Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

((Time for the long-awaited plan~!))

The soft beeps of machinery could be heard, nothing but darkness consuming the young woman who lay in a hospital bed, many different tubes and I.V's stuck into her. A vase with wilting flowers sat on the table, and the machine that kept her lungs moving hissing softly as it pumped air into her lungs.
The nurse who worked this patient did her usual rounds; checkig the I.V and the girl's vitals. She looked when the young woman's heart skipped and she made a weak noise. With a loud gasp, the nurse ran out screaming, "She's awake! Ayane's awake!"
A girl with a short brown bob cut entered the room with a rough looking young man with blonde hair, moving to stand beside the bed. "Are you sure the nurse didn't make a mistake?" She asked; she wore an academy uniform and smelled lightly of cigars.
The girl who stood beside the blonde frowned softly; she didn't exactly know the girl who was in the hospital bed, but she knew the boy. For the past four and a half months she had been spending time with him, and only two months ago did she learn about Ayane's accident.
Ayane pointed to the tube in her throat and Shizuo rushed off to get a doctor. Ayane stared at Makise with familiarity, like she had known her for so long
Makise shifted her weight, glancing away and crossing her arms loosely over her stomach, standing awkwardly in the room, unsure if what to do.
Makise moved to the corner of the room, leaning against the wall and keeping her distance. Hospitals scared and overwhelmed her, but she never really expected a coma patient to wake up when she went with Shizuo.
"You ok, Mika?" "I...I'm really confused...I thought I was..." Ayane looked at her hand with a frown, "Older..." "Older?" Shizuo echoed. "Her brain just needs time to reboot." The doctor said
Makise stared at Ayane, watching her and Shizuo interact with each other, a soft frown on her face. What was she going on about?
Ayane sat quietly in her hospital bed, staring at her lap. Shizuo frowned softly and sat with her, catchin her up about life while she was comatoused. She listened carefully, looking even more confused
((Sorry! :c ))

After a couple weeks, Ayane was allowed to leave and return to school, which confused her more. This didn't feel right. Not at all.
Makise still hung around Shizuo, of course, she felt like a third wheel with his girlfriend being back, so she hung back a ways, still being a little weirded out that a girl she had never talked to knew her name among many more things.
((Just wait til Ayane sees Izaya xD ))

"Maki-chan, I'm sorry if this is all really awkward for you..." Ayane said humbly, "I don't know how I know these things..."
Makise perked when Ayane spoke, making a face. "Makise desu.." She said, but it wasn't intented to be harsh or rude.
Makise felt guilty, looking down at the ground as they walked. "Hey... I gotta get to class, see you later though." She said, turning down a hallway without waiting for an answer.
"Was it something I said?" Ayane questioned. Shizuo shook his head, taking her to class. He kissed her forehead before walkin off himself and Ayane felt her chest tighten. She loved Shizuo but it didn't feel right. She felt hollow.
Izaya had gotten wind of Ayane's return and sat just down the hall on a bench, watching her without expression, simply watching and waiting.
She stopped, feeling a familiar stare before looking down the hall and straight at Izaya. Her cheeks flushed and she looked away before moving into her class quickly
A soft smirk crossed his lips and he stood, heading to his own class.

((Was there any plans you had or shall I brainstorm?))
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