the smooth music still going in the background and being great mood music as far as Miranda was concerned, though Jack had the option to turn it off if she wanted, not that it was loud, Miranda always had it play softly as she liked it better that way. She licked her own lips as she pulled away from Jack and looked down at the girl, eyes full of desire that she wouldn't be able to wait terribly long to sate, though she still resisted. "You should get use to it, I guarantee whatever nice restaurant that we end up going to will have some for of instrumental music playing. Besides, if this bothers you I hate to think of what else distracts you."

She teased Jack a bit, her hand going down and tweaking one of the girl's nipples, forcing whatever shred of clothing got in her way aside, which wasn't much with Jack's ensemble. "Unless you plan to take me to some club or sex party." She said the last bit as a joke but something she had seen when she 'researched' the other day was a bondage party, a mistress dragging her masked slave around a room, humiliating and teasing her in front of people who watched, all of them anonymous due to the masks. She wasn't suggesting they go to one, nor would she really be comfortable with it, too embarrassed and nervous about being recognized somehow, but the image was in her mind, an image of Jack in leather leading her around a room, people staring as she was spanked and toyed with by the Mistress side of Jack. It wasn't something she would speak aloud but it was getting her rather worked up and her thighs were becoming slightly wet.

She thought about something soon after she got turned on though, the lack of toy. She had enjoyed her first time with Jack, as much as she had resisted at the time, it had felt great and there had been no cock, but she was becoming use to the filling feeling of being fucked by Jack, of being taken by the dominant member and forced to cry out. She was becoming quite horny though and as she went in for another kiss it was outwardly obvious, the passion and desire behind the kiss not one that would fool Jack, especially when Miranda's tongue invaded, and she showed no signs of letting up, even as it continued on, Miranda wanted more. God, Jack had her conditioned to get horny whenever they were together, it was going to be the end of her.
“Well…it’s shit. I feel like I’m in an elevator.” Jack said plainly, but she didn’t change the music. Maybe it was one of those things that just grew on you…like wine. Though Jack still drank wine like how she drank beer. Apparently the finer things took a long time to grow on her. But still, she’d try it out. “I don’t mind classical…” she mumbled after Miranda finished kissing her. Usually she listened to very loud, very angry rock music. But sometimes when she wrote and just needed something in the background to drown out the sound of the engineers, she’d listen to some chillstep, or some classical music.

The younger woman bit her lip, back arching just a bit as Miranda tweaked her nipple. Jack’s pleasure was interrupted as she snorted at the mention of going to a club. She didn’t dance. She made it a point to stand nowhere near a dance floor when Shepard dragged the crew out for celebratory drinks after a difficult mission. And if the Commander insisted she join her on the dance floor, Jack would just try to distract the older woman with a drinking game instead….or totally ignore Shepard and go drink on her own at the bar. Between blowing shit up, evading the authorities, and spending time in jail, she’d never really had time to really learn how to dance. And while she didn’t quite care what people thought of her, she definitely could do without them knowing that she looked like a goddamn fool when trying to dance. Flailing around like an idiot didn’t do much for her bad girl image. But a sex party…that could be fun. Though Jack did get rather possessive of Miranda when she was acting like her Mistress’ Pet. She’d probably fly off the handle and rock someone in the face for staring at her pretty Toy’s perfect ass for too long. The little fantasy faded away as Jack was pulled into a deep, passionate kiss by Miranda. She groaned softly, arching her hips and pressing them firmly against her lover, making it very evident that she had forgotten to bring their toy up today.

“Mmm…what’s gotten into you?” Jack had to pull away because Miranda was kissing her with such intensity that she could no longer breath. Now a panting, wanting mess herself, she didn’t quite mind that Miranda had gotten aroused all of the sudden. But still, she’d like to draw attention to it and embarrass her lover a little bit. “Is it because you do want me to take you to some bondage party?” Jack grinned, half teasing. She had been to bondage clubs before, there were quite a few hidden away on Omega and it was a rather interesting scene. They could be rather seedy, dark, gross, and especially violent with so many dominant personalities in one room. Though she supposed there would be more classy ones tucked into little niches on the Citadel or Illium. “Does my Pet want to be paraded around on a leash and collar?” Jack goaded, and as she said the word ‘collar’, she brought a hand up, her index finger hooking itself underneath the choker Miranda wore to pull her forward into another bruising kiss. Slowly she pulled away, tugging playfully at her bottom lip before totally releasing it as she looked at her lover.

“Or do you just miss having my cock buried inside of you already?” Jack smirked. “Yanno, I really do spoil you, Princess.” But as much as Jack teased the older woman, she too also loved the sensation-transmitting dildo. It had a certain level of intimacy that oral sex or fingering just didn’t have. Don’t get her wrong, she’d spend all day with her face buried between Miranda’s legs if she could. But there was just something about being connected to Miranda…about not having to take turns and just the inherit power trip that came with having a massive cock that made her girlfriend scream.

“But if you want your toy, you’ll have to go be a good girl and go get it for me. It’s under my pillow downstairs.” Jack’s words were carefully chosen. She didn’t know what her lover needed today. Miranda had been all over the place in their talk, had gone from playful and curious girlfriend and now was teetering on the edge of becoming her horny little Pet. So she carefully picked a statement that sounded more like an option rather than an order.
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