All in Time(blair/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
After 2100 years there was precious few new things. Espicially about sex. But getting interrupted when having sex was always interesting, espcially when the one doing the interrupting was a god,even more when it was this god.

Pausing mid motion Katrina stared down at the man she was straddling and mentally cursed. She very rarely gave into her body's needs anymore,but since the man currently walking through her backyard was the biggest pain in the ass she knew, it made sense he'd arrive right now. It'd been almost a year since she'd seen him,but there was no mistaking that dark death touched magic that clung to him. Nor the hyper yipping of her puppy about getting fed some of Cerberus' special dog treats.

"Kat!Kat I got treats!You need to get some of these treats."She loved her dog, she really did. But sometimes she regretted being good enough at magic to be able to create a mental bond between them. Sometimes it was just annoying, no matter how endearing she found the pup

Katrina sighed quietly at the affirmation that Hades really was in her backyard she looked down at the man she'd picked up in the bar. She wasn't one for relationships, and though she had alot of friends, being as old as she was, it made dating and sex difficult. Muttering a quiet binding spell she sighed as the man's eyes glazed, and got up. Wtching him leave, and then waiting for the front door to close behind him, she ran her fingers through sex tossled hair before pulling on a pair of jeans and t-shirt. Though it would be obvious over what she had been doing, she had no intention of opening the door for the god of the underworld wearing nothing but her skin.

As she walked downstairs she sighed softly, wishing that he looked like what disney had tried to make him out to be. But alas, he was definitely a man most women would want to knock boots with. But in the 2100 years of knowing him, she’d thankfully avoided that, though it wasn’t from lack of trying on his side. Sometimes she wondered why he put up with her refusing, but mostly she’d decided it was the novelty of someone actually saying no to him.

She had her own reasons for refusing to have sex with him, though as an iron age priestess, she definitely did not have the hang ups on sex as the modern society, and it sometimes got her in trouble as she worked on keeping up with the modern world, where her true self, the one she hid, kept telling her she was doing nothing wrong. But…back to the original topic-Hades had a habit of knocking her off topic when he was standing in front of her looking all sexy and beautiful- she had her own reasons for never going there with him, and she was definitely refusing to tell him, no matter how many times he asked, or how much he helped her.

Frowning as she opened the door she sighed softly."Don't you know that at this time of night, most people are sleeping?"She said, knowing that whatever hd brought him here, when he was obnoxiously a morning person, meant that her life was about to get complcated again. And most definately involved the gods. Those problems were always the ones that plagued the last prophetess in existance. Not to mention she'd stolen ares' sword. So between the war gods wrath, and the gods wanting to know what the future held....she stayed busy, whether she wanted to or not.

Looking down at the dog standing next to the man she sighed, the god even convinced her dog that he was a good guy.of course, she knew better, but she wasn't about to burst her 7 month old puppy's bubble. Innocence was rare enough, she wouldn't destroy Anakin's.





Zane stood in the yard, his hands shoved in his jean pockets and his mouth curved into an arrogant smirk. He was well aware of his devilish good looks - from his steely blue-eyed gaze to his muscular body- and well aware of the effect that they had on the women around him. Katrina was the only woman he had come across to not fall for his dark charm or his brooding good looks, and instead of making him as furious as the legends would like to think, it made him even more determined. Sure, it was true that out of him and his brothers, he was the quick-tempered one. However, he was also the most laid-back and mischievous.

"You know how I prefer the early hours of the day," he said, "Most people are still asleep, and the less I have to deal with, the better." He tossed her dog another treat, then reached down and pet Cerberus' large head. The dog looked absolutely demonic, especially since his head reached the hip of Zane's six-foot-five frame. However, he large black dog was usually cool as a cucumber unless Zane's life was being threatened. He was also incredibly tolerant of the little pup who was running around him and eating his treats...

"Cerberus, come," Zane commanded, and the dog followed him into the small house without invitation. Zane knew that he sure as hell didn't need one, and he didn't plan to ask for one.

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" he said, moving to sit on the old couch in the middle of the sitting area. "First, if you think I didn't notice the guy that walked out of the front door, you're an idiot. Are you trying to catch some sort of disease?" He wrinkled his nose. Bar rats were not his cup of tea. "Second, Ares knows your here - in the states, I mean."

He glanced around the small house. "Is your money running out? This place is a dump compared to the last." He leaned back on the couch and the dog laid down on the floor at his feet.
Katrina's eye twiched a little as she dropped a hand to rub at anakin's ears as the dog pressed against her legs, Ah, but most women would want to deal with you. Which requires them being awake when your here."She pointed out with a smirk. Remembering the last time her neighbors had gotten a look at the man who'd visited, she'd been harassed for weeks about who he was and when he was coming back. Tall and as dark as her father, she was just under six foot herself, making almost a perfect compliment for Zane's tall dark and brooding."Hey cer."She muttered smiling as the dark dog tolerated Anakin running around him.

Rolling her eyes as he invited himself in she headed for the kitchen to get herself from food while he talked she snickered a little. Sexually frustrated and annoyed with him for being a morning person she sighed."I'm not a idiot. I just didn't feel like explaining to him why I had you sneaking in the back door."She said rolling her eyes before sighing."And you know I can't catch anything. Being a demi-god does have a good effect on the sex life like that. Not that you'd know anything bout that. Seeing as I'm sure your sex life is boring after all this time."She pointed out before bristling.

"I am not running out of money!Considering how long I have to do the 'long term investment' thing, I'm perfectly fine on money.don't make fun of the house. I like it."She said bristling over his jibs about her date and house instead of freaking out what he told her. She didn't need him to know just how scared she was at the thought of ares' being even that close to knowing where she was. If he did, he might demand that he stay here, and she sooo didn't need that. He was easy to resist when she only saw him once in awhile, close up she was pretty sure that laid back and mischievous attitude was going to wear her down, and she couldn't do that. Nope, totally not going there.
Zane scoffed a bit and rolled his eyes. "My sex life is anything but boring," he said, sounding very confident. "After all, I can choose any women I'd like, and she'd be on her knees in a second." He winked. "I don't think Zues has those perks." He looked amused and glanced around the house, still not thrilled about the housing arrangement. It was okay, but it was nothing he was used to. Normally, he was spending time in his mansion in France, not some ricket-y house in the southern part of the states.

"You like it? I don't know how," he said, rolling his eyes, "I suppose it could be charming, what with the view and everything, but I'm not convinced." As he waited for her to get food in the kitchen, he snapped his fingers out of habit. Each time, a spark flew from between his fingers, ready to ignite. "Stop rummaging for food. We are going to brunch because we have things to talk about. Not to mention, I can't imagine you have something in there that will satisfy my hunger."

All of the sudden, he stood up and fished his keys out of his pocket. "My new car is a block away," he said, "Cerberus can stay here and keep guard." He patted the dog's head and nodded toward the door. The thing about Cerberus is that he could be violent if needed, and he shared a version of Zane's powers. They were also bonded in a way that Cerberus could tell Zane if anything he was going on at the house, even if they were miles away.
"Uh-huh.Tht I don't believe. Only boring sex starved people would be here bothering people this early."She grumbled a little annoyed with his words. She knew he was annoyed with the house, but it was just her and anakin most of the time, and since she usually had to give up her home on a moment's notice, she wasn't bout to get anything close to what his mansion ws like.

"You're never convinced of anything.And stop snapping your fingers, I'm not your dog."She snapped fear and annoyance making her snappy with the man she had no business being either with. Considering Zane was one of the few things standing between her and her father, she should probably be nicer to him then she was, but she was hardly ever kind. Something about the death god just agiated her enough that she was snappy with him most of the time.

"A new car?What happened to the old one?"she said sighing, giving in when she realized that she was going to be eating with him, taking the keys from him before he coul say anything about it as she headed for the door.. There was few things that could sway him when he decided to do something, it was usually easier to just go along with him."Stay here anakin, erberus will let us know if something happens."She reassured the whimpering 7 month old puppy, scratching his ears before following zane outside. Rolling her eyes at the sight of his car even as she started to slide into the driver's seat. Knowing he wouldn't let her drive, but it was always worth a shot.

"Does something need to happen to a car to allow me to get a new one?" Zane asked, rolling his eyes. He glared at her when he stepped up to the car, his eyes turning a heated bright red at the sight of her in the driver's seat. "Get out," he growled, his temper threatening to make an appearance. He had a few things that set him off, and one was someone fucking around with his beloved cars. "I don't have time for this. Get in the passenger's seat, or you will be riding in the trunk."

Once his seat was vacant, Zane slipped inside and brought the car to life. He sped through the streets like a true speed demon, taking no care in watching for pedestrians and other cars. Why should he? He was the king of the Underworld and he knew when each and every person on the earth was going to die, and none of them (at the moment) would be sent to his domain because of his speeding habits.

Pulling up to a nice restaurant for brunch, he led her inside and smirked as the waitresses stepped all over each other to get to him first. When the hostess started to flirt with him, even asking for his number, he snickered and picked Katrina's hand up. "Sorry, Sweetheart," he said, "I'm taken." Of course, it wasn't true, but it kept them at a distance and it pissed Katrina off. Those were two things that kept him constantly amused.

The hostess frowned and nodded, shooting a jealous glare at Katrina before sitting them down in a private corner. Zane made a point to order them both a mimosa before setting his menu down and staring across the table at her. "Look," he said, "I don't think you realize how close he is." His steely blue eyes grew serious as he looked at her, a flicker of concern in his gaze.
"For most people, yes it does. Though, I forget who I'm talking to. Normal doesn't apply."She teased lightly even as she moved out of the driver's seat, knowing better then protest about being moved aside. He was insane about his drivin, and bitchy if other people drove him. She'd much rather just deal with the breakneck speeds he drove at. The only sign that she was nervous as he was driving was bothering her.
Following him inside she frowned slightly as the waitresses responded to him, looking the part of a annoyed girlfriend, even if she had no intention of acting on the sexual tension that usually was between them,even more today when he'd interrupted her sex life. Flicking a glare at him at his words she resisted pulling her hand away until the hostess had shown them to a table."You are definately not taken. At least not by me."She growled quietly before staring down at the menu for his next words, refusing to give into the screaming fear that threatened to overwhelm her.
Sipping her drink, she rolled her eyes a little at the fact that he'd just ordered for her without asking before answering him."Zane,the US is fairly big,even if he knows I'm here, he doesn't know I'm living in new england. Otherwise he would have beat you here."She said sighing softly, before ordering some food for herself starting to eat. Annoyed with him for being both a good enough friend-if anyone could call zane a friend- to warn her, and annoyed he wanted her to be scared.
Zane glanced up at the woman didn't across from him, growing a bit irritated. "I beat him here because I knew exactly where you were," he snapped, "He is still searching for you, but he's close. You think that's nothing to worry about, then why don't you face him? It would save me a lot of trouble." He rolled his eyes. Of course, that wasn't true. He cared about Katrina in some... odd way. Her existence meant more to him than he was willing to admit.
When the waitress came to the table, he gave her a charming smile. "I'd like a mushroom and spinach omelet," he said, "And another drink." He glanced over at Katrina and nodded to her. "Go ahead and bring my wife another mimosa too - She needs it. And of course, whatever food she wants."
Katrina swallowed hard at his snapping glancing away from him. Looking around the cafe for a moment as she watched all the women still watching them. Knowing she was irriating Zane by being casual, but the woman was going to lose her mind if she tried to think about it just yet. And well, ZAne actually worrying about her, or at least seeming to, was so rare that it was onfusing her on how to react. "And what do you suggets I do?Zane, if I run and panic, he might find me faster. If I do it slowly, he wont."she sighed quietly.
Glancing up at the waitress she frowned before kicking the god across from her. Not really hard, but enough to let him know that she really was displeased with it. "I'll have some scrambled eggs and bacon."She said witing until the waitress left before turning her attention to the gd across from her. "Are you insane?I live here you jackass, did it ever occur to you that I might not want to be identified as your wife."She snarled her fear quickly becoming anger.While she thought he cared for her, and she had come to care about him in equally weird way, her talent for prophecy had made sure she'd never try it. And also guranteed she'd never tell him why she refused to sleep with him. Thankfully after all these years, he'd not realized it was fear of inacting a prophecy that kept her out of his bed. Otherwise if he had known, katrinaknew he would have never left her alone without seducing her. He didn't believe in the power of prophecy, even after all these years of watching her predict true happenings. He refused to consider that somethings fate had control of what he did.
Zane smirked a bit. "And why ever not? All of these other women would be happy to be identified as my wife..." he said, looking amused, "There may even be a few men who wouldn't mind. Never know." He winked at her and took a sip of his drink. There was something odd about seeing a man like him drinking such a delicate drink. However, he managed to pull it off. That was how attractive Zane was... His eyebrows bunched together in irritation. "You may be right about not running, but you need to take better precautions. Bringing home some drunk son of a bitch you just met at the bar? How the hell do you know he's not someone with an agenda? You don't."
The waitress came by just in time to hear his little rant, her eyes wide as saucers. Zane threw her a charming smile as she brought their second round of mimosas. "Just a little marital spat," he said, giving her a wink. The waitress blushed and nodded, moving away as soon as the glasses were on the table. Zane turned back to Katrina and narrowed his eyes. "I think it would be best if I stayed with you - Cerberus and I, of course."
"Yes, but I'm not one of them.No matter how charming, I know you.You're not that charming forever."She pointed out, smiling slightly. Because he was indeed that charming, she just liked knocking him off kilter, because it amused her to see him try to figure out why she said no. Laughing abruptly at his words she snickered looking around."Well, I'm glad you are reaching out to all genders now, you should have a interesting sex life like that."She mused, which left to question, had she exprimented to? Sighing softly as she shrugged a little sipping her mimosa."I don't, but I'm pretty sure his own agenda was to get laid,not get me killed.He spent to much time staring at my ass for that."She said casually, raising a eyebrow at the waitress before laughing softly at her amazement.
Watching the woman leave she frowned at zane, shaking her head before she'd even thought it all the way through."Oh no. Definately not. You'll spend the whole time bitching about the house,and that you have to sleep on the couch with the dogs. I'm not listening to it."She said because she was sooo sure letting him stay at her house would be a bad idea. At least in the ida of not sleeping with him. Because she was pretty sure being exposed to that charm every day would eventually wear her down, espcially if things got stressful as they tended to do when involving ares. Sex was stress relief for her, so it was going to be interesting.
Zane tilted his head to the side. "I didn't ask your permission," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. He moved on to his second drink without a second though, taking a big gulp before shaking his head. "That's why we are not staying in that house. I've already bought a nice house uptown that we will stay in. Us and the dogs will have plenty of room... Now, don't reject me, Katrina. You know it would please me to make a scene." He smirked. "What would I do? Hm, we are technically already married, so I can't do a proposal... Ah, you could be pregnant! Now that would be the talk of this little town, wouldn't it? All of these girls would practically light on fire with jealousy if they knew you were carrying my little pride in joy." He grinned, pleased with himself for coming up with such a thing. "You get the point, and you know what a great actor I am."
He leaned back in his chair and smiled as the young waitress brought out their brunch. The smell made his stomach rumble, and he immediately leaned forward to cut into the omelet. "Perfect," he said to the waitress, then watched her leave. He turned back to Katrina. "You know by now that you have little choice but to deal with me. It's fact."
Katrina groaned putting her head on the table, knowing there was no way to talk around this. she'd just have to deal with it. Though, hopefully, if she knew him, the house was some obnoxiously big house, maybe she could avoid him? Banging her head a little on the table she whined quietly."They'd never believe you let me drink while pregnant. You'd never pull it off."she grumbled because she knew he would just enjoy causing such a scene.
Sitting up she started eating before nodding a little."Fine.We'll move to this house after I finish eating."She said before smirking a little."You know there is the very real possiblity that I am pregnant. Just not by you."She teased a little, just to see how he'd react. Over the years she'd realized that her sex life bothered him, though she could never tell if it was because he was jealous, or if it was just her choices in men. Because she couldn't do relationships, her one night stands generally consisted of bar rats and college students.
Glancing at the waitress she smirked a little before looking at Zane."Are you sure you don't want to pick up the waitress?I am willing to tolerate a open marriage, if it would make you more pleasant to live with."she said wanting ot just forget about this. But she knew that until Ares either moved on, or found her, she was going to have to deal with Zane, and all the emotional and sexual baggage that came with it.

to me

"Yes, but they'd believe it if I made it sound like you just told me," Zane rationalized, then narrowed his eyes. She was right; Her sex life bothered him badly, and he was not about to let her know it was out of jealousy. He was Hades, after all, and he could have any woman he wanted. He refused to flatter her in making her think he was troubled by her rejection... He could just replace her with someone better, right? He shook his head. "I wouldn't go around bragging about that," he snapped, "Having Bubba or Billy-Bob's baby is no where near as... fulfilling as having the child of a god." He leaned back in his chair with an arrogant smirk, raising his glass. "Not just a god, but the God of the Underworld."
The waitress looked shocked at Katrina's comment, but Zane didn't miss a beat. Reaching out, he let his warm hand slide up the back of the waitress' thigh. The thing about being a god was that he could sense other's feelings better than mere mortals. He knew that girl would fuck him in the back seat of his car if he wanted her to. "Well, Sweetheart, now that you mention it," he murmured, his voice husky and charming, "I would not mind having a woman who does not make love like a dead fish every once in a while. It truly would... brighten my mood." He winked at the waitress. "Bring the check, babe, and you can put your number on the bottom of it."

Katrina studied the other man, before laughing quietly."I have never dated a bubba...or a billy're being riddiculous. I do have some standards, and good looking AND nicely named has to be among them."She said snickering a little before rolling her eyes."You have a high opinion of yourself. Don't let it go to your head, I have no desire to give the world another demi-god. We have enough of them as it is."She said before raising her eyebrows at the waitress' reaction.
Watching zane she studied him for a long moment before her eyes darkened, with anger or pain it was hard to tell as she stood."Goodbye Zane."She said scowling as she stood heading for the door. Not even bothering to wait for him, starting to walk down the sidewalk towards her place. Glad that despite the large backyard and land she had, the house was just on the edge of town. Definatley close enough to walk, and she had every intention of ignoring Zane for the foreseeable future. Unwilling to look to closely at the hurt that was twisting her heart at his words, she wondered why she was letting him bother her. After 2000 years she should be used to his insults and barbs, but it seemed she wasn't.
Wondering absently as she walked whether he would be indeed screwing the waitress in the backseat of his car, because like him, she could sense the woman's feelings. Not as well as a god could, but as a demi-goddess herself, she could get a feeling for the emotional grid of mortals.
Zane watched her leave in shock. Was she really upset by his words? Damn. He slammed some money on the table and ran after her, sliding into his car and speeding down the road until he found her. When he did, he rolled down the window and slowed the car to a near stop. "What the hell is wrong with you? You used to be able to take jokes way better..." he grumbled, gripping the steering will a bit tighter. "Get in the car. I'm taking you to the new house."

He watched her for a moment. "Don't make me mad, Katrina," he warned, steam literally rolling off his skin as his temper was tested.
Katrina turned her head a little glancing at him, even as he kept walking."Don't you have a waitress to be screwing?Or was she to much of a dead fish to."She growled quietly walking a few more steps as she thought. She knew she shouldn't push his temper but she was upset with him, for not only the comment, but because everything was so screwed up.

When she'd been the real age she looked, a mere 21, she hadn't realize just how fucked up everything would get when she predicted the fall of the olympian gods, and her subsequent stealing of ares' sword. The missing sword had been the only way she had seen to stop the prophecy from coming true, but she hadn't considered just how messed up her life would become or how her actions could eventually bring the very thing she sought to stop to coming true. She could see the future, but she could never tell if it was her actions to stop it that would cause it, or if it was her standing aside and letting events play out that caused it. For now....all she had left, was to see where it went.And deal with Zane.

Sighing as she looked at him again she shook her head a little before jogging around the car and getting in. Leaning back in the seat she stared out the window."You have to go back to my house. I don't want to leave my clothes, and we have to get the dogs."She said after a moment, her voice void of any emotion, even her usual biting teasing tone when she was dealing with him. It really did seem like he'd managed to upset her with his words.
Zane nodded and drove toward the house. Before he even managed to get to the front door, Cerberus was standing and waiting. He knew that his master was there to retrieve him, and he didn't even have to be asked to get in the door. The big black dog bounded across the yard and in to the car, making quite the sight to see. If neighbors had been looking, the probably would have been in fear of the demonic dog. "Good boy," Zane said, then reached down to pick Anakin up. He tucked the pup under his arm and fed her a treat out of his pocket. "Do I really need to wait for you to pack your clothes, or can I just send someone to do that?" He looked irritated at the idea of having to wait, for he was a notoriously impatient person. Also, he was eager to show her the house and hopefully get her out of her foul mood.
Katrina smiled slightly at the sight of the dogs. While it was normal to see Cerberus waiting for Zane, the sight of Anakin following after the huge dog was just amusing. Even a russian wolfhound like anakin, was dwarfed by cerberus. Irritation flickering through her eyes before it settled into resignation, "You can send someone."She said shrugging a little because the only truly important thing in the house, besides anakin, would have been the sword, but she had it locked away in the only other house she had, hoping that if ares' did find her, that he'd be drawn to the sword instead of her. But she probably should go get it, later. At the moment she just wanted to see the house.

She was quiet for most of the ride to the house, smiling absently at the sound of anakin's words, because the pup was truly entertaining when she was excited. Turning her head to look at him she sighed softly, "Does this house have a gym?I could use a workout."She said raising a eyebrow at him, because he generally had a gym. How else did he keep that amazing body?Snickering a little at her mental thought she figured he'd invite himself to join her, which was okay.She really felt like beating someone up, and since he was the one who had taught her hand to hand combat, it meant it was very unlikely that she'd be able to hurt him badly, which was always a danger when she fought with mortals.
Zane looked at her with a smirk. "If you wanted a work out, all you had to do was ask," he purred, then turned back to the road. "Yes, of course there is a gym." He sped up a winding road, taking her up a hill toward a beautiful house off the lake. It was a bit fancy for the small town, and most definitely the biggest house in the area, but that was Zane's style. He was over-the-top in every way...

Walking inside, he let Cerberus bound into the house along with Anakin. Just from the entrance, a nice living room with a large television, a bar, and a beautiful kitchen could be seen. The back yard had a pool, but it was only a fourth of a mile away from the shore of the lake. "Your room is upstairs across from mine," he said, setting his keys on the counter. "The gym is on the first floor, down the hall." Moving in to the living room, he plopped down on the couch and turned the television on. Being the loyal dog he was, Cerberus plopped down beside him with his large head on Zane's thigh.
Katrina sighed softly as she walked into the house, rolling her eyes a little as she took in the sight. Looking around she smled as anakin settled on the couch next to cerberus, for once not annoyed with not having the pup following her around. It would do anakin well to have another dog to play with. Heading upstairs to look in her room she smirked as she looked around the house before heading back into the living room, leaning against the back of the couch as she looked down at him. Knowing she was going to piss him off, but she wanted a workout, and striving to get rid of the fear that was threatening to overcome her every time she paused long enough to think about it.

"I think I've figured something out about you, zane.The houses, the cars...all overcompensating for lacking in another area."She purred a little reaching down to rub anakin's ears as the pup leaned up to get her attention. Resting her hands on the back of the couch she watched the tv show, before swallowing hard."Come fight with me Zane."She said quietly, hoping he wouldn't make her explain why she needed it, hoping he'd get that she was way more scared then she let on, otherwise they were really going to do damage to each other. When she got scared, she got sarcastic, and her usual sarcasm annoyed him. So hopefully he figured out she was scared before she got to hurt to be able to fight with ares when the god showed up, if the war god was really as close as zane thought.
Zane looked up and glared at her. "I can show you what area I am definitely not lacking in, if you are so interested," he said, rolling his eyes. Cerberus could feel his owner's irritation, and he started growl a little under his breath. Zane quickly snapped at him. "No, Cer," he said, his blue eyes turning the color of flames. Immediately, the large dog backed down and curled into a ball, looking regretful. "You know better than to growl at Katrina," he said, shaking his head at the pouty look on the dog's face.

Standing up, Zane put his hands on his hips. He knew exactly why she wanted to fight, but he was not about to point her fear out. He was not that big of an ass, after all... "Let me change," he murmured before heading up to his bedroom. He came back down to the gym in a pair of black basket ball shorts, tennis shoes, and no shirt on. His muscular body was on full display - just the way he liked it. "Are you even going to let me warm up on the treadmill first?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Not that interested, just amused to think about it.It explains so much."She said grinning a little but reaching down as she rubbed the dog's ears, making sure he knew that she wasn't mad at him, nearly laughing out loud as anakin pressed closer to the hellhound to try to omfort him."Don't worry cer, I know you didn't mean it."She said heading downstairs to wait for him.

When he arrived she ground her teeth as she turned to look at him from where she was just pulling on a pair of tennis shoes herself, refusing to let her eyes wander over that delicious muscluar body and focusing on his face. "Of course you can warm up. I have no intention of hurting you more then I already am going to."she said as she got on the treadmill and flipped it on, starting to jog. All that black curly hair bound up into a pony tail, bobbing a little hanging down nearly to her ass, drawing eyes to that pert little ass. If nothing else, Zane was going to have a good workout partner for the time they were together, she knew that most of the olympian gods avoided their company when they could.

"I have to go get the sword tomorrow."She said giving him a sidelong look when he joined her on the treadmills, glad he'd had the foresight to make sure there were two in the gym. "Despite the safety that comes with it not being on me, I know its my only real weapon against Ares. Which means getting it."She said amused that in all the years he'd known her, he'd never asked her where the hell she'd hidden it. Hidden it so well in fact, that it hadn't been seen in nearly 400 years.
Zane went to work on the treadmill, taking long and fast strides. He ran with an amount of grace that no mortal could match, barely breaking a sweat or getting out of breath. It was nice, because it gave him plenty of time to look at her back side as he ran... "Tomorrow? I'm not sure that's a decent idea," he said, shaking his head, "I think we should lay low at the house through the weekend. If we got get the sword, will be an exposed target." After a few minutes of running, he shut the machine off and moved over to the weights.

"However, the last time I checked, Conrad told me Ares was in California. That's a nice distance away..." Conrad was one of Zane's brothers, the modern day Poseidon, and he had always gotten along better with Zane than Henry (or Zues) ever did. Being the water lover he was, Conrad had been living in California for quite some time now, while Henry opted for Greece and Zane opted for Paris or England. It was probably a good thing, because if the brothers had to be in too close of a proximity, they'd probably kill each other.

Standing in front of a mirror, Zane began to do bicep curls.
Katrina coughed hiding her laughter as she considered what she was going to ask him to do. Because she just knew it was going to push him into realms of pissed off that bards sang about, and poets wrote epic stories about. So, she could live with laying low for a weekend, even if it meant putting up with the sexual tension with no break from it. At least if he was angry with her, she wouldn't be considering what to do kind of bedroom gymnastics the god was capable of.

"Fine. We'll wait out the weekend. Monday we'll go."She said shrugging a little. "How's conrad doing anyways?"She said, the water god was the only one besides Zane who knew where she was hiding, because she'd always gotten along with him, and he had helped her pass unnoticed over the water so that Ares would have a harder time following her. "You know, its a good thing the world's as big as it is. Otherwise you would have probably killed them both by now."She pointed out because despite zane and conrad's cease fire, the sibling rivalry was through the roof.

Panting slightly as she switched off the treadmill she considered what to do next before settling down on the weight mats starting to go through some simple yoga moves, stretching and getting ready to beat on him. She had every intention of putting him flat on his back on the mat. The fact that she'd never done it before, didn't keep her from holding out hope that she'd put him down. "are you ever tired of admiring yourself in the mirror?"She said knowing he was only standing in front of the mirror to watch his form as he worked out,but maybe if she goaded him enough he'd lose it, and she'd have a better chance of beating him. Figuring if she could put Zane down, she might have a chance at hand to hand with a war god
"Monday is good," Zane said, continuing his work out. "Conrad? Good, I guess." He shrugged a bit. "Getting married in a few months and everything." Putting down the weights, he looked over at her. "Someone would have killed someone, that's for sure."

Dropping down on the mat, he began to do some stretches, then some crunches and push-ups. It seemed that he was very at ease when it came to working out... "I don't ever admire myself," he argued, then smirked, " I have people who do that for me." He moved over to her and put his hand on hips. "Are we going to fight, or what?"
Katrina looked amused at the idea of conrad getting married though she was distracted from saying anything as he joined her on the mats. It was obvious no matter what she said, that she thought he was attractive, which left her refusal even more mysterious. Snickering a little at his comment she shook her head."they only admire because they don't know you."she said teasing a little as his hands landed on her hips,tensing as she twisted away from him,elbowing him in the side as she fell away. Knwoing better then to go for a groin shot. She wanted him to fight,not get so pissed he forgot he was one of the few people in the world that couls kill her by accident.

But after a few minutes of fighting the woman was panting as her body struggled to keep up with what she was demanding. While she was in excellent shape, and managing to not get knocked down, he was keeping her on the defensive instead of lettinf her attack him. He was just to fast for her to match,even after all this time of picking fights with him it was still woefully obvious even a demi goddess was no katch for ths real thing.
After a few minutes of hand to hand combat, Zane managed to get her pinned down on the mat. He smirked down at her, holding her arms above her head. He made the point of not making the position provocative. He may be a charmer and a lover of sex, but all of his sex was consentual. "Ah, you are getting better," he complimented, then let her go and stood on his feet. Reaching out, he took her hand and pulled her to her feet. "Your defense needs work. I know you could hit me in the face if you had to, but your enemy isn't just going to stand there and let you have a shot."

Moving over to a small fridge, he grabbed a bottle of water for the both of them. "There's a nice trail around the lake. I'll make a call about your stuff and we can go walk the dogs. It should be here and unpacked by the time we get back. It's not like you have accumulated much over the years." He smirked at his little jab, but it was true. Who could have a ton of stuff when they were always on the move?
Katrina panted looking up at him, looking vaguely amused as he held her down.Because he alwys did this, made sure that when he did manage to put her on th eground there was no mistaking his intent for just pinning her instead of sex. Looking frustrated at his words she nodded s she let him pull her to her feet."I know. But no matter how good my defense is, there is one problem. Ares is the god of war. He's going to wipe the floor with me."She said sounding frustrated and more defeated then she had in awhile, taking the water bottle from him.

Nodding a little as he took a drink she moved up towards him as he spoke, taking advantage of his moment of inttention and kneed him in the stomach, making it a lower shot just so he knew she'd gone for his stomach instead of groin on purpose.."You are such a dick sometimes.Not everyone can stay in one place and collect cars and houses."She said scowling to frustrated and annoyed with once again losing to take the jab nicely. Moving away before he could respond she heded upstirs to round up the dogs so they could go for their walk
Zane groaned at the blow, dropping the water bottle and holding his stomach in a hunched over position. His eyes squeezed shut, and steam started to roll of the death god. Not just figurative steam - real steam. "Bitch," he grumbled, taking a few moments to recover before calling Cerberus. The dog sniffed around his owner, making sure he was okay, then bounded along side him out the door. When Anakin and Katrina caught up to them, he made an effort to drop the earlier conversation. He had no intention of her taking the next blow lower than the last.

"Nice lake, eh?" he said, smirking as Cerberus headed for the water. Of course, screaming could be heard as strangers watched the overly-large hell hound bound down the shore. Zane didn't think anything of it. Cerberus would not attack anyone with out orders, and he surprisingly loved children. Zane figured it was because after all those years in the Underworld, very few children came their way. "I thought about getting a boat and keeping the house for vacation after all of this is said in done. The town is a bit small for me, but definitely... peaceful."
"It is. One of the reasons I moved out here."Katrina said smiling a little as they walked. Dspite her protesting that she didn't enjoy his company, she really didn't mind having him around. It was more that she had almost no faith in her ability to resist having sex with him if she did stay in his company. Laughing out loud when she saw Anakin running after Cerberus, the wolfhound dwarfed by the hellhound."They're going to be a terror."She said snickering because while they looked big and bad, the dogs were friendly and happy as they found children to play with.

"Nooo, you can't do that. They think we're married here. You'll never get laid by all the lovely ladies in town."She teased snickering a little as she teased him, sighing softly. Because at the end of this she had no doubt that she was going to be gone from this town, one way or another. Dead probably, likely, or having to move to keep ares away from her once again. Either way, she wouldn't be here. Saddness clouded her eyes for a moment as she walked with him, because she had grown fond of the town, the 5 years that she'd spent here were the longest she'd managed to stay anywhere without Ares catching up to her. She wanted peace, more then anything else, she wanted left alone. but that meant handing the sword back, and even if she did that, ares' would still kill her because of the insult of losing it. She was so tired, so very tired of this.
Zane smirked a little, watching the dogs splash into the water and run around the crowd of kids with wagging tails. "Ah, they are just having a little fun," he said, "Cerberus is getting used to Anakin, it seems." His eyes lit with amusement before looking over at her, shaking his head. A sly smirk spread across his face. "Where there is fake marriage, there is always fake divorce," he pointed out. In the corner of his eye, he could see a group of young girls giggling and looking his way. "However, that's not what I meant. It's nice to have a place where no one bothers you. I like it... You know, every once in a while. I still require attention."

Reaching over, he put his hand on the small of her back. "Don't look so down," he murmured, "One day, you won't have to run anymore. How the hell we will make that possible, I don't know, but Ares doesn't stand a chance against me." He smirked with an obscene amount of arrogance. "Really, how does a god of war compare to the god of the Underworld? I don't as fair as the Hades in the Disney movie."
"So it dos. It's good for them to have someone."She said shrugging a little because it was true. Everyone needed someone, and despite her visits with Zane when he decided to visit her or her occasional one night stands, Katrina had spent most of her long years alone or at least with just a dog as company. Laughing at his words she shook her head a little, "Well, how about we get the divorce over with now, and you can go visit with one of those girls."She said smirking a little looking amused that no matter what he did, or who he was with, the women fawned over him.

"It is a nice quiet place.Though I think you wouldn't do well with it. You don't like being alone. Which, considering your the god of the underworld, is amusing since most people don't want to see you.At least, not when they know who you are."She said looking thoughtful at the idea, because over the years she'd noticed that once people realized that he was pretty much the grim reaper, they didn't want to be near him.But as long as he didn't show a sign of being a god, or who he really was, women and men both crawled all over him. It annoyed her as much as it amused her most days.

Tensing a little at his touch she smiled a little before stepping carefully and slowly away so he couldn't touch her, smirking a little."You're such a arrogant bastard."She said rolling her eyes a little before tilting her head at him, raising her eyebrows as her eyes flickered over him."Oh I dunno. I kinda liked the disney hades. Did I ever tell you I convinced someone that looked vaguely like you to dress up like that so I could take a picture? I meant to send it to you but forgot."She said smirking because she knew he wouldn't appericiate it, but it had brightened a day that usually depressed her. Since halloween was the traditional day of worship for ancient pagans, it depressed her because she couldn't worship anymore. At least not without running the risk of someone finding her. So she amused herself with modern day traditions of halloween.
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