RE: In My Eyes [Coraline
Thomas shrugged at Coraline, "Me and Johnny both grew up in the fight pits, both too poor to buy food, I once saw him beat a dog to death with a chicken."
Suddenly a small voice called out, "UNCLE THOMAS!"
A small royal purple object ran and threw itself at Thomas. Thomas caught the six year old and tossed her into the air "Hello little Xing, it's been awhile, wow your big."
She nodded, "Daddy says I'm growing bigger ad kicking more ass every day."
Aisha sighed, "One of these days I'm going to teach Gat that ass IS a swear word you wouldn't believe how much work it is keeping her from getting kicked out of first grade."
The girl smiled as she said, "See the gap?"
Thomas nodded as the girl told her story, "These C word third graders were picking on my friend Mandy and I remembered Daddy saying we dont' leave our friends hanging so I called them C-words, and told them to lease her alone, and they went to hit me, but Daddy's taught me martial arts so I punched her in the kidney and kicked her in the face and one of her friends got lucky with a branch and knocked my tooth out but I STILL whipped their asses."
Thomas nodded as he said neutrally, "Your definitely your Daddy's daughter go say "hi" to him okay."
The girl shot off as Thomas said "Aisha, please tell me he didn't."
She nodded "He didn't, said she handled it, although I think he has been sneaking her gun and knife fighting lessons, she's scary goo for her age and size I hope she isn't but if she ends up the next generation of Devil, she'll be more than capable of handling herself."
Suddenly the massive wooden doors flew open as a dozen men wearing dark blue colors came inside machine guns barking. Thomas dove on all three women. Thomas pulled his magnum handing it and two speed re-loaders to Coraline he said, "Go check on Xing, Aisha and is a non combatant as well, block the door, anyone but me tries to get you out END them."
Aisha swore "I left my gun in the office."
Thomas slid her his
back up. saying "5 rounds and two extra clips make them count."
Thomas new the heavy table could only take so many rounds. Suddenly a voice yelled "Thomas, time to roar!"
Thomas caught the safety deposit box and smirked. Opening it he slid on a custom made leather holster rig, one gun over his heart the other over his right kidney He checked that both
guns had a full clip. Smirking he MOVED.
Most people would say charging into gun fire was stupid, but anyone who looked at Thomas died. His guns used double stacked rounds which meant he had 24 shots and the .45 ammo modified to tear through body arm was ending the banger's lies like a puppet with it's strings cut. Head shots Finally both guns clicked dry as the eight remaining bangers moved towards him. One growled, "Any last words, Devil scum?"
Thomas nodded, "Two, HERE'S JOHNNY!"
The doors towards the office were kicked open and Johnny Gat stood their, two gold plated Ak-47' in his hands. 200 round drum magazines The Ak can fire 700 rounds a minute on full auto Thus after a mere 30 seconds both guns were empty However the bangers that had been standing, well they'd have to have closed casket funerals. Johnny looked at Thomas "Ten minutes you've been here and this SHIT is already happening, where have you been all my life bro?"
Thomas sighed, "Yoo Gomer, yeah you collect the wounded they need to get to a hospital, if Kenzie cant' fix them up, Shandi thanks for the guns I need you to run armory make sure everyone has at least a gat, and preferably a shotgun or rifle as well, net time, we show those fuckers what happens when you mess with us, Pierce, I need you to gather up the bodies if we have to burn the set it up, if not then you make the calls okay?"
Thomas realized he was already taking back over command and said, "If it's okay with your boss that is."
The man nodded, "Go for it, Thomas was always a better planer."
Thomas moved back towards the office. When the doors closed and it was him and the girls he kicked a filing cabinet HARD. Growing he said "Barely been here fifteen minutes and I'm already gunning down kids from the streets god damnit!"