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The Inda Series by Sherwood Smith

i just happened to skim over and saw your comment. omg! this is one of my favorite book series of all time! for whatever reason i failed to finish the very last book. but the first i've read at least three times alone.
Invisible Planets, which is an anthology of contemporary chinese scifi so it's a few authors, but edited and translated by Ken Liu. Less of my usual jam so far (it's been a bit too near-future sci-fi) but not so much that I'm going to put it down.

Next up will be Hexarchate Stories by Yoon Ha Lee, because I need more of that universe in my veins.
Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost
Archangel's Consort by Nalini Singh
aftermath by chuck wendig

i have mixed feelings about the writing style, but i'd be lying if i said i'm not enjoying the parts with sloane lol.
The Outsider by Stephen King
The Elements of Style by Strunk & White
Supposedly Haunted: The life story of a paranormal investigator by E.E. Bensen
I'm in between two books at the moment; a vampire/fantasy adventure (not romance) book called Dhampir the first in the Noble Dead Saga. And a...night time book called Pleasures Unbound which is a silly romance novel with demon doctors in it.... yeah lol Both are pretty good.
The Dragonian Series by Adrienne Woods.
Highly recommend if you love YA novels, many books in the series, shapeshifting dragons, multiple romances, or fantasy high-school plot settings. Though I will warn one of the books has a quick, dark theme of rape.
Currently reading through Robert E. Howard's "People of the Black Circle." Wanting to get into the Hyborean Age stuff.
Just finished From Within, by Daisy St James. A fun and sexy urban fantasy novella with absolutely delightful prose. You know, that kind that makes one go "Why should I even bother trying to write?"

(Or is that just me? 😅)
I've been in the mood for Sci-Fi recently, and I just picked up Kindle Unlimited again, started with: AL:ICE by CW Lamb

I almost restarted Honor Harrington again, but I don't think I'm ready to delve into such a long series again, especially since I want to hit the side-novels and not just the main ARC this time.
Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames

Fucking awesome. Like, if Quinten Tarantino wrote a fantasy band of travelers book. Just fun and great characters, awesome fight scenes. Loving it.


The Devil's Apprentice by Kenneth Anderson

Very fun and intriguing. The Devil is ill, so grabs a fiendish young boy to be his apprentice....but he grabs the wrong one. XD he grabs the nice boy the fiendish boy was bullying to death. So, now he's stuck with the nice boy as his apprentice. Very clever, neat, and loving demon/Hell culture and lore.


The Rostikov Legacy by Charlotte B. English

Very...anime, film noir.


Moon Dance by J.R. Rain

Great characters, strong narrative. Not much to say about it yet.
I'm reading, and almost finished, with "That Guy" by Kim Jones for both work (I work in an adult retail store) and research for my own book. (Working on a fantasy/erotica novel and/or series. lol) Very funny, even though a good number of things that happen are a little too far out to be even slightly believable.

I'm also working on the Outlander series because the show so good, the books have to be even better right?
I just finished the second "All Souls" trilogy by Deborah Harkness. I'll probably read the third soon.
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