RE: In My Eyes [Coraline
Thomas saw them and sighed, "I guess it's time to run the business huh, Xing dear, don't' listnen to us for awhile okay?"
The half back girl nodded as she got comfortable watching her cartoons.
Ling, Kenzie, Shaundi, and The Twins kissed Thomas on the cheek while Olaf and Pierce kissed his hand, more specifically the Devils signet ring he was wearing. Thomas nodded as he said, "Let's get to it, Kenzie how's the money laundering, and phishing scams going, Shaundi drugs, Pierce chop shops, Olaf your in charge of enforcement and protection rackets right?"
At the giants node he continued, "Then the twins can fill us in on the pussy and Lin can tell us about the smuggling."
Kenzie spoke, "My businesses are doing pretty well boss, your cut still 40%?"
Thomas shook his head, "I'm upping the cut for the net few months, we need more men and more arms, we need to grab the Rollers turf as hard as we can, Pierce is going to need the extra fire power, and we're all going to need some serious fire power the net few months any gang with colors is going to think we're weak now that Johnny's out of the game."
Kenzie nodded, "Me and Johnny were taking about getting some new servers, I have an idea for a way to launder massive amount of money, basically you now how interest is decided right?"
Thomas nodded, "Yeah, me and Johnny talked about it, you want to take .00000004 percent interest from every account, since it's less than a penny no one will notice, but since it's over a thousand account you were saying something like 4k or so a day right?"
The hacker nodded, as she said "but to do it right I'm going to need 4 new processors each is ten k."
Thomas looked at Sharon, "Sharon, you know my companies any way we could acquire some better processors, I'm taking military grade Kenzie is part computer, we get her the goods, and I guarantee you we'll never have any issues from competitors stealing stuff ever again."
Letting those two talk, he gestured for Shaundi to go, "Ghost is selling hardcore, our deals with the Columbians are coming up soon they respected Gat I'm worried about it now, we don't' need them trying to cut us out of the picture."
Thomas chuckled, "Shaundi, Gat wasn't the only one who dealt with Loss Muerte, I'll deal with the Coumbians when I can walk, should be pretty easy, Miguel still dating Carla?"
The woman nodded, and Thomas smirked "Okay Shaundi, I've got a recipe, I want you to test in the water here, I heard about it down in Teas, it's basically cut up horse tranquilizer, see how it sells call it Neo, Kenzie's got the formula."
The women read Kenzie's computer screen and nodded, "Ok, I can do that, need some Vats to churn it out though concrete mixers should work 4 and they'll run about 500$ apiece."
Thomas nodded, "Gotcha, why don't we cut to the chase I'm getting tired, if you have a major issue hit me up."
Pierce sighed "I don't' have the man power to cover what I've got, much less the new stuff."
Thomas sighed, "Can we call in The Sons, they run a garage don't' they, hit em up ask for some of their boy for a few months, maybe make an offer of amnesty to the surviving Ballers they wear our colors and work with us they get the same cut, we don't' need them coming after you and the others."
Pierce nodded, "That might work, plus we may get some kids off the streets, garage works a good way to avoid the streets if you don't' mind on gang workers."
Thomas nodded, "I can dig it, as long as you do your best to make sure no casualties come from it, I trust you Pierce don't' make me kill you."
Lin glared "I'm pissed your taking our cut, your rich and your taking the money from OUR pockets."
Thomas slapped her "Watch your mouth you slant eyed bitch or I'll have you working the pier doing three dollar blow jobs where you used to be!"
The woman seemed shocked. But a grudging respect was in her eyes as she said, "Yes Sir, but why aren't you paying for everything?"
Thomas sighed, "I don't' want to mix our businesses, if The Devils get busted, those funds go bye bye, if I go away for a long time my girls and kids will need clean money to live on, besides I don't' want to dig too deep not the fortune, I'll have to explain it away."
Xing spoke, "daddy Thomas, if you need money Daddy Gat always put your pay check into a safety deposit box he said you may need it some day."
Thomas blinked, "Did you all know about this?"
An hour later Thomas was looking at the box and thinking. Finally he decided "8675309."
Thomas blinked the box was full to the brim despite being massive. Bundles of 100 dollars bills, along with a few pictures and such. And a sawed off pump acton shotgun. Thomas smiled as he looked at one of the pictures. Thomas, Johnny Lin, Aisha, and two other people. Thomas handed it to Sharon, "Count the cash please, Coraline can you keep track of the pictures, while I load and hide the shotgun."
Thomas did so. Hiding the shotgun in his blankets. Lin was the last to leave. Rubbing her red cheek she said, "I'm sorry I spoke out Thomas, I now I deserved it, but please don't' do it again."
Thomas sighed, "I had to Lin, I let you question me, the rest will as well, I had to react, let them know I'm till a hardass, I'm still learning the ropes so don't' be too upset okay."
The woman nodded and smiling she left. Thomas looked at his wives, "Can I be dying of cancer again, PLEASE?"