RE: In My Eyes [Coraline
& ThomasRHellsing]
Thomas smirked, as he said, "I'm a badass, we'll be fine."
Thomas slammed the gas. They peeled out. Smirking he said, "Hopefully once we get the majority of this shit handled, we can take a few weeks off Luckily Operation damnation should be entering it's final stages. Time to show up, an remind these fuckers why I'm the boss. You two just need to stand their and look pretty."
He handed both of them slinky dresses to change into. Thomas pulled up infrot of a large sky scraper. Looking at the other he said "You guys ready?"
Pierce looked at him, "Yeah, if your sure about this boss."
Thomas nodded, "The best way to end a war is show over whelming force. everybody out. Pierce Kenzie, Shaundi and Ve ad Vi guard my girls. Lin, Olaf, your with me, everybody ready?"
They group nodded, Thomas slid into a tactical vest. Taking a brick pierce handed him he put it against the gas The car slammed him to the glass spinning doors, before detonating in a massive explosion that took the majority of the block Pierce spoke quickly to the sisters, "Every few weeks the gangs of the city meet here, to talk about issues. Attacking this place, is suicide, but every gang leader and their generals are on the top floor."
A dozen gang bangers ran towards the door, only for Thomas to ope fire with two drum magazines fed micro Uzi's, the bodies danced as his rounds tore through them. Pointing at center mass and sweeping back and forth. When both guns were empty their barrels were cherry red, he tossed them aside, as a thug ran at him with a knife, he grabbed the arm punching him in the throat, drove his nose into his brain ad took the knife throwing it into the eye of the nearest good his other hand brought up a .45 pistol. Emptying it, he pulled another two pistols, blowing away gang bangers and security alike as if he weren't afraid of bullets. A security guy pointed a short barreled M-16 at Sharon but got shot four time two from Shaundi and two from Pierce. Their group slowly following Thomas.
Thomas was on the second floor now, having walked up the Escalator. He pulled two KG9's, and the "ratatatarata" of the machine pistols echoed. One of the elevators came open. Thomas kicked a frag grenade into it, an as it detonated it made bloody smears out of the former human beings. As brutal as Thomas was Lin ad Oleg were right their with him Lin using a short sword with brutal skills although she was going more for stealth then open combat when she was forced into gun combat a Walther sent her targets to hell. Olaf was breaking neck and spines But also used a massive buzz saw mounted machine gun as if it were a mere rife. Thomas saw the second of three elevators dinging ope and tossed a moltave cocktail into it. Even as the middle and final elevator popped open, he tossed a grenade. The screams of the gang bangers as they died echoed Thomas held out his hand, and one of the nobodies tossed him a pimp action shotgun He nodded towards Olaf and the door to the stair well was iced open. Only one way down and one way up now.
Thomas looked at his girls, "Kenzie, Shaudi, Lin, go deliver the packages, Pierce stay on assignment, Olaf you join him, my girls get grazed I break your fingers."
Kenzie spoke, probably too caught up in the action to realize her voice was carrying as she asked the Bosses girls, "Are you as turned on right now as I am?"
The sound of running feet reached their ears. But he brought the gun up pumping ad firing the shotgun like it was old hat. He walked up with brutal efficiency, giving more then one thug a lead enemy the long way round When the shotgun clicked empty he raised his hand and Oleg tossed him two automatic ones. Given the stairsway's issues, it was no surprise they couldn't truly catch Thomas. The fools kept trying though.
One hundred and fifty flights of stairs Thomas walked laughing like a bit of a nut. Waking out of the final one, He smirked pulling two grenades, he tossed them into the narrow hallway, the 20 gang generals opened fire as so a the door opened but they weren't exspecting the grenades. A single utterance of "FUCK!" Before the grenades went of. Thomas pulled two .45's, walking down the hall way, he fired at anything that moved. Three generals were alive and they died. One missing an army tried to go for the girls, but Olaf lifted him by the neck and slammed him head first into the granite floor. He walked to the door at the end of the hall way. Smirking he said, "Olaf, Pierce, make sure we aren't interrupted."
He kicked the door open, walking in the girls behind him. Thomas looked at the eight men, sitting in front of him. Nine me if you counted the one at the head of the table. Thomas smirked as he took the velcro off of his vest, showing six bricks of C-4, he spoke wildly, "You bitches choice, had to hand, one on one, or we all fall down."
The men all removed their guns, Thomas tossed Coraline the vest and dropped his guns. Smirking like a demon he said, "Who wants to dance THE Devil, in the pale moon light?"
The man nearest him wearing red rared and attempted to break his neck, but Thomas ducked punching him in the kidney. His left arm grabbing him below the neck with a savage yank the man's neck snapping echoed. The man on the other side wearing blue swung a sledge hammer. Thomas again ducked punching the guy in the testicles. He the punched the guy in the throat, before giving him a palm thrust to the nose with the other hand, driving his nose bones into his brain. The rest of the fights were just as quick and just as brutal. Finally it was the old man and Thomas alone.
The old man pulled the top of off his cell, a hidden sword, but Thomas drew a short sword from his cot What followed was a duel of kill and power. The old man was dam good, but Thomas was willing to take damage. Getting inside of the man's guard Thomas elbowed him in the throat. Slamming him in a Judo throw onto the table, he held out a contract, saying "Sign it and I'll forgive you for coming after me."
The old man signed ad groaned out "Hosspitall"
Thomas shook his head, "I forgive you for coming after me, not for daring to attack my girls, or gunning down Johny, when you get to hell, tell Johnny I said see you eventually."
Thomas slammed Johnny's knife deep into the guy's heart. Sitting down he put his legs up on the table, Puling out a cigar he it it. Hitting the speaker button built int the chair he said "Yo fuck faces, Maximillion Industries now belongs to me, from this day forwards it's known as Gat Industries, a subsidiary of Hellsing Unlimited Holdings. That means if your fighting because you were wanting a check, or because your old boss had black mail stuff, your now mine. Report to the basement for your new uniforms. Gang Banger, your bosses are dead. The Devils control the entire city, return to your bases, you'll find your homies wearing purple or dead. Report to the basement for YOUR new swag more will come as you prove yourself. Devils we won, report to the top office as soon as your able."
Looking at the ladies he gestured for them to take a seat Coraline at the right hand Sharon at the left. Handing Sharon the contract he said "Gat Industries, is the major supplier in this city. Every factory every charity he donated money to. That's now us. Last quarter this company had 800 BILLION dollars revenue, I want double that quarter after next. Plus our other company projects. Hire people we can trust, your going to be getting your degree earned the next few months."
Soon the other Devils had reached the "Board room", Olaf, Pierce, one Sharon's side, Lin, Shaundi, Kenzie on Coraline' side. Looking he said, "Last seat at this table belong to Xing, but not until she's older."
He spoke deliberately, "Lin, Olaf, get shit handled, I want this place looking like it did before we showed up yesterday Pierce handle the cops, Kenzie projects and personnel review, also work closely with Sharon I know about your gimp thing and she deserves a reward as long as she doesn't fuck up. Ve Vi, I know you two want out of the game but the company needs press managers, and people to watch the charities and such, you up or that?"
The two women nodded, and soon Sharon Coraline and Thomas were alone. The man looked at them, "So ladies, what do you think?"