Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime poked his chest. "And I'm not a complete insufferable cunt." She said, though it made her smile a bit.

Late at night, in the Takeda estate, all was quie as everyone slept. A lone figure walked through the halls silently, careful not to step on any of the wood planks that alerted the ninja's as disguised bird calls. The door to Yukimura's room slowly opened and Akihime stepped in silently. Her body trembled as she made her way inside, long deep brown-copper hair trailing behind her
Yukimura slept soundly, his brown hair pulled out of it's ponytail and his lips slightly parted as he slept, back to Akihime.
Akihime moved closer and knelt beside Yukimura, gently rolling him onto his back. She stared down at him, blushing softly at how peaceful he looked. She bit her lip, slipping her hands into her sleeves as she made sure he did not wake
Pulling her hands from her sleeves, she pulled out a small dagger, holding it firmly with both hands. She raised the blade high above Yukimura's chest, hands trembling, "Gomenasai...Yukimura..." She whispered weakly. She began to tremble, heart pounding. She had to, she had to or her father would be displeased with her. But her heart ached as she knew she would regret it. She hesitated before slowly lowerig the blade and dropping it harmlessly to the side. She sniffled and hiccuped, tears falling down her cheeks. She couldn't do it. Picking up the blade, she moved quickly and quietly out of the room and to her own. Dropping onto her futon, she cried silently, "G-Gomenasai...!"
Amaya's words sounded in Akihime's head. "Kill him or bear your father a son." And though it sounded as though she was in the room with Akihime, no one else was there.
((Oh it's this thing with this person and-IMNOTTELLINGYOU!))

The next day, Yukimura wasn't out training, he was sitting on the deck with Akihime and a cup of tea. "It's a wonderful day, don't you think so, Akihime-dono?"
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