Time Asunder (HP)- Lady/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Tom, Marvolo, Riddle was bored. Very bored, he was sitting in potions listening to Professor Slughorn drone on about how dangerous this potion was to make. Please, Tom had been making potions like this in his fourth year. He wasn't an acclaimed genius for nothing after all. Much like Hermione Granger in future years, he had the ability to simply know things. Unlike Hermione Granger, he had a healthy dose of worldly knowledge as well. Tom had once been the 'underdog' in Hogwarts. The lowest rung of the ladder for, well, everyone. The other houses hated him because he was in Slytherin, Slytherin hated him because he was muggle raised... well that had changed when he started mastering spells faster than anyone else, and then learning beyond what the teachers where teaching. Now he had a nice following,starting with his one and only friend Abraxas Malfoy, who was no doubt just as bored as Tom was... after all, Abraxas had been right there with him when they'd brewed the drought of the living death to punish the twenty some odd Filch, the nasty squib 'janitor' as Tom called him. They had fed the potion to his cat, the best part was, they had looked through the sixth and seventh years, thinking that no fifth, let alone fourth year would be able to brew such a potion. They had never been caught.

Tom sighed and shook his head, lamenting about how boring Hogwarts had become when a huge explosion rocked the entire school and Tom's desk burst into flames. Tom cursed, jerking himself and Abraxas away from the random explosion, ignoring Slughorn who was shrieking and screaming in shock. “What in all the names of the Holy Salazar!?” Tom hissed, his eyes wide as a figure emerged in the flames. A young boy, who couldn't have been any older than fourteen, maybe fifteen he was so small. Tom turned to Abraxas. “Brax... if I ever silently complain about being bored in my head again, slap me.” he ordered before turning back to the boy in front of them. His hair was a rats nest, his clothes four or five sizes too big for him. He was covered in mud, blood, cuts, contusions, bruises, and it looked like he had a few broken bones. The boy looked like he'd been in the middle of a war! Slughorn was still shrieking so Tom took command.

“Potter! Go and get the Healer!” Tom snapped. “Weasley! Put out those flames! Black! You have medical training, try and stabilize him... whoever he is.” Tom ordered, people snapping to attention and quickly started doing as ordered. Margo Black, future Grandmother of Sirius Black, a seventh year who was apprenticing to become a healer looked sick as she took stock of his injuries. “severe overexposure to the Cruciatus.” while not as popular as when Tom was in command, everyone in the sixth year and up knew what the Crucio did. “several broken bones in his leg, air deprivation where someone tried to strangle him. He was bitten by a Venomus Viperius.” a Venom Viper, like the one Tom had hatched just two weeks ago. But she was hidden under his shirt at the moment. “looks like the beast was seven feet long from these constriction marks!” Margo stated, eyes wide with stunned horror. “someone tried to kill this boy! All his wounds are from torture!” Margo stated, the girl looking about ready to cry. “and he's been abused for a large chunk of his life too... my readings say he's seventeen years old... who would do this to a seventeen year old!?” particularly one that looked more like a fifteen, or even younger. He was so small and fragile looking, laying there on the table. Tom could feel the power, spilling off the boy though. Such power. He had to have this stranger who had appeared in flames.
Abraxas sighed softly as he leaned back against the wall, as he studied the classroom around him. As tom had predicted, he was extremely bored and trying not to fall asleep. Nearly jerking out of his seat at the sudden arrival of the man in front of him, he stared in stupidity. For once the brilliant mind of abraxas Malfoy failing him completely. It was little wonder tom and him got along so well, he was just as brilliant, and just as given to cruelty as the man in front of him was.

Moving to keep the rest of the class from interfering as tom took charge of things he frowned slightly at the news of the curse. As a scion of a dark magic family, he was probably one of the more familiar ones in the class with what the cruciatus could do to the human body, and posion snakes from his long association with tom. Turning his head a little as he considered what tom had said he sighed quietly as he considered the flames.

“Phoenix fire.”He muttered mostly to himself as he considered that. While he had no idea what that could mean, he knew that was the only explanation for the boy’s sudden appearance. There were few transportation spells that required fire, and only a phoenix could have delivered him like this. He just didn’t know what to think about the child who’d gotten a phoenix to help him.”Tom, we should get him up off the floor.Margo, would it harm him more to move him now,because I am sure we’re about to have a whole lot of company in the form of teachers, and I’d rather deal with it in slytherin’s dorms.”He said glaring at the door where some students had left, no doubt to inform the other teachers what had happened.
Tom was scowling as he picked up the sheet of parchment that Margo's spell had set to. it was a spell that all healers knew how to do, it listed all current and past damages so that a healer could work around or through previous injuries or curses. it also listed things they might not know about, like potions that may have been ingested, allergies, and other such things. "... Great Salzar the almighty." Tom whispered, his eyes glowing dangerously. unlike what most people thought, Tom wasn't really THAT bad of a guy. sure he hated everyone, but he did do his small part to protect the firsties. there was one thing, one thing that drove Tom into a rage more than anything, and that was Child Abusers. he wasn't in much of a position to help anyone, being that he was poor and not politically powerful, but Abraxas usually took care of that for him. still to have Tom speak in that tone now... it meant that the young man before them had a very long history of abuse. "he was being beaten as young as the age of three!" Tom raged, flinging the Parchment about in his fury, forgetting all about the fact that the said boy was probobly bleeding to death on the floor of the potions room. Tom was single minded that way.

"Your right, it is Phoenix Fire." Margo agreed. "and he has a lot of Phoenix tears in his system. fresh, right from the bird. the tears are killing the venom and repairing some of the worst of the nerve damage but he's still bleeding heavily." she admitted, casting spell after spell before looking up at Tom who had paused. "Don't pick him up. he's extremely sensitive at the moment." Margo warned. "the slightest touch could send him into convulsions." she admitted, Tom nodding as he waved his wand, lifting the messy haired, bloodied up, mud covered boy off the floor using a levitation spell. magic was wonderful. Margo led the way to the Slytherin common rooms, casting spells constantly to keep the boy from bleeding out. as they reached the Slytherin rooms, one of Tom's 'minions', a young man of no importance, offered his bed to the badly hurt individual, who moaned in agony as he was laid out on the ever so soft bed. emerald eyes fluttered open and latched onto Abraxas, the emerald eyes fixed on silver as if trying to search deep in his soul. it was Tom who moved first. "Don't look him in the eyes Brax... he's using Legilemency." which should have been impossible, Tom had taught Brax himself. the emerald eyed boy grimaced and then smiled.

"Shit Fawks... you dafty bird... you didn't take me back far enough." he complained before coughing hard enough that flecks of blood splattered his lips before he passed out again, Margo blinking at the boy. "Fawks? what an... odd name." she muttered softly. "still, his own magic has kicked in, the bleeding is stopping, now we just have to worry about the dislocated knee, broken shoulder, and the nerve damage." she muttered, looking up as Headmaster Dippet and Deputy Headmaster Dumbledore appeared in the doorway with the healer. the other 'gawkers' quickly streamed out leaving only Tom, Brax, Margo and the kid who seamed to be too powerful for his own good. one thing was for sure, not even Dumbledore could get into the boys mental defenses. "Headmaster. has Professor Scrimgeor woken up yet or do you need an explanation?" Tom asked curiously, glancing at Dumbledore. "He mentioned... Fawks." Tom admitted suddenly and Dumbledore's eyes widened. Dumbledore was a young, springy thing, but he still had Fawks as a constant companion. Dumbledore turned to Dippet, curious about the man's thoughts on the boys sudden appearance. Scrimgeor had indeed calmed enough to tell the 'rulers of the school' what had happened.
Brax frowned turning his head away to look at tom a little, still mostly focused on the door, waiting to see if others would arrive. But like tom, cold fury flashed through his system at what had been done to the boy. Unlike tom, his parents had never abused him, had treated him like a prince, but he had been friends with tom to long, had lost his first serious girlfriend to the abuses of her father, and the cold fury that Brax felt for child abuses came in only second to tom’s.

“Good. I’ll see if I can get more tears to help with the healing.”Brax nodded a little as he thought, already mentally composing the letter to his father as they walked back to the common rooms,watching the man as he focused on the man in front of him. Startled grey eyes widened as he felt the other probing at his mind, breaking the contact as he turned his head away.”Don’t try it. No matter how bad I feel, I wont let anyone invade my privacy.”Brax growled annoyed with the intrusion, even as the cool mask slipped in place at the arrival of the adults.

At the surprise on dumbledore’s face his eyes flickered slightly, as he recognized why Dumbledore had known. While it wasn’t common knowledge, brax had paid well to know everything about the teachers in his school, and dumbledore’s familiar was just one of them. Dippet frowned a little as he considered the students in front of him, shaking his head a little.”I do not like how this child got through the wards. Please explain exactly what happened.”he said slowly, looking at scrimgeor who dived right in to explaining it even if he’d past out and left handling the crisis to the Malfoy and slytherin heirs.
Tom nodded at Brax, thankful that his freind was so very well connected. the boy just smiled at Brax's comment and closed his eyes again and let oblivion take him. or that's what it looked like anyway. the few students who where there rolled their eyes at Scrimgeor and Margo finally interrupted the man. "It was a Phoenix Headmaster." she stated calmly. "A Phoenix flashed him into the school, i took a sample of the flames and tested them just to be sure and there can be no doubt. he also has a LOT of freely given, and fresh phoenix tears in his system and no Phoenix would help him if he was a threat or a danger." she stated with a sniff and Dumbledore nodded. "Young Miss Black is right." Dumbledore admitted simply. "Fawks, my own phoenix is a testament to that. he refuses to go near anyone who isn't completely pure of heart and soul." Dumbledore admitted, looking at the boy with wonder and a touch of horror as he took the still growing parchment that the ailments where being listed on and Dumbledore went as pale as paper as he read through the lifetime of damages. "Merlin be..." he muttered hoarsely, Tom reaching down and gently stroking hair out of the boys face, nearly crawling out of his skin when those Emerald eyes snapped open again.

"the Slytherin dungeons..." he muttered and Tom went tense as the boy smiled a little. "i am Harry James Potter. son of Lily and Jame's potter, Grandson to Charlus and Diane Potter." Tom gasped in shock. Charlus Potter was a year below him and one of the most powerful battle mages Tom had ever come across. no wonder this boy reeked of power... but how could he be the grandson of Charlus when he was practically the same age as Charlus!? "Time Travel!?" Dumbledore hissed, shocked. "My boy! there are severe ramifications to..." "and there are severe ramifications to NOT coming back in time, Sir." Harry stated, his eyes fixed on Dumbledore. "in Fact, you yourself where so desperate, that you drained your magical core, and your Phoenix sacrificed himself to bring me here..." Harry grimaced. "admittedly... the timing is a little... off. and i was supposed to appear straight into the hospital wing... but it's close enough i think." Dumbledore was openly gaping at Harry who winced as he tried to move his arm. "fuck... did a number on me..." he grumbled, glancing at Margo. "....how bad is it Doc?" she gave him a strange look and Harry snorted. "never mind..." clearly Pureblood Healers did not know what Doctors where yet. Harry blinked at Margo, shuddering a little as Margo carefully set her hands on his shoulder to put it back into place.

"Grit your teeth." she ordered and Harry grimaced. "i can't. they broke them." he grumbled. "just do it." he ordered, Margo snapping the arm back into place and Harry hissed in pain, but did little else. Tom had to wince at the thought of the young man being so used to pain that he didn't even scream anymore. Margo was peering into the boys mouth now and she winced. "damn, they did break your teeth... how did that happen?" "punched me too hard." Harry admitted. "what year is it anyway?" it was Tom who supplied the answer, looking a bit incredulous. clearly he, and professor Dumbledore for that matter, where under the impression that the boy was quite mad.
Brax bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the idea of Dumbledore being pure of heart. Even as a teenager, brax was aware that the professor moved his students and others around the chessboard like pawns. Listening silently as they talked he sighed, snickering a little.”Yes, the snakes’ nest.”He mused at the boy’s words before snickering, to overwhelmed at the idea of what the boy was admitting to, to really consider what it meant.

Brax studied the man, tilting his head a little.”Don’t worry about it margo, I’ll get some teeth fixing crap along with the phoenix tears.”he said already adding it to the long list of things he was going to demand from his father. “it’s 1944.”He answered simply, wondering what the boy would do with the information.”What year were you trying to get to?”

Dippet frowned shaking his head, before looking at Dumbledore.”We should move him to the hospital wing, until we figure out if he is a danger or not.”The headmaster muttered making the blond Malfoy, who’d obviously taken custody of the boy-whether harry agreed or not- and wasn’t about to watch him go away.”He’s going to stay right where he is. What better magical healing then what I can provide? The school certainly cant afford the same.”
Harry grimaced a little. "ten years too late. i was trying to get to 1934." when Tom riddle would have been six, and much easier to manage and save from evil and darkness. at the age of Six Harry could have taught Tom Riddle love and joy and other such good things. but he could do this, he had to... and if Tom couldn't be saved, then Harry would simply have to kill the other, if only to save all of his freinds and loved ones from torture and death. Margo was frowning a little as Harry snorted. "just pull the damn tooth and be done with it. a new one will grow back later." Margo looked surprised and then nodded. it was true, if you had enough magic to pull it off. Dumbledore, Tom, even Abraxas could probobly grow back broken teeth without issue. though common witches and wizards couldn't do it, Harry was certainly capable of fixing all of his own injuries. Harry looked at Headmaster Dippet and smiled. "it's good that your so suspicious. try and teach that to Dumbledore will you? his motto of giving everyone a second chance gets me almost killed a half a dozen times." he complained, making Dumbledore grimace a little before shooting Brax a rather startled, and then suspicious look.

"Excuse me! who died and put you in charge of me!?" Harry demanded, scowling at the Blond. "i'll have you know i kicked both your son, and your grandson's asses!" Tom snorted at that and Dumbledore hid a grin at Harry's obvious desire to pick a fight with all things Malfoy. "besides, the Headmaster is right to be suspicious of me... hell i'm surprised he hasn't pulled his wand on me yet." Harry admitted with a grin. "i was certain i would be cursed immidiatly... then again Scrimgeor isn't exactly the epitome of bravery is he?" Harry mused, Tom snickering again. "in any case, i won't fight with you about anything Headmaster.... do you carry Magical restraints yet?" "Yes we do." Dumbledore admitted, lifting a pair of magic inhibiting cuffs. it would prevent Harry from doing any magic other than internal. it would even cut off the Animagus transformation if Harry tried it. Harry let Dumbledore strap the cuffs into place, Harry tugging on them a little to get them comfortable before he sagged back into the pillows with a grimace. "gods above my whole body aches..." "that's because most of your nerves have been very badly damaged mister potter." Margo admitted. "the simplest of touch could send you into agony." "i know. it's not the first time... He, has had me under Crucio." Harry admitted. "it's His favorite curse, the sadistic ass hole." here Dumbledore got very interested.

"He?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow and Harry nodded. "Him. He... in my time he is known as The Dark Lord, or simply He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or more commonly You-Know-Who." Harry admitted. "he tears apart most of Britain in a war against everything muggle. including muggle born and halfbloods. according to Him, if you are not a pureblood, you are nothing... which was incredibly hypocritical as he is a half blood himself." Harry admitted. "i was born in concordance with a Prophecy, making me the only one who could kill Him. as you can imagine, this upset Him a great deal. i ended up killing him, for me what was two.. maybe three hours ago..." Harry grimaced a little. "he'd held me for about a month before that, just torturing me for the hell of it. stupid bastard should have just killed me, he'd still be alive then..." Harry admitted and he shuddered closing his eyes. "by the time i managed to get out of his... hide out i..." he swallowed thickly and now there was real emotion in his voice instead of that blandness. "He killed everything i knew, and everything i ever loved..." Harry admitted softly. "so Fawks gave me a chance to change things." Harry admitted, blinking at headmaster Dippet. "and i will change things... i will not let that madman become a madman... i will either change him... or i will kill him, be damned the repercussions to myself." Harry would die to make sure this so called madman didn't become the sociopath he was destined to become. it was also clear he was leaving out a few more... personal details of the story.
Brax tilted his head.”Well then, Margo you heard the boy. Get rid of the teeth.”He said snickering silently because now he was just doing the whole obnoxious Malfoy act to just be annoying. “Ah, I will try.But he does not listen to me.”

Brax raised his eyebrows at harry’s demand, refusing to be budged, or let go of the idea that he was responsible since he was the most capable of supplying the medical attention harry needed.”As I know who I supposed to marry, I can’t imagine that neither of them were my equals. And your hurt. Come at me potter, and I’ll knock you on your ass.”Brax said refusing to appear ruffled or as amused as he did. Turning his head to look at tom he sighed softly, he was tired, and he was missing the boredom from class. This was just to much.

Frowning at the boy’s words he thought about it, before glancing at tom. Raising blond eyebrows as he considered his best friend, because of the people currently at Hogwarts-if that was where harry had meant to go- then him and tom were the most likely to go that bat shit insane, though it seemed to be tom, if the part about being half blood was to be believed. Though he wouldn’t put it past a potter to screw with them by telling them it was a half blood instead of a pureblood. Because lets face it, he knew just how likely it was the interbreeding of purebloods could result in insanity. Shaking his head a little he sighed.”Well, now that was a delightful bedtime story.But we all need sleep.”

Dippet frowned at the Malfoy heir, “And who said you can make the rules mr. Malfoy?”

“….you made me prefect to look after the students.I would like to get some sleep, and I still need to write my father a letter to see that it would be done. After all, the safest thing would to be to get him away from the students.”Brax said with the easy superiority that Lucius had tried and failed to project, and the careless arrogance that draco had gone for.
Harry scowled at Brax with annoyance but opened his mouth to let Margo work, barley even wincing when Margo yanked out the broken teeth with minimal amounts of blood. "Merlin almighty but Healers where better in this time." Harry stated, prodding the empty places with his tongue. "that didn't even hurt!" "that's because the teeth where already dead." Margo stated simply, rolling her eyes. Harry just looked at Brax with amusement in his eyes and Tom stepped in front of Brax before Harry could move.

"Don't even think about it Potter! resorting to muggle brawling is NOT what he meant!" well aware that Harry had intended to lay the blond out with a few good punches, Harry would easily have won in a muggle fight because Brax had never gotten involved in anything other than a purely magical duel. Harry just smirked and shrugged. "i lived through a war Malfoy." Harry stated, his eyes glowing. "i beat the darkest dark wizard even more damaged than i am now. you honestly think your poncy punk ass could do anything against me if i decided to beat the shit out of you?"

"Mister Potter please... your not making much of a case for yourself here." Dumbledore complained with a scowl and Harry shrugged. "i'm a dangerous man Headmas... Professor Dumbledore. i cannot pretend to be anything but. i am unhinged, anyone would be after seeing what i've seen. i am here to do my job, and thats it." Dumbledore's face tightened a little but he nodded. "and what age is this 'Dark Lord' now?"

"well... i'm not sure." Harry admitted. "he was either just born, or of a childhood age ten years ago so he could be anywhere from ten years old to... mmm twenty i should think. no one really knew how old He really was, but Fawks was quite certain he could send me to an age where the Dark Lord would be more malleable." Harry admitted. "of an age to be able to learn love if i was there to offer him the kindness he should have had in the first place. i'll know him when i see him." Dumbledore lowered his gave so that he was looking at Harry over the bridge of his nose, well aware that Harry was lying. "besides, considering it was YOUR interference that caused him to go starkers in the first place Professor, i think i'd rather keep you out of the loop lest you make things even worse than you did originally!" Harry admitted, shrieking in pain as Margo touched his leg. she winced and uttered a short apology and Harry laid there, dazed for a moment before shaking his head.

"damn, now THAT hurt..." he muttered, looking down at his leg before going utterly pale. "... is my leg supposed to look like that? i'm sure it's not supposed to look like that..." Margo looked baffled as she examined his leg. "...there's nothing wrong with your leg..." "...no i'm certain it isn't supposed to look like that." Harry muttered, sweat beading on the edge of his hairline and Tom winced. "he's hallucinating..." he stated. "it has to be the venom. the Phoenix tears must not have taken care of it completely. the Venom of that particular snake is particularly vicious." Tom was well known for his expertise of poisons and venom's. he could identify a poison at a glance, could even tell what it was by reading a list of the symptoms. "he'll have severe hallucinations, if your not watching him closely he might try to cut his limbs off for fear that they are rotting off of him." Tom warned. "he might need to be restrained." both Margo and Dumbledore winced at that. "he's hardly a threat to the students now Armand." Dumbledore muttered to the headmaster. "i would think he would do better in Saint Mungo's, or as Mister Malfoy said, Malfoy Manor... there's not much we can do to help him as it is and if he dies here... there would be questions that we just can't answer. and after Myrtle..." Tom didn't even twitch.
Brax laughed, to amused that the boy would try to still come at him even if he was pretty sure he would have lost a muggle brawl. He was young enough that he hadn’t do so yet, even though in later years, and as he became a man feared among the death eaters, he’d become proficient at being the ever living shit out of someone with just his fists and temper. “I think that you have been spending to much time with my grandson if you think I’d just let you beat me.”He mused, because while he would at the moment, get his ass kicked, he was to much like draco, or Lucius for that matter, to not get in a fight and dish it back out…..who could ever predict that in the future it was indeed harry potter who taught abraxas Malfoy to brawl like a muggle? SO he’d come back to change the past, but he might not…

Looking thoughtful before dippet nodded, looking at Abraxas.”You’re mother is still in charge of st. mungo’s is she not?” “Yes,headmaster.”Brax said, for once sounding submissive to someone else, not willing to pick a fight when it seemed he was going to get what he wanted. “I will see that she comes to get him, and we will move him to the manor. The less anyone knows about him, the less stress he will be under.”He mused even as he talked to himself, ignoring everyone else in the room as he bustled around and writing a letter to see about getting a letter sent to his parents.
Harry snorted a little at Brax and shook his head as he rubbed at his leg, ignoring how that made it sting and throb. "Your grandson was a bloody coward." he muttered with a snear. "your son and his horrid wife overly spoiled him, he was more of a woman than a man, all that maintenance just on his hair!" Harry stated with a roll of his eyes and Tom snickered. "compared to the... no, maintenance on your own?" "hey! i'll have you know i have tried EVERYTHING to control this damn hair! it took three bottles of Sleek and Easy to make it lie flat!" even Tom looked horrified at that. Harry looked smug and rubbed at his leg again. "are you SURE there's nothing wrong with my leg?" he asked Margo, clearly seriously panicked about whatever was 'wrong' with his leg. "Your leg is fine Mister Potter." Margo assured him, hesitating before handing him a potion. "here, this will make your leg all better." "no it won't! this is a sleeping potion! you can't fool me!" Harry hissed, giving Margo a sharp look. "are you trying to poison me? are you sure your a healer? i bet your just a Death eater come to kill me! that's it isn't it! you're here to kill me! well i won't let you... oh i feel sick." Harry groaned, rolling over so that his head was over the side of the bed. Tom summoned a basin but he needn't have bothered, Harry had passed out and Dumbledore lifted an eyebrow. "...Death, Eater? what a horrible name..." Tom rather liked it, he deigned to find a use for it in the future. "it's rather impressive that he identified the potion..." Tom admitted and Dumbledore found himself nodding in agreement.

Margo carefully restrained him, which proved to be a very bad thing to do. lost in hallucinations and nightmares Harry screamed and fought the restraints, and tried to attack anyone who came too close. luckily they where all sleeping, but Margo stayed up with Harry, trying to keep his temperature down and him asleep. still when Abraxas's mother finally appeared, he had rubbed his wrists and ankles raw, had clawed at his leg until he drew blood, and had bitten Margo hard enough that she had a perfect imprint of his teeth on her hand. Harry was so out of it that he didn't even recognize Abraxas or Dumbledore and constantly tried to engage them in a fight even with the restraints. he even called Abraxas 'a slime ball who probobly slept with the Dark Lord so he wouldn't have to sleep with his horse of a wife.' no doubt Harry had him confused with Lucius. still it was a very relieved Margo and Dumbledore who led Brax's mother into the room where Harry had been drugged into a stupor and handed him over to a woman who knew what she was really doing. Tom had found the whole thing to be a great laugh and called Abraxas 'the Dark Lords Whore' for the rest of the morning. of course Harry woke up in the hospital and immidiatly tried to strangle Brax's mother, not that he had the strength for it. she didn't even have bruises afterwords, but they restrained him again, just to make sure. she was sending Brax hourly updates on 'mister potters progress' and she theorized he would be over the effects of the venom by the time Brax came home for the weekend.

(TS to the weekend?)
That weekend indeed had brax looking forward to going home. Even if it wasn’t supposed to happen, the students got free weekends, or at least those who had homes to go to. And Brax never stayed at school longer then he had to. Glaring at the brunette walking next to him, he shook his head.”Stop calling me that. I whore for no one but the girls.”he sulked looking annoyed at tom’s continued calling of him as he stepped into the manor. Pausing for a moment before heading upstairs.

“So, how are we feeling this morning?”Brax said as he swung into his rooms, knowing his mother had given his bedroom to harry so that the man would have the best resting place. Since despite the expense spent on both the guest rooms, and tom’s rooms at Malfoy manor, there was nothing-not even the master bedrooms- that could compare to brax’s hedonistic indulgence that brax called a bedroom.
Tom snickered a little, glad that he was welcome in the Malfoy home, he would have nowhere else to go. frankly he was just glad that he didn't have to go back to the orphanage this year, once school was ended he would be going with Brax on a 'learning expedition' with the elder Malfoy's. "Your a whore, plain and simple. don't think i didn't notice the way you where looking at 'Mister Emerald'." Tom teased, smirking a little. "when are you going to admit to yourself that your gay?" this was a long standing argument of course. Harry jerked awake and blinked sluggishly at Brax as his sleepy brain tried to focus. "Draco?" Harry asked before shaking his head. "no, your not poncy enough." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes as Tom cracked up, laughing so hard he had to lean against the door frame for support. "shit... that's right, i'm in the past." Harry muttered. "god i feel terrible..." he cast a glance at his leg and sighed in releif when it was not rotting right off the bone. "shit... what the hell happened to me? that was awful. i've never had a reaction like that to venom before, usually the Basilisk... but you wouldn't know about that yet..." Harry muttered, Tom freezing in shock as Harry struggled. "no, wait, yes you would, you discovered that... a year ago? yes a year ago. Nagini will have just hatched..." he muttered, Tom hissing in shock. Nagini was in fact there right now, wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet. she was barely a full six inches long.

"What was that about a basilisk?" Tom asked, his voice pitched in shock and Harry smiled. "mmm yeah, fuckin thing damn near killed me. i stabbed it in the brain." Harry admitted. "but it bit me in the process and a bit of it's fang broke off in my arm. Fawks' tears saved me, but after that the Basilisk Venom sort of just kept growing in my system. i'm immune to most venoms and poisons but..." "The Snake that bit you is a hybrid of a Basilisk, very rare, i doubt the Baslisk Venom already in your system would have countered it." Harry pondered that and nodded before looking at Brax. "this is your room?" he asked, blinking at Brax before smiling. "you have MUCH better taste than your offspring. god Lucius was almost as much a ponce as Gildorly... oh but he hasn't been born yet..." Harry scowled a little as he rubbed his aching head. "i've never laid in a bed so soft before." Harry admitted with a smile. "usually it was just the Hogwarts beds... which are as old as you two are in my time... or the old Crib Cot that my... 'relatives' made me sleep on." Tom had to grin at the tone of hatred that Harry used to describe the people he had lived with. "So, have you decided whats to be done with me yet? i can't imagine Headmaster dippet is too happy about 'letting me go'..." Harry stated blinking at the two. "i doubt he'd let me back in the school. if the Dark Lord was born ten years ago, or was already born, i imagine he'll be in Hogwarts soon if he isn't already." giving nothing away, even if Tom already suspected that HE was the dark Lord, it didn't bother him all that much.
“I am not!And I was not.”Brax glared at his best friend, the only true argument that the two of them ever had was over if Brax was gay or not. Despite his long standing dislike for the woman he was setting up to marry, because his mother had asked him to marry her, he was definitely not gay. Glancing at harry he laughed.”No, not draco.”He said looking curious though about the grandson he assumed Harry was talking about. Listening to the two talk he smirked a little at tom’s shock, rolling his eyes a little.”Of course he knows, idiot, he’s not from here.”He said still feeling snarky over their previous argument.

Smirking at the praise he nodded.”Yes. Mother thought you would rest better in here.Seeing as not only do I have the softest bed, but entertainment.”He said tilting his head towards the bookshelves and almost any sort of puzzle or magical toy that you could imagine. “Well,dippet’s convinced I’m up to some nefarious plotting and scheming, which I am,but its not that bad.”Brax said snickering, because he was just letting the man think he was up to something for the sheer hell of letting dippet be paranoid.
Tom smirked. "the sooner you admit it, the sooner you'll stop being so miserable. if you'd just admit it, you know your parents would be making you marry that shrew." he pointed out. "if you'd just admit you can't stand the bitch they would call of the wedding and you know it." he stated simply with a sniff before falling silent at Harry, his eyes alight with a rage as he realized that the boy had killed his Basilisk! Harry blinked at the bookshelf and looked rather astonished. "...wow, i've never had games to play with before." Harry admitted simply, deflating Tom's rage. for gods sake even HE had played games as a child! and had toys too for that matter! "...You're a MALFOY, of COURSE your up to something nefarious and Evil." Harry stated with a roll of his eyes as he shook his head. "i will of course, play along... just for the sake of watching headmaster dippet and Dumbledore tear their hair out. i still owe Dumbledore for a lot of crap, and i'm cruel enough to not care in the least that he hasn't done any of it yet." Harry admitted with a smirk, Tom laughing as he moved over to the bookshelf and pulled out his own favorite Game. it was a lot like monopoly, only you had to outbid the other players and on occasion the game would throw a screwball that could make, or break a player.

"Well, if you haven't played games before, it should be easy for me to win." Tom stated happily and Harry snorted. "i said i'd never played board games. i have played a few games once i got to Hogwarts. i'm best at Poker." Tom snickered. "and i suppose being an accomplished Legilemens doesn't have anything to do with that?" "hey! i was a Gryffindor, i would NEVER cheat!" Harry protested and Tom raised an eyebrow at Harry who smirked. "well, maybe i'm not entirely Gryffindor. so how do you play this?" Harry asked, giving the game a baffled look. there where no cards and no spinny dial and no dice, just different magical creatures and the board itself. "i get to be the House Elf!" Harry crowed, making Tom grimace. he himself always chose the Basilisk piece no matter what anyone else wanted. it was HIS piece and anyone who touched it would get their fingers broken. "oh, before i forget, Malfoy... don't marry your intended... she completely destroys the family name and turns your son into a money whore." Harry stated simply, causing Tom to break out into more laughter. "Your future Son is so twisted by her that he actually marries a BLACK!" there was a pause. "well, i suppose that doesn't mean much in these days... well in any case in my days the name Black is tantamount to complete obsessive madness..." he paused and then. "it's like marrying Attoman Renerds." Attoman Renerds was a name everyone in that time knew. he had just killed himself after slaughtering thirteen people because his girlfriend of three weeks dumped him. "so how do we know how many spaces to move?"
“I am not miserable!”Braxg scowled looking annoyed and sulky because he knew tom was right, that all he had to do was tell his parents that he didn’t want to,they wouldn’t be making him do it. But he couldn’t. Smirking as he watched tom get the game he laughed outright at the announcement. “I think you’ve been spending to my time with my idiot relatives. It seems they never learned that nefarious evil plans are best laid when no one knows about them. I shall have to teach them better.”Brax nodded thoughtfully as he sat down to play before smirking.

“Gryffindors might not cheat, but you’re a potter and your….grandfather…”He said shuddering a little in disturbance as he considered potter procreating.”cheats at poker all the time. We actually have a pool going on how much money we can steal from our housemates without anyone noticing we’re working together.”He mused outloud before shuddering, looking up startled at harry’s words.

Glaring at tom he scowled a little.”Have you been writing him things?Sending him letters wont convince me to stop marrying Sindonie.”He said scowling at his friend.
Harry snorted a little. "Draco will NEVER learn better." Harry stated simply before he froze, his eyes widening. "...my... grandfather?... that's right he would..." he swallowed thickly, his eyes glossing over. "he won't be dead yet..." he mumbled softly. "He hasn't killed him yet..." Tom paused, his head tilted at Harry, looking a little concerned. "you never met your grandfather?" "...no, or my mother and father. the Dark Lord killed them when i was about Six months old... or three... i can't remember which. October 31'st 1981." Harry admitted, reaching up and stroking his forehead, where that impressive Lightning bolt stood before he shook his head. "Dumbledore's first... no, third mistake." Harry admitted simply before he snorted as he realized that Charlus was as much a cheat and a sneak as he himself was. "well at least it runs in the family." Harry stated simply before blinking at Brax with bafflement, Tom looking utterly confused. "what? i haven't sent him anything!" Tom complained and Harry snorted.

"you want to know a secrete about Sendonie?" Harry asked, his eyes fixed on Abraxas. "next year, once the marriage contract is finalized on your birthday, she arranges to have your parents killed. she succeeds." Harry stated, Tom leaping to his feat with a snarl. he loved Brax's parents almost as much as Brax did. "as soon as your son, Lucius is born, she kills you too and runs the name of Malfoy into the dirt. only the money YOU made in the years that you had total control kept the malfoy name from going bankrupt. Sendonie lives long enough to see Lucius Malfoy married to Narcissa Malfoy who follows Sendonie's example and has her offed. luckily for poor Draco, Narcissa never managed to kill Lucius. though he was so twisted it would have been better for Draco if he had. in my time the name Malfoy is tied to cruelty and bigotry to such an extent that Lucius Malfoy uses the Crucio on his own son, simply because Draco can't bring home better scores than a muggleborn witch. which leaves Draco a very sickly, pale, and small child." Tom had his hand pressed tightly to his mouth in utter horror. "i had to kill Draco Malfoy myself, because his father beat him so badly for 'turning his back on the Malfoy name' that the boy couldn't be saved." he stared at Brax intently. "i took great pleasure in torturing Lucius malfoy for what he did." he closed his eyes. "but that's nothing compared to what happens to poor Margo... you would do your best to keep your eyes peeled on Antonin Marxly. he rapes her, and it snaps her mind. the Black Family was never the same again." he admitted softly as he started the game as the Game board lit up and a number and an arrow appeared.
Brax looked, staring at the overload over information, before like Lucius who came after him, cruelty and rage filled those grey eyes, turning them into storm clouds. Raising slowly he tilted his head before looking at tom.”Well, it seems I will not be marrying sendoine. I will do us all a favor, and marry margo.That would keep Antonin away from her.”he said logically as he walked out of the room to talk to his mother, then go see margo. To anxious to stay still. Making his way to the black manor he looked out of sorts before knocking on the door and letting himself in.Being friends with margo so long, he came and went at the manor as he wanted, though he was usually more polite then just walking in.but harry potter had managed to upset him to much.”Margo!?”He yelled looking around, for once so out of sorts he hadn’t even thought about calling a house elf to find the girl.
Harry blinked at Abraxas and Harry smiled. "well, that's certainly a look i recognize." he admitted. "seams Lucius did get something from you after all." he admitted as he watched Tom make his move and started the bidding on a new plot of land. "just be careful of her sister. she's already a little unhinged, harmless but unhinged and she gives birth to... or she's supposed to give birth to three daughters." Harry admitted. "one of whom marries your son..." he paused and upped the bid, Tom scowling a little as he realized Harry was much better with numbers than he had anticipated. "...he didn't hear a word i said did he?" he asked, Tom snickering as Harry realized that Brax was already gone.

at the Black Manor there was mostly silence. Margo lived alone with her sister Dorea. Dorea was several years younger than Margo, Dorea was only starting first year that year. "Abraxas?" Margo asked, walking down the stairs, looking startled. "Brax what is it? what's wrong? has Tom been hurt again?" she asked, worried, already clutching her healers bag. usually Brax only came over like this when Tom had to go back to the orphanage and got badly hurt because of the stronger boys there. after all, Tom couldn't use magic at the orphanage, and he was so thin and scrawny he wasn't much in th way of being able to defend himself physically. "Brax? what is it?!"
Brax shuddered turning to look at margo, looking at a loss for words. Emotionally overwhelmed and trying to figure out what to do.”No, no its not tom.”he reassured before shuddering. “It seems my visitor has been aware of what happens to me after I got married.”he said pain filling his eyes as he looked at her. Because he might not have wanted to marry her, but he had cared about his fiancée, had wanted to build a life with her. But harry’s words had revealed something he had known was there, cruelty. He couldn’t…he was falling apart at it.
Margo hesitated as she looked at him before she set her back down and wrapped him up in a tight hug. "i'm sorry Brax... i know you liked her." she murmured, holding him close. she herself had seen the woman's cruelty, but had said nothing of it, thinking she was just imagining things. "come on, i'll make some tea." she promised him, leading him into the kitchen and fixing him up some tea. Dorea was already in the kitchen, playing with some dolls and she looked up at Brax with a slightly blank look. everyone knew that Dorea was... special, and that Margo would kill anyone who dared mess with Dorea. Charlus actually fell in love with little Dorea and planned to marry her until Voldemort killed him. then Dorea, unable to protect herself and without Margo to protect her, fell to the mercy of her husband and gave birth to three daughters, only one of whom had any honor to her name. Margo quickly made tea, Brax's favorite and set it in front of him. "now then, take some drinks and then explain to me what you learned." she ordered. "so that it makes sense this time if you please." Dorea giggled and tugged on Brax's hair. "How come you look like a lady?" "DORA!" Margo gasped, horrified. "you can't call men like Lucius ladies! they get all upset!" Dorea just looked confused but Margo had dissolved into laughter at her teasing of Brax. "Why don't you go up and play with your ponies Dori?" Margo asked the little girl who beamed happily and skipped off.
Brax nodded a little, “Tea would be nice.”He muttered smiling at the small girl. Unlike his son, who was only cruel, Brax could be cruel when driven to it, but he was much more likely to be kind. “hey dorea.”He muttered looking amused as he watched her play, before laughing quietly at her question. For once so far gone on his shock, that he couldn’t even take offense at being called a lady.”Ah, well at least I know I’ll appeal to both sexes who enjoy looking at men and ladies.”He said snickering a little as dorea disappeared upstairs before sighing softly, and starting to explain, by the end tears sliding down his cheeks as he hunched over his knees, for once the emotionless Malfoy mask utterly shattered.
Margo looked just as stunned as Brax did and she was trembling in her seat. not just from realizing what 'would' happen to him, but what would happen to her as well. "well... we know now." she stated softly. "Potter told us this for a reason. to stop it from happening. we are aware of it, and i can take steps to protect both myself and my sister. and you can take steps to protect yourself." she stated taking his hand, her head tilted at him. "We can stop these things from happening Brax." she smiled. "i can arrange for Sendonie to have a severe allergy attack where there's no one to help her." she stated simply. "i know that she is deathly allergic to peanuts. and that she always eats a snack sent by the house elves. it would easy for her to... get the wrong snack in her... haste." Margo offered. she was a true black, Family came first. and Abraxas was family to her, particularly since he was always very nice to Dorea. "as for my would be rapist. i have a plan for him, he's always trying to cop a feel, maybe this time i'll take off his hand?" she mused with a sadistic smirk. "it will be just fine Brax... Harry is here to change things. and obviously he's decided your worth more alive than you are dead." she smiled at him. "now, dry those eyes. you'll smudge your makeup." well, maybe Margo wasn't as nice as people assumed.
“Yes, now we know.”Brax muttered into his knees, for once looking as upset and distraught as draco had for the whole of his sixth year.Tensing a little at that before shaking his head.”No…I cant kill her for something she would have done…”He muttered, he cared enough about the woman to not want her dead, just not enough to still marry her. Swallowing hard as he glanced at her before starting, frowning at her.”I do not wear makeup!”he scowled annoyed, making a face before swallowing hard.”You know, I did come here for a reason beyond telling you this.”he started flushing a little.
Margo smiled a little as she shook her head a little. "why not?" she asked. "just because she can't do it to you, doesn't mean she won't do it to someone else." she pointed out. "from what i've seen she's already been making plans." she admitted. "well. we could have Tom question her, get a good Legilemency on her and if she really hasn't done anything then we'll let it slide. if she has, then maybe we'll get the auror's involved, do it legally." she mused before blinking at Abraxas. "a reason?" she asked, looking completely baffled. "what on earth reason could you have besides telling me that?" she asked, examining him intently. "please tell me your not going to do something incredibly stupid." she pleaded, wrinkling her nose. "you are, aren't you. your going to do something stupid." she complained taking his hand. "i'm not really sure i want to hear this, but go ahead. and if you DARE offer to sequester me into safety i shall hex your balls off!"
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