The Hunting and the Hunted (HP/Anita Blake) Moon/Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was just another day in Guilty Pleasures. Or rather, another night, the crowds where thick, the money was flowing, and the boys on stage where writhing about as they where want to do. One such young man was just a little bit more gorgeous than the others, and the days that he danced the crowds almost doubled. 'Vixen' was just that, a vixen, only he was a lot prettier than some of the women there. 'Vixen' was so beautiful he looked like he had been carved from living marble. His white skin and hair and those liquid pools of silver for eyes, made every person in the club simply swoon. His real name was Draco Malfoy, and he had fled Britain during the war to escape his abusive father, manipulative mother, and all the people who wanted to kill him on principle. He had fallen into the 'pack' that was the people at Guilty Pleasures, and had happily accepted to join the local Fox clan. The current Rex had never seen someone so effortless at being a were-fox before. From the first change, it was clear that Draco had practically been born to roam as a Fox. Despite his age and his seeming lack of power, Draco could do things that even Micah and Richard couldn't do. Like now.

He had 'grown' his massive, fluffy white tail and was using it like a fan, hiding all of the naughty bits. His discarded underthings had been flung into the crowd, who where going absolutely nuts. Finally, with one last flash of his perfect ass, Draco flounced off the stage to get redressed. He was playing the 'naughty kitty' today as well. He just loved how that whip felt on his skin. Up at the entrance, a young man and an older man approached the bouncer. “Harry Potter and Remus Lupin, we're here to see the owner about a problem in the area.” Harry explained, flashing the man his Wizard Hunters badge. Harry Potter was much bigger now than what Draco would have remembered. Harry was big, touch, and covered in even more scars than before. The bouncer let them in and Harry strode through the crowds, waiting for someone to get him to Jean Claude when he froze, wide eyed at the scene before him.

Draco Malfoy... there was no denying it despite the touch of makeup, the complete lack of scars and a Dark Mark, and longer hair. He had been tied up on stage, tail gone, and was being whipped by a stranger who was demanding Draco 'apologize' for being such a slutty 'kitty' and teasing all the good people in the audience. “...i think I've gone blind...” Harry muttered, Remus Lupin snickering next to Harry. “you have to admit... he IS egregious.” Remus admitted simply. He looked even worse than before, the monthly transformations had really taken their toll on him. He looked like he'd died, been rolled in shit, been used as a foot scraper, dumped in a tenderizer and then brought back to life. Harry just stood there in almost utter horror as Draco was whipped, and LIKED it when the blond was finally led offstage, on his hands and knees by a collar and leash. He finally shook his head and looked at Lupin. “i am afraid.” “i'm horny.” “your worse than Sirius. And if you made the joke I'm going to hit you with a rolled up newspaper.” Remus just laughed.
Eric Northman, or the Northman as most vampires ended up calling him, was everything that Scandinavia could give. The epitome of WASP breeding, even if he was so ancient that he had been there centuries before the current model of blond haired, blue eyed beauty was in place. Even in guilty pleasures, there was no way the beautiful striking man could pass unnoticed through a crowd, and that was sad considering there was Jean-Claude and Asher to stare at. Turning his head away from the show he had been watching the vampire assassin sipped his drink, raising his eyebrows as he heard the whispers on the air. He wasn’t above using every trick he knew to survey things around him,and he was glad that he had done so, seeing as he wanted to know what these monster hunters were here for. For there was no mistaking the two men for what they were. Deciding to play a mean trick on Jean-claude, and finally let the master of the city know he was in town he made his way through the crowd.

“Gentlemen, if you would follow me, I’ll show you to the office to wait. The man in charge should be getting back from his date any moment, so he will be right with you.”The blond man smirked, fangs flashing in the low light, the light blue eyes were the color of winter skies, and just as cold. And if it had been anita, who had years to stare into Edward’s eyes, she would have known there was something seriously missing from the vampire standing in front of her. Weaving their way through the crowd he paused at the entrance to the back, tilting his head.”Would you like anything while you wait?”
Harry and Remus both turned to blink at Eric they nodded a little. "yes, thank you. tell me, was that really Draco Malfoy up there on stage?" "i'm telling you, it was Draco." Remus stated, Harry rolling his eyes. "don't get snippy with ME fluffy, i can still have you neutered!" "no you can't, it's against the law." "only when you're in human form. i'll take you tot he vet and everything." "you love me and you know it." "your a pain in my ass." Harry grumbled as he followed Eric. "i'm Harry. this bag of fleas is Remus." Harry introduced himself to Eric. Sensing nothing amiss from this Vampire. though, truthfully he didn't often deal with vampires who where more than twenty years dead. England just didn't have a large Vampire population. Harry dealt more with young vampires who had gone mad, and werewolves who simply couldn't control himself. his animagus of a massive Timber Wolf certainly helped him control other werewolves.

he moved into the office, his eyes immidiatly scanning the area. he had long ago gotten very special contact lenses that allowed him to 'see' magic. it was a pain in the ass when in Diagon Alley, but he would always know when someone was under a glamor or an invisibility cloak or spell. seeing nothing he motioned for Lupin to come in and the wolf sniffed about the air for a moment before he and Harry settled into chairs. cautious folks. most monster hunters where but this was borderline paranoia! "no thank you. we brought out own. would you care for some tea?" Remus asked as Harry tapped the desk and a large tea set appeared, prepared lovingly by their Dobby. there was even donated blood for the vampires in a crystal decanter. charmed so that it would stay fresh and warm and not coagulate. there was cookies, sandwiches, and of course, the ever loving tea. Harry took the time to carefully transfer four sugar cubes into a cup while Remus poured one cup, and Harry took that while Remus poured into the sugar laden one. they'd clearly been working together for a very long time. they savored their tea while they waited, Remus making a few snide comments to Harry about Draco being up on stage. "Dammit Remus, shut up!" Harry finally ordered, making the werewolf snicker.
Eric turned glancing at the stage,”Yes it is.”He said tilting his head a little, at least that’s what it said on the website, and Eric had been very careful to research what he was getting into when he came to st. Louis. Glancing amused at the two monster hunters he enjoyed the private joke of what the two would do if they realized that one of the monsters that their goverments in Europe regularly hunted was sitting across from them. Watching them check out the room he walked around the desk, and picked up a pen, and started writing before glancing at the two.”No thank you. I really must be going. I have a appointment elsewhere in a few minutes.”He smirked as he finished the note, propping it up on the computer so jean-claude couldn’t miss it before he headed for the door.”Have a good evening gentlemen. I shall let the Master know that you are here as soon as he arrives.”The blond vampire grinned looking so very amused before walking out.

And within a few minutes the man of the hour was walking into the room, anita walking with him. Looking surprised to find someone waiting for him, he dialed back on the idea of seducing anita in his office and clearing his throat. Looking as startled as any of the old vampires ever did.”Gentlemen? Whatever are you doing in my office?”
Harry grimaced a little. "well at least that's one item off my list." Harry mumbled. "now i can be sure his father didn't kill him." Harry muttered, a little relieved to have found Draco healthy... and hopefully happy. they nodded as Eric admitted to having business elsewhere and simply sat there drinking their tea and having small talk until Jean Claude Arrived. "...Your man let us in." Harry admitted, his eyes narrowing a little. "he said that... oh son of a bitch!" Harry cursed turning to Lupin. "Sic Em." Lupin nodded and raced out into the hall. "i'm really sorry. we where let in here by a man with blond hair and blue eyes, said he was one of yours and that he was bringing us in here to wait. We're the hunters you sent for." "...Your a little young aren't you?" Anita asked, examining the twenty one year old Harry Potter who narrowed his eyes at her. "Lady, i was killing monsters before you where." Harry stated with annoyance. "Sorry Harry. he's gone." Remus stated as he walked back in. "either that r he's masking his scent." "not a hard thing to do Remus." Harry pointed out. "and i owe you ten Galleons. Lady already commented on my age." Remus cackles. "Shut it furball." that only made Remus snicker more as he accepted ten gold coins from Harry. "anyway... er, care for some tea?" he offered sheepishly, indicating the tray as Anita rolled her eyes and picked up the letter on the computer and handed it to Jean Claude before helping herself to a cookie.

"so. the vaulted Harry 'Wolf'. somehow i don't think that's your real name." "it's not. my real name is a great deal more... popular than i'd like, so i changed it." Harry admitted simply. "how much do you know about the problem with the Dark Lord in Britain?" "...more than i'd like to. a lot of our crueler Were's and Vampires joined up in that." "i know. i killed them... and i killed the Dark Lord." here she choked and her eyes went wide as she realized the person in front of him was none other than THE Harry Potter. even Edward and Olaf knew who this boy was! he was like a living legend! killing a man at the age of eleven, killing a basilisk at twelve! fighting a dragon at fourteen and fighting off a massive army at fifteen, sixteen and seventeen! she suddenly felt bad for the 'a bit young' comment. Harry had been 'too young' when he'd first gotten dragged into the real world.
Jean-claude looked stunned and confused for a moment before his face became that closed off mask that so many of the old ones could get. Glancing at Remus as he walked back in he nodded slightly. “He’s in the club, there will be a lot of scents to mask his own.”Jean-claude said, before looking at anita as he took the letter. Opening it slowly he looked amused as he listened to the three talking before paling slightly. Leaning across his desk he picked up the phone and called asher. After a few muttered words in French he hung up before looking at anita and silently handing over the letter, even as he silently snickered at anita’s shock to harry’s real identity.

Its been far to long since I came to the new world.I thought I’d start with your land since you had always been amusing. I’ll contact you…eventually.-Eric Northman

Shaking his head a little before he sighed, looking vaguely worried before looking at the two hunters as he sipped some tea.He glanced up at Asher as the blond vampire walked in, shaking his head a little.”Eric’s left Scandinavia.”He said trying to remember the last time that the blond vampire had left the country he hailed from.

“What?”Asher’s mouth fell open a little, the vampire so shocked by the idea that he wasn’t in control of his actions for once. Eric Northman was famous-or infamous- among the vampires for defending his own land viciously, and for not leaving the land of his birth.

"It seems Eric saw the hunters back to my office."He said trying not to sound just as disturbed as he was at the idea of eric northman knowing where he was.
Harry and Remus scowled as they realized that they had been played, expertly. "well... this all seams to have been a prank." Harry grumbled. "blasted Vampires! i hate the older ones. their always so...." he waved a hand and Remus snickered, Anita hiding her amusement behind her hand. because Harry was right. the older the vampire, the more annoying they where. "Eric?" Harry asked, lifting an eyebrow, frowning a little as he pondered that. the name didn't ring any bells, not really. Anita was a little bit baffled as well, she didn't know any Erc's either, save for her weretiger, but he was a tiger, not a Vampire. Harry and Remus stayed silent for a long moment, wondering if this was going to be a problem before Harry turned to Anita. "we where really called here for a problem right?" she nodded. "oh good. because my flea bag freind here really does need some help." Harry admitted, Remus shrugging a little. "the Wolfsbane potion that i normally use, is loosing it's... efficiency." Remus admitted to her. "i almost killed someone the last full moon and i just couldn't stand it if someone got hurt because of me." Remus admitted.

"There's been a rash of Murder's around the Guilty Pleasures." Anita explained calmly. "of course, a lot of people are pointing fingers. we want it handled as quickly as possible." "i'll do my best." Harry promised. "there are a few things that Magic can do that normal modern technology can't. it might give me an advantage over this serial killer." Harry agreed as he sipped on his tea, his eyes narrowed. "this Eric... is he going to be a problem for you? i might as well take care of him too while i'm in town... if he needs taken care of." he admitted, Anita snorting a little. "Harry... you can't just 'take care of' a vampire that old." "sure i can. i've done it before." Harry admitted simply. "damn near died, but i did it." he admitted with a snicker as Anita lifted an eyebrow. the five hundred year old Demarcus had gone to Britain for the fun, he'd never come back out. that was when the were's and Vampires had started fleeing Britain, instead of continuing the mayhem. Harry really was good at his job, right up there with Anita and Edward despite his young age. "are the crime scenes still up?" "the last two are." Anita admitted. "the most recent one hasn't even been touched. i told my boss that i was bringing in specialists. hoping that you might be able to see something different. it's pretty gruesome..." "Harry can handle Gruesome." Remus admitted calmly. "i however, will be waiting in the car."
“Eric has always enjoyed pranking people. The more people that look foolish, the better.”Jean claude said frowning a little before swallowing his own amusement. If only it wouldn’t disturb him so much that Eric was stateside, he’d be laughing. Nodding slightly at Harry’s words he sighed.”Eric Northman. He goes by a few different names, but usually Eric.”Asher said his nerves about the man being stateside making him a little more talkative before smirking.”so you were. Lets get down to business.”Asher said more then willing to set aside the problem of Eric being here for the idea of the hunters. “We have some of the pack here in the club tonight, if you would like to speak to them when we’re done.”Jean-claude said tilting his head a little.

Glancing up at Harry’s question he laughed a little at Harry’s confidence, before shaking his head.”No, if he was here for us, we would have never known Northman was here before he killed us. There’s something else…besides ‘having fun’ that has Eric in st. Louis.”He sighed shaking his head, looking at anita. “Go see to the crimes, and be careful okay?I wouldn’t put it past Eric to have come just because you are the first necromancer to live past infancy since the mother of darkness. For someone his age, something new is always interesting.”
Harry snorted a little. "sounds like the Twins." he grumbled, remus snickering. "your just mad because they made your tongue purple." he teased his 'boss'. "...did you just say Northman!?" Harry demanded, shocked. "as in, 'THE Northman? as in the one who caught seventeen death eaters in his territory and sent them back Via Owl Post in matchboxes Northman!?" Harry demanded, his eyes wide. "i don't know much more than that about him, but i'm very glad you don't want me to go after him!" Anita laughed a little at that. Harry was a fairly open fellow, she liked him already. "i would like to talk to them very much." Remus admitted. "i don't understand why the Wizarding werewolves don't more often." he admitted with a shake of his head. "most of them don't know Remus." Harry pointed out before choking on his tea. "n..n...Necromancer?!" he demanded, his eyes wide in shock and just a touch of horror. "your an Animator?" "Voldemort had a few of those." Remus explained. "they are bloody hard to kill, you Animators." he admitted, Harry shaking his head as he set the tea down and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "sorry, bit of a shock was all." he admitted simply, letting Anita lead them out of the room.

it was a quick drive, and as expected Remus stayed int he car while Harry examined the torn to bits bodies. there wasn't a piece bigger than a quarter. "almost looks like they where fed through a wood chipper..." Harry muttered softly as he picked up a piece of a finger, examining it intently. "do we know the genders of the victims?" "yes, and there's no pattern. the killer attacks whatever he, or she feels like." Anita admitted softly. "no age discrimination either. a baby is dead, a pregnant woman, and an eighty year old man and everything in between..." "well damn, that's never a good sign..." Harry muttered softly as he scanned the mess. "i don't see anything." Harry admitted as he stood up and drew his wand and cast a few spells, reading the results with a small scowl. "the readings are jumbled too." he admitted with a small sigh. "the scene is too old for an accurate reading." he admitted as he looked around again. trying to see anything at all.
“Yes, that northman. Though I hadn’t heard about that. Its better then what he did to the last vampires who trespassed into Sweden.”Jean claude said before smirking a little. “He sent their bodies back to the councils in small bits but their head and heart were intact so they didn’t die. If I didn’t know Eric would despise this kind of…wanton massacre, I’d say he was the monster we were looking for.”Asher said sighing softly. Both vampires smirking a little as harry reacted to anita being a necromancer, before watching them go. Both vampires settling in to see what was going to happen next.

Eric meanwhile watched the wizards with a slight interested smile as he leaned against the light post, sitting a few stories up above them, having followed because he was bored, and he wanted to see whwat they would do. The vampire had no idea how the wizards fit into the puzzle, and he wanted to know why they were here before he started his hunt for real. and well, if they spotted him, it was okay, because he had every intention of harassing their every step until he figured out what he wanted, and well...feeding wizards to the monster while he slayed the thing worked for him.
Harry grimaced a little. "wish it had been Voldemort who'd trespassed." Harry grumbled. "would have been a very fitting fate for him." he sulked as Remus snickered a little. "still. so long as he's not an active danger..." Harry muttered, because he knew damn well his 'Hero impulse' wouldn't allow for anything else. if Eric started hurting innocents then he would stop him at any cost....well, ok not ANY cost, he wasn't as bad as Dumbledore, but he'd do everything in his own power at least. Harry examined the crime scene intently for a moment longer before following Anita tot eh Police station where Harry started looking through the files of those who where killed. again, no connection save one thing. they had all died within a mile radius of Guilty Pleasures, it was practically a perfect circle, with the club in the very center of it. Remus looked through them as well, but could find no clue either, Harry was beginning to understand what had Anita so frustrated. "it all seams so... uncaring." Harry complained. "there is simply no pattern. it's as if the urge hit and the thing killed whoever was closest by." Harry growled, glaring at the files, Anita nodding. "whatever it is... it's not running under the same rules as most things. an Inferi... er, you call them Zombies? they attack without care, but they don't stop and their too stupid to not get caught... werewolves and Vampires wouldn't just attack without warning, they have their preferences... so what in the hell is it?" "i don't know, but the sun is starting to go down... could we set up some wards?" "too bug of an area. my magic can't reach out that far." "protection spells?" "on what? the entire human population?" "...shit.if we just knew what the thing WAS, it wouldn't be so hard..." "i know." Harry muttered. "and forensics didn't find anything inhuman?" "no." Anita admitted as they headed out and got into her car. "but i don't think that a human can do that kind of damage." "not on it's own anyway." Remus admitted, sighing as he tipped his head out the window so that the wind blew through his hair. they slid back into the Guilty Pleasures just in time for the people to start setting up the show. Draco was there, ordering people around while doing nothing himself. Harry wanted to laugh. some things never changed. "i find it a strange Coincidence that Eric Northman is here just as we are... could be a trap?" Remus growled a little and nodded. "it could be..."
“Not a trap, you just happened to get invited in on my personal hunt.”Eric said as he brushed past the two and easily disappeared into the crowd. Of all the ancient vampires, and as disturbing as it was, eric northman was one of the few that could disappear into a crowd of humans, because he was so very good at pretending to be human. Making his way through the crowd Eric smirked as he leaned against the stage, looking up at draco.”You, are one seriously pretty man. Are you from Sweden?”He asked, sounding slightly drunk, slightly flirty. Oh yea, eric could play the drunken human to the point that it would take him actually touching someone to realize there was no heart beating in that chest.

“You look upset,ma petite.”Jean claude muttered as he stepped out of his office to watch what was going on, wrapping a arm around her waist as he drew her closer. Looking worried for her because he had no idea what the monster was, or what it meant that Eric Northman was in st. Louis.
Harry snarled and let fly a stunning spell, it hit the wrong person and Harry winced a little and went off in the other direction, whistling innocently as Remus laughed. Draco paused as he looked down at Eric, his slender eyebrow lifting. he didn't even bother responding, he just looked up at the bouncers at the front door. "Security!" he yelled before turning his attention back to where he was ordering people about, not even giving Eric a second glance. which was strange really. most people would have ignored the fact that he was 'slightly drunk' simply because he was gorgeous. as it was the bouncers where trying to talk Eric out of the way, instead of dragging him out of the way like they normally would. "Hey Malfoy!" Harry called suddenly, causing Draco to tense. "Did you ALWAYS like being whipped or is this a new thing?!" Harry demanded with a smirk as he hopped up onto the stage and stalked over to Draco. "well well, Potter. you get more and more hideous every time i see you. i suppose your still hanging around with your little mudbloods?" "ah no, they died unfortunately. it's not like your one to talk Malfoy, suddenly your hanging out with 'disgusting half-breeds'? isn't that what you used to call them?" "well, it is best to be with my own kind. it's good to see you scar head." "yeah, you too ferret. glad to see your father didn't kill you after all." "he damn near did." Draco admitted with a shrug. "i managed to escape after he got tired of cursing me."

Anita watched the by play with some amusement as she leaned into Jean Claude. "it bothers me that i can't stop this... whatever it is." she muttered softly. "it bothers me that it's running around, killing people like that." she muttered softly. "how do you think Draco knows Harry?" she asked curiously. "i don't remember him ever mentioning it before." but Vixen had always been a secretive little shit, ever since he'd shown up at the age of sixteen so close to death that only being turned into a werefox had saved him. "they don't seam to like each other much, do they?"
Eric pouted a little as he let himself be pulled away from the bouncers, looking amused though that he was vaguely annoyed at being pulled away from the pretty werefox. He so wanted to spend more time with him. Huffing as he let the security guards push him out the door he smirked as he settled in for the next step of the prank. The man couldn’t help it, after nearly 3 thousand years, the Viking found few things really enjoyable, and harassing what the rest of the world was calling the new leader of vampires, was one of them. Of course, harassing them like this would keep them second guessing what he was really up to.

Jean-claude nodded a little,”Eric left the invite open ended. Mayhap I should see about getting in contact with him. He’s the vampire’s version of the bogey man, maybe he would know whats hunting here.”he muttered before glancing at draco and harry before shaking his head.”No, I didn’t know, but they are both from England, and similar in age.”he shrugged a little before looking down at his lover, turning the other in his arms, needing her serious, well grounded opinion. “Do you think Northman’s here for the monster, or that he could be the monster?”
Harry smirked a little as he traded insults with Draco. Remus was off in the corner with a drink, talking to one of the local werewolves. a pretty blond thing. Remus was, of course, flirting, as well as trying to figure out why Magical werewolves where different from normal werewolves. aside from Magic, he didn't have a clue, but if it meant control, Remus would be more than willing to have his magic bound and his wand snapped. there was a sudden motion and the friendly bantering suddenly turned into furious screaming and Anita sighed. "yes... they definitely don't like each other." she muttered with a roll of her eyes as she looked up at Jean Claude. "we should stop them before they pull their wands on each other." which blew Remus's theory right out of the water. Draco still had magic and he could control the change just fine after all. "i think that the northman is here to cause trouble. whether he's here for the monster, is the monster or just doesn't care, he's going to be causing problems." she admitted as she watched Draco and Harry start flinging hexes at one another. Remus had pulled out his own wand, flicked it at the two, and suddenly spells splashed against invisible walls. Remus hadn't even turned his attention away from the werewolf he was talking to, so clearly this was a common occurrence. "Twenty on Vixen!" "Thirty on the new guy!" Anita sighed as people started to bet on the outcome of the fight going on up on the stage. "honestly... can't we hire people who are Mature Jean Claude?"
Jean-claude sighed shaking his head.”I was hoping you wouldn’t say that.”he muttered because he just knew eric was going to be problems. Rolling his eyes a little he smirked slightly, “We should. Maybe I will hire Eric?I am sure he would be quite mature.”He mused thinking about it before his eyes widened slightly as he stared at the stage as he watched the spells splatter before waving a hand and pulling away from anita.”Come on, I think that this is the end of the evening.We better get them out of here.”He said shaking his head looking amused though even as he waved the crew to start closing up the club for the night, looking amused up until the moment the screams started.

Moving quickly through the crowd he got to the door, staring at the murdered man on the doorstop, in pieces. “Anita!”He yelled through their bond even as he directed the security to take the patrons out through the side door and get them out of there, looking annoyed that the monster had been so close, yet none of them had been paying attention to getting them.
she smiled a little. "he's older than five hundred Jean Claude. you know that any elder vampire is always going to be trouble." she pointed out. "even you are a pain in my ass most of the time." she admitted. "and i think your right, it's time to make them stop, they might hurt someone." most likely each other. still, Remus didn't look in the least bit troubled by what was happening. they did both freeze as the screams started and they both turned to the sound, startled as they realized they'd been dueling in the middle of a crowd. Harry leaped off the stage and joined Anita in racing towards Jean Claude, using magic to push the screaming gawkers back. Remus took over this task as Harry started casting spell after spell on the puddle of goo that had once been a human body. Remus was struggling to keep from barfing, he was so squeamish. really all he did was do Harry's paperwork and handle the crowds for the most part. "i'm still getting funny readings. whatever this thing is, it's not normal." Harry stated stiffly as he cast preservation charms on everything and started cordoning off the area with police tape that he pulled from his wand.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Harry roared, turning about face to stare at the crowd who fell silent in shock. "now! anyone who saw something, please step forward! the rest of you, step back and let us take care of this!" Harry ordered glancing at Anita. "The police are on their way now to take your statements." Harry informed them, waiting for someone to step forward with information. someone had to know SOMETHING! the sounds of police sirens where already on their way and Harry let loose with his Legilemency, roving through the minds of the people there, even Jean Claude and Draco, looking for any hint of someone who knew what had happened.
Eric looked up as he felt the other ghosting over his thoughts, a snarl twisting his lips as he raised his eyebrows.”Don’t try it,child. I have no interest in talking to you. Eric snarled through the momentary connection with harry before breaking it off even as he moved through the crowd. Despite being able to move silently and quickly as any elder vampire could, he was doing the human thing of moving, of adding motion to that quiet stillness of ancient vampires. Even though he said that he had no interest in talking, he was still staying in the crowd, still watching.

“Anita?What happened now?”Zebrowski scowled as he pushed his way through the crowd, pausing at the edge. His stomach rolling as he saw what was left of the body. Swallowing hard he glanced at anita, “Any ideas?”He muttered because he was frustrated with both of them, that despite their awesome record of finding monsters, they had no idea what this was.
Harry jumped as Eric 'yelled' at him, but he didn't fight the other when he was pushed out, he just left a small imprint of apology to let Eric know he hadn't meant to intrude, and kept going through the minds of the rest of the humans. he found nothing. "Damnit. none of these people know anything." he grumbled, before turning to look at the man. "Zebrowski. i don't know. no one saw a damn thing!" you could hear the fury and frusteration in Anita's voice. "not a damn thing!" "Anita, keep your head." Harry ordered. "i know it's infuriating but that won't solve this." Harry stated, Anita taking several deep breaths to calm herself down. "whatever this is Sir, it's nothing i've ever come across." he admitted to the police, shaking his head. "in Britain i'm supposed to be the expert... but...." he scowled. "i've never seen anything that can do this to a human being without being caught. not even under invisibility spells or cloaks." he admitted, putting on gloves and very carefully looking through the mess. "Charles Danton." Harry read as he opened the Wallet before pausing as Anita and Draco gasped. "he worked here!" Anita whispered in horror. "he's a bouncer! my god..." Harry swallowed thickly as he closed his eyes and spread his magical senses. human, human, Vampire, human, werewolf, human, Jean Claude, Human, human....." He screamed as whatever it was he had just brushed slammed into his magical awareness so hard he collapsed. "Harry!? Are you alright!?" "u..uuhn..." "Whatever this is... it's magical..." Remus hissed as he carefully helped the whoozy Harry lay onto his side. "only a magical creature of great power could slam that hard into potter." Draco stated simply. "that could be why no one saw anything... obliviations? or spells." "Harry can you hear me?" Remus asked, snapping his fingers in Harry's face, who just blinked, too dazed to understand anything that was happening.
Jean-claude twisted looking at the human as he screamed, crouching down in front of him, those dark blue eyes searching his face, trying to see what magical damage had been done, nearly yelping as he felt the boot that landed in the middle of his back as Eric used him as a spring board to jump over the crowd and run. Jean-claude braced himself on the ground with a hand down, looking startled even as his head raised up to watch the blond. At least for a few moments.

“We should move him inside, Remus.”Asher said as he walked out of the crowd having been inside making sure no one would panic, glancing around the crowd. Keeping a eye out for what could cause this reaction with harry. Looking startled at the blond suddenly standing next to him, one moment he’d not been there, and suddenly the blond was there.

“Its gone for now.”Eric said simply looking at anita, shrugging absently. He’d stand still long enough so that they could question him, but he’d only be answering what he wanted to.
Harry wasn't damaged too badly. really it was just like being struck with a firm confundus charm. he was out of it, dizzy and disoriented, but he'd be fine in a matter of minutes. Anita blinked, gaping as she watched the other vampire jump off of Jean Claude and before she could stop herself, she laughed at the expression on Jean's face. Remus nodded to Asher and scooped the rather limp Harry up into his arms and headed inside, Anita focusing intently on Eric. "Did you see it!? did you see what it was!?" she demanded, hopeful. "and just what the hell are you doing here anyway!?" she demanded before waving her hand. "never mind that! did you see what it was?!" she demanded again, glaring at the people who where daring to snicker at her. "Anita, Luv. you need to lay off the sugar darling." Draco teased with a grin. "Clearly Eric didn't see it, or he would have caught the thing. open your senses, can't you see how OLD he is?" Draco asked, indicating Eric. "he was probobly around when we where all knuckle draggers." that was almost an insult, both to Eric, calling him old, and to humans, calling then knuckle draggers. Draco was good at that though.
Eric raised his eyebrows as he looked down at the small human woman being so demanding of him, it had been truly a long time since he’d had a woman like this in front of him. Dipping his head a little as he looked the woman over, and just because he could, and he knew it would annoy the master vampire watching he smirked.”You smell like something I dreamed about once. Like sunlight in a bottle.”He muttered, raising his eyebrows even more as Jean shook his head laughing.”You don’t need bottled sunlight, ancient.You get to walk in it.”Jean said, tilting his head, willing to be polite,even if he wanted to pull anita away from him.

“So I do.”Eric said before turning his head to look at the pretty werefox, raising his eyebrows, before gesturing to himself. “Do I look like one of the knuckle draggers? If I’d been around them, it would be as a human,and I’m definitely not unevolved.”He said neatly sidestepping the question on his age though if anita would lower her shields he was old enough to make her bones hurt with just that ancient years, even more because he could still be so very human,despite the age. That was the true mind fuck of the man known as northman, that it wasn’t he was a vampire, but that despite it he could be human.
Anita glared at him a little. "don't you dare flirt with me!" she raged. "your older than dirt AND your the only suspect we have in this case! i will be watching you, very, very closely Vampire!" she warned before flouncing away, Draco had to stuff his hand in his mouth to keep from laughing at her. he didn't feel like having to dig her bullets out of him again. "and no, i suppose you don't look too much like a knuckle dragger, but it's hard to tell sometimes with you old folks." he admitted with a wicked little smirk as he tilted his head, pulling up only his ears and his tail, making him look like one of those cute, innocent little Neko from the Japanese cartoons that he loved so much. "your quite impressive... for a vampire." Draco purred, walking around the Northman. "and so handsome too. i like you much better like this... instead of pretending to be a drunkard... i simply can't stand drunks." Draco admitted with a sly smile as he reached out and ran his hand along Eric's ass, teasing him. Draco was still a Malfoy after all, and Malfoy's where attracted to power. why else would Draco have submitted to Jean Claude? because Jean Claude was powerful. but Eric was even more so. Draco would do anything to... enter the Northman's... services. Power was everything, after all. and the more powerful Vampire he was with, the more protection he would be under.
Eric grinned at her, amused at Anita’s raging and the look on Jean-claude’s face as he realized that the oldest vampire in st. Louis was making moves on his girl. He had no real interest in anita, it was just something he couldn’t help, because he knew it was the one thing that would piss off a lot of people. “…I met a fox who looked like you once. She was delicious.”Eric muttered studying the blond, before laughing.”I am even more impressive then you know. I can do dates in the daylight. Drink regular food. Be human.”He man smirked studying the blond as he watched the fox get near him, raising a eyebrow as draco stroked his ass.”Am I just that pretty, or do you think I’ll be protecting you?”
Anita glared at Eric again and Draco chuckled a little. "was she? well she was never me." Draco purred, every bit the pureblood whore he really was. "can you? my my that IS impressive." Draco admitted, actually sounding impressed. a Vampire that could eat food was like... was like... it was amazing! "Both." Draco admitted with a small chuckle. "i am on the run, after all." he admitted, taking Eric's arm and wrapping it around him with a sly little smirk. "and you have to admit, we would be the most gorgeous sight. everyone would be envious of us, as beautiful as we are." "your still a power slut hmm?" Remus asked with a smirk as he watched Draco flirting, the blond scowling at Remus. "you stay out of this! i'm working here!" Draco complained, glaring at Remus who snickered and looked at Jean Claude. "Harry's fine." he promised the ancient Vampire. "he just got slammed pretty hard by whatever it was. which means whatever it is, it's magical. there's only a very few things able to do the damage and stay hidden. a Dementis. a cousin to the Dementor. a Demiguise, though their supposed to be very peaceful... or it could be a wizard using spells on his victims to make them explode or some such..." he scowled. "unfortunately, that won't help us to catch them... not really."
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