The Wolf King and the Lioness (Cold x Iikaitlynii)

Rowenna tried to breath to keep herself calm so she could look alright. It was hard not to give away the fact that it did hurt. It took everything not to give that away when he went in even deeper in almost a sudden manner. The kiss caught her before she could make a noise, which she was grateful. Her breathing heightened as he moved in and out and hoped she was doing okay despite the fact of not having a clue of what to do.


Sansa just shook her head unsure what to say and really didn't want to talk about her aunt. It was just one of the many things she didn't want to think about. He wouldn't understand that though. Looking to him she wondered what he was thinking and didn't seem to want to stay around any longer. She didn't know if he was annoyed with her, or perhaps just didn't want to hang around a girl all day. Either way it was probably for the best.

"I think that's my line," she joked lightly as he turned and started to leave. She was the 'servant' after all.
Robb was losing himself in the intense pleasure. His breathing was starting to become laboured. He kept up a steady pace, pushing in and out, savouring every sensation of his manhood inside her. It was better than he could have ever imagined. "Oh, Rowenna," he murmured, kissing her again. She was a little too unresponsive perhaps, but he was too involved in his own pleasure to notice. His hands roamed, touching her breasts, moving down to her thighs, coming up to tease her nipples.

He soon realized he was not going to last very long. "Inside or out?" He asked her breathlessly, their eyes meeting in the flickering candlelight.


Osgren turned and smiled. "Not with me," he said softly. "We're friends; not lord and servant." He shrugged and winked. "But only if you want it that way." At a sudden whim, he waved at her and began to walk away. "Come up to my room tonight after dinner. I'll show you something you might like."
As it continued the pain started to lessen and it become a little easier not having to mask her emotions, which was good since she didn't know how long she could have lasted doing that. Soft moans escaped as his hands roamed her. It took a moment to process what he was saying and asking. Trying to think, she knew a child needed to be conceived since there was war waging. He needed an heir. "Inside," she said and thought that was the right choice.


What he said reminded her of when she still lived in Winterfell and hung around Jeyne Poole despite the fact the girl wasn't really a highborn. She wondered if he really meant that since to him and anyone else here she was just some servant girl who was fathered by Little Finger. Curiously she wondered what he wanted her to see but supposed she would just wait and went back over to where Robert was so he wouldn't have a fit before too long.
Robb looked her in the eye and smiled. He had an inkling as to why she had said yes. She was so proper. He kissed her again and pushed deep inside her, not thrusting but simply drilling through. He held himself there, snug and tight. He didn't have to wait long.

Within seconds, he erupted. His hot seed spilled inside her. Robb held on tight, occupying her with the kiss. He had never come so much or so hard. Doing so inside Rowenna only made his ardor stronger.

After long seconds, he broke the kiss, gasping. He was still spurting weakly when he pulled out of her, the night air cool on his organ after her warmth. "That was amazing," he said, gently touching her wetness, amazed at how much he'd filled her. "I love you, Rowenna." He said, squeezing her thigh.


Osgren sat on his bed, reading a book by lamplight. It was still early night, dinner just having ended. Baelish hadn't paid him much mind as usual, for which he was glad. If the man underestimated him all the better.

He looked out the window at the rising moon and wondered if Alayne would come like he had asked. He hoped so. He earnestly wanted to make the girl smile. Genuinely. She was full of fake kindness. He could see the sadness lurking behind her eyes. He idly tapped the box he'd uncovered from his trunk, hoping she would like what he wanted to show her. Any normal girl would, but who knew what a girl raised by septas would think.
Rowenna wondered what he was thinking but didn't have time to ponder that. Moaning as he went deep inside her, she got the feeling he was about to release. Not more than a second later it turned out she was right. Wrapping her arms tightly, she kissed him back and was feeling more than a little breathless.

Breathing somewhat heavily as he broke away, she felt oddly empty after being stretched open like that and then for him to now not be inside of her. Shivering a bit when he touched her down there she nodded in response to what he said. It had definitely gotten better as the pain had started to subside. "I love you too."


Dinner was over and Sansa found herself back in her room as Robert was being put to bed. Petyr really hadn't spoken to her much except, after everyone left, ask if she had spoken with Osgren at all. He didn't seem to trust him too much, but also wasn't to worried or threatened by the new presence.

Remembering earlier about what he wanted to show her, it brought up her interest again. She was curious and supposed it wouldn't hurt just to go see him once and her to be the one to kind of initiate it.
He felt an odd exhaustion settling in, but he still felt his lips lift in a smile as she spoke. He touched her cheek gently, before rolling over to rest on his back. "I never imagined it would feel so good," he wondered out aloud.

Looking to her, he rested a hand on her thigh. "Did it...did you enjoy it?" He asked, squeezing her gently, smiling.


He had mostly ignored Alayne during dinner, mostly so that Lord Baelish did not suspect anything. He seemed like the sort of person to be unreasonably strict about his bastard daughter.

He wondered if she would come to his room like he had invited. In any case, he settled into bed with a book, deciding to wait a couple hours before going off to sleep. The box lay on a table on the side of the bed.
Rowenna was starting to feel tired after that and hadn't imagined it would make her that exhausted. She wondered if it was worse for Robb but pushed that thought away as he spoke and she offered a small smile. At least she hadn't seemingly done something wrong and he had enjoyed it.

Wondering how to word a response she didn't want to say something the wrong way. "Yes. As the pain went away," she replied and hoped that didn't come off bad or something.


Sansa wasn't sure how good of an idea this was. Her being in a guys room that she barely knew. While no one knew she was actually a highborn, it was still very inappropriate for her to do this, she knew. But she didn't think he'd try anything bad to her. Especially not when he thought she was related to Petyr, who was basically running the Vale right now.

Coming up to the door she softly knocked and wondered what it was that he wanted to show her.
He laughed softly and touched her cheek. "I'm sorry about that. If what I hear is true, the next time will be better for you." He kissed her and laid a hand on her wet vagina, marveling at what he had just done. "I wonder...I wonder if you are with child already," he said in a hushed voice. Suddenly, he felt choked with emotion. Hurriedly, he kissed her again and laid down beside her, pulling the blankets up to hide his nudity.

"Good night Rowenna, my queen. Tomorrow we leave for Riverrun." He smiled as he snuffed the candlelight, plunging them in darkness. "I can't wait."

(We should discuss where to take the story now.)


Osgren heard the knock on the door and pulled up from bed, walking over to open it. His face split in a wide grin as his eyes fell on Alayne. "I'm glad you came," he said simply, ushering her in and asking her to sit on the bed.

"This is what I wanted to show you," he said, bringing out the box. He opened it unceremoniously and brought out a gold and silver bracelet, with jewels glistening on every band, the crown piece being a solid diamond. "My mother's," He said softly, handing it to her. "I carry it for luck." He smiled at her. "I thought you might enjoy looking at it.
It was maybe a little over a week later when they had finally arrived to Riverrun. While there was some things similar here as The Twins, like being near the river, most everything was was different. Rowenna couldn't believe it. While she didn't necessarily think the trip here was short, it was still fairly close to her family's home compared to other places. She kind of liked it here, just from the little she had gotten to see so far. They had only arrived the night before.

Walking up that morning she had gotten dressed and was trying to get used to having a role as a queen. Not to mention she wanted to be helpful and supportive as far as the war went, she just wasn't really sure how to. She supposed one of the things she should be worrying about was getting pregnant because he needed heirs.

For now it should be about breakfast time. Maybe she would see him there, unless he was on a council meeting or something like that.

((Sorry it's a little vague and blah. Wasn't entirely sure where to start it at))


Sansa had smiled, almost unsure what to say when he had opened the door. Since coming here she hadn't really talked to many people and didn't want to draw attention to herself too much. Yet here she was standing in the doorway of a lords room. It probably wasn't her smartest move, she thought.

Luckily he had ushered her inside before she tried to think of anything. As she sat she was about to ask what he had wanted her to come there for when he pulled an item out. Her eyes widened a bit and touched it uncertainly as he handed it to her. Winterfell wasn't usually one to have such colorful and lavish looking things but she had seen things similar of this nature in Kings Landing. "It's beautiful," she said. "I'm not sure they're something someone like me should see," she smiled lightly as she kept in character of being a bastard daughter.
Robb wasn't at the breakfast. He appeared, looking stressed and angry, just at the end, his face lightening as he saw Rowenna. He sat down beside his lady wife, kissing her. "You look good as a Queen," he said softly, smiling, drawing a platter of food towards himself.

He knew he couldn't spend as much time with her as he might have wanted; he had a war to fight. But he was going to cherish every single moment he could with her.

"How're you doing so far? Settling in alright?" He said. "I know this is your first time away from your home. I want you to be comfortable as you get used to this." He smiled, squeezing her hand. "You can always come to me for anything."


Osgren was pleased with her reaction. He let her handle the necklace for the moment. "And why shouldn't a beautiful woman see something so beautiful? I would say you are just the person to see it." He said lightly.

"I am going to give that to the woman I love," he declared, sitting back. "Not necessarily the one I marry," he added cheekily, grinning. "Would you want something similar? I can have it cast and sent up once summer comes and I return to the Valley proper."
Rowenna wasn't surprised when she found herself alone, well aside from Catelyn, when she went down to eat breakfast. The journey left her hungry and eating more than she probably would have back at her old home. Whether she would be staying there when the army went off to war was still an uncertainty to her.

It wasn't until the end of breakfast that she saw Robb coming in and smiled. She didn't really get to see him a whole lot but she still much preferred the way things were for her now than they had been living back at The Twins.

"Thank you." Rowenna didn't find herself as shy as she had been when they first met, but she still wasn't used to compliments; which was no surprising considering where she came from and the family she was from.

"I think I'm getting settled well enough. It's much different here than The Twins," she admitted but kind of liked still getting to see the river even though the view here was different. "Please don't worry to much about me. I know you have more important things to worry about."


Giving a soft smile at what he said it was hard for her not to remember that people had been nice to her in Kings Landing. They'd been nice because they wanted to use her and get something from her. But with her playing the part of a bastard she didn't know what Osgren could possibly want from her..

Her thoughts went to her 'wedding night' and Tyrion. Surely it couldn't be that, could it? She didn't want to think about being with anyone like that. Especially since she was actually of noble birth and shouldn't be before marriage anyway. Since technically she was married that wouldn't be happening anytime soon, she thought thankfully.

"Your too kind Ser," she told him and wondered if maybe she was acting too ladylike in her speech when she was around him. Would he get suspicious of her trying to be very formal? Looking towards him at the mention of marriage she wondered if there was any men like her father. Yes he had fathered her bastard brother Jon but other than that one time he had been very faithful to her mother.

"It's lovely, but I'd never have money for something like this," she told him as she gently held it out for him to take. Well it wasn't true, if she got her home back maybe eventually she'd have money. But until then she had little to her name and could ill afford to worry of nice, pretty, lavish things.
Robb smiled wanly, swallowing a piece of ham. "You are the most important thing," he said softly enough so that his mother would not hear, gently patting Rowenna's belly. The vigour of youth had melded well with the responsibility of siring an heir and they had been at it quite regularly since their arrival. It still felt a little queer to speak of such in front of his mother, but Catelyn took a very practical view of such things, particularly in the light of what had happened to Father. She wished, he knew, to return to Winterfell and Bran and Rickon and the only love for him and concern for Arya and Sansa kept her from doing so. He had half a mind to order her, given the extent to which she'd started questioning his orders recently, but he could hardly force her from Riverrun when his grandfather was at death's door.

"You should probably pick out some ladies-in-waiting from the daughters of Riverlords. I'm sure most would be eager to join the retinue of their new Queen." He smiled. "It should keep you from being lonely. I'm sure you'll find at least one other soul here who will be friend to you." He said, squeezing her hand. Leaning in, he whispered lightly. "I have time after breakfast. Do you want to...?" He left the rest unsaid.


"It wouldn't be much of a gift if you had to pay for it," he said lightly, accepting the necklace back, his fingers lightly brushing against hers. She was so self-effacing, so eager to deflect any attention or concern. It felt more than shyness. She must have been hurt in her past. It was the only explanation.

"Let the winter pass and I'll keep my word, Alayne. I will make you a copy of this and present it to you." He smiled. "A gift. No obligations." With some girls, his confidence came forth quite well. They were impressed by his certainty that they would willingly grace his bed and ended up doing so. She was of the sort who was disgusted by such things, it seemed. He had misjudged her in that first instance. He would have to make up for that. "
He could afford to be patient. Alayne was his only distraction in this godsforsaken place. He would make a project out of her.

He locked the necklace away. "Can I draw you a glass of mulled wine?" He gestured at the decanter simmering away on the table. "Or perhaps just water." He smiled. "It seems a shame to just send you away after calling you to my room."
Rowenna smiled a little and immediately wondered if their trying had paid off yet. If it had it was still a little early to tell yet. If not she doubted it would be much longer before it happened because of how often they were together. Hopefully it would be a boy too because an heir now was more important than ever since they were at war.

"That's a good idea," she agreed and hadn't given much thought about ladies-in-waiting. Let alone had she given thought to who would be good choices who wouldn't be all about the political games like families of the south usually were. But trying to do that would be difficult. Hopefully she'd be able to find one other person similar to herself though. Nodding she tried to get any alone time she could with him. With war she knew once he left there it would be very difficult.


Alayne supposed that was true what he said but it felt uncomfortable having the attention on her. Attention usually meant something bad just from what she had experienced at Kings Landing. Everyone had watched her because she had been a prisoner and a good hostage until her brother lost the war. Now that she was the only heir.. People would want to find her because of that. Well, that and the fact they thought she killed Joffrey which wasn't true.

"Your too kind," she repeated and wasn't sure if he was trying to butter her up so she'd possibly tell him things about Little Finger. Unless he was trying to figure her out, or wanted something from her. The wheels were trying to churn in Sansa's head as she tried to figure this out so she could prepare herself and wouldn't be surprised by whatever his intentions were.

Glancing over at the table she gave a small nod. "Water would be nice, thank you," she said and somehow felt even more courteous since pretending to be a bastard even though that wasn't really possible.
Robb smiled at her assent and patted her hand. He set down his utensils and wiped his mouth before standing. He gave a hand to Rowenna, glancing over at Catelyn. His mother seemed more melancholy than usual, not paying much attention to their interactions. He said nothing to her, instead pulling Rowenna to her feet and leading her away.

They made their way to their chambers and Robb wasted no time in pulling his wife to the bed. With a devilish grin, he pulled her close and kissed her. His hands moved down her dress, attempting to undress her. The discovery of the joys of sex had left him quite eager to pursue it whenever he had a chance. Given how things were, it was a good way of relieving stress as well.


Osgren poured a glass of water and handed it to Alayne, taking wine for himself. "To a short winter," he said simply, tapping the edge of his goblet against hers. He drank, keeping his eyes on her.

"Where do you sleep, Alayne? With, ah, Master Robert?" He asked, seeming to make casual conversation. "I don't suppose that can be very relaxing, being at the beck and call of that brat all the time."

He needed to earn her confidence, break down that wall of evasive politeness. Only way to do that was to probe away until he found a chink in that wall. "I don't see why he can't have more than one caretaker." He said. "Why is it you've been given this particular job, I wonder?"
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