Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Dammit Sasuke!))

Yukimura's cheeks flared red and he looked away from his ninja in embarrassment.

((So is he gonna watch them when they have sex too?))
((How are they gon' do it? *eyebrow waggle*))

Yukimura looked to Akihime. "Is that a good or a bad thing?" He asked, she sounded worried, it was barely noticeable, but he could detect it in her voice.
"Oh." Yukimura glanced away, forgetting what position Akihime was in with her father. "Sorry, it slipped my mind."
"With any luck, Otou-sama will give us his blessing.." She said, "And I forgive you, Yukimura-sama...! I understand, its been a long while since I last spoke about my father." She glanced down in shame, remembering what she was supposed to do the night prior. She covered her face and made a weak noise.
Yukimura frowned worriedly and moved over to stand beside her. "Sasuke, can you bring Akihime some water?"
"I-I'm ok, Yukimura-sama..." Akihime managed a weak smile, "My head just hurts." "Here." Sasuke held out a cup of water and Akihime thanked him
Akihime blushed softly as she approached where Yukimura and the priest waited, her kimono trailed behind her. The Takeda army sat in silent contentment; Shingen and Sasuke both looking proud in their ownn ways
((I really suck at weddings! Dx))

Yukimura blushed softly when he saw Akihime, she looked stunning in her dress, and her hair had been pinned up perfectly.
((Bah, m'wife, don't even worry cuz I'm totally half assing it xD))

Akihime stood beside Yukimura and the ceremony began. After saying the the traditional prayer, the priest gave them both a small sake cup full of sake to drink and bind their marriage.
(( ;3; Okay...~))

Yukimura took a drink of his sake, making sure he absolutely didn't cringe as he did so.
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