The Wolf King and the Lioness (Cold x Iikaitlynii)

He coloured and covered himself with both hands the moment he heard her voice. "You're here! That's...that's good." He said, blushing. He both wanted to see her and didn't want her to see him. He hesitated, remembering how shy she was. "Are you okay, Rowenna? No one did anything too bad, did they?" He asked, concerned.

He had found the lamp and the striker next to it, but he refrained from lighting it. "Should I light the lamps?" He asked softly into the darkness. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

He wanted to see her. He hoped she wanted to see him as well. It wouldn't be a very auspicious start to their marriage if his wife didn't want to lie with him, he thought worriedly.


Osgren had a better look at Alayne as she set the wine on the table and he liked what he saw. She seemed the quiet, obedient type. They usually took a more emotional approach, but once he got through the initial resistance, he usually found a warm, soft center that was delicious to ravage. He kept his eye on the girl as he picked up his wine goblet and took a sip.

"Lord Tollett," Baelish's voice floated out to him, drawing his attention to the man. There was an edge to his voice. Maybe he didn't like Osgren looking at his daughter. "Your quarters have already been prepared. As per the agreement with Lord Royce, you will serve as young Lord Arryn's retainer while here. He could use a knight to teach him the virtues." Baelish smiled unpleasantly.

"I don't believe there is much left to discuss. You have a long journey ahead of you, Cressen. Be off then." Baelish rose and so did the emissary Cressen and Osgren. The last two shared a glance before the former left.

"Alayne. Show Lord Tollett to his chambers please." Baelish called out, his attention on some papers in front of him. "I am sure I will see you later." He flashed a look at Osgren.

Osgren looked at Alayne and smiled softly, raising an eyebrow. Well, this was an opportunity. He would have to be properly civil. He could tell she would be turned off by an overt approach.
Rowenna didn't want to ruin anything. That part was all done now and nothing would change what had happened anyway. It was just so embarrassing having so many guys see her naked and they'd probably whisper and joke, and she would never know for certain if they were or not. "I'm fine. No not to bad." It probably wasn't anything worse than ever happened to any other women.

The mention of lighting up the room made her more self conscious but he would see her naked sometime and there was no point in putting this off. Plus she had to do her duty, she thought. "I'd.. like that. It's very dark." It was hard to see anything because of how dark it was.

While she was kind of nervous about him seeing her, and how she probably looked embarrassed and stupid with her arms and hands covering herself, she had pictured what he might look like without a shirt on ever since it was said they'd be married.


Alayne could feel eyes on her as she stepped away from the table which made her uneasy. As Sansa, she might jot have minded so much getting looks from men but after how she almost had to do her duty with Tyrion before getting out of Kings Landing, and playing the part of a bastard girl it made more sense to act less confident and not want to draw attention. She didn't want anyone somehow to see through her darkened dyed hair and see the Tully features in her.

There was a hint of a tone to Little Fingers voice and she felt weird by that.he had been in love with her mother, and then after the kiss they had when her aunt was still alive, she was more prone to be cautious around men. Especially after that singer tried to rape her. To many times to count she had dealt with bad men in one way or another. But Petyr hadn't been bad to her, she was just nervous about his plan for her.

"Yes father," she merely said before leading to show Lord Tollet to where he would be staying. She spoke to a few people around the Vale, but not so much anyone outside outside the few servants she saw, Young Robert, and Little Finger. Sometimes she overheard the guards, but seeing as everyone thought her to be a bastard they didn't much much attention to her or go out of their way to talk to her, which was probably for the best until she knew exactly what would happen and how everyone would react when it was found out who she really was.

Sansa wasn't sure what to say as she walked out of the room with him to lead the way. The only time she spoke to any of the lords here was when she received, and welcomed, the few who came to see Petyr about giving them the Young Lord Arryn. Other than that she usually stood in the room off to the side while Little Finger spoke to the highborns.
He swallowed and nodded, not that she could see in the dark. With a strike, he lit the lamp. Light filled the room. Robb found the bed and immediately moved towards it, catching sight of Rowenna on its other side, near the other door.

He stopped, his breath catching in his throat. She was naked. She was covering herself with both hands, but she was naked and in the shadow-light of the room, she looked even more beautiful.

He smiled, confidence returning to him. He still didn't move his hand from his manhood; she would tell him when it was okay to do that. Instead, he stood straight and walked to the bed, slipping under the covers.

"Come on, Rowenna." He called to her, letting the covers pool around his waist, leaving his torso open to view. "I think it's time we got to know each other."


Osgren nodded at Baelish, somewhat insolently and followed Alayne out of the room. He waited until they were a fair distance away before opening his mouth. "So...Alayne, was it? I am Ser Osgren Tollett."

He watched her for her reaction. "I assume we're going to be spending some time together if I'm going to stay in this place for an entire year. It would be a good idea to get to know each other better, don't you think?" He smiled warmly. She really was very pretty, especially up close. He would enjoy this very much.
Rowenna waited tensely for the light to come on in the room. It wasn't super bright but it made it easier to see and she noticed the bed was right by her oddly enough. Well at least that would make it quicker and easier to get into, she thought. Her eyes then went over to him. He was doing the same thing as her, covering himself. It made her feel a little less self conscious since she wasn't the only one naked but still felt a bit shy with how she heard first times always hurt.

Giving a small smile in return she tried to calm her nerves. Slowly she came over towards the bed and slipped under the covers. With her body kind of hidden once more that was a help, but then she suddenly realized how close they were and both were naked.

She knew the groups were still outside to listen but she tried not to think about that. "Is this okay?" she asked and hadn't moved closer, as it just felt sort of awkward which was how she expected to feel in the beginning.


"Yes, My Lord. It's a pleasure to meet you." If nothing else, her family had helped her through all of the bad things from the courtesies and everything she had learned back home before even traveling south. It was the only thing that kept people's attention from staying in her to long. Had she been fighting and disobedient, Joffrey would have punished her more.

Thinking about the singer who tried to force himself on her, or the almost gang rape in the Kings Landing riot, she wasn't thrilled at the prospect of being alone with anymore males than she absolutely had to be. But it was inevitable she'd see him around. "I suppose your right Ser," she said in agreement.
"Not yet," he said softly, moving his hand under the cover until he had found hers. Their fingers intertwined. "Now it's ok." He said. He inched a little closer, just enough to feel her heat through the distance between them. One hand still held hers, while he placed the other on her naked thigh, shivering at how soft and cool she was.

His heart was pounding. To his embarrassment, he was already rigid. He had never been this close to a naked girl, let alone his wife and the woman he was expected to deflower. Robb leaned and tentatively kissed her on the cheek, running his head up and down her thigh. "I want you, Rowenna," he whispered in her ear. He hoped she would reciprocate somehow, show him that he was not the only one who wanted the other. He wanted her to love him just the way he loved her.


Osgren raised an eyebrow. Proper, but cold. Obviously, she wouldn't become a simpering idiot if he just flashed a smile. Good. He liked a challenge. "Hmm, I hope it will be a pleasure to meet you too, Alayne. I can hardly say at the moment, since you don't seem very interested in me." He smiled.

"Don't worry, I am neither a boor nor a bore. I am, in fact, a perfect gentleman." He said, bowing to her as they walked. "So, tell me...where were you before your father brought you here? Not at his estate surely. I'm told it's nothing but a barren tower in the middle of a rock in the sea."
He asked, probing. Knowing her past would help him unravel her at the present, literally and otherwise.

"Taking care of the young Lord Arryn is quite the step up from being the bastard daughter of the least lord of the Vale. You don't expect to do that for long, however, do you? You must have something you look forward to in the future."
Rowenna smiled a bit finding that simple gesture comforting. As he moved closer she could feel the heat from his body and even more so the moment his hand touched her thigh. It felt strange, since she had no clothes on and wasn't used to any of this. Still she was kind of nervous, thinking about the pain and whether she would be a disappointment, and also trying not to seem so tense.

Feeling a little tingly as her thigh was stroked, so far this didn't seem so bad. Her heart was pounding, especially at the mention of wanting her. While hesitant, she didn't want him to think she wasn't interested, even if she was nervous, so she slowly brought her hand up to imitate what he did, but on his chest she ran her fingers over. She didn't know if it would be to forward to kiss him but she timidly did anyway.


Sansa was a little tense as she walked with him. Was she supposed to act overly friendly and out of place? The only bastard she had ever known was her half brother and even then it was unusual circumstances since he had lived in Winterfell with them, and she had heard that's usually not the case. This probably seemed unusual too, that Alayne would be here with her 'father' when she was of lower status than himself. Right about now she would have gave anything to go back north and even see her half brother Jon. But as Alayne, she didn't have siblings whether they be true born or otherwise.

"I'm sorry Ser," she told him unsure what else to really say to that. Speaking openly had not been a luxury for her since her fathers beheading and it left her with sticking to courtesies, which was exactly what she was doing now. "I did not speak to people much outside of The Faith back home. I lived in Gullstown. My mother died giving birth and I had been with The Faith up until now," she said, reciting the made up story Little Finger had given her for a past.

Something she looked forward to? Very title passed through her mind. Her brothers were dead, her parents, and her sister Arya too. Winterfell was burned down and the only living relative she knew of that was left was her bastard brother Jon Snow. There wasn't exactly much to look forward to. The only thing she could hope is in the future at some point that Winterfell would be rebuilt and she could go back home. Of course she couldn't tell him any of that though.

"I.. don't know, Ser. I haven't thought much about the future," she lied. "I just realized I didn't want to be a Septa, that's why I wrote my father."
Her hand on his chest was welcome. Robb smiled. She was interested in him as well. He was surprised by the timid kiss; he hadn't expected Rowenna to be so forthcoming. But he responded enthusiastically, pushing back firmly but gently, but careful not to be forceful or use tongue. As it was, it was not too difficult for him not to overreach. While he was no blushing bride, Robb was a virgin as well. He had kissed servant girls back in Winterfell, but nothing like this. They had not been his wife.

He pulled his hand up her thigh, near her groin, though he did not touch her in her most private spot. Instead, he moved up to caress her belly and then further up to gently touch her breasts. "Tell me if you don't want it," he murmured against her lips, before kissing her again.


A religious girl. Made sense. Osgran looked at her quizzically. He had heard tell that such girls were often freaks in bed. He would like to find that out for himself. "I'm glad you did write to Lord Baelish, Alayne. A beauty such as yourself would have been wasted in the life of a septa. You are destined for greater and better things, mark my word."

He had a feeling he was not getting anywhere with her like this. If he kept it up, she would only dislike him and then he would never go anywhere at all. He changed tack. "I have never been very religious myself. What was it like growing up in the Faith? I imagine the life of a lady's maid is much different than that." He said, genuinely curious.
Rowenna felt very inexperienced as they kissed. Anything more than a kiss on the cheek had been beyond her realm of knowledge until now. The wonder of if she was any good was there, but that was quickly replaced as she tensed a bit and thought his hand had been about to go between her legs and wasn't sure how ready she was for something like that. Though she probably quickly needed to get ready since she did have a duty to do.

The touches were soft but it didn't take much to experience the newness of this. Slightly she nodded but didn't really want to tell him to stop. While she might have been nervous, stopping what was happening and prolonging the inevitable would only make it worse on her in that aspect. Plus he was more gentle, and she didn't think all men were like that, so it was easier to feel a little more comfortable. While she wasn't relaxed to the point of letting her own hands roam all around, she was able to loosen up a little.


As Alayne, and seeing as he only knew her as Alayne, she didn't understand why he would say that. As a bastard she could do nothing of importance in this world. Only men could, if they went to the wall like her half brother had. Now he was Lord Commander, she had heard. Herself? There wasn't any great thing she could accomplish in this state. As Sansa Stark? There was much she could possibly do in time once it was safer and her identity could be revealed. Her unease over what Petyr planned for her was there, but there wasn't much she could do to change that. He had gotten her out of Kings Landing and was kind of pulling the strings now.

"It is very different," Sansa replied, thinking it would be quite different from a normal highborn or lowborn life. "And strict as well," she added while stopping in front of a door to open up. "Here is your room, Ser. If there's anything you need, please, feel free to ask."
Robb gently touched her breasts, heat suffusing him at his first experience at such intimacy. He didn't dare linger too long, though he dearly wanted to, in case he offended her. His hands moved to her shoulders and neck, gently massaging her as they kissed. He was hard now, though thankfully, their positioning meant his manhood wasn't touching Rowenna. That would be embarrassing, he felt.

He pulled away from the kiss, flushed and breathing hard, looking into her eyes. His heart was pounding. "Rowenna," he whispered softly, stroking her cheek. "I think I love you." He said.


Cryptic. She definitely did not want to disclose too much about herself to a stranger. Hmm, she would definitely be a tough nut to crack. His eyes roamed over her figure, settling on her pretty face. It would be worth it, he was sure.

"Thank you, Alayne." he said, stepping into the room and looking around. It was surprisingly spacious. "I will certainly call on you if I require anything." He smiled at her. "I will see you soon." He said, gently closing the door. He had thought about inviting her in, but she would certainly have gotten the wrong idea and it would have become that much harder to ease into her good graces. Later. There was ample time.

(just a short timeskip - the next day or a few days later, maybe)

Osgren stood to a side, keeping watch as the young Lord Arryn played, Alayne in tow. He watched the proceedings quizzically. Robert was a brat and a weak, whiny one at that. He dreaded to think what kind of man the boy would grow up to become. Poor Alayne looked stressed and uncomfortable, not least with how touchy the boy was. Wasn't he too young to have a libido? Sometimes it didn't seem so.

His attention distracted by something shiny, Robert Arryn pulled away from Alayne. Osgren took this chance to move forward and offer the girl a hand. "He's a handful. I don't envy you." He said, smiling lightly.
Rowenna could feel her face heating up a little as as she could feel his hand touching her. She tried not oT be to self conscious as she kissed back. Attempting to work up the nerve she slowly let her own hand move a little.

Feeling flushed as he broke off the kiss it took a second to process what he was saying. Her eyes lit up a little as she looked at him and almost felt like she had heard wrong. "I think I do too," she whispered back.


Even though Alayne was saying that to be courteous and polite to her 'fathers' guest, Sansa greatly hoped he would seek someone else out if he needed anything. Back when she was in Kings Landing, she hadn't truly believed the Queen Cersei when she went on about men only wanting one thing and women having two weapons. She thought the queen was just saying that and that it wasn't necessarily completely true. Now with being away and everything that had happened both there and here, she wasn't as sure.


((Sorry if that didn't actually happen in the books, the bit about Cersei. I know it happened in the show, I just couldn't remember if it did in the books as well.))

As usual Alayne had to see to the young Lord Aryan. Never before did she used to have cold thoughts, but since leaving Kings Landing, and since learning bits and pieces of how to play the game from Little Finger, Sansa couldn't help but feel disgusted and hate that she had to deal with her cousin. Particularly it was coming into her bed at nights and fondling her, and the wetting himself there when he'd have his shakings.

Glancing up at the hand offered to her, she hesitated before taking it. "Thank you Ser." Forcing a slight smile at his words she had to be careful how to respond to that. "I wouldn't know, I haven't dealt with many lords, Ser."
"That's good," Robb said, his heart fluttering. "It would have been awkward if it had been only me." He tried to joke. He leaned forward, smiling, kissing down her neck to her shoulder blades, gently nipping at her skin after every press of his lips. His hands moved down her back to settle at her waist, sliding up and down her smooth, supple skin.

Eventually, he moved down to her breasts, though he hovered over them. He looked up at her questioningly, silently asking permission to touch them. One warm hand set upon her bare thigh.


(I think it happened. Or something like it.)

Osgren laughed. "You don't have to be so cautious with my, Alayne. I am not going to tattle on you to anyone." Of course, tattling on her father was supposed to be the reason he was here, but he saw no reason to extend that Alayne, unless she gave him reason to.

"He is a right brat," he said quietly, looking after Robert. "Spoiled, vain and frightened. A terrible combination." He felt some pity for the young lord. The boy needed some peers his age or older to show him the ropes. Spending all his time with Alayne was making him soft and willful.

He blinked suddenly, realizing just what Alayne had said. "You sly vixen." He said, smiling at her. "Did you just compare me to young Robin here?" He asked, more amused than offended. "Haven't dealt with many lords, indeed." He repeated, shaking his head. "You have a wit on you. I am glad." He said, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.
Rowenna smiled a bit. It would have been awkward if only one liked the other, let alone if one of them thought they might have some feelings of love. She didn't really know if what she felt was love, just that she was probably one of the luckier people in her family with who she ended up marrying. And not because of him being a king, or anything vain like that.

Heat flared through her as he continued touching and kissing different parts of her body. Merely nodding she couldn't say the words, and also didn't want her voice to give off her being a little bit nervous of him touching more.. private areas. Her breathing was starting to get heavier as well.


Sansa kind of doubted that he wouldn't run off and say something to someone if she were to accidentally slip up and tell him something that she shouldn't. More than that, he probably was wanting to help the others bring her 'father' down. Which that wouldn't do her any good if that happened since she'd have to way to regain Winterfell. Even if it was through marriage like she suspected Little Finger wanted to do. Who he would marry her to was something she dreaded, but somehow she didn't think anyone could be as bad as Joffrey or having to stay married into the Lannister family through Tyrion.

"I'm sorry.." she said, unsure if he wanted an apology for her being 'cautious'. Was it really that obvious? Apparently she wasn't yet very good at keeping her intentions concealed. Though this time she kind of kept quiet when he spoke badly of Robert. Being who she 'was', or even if she had been Sansa Stark, speaking ill of someone wasn't very proper or ladylike.

Pretending to look baffled, she hadn't meant her words in an offending way towards him but realized it could have been taken that way. So she acted a little horrified by how it had come off. "I hadn't.. meant it like that.."

"Thank you?" No one had ever really told her that she had a wit to her. Perhaps she really had come a long way since even being in Kings Landing.
Robb smiled at her shy nod and grasped one of her breasts, sighing softly as his fingers dug into the soft flesh. He kneaded her gently, his manhood throbbing with need. Slowly, he lowered his mouth and licked gently at her nipple, a rush of pleasure running through him as he tasted her.

His other hand, so far on her thigh, began moving up it, nearing the heat between her legs. Robb took her nipple into his mouth, sucking gently. Very gently, almost hesitantly, he placed his hand on her warm vagina, a shiver running through him.


Osgren looked at her quizzically. "I can't be sure if you're pretending or if you really didn't mean it." He stroked his chin, smiling. He shook his head, apparently making up his mind.

"You're welcome, Alayne. I meant it as a compliment. It's alright. I wasn't offended, so even if you had meant it like that, there would have been no harm."

He watched silently as the young lord played with the snow, building something and then immediately tearing it apart. The boy had no patience. "Have you ever lived in a castle before?" He asked her suddenly, looking at her from the corner of his eyes.
A small gasp escaped as Rowenna felt him gently squeeze her. It happened again, but making a bit more of a noise this time when she felt his tongue. The feelings were all very new to her and she could feel her legs heating up more as she felt his hand beginning to move up.

She sucked in a breath as his hand touched her sex, and he started sucking on her breast. Thankfully her brain was to occupied to think about the embarrassing fact that if she got louder later on the people outside was likely to hear her. That was a sure way to ruin any mood that might start building up.


Sansa didn't think he was as bad as how Robert acted, but she decided not to say that out loud. Partly because he could be bad in other ways. Just like anyone else he probably had his hidden agenda for being there. Which was why she needed to be cautious around him and be careful of anything she said.

"I guess I'm just not really used to speaking with highborns Ser," she said and offered a tiny shy smile. Well at least there was truth to it in some way. She hadn't really spoken to highborns while knowing anything about how to play their little games.

Looking a bit startled at the question she wasn't sure what his game was. Why would he think she had been in a castle before? Was he trying to trip her up? "No, I can't say I ever have. This is all new to me," she told him.
She gasped, encouraging Robb greatly. He teased her nipple with his tongue, sucking it gently, savouring the taste of her. His manhood was hard and throbbing now and he felt a great need to have Rowenna touch him. But he put it aside for now, thinking about pleasing her first. Her womanhood was so warm and soft, he shivered, almost taking his hand off her. But he didn't, instead starting to gently rub her there, with two fingers, careful to go slow and soft.

He pulled away from one breast and began to pay attention to the other, taking the other nipple into his mouth. He was slowly getting into it, becoming more confident, more assured. He wanted to explore her body and he was going to.


Osgren nodded amiably, looking at her. "Sorry, are you annoyed with my questions, Alayne? I'm just curious." He said lightly. "I'll be honest...I'm a gregarious person; I need friends to live. Up here...I don't have anyone else but you. If you tell me to back off, I promise you I will. But I hope I am not so terrible that you will mind talking to me that much." He smiled, trying to be friendly.

"I've always wondered what it must be to live like a lowborn," he told her frankly. "I've lived at my house's lands my entire life. Only after I turned 16 did my father let me travel the Vale. And that's it...I have never been outside the Vale." He looked at her. "Have you? I have always wondered what Dorne or the Free Cities would be like. Someday I'd like to travel there. Wouldn't you?"
Rowenna tried to keep her breathing even but it was growing harder the longer he went on teasing and touching her. She had never really been out of control of her body before, like making noises involuntarily, and it felt very odd. It wasn't really in a bad way but it was still very different. Her back arched a little to him and her vocals began increasing. As he continued the circular motion, she felt the heat slowly growing and pulsing.


"It's not that.." Sansa shook her head lightly. "There's just not much about my life that I can say that is interesting," she told him. Well as Sansa there might have been something but as Alayne there wasn't, and couldn't, be anything. "I don't mind." She just hoped to be more discrete in her being cautious.

"Not really. Just Gulltown where as I was going to become a Septa, then I traveled to meet up with my father. And here," she said. "I don't think being lowborn is something anyone would wish for," she then added. She'd give anything to have her family and old life back. Not pretend to be of low birth just so she could survive and not be sent back to Kings Landing.
(My apologies. I've been dealing with some stuff in RL.)

He loved the way she was reacting, the way her body responded to him. It gave him confidence, made him bolder. Robb pulled away from her breast and shifted, until he was crouching in front of her. With a grin, he dipped his head between her thighs, kissing her warmth. He gently rubbed his lips against her, before opening his mouth and tasting her.


"I suppose not," Osgren admitted when she said being lowborn was not something anyone would wish for, slightly amused. She really was a very reticent girl. "You really have led a very sheltered life," he said, a little disappointed. He had hoped he could get her to open up a little, speaking of travel and what not. Most girls seemed to eat that up.

"So we're alike in this at least. Neither of us have ever left the Vale." He said, smiling slightly. "I really would like to one day. I am honestly hoping my father arranges my marriage with someone outside, just so I can have the excuse of traveling. An exotic Dornish girl perhaps or one of those strong Northern maidens."

He glanced at Alayne. "Have you thought about marriage? Since you're not going to become a septa any longer, I'm sure your father would like to see you married to someone. It must be a little jarring, coming from expecting a life of celibacy."
Rowenna felt her heart starting to beat faster the more he went on. But particularly it did when he started to move. Unsure for a second what he was going to do she felt a tiny bit self conscious again. No one ever touched her down there let alone with their mouth. Her breathing hitched as she felt his mouth touch her there. Moaning her legs opened a little more as if inviting him in.


Sansa thought he was right more than he knew. Growing up she never learned things about the south, like political games, that she probably should have known. Maybe had she known more then she would have stopped this from happening. Maybe she wouldn't have been stupid enough to tell the queen her fathers plans of sending them home. Then they might all be safe and sound at home rather than everyone dead, Winterfell burned, and her having to pretend to be a bastard child.

Smiling lightly she wished thinking of things like marriage was so easy. It wasn't anymore. Not when she had to worry about someone using her to take Winterfell. No one would marry her for her now that she was the only Stark left. Carefully she made sure not to react when he mentioned anything about the north.

Shaking her head she didn't want to think about marriages anymore. Not now. With her family all dead she was scared to think about that. Plus technically being married to the imp, despite not consummating the marriage, she couldn't have a good life. "I don't think marriage is for me," she said. Somehow the Stark line had to continue though. It couldn't die with her. "I don't think he'd care to see me married or not. With my birth it wouldn't be of very much benefit to him," she said playing the dumb little girl act. She knew he could somehow gain much from having her. What exactly it would be, she wasn't sure.

"Maybe it's better that way anyway. I wouldn't want to bring more people with the last name Stone into the world." Part of her doubted if Petyr had a bastard that he would let that child, if a girl, marry another bastard. He'd probably try and get her some good marriage if she was actually his natural born daughter.

(No problem)
Robb smiled as she spread her legs further; he pressed in, running his tongue along her, shivering as the taste of her filled his mouth. He was completely hard now, his heart beating so fast the rush of blood in his ears was almost deafening. He teased his way past her folds, flicking at her inner wetness, before pulling back, the sweet salty taste on his tongue.

He looked up at her in the flickering lights and smiled. "Will you have me, Rowenna?" He asked gently, making it clear what he meant by straightening up, bringing his manhood into view. He couldn't wait any longer.


She seemed saddened by the talk of marriage. Osgren regretted having brought it up. Maybe she had had a sweetheart or maybe it was because she thought no one would want to marry a bastard girl. She wasn't wrong on that second count.

"He could always name you his heiress," he said mildly. It was possible. Why had he summoned her after all this time otherwise? But she didn't seem to think so and he didn't want to make her dwell on things she didn't want to. "I'm sorry, Alayne. I didn't mean to make you sad." He said lightly, patting her gently on her shoulder.

In an effort to make things lighter, he tried to turn the conversation around. "So what do you like to do? Sew, read, sing maybe? I'm a reader myself," he said, grinning. Most people were surprised to learn that about him. He didn't seem the type. "I'm sure even you like to have fun sometimes." He teased her gently.

(Thank you. :) )
Rowenna shivered as he went deeper and wasn't thinking about anything else. She could feel the heat and wetness it was causing her. Just as she felt like she couldn't hold back any longer, he stopped and she needed to catch her breath. "Yes," she managed to say and while her nerves about the pain came back a little she didn't want to hold off. Now that he had already started and she felt more comfortable there didn't seem a point in waiting.


'Alayne' supposed that was true. With Little Fingers wife, her aunt, now dead he was unmarried again and had no true born children. Had she actually been his daughter he could have named her his heir. She wondered briefly what his next move was. While she knew he spoke of revealing who she was eventually and taking back Winterfell, she also figured he wouldn't do that just because. There had to be something in it for him. While she hadn't known back then, the Tyrell's had seemingly wanted her to marry Willa's for her claim of Wintefell. Same with the Lannisters forcing her to marry Tyrion. Was he just helping her because he had loved her mother? Sansa didn't think that was entirely the case.

"I'm not sad," she lied. Yes she was sad but it was for a deeper reason than he was assuming. Just being a bastard girl was one thing, but to be a girl who lost all her family and had no one left but a half brother that was committed to the wall for his whole life was something else entirely.

The change in subject was a relief and she was surprised to hear he liked reading. Most guys didn't seem to like that much. Well except for Tyrion. She couldn't remember Robb ever being a huge reader. Bran had loved hearing stories, but hearing and reading were two different things, and Rickon was too young to have been learning to read yet. "I used to love singing and sewing," she said. Living in a dream world Sansa seemed like such a long time ago. While she still liked to do those it was harder to enjoy them because it reminded her too much of Winterfell and when her family had all been together and whole.

"I guess I'm still trying to figure myself out now that I'm here."
Robb kissed her there one last time before sitting up. He could see she was still uneasy. He moved up so that they were facing one another and he leaned forward to kiss her, teasing his tongue past her lips. With one hand, he lifted her hand and placed it on his throbbing cock, just to show her what it felt like. He wanted to let her know what she was getting into.

He could tell she was lying. It hit him harder than he might have thought. He might have been a playboy, but he was no cad. He cared for the girls he took, even after he discarded them. He had not intentions of taking advantage of someone.

But he didn't bring it up again. Hopefully, they would become friends and she would tell him herself. He smiled instead and said excitedly,"I would love to hear you sing!" And he would. "I can't say the same for watching you sew," he joked,"but you know, once we get to know each other, I wouldn't say no to you sewing something up for me." He winked.

"I would love to help with that," he added quietly when she said about finding out for herself. "Really, we are in the same boat, Alayne. Alone in this castle, with no friends. I know I'd go mad if I didn't have you to tease," he said, obviously teasing still. "You can trust me," he added, meaning it.
Her heart was beating fast by the time he was up to her level again. Slowly she kissed back and hoped she was doing okay at this. When he had her touch him it kind of made her feel more nervous since he was big and she was nervous how much it was going to hurt because of it being her first time. But she tried not to let that show and instead offered a small smile.


Sansa wasn't sure how good of an idea it was to sing for him. Mostly because she really shouldn't get to close to people here. They already likely wouldn't be happy she'd been hiding here for so long and in a way put the Vale in danger with the throne by having her when she'd been accused of killing Joffrey. She couldn't believe they had thought she did when she hadn't been anywhere near him. The Tyrell's had used her according to Petyr. "Maybe one day you can hear me," she said with a bit of a smile in an attempt to joke back.

Keeping quiet about trusting him, she really couldn't trust no one. Everyone she had ever trusted since being in Kings Landing had used her and she was trying not to keep doing that and letting that happen to her. "I suppose your right," she said referring to them 'being in the same boat'. But she let him think that she was thinking she could trust him. "It does seem isolated up here, I suppose. It's different not having a lot of people around."
He could feel her nervousness. He smiled back in response to her small one, gently removing her hand from his cock. He positioned himself, spreading his legs on either side of her, his tip grazing her entrance. He shuddered in anticipation, his manhood throbbing. "I love you," he said softly, before pushing into her. He moaned as he felt her heat envelop him, the warmth and the softness beyond anything he might have imagined. He pushed harder, pressing against a firmness, which broke, a liquid he realized was blood spilling.

"Rowenna," he whispered. "Are you alright?" He asked, realizing with a happy start that he had broken her maidenhood.


"Playing hard to get. I like that," he said, winking. He realized she must be hiding some great hurt, to be so stand-offish and shy. Girls usually melted under his charms. His focus was shifting; it was now less about getting into her smallclothes and more about getting her to trust him, open up to him.

"It really is lonely here," Osgren agreed. "No wonder old Lady Lysa went mad." He glanced at her sideways. "Did you serve her? You were here when she...fell, right?"
Rowenna tried to brace herself as he began to enter inside of her. It probably didn't help much to do so since that only made her would make her stiff and rigid. She could feel her insides trying to expand to accommodate his size. There was pain, but she tried not to let that show.

"Yes," she managed to say even though it did hurt some.


Sansa allowed a tiny smile and was beginning to feel a little fidgety being around him. Normally she didn't have to be around someone, except Robert, this much. But at least he wasn't trying to continually press her for information or something like that. Glancing over she nodded a little and began to feel uncomfortable.

Lyza had been her aunt and tried to kill her, which was why Little Finger pushed her out the moon door. She hoped the discomfort came off as her being upset thinking about what happened, which it kind of did. Her aunt actually thought she wanted to 'steal' Pyter from her. "I.. was."
Robb looked at her, slightly worried at her perfunctory answer. But he couldn't have stopped even if he had wanted to. The tightness of her warmth pulling at him, the softness and wetness that was her, was too much for him to resist. He pushed in, going as deep as he could, groaning as he filled her. His heart was racing. He leaned forward, catching her lips in a kiss. He began to thrust in and out in a swift, choppy motion, knowing he would not last very long.


Osgren immediately regretted bringing Lysa up. The sensitive soul that Alayne was, she must have taken it very hard. He was being insensitive bringing it up. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. There was silence between them for a while and he felt increasingly annoyed. She was like a closed book and for all his efforts, she did not seem likely to open up to him at all.

"Well," he said after a while. "I will leave you and Robert alone. I will be in my chambers if you need anything." He said and turned to leave.
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