Mass Effect: Jack/Miranda (AlureNova x Javorcek)


Nov 4, 2011
United States of Awesome
Jack was young, it was obvious by her appearance and her attitude. That was especially true with how playful she was, how she bit Miranda's hand and even how she got slightly irritated by being referred to as the little spoon. It was adorable and Miranda couldn't help but smile just thinking about it. She wasn't that way, sure she could be playful but she enjoyed teasing and pushing buttons to outward displays and she wasn't nearly as natural at doing so. Of course that playfulness in Jack kept her on her toes, she was constantly smiling and having to react to the little gestures that kept the mood between them light. She was thankful for that, thankful that her cute lover was able to keep Miranda's own serious nature from coming out too often. Not that it wasn't there, behind the cute and caring Miranda that had been poking its head out there was still the serious and competent woman, a career woman who knew how to take care of herself. That was a side of her that would never go away.

Thinking about it that was a good thing though, Miranda needed a side of herself that was responsible and clearheaded, without that she would end up laying in bed all day. Not to mention one of them needed that side. She knew enough about Jack's history and seen little glimpses of what was beneath the surface to know she was more of a young girl than people saw her as. She was just as young, if not younger, emotionally as her appearance made her seem. She was experienced sexually of course but as far as emotional stability and life experience Miranda had many years on her. Of course all of that seemed to combined perfectly when she thought about it, especially when Jack began to express her little bit of concern, it was something Miranda's experience and age allowed her to deal with easily.

"First off Jack, I've never had men give me a thing, I take care of myself and I do it quite easily. And Jack, you're not a fuck up, I give you a hard time but when it comes down to it you know how to take care of things in your own way and you are quite reliable." She smiled gently and kissed Jack gently, "Besides, you don't have to worry about that, as a cradle robber I'll be the one taking care of you. I'm capable and I want to take care of you, so let me be your Sugar Mama, as long as you can handle me being your pain in the ass for the foreseeable future..." That was all Miranda had on her mind, as long as Jack was alright with her being older she was more than happy to have the young biotic as her lover, as someone she would spend her time with. Yep, Jack with her mouth, her quirks, her dominant personality, Miranda wanted it all and with her tiny insecurity out of the way she was ready to move forward.

Of course with that solved she had to use her little form of playfulness once more, smirking as she leaned in and took one last kiss. "Goodnight, I love you my adorable little spoon." She giggled as she turned Jack back to the little spoon position and wrapped her up tight, joyful as her eyes closed once more and she got as comfortable as she had ever been on that bed. Once she had settled in, and obeyed Jack's wish for her to stop talking about such things, she feel asleep rather easily. It was no wonder, she was exhausted, her endurance and natural healing abilities only took her so far and she needed to rest. It was only made easier with Jack next to her, a level of comfort washing over her that exceeded the normal level, an at ease feeling lulling her to sleep. The happiness and comfort that she felt and which helped her fall asleep continued after she was slumbering, dreams coming to her that included the beautiful woman in her arms. Her and Jack together and just kissing, relaxing next to one another on a vacation of sorts, or perhaps just away from the conflict they face daily.
Jack growled as Miranda referred to her as the ‘little spoon’, snapping her teeth at her once more. This girl really liked to push her buttons...Jack wouldn't have it any other way. She liked that Miranda wasn't afraid of her. She gave her lover another kiss before allowing herself to be rolled over and placed into the little spoon position. “I love you too…Pain in My Ass. Sweet dreams.” She sighed a bit and tried to relax. Little spoon…hmmph! Well…at least Miranda was sweet. Jack felt a little bit better now that Miranda had said she wasn’t a fuck up. Although, Jack didn’t really need anyone to take care of her or a Sugar Mama…but the sentiment was nice.

Jack’s hand rested over Miranda’s arm, idly stroking her soft skin as she began to drift off. She started listening to Miranda’s breathing as it changed. Slow and deep. It was nice…relaxing… The feeling of Miranda's entire body pressed up against her back was phenomenal. As curvy as Miranda was, Jack knew that there was a layer of muscle underneath all of those sexy curves. It was enough to help Jack calm down, those big brown eyes fluttered shut as she focused on the sound and feeling of Miranda breathing against her… Don’t fall asleep…maybe you can just doze for a little while…

“Zero! Get up!” A gruff voice roused her from her sleep. Dr. Rascher…she hated this guy. He was such a dick. Brown eyes opened to see the bearded young doctor standing over her bed. He was a big guy...well...really big to a 10 year old. Tall and a wall of muscle, he'd look like a guard if he wasn't always in his stupid white coat. Two guards stood on either side of him with guns already drawn and pointed at Subject Zero. They were unnecessary, the shock collar around her neck usually kept her from getting too uppity. Rascher just liked to fuck with her and try to scare her into obeying.

“Fuck you.” She grumbled, rolling over and pulling the covers over her head. She didn’t like being woken up for his stupid games.

Jack began to stir, grumbling a little bit in her sleep. Her brow furrowed, her heart rate quickened. Her breathing was no longer slow and relaxed but quick and sharp. A sheen of sweat began to cover her body as she fidgeted in Miranda's arms.

“Zero you get up this instant!” He growled, wrapping his arms around her to yank her off the damn bed himself. He didn’t like to use the shock collar like the other doctors did. It made Zero useless in the ring. He needed her working at peak performance today to try out a new drug he had synthesized and tested on several subjects for the past few weeks. The results looked promising, now it was time to try it on Zero.

“No!” she wriggled in his grasp, kicking and screaming. She didn’t want to fight, they couldn’t make her, she just wanted to sleep. She fucking hated him, hated this place, hated these guards, most of all she hated this fucking shock collar that suppressed her biotics.

“NO!” Jack screamed into the darkness, brown eyes snapping open. It was dark…why was it dark? There were arms around her, she pushed them away before darting out of bed, hissing in pain as she landed on the floor in a heap. Desk…where was her desk? The young biotic scrambled around, trying to orient herself. Why was her room not the way she remembered it? And why the fuck was she half naked? Eyes strained in the darkness before she found her desk and flew underneath it. There, now she was guarded from the back and could kick and punch without worrying about protecting herself from all sides. Her hands came up to her neck, clawing at a collar that was no longer there.
Miranda was aroused suddenly from her dream, a loud no causing her eyes to pop open and for the woman to immediately be on her guard. Miranda had been alone for far too long and seen too much to be so comfortable as to not be alarmed and her first instinct was to be ready for a fight, her adrenaline instantly wiping away all traces of drowsiness. There was nobody to fight though and she soon found what it was that had woken her, it had been Jack. The young girl was no longer in her arms and instead had shot out of the bed and fallen to the ground, Miranda's eyes adjusting quickly enough for her to see the younger biotic scrambling around the room looking for something, or at least it seemed like she was searching for something. Miranda didn't move immediately, something was off and she had a feeling that her sudden waking wasn't the only quick occurrence going on, that Jack had probably woken from one of the nightmares she had already warned the operative about.

Miranda watched so some time, remaining as still as possible as not to alert and alarm the already sporadic Jack. Her eyes followed the young woman, observing as she finally found Miranda's desk and slid underneath it, calming down afterwards at least a small amount. Then she just began clawing at her neck as if trying to remove something that wasn't even there, an action that prompted Miranda to finally move, unwilling to stand and watch Jack hurt herself for absolutely no reason. "Light, twenty-percent." She activated the lights to be dim, not wanting to make it suddenly bright, and quietly slipped off the bed, her training making it easy for the woman to make no noise as she moved from the bed over to the desk, where she crouched down carefully and looked over at Jack.

The young woman seemed to be in poor shape and Miranda quickly moved in, ignoring Jack's warnings about there being a chance she would become aggressive and hostile, her arms shooting out and pissing Jack's hands. The older biotic swallowed nervously, her hands pushing Jack's hands to her sides and then enveloping the younger woman in a tight hug, her mouth pressing against Jack's ear and whispering as she tried to calm her. "Jack, it's just me, it's Miranda, you're okay... Nobody can hurt you, I won't let them." She took a deep breath and her body pressed up against Jack's, her soft chest pressing into the young woman's neck, her arms rubbing the woman's back, and her breath spilling against her ear as she refused to move, her entire being currently devoted to calming Jack down, even accepting the risks that came along with that.

During the entire duration of which she held Jack she didn't think think about herself and while usually she would have felt pity she didn't, she only felt love for the woman. She only wanted to make the person she loved feel alright, even with all the shit that had been to her in the past she wanted the young biotic to be alright. With another long deep breath she closed her eyes and tightened her hug even further, her voice coming out once again and being more gentle than it had been before. "Come on Jack, it's Miranda, it was all just a dream, snap out of it." She kissed Jack's neck and tried to calm her, still ensuring that her arms were as subdued as she could manage, trying to keep her from further hurting himself and to keep her from striking out against the operative as well, she wouldn't be able to do anything if she got hurt. Not only that but she didn't want Jack to feel guilty when she calmed down for hurting her. In a way this moment made Miranda feel more connected with Jack than ever, the way she instinctively wanted to protect the girl more than anything else, only one other person in her life brought forth those feelings, her sister, and it seemed the young biotic currently forced to be in her arms was another.
Jack’s eyes were open but they were unfocused. Seeing but not really seeing. Even with the lights coming on, she still wasn’t all that aware of where she was or what was happening. All she knew was she had to get off the collar. She couldn’t use her biotics with it on. She was strong but not strong enough to fight off Rascher. But hiding under the desk had bought her some time. Maybe she could finally get that goddamn new collar that she had been trying to get off her neck for months now. It was stronger than the last one that she had managed to finally get off of her and delivered a more painful shock whenever she refused to fight or tried to use her biotics when she wasn’t supposed to. She continued to claw, short nails leaving angry red marks in the sensitive flesh of her neck, a couple of marks were starting to open from repeated swipes. Just a tiny bit of blood was being drawn from the tattooed flesh. And then her hands were wrenched away and pinned to her sides.

“No! You can’t make me!” Jack panicked, starting to flail. Now she was pinned, she was fucked, it was all over. Rascher was going to be pissed. Fuck she should have just gone to the pit…but she didn’t want to. She was tired. Jack tried to kick but the body that had her in a hold was too close, she couldn’t get her legs to cooperate and land a good kick or knee to get free. She squirmed around, trying to get herself free but she couldn’t. As scrappy as she was she couldn’t manage to get out of that tight grip.

“GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” She roared, thrashing around in earnest now that she was already screwed with nothing left to lose. Maybe she could just tire both of them out with a struggle and everyone would leave her the fuck alone. She hissed in pain as her head snapped back in all her flailing, banging into the desk. Fuck, when did she get so tall?

As much as she tried to control it, her biotics flared to life. Streaks of blue shot down her arms and pooled at her fists as she struggled with her captor. Her body tensed, waiting for the electricity to flow down her spine from the shock collar. But it never came…why didn’t it come? It should hurt right now… She should be convulsing… Should hear Rascher’s stupid laugh and see his stupid smug grin and hear his jackass taunts that she was nothing but an animal, unable to control herself or her biotics…

But instead she heard a woman’s voice that she vaguely remembered. Elegant and coated in an accent…she knew that voice. It wasn’t a doctor…all the doctors were men. Jack felt a soft kiss on her neck. She blinked a few times. She shouldn’t be able to feel that…there was a collar there.

Son of a bitch…she was dreaming wasn’t she?

“Miri?” she asked softly. Her body went limp, she shook her head, trying to clear it. She blinked a few times until her eyes focused. Jack looked around. She was underneath Miranda’s…she must’ve woken the other woman up with all her noise because those soft yet strong arms were wrapped around her. She whimpered before turning to bury her head in Miranda’s neck. She didn’t cry, but she did tremble as though she was going to. Coming off her adrenaline high left her a sweaty, shaking mess…plus she was ashamed for how she had acted. Jack was dangerous, she shouldn’t be here. She could’ve hurt Miranda! Did she hurt Miranda? “Are you okay? I-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to…I told you I shouldn’t spend the night.” Jack began to fidget in the Operative’s arms. All the muscles in her body were tensed up once more. She wanted to run away, to go hide back in her hole in Engineering. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to…” There were very few times that Jack had ever been sorry or ever regretted anything, but right now she was sorry and terrified the woman she loved wouldn’t want to put up with her problems.
Miranda was still holding Jack tight, holding someone was supposed to help calm them down so it was doing more than keeping her from hurting herself, or at least that was the goal. It seemed to work because soon enough Jack began to calm down, even if it took her a little bit, and Miranda waited, her arms wrapped around the woman and her soothing voice continuing to try and lull the younger woman. "Yes Jack, it's me, it's Miranda." A soft smile touched her face, she liked the little nickname, Miri, it was nice and different from all the other names people had called her over the years, it wasn't a put down or a hateful joke, Jack actually liked her enough to coin a sweet little name. "Calm down love... Calm down." Her voice whispered into Jack's ear again, her grip beginning to loosen slightly and her hand rubbing the younger biotics back, Miranda's soft hands going in circles to comfort the scared girl in her arms. She wondered if anyone else had ever been so close to Jack, close enough to calm her down and care when she was scared, had feelings that made them give a damn, or even care a fraction of what Miranda did.

Miranda's right hand traveled upwards, her left still rubbing circles around Jack's back as the other held her head against the older woman's shoulder. She wasn't going to let Jack feel alone or try and run, she was going to make sure the girl knew that she would never be alone again. "Quiet beautiful you didn't hurt me..." She took a deep breath, her arms still keeping Jack close and she only wanted to make her understand that it was okay, that of all the people that she had known Miranda could handle and wanted to handle her. "Jack..." Her voice was a bit louder, demanding the girl pay attention without being aggressive in the least. "You did not hurt me... Stop acting like I am some fragile piece of glass you are going to break, I can handle myself and I will not let you run away from this... I will not let you use your nightmares as an excuse to pull away from me... I love you too much dammit." She grit her teeth, she felt like an idiot, she loved Jack but it was embarrassing to say it aloud again, at the same time she wasn't about to let Jack escape the relationship.

"Now, let's get back into bed and you can't say no..." She moved slowly, first backing out from underneath the table and then grabbing Jack's hand, gently helping her from underneath and then pulling her firmly up. "Lights, fifty-percent." Her voice came out soft again and the lights came on enough so he could see Jack's face clearly and she was smiling gently. "Jack, you're coming back into bed with me..." She pulled the girl with her and back to the bed, pushing her down softly onto her back and looking down from above. "Because you're mine and there is no way in hell I'm letting your past get in my damn way." She crawled on top of Jack, her lips pressing down into Jack's and she kissed her lovingly, she wasn't about to take it much further but she wanted to get a point across and she kissed downwards, her tongue going across the scratch marks Jack had left. When she finished that she pulled her head back, smiling again and moving a hand to her cheek, "Now, let's go back to sleep, and you can be the big spoon this time if you want."

With that she moved and laid back onto the bed, the soft mattress helping to calm her muscles and help remind her body how tired she truly was. Of course she turned her head to look at Jack, her eyes resting on the girl and her arm draping around her, keeping her from darting up and escaping, if she still had that inner desire. Miranda had never been there for someone before, she had never helped a person through something tough or had someone help her, it had always been something she assumed people went through alone. So she was surprised with how natural it felt to immediately attempt to help Jack, to want to be there for her no matter what that meant, and by how she wanted to put her own safety behind that of Jack's. She didn't dim the lights or turn them off again, she kept them light enough to allow her to see Jack clearly, her eyes slightly drooped but still watching the girl. She wasn't going to let herself fall asleep first, she would make sure Jack was calm, asleep, and then she would rest. Not that it would take long, the moment Jack was asleep Miranda would be as well but not until then, not until the younger girl had some peace.
“I know you’re not fragile. I know you’re tough… I just…I have no control… It’s…scary…yanno?” Jack grimaced a little bit, hating to admit that anything put fear into her. But loss of control was one of the things she was terrified of; being reduced to her base instincts as she had been at Pragia…to just be nothing more than a tool for someone else’s stronger will. Now as an adult, whether it was a little mass effect field she was playing with in her hand or a giant shockwave sent barreling into a group of enemies, Jack knew everything about her powers: how to manipulate them, how hard they would hit, how wide they would arc and how far they would travel. As reckless as she seemed in the middle of a gun fight Jack was always in control of herself and her biotics.

She sighed a little bit in Miranda’s arms. It looked like there would be no convincing her lover that they should sleep in separate rooms. The Operative was brave, Jack had to give her that. As much as Jack hated to admit it, she enjoyed the fact that Miranda was her equal. A strong, passionate woman who wasn’t afraid of anything…Miranda seemed like just the girl for her. “Alright…it’s your funeral.” The young biotic grumbled as she was led to the bed.

“And I wanna be the little spoon…” she muttered under her breath as they crawled beneath the comforter. Stupid Miranda and her stupid little spoon shit…Jack had actually liked it. It was nice to have someone hold her and she wanted that again tonight. At least she was comfortable enough in their relationship to admit it, even if her admission was a little on the begrudging side.

Jack willed her body to relax as she settled onto her side, back facing Miranda. It didn’t take much, Miranda’s bed was so much softer than her cot in Engineering. The soft sheets and heavy blankets made it hard for Jack to stay tensed up. She scooted back a little bit, pressing herself fully against Miranda and letting their legs get tangled up together. “I love you…g’night.” Jack murmured. She could feel that Miranda was awake, but barely. Jack let one of her calloused hands come down to rest ontop of Miranda’s that was draped around her waist. She brought their hands up so that she could kiss the back of her lover’s knuckles before returning their hands to lay back over her flat stomach.

She tried her best to stay awake. Jack didn’t trust herself to go back to sleep again. But the feeling of Miranda’s soft body pressed up against her back was incredibly relaxing. It made the young biotic melt against her, enjoying the feeling of a good cuddle. The Operative’s warm breath flowing down Jack’s neck and bared, tattooed back made her calm down. She focused on that: the sound and feeling of Miranda’s breathing rather than the zillion other thoughts that tormented her mind.

She felt her eyelids getting heavier and tried her best to keep them open….but it was too hard…the little bit of sleep she had gotten before her nightmare was too tempting. And soon Jack drifted off, making a mental note to set her internal clock for 6:45 ship time…that should give her plenty of time to sneak out before the morning crew woke up.
Miranda knew Jack was scared of losing control, she could understand that in her own way, but that wasn't going to stop Miranda from being next to the only woman who had managed to shatter her defenses. Whether Jack liked it or not Miranda was hers, like a lost puppy that wasn't going to turn away no matter what happened, and she was stubborn as hell along with that determination. So when Jack finally gave up, as difficult as that seemed to be for the young girl, she smiled and thought about just how nice it was to know Jack would listen and not try and wiggle out of what they had. Of course more than anything she found herself giddy when Jack muttered about wanting to be the little spoon, a mischievous grin touching Miranda's face as she got her wish, a side of Jack that wanted to be the vulnerable one, a side that seemed to be all Miranda's. It was comfortable and the younger girl in her arms felt just right to the point that she became more comfortable than she had been by herself in that bed ever.

"Love you too Jack... My adorable little spoon." Her voice was tired, by the time she responded she was half-asleep and only awake through sheer willpower alone, trying to keep her eyes open and mind sharp until Jack herself fell asleep. When that happened all bets were off and Miranda soon found drowsiness overtaking her, the urge to sleep toppling over her other desires now that Jack had fallen asleep as well. So she fell asleep, her arm around Jack and her body pressed firmly up against the beautiful woman in front of her, it felt incredible and helped her get one amazing nights sleep. Her dreams for the rest of that night included Jack, the young woman in various situations with Miranda, including a few things she could actually do, not just dream, which would be promptly explored when she next had the opportunity. However some of them were not exciting, in fact a few were very tame to the point of being boring, though even boring was pleasant for Miranda when it was with Jack, and the entire night was highly refreshing, at least to her.

When her eyes finally fluttered open it was morning, barely six but she felt refreshed as if she had slept for days. A smile appeared on her face when she realized Jack was still with her, still in her arms, and as cute as could be. The Jack in her arms was adorable, all of the anger and frustration usually present was gone, her soft breathing and feminine beauty present for Miranda to soak up and she did so as best she could without waking the younger woman. Her lips very gently kissed the back of Jack's neck, her hands kept themselves wrapped tightly around Miranda, and her body remained pressed up against her backside. She liked having her little spoon and having her still asleep, it felt right to be with Jack and she didn't dare disturb the little scene. In fact Miranda laid there for a good half an hour, holding Jack in her arms and listening to the woman sleep, her own breathing falling into rhythm with her lover's and while she probably could have slept a little longer she preferred to lay there awake, listening and feeling Jack's each breath, consciously feeling the warmth of their bodies.

It was only when it neared the time the crew would be waking up that she finally sighed and decided to wake the girl, knowing the crew would be up and active around seven and realizing they were still a secret. She didn't speak at first though, her lips pressed against Jack's neck and she moved all along the soft skin, going around until she was practically crawling on top of the young biotic, moving her gently onto her back and leaning in, lips connecting. She pulled back and giggled gently, "Wake up beautiful, wake up before I gobble you up." She leaned in and nipped at her neck, working her way back to those lovely lips and being a bit more passionate, keeping them connected longer and knowing that would get her awake if she hadn't already been roused. At the same time a hand had worked its way down, a smirk playing at her lips as she began to rub the delicate folds of Jack's sex, knowing full well that unless they wanted to be caught that Jack would have to leave before Miranda could do more than tease, the little devil side of her making an appearance as she continued anyways. "Come on and open those pretty eyes love." She felt so happy for no reason other than being with Jack and it was a great feeling, she didn't even want to get out of bed, to have Jack return to her room, but for the moment discretion was needed and they couldn't risk being discovered.
Most people were excited when they dreamt, having pleasant images running through their head or fun, abstract thoughts to process the day’s memories was a good way to spend the night. Having never really had any good dreams herself, Jack was just as happy when she didn’t dream at all. She liked when her mind was quiet and all she saw was blackness as she slept.

Usually Jack was a light sleeper. Years in and out of various prisons and juvenile detention centers had caused her to wake up at just the slightest noise and put her in touch with her internal circadian rhythm. So when Miranda woke up a little bit before 6, Jack was roused out of her deep sleep and hovered somewhere in the land of dozing. She knew that it was early and not time to wake up yet…but if Miranda was awake she kind of wanted to be awake as well. She stirred a little more, but after feeling the little kiss on the back of her neck a smile tugged at her lips. She took the kiss to mean ‘go back to sleep’ and she relaxed once more, drifting back off into a deeper slumber.

She looked so peaceful as she slept. If it weren’t for all her tattoos and the haircut, one would be hard pressed to recognize the sleeping woman as the sociopath Jack. Her jaw was no longer set in its perpetual scowl, instead the outline was relaxed, delicate with a feminine curve. Her pouty lips were slightly parted as she breathed, with just the tiniest bit of a smile tugging at the corners of them because she was so happy to be laying in her lover’s arms. Even her brow that was usually furrowed, whether from rage or from her own worries, was smoothed...making her look much younger than she actually was.

“Mmmph…” She grunted a bit as Miranda started kiss her about a half hour later to wake her up. Jack tried her best to play dead, she still had 15 minutes of sleep left. Maybe Miranda would go back to bed with her for a little while if she thought Jack was asleep. But the little kisses to her neck made her giggle despite her best efforts to fake slumber. “Come on…” she laughed, only to be silenced as Miranda pulled her into a passionate kiss. Jack grinned, waking right up. She wrapped her arms around her wide-awake girl, holding her close as she kissed her back. Her playful tongue batted around Miranda’s for supremacy. Jack could definitely get used to waking up like this every morning. Soon she found herself distracted as she felt that naughty little hand start to make it’s way down her body. Jack moaned into the kiss, legs spreading and hips starting to gyrate. Just that little bit of touch was enough to get her wet and her body temperature to rise If Miranda wasn’t careful Jack was never going to get out of this bed and sneak back out to her room.

Well…they had 15 minutes, that was enough time to be a little naughty, right?

“You really shouldn’t start shit you can’t finish Cheerleader.” Jack teased, if Miranda wanted to be a bad girl this morning, Jack would throw it right back at her. She was going to wind the Operative so tight that she’d be a distracted, horny mess, ready to snap at any moment while she worked. Strong, calloused hands began tugging on the flimsy little nightshirt. She pulled it up higher on the Operative’s body, giving Jack more access to the soft, porcelain flesh. She lightly grabbed onto Miranda’s cute little rear, rubbing and massaging the fleshy mounds. Jack slipped a strong thigh between Miranda’s legs, grinding up against her mound.
If any human had been sculpted as a definition of sexiness it would have been Miranda, her body was impeccable from the head down to her beautiful feet. From atop Jack that was all the more clear, the entirety of her sex appeal present for the younger girl to observe, especially as the thin nightgown was pushed up. The stomach was a focal point, the curve of her figure being incredible yet she wasn't a stick as some women who had achieved such a look ended up being. No, Miranda had a fine layer of muscle, a toned look with the smallest layer of fluff which did nothing but make her all the more mouth watering, her smooth delicate skin and flat toned stomach begging to be caressed. The ample bosom and large rear competed for attention as well, each set of mouth watering mounds being firm and at the same time soft, the perfect ratio to make them heavenly to the touch. Nothing else on her body disappointed either, whether it be her long legs or slender neck, even her eyes and face screamed goddess, and the whole thing was exponentially greater when looked upon as a whole. She was marvelous.

Yet nothing was as beautiful as her smile, a visage that made an entire room glisten and that particular look was one that was currently reserved for Jack. It was a look that showed itself the moment their passionate kiss ended and Jack made it obvious she wasn't going to give up without a fight. Miranda would have it no other way and she just giggled softly and let Jack make a move, not attempting to stop her or outdo the girl, just letting it happen, giving the younger biotic the upper hand. Sure that may not seem like much to most people but Miranda never let anyone win, never made herself vulnerable or available, and it was a big deal and one she was sure Jack would understand. That didn't stop her from regretting it slightly, the side of her that liked to think of such things as a game knew she would now lose, and the part of her wise enough to think about the rest of her day cursed her for allowing Jack free access to her body without taking any ground in return.

It didn't truly matter, in the end she would have buckled beneath Jack's touch as it had already been made more than clear who was the superior lover between the two. Miranda was learning and at a frightening pace but it was Jack who had the upper hand, and in moments she was reminded of that fact. A small moan escaped her lips, the calloused hands against her porcelain flesh sending shivers throughout and bringing goosebumps to the surface, even a small blush to her cheeks. "As much as I would usually agree, in this particular area I like starting what I can't finish." She spoke with a mischievous grin on her face and she slowly lowered her head, pressing it up against Jack's gently and looked into her eyes. "So how about this, I'm going to keep going, since I've already started it, and we will just have to see which one of us wants it more by the end... Which by my calculations is about ten minutes or so."

As she finished her sentence Miranda's fingers had made their move, two of the slender digits plummeting inside of Jack's hot sex. The thigh between her own legs was wonderful but she had a feeling her fingers could do more efficient work and she had them going from the start, moving in opposite rhythms, one finger plunging in as the other pulled out and that continued, essentially giving Jack no rest as the same area was attacked by the one finger the moment the other left. That wasn't enough to satisfy Miranda though, she had to make an aggressive move if she hoped to have Jack tormented for the rest of the day, to have the younger woman so horny that she would find herself unable to think about anything else. What she needed to do was split the attack, have her fingers take care of the lower zone and have her mouth assault its own target. So she moved quickly, using her mouth to slowly start kissing down Jack's neck, leaving small little hickeys and licking the smooth flesh, making her way down to the collarbone and across her shoulder before descending down to one of those lovely little breasts. That was where the fun started, her lips enveloping a bare nipple and going to work, licking and nibbling as her tongue circled the peak. All she had to do then was wait, wait for Jack's voice to prove how she was doing.
“Oh fuck…” Jack groaned. Most people overlooked her breasts, they were small, didn’t call much attention to themselves. But Miranda was so lovingly licking and nibbling at her poor little sensitive nubs that Jack wished desperately that she could cum in under ten minutes to find a little relief. She was too preoccupied with the amount of time they had left to fool around, she’d never be able to orgasm while worrying about how the hell she was going to sneak out of here on time.

“Mmmph…Miranda…please…” She begged…not even sure what she was begging for. More time perhaps? Half of her was contemplating just sneaking through the ventilation ducts and just holing up in here for another half hour. But Shepard would probably want to talk about her outburst yesterday. Fucking Shepard…get out of her thoughts…she was trying to have a little sex here! Shit…there were too many distractions, she’d never be able to cum.

Jack whimpered, her hips bucking. Where the hell had Miranda learned to do that thing with her fingers? It was driving Jack absolutely insane. As much as her body wanted to just get lost in the onslaught of pleasure, she knew the whole thing would be a lost cause. She was going to be a wreck all day, fantasizing about all the naughty things she was going to do to the Operative when they were alone once again.

Might as well make Miranda as horribly horny as she was.

“That’s it, you’re in so much fucking trouble now.” Even the threat was coated in a sweet moan, losing most of her authoritative tone. Shit, Miranda was turning her into a whimpering, begging little mess. Her kinky little sub might give her a run for her money after all. “Five minutes.” Jack panted, her internal clock still ticking. The young biotic flipped them both over, whimpering as Miranda’s slid free from her sex from all their rolling around. She was going to miss the touch…but what she had in mind was going to make everything totally worth it.

“Keep track of time.” Jack ordered as she pinned Miranda’s hips to the bed and scrambled down her body with a little less grace than she would have liked. In her eagerness she pried her lover’s legs apart and immediately dove face first into her waiting sex, absolutely devouring her. Jack wasn’t sure if she could get Miranda to climax in five minutes, but she sure as hell was going to give it her best shot.

Soft pouty lips immediately wrapped themselves around Miranda’s engorged clit, suckling on the little bundle of nerves gently. Her tongue on the other hand was not as tender. Jack mercilessly teased and tormented the little nub with her silken apendage. Her tongue kept alternating between flicking and fluttering, making it hard for Miranda to relax and find a rhythm. Strong hands spread her lover’s toned thighs a little wider as Jack settled in to get comfortable. It was so easy for her to get lost in the taste and scent of her lover’s sex, Jack wouldn’t be able to keep track of time while between Miranda’s legs at all.
Hearing Jack beg flipped a switch inside of Miranda and a mean smirk touched her lips, she wanted to make her beg and moan more, she wanted to have the girl squirm beneath her. So she continued her onslaught, planning on going until she had to stop, had to let Jack go and avoid someone discovering the relationship. Hell in her head the plan seemed perfect, have her fingers continue to do what seemed to be working, both fingers working her lover over in a constant torrent of absolute pleasure. She hadn't been sure it would work at first but Miranda was an inventive woman and she had ideas, oh did she have idea, and she was going to think up plenty of ways to really get to Jack now that they were together. The time constraint made even her new technique seem lacking. She did want to make Jack cum if she could, at least the part that didn't want the younger girl to be horny all day did, but she would take whichever she took.

She was in such a mood that she found herself caught off guard when Jack decided to turn the tables on her and her being caught off guard was something to take notice of, it meant her guard had been completely down. "Wait, damn." She only had time to mutter those words before Jack had her on her back, every bit of her attack on the younger woman being ripped away in moments, she no longer had any leverage and Jack didn't seem to be about to give her any chances. "H-Hey, damn you, can't just let me get ahead can you." She nearly growled but it was playful, she didn't mind in the least, though it was a bit disappointing that she didn't get more time to hear Jack's cute little moans, they were really just so adorable. Her own moans were going to be coming soon though because Jack had that look in her eye, that look that told Miranda that either she would be screaming out in pleasure very soon or that the rest of her day was going to be very difficult. It all depended on how sensitive she was really, if she would cum within the very short time limit they had or only become so damn horny that the entire day would be like torture, a very horrible torture that only the most cruel enemy would come up with. Funny considering she was the one who had began the dangerous game.

The demand for her to keep track of time hadn't been forgotten and Miranda nodded her head before turning it to look at the clock on the wall, knowing mental counting wouldn't work with what was coming her way. She was right, the moment those pouty little lips wrapped around her clit she lost it, a moan escaping her lips at the surprising gentleness. Then came the tongue, it was merciless and her body reacted on an incredible level, the bitch had to do that to her, the change in pace as a combination with the mixture of rough and gentle driving her mad in an instant. Her voice came out loud and uninhibited, Miranda not able, or wanting to, hold back. That silken tongue was a torture tool of the highest degree in that moment and while it could have sent her to a blissful world of pleasure that wasn't going to happen. Miranda was self-aware, enough to know that the time remaining wasn't going to be enough for her to cum, not with the change of pace. The strong wonderful hands almost made the difference between pleasure and torment, they felt nice against her thighs, yet it still wasn't enough.

Alas five minutes went by far too quickly and she whimpered, considering not saying anything and figuring it all out after she climaxed. She couldn't do that though, not only because it would be quite a bit of trouble, but also because something inside of her wanted to do exactly what Jack said, obey and alert her to the time. "It's been five minutes... We have to stop." She whimpered the sentence and looked down at Jack, her legs beginning to close to ensure that Jack acknowledged her. She even began to scoot back on the bed, cursing herself as she moved away from that incredibly skilled mouth, a flustered expression on her face as she panted, she wanted more. "Fuck..." She muttered, it was going to be a shit day, having to endure what had just been stoked in her. The inner fire was going strong and there was going to be no time to take care of it herself, and she wasn't sure she would be able to, knowing that she had never felt as good by herself as Jack made her feel.

"What have I done to myself?" She asked, looking to Jack for answers with a wanting expression on her face. It was odd for a woman like Miranda, to want something so badly and have no control over it, she had always kept herself away from such things but here it was, a desire that she couldn't fulfill herself, one she needed Jack for and now she had to wait. She just hoped it wouldn't be all day, that she could find some time to pull Jack away somewhere even if that wasn't going to happen, as they both were busy during the day. "Sure you can't stay? We could figure out a way to sneak you out even if I have to call an emergency meeting to get the crew away from the floor." She said it with a laugh but she was half serious, what was the point in having power if she didn't use it.
While Miranda was a control freak that liked to have control removed from her. Jack was the other extreme. Her whole life had been spent with people ripping any sort of control from her grasp. Having control over Miranda’s body and desires sent a flood of confidence over the young biotic. It overwhelmed her, made her want to prove that she was a more than capable lover for the older woman; to prove that she was definitely worth the time and all the risks. Jack worked Miranda’s sex with new fervor, using every part of her mouth to stimulate her swollen folds. Little nips and nibbles were given to Miranda’s less sensitive outer lips before Jack moved down just an inch lower to plunge her tongue into the sopping wet channel. Her nose kept nuzzling Mirada’s clit every time she worked her tongue downwards to fuck her with it. Hands grasped a little tighter to her milky thighs as she desperately tried to bring her lover to climax.

So focused on catching every drop of Mirada’s sweet arousal with her eager tongue, Jack had barely heard Miranda’s words. Her head tuned out the sentence she really didn’t want to hear: that their little morning game was over. She growled as Miranda’s sex was being taken away from her, much like a dog would growl when it’s treat was removed. She tried to inch forward, ravenous and wanting, but strong thighs held her back. Jack whimpered but soon enough she came back to her senses. She had to leave. She had to be in her room when Shepard came to talk. Then she’d have to go spar with her and the new Krogan, Grunt.

For a normal person, sparring and exercise helped work off sexual tension. For Jack it would only add to the torture as her body tingled and grew warm with every attack. She was sure her lust for battle would mold and shape itself into an unbearable burning at her core that would leave her fantasizing about the Operative for every moment of the rest of the day. Shit…this was going to be hard.

“What have you done to -you-? What have you done to -me-?!?” Jack chuckled. No one had ever made her a whimpering, begging to be fucked mess before. She could feel the cooling wetness between her legs, dampening the fabric of her boxers. Her face shown up at Miranda, sticky and glistening with her lover’s juices; the Operative had made quite a mess of the both of them with her idea to get them so worked up this morning. Jack grinned as Miranda revealed her plan to distract everyone from the floor. It was tempting…so very tempting. But Jack knew that the excruciatingly long time spent trying not to snap would make their late night rendezvous all the better.

“No…I should go.” The smile faded and it was clear that she was a little upset that she’d have to carry on all day like she hated Miranda in order to keep up appearances. Jack would probably use some of the less hurtful insults she usually flung at the Operative at least. She never wanted to hurt Miranda again…well…didn’t want to hurt her emotionally anyways. She still had that riding crop that she had yet to use…maybe tonight she could use it to examine how wet and strung tight her little pet had gotten all day. Perhaps discipline her for being so impetuous this morning and starting something she couldn’t finish. The grin returned, more mischievous this time as Jack’s eyes glinted with the idea of whacking Miranda’s cute little behind until it was beet red. Oh her lover was going to pay for this tonight…and it was going to be fantastic.

Jack wiped her face with the back of her forearm before she crawled up Miranda’s body. Once they were face to face, she gave the older biotic a slow, tender kiss while she was still in the mindset to do so. The next time she saw Miranda and they were both alone, Jack would probably be in a frenzy of bruising kisses and hands all over a gorgeous body, ripping and tearing the Cerberus uniform to shreds to free her lover from it. Once she had properly given Miranda a kiss goodbye, Jack hopped off her and the bed to hurriedly get dressed. She’d only have a few more moments before the elevator was crowded with crewmembers getting to their respective posts.

“I’ll see you later.” Now fully dressed, Jack rushed over, gave her one more fleeting kiss on the lips and a smile before she dashed out of the room. She dashed back in about two seconds later, the door had barely gotten to close. Brown eyes flicked around like she had forgotten something. It took her just a moment to find what she was looking for: the sensation transmitting strap on she had bought that was still hiding in their little bag of goodies. “Just wanted to see what else it could do.” With a mischievous grin, Jack finally ran out for good, the sex toy wrapped in a t-shirt and tucked under her arm as she rushed back down into her hole in Engineering to feign sleep and wait for Shepard to come around and scold her for being so hot headed.
Miranda couldn't help but smile, she liked the idea that she had got under Jack's skin and that thought would make it easier for her to make it through her own day. In fact she would thrive off that to push aside her own lust, which would no doubt be a constant thorn in her side for the entire day, and make it until she could finally satisfy herself. That would not be for some time thought because Jack seemed to make it clear that they would be waiting, not accepting her ploy to keep them together longer, and then giving her quite the kiss to torment her and hold her over at the same time. She whimpered when it ended and she looked at Jack longingly, "You are pure evil, it is impossible to be calm with you around, I'm going to be horny forever..." After that she could only watch as Jack left the room, a sigh escaping her lips and a pout on her face, a slightly depressed look that Jack got to see as she dashed back in and grabbed that lovely strap-on that had given her so much pleasure.

"Damn, I could have used that to make this day a hell of a lot easier." She muttered, sighing again when Jack left for good and just sitting there for some time, wishing she had more time to be with her lover and less time alone. Not only that but it was slightly depressing to think that when she saw Jack next, unless they somehow avoided each other until later, that she would have to give her the same cold attitude she had used so many times in the past. She didn't want to do that to Jack, she wanted to show the girl how much she loved her and truly be the girlfriend that her younger partner deserved, someone the girl could rely on. Sure she would always be there in the time they had together, she would never truly hurt Jack, but even putting her down as an act was going to be difficult and Miranda would regret it. It wasn't something she could avoid though, if she instantly changed gears it would become obvious and their trying to hide it would be for nothing. No, she had to be her normal self, perhaps a tad less confrontational but nothing more than that for fear of being see-through and caught.

It was only after a few minutes of thinking that Miranda finally sighed once more and rose out of bed, her body having had time to cool off a bit even if it was impossible to completely calm down. It was then she began rummaging around, cleaning up her room in case someone decided to poke around, and also changing out of her nightgown and into her uniform, the tight attire pressing against her sex and making it more difficult than ever to calm herself. She also found the bottle of alcohol they had never drank and smirked, quickly taking it and placing it inside the drawer of her desk. That would be nice to pull out when they were enjoying each other in her room, which she hoped was that night. Regardless it would be nice for whenever they were together next and she continued along in that fashion, smiling as she tidied the room the rest of the way and eventually finished everything up, going to her desk and doing a little work, not being hungry.

As far as work she got it done rather quickly, there wasn't much for her to do and she seemed to be more efficient than ever with her current mood. In fact she finished so quickly she found herself bored and at a point even playing with random little things in her room. She only stopped when she found herself a bit hungry, leaving the room and looking around, everyone else was still busy with their days work. She took a deep breath, she didn't give a damn about most of those people, any of them actually, and she wanted to just yell at them for making Jack have to leave her so early. She didn't though, keeping her calm cold face as usual and making her way to get a bite to eat, also as usual not eating what most of the crew ate and getting her personal food and then heading back to her office, preferring to eat alone than with others. She wondered what Jack was doing, even after she finished eating she wondered. Unfortunately her day was going by slowly, Shepard never stopped by and other than the commander nobody ever came to visit her, not of their own free will.

It was a pain really, she had to find things to do, going over matters she was keeping her eye on and doing some reports she had been putting off. Then, as sneakily as possible even going as far as to hide her tracks, Miranda began using the network to search certain things she happened to be a novice at, spending a good chunk of her day looking up some issues people would never expect to see her searching. A few included sexual kinks and how to really turn a lover on, she even considered ordering a few things but decided to keep it to herself and not risk people finding out, decided to do it herself while she was on a planet if she had to. Of course all of that stopped as the day went on, Miranda began wandering around the ship at random, talking to various people who had problems for her to deal with as one of the higher ranked crew-members. Even just walking about she seemed to be busy, though all the while, throughout the entire day, she was yearning for Jack, wanting to relieve her desires but being unable to, something inside of her stopping her from doing anything until later, waiting obediently without really having to be told. The part of her that seemed so ready to submit control when she was normally such a control freak surfacing yet again.
The young biotic barely had enough time to sprint to her bunk before all the engineers trickled in to their posts. Panting, she willed her heart rate to return to normal so that she didn’t look too suspicious. She heard footsteps coming down her stairs and immediately shoved her wrapped up toy under the pillow. Jack had just enough time to take on her usual brooding, hunched over position just as Shepard came into view.

“Hey Jack. How’re y- …holy…what the hell?” Shepard pulled a face as she neared the young biotic. “Jack, you need to shower. You smell like…” Shepard looked at the younger woman for a moment, studying her closely. Jack reeked of sex and her usual scowl wasn’t yet painted on her face yet. They were still docked at Illium…had the young Convict managed to sneak off and find some company last night? “Who was she?” Shepard couldn’t hide her grin; like most marines she loved a good shore leave story.

Fuck…in her rush to sprint back to her hole in Engineering, Jack had entirely forgotten to wash her face or her arm properly. Her ears began to burn with embarrassment. The old Jack would have bragged about her escapades from the night before, but a girl like Miranda deserved a little more respect. She tried to cover up how flustered she was with a scowl and a glare, “None of your fucking business.”

“Oooo you must really like this one.” Shepard chuckled as Jack turned positively scarlet, but she decided to stop torturing her young friend, they had a lot to do today. The Commander knew that getting Jack to do anything would be much more pleasant if she just let the matter rest. “Well…anyways.” She smiled, trying to change the subject because she knew how uncomfortable Jack could get when talking about sensitive things. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay after yesterday’s fight with Miranda.” When Jack nodded a bit to signal that she was alright, Shepard pressed on. “It’s her job to behave that way…don’t let it rule you.” Jack just nodded again “But enough of that, come on, let’s get down to the hangar bay.” There was a lot of room in the hangar bay now that the armory wasn’t down there. So Shepard had converted much of the spare room into a training area.

Jack had been forced into a training routine similar to one imposed by the Alliance military. Since the girl didn’t do much in the way of mission logistics or ship upgrading, such as Miranda, Garrus or Tali, she sparred and exercised with the remainder of Shepard’s Suicide Squad. Today her sparring partner was Grunt. She liked the massive young Krogran, he didn’t talk much, he fought well and he was just as pissed-off as she was when Shepard told them they weren’t allowed to kill eachother.

By the time Jack and Grunt were done sparring, both of them were disgusting, sweaty messes. Shepard had forced them to call it a draw before they damaged any more of the ship. While her punches hadn’t done much against the Krogan, she had managed to lure him into charges, only to dart out of the way and leave him ramming himself into the bulkhead. As much as Jack hated to run away from a fight, it was the only tactic she could think of to wear down the Krogan without her biotics or a weapon to aid her.

Her body had been pumping endorphins to reward her all through the match; coupled with the feelings of lust that Miranda had left her with from that morning, Jack was a horny, nervous wreck. She was glad to take her leave before she absolutely lost it and jumped Shepard’s bones in her desperation for release.

Cold shower…she needed a cold shower. Her first stop was the bathrooms where she ran her body under an icy stream until her lips and fingertips turned purple. Even with her body in the first stages of hypothermia, it was a struggle to not touch herself. All she could think about was how great it would be to have Miranda in the shower with her, pinned up against a slippery wall while Jack ravished her, the sound of her moans echoing off the walls.

The ache between her legs was maddening. She didn’t give a flying fuck if Miranda had any work left to do today. Jack was either going to kill or molest the next person she saw if she didn’t do something about this. Thankfully the next person Jack happened to run in to was the source of her problems. In her rush to make her way one level down, she just about barreled into the Operative that was making her rounds.

“Watch where you’re going Cheerleader!” Jack hissed, springing backwards, her jaw set in a scowl but her eyes were surprisingly soft. If she weren’t busy spitting insults, she’d look a little more on the relieved side to see her lover. She could feel eyes on them, people waiting for the Convict to blatantly attack the Ice Queen. But instead, she just gave Miranda a condescending smirk and moved to be on her way again, getting close enough to whisper to Miranda. “You better be done with work in 20 minutes.” All Jack had to do was get some dinner and their toy. Then it would be dinner time for most of the crew and Jack was sure she could sneak into Miranda’s office while everyone else was busy eating.
At first Miranda's rounds had been easy, dealing with a few common things around the ship and getting some reports on minor missions that had been launched which she had failed to receive. Those were not always the most pleasant of meetings, she had to demand the people involved to write them, but it got done because nobody said no to the Ice Queen. She even found some time to train a bit, privately but she did it, especially working on her hand to hand in order to become capable enough to put up a better fight against Jack. Not that she didn't want the girl to touch her but she liked the idea of playing around, maybe even training with someone she actually wanted to spend some time with. Then she worked on her marksmanship a bit, as usual hitting the targets right on the mark without missing a beat. She wasn't as strong as Jack when it came to hand to hand and while she usually wouldn't even have considered the possibility, Jack may have been stronger when it came to biotics, the only thing she had above the younger girl was marksmanship.

Miranda's day became more complicated when one of the crew members had a serious problem that they needed help dealing with, something about system problems with the ship. It was a problem she got EDI on right away but it ate up a good portion of her day and she was quite frustrated by the time it was all said and done. She was so frustrated in fact that she had forgot to really eat anything for most of the day. That was why she had gone and grabbed a quick bite before the rest of the crew would be arriving for dinner, not eating much but enough to get her by. It was after that she ran into Jack, having to stop herself from smiling and keep her usual arrogant look plastered on her face. When Jack hissed at her she did something that wouldn't even phase Jack but would fool the crew, an arrogant almost pitying smirk crossed her face and she just shook her head. The look in her eyes was more adoring than anything but she managed to keep anyone else around from getting a good look before Jack began walking off.

They had to put on a good show and it wasn't easy, neither one of them harbored rage or irritation towards the other one at that point and even if they were capable actors negative emotions were hard to fake. They would manage but it didn't make it easier, though what did make it easier was what Jack managed to whisper to her in passing. Twenty minutes and she would be in the throws of passion and the entire day of being horny was certainly going to make it more difficult to wait even that short amount of time. The idea of being with Jack so soon had her wet again and she had to take a deep breath before walking away from that spot, ignoring the eyes on her and trying her best to go finish up one last thing in a normal manner, a hard feat to achieve when she was wet and horny. She managed though, wrapping up her last little chore, though when she saw the time her eyes opened wide, she was a few minutes later than Jack had demanded her to be back, twenty-four minutes and she still had to get back to the room.

She rushed back, her usual slow swaying walk changed to a more brisk and rushed movement. Miranda couldn't believe she was going to be late, mainly because Jack would no doubt give it to her because of that. People noticed her pass, though they turned back to their own thing soon enough, nobody questioning what Miranda decided to do and assuming if it had her moving fast it was something quite important. When she reached her room she just stood there for a moment, swallowing hard as she wondering if Jack was going to be inside waiting for her, if she remembered she had left the lights out so the room would be completely dark. So after a moment she opened up the door, a bit of light flooding in but not much, and then she stepped inside, the door closing behind her and she slowly walked into the dark room, moving elegantly past her desk and over to the bed, swallowing as she slowly lowered herself on to it and crawled up to the top, her face plopping into the pillow as she waited for either Jack to reveal herself, or for the woman to come into the room and see Miranda waiting for her. She liked either idea, though part of her was nervous about punishment if Jack had already arrived, not sure how much she could endure before going crazy with desire.
Now Jack was frantic with the amount of sexual tension coiling in her stomach. All she had to do was make it a couple of more minutes and then her and Miranda would be free to do whatever the hell they wanted for the rest of the night! She tried to form her exterior appearance into her usual rage-filled mask so that no one suspected how giddy she was on the inside. This lasted for most of the 20 minutes. Jack wolfed down her food in under 5, an old prison habit, and then rushed down to her hole in Engineering.

Once there, she grabbed the toy that she had cleaned earlier but was still hidden under her pillow. Most of the crew was still bustling around upstairs…fuck…how was she going to get this thing up there? She tried putting it into one of her pockets but the fake phallus was too big. If she carried it around, wrapped up in a shirt, people would probably ask her stupid ass questions; figuring the Convict was probably carrying around drugs or illegal weapons or something. Shit…

The easiest way to smuggle the sensation-transmitting dildo would probably be for her to wear it. So the young biotic stripped down to nothing. She inserted the smaller end into her already wet sex, shivering as the toy synced itself to her body. With her Omnitool, she dialed down the sensation to 50% so that it didn’t hurt her as she struggled to tuck the toy into a tight pair of boxer-briefs. She threw on a fresh pair of cargo pants and looked down to survey her work. Perfect! The bulge was pretty unnoticeable, no one would know unless they accidentally brushed into it. She finished getting dressed by pulling the leather straps that hid her nipples over her chest. Then she rushed back upstairs.

No one paid much attention to Jack as she prowled around the ship. The crew had gotten used to her meandering about in her free time. Usually they were too absorbed in their routine to notice their surroundings anyways. So with just a furtive glance, it appeared no one was watching her or was around, so she ducked into the XO’s Office.

“Miranda?” Jack asked as the door shut and darkness enveloped her. What the hell? She had expected Miranda to be here, the Operative was never late to anything. “Lights, 50 percent” Jack called into the room. When the lighting didn’t change she growled. Of course Miranda had it keyed to her own voice, it probably deterred people from coming around and snooping about when she wasn’t here. Well, Jack was used to the darkness and in a couple of moments her eyes had fully adjusted to the almost pitch-black state of the room.

Ohhh Miranda was going to be in so much trouble when Jack got her hands on her. Where the hell had she hidden the riding crop? The young biotic made her way over to the Operative’s desk and started opening up drawers. She activated her Omnitool and used the soft light of it to help look through the stuff she had stored in there, finally finding the sleek leather crop in the bottom one. With a grin she took it out and placed it on the desk top and shut off her Omnitool; immersing herself in total darkness once more. Now all she had to do was relax and play the waiting game.

When Miranda finally appeared in the doorway, Jack was sitting back far enough that the artificial light from the hallway did not touch her. She saw her lover struggle to peer into the darkness of the room, probably searching for Jack. She could hear her and make out the Operative’s gorgeous outline as she walked right by the desk that Jack was sitting so quietly at. She wondered for a moment if Miranda’s eyes could adjust as well to pitch black as hers could. She hoped not, it would be an appropriate punishment to not let lover see a damn thing that was happening to her, especially since she seemed so intent on calling Jack beautiful all the time.

“Really Cheerleader? Still haven’t learned from last time to be ready and naked for me? I hope you remember your safe word…because I really don’t like to be kept waiting.” Jack smirked as she broke the silence and began kicking off her boots, the clunky things would make too much noise in the absolute silence of the room. “Stay there, and keep the lights off.” With that, Jack quietly padded to Miranda’s prone form, riding crop in hand.

WHACK! Jack brought the leather-tongued crop down onto Miranda’s still covered rear. “I don’t-” WHACK! “want to see-” WHACK! “this fucking uniform-” WHACK! “on you-” WHACK! “when were are going to play.” WHACK! “Understand?” Jack hated the Cerberus logo that was positioned right above Miranda’s heart on that stupid uniform. While she was slowly coming to accept that Cerberus ruled Miranda’s career, she liked to think that their private lives were shared between just the two of them. That being said, she didn’t want to see that damn symbol anymore when her and Miranda were behind closed doors.

“Strip. Then on your hands and knees while I try to figure out a proper punishment for you being so fucking late.”
Miranda had known Jack would either be waiting or soon arriving and she had a feeling it would be an angry Jack. That knowledge didn't prepare her for the voice that came from the darkness of the room after she laid down on the bed, her body shivering in strange delight as she awaited the punishment coming her way. It was odd really, she truly did enjoy having her control taken away and as Jack told her to remember the safe word she swallowed, thrilled Jack believed she would need it. It was then she realized how twisted she was. Miranda had always believed herself to be without a vice, to have no weakness, but here it was, something that made her excited beyond reason and something that could definitely ruin her reputation and embarrass her thoroughly. Shit, Jack would really be the end of her, though for the moment she found herself not giving a damn, as long as she could be with Jack and feel that pleasure she didn't give a damn and would do whatever she could to feel it again. She wasn't going to use the safe word, she promise herself that much immediately.

"Yes... I won't make the same mistake again." She said those words with a near purr, she almost wanted to do it again as the edge in Jack's voice got her horny, but she would do as instructed, she craved to do what she was told more than she was comfortable with. She also obeyed the other orders, her head staying against the pillow and her eyes closing as she awaited the impending actions of her angered partner. Then it came, a swift and stinging pain as a whack sounded. A cry escaped Miranda's lips, something that wouldn't usually occur as she had a high tolerance for pain and an immense amount of pride, but something her vulnerability allowed her to do, something it allowed her to be honest about. Honestly, she could withstand pain, she could keep herself from screaming and never give up answers, but she didn't like it.

"Shit..." She muttered, gritting her teeth as she cried out again, five more hits from that crop and they seemed to become much more powerful as Jack went on. It seemed she disliked the uniform and Miranda could understand, to her Cerberus was something that ruined her life, took away her childhood and continued to torment her, something Miranda didn't like doing but also something she could rid herself of. She was a Cerberus Operative, it was what had defined Miranda and for now it was something she didn't want to shed, she still believed in so many of their ideas, even if some things seemed more important at the moment, like Jack and Shepard's mission. She could take off the uniform around Jack though and she took a deep breath, gathering herself before speaking to answer Jack's question but when she did her voice made it clear she understood. "I understand Jack... I will never let it happen again, not when I know your coming."

She took another deep breath, her ass was stinging but she could take it and she found herself wetter than ever after the punishment, though Jack soon let her know it had only just begun. So she nodded, slipping off the bed to more easily remove her clothing, tossing the uniform to the side and then removing her underwear as well. When she was nude she crawled back onto the bed, right to her hands and knees, a position that suited her quite nicely, her beautiful ass the perfect target for abuse, though the rest of her was just as appealing, even if it didn't quite stand out as much. Of course there were red marks on that sexy ass, red stripes on otherwise perfect porcelain flesh. They weren't bad, her uniform had stopped most of the impact but there was still a tiny presence, and it looked nice.

"Jack... I'm not terribly experienced with this but today I... I was um..." She found it hard to say she was looking at porn and other sites dealing with the type of things that were turning her on. "I was looking at some things today and um... Shall I continue to call you Jack or something else when um... You take control." She was embarrassed, rare but it had been happening around Jack and she was blushing as well, absolutely adorable. She just hoped she didn't sound stupid, she liked saying Jack's name and she enjoyed the sweet loving bit they had, not to mention she found herself as the more mature of the two despite being apparently submissive in bed, but she had found other names were often used in the bedroom when it was such lively and kinky sex, names that showed respect and submission that obeying commands only partially did. Jack would no doubt tell her, she had been leading her, holding her inexperienced hand for some time, and she hopefully still would, even as she was thinking up a worthy punishment.
Jack was pulled out of her plotting when Miranda began to ramble on about what she had been doing in her spare time today. The young biotic’s brows lifted in surprise. Never in a million years would she think that the Ice Queen would ever look at porn or that she would ever be a stammering mess while talking to Jack about it. As mad as she was that Miranda had been late, Jack couldn’t help but smile a bit. Her lover was cute, blushing and nervous as though she was a much younger girl as she talked about her desires. It was hard to believe how innocent Miranda really was, at least when it came to sexual matters.

But being Miranda’s Mistress rather than just her Top came with a slight problem for Jack: she was afraid of the upcoming times when Miranda would do something –very- wrong and Jack would have to discipline her severely. Sure, the Convict loved rough, kinky sex. But she also loved this woman…it would be hard for her to slip into the role of cruel Mistress that abused her Pet, which was probably the type of Mistress Miranda had no doubt seen when she was searching the extranet for inspiration. Jack would gladly strip Miranda down to nothing, but she’d never hurt her girlfriend just for the sake of hurting her.

Even as she surveyed the red marks on her otherwise perfect rear, Jack felt a slight twinge of remorse for damaging something so delicate and beautiful. But Miranda wasn’t delicate, at least not entirely…she could be a controlling, manipulative woman. One that was constantly burdened by her job and responsibilities. Her lover seemed to need this…need to just have control taken away from her so that she could relax and enjoy the pleasure that Jack would surely give her. The younger woman felt a swell of pride in her chest that Miranda trusted her enough to voice her desires.

“You will call me Mistress, but I will not punish you if you call me Jack. But I –will- punish you if you call me Ma’am. And I will call you Pet, but only when you are good.” Jack began to let her slip a little more into character. She started running the tongue of her crop lightly along Miranda’s back, coming down her rear and to her thighs, using it to coax her legs apart. Jack smirked a bit as she saw how wet she was already.

“When we are in a scene, I expect you to trust me with your body and what you want, no matter how kinky or embarrassed you are by your desires. You’re also to do as you’re told and obey me without question. Understand?” Jack leaned closer to her, breaking the scene for just a moment to reassuringly whisper into her ear, “But when we’re no longer playing, you’re just my Miri and I love you very much. Don’t be too proud to use your word if you need it.” With a little smile, Jack roughly nipped at her earlobe and then straightened up once more, her voice taking a more authoritative tone. “Now…before we can have any fun, I still have to punish you for being 10 minutes late with no excuse and for wearing that fucking uniform when you –know- I want to fuck you senseless. Now hold still.” Jack barked out the last command.

That was the only warning Miranda got before she whipped the riding crop down, using the thin shaft to cane her rather than using the more pleasant tongue to spank her. Jack knew the pain of getting struck by the thin rod of the crop, and she absolutely –hated- it herself. But that was the point: for Miranda to see what a more severe punishment was going to be like so that she knew what to expect. Sure, Jack would probably give her a more pleasant spanking if she was ever mouthy or for other minor infractions, but right now the young biotic wanted to make sure that her Pet knew that she wouldn't tolerate tardiness. “One! ….Two!” Jack called out each blow as it was delivered. Had this been any other woman, Jack would’ve settled for only two welts; one for each infraction. But Miranda was a very strong woman, Jack was sure that she could handle 10, one for each minute she was late. “Three! ….Four!....Five!...”

She paused just a moment, to see if Miranda would cry ‘Mercy’ to end the pain, but when she didn’t, Jack went ahead and finished up doling out her naughty slut’s punishment. “Six!...Seven!...Eight!...Nine!....TEN!” The last hit came down especially hard, replacing the soft red outlines of the tongue with deep, maroon welts that crossed both cheeks. Miranda would probably have difficulty sitting in her office chair for the rest of the week.

Jack’s heart was pounding from the rush of power that had gone to her head. With a little shudder, she tried to regain her composure. The soft leather of the riding crop’s tongue began working over the new welts she had left, soothing the hypersensitive and pained flesh of Miranda’s once perfect rear.

“There…now I hope you’re going to be my good Pet now and tell me what exactly a depraved slut like you has been searching for on the extranet.”
Miranda's inner desire to be controlled by the strong woman Jack had shown herself to be surged as she began speaking towards the topic she so wanted to discuss. What was said, that only made it all the more exciting. Something about the word mistress made Miranda shudder with delight, she bit her lower lip and the combination look of that with her reddened cheeks was incredibly sexy and she nodded to signify that she understood what the rules were. She liked hearing Mistress, like the idea of saying it, but she also appreciated being able to say Jack whenever she wished. Ma'am would have been odd, Jack was younger and in the bedroom she was more experienced but Miranda wasn't going to give up her position outside of the bedroom. The night before had been wonderful, she liked holding Jack in her arms and reassuring her as she slept, as much as she wanted the woman to take her when they were having fun she wanted to keep the rest the same.

It was time for her to speak again soon enough however, she got back into the moment and nodded again, "Yes, I understand. I trust you and won't disobey..." For a woman like Miranda saying she wouldn't disobey was not only rare but a promise, she would never go back on her word, at least not while they were in scene, outside of it she had a feeling her mouth would get the better of her but then again that only meant more of this pleasure when they were alone. She did slip in an "I love you too." after Jack whispered the comforting words but it was brief and soon she was looking down at the bed, listening to Jack and waiting for her punishment to come. She knew it was coming when the authoritative tone reached her ear and she bit her lower lip, her body quivering as it awaited the punishment, holding completely still as she was instructed, her perfect body an instrument for Jack to do with as she pleased, though a small "Yes Mistress." Escaped her lips, a pleased tone behind the word.

Then it came, the first smack across her ass being incredibly painful and since she hadn't been expecting it a sharp pained cry escaped her mouth. It was incredibly sexy. Something about the way she sounded made it clear that not only was Miranda in pain but also that she just loved it. The ten hits all caused the same reaction, she became expectant of it but it still hurt to an incredible degree and she cried out with each one, tears forming in her eyes but tears she refused to let be seen. Of course there was something else that happened when she was smacked, her sex began to drip with her juices, more than before she was horny, her body begging to be fucked, the pain providing an increased physical desire that seemed unnatural and made her feel a bit like a freak, but one she couldn't deny and that she doubted Jack would miss. She truly did desire punishment, desire to be controlled, and she was curious why it had taken so long for someone to come along and show her that desire, awaken the kinky side of hers.

Perhaps she had always been waiting for a woman like Jack, someone strong enough to take what they wanted and force away her walls. She was lucky it was Jack, someone she found herself attracted to in more than a physical manner, and a person she could actually enjoy being around. That didn't matter for the moment though, Miranda was horny and in the little scene as Jack called it the only thing that mattered was pleasure. When Jack asked her another question though she looked back from her current position, a shy look on her face as she hesitated to answer, though she didn't dare deny her Mistress an answer, she had learned enough to know better from the things she had watched. "Um well..." Nervousness, a trouble speaking, only Jack knew that side of Miranda and it was no doubt adorable compared to her usual arrogance and superiority.

When it finally came out right she couldn't tell everything she had looked at, instead she mentioned a few things she had found interesting, just to get them out there. "I saw a lot of restraints being used... spanking... something where the slave was toyed with to the point of cumming yet never allows to cum..." She was hesitant to say anything about edging but she found it just as intriguing as she did unsettling. "Also I came across a good deal of rough material and well... I really liked it, though nothing came close to what you are capable of Mistress." She bit her lower lip and looked back at Jack, her neck cranked to see her Mistress and remain on hands and knees. Then she began to wonder, where the lovely toy they had played with, that nice attachable cock, she had been looking forward to her lover's thrusts.
Slowly the supple leather tongue of the crop began working lower. She caressed the bottom curve of Miranda’s voluptuous rear. It was free of marks, and Jack couldn’t help but give it a couple of quick, light smacks so that it glowed just as light red as the rest of her ass. “Very nice…” The Convict grinned and then moved to kneel on the bed behind Miranda. She sat back on her heels, then set the riding crop down next to them. Her hands began to wander along the abused, swollen flesh. Calloused fingers dancing along the welts that were already raised and radiating heat. Even though she was a little distracted while playing with the fleshy mounds, Jack was paying pretty close attention to every word Miranda said.

“Did you order anything, Pet? Or were you a good girl and waited so that we could pick out your new toys together.” Jack purred, pleased that the kinks Miranda listed lined up with hers so nicely. They could probably find a few makeshift restraints over in the Armory; handcuffs and the like, but Jack would definitely like to go sex toy shopping on Illium or Omega. “Hmm…maybe some remote controlled vibrators, a blindfold, a flogger, ropes…” A little grin formed on her lips at the thought of having Miranda tied down to the bed, perfectly helpless as Jack teased and tormented her soaking wet sex. Granted, Jack could always lock up bits and pieces of Miranda up in a stasis field…but that wasn’t as satisfying as actually having something there to restrain her.

Her fingers drifted down, the rough pads running down Miranda’s quivering outer lips. Jack didn’t pay much mind to her throbbing sex just yet. Instead, her digits played lightly along her thighs that already had her arousal smeared all over them. “So wet for me already…such a kinky little slut.” As tempted as she was to lick up every drop of Miranda’s cum, Jack resisted the urge. She’d let Miranda soak in the shame and embarrassment that she got off on something so taboo.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you all day. But you’ve been such a bad girl. Looking at porn when you should’ve been working…now I don’t know if you deserve it.” Jack’s hands left Miranda’s thighs and she smirked a bit as her lover whimpered a the loss of contact. Now she began to work the button and zipper of her pants, opening them up but leaving them on. Jack knew that she looked much more masculine as long as her baggy clothes were covering her, hiding all the soft, feminine curves she had.

The buldge in her boxer briefs was much more noticeable now, the toy straining against the fabric. With a sigh of relief, she tugged the band just low enough so that the fake cock could spring free, bobbing proudly between her legs. She looked up and grinned as she caught Miranda hungrily eying the toy that looked so real, the toy that had been responsible for immense amounts of pleasure last night. “Is this what you wanted?” Jack chuckled and took hold of her throbbing cock, slowly running her hand from the base to the tip, heaving a low groan just for her captive audience. “Tell your Mistress how much you want her to use that tight little pussy of yours instead of her own hand.” Sure that Miranda had never truly begged for anything in her whole life, Jack was excited to see if her new pet could manage the nerve to vocalize what she wanted.
Miranda yelped gently when the rest of her ass was given some light attention by Jack, the smack of the leather crop being pleasant to her ears. She was reacting to not only the sting but also the sound and she couldn't stop her body from reacting. "I didn't order anything Mistress... I simply looked to see what all was available." Her voice was a bit heavy, desire saturated in and it was obvious how much she wanted what was being done to her. Miranda's ears even perked up as she heard Jack going on about possible toys they could purchase, remote controlled vibrators, blindfolds, a flogger, even something as simple as rope had her excited. It also had her a bit nervous, the power Jack would have even during the day when they weren't together, it would be massive with toys like remote vibrators. That was only the beginning from what her research had found and she knew that she would be in trouble if Jack decided to be mean to her, to tease her while she was busy doing other things, maybe even during a meeting or mission.

As nervous as that made her she was also incredibly turned on by the idea of being controlled at any time. Her mind was yanked to more pressing matters as fingers brushed along her thigh, the feeling of her flowing juices being moved about brought a blush to her cheeks. She really was a kinky little slut, she was so horny that she couldn't deny anything Jack said. Pain was turning her on, if that wasn't being a slut then nothing was. She even found herself whimpering at what Jack said next, looking back with pleading eyes, she had wanted to be fucked by Jack all day and while she didn't speak it aloud her body language and the look in her eyes admitted it all. She even went as far as to shake her hips, though that was more instinctive than anything and that marked ass begged for further attention, the throbbing pain not coming anywhere near dissuading her from asking for further love, especially if it was something other than punishment.

That desire that she had so present on her face only increased further when those baggy pants were unzipped, her mouth beginning to water and her sex dripping more than ever when she saw the bulge in her briefs. She knew what it was and she wanted it, another whimper escaping her lips as her desire overtook her pride completely. It was something that seemed to be happening when she was with Jack and the very thing she had been thinking was nice, that she could abandon such vain things as pride and focus on what she truly wanted. Her head nodded when Jack asked her if that was what she wanted, her eyes looking over the throbbing cock and her tongue gliding sensually over her beautiful lips. She was watching Jack's hand, watching as it stroked that thick manly cock, eyes focused on each small movement and her body reacting in the most wonderful way possible, by quivering and begging in its own way.

Jack never gave her anything easily though and she found herself faced with a choice, vocalize what she wanted for the first time, perhaps in her life, or be denied the pleasure. She didn't want to miss out, if would be her fault and she wasn't so stupid as to deny herself what she wanted, not with Jack. "I..." Hesitation was not as easy to get over though and she took a deep breath. "I want you to use my pussy Mistress... Please, use me instead of your hand... Please..." She was blushing a deep pink, her porcelain skin burning with embarrassment, but she had said it and there was a look in her eyes that expressed how happy she was to have admitted it, but also something that begged Jack to be proud of her, to reward her. She wondered if Jack knew how hard that was for her and how much it meant, because as with many things they had done in the past few days it was a first for Miranda. This was a bit different however, it was something even higher than admitting she had fallen for Jack, something higher than giving up control, it was her tossing aside her pride, begging for what she truly wanted, and letting every single barrier still in place collapse.
Jack moaned once more, stroking herself a little harder as she watched that crafty little tongue lick those pouty lips. It was so tempting to fuck Miranda’s mouth with her cock instead of her dripping wet folds…she had been so good at giving head last time, Miranda could easily become fantastic at it with a little more practice. But as words started to spill out of her lover’s mouth, Jack became determined to properly reward her begging Operative with something more enjoyable for the both of them. Her cock throbbed a little harder in her hand as she surveyed her lover that was blushing pink with embarrassment; breaking Miranda’s innocence and shyness was turning in to a massive turn on for the young Convict. Those blue eyes were gazing at her, desperate for a reward and some reassurance that she had done something good. Jack wouldn’t be so cruel as to deny her lover anything in that moment.

Truth be told, she hadn’t expected the Cerberus Princess to actually do it. Jack knew that Miranda was proud to the point that it turned into arrogance; for her to actually beg for anything was a big step, a –huge- step. So Miranda’s Mistress smiled, a genuine, happy smile. “Such a very good Pet,” Jack purred, sitting up onto her knees so that she could press the bulbous head of the toy against Miranda’s slick heat. “Mmm…you’re so wet for me already, I don’t even need to tease you now do I?” brown eyes shut as groaned happily, relishing in the feeling of needy folds clenching around the tip of her member. Having spent the entire day wanting to fuck Miranda senseless, she just about lost control of herself and dove right in. But instead, she shivered, took a deep breath, and collected herself.

“You are not to cum until I say. And if you feel like you’re going to cum, you better fucking warn me so that I can stop,” she growled out the order. She wanted her Pet to be a whimpering, desperate mess, begging for the privilege to climax. As good as Jack was with reading body language, she knew that she was going to lose herself while she worked to get off.

Now that the tip of her pulsing rod was enveloped securely in Miranda’s folds, she let go of the toy and grasped the Operative’s hips roughly. Finished stating the rules, now Jack could finally get what she wanted: to use Miranda for her own pleasure. Without any warning, she plowed the entire length of the throbbing dildo right into her pussy, moaning at how deliciously tight and wet her little pet was. Her strong hands kept Miranda from bouncing backwards into her, forcing her to stay still while Jack picked up a rough and hard pace.

“What would the crew think if they saw their Executive Officer, on her hands and knees and begging to be fucked like a common whore?” Although it was phrased as a question, the Convict didn’t expect Miranda to answer. Jack knew she was pushing her pet mentally, maybe even pushing a little too hard, but she needed to rip down all her walls. “Or if they knew that the arrogant Ice Queen likes to be spanked until she can’t sit straight.” Jack felt Miranda’s pussy quiver and SMACK! she landed a firm spank on her already bruised behind. “Don’t you dare cum yet, slut! I’m not done using you yet.” Jack growled. With the transmitter only working at 50%, the Convict’s thrusting was absolutely brutal.
The look on Jack's face alerted Miranda that she had pleased the woman and while it was not an easy decision for the Operative she knew she had made the right one. Not only that but begging wasn't as difficult with Jack, if it had been anybody else she would have just barked an insult, telling them to go fuck themselves and throwing them across the room. With Jack not only had she managed to voice it but she didn't feel ashamed, just embarrassed and a bit shy, emotions that were as odd as the ease of abandoning her pride. There was an overall warm feeling to it though, she liked being able to give herself over to someone, especially as she found out about the rewards that came along with her decision. Not only physical but the word pet and the sweetness in Jack's voice as she made it known how pleased she was by Miranda's actions. Miranda would have to get use to it but as far as she could see it was quite beneficial and pleasurable to stop worrying so much about her pride and let herself enjoy what she could receive without it, at least around Jack, she would still be her same arrogant prideful self with other people.

Of course nothing was as good as the feeling of the cock pressing against her sex, the entrance of her tight sex gripping the head of the cock and a moan escaping her lips. She did whimper and look back at Jack when she gave her order but the growl and look on Jack's face let her know that the order was not to be ignored and she didn't say anything, she would simply obey and do as she was told, though it didn't bode well for the Operative, her lust so great that purposefully having it stop would be hell. Of course this was what she asked for and despite the impending hardship she wasn't regretting it at all, in fact she found herself more excited than ever, once again her body and mind reacting in such an odd way to something that would normally upset or discourage someone, just as it had when she was hit with the crop, she loved it.

Before she could respond or even prepare herself it began, her hips felt the calloused hands and a hard thrust reminded her of why she had been so eager. A moan instantly escaped her lips and as much as she would have liked to push back she couldn't, she was being forced to stay still. Jack picked up the slack though, slamming into her without mercy, a pounding so hard that it hurt, though not nearly the same amount as it felt good. So before long she was moaning at a consistent pace, each rough thrust reaching deep inside the woman and giving her what she craved so badly. Of course her reaction to the powerful fucking was nothing more than sluttish, moans and cries of pure ecstasy flowing from her pouty lips and her juices spilling out, her wetness the only reason her tight sex was able to withstand such a merciless pounding.

The way she was acting made it impossible to deny what Jack was saying and all she could do was blush in embarrassment. Nobody on the ship would believe that Miranda would get on her knees for any reason, especially not to get fucked like a whore, rough and as kinky as she could get it. Neither would they suspect she would beg for a damn things. So them imagining her getting spanked and loving it, getting off on it, that was totally out of the question except for in the fantasies of some of the crew. That was how it was however and it furthered when she cried out in pleasure as she was spanked, her already sore ass hurting but feeling too damn good for her to care. She enjoyed the pain, it was driving her wild and she would be glad to accept more if she could get it.

That being said not cumming was going to be difficult, she was going to do as Jack said, let the woman use her for as long as she wanted to. It didn't take long before she had to say the words she knew would only bring her less pleasure, her voice a whimper as she didn't really want to say it. "I'm going to cum..." She was quivering, her entire body telling her to let it happen, to stop trying to fight the urge to climax and she had to fight to stop herself from giving in. Of course the thought had crossed her mind that if she allowed herself to orgasm she would only be punished and that she rather enjoyed her last punishment even if the pain was still present. It was a rather enjoyable sting, each slam of Jack's his against her ass shooting a jolt of pain right through her, one that only made the experience more pleasurable, something she acknowledged without really knowing why it was that way. Regardless she had chosen to speak up and she was curious what was going to happen now that she had, though most of her focus was on holding herself back, stopping herself from giving in.
“DAMNIT!” Jack roared her displeasure at having to stop. She too had been so close to her own orgasm…but she knew she couldn’t continue, not without forcing her pet over the edge. With Miranda’s slick heat quivering around her and the way her body was trembling with the effort it took to hold back her orgasm, Jack knew the Operative would burst with just a couple more thrusts. Fuck…she needed to back off. With a grunt of effort she pulled the cock out of her, leaving Miranda’s pussy empty and wanting. The rush of cool air enveloping her throbbing member made the Convict gasp and she quickly wrapped a calloused hand around the toy to make up for the loss of Miranda’s heat. “Don’t you dare fuckin touch yourself.”

She needed to take the edge off, her body was so high strung she could barely think clearly anymore. But her pet’s stamina was disappointing, and Jack couldn’t reward her by releasing inside of her. Miranda hadn’t earned that privilege yet. Furiously she began stroking the length of the shaft, even though she knew this orgasm wouldn’t be as good as one achieved buried inside of Miranda, she needed –something-, anything to make the throbbing ache between her legs go away. Only a few pumps were needed until she let out a loud groan, mostly for Miranda’s benefit, just to let her let Miranda know that Jack had finally reached her peak without her. Jack’s abdominal muscles twitched, her body jerked and her arousal that had been building up in the toy shot out, coating Miranda’s ass and thighs in thick streaks of clear fluid. Heavily panting and sweating, Jack sat back onto her heels, a smug little smirk on her lips as she surveyed her work. Her pet was an absolute mess: that porcelain ass covered in deep red welts and bright pink crop prints, her own arousal smeared all over her inner thighs, and now she was covered in Jack’s hot, sticky cum.

“Stay.” Jack ordered as Miranda began whimpering, probably upset that she had gone from lots of contact to none. But now that she was sweaty and overheated, Jack realized she needed to finally lose her clothes. She hopped off of the bed so that she could easily strip out of her pants and boxers that were now sticky with sweat, and peel off the leather straps that hid her nipples. A little shiver went up her spine as the cool air of the room hit her lanky, rapidly cooling body. She turned, just in time to catch Miranda’s blue eyes watching her hungrily. “What’s the matter Pet, are you upset I jerked myself off instead of cumming inside of you?” Jack’s grinning face lit up ominously as she turned on her Omnitool, switching the sensitivity so that the sensation-transmitting strap-on transmitted signals at 100%.

Now that that was taken care of, she eased herself back onto the bed behind Miranda. She yanked at her thighs, separating them even further so that her pet sank lower on the bed, baring every inch of her to Jack’s admiring brown eyes. Now that the folds of her sex were so lewdly parted for her Mistress, Jack reached between her pet’s legs, easily finding her pulsing clit. She pinched and tugged at the sensitive bundle, sending jolts of pleasure coated with spikes of pain through her pet’s body. “What do you want Pet?” SMACK! Jack had let go of Miranda’s clit, and now slapped her entire pussy with an open hand. "Do you want me to fuck you?" SMACK! another blow to her hypersensitive folds, harder this time. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Jack kept slapping Miranda's usually pink sex until she saw it turn bright red, then began gently tracing agonizingly light circles around her clit to help soothe the biting pain.
Miranda had known Jack wouldn't be happy with her admission even if she had asked for it, having to stop was just as bad for her Mistress as it was for Miranda herself. However she couldn't not say anything, there was no faking it with Jack, she would have known about the orgasm and had to stop to punish Miranda, a short term gain but in the long term Miranda would have lost out. That didn't mean she didn't whimper when the cock was pulled out of her, the emptiness and lack of climax drove her a little mad and she could only put her head against the bed and try and bare it as Jack commanded her not to touch herself. She wanted nothing more than to move one of her delicate hands downward and finish the job Jack had started but she didn't dare actually do so. Instead she looked back at Jack and whimpered once more, her eyes begging for release but her lips holding her feelings back. She wondered if Jack had ever been toyed with in such a way and while she truly enjoyed being controlled, being dominated to the point of not knowing what to do with herself, she had a bit of an urge to dish something right back when she had a chance.

Of course that would have to wait until she had not only the idea but the chance to do such a thing, for the night she was Jack's, for most of the time they were together it would probably be the same, but one day she would get a chance to have the girl for a night and she would have plenty to work with when that time came. Then again she also had another role to fulfill when Jack wasn't in control, the mature and adult one, the woman who wanted to take care of Jack, and while that was suppressed while Jack took control it was never going to go away and it took precedence over anything else when it truly came down to it. That was not something she needed to be currently though and she returned to reality as warn fluid was sprayed against her ass and thighs, the warmth and previous moan from Jack sending shivers down her spine, why the hell did Jack have to pull out, she wanted it inside of her desperately, she wasn't even sure why but she did.

Then came another order, for her to stay, and while she wanted nothing more than to cum, or to have Jack inside of her, she had to just stay put and watch. Her eyes followed Jack, watching as she stripped from her clothing, the beautiful woman beneath the tomboy attire out once again. She was fucking gorgeous and Miranda's body reacted favorably, she was dripping and quivering in desire. Luckily for her Jack approached before long, obviously wanting more as much as Miranda did. So when her legs were spread further, her ass sticking up in the air due to that, she purred, wanting nothing more than to have Jack inside of her again, and expected that to happen. When it did not she was a bit angry but instead of doing what she would have if someone disappointed her so much previously, throwing them against a wall or destroying them mentally, she found herself a whimpering mess yet again, unable to say anything as she waited to see what Jack was doing.

Her waiting only brought more difficultly, moans escaping her lips as her clit got some attention, some rough attention at that. Her voice came out, loudly and without pause as she was smacked over and over again, the pain involved being translated into a strange pleasure and it kept her ready. Worse than just waiting or the smacks was the light tracing. One would think light tracing was nothing to think about, that it couldn't do a damn thing, but with her sex and clit currently being so sensitive it was the most agonizing thing she had experienced all night. In fact she would have preferred being smacked or spanked to the finger making its way slowly around her clit. "I... I want you to fuck me..." She hoped admitting it would get the ball rolling because what she wanted couldn't wait, her body was aching for release and the only way she could get it at that moment was for Jack to give it to her. She just hoped the woman would give her what she wanted, hoped her asking for it would please her Mistress enough to get her a nice thick reward. She was becoming a lewd woman, a slut, and she knew it.
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