THE BIONIC WOMAN MEETS THE MERCENARY (simpleroleplayer/Mercenary 1x1)


May 15, 2013
united states
Jamie Sommers was not excited about her latest job. Oscar had sent her to a small country in the middle east to protect a highly loved, US friendly president, something hard to find in that part of the world. Details were sketchy at best, but she had to basically be a bodyguard. To her: a waste of her bionics.
Jacques was being sent to the Middle East for a body guard assignment of some politician. It was a bit of change for him considering he rarely left the States, and apparently he was working with someone else. Well, as long as he got paid.
Jamie stood at the airport taxi terminal, waiting impatiently for an open cab. All those there were taken, in order to satisfy the president's order, she had to wait not only for an open cab but her 'partner' Oscar had mentioned. How humiliating! The Bionic Woman had to have a partner for a bodyguard job. She frowned as she just checked her watch.
Jacques saw his contact, the partner. She looked just like the discription. Pretty, but that's not what mattered. What mattered was how good she was in a fight, and what secret she had up her sleeve. Jacques walked over to her.
Jamie saw the man approach. She hadn't been given a name for her fellow bodyguard, so her alert eyes followed him as he approached. She used her bionic ear to listen to the heartbeat. He was as athletic as he looked but was he her partner? Her eyes narrowed if he tried something, he would learn she wasn't as frail as she looked, although she had an athletic build to her. If he was her partner, once he heard her name, however, he'd know who she was.
Jacques walked up beside her, not attracting much attention as he did. "So I assume you're her?" he asked quietly. He waited for her response, ready for anything.
Jamie nodded, eyes less suspicious. "Jamie Sommers, OSI." she gave a polite business like smile and offered her hand for him to shake. "And you are?" she inquired as the presidential cab finally got there.
"Jacques McCoy." he replied gruffly, nit taking the hand. He was using his real name for this job, though he usually didn't. However, there was a more thorough background check, and their was a large salary, so he decided not to risk using an alias.
Jamie didn't recognize the name, but he was as upset about this as she. That would be good to know, as it would mean both were aware of what would happen if they failed. "I see you are all business. Good. " she allowed herself to relax just a little as they got into the cab. She had dressed the part with the dress style, head covering and footwear, by order until the President met her. The only American thing on her body, was the sunglasses, which were amber-vision, this allowed others to see her an extent...and didn't make things to dark for her to watch what was going on.
"I'm glad you are, too." Jacques said. This was a relief to him as well, though he only expressed it verbally, not changing his body expression. At least his partner was a serious one, and not a joke. She looked like she meant business as well. Since he had to have a partner, he was glad it was her.
Once they reached the Presidential Palace, they were ushered into a room where a "Santa Claus" type Arabian clad in general's dress uniform sat at a desk with his country's flags flanking him. Being a woman, Jamie could not approach or talk until bidden by the President. Jamie noticed her surroundings, including a younger man also clad in dress military who stared at the two new-comers as if they were beneath him. If anyone said anything first, it could NOT be her.
Jacques looked around, carefully taken on the details of his surroundings. He knew that local triditions dictated that his partner could not speak unless spoken too, sp he said the first word. "Hello." Jacques greeted the 'Santa Claus'.
The man looked up from the desk. "Yes, my bodyguards. I am Assam Hadeed. Call me Prez." Even his smile was jolly elf looking. "Well, I see someone is sticking to the customs to the letter. Show your face, Ms. Sommers, and feel free to speak. You will be serving as bodyguard , after all. I sincerely hope your suitcase holds a modest three-piece?"
Jamie nodded as she removed her wrap to reveal her shoulder length dirty-blonde hair. "Yes, uh Prez. A full skirt as required by your traditions."
Jacques turned to Jamie, noticing her clothes. Well, at least he wouldn't have to be aiddle man for communication. "So, is it okay of I ask for any useful information regarding the threat?" He asked.
"A general with lower regard for the US than my Vice, is making threats," Hadeed answered solemnly, handing letters to both of them. "Simply put, you two are to keep me alive until we catch 'The General', as he calls himself."
Jamie scanned the handwriting and began to run it through all search engines coming up blank, as even the strokes of same word came up different. She voiced this. "Each time the same word comes up it is done different. I cannot get a match, Jacques."
"Different handwriting." Jacques said. Then he looked st her curiously. "What do you mean, 'get a match'?" He asked. Jacques had only gotten a report on her appearance, not much on her history.
"You know the term the mind is like a computer?" she asked tapping her temple. "Mine is literally connected to the net, thanks to the bionics, simple as that."
The Vice raised an eyebrow, and almost Spock-like, says "Fasinating."
"Isn't it though? I knew they would send their best...but damn!" Prez exclaimed with a hearty laugh.
Jacques was surprised by this, and he rarely ever let himself be surprised."Don't judge a book by its cover." he mumbled. She was fit, he'd give her that. But she didn't look like a bodyguard.
Jamie sensed her partner didn't understand her strength. She decided to show him the only way people like him understood. "Don't indeed." she smirked bending down and sliding her hand under his feet. "I suggest you don't struggle or you'll fall." She promptly lifted him up over her head using just her right arm, with no difficulty, andshe stood 5-8. This caused the poor Vice to promptly faint as Prez clapped. "The Bionic Woman, indeed!"
After setting Jacques back down, she calmly added, "But only on my right arm. Any questions?"
Jacques was again surprised, but quickly regained his composure. "Bionic Women, huh?" Jacques said, looking her up and down. "So you're a cyborg or something?" he asked for clarification. Jacques had his own strength, but lifting a person with his hand wasn't one of them.
"Yes, in a way." Jamie said calmly in response to the question. "If you recall your history, you should remember a teacher who had a sky-diving accident, that was me. Luckily I was dating Steve Austin at the time who convinced OSI to put me back together. Oscar did so, as a favor to him."
"Oh, okay." Jacques said back, though he didn't know rally anything she was talking about. However, he didn't show it with his body. "So, anyway, can we get on to the details of our stay?" he asked the bodyguard, since the president was on the ground unconscious. "Like where are we staying, what's the presidents schedule, and does he want us by his side, or watching from the surroundings." Jacques asked the guard.
"Prez is right here. That is correct Jacques, you two are to flank me. One on each side, with the regular servicemen leading and covering our rears. Will someone throw some wine on my Vice?" Hadeed said explaining.
"Wine? Why wine?" Jamie asked wide-eyed.
"Water knocks him out." Prez shrugged.
"Wine it is." Jacquessaid, walking back to a desk with a large bottle on it that had a couple of glasses to go with it. He walked over and set it on the presidents desk. Of course, Jacques could have gotten the wine in some sort of showoff-y way, but he simply didn't care to show off. He only used his skills on the battlefield.
"What about the investigation itself, Prez?" Jamie asked as Jacques went to wake up the Vice.
"Since both of you seemingly agree that 'The General' is more than one dissident...put your heads together to come up with a plan. One other thing, due to room restraints, you two share one."
"FUCK!" Jamie gasped.
"What you do behind closed doors is not my concern, Ms. Sommers..." The Prez sighed, not getting it.
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