The Wolf King and the Lioness (Cold x Iikaitlynii)


Jul 7, 2012
Shadows danced above the bedstead as the wind swept through the open window, making the candles flicker. Robb groaned and closed his eyes, trying his best to shut out the pain in his side. He should not have underestimated Jaime Lannister. Even surprised and cornered, the man had fought viciously. If it hadn't been for the Karstark brothers and Theon, Robb would likely be dead. As it was, he felt like he was dying.

The maester at the Twins had said that the wound was less grievous than it appeared and that it had missed all vital organs, but it certainly didn't feel that way. The Kingslayer's sword had sliced through the flesh at his side. Robb could readily remember the horror of the moment as he felt the blood spurt out of him. He shivered and moaned again.

Catelyn was not with him yet. She was on the way, hurrying no doubt after having heard the news of his wounding. Robb grit his teeth; the last thing he needed was his mother lecturing him or hovering over him. The Stark-Tully host needed to press their advantage. He had already given the orders to the Blackfish, Umber and Theon. Even if he couldn't lead them personally, they couldn't sit still.

The Late Lord Frey seemed to have taken the opportunity to impress upon Robb the oath that he had taken. He had been told that a Frey girl would be taking care of him while he recuperated. No doubt Walder Frey hoped that they would grow close and the marriage he had promised would go through sooner than otherwise. Robb grimaced at the thought. It had been a necessity, but he sorely regretted being pushed into a marriage like this. Hopefully the maiden would be comely and sweet and not a smaller version of her father or grandfather or whatever the relation was. It was bad enough being forced into a marriage for tactical reasons; if he could at least find a worthy wife, maybe even love, it would be worth it.


Adam chuckled and put away the piece of paper. "Hardly, your Highness. But you and I agree then...these men and women are not threats to the Crown or to your person."

He looked her over, curious as to what she was thinking. She hadn't been surprised by a single name. "What would you have me do, Majesty? Leave them be and focus on others? Or is my part in this done?" He hoped not. It would be a shame if Cersei threw him away after a small job such as this. He could do so much more for her.
The Starks had come back much sooner than expected after the first battle since crossing the bridge. Jaime Lannister had managed to get the better of the King in the North before being captured and so the best place to recuperate and be out of the way of the battle of the Twins. There was no doubt to anyone that Lady Catelyn would be showing up before to long to see her son and how he was doing. According to the maester the wound wasn't very serious and he would be fine in no time.

Lord Frey had decided it 'necessary' to have one of his daughters looking after the king while he healed, which was probably just an attempt for the marriage to happen sooner than it would otherwise. Rowenna was a little annoyed she was being forced into doing this. Everyone kind of knew she did things like helping out with those who were hurt but normally she tried not to let it be so easily known. So it was different to help while trying to keep it quiet that she did anything healing related while this the whole family was going to know her father sent her and was trying to sneakily see her married off and that made her a bit fidgety.

Decidedly the brunette would just focus on this like it was any other person rather than dwell on her fathers hidden intentions. Quietly she came into the semi-dark room. There were candles lit and with it slowly starting to get dark the moonlight would fill the room as well. Feeling a little awkward she decided to just do something simple like get some water in a bowel and use a rag if he got to hot as well as a glass of water to drink.

Filling up the two things she took it to the table right by the bed. With it sounding like he was conscious now maybe it would be easier to talk so he would know she was there and maybe it wouldn't be as weird. "Are you thirsty, Your Grace?" she asked and had a chair nearby to sit in if needed.


Cersei doubted those words. Everyone, especially those of low birth, or lower noble birth, were always looking to gain in status, power, and lands. But then again there were those who didn't care about that sort of thing. Like most of the lords in the north. They were like Ned Stark and didn't really care for the Game of Thrones. The problem with that though was there is never a middle ground, you only win or die. In the Stark Lord's case he was lucky seeing as they didn't need a war right now which was she she intended for him to join the Nights Watch if he would cooperate.

"Keep an eye on them. See if they say anything troublesome. But focus on others," she told him. They weren't much of a threat but she did have to keep her eyes and ears open for any actual talk of possible treason. That wouldn't do. For now they would just wait and bide time. But for now she didn't think there was anyone in the city that was really much of a threat to her and her position or her family.
Robb had been swimming in and out of feverish visions, most likely because of the milk of poppy the maester had given him, but he snapped awake when he heard a sweet voice speak.

He looked at her, feeling very conscious of the fact that he was not wearing a shirt and opened his mouth. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. It was dark in the room and the moonlight and the light of the candles reacted strangely, leaving much of the place in shadows. He could see her face clearly though and if she was indeed a Frey, Lord Walder's blood had no part in her looks.

"Y...yes, m'lday," he said, licking his lips, preferring to be on the safe side. She could just be a servant girl, but he doubted it somehow. There was something about her bearing. He tried to pull himself up to a sitting position and winced when pain shot through the wound. Easy wound or no, it still hurt like a bitch.


Adam inclined his head. "I understand, your Majesty. I will keep my eyes and ears open." He didn't want to leave just yet; he hardly got his fill drinking in her beauty during these short sessions. He had hoped at first that she might have more use for him than simply as her spy now that Robert was dead, but she seemed uninterested in him that way. That was...a pity.

"Will there be anything else, your Highness?" He wanted to make small talk, just chat until he could her to laugh or even just smile. She smiled so rarely. But he was still just a knight playing errand boy. He had to be careful not to overstep his bounds, lest she discard him completely.
Rowenna wasn't sure if he would speak or just nod his head in response. From only being in there a moment she really didn't know how bad the wound was or how out of it he was either. "Easy," she said as she saw him wince and reached over to help him get into a more sitting up position. With how much poppy they probably had him on she thought some water might be good to help hydrate. Plus she could only imagine how thirsty he probably was.

Taking the cup she gently brought it to his lips, not wanting to over tip and him choke. It felt a tad awkward since she could guess her fathers intentions for her doing this and it kind of took away from the fact she did like to help people but she tried not to think about that. After a few moments she brought the cup down seeing if he had enough or wanted more.

"Do you need anything? I'm sure you must be hungry."


Cersei was pleased that so far things were going well. Still she was being on the look out and couldn't just go around trusting anyone. There was very few people, if much of anyone, that she fully trusted and she had to make sure when she relied on someone knew to keep on guard. They could be working for anyone to spy on her as well. That was just how it worked in the Capitol. With that thought in mind she wanted to keep him close so she could figure out if she really could trust him. With how he reminded her of Jaime it was hard not to do something rather bold and not very smart in the meantime.

Thinking for a moment the simplest thing came to mind, but she knew it might draw others attention if she paid to much attention to him and had him hanging around so much. "Why don't you join me for dinner tomorrow," she spoke. "Unless your busy, of course?"
He kept looking at her and then away as she gently put the cup to his lips and bade him drink. He really was parched and the water was a welcome balm to his sore throat. He coughed a little when the cup was pulled away, wiping his mouth with one hand. Before, when he had been ill or wounded during sparring, it had been his mother or even Sansa who had cared for him like this, at best one of the maids. This was...a new experience.

"Thank you, m'lady, but no." He politely declined her offer of food. "I am hungry, but I have no appetite to swallow food." He vaguely waved at the chair nearby, trying not to grimace. "Please. Sit. And pray tell your name." He looked up at her and smiled slightly. "I would like to know whose kind hands I'm beholden to."


He could almost see her calculating her moves behind those beautiful green eyes. His heart leaped to his throat when she made her offer, but he showed no outward sign of it.

Instead, he stood and bowed. "I shall never be too busy to answer your summons, your Grace." He smiled at her. "As I said before, I am, now and always, your humble servant. Tomorrow it is then. I look forward to it."
Rowenna set the cup back on the table. Nodding she supposed it would be hard to eat. Usually that was the reason why those wounded would eat soft food until they regained enough strength to do otherwise. But she could understand him not wanting to eat for awhile and would just have to make sure he drank to quell the hunger as well as keep hydrated.

"Rowenna, Your Grace," she said and figured he would guess she was a Frey. "It's no trouble. My father would see to it your well taken care of." She could only guess he choose her because of the fact she kind of knew about taking care of someone when they're ill or wounded. The other girls weren't idiots and would know the basics of what to do, but they wouldn't understand when to leave someone alone so they could get rest and probably bother him to much.


"Until tomorrow then." Cersei watched as he took his leave. Finding out as much as she could about him would make things easier to make any sort of move. If the other spy's could tell her information, on top of whatever may be discussed tomorrow would be helpful. With the door closed it left her with time to think about what was going on with her family and how none of them were in Kings Landing at the moment. Just her kids, herself, and a couple cousins but that was it as far as Lannisters in the capitol.

Tomorrow wouldn't be much of a busy day now that all of the lords and commoners had sworn fealty. There was always problems the lower born brought to court to have the king fix, that would never change though. At least the whole day wouldn't be daunting.
He felt a little better after that drink. The drowsiness was still there and he knew it would claim him in a moment. But he didn't want to appear weak and vulnerable...well, anymore than he was, in front of Lady Rowenna.

"A beautiful name, my Lady," he smiled wanly. "Thank you for consenting to watch over me like this." Her father had told her; did that mean she didn't wish to be here?

The thought of his marriage vow to the Freys was on his mind ever since he had made it. He had thought it an impossible burden; the very thought of marrying into the brood of the Late Lord Frey was vile. But...looking upon Rowenna, he had to reconsider. She was beautiful. And what was more, she appeared kind and humble.

Robb was old enough and wise enough to understand that that may very well be a mask. But he didn't see any need to assume that out of paranoia. She may very well be what she seemed, as well. He would look for the best.

He felt sleep coming and slowly lowered himself so his head lay on the pillow, grimacing at the pain. "I'm sorry, Lady Rowenna." He said in somewhat of a drowsy mumble,"The poppy milk is taking effect. May I ask...please be here when I wake, unless my mother arrives. I do not wish to be alone."

It was sudden, perhaps, and a little binding. How could she refuse? Robb felt guilty for asking even as he did so. But it was the truth. He didn't wish to be alone and the thought of waking up to her face was...pleasant.


The day passed in a blur for Adam. He had refrained from going to court, instead spending his time ingratiating himself with lords he knew had been loyal to House Baratheon over Lannister. None of them trusted him of course, but Adam was not stupid enough to make his wishes plain. This kind of work took time; in the meantime he picked up on any gossip about Cersei and Joffrey among them. They were, however, appreciably tight-lipped.

By dinnertime, his anticipations were running high. He dressed in his best, a voluminous cloak hiding his best-tailored shirt and trousers made from silk imported from the Summer Islands. He took with him a bottle of wine from Lys as a gift. He wanted to make the best impression. Likely Cersei only meant to grill him more about his findings. But he was not going to pass up a chance to pull himself up in her regard and get an eyeful of her as well.

He sent word of his availability and waited.
"Thank you, Your Grace," Rowenna replied with a soft smile. While that sort of nice thing was normal for a male to say to a woman to be polite that fact didn't bother her much. It was just sort of.. nice to speak to someone knew. They didn't particularly get visitors there a lot. The last time was probably when the late king Robert had come north seeking a new hand. Before that she couldn't remember exactly the last time. Though she knew talking with someone new wasn't the same thing as having to take care of someone who was wounded. In this case he didn't exactly have a choice in who he could talk to.

"I don't mind. I've taken care of people before." From the looks of it he probably wouldn't be awake to much longer, she thought. That was usually the case when the poppy was involved which was why she thought water would be good to quench thirst and it wouldn't leave him falling asleep shortly after every time he woke up.

"Of course," she said not really expecting he would want her to stay there, but having someone around was probably comforting until someone he knew could be there. In all honesty though she wasn't sure if his mother would arrive there before he woke up again so she'd probably have to stay herself and have food brought so she could eat.

She would probably often check to see if he was getting to hot or feverish and use a cool rag to help.


The day was filled with more things court related. People always had their problems and seeking hell from the king. Joffrey stayed for a short while before taking off to go do more interesting things. Presumably training or something of that nature. It was no surprise that Sansa Stark often same to court. For the moment she didn't pay her to much mind. Having already gotten her to write a letter to her brother about swearing fealty to the king things were already easily in motion for the upcoming days. Now the only thing was dealing with Ned Stark and then seeing what course of action the northerners took.

Dinner time came what seemed like rather quickly and had herself in a nice golden dress, with hints of red, that shone in the light. That day her hair was done, with just the top half done up in a braid like style. By the time she was done and ready, she received word of Ser Adam. The food was to be sent in shortly so everything was pretty much all happening at perfect timing.

Sending one of the servants to tell him he could come there was juice as well as wine to drink and for the moment she settled on the former.
Robb dreamed of Winterfell and old memories. He shifted through dreams and nightmares, the poppy keeping him deep in sleep. When he awoke again, it was hours later, though it was still dark.

He awoke in a panic. It was dark; a single candle flickered fitfully, too dim to light the room. His mouth was dry; he licked his lips and tried to speak, but no words came. He coughed and tried again.

"Lady Rowenna?" He called out, embarrassed at how needy he sounded. A strange fear of having been left alone afflicted him and he called out a little louder,"My lady?!"


Adam pressed a coin into the hand of the servant sent by Cersei to summon him and strode into her room, his back straight, his head tall, a winning smile on his lips.

"Your Grace," he greeted her, his heart jumping at the sight of her. She was beautiful this day, in a dress that perfectly complemented her hair. "You look like a goddess; even the Maiden would be jealous of your beauty." He bowed and presented the bottle of Lysene wine to her. "A measly token of my appreciation, for so graciously inviting me to dine with you."

Perhaps she had more in mind that simply politics this night. He certainly hoped so. She was as taciturn as ever and he had no idea what she really thought of him; but he was determined to break through that shell and find what she hid in her heart.
The hours seemed to go rather slowly and Rowenna only managed to get a little sleep in the room adjoining his. The rest was either spent making sure he was okay or else trying to keep herself busy until he would awake again. Whenever that would be.

It was hard to tell exactly the time of night but the girl found herself doing some reading under a candle light when it sounded like he finally awoke. It sounded like he was panicked, maybe from a bad dream? She doubted her being just in the next room with the door open had an affect on him, since he didn't know her and would rather see his mother, she figured, than a stranger. "I'm here," she said while quickly coming in.

"Your fine. Whatever it was, was just a dream." Her hand already had a cup of water just in case he needed something to drink. Aside from waking up in a panic he did appear to otherwise be fine.


Cersei noted how nice he looked as he came in dressed in some fine quality clothing. It really reminded her of her brother at that moment. But quickly she let that thought pass as there was no need to constantly remind herself of Jaime when she had no clue of when she would see him again.

"Your to kind Ser Adam," she replied giving a smile and thanking him for the bottle of wine. "You have fine taste," she commented, partly on the wine as well as a small double meaning about his choice of clothing that he was wearing that night.

The servants were just beginning to bring in the food as she took the bottle so it could be poured and offered him a seat.
She was there. Robb immediately felt deeply ashamed. He'd acted like a spoiled child, not a King. He graciously accepted the water and drank his fill; lying in bed made one thirsty. "Thank you, Lady Rowenna," he said, handing back the cup.

"I am truly sorry for my little outburst." He didn't meet her eyes, embarrassed as he was. "It was unseemly of me to ask you to stay; I can only blame the poppy for that. I hope I did not wake you just now."

Catelyn would admonish him sternly if she felt he'd taken advantage of her in any way. The thought brought a blush to his cheeks, half-naked as he was. "Please, take your leave if you wish. You must want sleep."


"I only speak the truth, your Grace," he answered, taking his seat by her leave. He graciously accepted her compliments; indeed they made his heart soar.

He watched as the servants began to bring the food in, letting silence fill the space. He did not wish to breach the peace by asking her why she'd called on him. He'd let her broach that when she wished. He contented himself on admiring her; she really looked resplendent, a true Queen. How Robert had thrown her aside and instead indulged in fat, filthy whores was beyond him.

"I do not believe I offered my condolences on the passing of your husband, the late King, my Queen. I apologize for that. Please accept them now. You must have been...shocked by his sudden demise."

For some reason, he did not think Cersei mourned Robert at all. The man had never been true to her, or even good. It was an underhanded way of gaining her approval, comparing himself with the dead lout, but he would take whatever he could get.
As he finished the water Rowenna took the cup back and nodded. "There's no need to thank me, Your Grace" she said and felt it was her duty since her father had already had her come there.

"It's fine. Many don't like to be left alone when they're healing," she smiled ever so lightly unsure if that would be something he didn't want to hear and bothered him or not. "I was already awake, you didn't disturb me," she added and truthfully had tried to sleep earlier when he first fell back into slumber since it was hard to tell when someone would wake up and she didn't want to feel dead tired once he finally did.

Shaking her head she didn't want to accept the offer of sleep as it wouldn't look very good for a host to abandon someone they were tending to. "I'm fine, really." While she wasn't sure exactly how long her father expected her to be there, she knew it was longer than this. Probably until Catelyn Stark got there at least. It was better being here then off in her room doing something annoying like sewing, even if it wasn't all that bad. It gave her something more important to do.

"How are you feeling? Do you want me to send for some food now?" With how people could be different on if they felt up to eating or not, she usually had to ask to be sure. Drinking was much easier since one could always use a little water to help quench their dry throat.


Cersei took her seat as well across from him as the servants brought meat, cheese, fruits, and other things of fine quality like the royalty were used to eating on a daily basis.

There was a bit of silence aside from the sound of the servants as they moved around, filling the glasses and bringing things in. Only one remained off a ways but she dismissed her and didn't care to have people overhearing the conversation even if at first it would only be small talk. Plus if something happened later on she wouldn't want word spreading either.

The mention if Robert was a little bit of a bitter feeling, not that she let it show. He was just someone she preferred not to think about and was glad to have him gone. Ned Stark would have informed him about her children and they would have all been killed. "Thank you. His death was quite sudden.. and tragic," she relied in response throwing just a hint of sadness by a king dying even though she couldn't care less that he was gone.

"I just hope things can get back to more normal sense soon," she added faking sympathy only because she knew some had liked the old king. As far as she was concerned though things were better, she was Queen Regent and her son was king. Now she had more power than she did as the wife to that horrible disgusting man.
Robb smiled weakly when she mentioned that some didn't like being alone when wounded. He remembered how he had been as a child, clinging to his mother, asking for her to sleep with him. Was he still the same as that?

"You do me a kindness, my Lady. I am grateful." He was secretly glad she didn't take his offer to take a nap, as long as she was being truthful about not needing it. He did not feel sleepy and he really didn't want to be alone. He'd known her for minutes, but he was already glad of her company.

"Some food...would be good." He agreed, feeling aggrieved that he had to keep asking favours of her. He didn't apologize or thank her again, though. Once was enough. He had shown himself humble. He couldn't have the Freys think he was a soft man.

"After...I hope you will do me the honour of staying and talking. I'm afraid sleep will elude me the rest of this night." He gingerly touched his wound and winced. "The pain abates but does not cease," he muttered to himself, remembering something old Maester Luwin had told him. "It will be a distraction." He smiled at her.


"I'm sure it will, my Queen. With you to look out for him, the good King Joffrey will lead this realm to prosperity." Or not. Joffrey was a spoiled brat. And Cersei coddled him. It was harsh, but true. He had seen it once with his own eyes and heard many stories circulating the court, when Robert would beat the boy and Cersei would immediately snatch him away. The boy had a cruel streak and with his father gone, he would run rampant. Secretly, Adam hoped that Lord Tywin would arrive soon and take up the post of the Hand. Now, that was a man meant for leadership.

"And I will serve you as ably as I can, a humble knight though I am." He inclined his head to her. He waited until she had broken bread before starting himself. The food was secondary. He was here for Cersei. Gaining some political advantage by getting in her good graces would be worth it, but he really had some more personal advantages in mind.

He mulled several openings over in his head, but they all seemed too brazen, too leering. He opted to be be safe. "Your Grace, what do you plan to do with the traitor Ned Stark? I hear he's actually healing up, so it does not appear he will die of his wounds." He sipped at his wine. "Perhaps that is for the best. The North would not take kindly to the death of its liege lord, whether he deserved it or no. I trust you remember what happened the last time the Lord of Winterfell died in King's Landing," he said, referring to King Aery's brutal murder of Rickon and Brandon Stark, one of the main reasons of Robert's Rebellion.
Rowenna nodded slightly and wondered for a moment if maybe he had wanted her to go so he could have some time alone. The only problem was it would be hard calling for someone if he needed something if that had been the case. Instead of thinking that she just decided to think about other things instead of giving herself a possible headache.

"I'd be happy to," she said as she got up to fetch a servant to get some food. Seeing as she didn't know if he would prefer wine to help with the pain or water she just asked them to get both. Some heavy food probably wasn't appropriate, at least not for the first meal after being hurt so it would probably just be something simple. While it was to late now, she felt stupid for not having eaten a little more earlier and couldn't imagine when he'd go to sleep again so she could.

"It should be up in a few moments," she told him after coming back into the room. With him being the king the servants wouldn't want to keep him waiting, especially with him being injured.

"I think I overheard your mother is supposed to arrive within a few days" she added and figured he might like to hear that.


"Of course," Cersei relied allowing a tiny smile to appear. With Robert gone they could finally run things their way. Joffrey would be king with her as queen regent. Before to long her father would show to accept the position as hand of the king. Everything was perfectly falling into place now that she played a part in getting rid of her husband. The only thing to make it all better is if Jaime were to come home soon, but she wasn't sure exactly when that would happen.

"Perhaps. I'm sure you will serve well even for only a humble knight." She meant it in a good way though as she broke bread to begin eating. A few moments passed in silence as she thought about what exactly she would say next but was beaten to the punch by the mention of Ned Stark.

"Yes all to well." That was the same war that she ended up marrying Robert after and becoming queen. At the time she might have tried to love him, but it didn't take long to see who he really was and that he would always love Lyanna Stark. The only good thing about that whole marriage was her becoming queen and that her children were royalty, princes and princess. Now one of them was king. Mulling over the question for a moment there was no harm in mentioning what she intended.

"As soon as he confesses to his treason I intend for him to be sent to The Wall," she spoke after taking a sip of the wine.
Robb shifted, trying to sit up more comfortably and cover up his nakedness a little, the movement earning him stabs of pain. He smiled as Rowenna came in again and inclined his head. "Thank you my lady." He perked up at the news of his mother. "That is good news indeed. I look forward to introducing her to you. She will be grateful to you for attending to me."

"Please, sit." He gestured at the chair beside the bed. "Tell me a little about yourself. It is not everyday a man has the chance to be cared for by a beautiful lady like yourself. I do not wish to let this opportunity to get to know you slip away." He spoke from genuine interest, as well as the awareness that the shrewd Walder Frey would never have sent her up to his room without ulterior motives. She herself seemed entirely innocent however and Robb was warming to her. She was earnest, if a little bashful. That hair reminded him of his mother and those eyes...yes, he could see himself marrying Rowenna Frey. Lady Rowenna Stark didn't sound half bad either.


"The Wall," Adam repeated, sipping at his wine, mulling this information over. It was likely the right thing to do. There was a danger that releasing Stark after his attempt at a coup would be giving him a chance to do it again, but if the realm knew the truth...would they support him? It was a difficult consideration.

Added to that, Renly Baratheon had left the city just as Stark had been imprisoned. Adam did not think that a coincidence. The two must have been in on it. Likely Stark had tried to seize the throne for Renly, just as he had once done for Robert. It was said that the man had no ambition of his own after all.

"Yes...I do not see what else you could do with Stark," Adam admitted. "I feel that Sansa and Arya Stark are the key to holding the North at bay though. I have heard tell about Stark's 'honour', but if he can turn against the rightful king, who can vouch for him keeping his oath as a Night's Watch Ranger?" He did not wish to fill Cersei with doubts, but he felt it prudent to put up his views. "Do you have any thoughts about Renly, my Queen? I find it curious that he slipped away from the city the moment Stark was captured." Would Renly try for the throne himself? That would be...complicated.
Rowenna smiled and tried not to think about the possible awkwardness on her part when his mother arrived. At least that wouldn't be for a few days as she was already trying not to think about what he must be thinking of her being in there to care for him. It was probably obvious her fathers reason, so it was likely to be just as obvious to his mother as well. But there was plenty of time to hash though out in her mind when he wasn't awake.

Taking a seat she wondered how much to say, and what exactly to say. "Well I've helped here and there with those who are sick or injured." The compliment didn't go unnoticed she was just trying to think of interesting things to say and not come off boring. "Sometimes I like to read as well," she added.

The food came in before she had to try and think of more things to say. At least that gave her a moment more to think. "I didn't know if you'd prefer wine or water so I asked for them to bring both," she mentioned while the food was set down.


It was slightly hard to tell his reaction to her mention of the wall. There wasn't a whole lot else that could be done with him aside from execution, which wasn't a good idea. There was to many repercussions with going that route and none bode well for them. That wasn't even to mention the rumors now circulating. Renly fled and Stannis more than likely heard already so she was assuming they were going to be trouble.

"He won't risk having anything happen to his daughters. With them staying south neither he nor his so would be stupid enough to try anything." At least she didn't think they would. If so then they would be dealt with. "Renly could be a problem," she replied even though that was an obvious statement. "If he does anything he will go about it smarter than Ned Stark did."

"Why, have you heard anything?" If she knew one thing, most anything was always brought up for some reason though it could be as simple as him seeing if she was prepared for what might happen.
She seemed a little awkward which was understandable, he supposed. And perhaps she wasn't quite taken in by him as he was by her, he thought. He didn't exactly cut a striking figure, bandaged down and pale with blood loss.

"A reader," he said, turning his lips down,"Not much of one, I'm afraid. My mother, now, she reads. You too should get along well." He wanted to comment on her apparent propensity to go around and heal people, but just then the food came in.

Robb sat up. His stomach growled. He hadn't really realized just how hungry he was. It smelled delicious. He waved a hand, dismissing Rowenna's concern. "Thank you. That was considerate." The maester had told him not to drink; said it would interfere with the medicines. He was sorely tempted to ignore that, but he knew better than to.

"Please, m'lady, break bread with me. I would not like to eat while you sit there watching." He reached out towards the tray and did as he said, breaking a little bread, smearing some cheese on it and biting into it. "It's good," he said, swallowing with some difficulty but with definite relish.


Adam hesitated. "I did not tell you anything before because I am not sure of the source's veracity, but...I have heard someone say that Renly is going to declare for the throne and call the Houses sworn to Baratheon to Storm's End. It seems...plausible."

He put down the wine goblet and helped himself to some savoury meat, looking up at Cersei. While he was keenly interested in the political future of the realm and of House Lannister in particular, he rather hoped Cersei would talk about more than politics at the table this night. How to steer the conversation...?

"But I would not worry before it happens, Your Grace. I'm sure your father has things well in hand." He bit into a particularly juicy piece. "After Ned Stark has left King's Landing and your father comes to take his place as Hand, things will be much smoother. You and him will be able to guide the young King to prosperity." He smiled and raised a glass towards her. "Here's to the good times ahead."
As he frowned Rowenna wondered if maybe they really didn't have much in common. He didn't seem at all interested in either thing she said but perhaps that shouldn't be surprising since he had a war to worry about and more important things to worry about than what she liked, which was probably considered trivial to him. Plus he was a king and surely only being kind to inquire about her because she was helping him anyway.

At the mention of food and eating, she decided to have a little to not seem rude and say she wasn't hungry when that wasn't true. Taking a small piece of bread she covered it with some cheese as well to eat. "I'm glad you like it." After a couple more pieces she would probably be done with eating and say she hadn't been all that hungry. The food wasn't really for her to eat, and she didn't want to seem like a pig.

"I wouldn't say there's a lot of interesting things to do around here that I could tell you something fascinating about myself," she said after a moment. "Being in battle I'm sure drawing or reading seems boring for someone such as yourself now," she said lightly and poured herself a small cup of water which was really nice and cold.


The fact Renly wanted to take the throne was a bit funny to Cersei even though she should have taken his words more seriously. If anyone was going to try and take it, Stannis had more right as the older brother than Renly. So if one happened to try she would think the loyal lords to House Baratheon would flock to Stannis. Then again he wasn't a very loved man by the people is maybe the younger brother would have that advantage on his side. Even if it did happen it would just turn into another Rains of Castamere, she thought.

Father was arriving soon, she thought at the mention of him. Raising her glass she chimed in about good times ahead. Taking a drink she allowed the silence to fill a moment as they ate before speaking again. "What is your story Ser Adam? Surely a man staying in the capitol all of these years has some interesting stories to tell." He was one of few people she didn't know extremely well as far as knights went. Just the basic things but not much beyond that seeing as he had never really been in her circle of confidants or anything like that. Nor had he ever been someone she considered a threat to where she needed to know information on him.
Robb blinked at her mention of finding drawing and reading boring and realized belatedly that he might have given offense. "Oh! Not at all, m'lady! I apologize if you thought that is what I meant." He shook his head. "It is not that I find reading boring. I have always enjoyed listening to the Maester's stories and lessons. I...simply never grew the habit. As for battle..." his face darkened a little,"I wish rather that I had never known the need for it. If I had to choose between glory in war and my father's life, there would be no contest."

There a nugget of lie in that piece of truth. His first true battle since setting out with the host of the North had earned him this wound and likely lowered his estimation in the eyes of his lords. He ached to go back out there and prove himself. But he was not about to make Rowenna feel less by saying he cared nothing for her hobbies. She seemed more like her mother and Sansa than ever, completely averse to violence; unlike little Arya.

The thought of his sisters, captive to the vile Lannisters, made him sad. He tried not to let it show.

"Please...tell me, what is it you like to read? And these drawings? I have always admired our maester's skill at portraiture. I would very much like to see your work, if you would deign to show my some."


The silence stretched until Cersei broke it. Adam smiled. "My story, Queen Cersei? Well...I am my father's first son and heir to my House, not an inconsiderable estate. You know, I'm sure, that House Marbrand has been a loyal servant to Lannister since the days before the coming of the Dragons. I am no different. In fact, I came to King's Landing even as you did, right after Robert was crowned King and you came to be his Queen. I was there, one of the knights assigned to protect you on your journey from Casterly Rock."

He smiled at her, his eyes glinting. "That was the first time I saw you. I say this with respect, Your were the most beautiful thing I had ever lain eyes upon. Many of us were jealous of Robert and not a few wished that they were to be wed to you instead of him." He shook his head, laughing quietly. "We were foolish children."

"After coming here, I settled down. The first few years...I made friends, jousted at tourneys, drank and ate and...socialized." He was not going to admit to her face that he had a penchant for whores, particularly ones with blonde hair and green eyes. That would be suicide. "After a while, I had to take up the task of seeing to my House's financial affairs. Dull, Your majesty, I'm afraid, very dull, that is all I can say. Money may be fun to spend, but earning it is a great chore." He made a face.
"Of course, I hadn't meant it in that way," Rowenna shook her head. Between wars and family she was sure most would choose the latter. Her family probably would too, but they weren't exactly close like some others might be. Even with him saying that it was doubtful to her they had much in common or that he was actually interested in what she liked. If that was the case, like she thought, at least she only had to do this a couple more days before his mother came and then she was free to go back to those things she liked doing.

"I just draw.. random things.. Like what I imagine when I read stories," she tried to explain but wasn't sure she was doing a very good job of it. "I've always liked hearing about the Targaryen conquest. Of Visenya and Rhaenys riding on the back of their dragons." They interested her more than probably anything else. "I think Rhaenys is my favorite. She sounds to be more graceful and ladylike, but still a fighter like Visenya." Sometimes she wondered what that would be like, to be able to fight but at the same time still have a more 'ladylike' personality. Visenya interested her too, but she could never imagine herself being such a warrior. Even if she wanted to learn things with swords or bows, there was no way she'd be able to keep it a secret from her family.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you'd rather not hear of the Targaryens." While the ones she was referring to were from thousands of years ago, the more recent ones had killed one of his uncles and his grandfather. It was doubtful he thought very highly of them. Glancing away she wasn't sure why this time seemed much harder than when she helped others before. Maybe it was because the others had been from around here whereas the King in the North was someone completely new to her, and of a different place so he seemed different somehow.


Cersei kind of remembered that day as he mentioned about being a knight that escorted her to Kings Landing to marry Robert. Being Queen had been something she wanted, but marrying Robert wasn't something she had been interested in. The only good thing was that with Jaime in the Kingsguard the marriage gave the reason that they would once again be living in the same place. That, and then when her children came along was the good parts of dealing with that drunk who slept around with whores all of the time.

"Yes," she smiled lightly in agreement. "Robert knew the spending side quite well but not so much how to bring any in." The crown was buried in debt because of loans from her father, across the sea, and other places.

"You see yourself staying here then? Not going home, marrying some pretty little thing and having heirs." That was just out of mere curiosity. It sounded like he was content there and didn't plan on leaving which was good as she didn't intend on making friends with people who were going to live far away. She already had some of those and he wouldn't be of much use to her if he was going to go back home soon. Somehow it seemed doubtful he would though seeing as he had already been here for seven years.
Robb listened with honest fascination as Rowenna spoke. He had never been skilled is much besides show of arms and even there, he was not as good as he might have hoped - the wound in hiss side was bitter reminder of that. It must have been nice to have something that you love and were good at.

"Oh," He exclaimed when Rowenna trailed away, apparently thinking she had offended him by speaking of Targaryens. "I don't mind. You speak of ancient history. There was a time when the Targaryens were wise and fair rulers and they had close ties to the North. You do not offend me when you speak of Rhaenys and Visenya." He smiled. She seemed very sensitive, very aware of how she might offend another. "Besides, I think it's admirable to want to be like Rhaenys." He said,"She was a fair and just woman, by all accounts."

"I would like to see your drawings sometime," He said again. He didn't mean to insist, only express a genuine interest. It seemed that Rowenna felt he was only feigning interest to hold a conversation. He wanted to dispel that notion.

"Speaking of Targaryens, did you know of the time Queen Alysanne Targaryen came to visit the Wall and stayed at Winterfell? We have portraits and paintings of the time back home. I think you'd find them interesting. Winterfell is an old place and it has a long history. You won't be starved for stories there."


Adam shook his head gently. "Not yet, my Queen. Certainly not now when the Crown is in jeopardy and you can use my help. As for marriage...well, I have thought about it certainly. It is my duty as heir to the House to continue the line. But I'm young as yet. I have some time."

He hesitated, before speaking on,"Marriage for love is foolishness by all accounts, but there is a woman I pine after. She is beyond me, I know, but I still hope. Perhaps once that hope is shattered, I will return home and marry a fat, jolly maid with wide hips and a fertile womb, but not yet." He looked up at her and smiled. "Not yet."

"Speaking of love..." he drained his goblet and set it down,"Have you ever felt that way for someone, Your Grace? I'm sorry if I overstep my boundaries. I am merely curious." She had not loved Robert. That had been plain for all to see. If she had never loved...for some reason, the thought pained him.
Rowenna wished she was a little better at reading people. So far she wasn't doing a very good job of reading him and telling if he was actually interested in something, perhaps offended by something she said, or anything else. It was a tad frustrating, especially since she was trying to be careful as she could only imagine how much backlash she would get from the family if she were to do something wrong and make the king angry or anything negative that would reflect badly on the Freys.

Glancing back up she couldn't tell if the oh was a good or a bad one. At least he didn't sound offended, but she still couldn't tell how much he was actually interested in talking to her or if he was just being kind. "She was." The conversation probably wouldn't seem as bad if she could have figured out how to tell if things weren't going well. Embarrassing her family in any way wouldn't be good, at all.

"If your sure.." The mention of the drawings and showing them off had her uneasy. Flaunting the around things she drew wasn't exactly her style, especially since she didn't think them to be all that great. Not great as far as how good maesters could draw anyway. She'd probably safely just show the ones she thought were the best out of the collection.

"Yes, she was the one they named the Queensgate after." History fascinated her. Just thinking of how differently things could be from one little change on time was interesting, in her opinion, to think about. "I'm sure. I think I've probably been through all of the books here," she admitted with a laugh. "But I think they'll just have to do. If I every marry, hopefully there might be interesting reads wherever I have to live."


Cersei had no fears that the crown was truly in jepordy. There may be some rumors of the children's true parentage as well of her and Jamie's relationship, and there might even be some that believe the talk but most wouldn't be so stupid to rebel and go to war. They wouldn't risk becoming another Rains over something they had no proof over, and she didn't intend for anyone to find any.

Indeed marriage for love was foolish. Little to none married on that account and while some may have found that sad it was still true. Luckily for herself she didn't plan to marry ever again. The marriage with Robert had been enough and she had suffered her dues for the family. Now as Queen Regent she felt her place was Kings Landing with her children.

At the mention of loving someone her thoughts immediately went to her children. That was really the only answer without giving away about her brother. Thinking it over she wanted to word it carefully. "Perhaps once. My marriage with Robert did not turn into nice, loving, fairly tale some young girls might dream of having. But my children came from it." Love for ones children was a bit different than the sort lovers share.

"Not quite the same thing, I know."
Robb felt a little awkward. She seemed...distant somehow and her response to his request to see her drawings...maybe she wasn't comfortable with the idea, in which his case his insistence was ungentlemanly. He nodded, feeling silly, when she reminded him that Alysanne was who Queensgate was known after. Of course, since she was a history buff, she would know these things. King or no, he felt a little insecure about not being her equal in that respect.

He inwardly sighed in relief when she laughed, easing the tension in his head. He chucked along and raised an eyebrow," If you marry, my lady? A smart, beautiful woman like you...I expect you'll have suitors falling all over themselves for the chance to take your hand." That was a slight exaggeration, but not by much. Robb wondered why she had said that. Did she have something against marriage? Or did she honestly feel no one would want her hand? The latter was ridiculous.

"Winterfell," he said tentatively,"Has a grand library, you know. It's full of books, some centuries old. A treasure all in all, I'm told." There was a slight pause. "I would love to take you there, sometime. There would be many books you would love to read, I'm sure." He didn't know how to make his interest in her any plainer without actually saying it. A part of him was not sure this was the right tack. Perhaps she was not being coy, but instead she was genuinely uninterested in him, only forced into this by her vile father. That would be...wounding, really. Was he so charmless that he could not hold her attention, even as a bloody King?


"No, not quite the same thing. Perhaps better. I would not know." Adam said, smiling to himself. She had missed the hint, of course. It was likely beyond her imagination that a lowly knight like him could even dare to love a Queen. He felt a sudden sadness. He was closer to Cersei than he had ever been and yet he was no closer than the times he had spent pining after her in court.

He had heard the rumours of course, of her illicit union with her brother. Adam...hadn't dismissed them. Perhaps it was mere low jealousy, the thought even Robert's death had not opened her up for him. But a part of him remembered how close the twins were and a snake of suspicion had lodged in his heart. He would speak nothing of it to Cersei, now or ever. He did not wish for her wrath.

He thought about her answer. Had she loved Robert once then? The thought was...heart-wrenching. That brutal man must have crushed the love out of her. His mouth twisted in anger. How many times had he wished to kill Robert and end Cersei's misery? He wished he had done it and freed her long before. She had always deserved better.

"Thank you, Your Grace, for inviting me to a private dinner. I always enjoy my time with you." He said, bowing his head. He did not wish for this time to end, not yet. What else could he say? "I know it is unlikely in the near future, but I would like to invite to my home one day. The Lannisters often visited the Marbrands in the old days' perhaps that tradition can be renewed." He cocked his head. "And also...I have been Queen Regent you are as much of a political target as the King or his Hand, given Joffrey's age. Should you not have a guard of your own? If you think one necessary, I volunteer. It would only be my duty as sword sword to the Lannisters."
As the silence filled for a moment it made her wonder if reading was even a good thing to have brought up. He had already mentioned about not really being into it, and then to talk about history was probably boring to him. Rowenna couldn't really remember doubting herself so much before and she didn't like that feeling. But with a king being there it was hard t be unsure of the right things to say or do.

The thought of men falling all over at a chance for marriage with her was quite funny, she thought. It didn't seem likely to her that would happen though. The Twins didn't exactly seem like a place people would be eager to come visit and marry a Frey. It wasn't the most extravagant castle, or so she assumed because of stories she read about much more beautiful castles that were further south of here. There was also the fact that there was older daughters her father needed to marry off before her and she was a bit fearful she would be some old hag by the time she'd be betrothed. But she never thought much about that and didn't think she should be so concerned about marriage. The only thing that truly ever worried her was that if she married and what would happen if the guy turned out to be not so chivalrous.

As she tried to think of a way to explain what exactly she meant by the 'if I'm married' he spoke of Winterfell which she was glad for as the explanation wouldn't have been an easy one nor one she doubted he would really understand. Her eyes lit up at the mention of wanting to take her there. The thought of getting to see somewhere new, even if it was a place much colder than here, was a very tempting one. To think a king was actually interested in her though, it felt a little surreal. Not that she had so low confidence, but just that she wondered if he would even have considered a Frey at all, let alone herself, if he hadn't agreed to marry one of them so he could go into the south to fight.

"I would like that," she smiled but didn't want to be to hopeful since he could still be under the effects of the poppy and next time he awoke realized he wasn't all that interested in her. As silly as that probably was, she didn't want to get her hopes up for an attractive king. "I've never been anywhere outside of home before," she admitted.


The love of ones child was much different in her opinion. Both sorts of love were good, and both strong in their own way. It was hard to say how she would have managed to get through the marriage so long if it hadn't been for her children. There was Jaime too, but it was different having to hide bruises from him so he wouldn't do anything stupid and reckless whereas for the kids it was more to keep them innocent from the ways of a bad marriage.

The mention of love, but not saying exactly who he was interested in had her curious. It would have been rude and not very coy to straight out ask whom the person was he spoke of. While she didn't think herself so conceded to automatically assume herself, she figured it had to be someone high up in the noble chain for him to assume he'd never have a a chance with said person. Or else they weren't all that high up but maybe just married.

"In a way," she responded to children's love being better. Nodding, the dinner had been a bit informative. If he did fancy someone that meant she would just have to up the charm if she did decide to want to take things farther. "That would be a fine idea. Maybe once things have settled here in Kings Landing." It was doubtful to her she would personally ever be able to go see his home though, as there was to much to do here even once the crown was completely secure under Joffery's reign. The only possible thing that came to her mind for how she would leave here and go anywhere was if her father tried to marry her off again.

"A guard not of the Golden Cloaks might be a good idea," she agreed. "If you feel up to the task then I'll accept." This would make it easier then her inviting him to meals with no true purpose behind them, one that she could speak out loud anyway. Not that he even really asked why she had this time.
Robb opened his eyes wide and shook his head. "Well, that cannot be accepted!" She obviously had a passion for history and stories; she deserved to see the grand places she had only read about so far and see for herself history in the making.

All his fears about marrying a Frey began to melt away. He could come to love a girl like Rowenna, so diffident and proper and obviously good-hearted. So what if that would make the Late Lord Frey his father-in-law? He did not care.

"I promise you this, my lady, as much as duties allow me, I will see to it that you get a chance to travel Westeros and see the great places of this land. I've already spoken of Winterfell, what of Riverrun and King's Landing? The Wall, for that matter. It is a bitter place, but the Wall itself is a marvel of old magic."

He stopped, a little embarrassed. Was he overwhelming her? What must he think of a man, only barely a man, promising such grand things after only meeting her a few hours ago? She must think him frivolous and foolish, a man of easy whims who forgets his promises as easily as he gives them. But he did not show any of that to her.

"High words, I know. But I mean them." Tentatively, he reached over and touched one of her hands, gently. "I believe I would gain as much from taking you to such places as you would from getting there."


She was likely only being polite, but it still made him happy to think he might one day take his beloved to see his childhood home. A foolish, romantic dream, he knew. But he was hard enough to be able to indulge in it without losing himself.

"A splendid idea, Your Grace! I accept wholeheartedly; it will be an honour to serve you and to see that you are protected always." He got up from his seat and walked over to her, kneeling in front of her. "Thank you. I swear by the Seven that I will not let you down, that I will serve you loyally until my death and that I shall carry out your every command to the exact letter."

He looked up at her. "As you have trusted me with your life, I trust you with mine. I am yours to use as you see fit, Queen Cersei Lannister." A ghost of a smile flickered over his lips. "Use me well, Your Majesty."
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