Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"I must've caught a bug, I'll be fine though, nothing to worry about." Makise gave him a reassuring smile.
Makise stood up as well and moved beside Shizuo, stepping out when the train stopped completely and heading out to Izaya's apartment.
Izaya stood up calmly, heading to the door. "Coming~!" He chimed before answering the door with a wide grin. "Ohayo, Shizu-chan~ What are you doing here so late?"
Izaya stumbled back, holding his bleeding nose with a grimace. "Is that anyway to greet someone, Shizu-chan?" He asked as Makise came jogging up behind Shizuo, panting and holding her stomach. "Hey Aya-chan..." She greeted with a small wave.
"Arigatou." Makise said and headed inside. "Ohayo, Maki-chan~" "You're getting blood on the floor." Makise said as she passed him to follow Ayane into the kitchen.
"Shut the hell up before I knock out your teeth." Shizuo growled. Ayane came back out with Makise, "Not if I do it first. Dog. Bathroom. Now. I won't repeat myself."
Izaya put his hands up and headed to the bathroom, taking care of his bloody nose. Makise sat on the couch, sipping her water. "So how are things, Aya-chan?"
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