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Hunger Games OOC Thread


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
This is where all Out of Character discussion goes for people involved with the group. Feel free to share ideas with each other, work out plot angles, or just chat and get to know one another.
For all of those who have posted their approved character profiles feel free to start posting. Also if you know anyone else who may be interested feel free to recruit I want to get as many players in this as possible so we can have a bit of variety in the group.
I'm thinking of having the niece get reaped, enter as an NPC and killed off early in the Games. But there's plenty of other family drama going on, so maybe it's not a good idea. Thoughts, anyone?
Up to you. I wonder if it would have been easier to open only two districts and let the group of us choose. So posting might be easier until we get others involved.
That is up to you. I can change my girl to another district even, since I haven't posted. The others that haven't posted either could choose new as well. I know I don't mind. Since I just wanna play lol.
Feel free to close my district, I can easily change to a new one... since I am the only one. Then I will look over which are open and choose... I can edit my profile to reflect that without changing much of her situation or story. The district she doesn't like may change but that wouldn't be a problem :)
I closed the districts that no one's in for now and I will most likely change the district my stylist is from I'm still gonna have her Mentor be Cinna though
I love Cinna! I may have her be the stylist for 7 I dunno though do you guys wanna skip ahead to where the tributes are at the capitol? We use time stamps so we can always go back and post for what happens in the districts at the reapings later on.
Or I can have her be the stylist for 10 or 2 or another district where characters that are submitted are from so there can be interactions starting tonight if you guys are up for posting a bit
seems I am the only one up lol... and I haven't even gone to look which districts are open lol. I'm trying to finish all pending posts before working on this one lol... then again I have time tomorrow during the day so I may work on it then. I just need buckle down her details lol
ok sounds good I have to head to bed anyway but I'm on usually all day as for districts still open I believe 1, 7, 10, and 2 are still open for now :)
Timezones are a pain. Hehe. Thanks for the input guys. I'm going ahead with it then. Will post NPC profile and post for both for characters when I get back from work. And, good call on the closing the other Districts for now.
Wrap up the reaping and goodbyes in the next post and get them on their way to the capitol. No problem for me. Just waiting for LingeringDesire, and then I'll post for both char a.d.
ok cool We can always wrap the reapings up later on unless there's a specific angle that you wanted to write out in them. I'm still trying to figure out what district I want my stylist to be working on lol
OK I made my stylist District 10 stylist and I am going to submit 2 more characters from district 2 a male and a female that way we can have a solid team to start with it will be an unlikely team but in the end of all this I'm hoping to have a rebellion and the tributes are going to break through the barrier around the arena and people in the capitol are going to go against the president and his government so the different districts working together will make sense in the end you all get what I'm saying?
District two is full for girls and needs only one guy. I moved mine to two as well then we have an npc of the niece lol

This should be a lot of fun. I will be posting the reaping of Whit and Shelly later today
Nice I am re opening District 3s thread we have another player coming in who's character is from there :) So what do you all think should we post in the Capitol yet? I'm going to be posting my 2 newest tributes reapings soon in 2
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