Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Koishi pulled back quickly and muttered an apology. "Sorry... U-Um.." She looked away, embarrassed.
Koishi blushed a deep shade of red as turned to face him, gently cupping his cheek and kissing him again.
Koishi closed her eyes, holding the kiss for a moment longer before she pulled back, opening her eyes. She studied his face, lips tingling, before she leaned in and kissed him once again, a bit heatedly this time.
Masashi liked that sound. A lot. He wanted to hear it again. His hand moved over her body again slowly, mapping the contours and curves much more easily.
When Masahi's hand slid over her breast she let out a small whimper again, shuddering slightly.
Masashi made a small noise, shuddering a bit, loving the sound. He moved to kiss her neck, "You make really cute sounds, Koko...you'll make for me, right...?"
Koishi nodded, her pale cheeks bright red. "H-Hai.." She said, embarrassed. Masashi's leg had pushed her skirt up, showing her pale white thighs and her underwear, not that he could see them anyway.
"Remember when I said I like how the smoke mixed with your scent?" He asked softly. He licked up her neck slowly to her ear, "It's a very exciting scent right about now...~"
Koishi let out another whimper, shuddering as goosebumps crawled across her skin. "M-Masa.. Don't tease.."
"If you wish to continue, perhaps it would be best if we went inside...your skin is so soft, Koko...I'd feel bad if you burned because of me..." He said softly, kissing her neck again
She trembled at his kiss and nodded. "Y-Yeah... Inside is good." She was starting to feel her skin heat up. Stupid sun.
Koishi took his hand and stood up, following him down the stairs and back in through the window, cheeks still red.
Masashi followed her to her bedroom, clinking his tongue and gently pulling her to the bed, setting her down and kissing her again. He loved kissing her, he couldn't help it. Her lips were so soft.
Koishi nodded, her panties starting to grow wet. She leaned her head back, exposing her soft neck to him.
Masashi started to undo her uniform, tossing away her blazer and working on the buttons. He was getting incredibly worked up; he loved kissing her, loved hearing her noises, loved how soft and creamy her skin was. He shuddered and started trying to get her clothes off more hurriedly
Koishi flushed when he undid the last button on her shirt, she reached around and unhooked her bra, slipping it off and letting it fall to the floor. She took Masashi's hand and gently placed it on her hip , gently leading it up slowly, stopping when she reached her breast.
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