Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Jun 3, 2013
Under a rock
Tensions are rising in the Warring States Era. The brave men aiming to unify the land heralded a new age with the entire country on the line. the man closest to unifying the land was the Devil king of the Sixth Heaven; Oda Nobunaga. Nobunaga ruthlessly shot down any who dared stand in his way. His biological sister, Oishi, and her husband, Azai Nagamasa, were no exception. As the Oda clan dyed the land of the rising sun in blood and fear, the one-Eyed Dragon of Oshuu, Date Masamune, and the young warrior of the Kai Takeda, Sanada Yukimura, aim for Nobunaga's stronghold in Azuchi together despite formally being enemies themselves. With the hearts and minds of the states behind them, Masamune and Yukimura defeated Nobunaga. With Nobunaga's death and the wealth and might of the country behind him, the Depot King, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, along with his strategist, Takenaka Hanbei, sought world domination and once again the land was plunged into turmoil. With Masamune, set on making a comeback having been once defeated by the surprising power of the Toyotomi, heading for Osaka, and Yukimura, set out on an expedition to Saigoku on Shingen's orders, having caught wind of the Toyotomi plot, they were both moving to defeat the Toyotomi, though their paths may have differed. They both walked the paths they believed in, overcoming trial after trial. and then, just as the Toyotomi army headed for complete domination of the land, Mori Motonari, who had formed an alliance with the Toyotomi, rose in rebellion. And Yukimura, who had sided with the Satsuma army admist the chaos, took him down. Meanwhile, in Mikawa, Tokugawa Ieyasu brings his fight with Hideyoshi to a close, earning an honorable victory. And with that, it seemed like these turbulent times were coming to an end, but the destruction of the Toyotomi heralded in a third wave of turmoil. Hideyoshi's subordinate, Ishida Mitsunari, hunted down Ieyasu to avenge Hideyoshi, causing a war between the Eastern and Western halves of the nation to erupt. To secure the Takeda's allegiance, Otani Yoshitsugu sent his adoptive daughter, Akihime, to Kai to try and lure them into joining the Western Army. Soon, the greatest battle of the Sengoku Era was about to explode.
((Yeer! Now we can start!))

Yukimura held tightly onto the reins of his horse, squinting his eyes against the hard rain as he rode beside his Lord and master, Shingen. He glanced around to see if there were any signs of an ambush before returning his eyes on the muddied path, but suddenly he pulled hard on the reins, putting his fist into the air to single for the troops to stop. He got of his horse and jogged over to a crumpled form on the ground. "Oyakata-sama!" He called, picking up the frail looking woman and hurriedly moving back to his horse. "She is still alive my lord ship, but just barely."

Megohime sat with her legs folded under her, sitting in front of her new husband, who she did not particularly like or enjoy being around. She picked up the tea cup that was set in front of her and took a sip, not even looking Masamune in the eye, nor was she even really paying attention as to what came out of his mouth. She didn't want to be here and she certainly did not want to be anywhere near him or his horrible temper.
Shingen Takeda stared down at his young charge and the young woman unconscious in his arms. Her kimono was covered in mud, her pale skin a sickly white and her lips turning blue. Shingen scanned the area for any signs of enemy troops, making sure it wasn't a trap before looking back at Yukimura. "We haven't a moment to lose, Yukimura. This young maiden's life hangs in the balance. We shall return to Kai post haste." He told him.

"Are you even listening, Tamura?" Masamune asked, tone heavy with annoyance. Kojurou sat a distance from his lord, observing and refraining from speaking unless he needed to keep Masamune from doing anything violent should he lose his temper with Megohime.
"Hai, Oyakata-sama!" Yukimura nodded and mounted his horse, holding tightly to the unconscious woman before nudging his horse with his heels to get it going again, leading the troops once again towards Kai. After riding for half the night and into the morning, they reached the Takeda estate by noon and he dismounted his horse and hurried off the the healer, making sure she was in good hands before he returned to Shingen, bowing before his lord. "Oyakata-sama, the woman we found is with the healer now."

Megohime's red eyes moved up from looking at her tea to meet Masamune's one good eye. "Yes, I am listening Masamune-sama, I just don't care much for conversing with you. It's annoying." She said blandly before returning to drinking her tea.
Shingen nodded, "Excellent, Yukimura. Once she is in better condition, we shall ask of her origins." He said sternly, "Don't let your guard down when speaking to her. Even a frail woman can be a trained assassin, as unlikely as it may be."

Masamune scowled and clenched his fist in his lap, "Excuse me? You can't be bothered to listen to me?" "Masamune-sama, control your rage, please." Kojurou said, his tone a little heavy with disappointment.
"Hai!" Yukimura nodded. But how could someone such as her be an assassin? He thought to himself, even with mud covering her, he could tell that she looked quite beautiful and gentle, she must have a soft personality to go with her soft looks, shouldn't she? He shook his head slightly, whatever the case, he must stay on guard like his lord had advised him to.

Megohime made a face, glancing to the clenched fist Masamune had made. "That is what I said, isn't it? I don't believe I stuttered nor did I figure you were an idiot, Masamune-sama." She said with a slight sneer, mocking in her tone.
"Master Sanada." Sasuke appeared behind his master, bowing in respect, "I've been to the healer; the woman is going to be fine and she is resting comfortably with the Armor That Needs No Shield."

Masamune's fist tightened as he tried to control his rage. He smirked, "You're a right fiery woman, Mego. That sharp tongue will surely get you in more trouble than I'm sure you're worth."
Yukimura nodded and looked back to Shingen. "I wish to take my leave now so I can watch over the woman, if you do not mind." He requested, wanting to know who she was as soon as possible and if she was there to take Shingen's life.

"Good thing I have a big stron man to come and save me if I get in trouble." She shot back. "Hopefully you'll be able to fight- You can use a katana, can't you?"
"Of course, Yukimura. Be careful, do not lower your guard." Shingen instructed. Sasuke stood and rested his hands behind his head, making a small face.

"Try six, baby. Wanna go outside so I can teach you a thing or two?" Masamune growled. Kojurou sighed softly, "Here we go..."
Yukimura bowed once more before standing and heading out, closing the door behind him and heading down to the healer, opening the door silently and slipping inside, not wanting to wake the unknown girl up, moving to sit on the opposite side of the room so he wouldn't disturb her.

Megohime scowled and set her cup down. "You know a thing or two?" She said and stood. "I'll gladly see how well you can use your swords."
The maiden was sleeping soundly, long red-brown hair pillowing under her head. Color had returned to her cheeks, naturally pale skin slightly glowing in the faint light that entered the room. She looked peaceful.

Masamune stood, grabbing his swords before he exited the room, "Kojurou." "Hai." Kojurou stood and waited for Megohime so he could escort her to the courtyard.
Yukimura's cheeks turned a soft pink the longer he stared at this mysterious woman. He had to admit she was quite beautiful now that she had been cleaned up and he couldn't look away, feeling his cheeks heat up more and more.

Megohime followed Kojurou out to the courtyard after she had retrieved her own katana, unsheathing her blade and taking a stance across from Masamune, face set.
The woman stirred, subconsciously feeling Yukimura's staring, and she slowly awoke. Her deep crimson eyes stared blankly at the ceiling briefly as she tried to focus before a hoarse groan escaped her lips.

Masamune unsheathed his first katana, "Kojurou." "I know. No interference." Kojurou said blandly. Masamune smirked, "Let's go, baby~" He taunted Megohime.
Yukimura perked and watched her for a moment longer before he spoke. "Ohayo." He greeted and stood, moving over to her and sitting beside her, bowing. "Are you alright, can you hear me?"

Megohime slowly slid her foot forward before she swung her sword upwards quickly, going for an underhanded stroke first, eyebrows furrowed.
The woman slowly looked to him and she swallowed hard, pale cheeks flushing. Who was this handsome young man at her side? Was he sent from Buddah to protect her? She couldn't bear to tear her eyes away from him. "I-I..." She croaked shyly and tried to clear her throat, "May I...have some water?" Her voice was hoarse and weak.

Masamune swung his blade to deflect before swinging his blade back to catch her unguarded side.
"Oh...! Yes! Gomenasai." He stood and retrieved some water for her, moving back and helping her sit up slowly, handing her the water. "I am Sanada Genjiro Yukimura, the vassel of Kai." He said, giving a small bow of his head to her.

Megohime spun quickly, barely blocking his blade before pushing back with all her weight, then swinging again, not holding back any against Masamune.
The woman drank the water greedily before humbling herself and glancing at him, "Vassel of Kai...? So...that means I am in Kai...with the Takeda clan..." She said softly.

Masamune smirked and swung his blade, blocking hers and shoving her back. He unsheathed four of his six claws, "Here! Since you're new, I'll go easy on you, baby!"
Yukimura nodded. "Hai, you are in the Takeda estate." He confirmed. "Not to be rude, but may I know your name?" He asked. "I don't know what to call you if I do not know your name."

Megohime moved forward quickly and swung hard, hooking one of Masamune's blades and trying to knock it from his grasp, growling lowly. "I don't need for you to go easy on me." She hissed and aimed a strike for his blind side.
"Hm? Oh! Gomenasai!" She turned and bowed humbly to him, "I am Akihime, of the house of Otani. It is a great honor to meet you, Sanada-san." She introduced kindly. Her voice was as sweet as honey and as soft as a gentle stream.

Masamune dodged and smirked, "Very well~" He unsheathed all six claws and grinned, "Put ya guns on!!"
Yukimura blushed when she spoke and he glanced back at the door, knowing that Sasuke would be lurking somewhere outside. "Very nice to meet you." He said and bowed to her. For some reason he felt an odd fluttering sensation in his stomach, but he simply ignored it.

Megohime quickly moved back to Masamune's blind side and slashed quickly before jumping back, then moving forward, holding her sword so it was aimed for his throat.
"I feel great shame in asking, did I get here..? I don't recall anything of the previous night..." Akihime asked shyly.

Masamune blocked easily and swatted her katana away when she went for his throat. He slashed and hit her with the blunt ends of his katanas, knocking her down and kicking her sword away.
"Of course...! We found you when we were returning to Kai, you were barely alive." He said. "Do you remember why you were so far from your home?" He asked.

Megohime hit the ground with a grunt and she glared up at Masamune, slowly propping herself up on her elbows.
Akihime stared sorrowfully at the floor, "My Honorable Father, Yoshitsugu, disowned me and banished me from Osaka Castle...I have been traveling ever since, hoping to find a place to stay; if only a little while." She told him, crimson eyes filled with heartache.

Masamune stood over her, "Still wanna think I dunno how to wield a katana?"
"Well I'm sure that the Takeda don't mind if you stay here until you get back onto your feet..! I'm sure Oyakata-sama would be overjoyed to have you stay as well." Yukimura said, flashing her a large smile.

Megohime stood up and dusted herself off before going to retrieve her katana, then proceeded to walk back to the manor. "I guess you're better than you look, but your armor is still flashy and moronic."
Akihime looked up, "Your lord would not mind if I stayed?" She asked softly, hope in her eyes

"Flashy!?" "Masamune-sama!" Kojurou grabbed his arm before he could charge after Megohime
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