The Wolf King and the Lioness (Cold x Iikaitlynii)

Rowenna tried to imagine getting to see a lot of places. Just the thought was more than she ever dared to actually hope could happen in her life. She had always doubted that if she married someone would travel with her, as they would probably have many responsibilities so she always knew it was kind of a pipes dream. With him being a king and heir to Winterfell, it still seemed like something that was wishful thinking as she was sure he wouldn't really have time to go see new places.

It was hard not to have big eyes at the mention of possibly seeing so many places, or even to feel a little overwhelmed. Just the mention of three places was more than she ever realistically thought she would get to see. She couldn't seem to think of a single thing to say as it all felt surreal. Perhaps she was dreaming and he hadn't even woken up yet? Again it was probably a silly thought but it was easier and more believable to her than actually thinking he really wanted to take her to see all of these places.

"Really?" she couldn't help but ask. Just thinking about it had a smile on her face. "I've wanted to travel. I never really thought it would be possible though. I.. don't know what to say," she admitted. What exactly did you say to someone that, in essence, was basically promising to show you the world? It felt almost to good to be true, she couldn't help but think. At the same time she knew being someone's wife, or the whole courting thing in general, wasn't some easy thing that could just be taken lightly solely because of what he was promising.


The dinner seemed to have gone well. Possibly better than Cersei had been expecting. If there was one thing she really liked it was when things were going her way, which they pretty much had been since Robert's 'tragic' death. She watched as he knelt down to give an oath of sorts to her and while it didn't show to much on her face, she was quite pleased with the turnout. While it wasn't exactly where she was intending to take things yet, it was a step towards that direction and she could be a patient person when needed.

Biding him to stand and be seated again the rest of the dinner wasn't as eventful, just small talk that was nothing of real importance. After he left she stayed up a bit longer before finally deciding to try and get some sleep.

The next few days couldn't seem to go fast enough as she was ready for the whole Ned Stark thing to be dealt with. Finally it did though and he admitted to Joffrey being the one true king before it was announced that he would be sent off to the wall to take the black. With it being sort of the 'big event' for the day there wouldn't be much else at court that day and things would resume on the morrow. The rest of the day she intended to have a celebration of sorts. More of a private one, of course, since it wouldn't make a very good impression if she did so publicly.
Robb grinned. She was smiling! He had finally gotten through to her, it seemed. "Say 'yes', m'lady!", he said, laughing. "I keep my promises. I have given you my word and I will keep it. I will take you away from here and show you Westeros." He smiled and reached out, gently clasping her hand. "If you let me," he added softly.

She was beautiful, even more beautiful, when she smiled. Her eyes sparkled. He felt good, having managed to coax a happy reaction from her, after such a mostly awkward conversation. He had made up his mind already. What point was there to choose a girl from a crowd, like picking out a horse in a stable? This felt natural, right.

His mother would arrive soon and then he would bring up Rowenna. Once she had Catelyn's approval, he would let her father know he had decided. He had to admit - if Lord Walder had sent her daughter up with the intent to seduce Robb, he had succeeded, though probably not in the way that vile creature had thought.

He was still holding her hand. "Would you mind if I asked you to come to me every day at least until my mother arrived? I understand it must be terribly boring spending time with a wounded man lying in bed, but...well," he looked away for a moment, flushing. "I like you. My thoughts wouldn't dwell on war and pain, if I had you by my side."


Adam spent the next few days setting up his new identity as personal guard to the Queen. He commissioned a new uniform, green lashed with gold and red; a homage to House Lannister and to Cersei in particular. It was fitting, he felt. The uniform was finished the day before Ned Stark's public hearing. Adam donned it on the day, though he did not find a chance to show it to Cersei.

He was there among the crowd when Stark confessed his crimes and was declared traitor and commanded to relinquish his rank and take up the black. Adam felt a twinge of satisfaction. Joffrey looked rather disappointed; Stark's daughter sobbed quietly through the ordeal. He rather felt sorry for the young girl.

After the event, Adam retreated into the Keep and sent word to Cersei by servant. He wanted to start his duties by her and this felt like the right occasion.
Her smile turned a bit sheepish as he said that and she realized saying yes would be the appropriate answer. Rowenna couldn't really think of much of a reason why she would say no anyway, even if there had been some sort of way to do so without making her whole family look bad. Already she could already feel her mind racing with thoughts of different places she and always imagined and if they would look even remotely close to what she had pictured them to look like.

"Yes," she nodded. Going away to see new places was probably one of the most exciting things she had ever wanted to do and he actually wanted to take her and show her them!

"Of course. I would have anyway," she said softly. Even if he hadn't wanted to take her anywhere, or picked her at all, she would have still stuck around until his mother got there. Once Lady Catelyn was there she would have probably tried to quietly slip away. Whether they would have eventually noticed her absence or not was hard to say.

Lightly she squeezed his hand. "I like you too," she said a bit sheepishly, unable to think of anyone else that really tried to take so much interest in her. At least not so much in a genuine sort of way and certainly none that wanted to take her anywhere, let alone saying many different places around Westeros. "I'd be happy to help with taking your mind off the pain."


The sentencing hadn't been all that exciting on Cersei's opinion. Joffrey didn't seem to happy about the choice of what happened to Ned Stark, and she had to listen to Sansa sobbing but all in all it went fine. Now things were said and done with. Now all that would need to be seen is if Renly tried anything, or even Stannis because of the rumors regarding Joffrey's parentage. They likely would be a problem, knowing them, but they wouldn't win she was sure of that.

After it was all over she could already feel how there would be much talk. Joffrey took off after it and the Stark girl was liking going back to her room. As for herself her mind was already on the next people they possibly would have to deal with. As she took her walk back to the castle one of the servants came up to inform her of Ser Adam. She hadn't seen him all that much since the dinner, as many things needed doing in preparation for being personal guard for a queen. There was little doubt in her mind that people would quickly find out of his new rank. It might make it difficult as far as if she wanted him to find out information, but one could be useful in many ways than just being a spy of sorts.

Taking up in her solar she sent word that he could come. Being in a good mood she didn't necessarily intend to speak of politics the whole entire time, even if that did happen to be the reason why he was coming there.
He smiled as she did say yes, feeling rather happy. She looked even more beautiful when she smiled so sweetly. He wondered if this was what it felt to fall for someone.

"Thank you," he said, both for agreeing to stay and for saying that she liked him as well. He didn't let go of her hand; it was soft and cool and he rather wanted to keep on holding it.

Robb had never had much to do with girls. Servant girls at Winterfell had started giggling and running away from him by the time he had turned twelve, something he had first found very strange. It hadn't take long for him to understand how things worked in that regard, but he had never fallen for a girl and while many had flirted with him, none had ever made a pass at him, the way they had done with Theon.

He'd always been a little jealous of that. He guessed he needn't be any longer.

He smiled at Rowenna and leaned back against the pillow. The prospect of staying bedridden had become a lot more palatable.


Adam walked into Cersei's solar and immediately went on his knees before her. "My Queen," he announced, unsheathing his blade and offering it to her hilt-first. "From this moment forward, I am Ser Adam Marbrand, a member of the Queensguard, sworn to protect and serve the Queen of the Realm." He looked up at her and smiled widely. "So, you, Lady Cersei Lannister. I serve you now."

He was perhaps a little too happy. He hoped she didn't ask him why. It would be difficult to explain that it was because the prospect of being by her side at all hours of the day positively made him giddy.

"Today has been a victory for you, my Queen. I feel we should celebrate," he said, still kneeling. "Did you have anything in mind?"
Rowenna had waited until he fell back asleep before she left to get some rest herself. That night all she had been able to think about was the conversation and how it went from awkward to a rather good one. It had still felt a little surreal and it probably wouldn't really hit her until the next day.

Over the next couple days she was growing fond of him and they even had started using their names instead of 'my lady', or 'my lord', when others weren't around. Even though it had felt a little weird at first to do that it helped her with becoming more comfortable around him and kind of think of him as more than just a king, which was sort of what she had done before actually meeting him, and even when they had first spoken.

The day his mother arrived she heard about it before having a chance to see Robb that day and was almost certain Catelyn was now with her son by the time she did hear of the arrival. Suddenly she felt nervous about going to the room and was sure that she'd be judged upon first meeting, which was what all mothers probably did when meeting who their child, or children, were spending time with.


Ser Adam came in and in a way swore the oath again only this time donning an outfit that could be considered Lannister sort of colors which seemed fitting since he was going to be a guard for her now. Cersei thought he seemed rather happy which she wasn't why. Perhaps he was more glad about the way things turned out than she would have anticipated. Of course being a Lannister bannermen he would likely be glad for this win of sorts but that didn't mean bannermen weren't looking out for themselves as well when it came to things and might not be so eager to stand behind someone. She had no reason to worry about that sort of thing though as anyone would be weary to betray them after the Rains of Castamere.

Celebrating sounded like a very good idea and she already had been planning to do that. "First a drink," she said and was sure they could come up other things after a toast for the 'win'. Tomorrow she would have to focus on the other possible threats to the throne but for now she would take a moment to cherish this one that was quelled.
The days passed so quickly. Robb had expected to spend them in a stupor, wallowing in pain and misery. But with Rowenna, it was the exact opposite. He found himself laughing and smiling, more talkative than he usually were. They had started calling each other by name now. They were definitely growing closer. Despite the war, despite everything...Robb felt happy.

That day, Catelyn arrived. As expected, she came straight to Robb. With his bannermen, she was stoic and concerned in a distant way; when they left him alone with her, she almost collapsed by his bedside, weeping and talking about how terrified she'd been that he would die. His heart went to his mother and he did his best to calm her down, eventually bringing the topic around to Rowenna.

"So you've made your decision?" Catelyn asked him. "I would like to get your blessings, mother. But yes, I have made my decision." He hesitated. "If she consents, of course." He hoped she would.

"She's going to come in any moment." He smiled, his happiness and infatuation showing clearly. "You will like her, mother, I guarantee you. She's a sweet, kind person. She looks a lot like you, in fact."

Catelyn smiled and raised her eyebrows. "Marrying your mother, are we?" Robb flushed, embarrassed and changed the subject. "I'm just glad I found someone like her. I honestly thought this whole Frey marriage deal meant I would be unhappy the rest of my life." He grinned. "How wrong was I."

He looked at the door. She was usually here by this time. What was keeping her? Maybe she was giving him privacy with his mother here. He summoned a servant and asked her to fetch Lady Rowenna. He really wanted her to meet Catelyn.


"A drink it is, my Queen," Adam murmured. Standing, he went over to the table and poured two goblets full of wine, handing one to Cersei. Lifting his goblet, he proposed a toast. "To King Joffrey, to House Lannister and to the Realm. May they all prosper."

'First a drink' she'd said. He wondered what else she had in mind. The...male part of him could imagine much, but he didn't want to get his hopes much. He knew why he wanted to embrace the Queen and ravish her; what reason did she have to think the same of him?
After Rowenna heard the news she decided to wait to go since she was sure Robb and his mother would want to speak privately and see each other so she didn't want to intrude. Instead she had decided to eat breakfast in her room rather than how she had with him the day before. She really wasn't sure exactly how things would go now that his mother was here but wondered if things would change much if Catelyn did happen to not like her very much.

Barely was she done getting ready for the day when a servant came in. "The king wishes to see you." It was a bit surprising since she thought it would have been a little later and she didn't think they had saw each other for very long. Well she supposed maybe there wasn't a lot to say and it was doubtful they would want to talk about Robb getting hurt.

Thanking her she let the servant leave and grabbed her cloak to throw on before heading towards the infirmary. The walk felt longer than it had normally been and she hesitantly for a split second before walking inside.

"Your Grace, Lady Stark," she greeted.


Cersei stood to walk partially over to where the table was that held the wine and took the glass offered to her. Tipping her glass slightly in the toast gesture she added, "May prosperous times lie ahead." That would only happen after possibly having to deal with Renly and, or, Stannis, she silently thought.

After taking another small drink before bringing it down to hold. As she looked over the new outfit he wore for a moment it did kind of remind her a bit of her brother now more than anytime before. "I see you had new clothing made. It suits you."

((Sorry I was having bad writers block))
Catelyn nodded graciously as Rowenna walked in and introduced herself. Her gaze was thoughtful and critical as she ran it down the younger woman's body, focusing on her deportment. She did have some resemblance to Catelyn, with her vivid red hair. A gift from her mother, no doubt.

Lady Stark rose and approached Rowenna, gently taking the girl's hand in her own. "I have heard how you have taken care of my son. Thank you, my Lady. I am grateful. I can see why he cares for you so much." She smiled, taking Rowenna's chin in her hand and turning her head to look in her eyes. "You have a good heart. He will have need of that warmth soon."

Robb flushed, listening to his mother talk to Rowenna. "It is good to see you, Rowenna. I had thought you would not come today." He said, smiling at her.


"Thank you, Your Grace." Adam smiled, pleased with her compliment. "I thought the colours appropriate for my station - I am loyal to you and your House first and foremost." He took a small sip and set the goblet down. "I was thinking - it would be prudent for me take up residence here in the Keep. My first task is to see your safety and I can hardly do that if I return to the city every evening. Perhaps a small chamber nearest to yours would work best, in case I need to be summoned quickly at night."

It was perfectly practical, but also rather bold. Adam hoped Cersei would see the necessity of it first, before considering why he might be eager to suggest something like that.

(no worries. always feel free to knock me if you want to discuss stuff.)
Rowenna stood there feeling a little bit self conscious as she knew Lady Stark was looking her over. Probably to see if she thought her to be a good choice in a wife. With this all being rather new to her it made it a tiny bit harder to be all self assured like some might have been in such a position.

Straightening a little as Catelyn walked up to her she gave a slight smile unsure what to as other than "Thank you, I was happy to help" but even that seemed rather stupid and idiotic to say. She wondered what they had spoke of her or if she just had a kindness about her, or something.

"I just thought I should give you two some privacy," she told him.

(Red hair? I would have thought it more redish-brown, or auburn, then straight red like Sansa and Catelyn.)


Cersei nodded and thought it did suit him and was befitting the fact he was now a personal guard for her. What he brought up was so ring she had given a little thought to but not enough to have taken actual action yet. It would make more sense for him to have a room in the castle close by to her. She had her own reasons for liking the thought aside from it that realistically it was a smart idea. She couldn't tell how much he liked the thought but must have somewhat to be the one to bring it up before her.

"Yes that would be wise. There's an empty room down the hall that can be made into your chambers."
Catelyn looked a little sad when Rowenna said that, though she hid it well. "I have had my time with Robb. I will be with him until he recovers. I believe he would prefer if you were here too."

Robb coloured, but nodded. "I would. I would like for you two to get to know each other as well. Rowenna. I know this is fast, front of my mother, I want to ask you. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

(Sorry, that's what I meant. In the books, Cat and Sansa have auburn hair. Is it different in the show?)


"Thank you, Your Grace. That sounds just perfect." Adam inclined his head, feeling victorious. Night and day, he would be at Cersei's beck and call. "I will have the servants ready it for me by nightfall. There's no reason to dally." He said.

He sipped his wine and pondered what to say. All they talked about was politics. "If I am not being too forward, my was life in Casterly Rock? I have been once or twice, but I imagine it must have been very different growing up there."
Rowenna nodded and was doubtful she would really speak to him now that his mother was here. The last few days and talk of going to see all the places still felt a bit like she had dreamed it up and now reality was back with his mother finally arriving to take her place by her sons side. The way she was looking her over made her positive Robb has said something about the last few days spent together.

He was right it did feel fast but also helped with the feeling from a few moments ago. "Of course I will." Even though her father had kind of sneakily tried to make this happen she was still rather glad things were turning out the way they were. She couldn't quite tell yet what his mother thought of this and if it was negative thoughts but she just let herself focus on the good. She was smiling and seemed happy despite being nervous and suddenly feeling unprepared for how to be a wife.

((Crap. I was under the impression Sansa had red hair in both because of how she darkens her hair at the vale, I don't know why. But yeah they have more blatant red hair then auburn in the show. I knew Robb is supposed to have auburn, but it seems a bit more regular brown in the show, but it kind of escaped me the girls aside from Arya technically have auburn.))


Cersei nodded in agreement about it being best not to delay. The sooner the better, in her opinion. Then the ball could get rolling as that was easily reason enough to keep him rather close and in her bidding. Taking another small sip she then placed her own glass onto the table.

"It was different," she agreed. It had been many years since she had seen her childhood home. "A place I'm sure only Lannisters can truly love. I can't imagine any other family feeling comfortable living at the rock," she said even offering a small smile. "I remember when we was young before being old enough to get split up with the septa and sword training, exploring all over as much as we could." Back then it had always surprised her how much differently they would treat her when she pretended to be Jaime but then acted like she was weak when she was herself.
Robb smiled, his joy showing through. "Thank you." He said, bowing his head to Rowenna. He glanced at his mother, who was looking at the two of them with a strange mixture of pride, happiness and sorrow.

Catelyn walked forward and took Rowenna's hand. "You will be a wonderful Queen, Lady Rowenna. I am giving you my son's hand in marriage. I expect you to be a wonderful wife first." She said.

She pulled Rowenna gently to Robb's side and made the two clasp hands. "You have my blessings." She said, kissing Robb on the forehead and then Rowenna as well. She sighed, her eyes watering slightly. "I will talk to Lord Frey. I think we should have the wedding as soon as Robb is well enough to stand and walk. If the maesters are correct, that will be a week or more so. That time can be used for you two to get to know each other better." She smiled at them.

"Robb - you should inform your bannermen tonight. They will be overjoyed." Robb nodded, some seriousness returning to his expression. "And now I will take my leave and leave you two alone," Catelyn said softly, squeezing their hands affectionately. She did as she said, casting a fond glance at Robb before leaving.

"So..." Robb said, smiling and looking into Rowenna's eyes. "Queen Rowenna Stark does have a nice ring to it."

(It's no big deal, don't worry about it. I just thought I'd highlight the visual similarities between Rowenna and Catelyn, that's all.)


Adam smiled hearing her speak of the Rock like that. So like a Lannister to put themselves above others even in such a way. "You must look back on those days with fondness," he suggested. He certainly felt that way about his own childhood.

He sipped his wine. "What about your brother, my Queen? I admit I cannot imagine what it must be to have a sibling who looks exactly like you. Do you two have much in common?" The Faith of the Seven had a superstition concerning twins - namely that they mirrored each other. He wondered if there might be any truth to that.
Rowena nodded slightly and the thought of being queen was scary. That was something she felt much less prepared for than she did to be a wife. What if she did something wrong? Shaking those thoughts away there would be plenty of time to worry about that and she didn't really want to yet. After the wedding there would be time for it to sink in and worry about it.

"I will," she smiled a little. Even though she had her nerves about uncertainties of how good she'd be as queen or wife, she wanted to sound more confidant than she might have felt.

Having suspected as much, that they would marry as soon as possible, the atmosphere grew more serious and she could tell Catelyn looked a little sad at the talk of marriage. This was her first son, she imagined that it would be emotional but couldn't know for certain as she didn't have any kids. At least none yet anyway.

Watching her leave she hoped they might be able to speak soon and get to know each other. It did have a nice ring to it, she thought once he mentioned it. But she just smiled thinking that would probably sound conceded if she were to actually agree with him. "I would have never imagined myself being queen," she told him with a small chuckle, which was very much true, and sat down in the chair beside the bed. "Your mother seems nice."


"Yes those days were.. endearing," but there was a couple not so pleasant things she could remember. The thought of Jaime was not something she wanted to talk about as it sort of intruded on her thoughts and made her think about how she was just attempting to find a replacement for him until he got back. But the conversation was innocent enough and likely to change before to long.

"Jaime? We might have a few similarities not involving our looks. My brother has a more brash personality though. He doesn't really think before he acts. Very different from myself, and our father." Tyrion too, but she wouldn't admit her and her dwarf brother shared common personality traits.

"Do you have any siblings?" Surely he must have some, she thought. But maybe he was one of the lucky ones that didn't have any and didn't have to worry about what their brothers, or sisters, did.
Robb smiled as well, holding onto Rowenna's hand. "I never imagined I would be King either. The King in the North has been dead for these three hundred years, until they brought him back with me." He shook his head. "All I ever wanted was to be Lord of Winterfell and live up to the Stark name."

"I'm glad I'll have you with me, Rowenna." He said softly, squeezing her hand.

"She is nice." He said when Rowenna spoke about his mother. "She is a strong, principled woman. We don't always see eye to eye, but I love my mother and I hope you will come to love her too, once you get to know her. I know she will love you."

"What about your mother, Rowenna? I don't think you've spoken to me about her before." He asked.

(I think a time-skip to the wedding is in order. Not right now but after this scene is over. What do you say?)


Adam stifled a smile. He barely knew Jaime Lannister and couldn't speak to his brashness - all he knew about was the man's prowess with the sword and the lance. He had jousted with him once in a tourney and been handily defeated. He did know however that Cersei wasn't exactly a paragon of patience either. Not that he would ever say that to her. Let her believe in herself.

"I do," he answered to her question. "Three, in fact. Two brothers and a sister. My youngest brother is esquired to House Tarbeck. My sister still stays at home with my parents, though she's been betrothed to a cousin of yours, from Lannisport. My other brother is a bit of a scoundrel. He's off on a tour of the Free Cities. If I'm not mistaken, he's in Lys at the moment and given the reputation of that city, I doubt he will ever leave." He said wryly, referring to the infamous 'pleasure houses' of that city.

"I'm closest with my sister," he admitted. Once she marries, I hope to bring her to court with her husband. It is too soon to ask, I suppose, but may I ask you the boon of giving her husband a good position here in King's Landing? I would be in your debt."
Rowenna realized it had to have been more shocking for him whereas she had always had the tiniest chance of being picked as a wife once he had agreed to marry a Frey, whereas no one would have expected the King in the North title to be brought back.

"I'm sure you will be." The fact he was going to war and rebelling against the iron throne was admirable, just for the fact it took courage to do that and it wasn't even counting the reason being to avenge his family.

"I just hope I won't disappoint." Hopefully she wouldn't somehow screw up and do badly. Plus she had to worry about whether his mother would like her or not. It would be kind of awkward if she ended up not. He seemed sure though that she would and that things would be fine.

The mention of her own mother made her feel fidgety. Walder Frey was known for outliving his wife's and her mother hadn't been an exception to that as he now had a new young wife was that barely older than herself. "Well she was a like me. Or, I'm a lot like her." Probably more talkative in comparison though, she couldn't imagine anyone chatting with her father much and the only ones that even remotely back talked him were the men in the family.

"I don't think she was very strong willed though in personality. None of my fathers wives that I can remember seemed that way." She never liked thinking about how many step mothers she had and would rather consider herself technically half an orphan. "I probably had spent more time with her than most others in the family," she admitted. "She would've liked you."

(Sounds good. I figured that would be the next place to skip to.)


So he had one more sibling than she did. While she loved her one brother she would have much traded the other for her mother to be there and not have died. She always blamed Tyrion and that it was his fault she was gone. That, along with him being a dwarf was the reason why she basically hated him.

The mention of cousin put those thoughts to the back burner for a moment. So he was kind of similar in that he was close to his sister but of course knew it wasn't to similar to her and Jaime. No one else aside from the Taragreyns before the two of then had the sort of incestuous relationship the twins did.

Having favors and people owning one debts was always a nice thing. Then to could get them to possibly do something they normally wouldn't otherwise. That was why Cersei usually liked them. "I'm sure we could find them a good place here." Maybe start him off as a squire and work up to a knight. Or his sister could easily find a place in court. "You'll have to introduce me when they get here." She was referring to his sister of the two, obviously.
"Of course you won't disappoint," Robb said, holding her hand. "We're in this together. I'm learning how to be a King. I'll be there for you when you learn how to be a Queen. That's what marriage is, right? Supporting each other."

It was a rather cheesy speech and he felt a little awkward afterwards, smiling sheepishly. He just wanted to reassure Rowenna.

The moment turned sad when Robb realized that her mother had passed away. "I'm glad to hear that," he said quietly, when she told him that her mother would have liked him." He squeezed her hand gently. "She sounds like a wonderful person."

He would liked to have met her mother. How lonely must she have been in this household with her mother gone. Robb understood the pain of losing a parent all too well. It was devastating, especially when it happened so suddenly, without warning, without any chance of saying goodbye.

He held onto her hand tightly, drawing strength from this new bond.


The great hall of the Twins was bedecked in candles and banners of all manners, the colours of the Frey and the Stark covering everything. Robb stood, resplendent in his House colours, wearing the crown that named him King.

Catelyn stood by his side. Walder Frey sat on his throne watching the proceedings will ill-concealed mirth. The septon who would bless the marriage stood there as well, ready for the ceremony to proceed. He had already led all assembled to prayers to the Seven, though most of the Northmen - loyal to the old gods - had abstained. Robb had done so, however, as a favour to his mother more than anything.

The time had come for the vows. Robb took a deep breath and turned to Rowenna, clasping her hands and speaking the rituals words.

"I, Robb of House Stark, promise to hold you, Rowenna of House Frey, as my wife and other half for as long as I live. I will cherish your companionship and treat you with honour and respect. I will be true to you and you alone. I will consider your advice when I make my decisions. You shall be my confidant and my soulmate. This I vow."

(Completely made the vow up. It's not very good, I know. Make up your own version! After this comes the changing of the cloaks, the kiss and the pledge, the seption pronouncing them married. Done!)


"Of course, Your Grace. My sister would be ecstatic to meet the Queen." He said, setting down his goblet. "Thank you." Adam bowed to her, coming up smiling.

"I want to ask...what made you pick me out that day in court? I've been here seven years and I don't believe we even exchanged glances before. I was pleased and honoured, of course, but I was also surprised." He looked at her quizzically. "Why did you choose me, Majesty?"
"Your right," Rowenna agreed. The fact she wasn't alone in the whole trying to figure out how to be royal and what to do process made her feel a little better. She just hoped she wouldn't somehow screw up really bad even if she couldn't think what possible thing could be done that would be so bad.

It was kind of relieving to not have to talk much about her mother as it was a bit painful even though she knew his loss was fresher and probably more painful than her own. Getting away from there would be nice as it wouldn't be a constant reminder that she wasn't particularly close to many other family members.

Smiling lightly she supposed that if nothing else they at least shared one thing in common to understand how the other felt.


The day of the wedding had come and Rowenna couldn't have been more nervous if she tried. Everyone in the family, the northern lords, her father, anyone you could imagine that was at the Twins was there. Her father being there made her nervous as she expected at any time for him to say something inappropriate. The days up to it the servants had made a beautiful gown for her to wear which felt a little weird since she wasn't used to anything that extravagant.

They already went through all the prayers to the Seven which she didn't even have to look to know half of the people there weren't participating in. At least they agreed to have a wedding in the faith of the seven, she wouldn't have had any clue how one by the Old Gods went or what was said for that sort of wedding. Next came the vows and she needed to take a breath to calm her nerves before speaking.

"I, Rowenna of house Frey, take you as my husband and other half for as long as I live. I promise to be loyal and devoted to only you. I will always help and give advice to the best of my ability. I will stand by you and give one hundred percent, always, I vow to you."

((I don't think mine is very good lol))


Cersei nodded and had to admit she might have been just a tiny bit curious to meet someone of his family. That wouldn't be for awhile though which didn't bother her at all. Right now there was to many important things to worry about then a family visit and seeing a cousin she had probably never met before in her life. There was so much family in the Lannisters sometimes it was just hard to keep track.

Thinking over the question she couldn't exactly say straight up why she had decided to speak to him. Her saying that he sort of reminded her of her brother wasn't exactly what someone would consider a compliment even though it kind of was. So instead she needed to come up with some other reason that would be more acceptable.

"With Joffrey now king I figured it was about time to get familiar with more of the lords in Kings Landing. And you family has always been loyal to the Lannisters." That was the practical answer, she thought.
Robb smiled, looking into her eyes, as she vowed to be his wife. It all felt so surreal and yet so wonderful. He glanced up at her father who was whispering in the years of one of his sons.

Black Walder came up to Rowenna, in the place of her decrepit father. He leaned forward and unhooked the cloak she was wearing, one adorned with Frey colours. Robb waited until the man had stepped back and then went to stand behind her. He swept off his own cloak, silver and green for the Stark colours and wrapped it around her. He leaned forward, their cheeks touching as he clasped the cloak at her neck. "You look beautiful," he whispered in her ear, gently kissing her on the cheek.

Coming to stand in front of her again, Robb took her hands in his. She would speak the words of her pledge and he would reply. "With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife." Robb leaned forward and kissed Rowenna, their lips touching. His heart thundered.

The septon raised his staff high, even though Robb had not yet broken the kiss and said in a high, reedy voice,"Here in the sight of gods and men, I do solemnly proclaim Robb of House Stark and Rowenna of House Frey to be man and wife, one flesh, one heart and one soul, now and forever, and cursed be the one who comes between them."

They were married.


"Ah, I see." Adam said, turning away to hide the flash of disappointment. It was a pragmatic reason, prudent and full of foresight. But he had wanted, even hoped, for something more. Foolish.

"Well, I'm glad you chose me first, your Grace," he said, smiling, recovering slightly from his disappointment. He raised an eyebrow and cracked a joke. "Unless you're seeing other behind my back?"

Rowenna felt as someone came up behind her to take off the cloak of House Frey. Her father was still in his seat, and being as old as he was she wouldn't have expected him to be the one to take off her family's house cloak.

As the colors for House Stark were put on her, they almost felt heavier somehow. Maybe just that she was not getting married and would be the wife of the man ruling the north. Smiling as he whispered her eyes locked onto his once he moved to stand in front of her again.

Now was time for the pledging and she spoke in similar fashion to him. "With this kiss I pledge my love, and take you as my lord and husband." Leaning forward, they kissed and she felt a little light headed and giddy, along with nervous for what would happen later that night. Vaguely she heard what the septon said and how they were now married. Next would be the feast and then the bedding.

It wasn't until they pulled away that she remembered people were still watching them, but she didn't think about that as it might cause some self consciousness when there was already the bedding to bring that feeling out. Smiling a bit at him she finally flickered her eyes out towards everyone.


Cersei thought there seemed to be more to his response. Almost like he was expecting, or wanting, to hear some other answer. "No more than the usual," she allowed herself to be a little less serious for a moment as he joked. She still wanted to delve deeper to see if maybe she was right and there was more to that 'I see'. But she didn't want to press to much to soon.

"Was it really surprising when a servant said I wanted to speak with you?" It probably had been since they had never really been in any sort of contact but she still asked anyway.
Robb took his wife's hand and turned towards the assembled. "Let the feasts begin!" He shouted, raising one arm. The hall erupted into cheers, the Northmen being particularly boisterous. Robb led Rowenna to the head table, taking his appointed chair, but not before he had seen to it that she was seated.

Catelyn approached and curtsied to Rowenna. "My sincerest congratulations, my queen." She said, smiling before taking the other seat beside Robb. The feast was already well underway, the attendants laughing, singing and eating and drinking with gusto. Lord Walder was in a particularly jolly mood, talking so much that spittle flew from his mouth. Robb rested his hand on Rowenna's, smiling at her. There was a pit of nervousness and excitement in his stomach, mostly at the thought of the bedding to come.

He began to eat, gaining his appetite again as he bit into the succulent fowl before him. "Eat, Rowenna." He told his wife. "You'll need the energy," he quipped, winking at her.

(So, the bedding. How do you want to do it? I was thinking I could play the guys taking up Rowenna and you could play the women doing the same to Robb? Have to think about how to play that out.)


Adam laughed at Cersei's coy response, raising his goblet at her. Who knew? Maybe she did sleep with other men. It would not be surprising with Robert the brute he had been. Adam felt a pang of jealousy, but suppressed it. It was her business who she wanted to sleep with.

"Mmm, it was, yes. We had never spoken before. I know your brother somewhat, but I don't think I had ever done more than look at you before our first meeting." Oh, how long and hard he had looked...But she did not need to know that. "But I was pleased too. It's always an honour, your Grace and I was excited to be able to finally meet your acquaintance and be of use to you. If nothing else, who wouldn't want to be around a beautiful woman like yourself?" He smiled.
Rowenna turned towards everyone as he did. The crowd was rowdy and roaring. Taking her seat, this was the first time she could remember actually sitting at the head of the table. Normally her older half siblings would, or even her father and his wife. It was different, but in a nice way.

"Thank you, My Lady," she smiled and would have to get used to the title of queen. She had always thought to marry a lord and still be 'My Lady'. As the feast went underway Rowenna went to take a drink of wine first to calm her nerves about what would happen later that night.

The actual act of what they would do didn't make her nervous. Well it did, as she worried about somehow doing something wrong and having no experience whereas she didn't know if he might be like other lords and have been with a whore or two before, but that still didn't scare her as much as the actual bedding. What woman looked forward to being carried out towards their bedroom and having men stripping them down nude? It wasn't fun watching and she certainly didn't think it would be fun actually being the one that happened to.

Looking to him she smiled a bit and looked back towards her food. Despite her worries she should at least try and enjoy the feast and the time with him before it all would happen. Picking up her silverware she took some of the roasted duck to eat. The music was beginning to play an everyone was chattering as she tried to think of a good thing to say. She couldn't remember the last meal, it felt like it hadn't been since yesterday and so it was quite easy to dig in.

"I guess I'm hungrier than I thought," she mused after a few moments.


Taking a drink of her own goblet she wondered for a moment what he was thinking. There was many ways one could take what she said. Already her mind was on to the next thing that might have to be dealt with now the Eddard Stark was to be going to the wall. Even when thinking about not so serious things or 'fun' aspects, she couldn't help but always keep threats and things needed dealing with in the back of her mind. It was better to be prepared than have something happen and be caught completely off guard.

"Your to kind," she gave a small smile. While she didn't know who it was he liked and didn't think he could have, she suspected he wouldn't be against possible personal relations between them. "Well I think I've made the right choice." So far. And she thought so in more than just one way.

"Would you like anything to eat? Please help yourself." Right now there was just fruit on the table but later on she planned to have dinner in there once night grew closer.
With his wife on one side and his mother on the other, Robb almost felt happy. But every time he looked around, he was reminded of his losses. His father should have been here, to give his blessings to him and Rowenna. His sisters should have been here. Sansa would have been overjoyed and would have insisted on being Rowenna's bridesmaid. Arya would have likely scoffed at the task and run around pretending to be a prince instead. Bran and Rickon and Jon...they should have all been here.

Saddened, Robb paused in his eating and clasped Rowenna's left hand with his right. She was his only succor. His family's misfortunes had led him to her and he would hold on to that as a reminder that the old gods had not forsaken him. Eddard Stark was dead perhaps, but through him and Rowenna, the Stark line would continue. With him the King in the North had been born again. The title would not die with him.

He smiled at his wife, squeezing her hand. "Nervous?" he teased, referring to the bedding that was soon to follow. To be honest, he himself was. The idea of being paraded through the corridors with the Frey women undressing him and making lewd jokes was not his idea of fun. The only thing he was looking forward to was being with Rowenna.

He hoped he did not disappoint her. Unlike Theon, Robb had held steadfast to his virginity, keeping it for his wedding night. He knew many lords did not believe it necessary, a few even deeming it right that a man should lose his first time to an experienced woman so that he might please his wife well. He did not agree. He only hoped Rowenna appreciated that. She did not seem the type to think much on such matters, something he admired in her.

Heartened by the simply act of touching her, he turned back to his dinner, occasionally pausing to accept the congratulations from Stark, Tully or Frey bannermen. His mother had tears in the corners of her eyes, even though she was smiling. Robb held her hand throughout, realizing what pain she was in.

All too soon and yet none too fast, the feast was over. As expected, it was Greatjon Umber who stood and roared,"Let the bedding begin!" The crowed followed suit, all eyes falling on the bride and groom. "See you soon, Rowenna," Robb managed, before being whisked away by a bunch of giggling girls, both Frey and Northmen alike.


"I'm glad you think so, Your Grace. I hope to be of continued service to you." Adam said, bowing his head. It was always good to see Cersei smile; she did so rarely and even when she did, it was often a smile of spite or contempt. Her face lit up when it was in genuine mirth.

"Don't mind if I do," He said in response to his offer, picking up an apple and biting into it. He swallowed before speaking,"Won't you eat as well, my Queen? Here, let me draw you a chair." He did so, pulling her ornate chair up to the table, with a little effort. He didn't draw one for himself; he would stand unless she ordered otherwise.

He brushed his hair back and smiled. "To be honest, Your Grace, I had never imagined I would end up being personal guard to you. I had always hoped to have closer relations with you, the Queen of the realm and my liege lord's daughter. It would have done my House good. But...I failed to draw your attention in anyway when I first arrived at court, green behind the ears. It has taken me seven years perhaps, but I am glad you have finally noticed me."
Rowenna gave her smiles and even thanks a few times when some of the bannermen came up for congratulations. Otherwise she tried to eat a little more, but it was mostly the wine she had in hopes of trying to relax a bit and not feel so nervous about what was to come.

Giving just a soft nod, she didn't want to seem like a downer for worrying. The thought of her clothes being ripped off by a group of men was not exactly a thrilling thought and it was going to be an exposing experience, she thought.

Glancing over at him and her mother-in-law she hoped they were happy. With how much the family had lost she didn't want to be a let down and a disappointment as a sort of 'replacement' for what losses they suffered. While she didn't intend to replace anyone, she didn't want them to regret her becoming part of the family.

The mention of bedding had her heart drop and as the guys came over towards her, she couldn't have looked more uneasy and uncomfortable. She forced a small smile towards him while she barely heard what was said. Already she could hear lewd jokes but just tried to block all of that out.

((Bad post, I'm sorry.))


Winter was slowly but surely arriving as snow continued to fall more and more each day. Being at the top of The Vale was cold, but not something Sansa Stark was unused to from having grown up in the north. Oh how did she miss it there. But there was nothing left there for her. Winterfell, was in shambles, her brothers were all dead, her sister was too as far as she knew, and her parents as well. The only Stark that was left was her and here she was as a bastard girl in The Vale. Now she was just like her half brother Jon Snow.

Petyr, who she was pretending to be the daughter of, and was Lord Protecter until Robin came of age, had promised to take her back home eventually. What could she go back to though? An empty rebuilt home that only served to give her more memories she wished to have once again? That wasn't counting the fact that whoever married her would become The Lord of Winterfell. She worried not only would they want her just for her inheritance, but what would happen to her family's last name.

None of this she really had answers for, nor did she want to speak her thoughts out loud. At least Little Finger was having one of his little meetings so 'Alayne', could play the part of the dutiful daughter. She usually needn't say to much as they only spoke openly in private and usually she was only asked to pour wine, or something of that nature, which only required a 'Yes Father'. They were already chatting away as she mulled into her own thoughts, half listening for if there was something important she needed to know and hear,
(It's fine. :) )

Robb hoped Rowenna would be alright. She was so shy and quiet, he was certain the bedding ritual would be very hard on her. The gaggle of girls and women surrounding him had already almost stripped him, one of them picking up his crown and throwing it at someone. Robb looked back in alarm and saw Catelyn catching it. His mother winked at him, making him blush deeply. Thankfully, the assembled women did not take off his smallclothes until after she had left.

He had never imagined women could have such lewd mouths. The jokes they cracked made him blush like a....well, newlywed. Their hands didn't stay still either, roaming over him and commenting on everything they touched, particularly his manhood. He couldn't help but get erect, which only drew laughs and titters from everyone. He tried to give as good as he got at first, but he was not match for the filth spewing from their mouths.

He was deeply relieved when they finally shoved him into the room that had been set aside for them and closed the door. They were still outside, but by the gods was he glad to be away from them. He felt more than a little skeevy. Some of those women had been older than his mother and the things they had said!

Robb shuddered. The room was in shadows, the lamps muted. Rowenna should have been brought here as well, through another door. "Rowenna?" He called out, unsure if she was here in the dark. She must have hated it even more than him. "Are you here?"

He suddenly realized that he was naked. And that Rowenna would be too. He automatically put a hand over his manhood and flushed. He had been looking forward to this night ever since he had proposed to her, but it was still embarrassing. His heart pounded as he looked about for a way to set the lights high.


Ser Osgren Tollett scraped at his fingernails with a small knife as he listened to Lord Baelish speak with the emissary Lord Royce had sent. He was bored and more than a little irritated. The youngest scion of House Tollett, he had been chosen to act as Yohn Royce's eyes and ears in the Eyrie, for the duration of the year that the Lords Declarant had given Baelish to prove his worth as a guardian to the young Lord Arryn. The thought of being trapped in this lonely, haunted place gave him the chills.

Still, all was not lost. Osgren glanced at the shapely young girl in the corner, meekly waiting for her father's orders. Alayne Stone, Baelish's bastard was a beauty. Osgren wondered how long it would take for him to coax her between the sheets. He had a thing for bastards; they were easy.

He looked up as Baelish called for wine to be poured, smiling. Apparently, some sort of agreement had been reached. In fact, Baelish looked at Osgren and nodded. So. He was indeed going to be staying in the Eyrie. Great.

He only hoped Alayne Stone would be a worthy diversion.
Rowenna couldn't think of a thing to say but probably had a look between horrified and very uncomfortable as the men made their jokes and piece by piece the clothing came off. Feeling self conscious was something she couldn't help seeing as they were probably scrutinizing her secretly and she couldn't see the 'fun' or supposed 'joking' in all of this. How anyone, meaning women, could ever enjoy something like it was beyond her even if it was tradition. At least the First Night practice. That would have been horrible. At least she wouldn't have had to worry about that since she had in fact married a king.

When she was fully nude, it was a welcome relief to be shoved in a room and away from everyone. That was something she would be happy to never experience again! Looking around it was rather hard to see with how dark it was and she wasn't sure what to do but walk a few feet away from the door and maybe feel around for the bed. Moving a few steps, she was a little worried of tripping over something.

As soon as she heard a door, she immediately covered herself without even thinking about it. Part of her felt disgusted from all the touching earlier and was almost happy no one could see how embarrassed she felt. "Yes," she whispered, unable to really see where he was except maybe a shadow of a figure from him. "I'm here."


Sansa overheard the emissary and how they were proposing one of the Tollett's to stay there. It didn't surprise her that it was brought up how Tollett's were a family of The Vale and knew the workings here well so the young Lord could provide assistance if it was ever needed, or something to that affect. With Petyr teaching her little things here and there it was getting easier to pick up on 'conveniences' like that. While the Royce's, she had heard, had wanted to help her brother during the war, she wasn't sure they'd be friends of hers if her identity was ever found out.

Sansa worried that day would come sooner rather than later. Already she was worried about when she would run out of dye to darken her hair. Once that was gone her brighter auburn hair would begin showing through and would bring about suspicion. And Little Finger had yet to bring up any of those things in their conversations, nor did she mention her worries, so she wasn't sure yet what would happen if that time came before it was the 'right time' to tell who she really was.

Struck out of her thoughts about the mention of bringing wine she quickly brought it over to fill their cups before setting it down in the center. "Alayne, why don't you bring the tray of food over," her 'father' mentioned which she gave a quick nod to before going over to grab it. 'Alayne' merely glanced at the two 'guests' for a brief moment as she set it down on the table and stepped back a ways.
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