Obsessed [(A Naruto RP) LadyYunaFFX2 & Jugger82's 1x1]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

The last two years had been full of mixed emotions for all whom resided not only in Konohagakure but all the other nations. However, certain individuals had more amounts of said feelings. One of these individuals was Hinata Hyuuga. The end of the war had no doubt been one of the best things to occur, easily tied in with her mustering up enough courage to have confessed her feelings to the one man she's always loved and admired, Naruto Uzumaki.

But as many bad things had shown up in the midst of the good, one of which seemed to still be the failing of acknowledgement of her words. To add on top of that, her uncle Hizashi had been forced back to life via the Edo Tensei and herself and Neji had to watch him get sent back.

But perhaps the worst of the two years ... was the death of Neji, whom had protected her as she protected Naruto from a spike which would have killed them both if it hit.

But instead, Neji jumped in the way of Hinata and Naruto both and took the blow for them. No one had seen it coming ... it was one of the most shocking and tragic deaths.

Well ... all of them had been. Maybe the better word to use was it'd been the most personal one.

A small nod left her head as she stood up from in front of her cousin's tombstone. She wanted to get a quick visit - a habit she'd been doing since the past several years - in before her new student was to arrive.

The encouragement from her former classmates and Kurenai had taken quite a bit of time and effort but after much convincing from them and even herself, she agreed to become a full-fledged sensei.

And today was to be her first day. Swallowing nervously, the now 18 year old Hyuuga heiress stood up to her full height. Within the past several years, she'd grown not only mentally but physically as well.

Taking a few last looks up and down at herself to ensure she looked properly dressed to greet her new student, her head then bowed as Hinata glanced down to Neji's grave one last time.

"Wish me luck, Neji-nii-san. I hope I can be good enough."

As she turned on her feet and walked outside the front gates to wait, she then realized ... she knew practically nothing of whom she was about to meet; name, age, where the student was from ... anything.

Panic tried to overtake her as her heart raced and she shook her head no quickly.

Relax ... She tried to reassure herself. Nothing bad will happen ...

Exhaling softly, she closed her Byakugans, revealing them as they slowly opened again. Leaning gently against the gate, she began to play the waiting game, curious as to whom and what to expect from her new student.
After some moments of silence, minus the calming sounds of nature surrounding the woman waiting, two people began walking along the path toward her...Or rather...one was walking, the other being dragged slowly, struggling and trying to break free of the grasp of the larger, broader man. The chakra of the one being dragged would seem normal, nothing special about him. The larger man, however, was a familiar friend of Hinata's. The larger man was Darian, a local ninja who had rose through the ranks to being the supervisor for new genin...and oddly enough, he was dragging along another eighteen year old man who seemed unwilling to be here. Darian saw Hinata and waved to her, only to thrust his arms forward to throw the man out toward her to land in front of her, face first into the ground as Darian met up with her, a foot placed down on the man's back so he could not escape.

"Seems like today is your unlucky day, Hyuuga." He said with a broad, deep voice as he kept his foot down on the boy under him. "This one is an odd case. A new genin, but he is not of age. Eighteen. Same as you." The man below lifted his head, and he seemed to be gagged with a rag wrapped around his head as he struggled free. "A thief. A bandit. Though not a killer. An odd case indeed. I don't know if you've heard of the Night Owl around lately but we've finally caught him. After a few years, this ex-genin finally got caught...or rather he gave himself in for food." He laughed.

"You see...He's been stealing food for years to get by though we don't know where he has ever resided. It seems he's been having a bit of a bad stroke of luck lately and turned himself in in exchange for food...Though some of the other instructors and supervisors say we give him another chance at being a ninja, rather than putting him in jail. Be careful with this one...He may try to run in the night." He lifted his foot off of the man and replaced it with a knee so he could bend down to untie the gag around the mouth. "His name is Nathan Stone...a foreigner at birth, but brought over as an infant. His mother was a jonin and father a blacksmith. He's managed to inherit his mother's chakra so he can perform jutsu like any other ninja, despite the fact he's foreign."

Nathan stayed silent as he glared at the two, just waiting for a chance to get out of the situation. "Do you think you can manage the Night Owl?"
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Poor Hinata nearly jumped from the silence abruptly being broken though managed to look calm enough. The sight, however, was something she definitely didn't expect at all. "A-ah, Darian-san .... " That was as far as she got before he went on to better explain more on the gagged and restrained student. Her muscles couldn't help but tense, her feet wanting to move back at the mentions of the teen being a thief and bandit apparently. It was somewhat odd that he wasn't a murderer given the three 'occupations' tended to go together.

Still, the Hyuuga heiress wouldn't complain.

But oh the fits Kiba and Shino - the latter especially - would have if they knew of this. She'd finished reassuring them before visiting Neji's grave that she would be able to handle this too. And now ... suddenly even she wasn't sure. The same lack of self-confidence that often haunted her seemed to be attempting to do so again. Her head lightly shook though as her fists clenched slightly.

For too long, all she had done was run from her problems. She'd made the resolve during the invasion from Pein that she would stop that and follow her nindo to never give up. She wouldn't dare do that here and now.

He'll probably need a lot of patience but .... maybe .... he won't be that bad ... She reassured herself silently, gazing down at the figure being forced to remain on the ground. She studied him silently, long and hard, before giving Darian a confident and affirmative nod.

"Hai .. I will be fine, thanks."

Knowing that by now she's all but sealed her fate with truly becoming a sensei, Hinata began swiftly thinking. There would need to be a lot she would have to ask and learn of Nathan, namely chakra types, what types of jutsus he was best at, things of the like. Still, it would be a start ... or so Hinata hoped.
Darian was doubtful at first, seeing how much she was doubting herself due to the current situation and how Darian was presenting her new...student. Though when she strongly agreed to the task, he grinned and took the knee off of Nathan. "I'll let you do the honors of removing his hands. They're tied up as well so he can't attack me to get away. I leave him in your hands, Hyuuga. I'm going to return to the academy now. There are other matters I must attend to, but do not be afraid to come and find me for assistance regarding...Him." With that, he nodded and bowed to her respectfully before turning to leave.

Now that it was just Nathan and Hinata, he moved so that he was sitting upright, his hands still behind his back as he looked to the woman before him, taking her in and trying to think of her as his 'sensei'. "They gave me a busty, young woman to 'train' me? More like distract me." He murmured and stood up, his hands now free as he dropped the now untied rope to the ground. He had done it so quickly it was as if he could have done it all along without any trouble...well...except for Darian being around. "Now then. If you don't mind me...Hyuuga was it? I'll be going now. Ta~Ta!" He said playfully as he broke for a mad dash past her to escape into the city and hide out until the coast was clear.
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Her head bowed as Darian left. Kneeling before Nathan and unbinding his wrists, her mouth had opened to ask questions but before she could get even one word out, he had darted away. An annoyed sigh left her lips. " ... Clearly, he hasn't done his homework on my clan, somewhat thankfully." She murmured, her hands gracefully working on performing hand seals; a set that those whom knew her could easily recognize.

"Byakugan ... " She murmured, veins extending along the sides of her head as her bloodline activated. Within seconds, his chakra signature was easily picked up. Neji had aided out with extending her own range before his untimely demise and she wouldn't dare let such skills go to waste. Her ankle muscles tensed again, this time though she allowed herself to break off into a run, following the chakra signature that - no doubt - belonged to Nathan.

"Lesson one ... " She merely announced, her voice both determined and clearly annoyed at the lack of respect and manners he had displayed. "Never underestimate another shinobi." She wouldn't activate the Juken just yet; only if she felt it to be needed.

With most of the Hyuuga clan jutsus relying on Taijutsu in some form or fashion, her grip wouldn't be as loose as most other women. Not allowing him another chance to run, she grasped firmly around his arm and began working on escorting him back into Konohagakure. "Lesson two ... I will give you respect. Simultaneously, however, I expect that back from you; a bit moreso with you being the student. Is that clear?" The same determination from the first time was, if anything, stronger in her tone as she continued to try to tug Nathan along beside her.
He felt a tight grip on his arm and his eyes widened. She had found him so easily! What was she!? How did she find him!? Her grip was immense and he felt he could not break out of it! He was suddenly stopped and felt himself being dragged back to where they were as she had spoken to him of lessons. He felt like he could not escape this predicament he was in. He didn't want to be a ninja! He wanted to live freely and not live by the city's guides and morals. "Alright alright!" He cried out as he just walked with her as she dragged him back. "Hyuuga...I won't run. I see I can't outrun you so there won't be a point in the matter. Release my arm before I fear that you break it in anger!" He seemed truly worried for his safety but he knew that she wouldn't dare break his arm for simply running away. "I have no home, however...Well...No home that you know of. Tell me...If I am your student, where will I stay? If you release me to live where I once lived, I'll just run away and you'd never even notice until it will be far too late."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Even as Nathan spoke up, she didn't dare let go of his arm. Her eyes narrowed for a few seconds before her more calm expression returned. Wow, this boy was doing a good job at testing her patience out. It was hard to get her genuinely mad. She hadn't been this way since .... Pein wounded Naruto so badly. Prior till now, she'd nearly forgotten how feeling angry felt. She was usually the shy and nice girl, but it was clear with this man ... she wouldn't be able to maintain these tactics. Not until he could prove her wrong, anyways.

Her head shook firmly no as she looked into his eyes, speaking firmly but gently, "No. I have no reassurance you won't just try to run. Besides, I know for a fact my grip isn't so bad it'll break your arm and if it ever got that close, I'd loosen it enough to prevent that. But for all I know, you could very well be lying. I do have an imouto who used to be bratty like you; I'm not naive or stupid in this department. You're making me resort, therefore, to matters I'm not overly fond of. Still ... I did agree to become a sensei and I'm not going to give up just because of how spoiled you're acting."

Her head glanced up in thought as he brought up a valid point regarding housing. "That ... I will discuss with the Hokage, I suppose. More likely than not, in one of the dorms students typically reside in; but with a tracking anklet or bracelet if needed. Until then ... something will be arranged for you. I'll figure and tell you exacts when they come to my mind."

She sighed as she continued leading him towards Konoha, the gates soon within both of their eyesights. "Please ... whatever you do ... don't make me resort to allowing the ANBU to deal with you. If push comes to shove and your attitude becomes too much, I will be forced to consider it. I don't want to ... trust me. But I do know several of the ANBU members personally and they would easily do favors for me. So please, Nathan-san ... start altering your behavior."
His heart sank upon hearing that he'd be with the little kids at the academy...and with a tracker on his person. He refused! "I'd rather be chained up outside like a dog than sleep in an academy of little kids! Do you truly wish to embarrass me like so!?" He said angrily and crossed an arm as they continued out toward Konoha. Upon hearing her threats of forcing the ANBU upon him, he frowned and stayed silent as he looked away, not wishing for that kind of treatment as well. "Be that as it may, Hyuuga...I do NOT wish to be shackled up with them! Especially with a tracker of all things forced onto my person. Just chain me up and bind me like before and put me in a secluded room. It is much better for me than the alternative."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

"Embarrass? No, just teach. If that's the reaction it gives you, I'm sorry. But in the end, where you end up residing is not my call, despite me being your Sensei. It will be the Hokage's." Her head shook in annoyance as she heard Nathan continue to whine on and on. Clearly, he didn't understand at all how life as a shinobi went then; otherwise he would have known that one couldn't always get what they desired. A soft sigh left and as they passed the gates, she bowed her head to those nearby them.

"I will not chain you as you ask." She finally replied, lowering her voice so only Nathan could hear her. "Lesson three ... we don't often get what we desire or hope for as shinobi. You will have to heed any decisions that are made, whether from me, the Hokage, or any other higher-up ranking shinobi. This goes not just for daily life, but lessons. Mind you, I don't like the more strict approach as I'm doing with you now ... but you really aren't giving me much other choices."

She went silent, re-thinking on his words before speaking up, her mind made up about one thing for sure. "Until I can be certain you're not going to run again, I am at least requesting a tracking device of sorts. I will see what .... actually ... you know what? You are coming with me to the Hokage's office to discuss your housing. As my father used to tell me a lot, act the age you wish to be treated. Right now, you're acting like an eight year old, maybe younger ... so you'll get treated that way until you mature. That means, yes, I will guide you around like this; simple as that."

And with that, she began directing them both towards the massive tower where the Hokage resided within. Unfortunately for Nathan, once she had been certain on decisions she'd made, she never went back on those either. She couldn't keep her Byakugan on 24/7; so the tracking device would be used when her eyes weren't activated. It'd take away all the strain she'd otherwise have to use ... and ensure he couldn't get too far away.

Come hell or high water, she would do all she could to teach this boy, whether he liked it or not. And from the way he was acting, he probably wouldn't. But for once in her life ... she didn't care. She was focusing on doing all she could to ensure she didn't fail as a sensei and the second she gave up on him, she would indeed fail her job. Hinata wouldn't dare allow that to happen so easily .... not if she could help it.
He sighed. "Fine." He said simply as he continued to walk with her, her hand still holding his arm. He did not seem to show any resistance as he followed her to the Hokage's. He remained silent...thinking of all sorts of things he could try and attempt to do to escape. Then his mind trailed to the 'why' of the situation. He'd prefer to be jailed than be a shinobi. He didn't want that life...He didn't want it. His mind trailed to how his mother urged him dearly to be a shinobi like her. But he hadn't the mindset to be one. He did not wish to and he simply wanted to live his life in peace rather than to work. When his mother had passed when he was young, that was when he ran away and took up life as a bandit; training by his own training regime and eating whatever he had hunted in the woods or stolen from the village. All was going great until a week ago when he was caught.

(Whether we are doing Tsunade as Hokage or a new one, I'll leave that up to you. For now, I'll simply leave the name as Hokage.)

Upon arriving to the Hokage's, Nathan remained silent as the Hokage looked to the boy and then back to Hinata. He remained silent and contemplated the situation. "He does not wish to be with the rest of the academy and parents might be concerned for an adult living among children...And since he has no place to live, we will not put him on the streets where he will be able to roam freely and do as he pleases like he has done previously...I see no other choice but to have him placed within your estate, Hinata. I am sure you can spare a room for your student...and by this, you can also keep track of him within the confines of your household, along with the aid of the tracker."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Somewhat unfortunately, Hinata had half-expected the reply of her estate being where he would wind up being. She usually wound up being alone for the most part, her father often focusing on Hinabi now that she, too, was in the Academy. Her head nodded to Tsunade as the question of whether a room was available or not. " ... Yes, we do have one." Holding her hand out, the device was soon placed in it and within seconds, it went around Nathan's left wrist. Her head bowed to Tsunade and then she gave Nathan a glance back.

" .... Follow me." Even then, the order was in the same firm but kind voice. Every now and again, she did use peripheral vision to check and make sure he didn't try to break into a run. Only when she was certain he'd followed her to the Hyuuga estate did her Byakugan eyes deactivate, making her sigh softly in relief.

"Now then .... Nathan-san .... do you know what chakra type you have? Tell me a bit about yourself so I better know what I should or shouldn't teach you and ... do you want anything to drink? Water? Green tea?" She'd try to be civil with him. With any luck, she wouldn't have to resort to the more dire measures anymore today. Those alone had worn her out.
Upon feeling the clamping of the tracker around his wrist, he sighed and looked at the device over and over before following Hinata, not breaking into a run. He followed behind her until they would reach her estate, and looked around. It looked far better than anyplace he had ever stayed in. He followed her inside, and looked around some more as she asked him what kind of Chakra he had. "What do you mean what kind of Chakra do I have...? Isn't it the same for everyone?" He seemed to not even know the basics...And he'd have to be taught that as he trained with Hinata. He eventually leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, looking to her. "No. I don't want anything to drink. I'm stuck here. Let me get used to the place while I answer these questions you want to ask me."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Hinata's head shook no at his question. If that reply had been the first she heard from him, the Hyuuga heiress knew she would have a lot of work to do with him. Even Hanabi knew that answer perfectly. Then again, their father made damn well sure they knew the basics and more too; he'd always been strict with academics. "No ... it isn't. We each have at least one element within our chakra. I, for example, have Wind. Excuse me for a bit, I'll resume explaining when I return."

Feeling confident enough she could grab a cup of Green Tea for herself and he'd still be there, she bowed her head to excuse herself for a bit as she headed into the kitchen. Another low sigh left as she gently massaged her forehead and simultaneously protector. Her gaze seemed to try to go past the tea as she stirred it, almost as if the Hyuuga were trying to peer past the floor. Nodding lightly to herself, she then walked back into the living room where Nathan was.

"The elements any one person could have are Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Fire, Lightning and ... it's very rare but it has been inherited .... Wood along with Ice. Some people have two types, fewer have more but most have only one that I've known. I'm not talking too fast, am I?"

Hinata paused to let the information - hopefully - sink in his mind as she took a sip of her Green Tea. Pride swelled in her; maybe not quite the way she saw it but all the same.... she was still teaching. Hopefully, it would go smoother with time.
"Oh...Element stuff...Yeah I remember this..." He murmured as he listened to her continue on with her lecture. "I would say that I'm Earth then...Since I can't exactly do anything else. I'm more of a...tank...I can shield myself with the earth around me and use my own body as a weapon due to this. Its how I used to break into food stores. Or I'd simply have a rock chucked at a vendor to distract him whilst I'd mingle off with an apple or kebab." He shrugged and stayed against the wall as he saw her with the green tea. He frowned even more, but eyed her body up and down and enjoyed the sight before him. "Are shinboi supposed to dress to impress with their goods like that?" He made a gesture toward his own body, referring to her giant breasts.
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Oh good, he did know. Well .. that was one thing accomplished, even if she'd had to remind him on what exactly she had referred to. Her smile widened as she took another sip, taking note of all he said. From what she'd heard from those who went to retrieve Sasuke from the Sound Five so long ago, he sounded somewhat like Jirobou; but not quite. At least with how he used the Earth parts, it was somewhat similar; enough to make her note it and figure ways to help him enhance those abilities. Of course, she'd also be careful while doing so. He still had his reputations as a thief and bandit.

She wouldn't intentionally let her guard completely down ... that'd be foolish of her.

"You may have a seat if you want ... " She offered, gesturing to the couch as she took her own seat. Before she could get her own question out, he seemed to have one for her; one that made her almost spit a bit of her tea out. Instinctively, her cheeks turned crimson slightly as her head quickly shook no.

"We .. um ... don't have much of a dress code, per se. The only thing all are required to wear - regardless of rank - is this ... " Setting her tea down on the table in front of the couch, she tapped her forehead protector gently. "You will probably get one when the Hokage deems you're ready. A-anyways .... "

Her head glanced up as she tried to remember what else she had in mind. Thankfully, she was able to recover the mental questions before she lost them as she looked back to Nathan. "So ... since Darian hinted you weren't born here, what nation are you from? Iwagakure or elsewhere?"
Seeing her reaction toward his question brought out many possibilities for him, all of which he contemplated in his head. 'She seemed to be so embarrassed when it came to her body...I wonder if she's a virgin...? No way...A woman like that must have had a man or two at least by now.' He shook his head in disappointment. 'Shame on the girl. Though...this bit of information might be juicy for later on.' When she began to question him once more, his attention came back to reality as he took a seat in front of her, listening to her ask of where he was born. "I was born in a country far away...I don't recall the name. My mother only said that she went there once on a mission and met my father there. They fell in love during the mission and brought him here. Since I was born a boy, my father named me after himself. So...I am technically Nathan Jr. Though I will not appreciate being called Junior at all. My mother passed away when I was young but I inherited my chakra from her."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

Her head nodded in understanding, especially on not wanting to be addressed by 'Junior'. She wouldn't either ... if she were in his spot. "Fair enough. Hm ... would you mind giving out your mother's name? It'd be strictly for research about you and your heritage; nothing more and I'd keep it between us and only the Hokage --- if she even asks for it. But that won't be likely so it'd stay between us. But I won't do that unless you don't mind it."

Hopefully the gesture and words would convince him that she had been sincere about not liking seeming harsh to him and thus make for improvement? Maybe a new and not-so-rocky beginning could be made with them? Yes, she knew it may be too much to be as hopeful as she was ... but that was how the poor Hyuuga had always been; persistent, refusing to give up on anyone unless she saw no other way to around around them.

Even to this day, she still hadn't given up on Naruto, despite how many had otherwise tried to convince her. She just ... couldn't. Not yet and probably not ever. Keeping eye contact with him, she stayed silent to try to recall another question, speaking up when it came back to her mind. "So then ... is it fair to assume you've had no formal training with even - for example - basic hand seals? What do you know of being a shinobi, if anything? I'm sorry if that came out word ... I'm not used to being a leader-type person or sensei at that matter so I'm as new to this as you are being in Konohagakure."
"I'd rather not give out my mother's name to someone I just met, Hyuuga. I don't ask you for your family secrets so don't ask about my own." He didn't seem snappy when he said this, but he obviously did not want to speak of his own family on a more personal or detailed matter when it came to the topic of them. Hearing her next question, he shrugged. "I taught myself and learned on my own out of books I've stolen. I know enough to get by. Though...Perhaps you could show me some handsigns? Or should I show you one that I know the most?" He grinned and made a ring with the tips of his index and thumb and using the other hand, began to poke his index finger through the hole provocatively...Just teasing her. Seeing just how far he could push her buttons when it came to the matter of anything sexual. He was testing her and getting as much info on her like she had been doing to him.
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

"... It was just an offer. Relax; I'm not going to force you to oblige that. And watch your tone to me. I'm being civil with you, after all. At least give me that much back." This man really was something else. Even if he was supposed to be eighteen, he was definitely not acting at all like it. Studying him silently, she tried to think, only to get distracted again with another rather ... lewd question. Well, the movements he made with it were at least.

Though she used to be naive, she wasn't completely anymore. She got enough catcalls and gestures like that to know enough of what it meant despite never having been with anyone intimately. Her throat cleared as her eyes narrowed slightly, enough to hint she hadn't appreciated the gesture. "That .... really was uncalled for...." She replied, her voice mostly calm save the slightly irritated parts that could definitely be heard.

She went silent before replying to the still lingering question. " ... If you will be serious on learning hand seals - or anything at that matter - then yes, I will teach you. Granted, I have to regardless however ... it will go smoothly if you be a bit more mature on the matters. You're eighteen, after all, not eight. Really, act your age."

After a bit more silence, she motioned for him to follow behind. "I'll show you to the room you will stay in. It's got a bathroom inside it along with the necessities; a bed, dresser drawer .... please try to keep it as tidy as I've been doing so." And with that, she began guiding him to Neji's old room.
And her reaction was just the reaction that he needed. It seemed that she didn't mind for gestures or taunts made toward her sexually...but when it came to her actual body or her getup, he might have a button or two pushed. Though...He simply acted 'eight' just to get more information out of her without her even knowing. When she mentioned a new room for him, he simply nodded and followed her, unknowingly to her cousin's room. Upon entering, he looked around and felt like something was off with this room...And that he shouldn't desecrate it, or face the severe punishments. He removed his shoes and sat down on the bed, feeling how soft it was. "Thank you." He said simply as he laid down on it, stretched, and seemed relaxed...having never felt an actual bed in so long that he had forgotten how comfortable one could be when sleeping.
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

The day had been long and tiring, mentally and physically. So to see he would also embrace the idea of relaxing and rest was a relief for Hinata. With any luck, the concern about him trying to dart away would be gone permanently .... or at least long enough. Her head bowed as she left him in Neji's room. For now, she slipped back to the living room, finishing up her Green Tea then cleaning the cup out and putting it away. She then leaned lightly against the counter nearby, thinking on how to go about her new student.

With any luck, I can remove that device soon ... I want to be able to trust him ... somehow ...

It'd be awkward to constantly be uneasy about her own student and certain smoother if some level of trust could be made. But .. she knew from personal experiences one couldn't change others, no matter how much they wanted to. To some degree, she was proof of this even as she still hadn't with her feelings about Naruto.

Sighing softly, she let a few fingers run through her hair first before slipping into her own room, changing into a nightgown. She'd get a shower in by morning; right now, she wanted some rest also. It didn't take but for her violet eyes to close that the heiress soon fell asleep.

(If you want to skip X days/a week/whatever, go for it. Just hint how long somewhere in the post.)

And that was their first day together as sensei and student. Nathan continued his complaints about things but never tried to run, nor had he ever sexually harassed her. That would be a special thing he would do whenever he wanted to try and convince her to do something for him or just to embarrass her for the hell of it. It had been about a week since they had first began sparring with one another...and now Nathan awoke in his room. He was relaxing, enjoying the cool breeze of the village come in through his window as he'd await for Hinata to fetch him to begin today's lessons...whatever they may be. He still planned escaping from her, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do that anytime soon. Especially with the tracker on his arm. He simply lay there, sighing and closing his eyes as he waited for his sensei to come in and 'wake' him up, as he had always slept in unless forcibly awakened.
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

The week ... was a mix of good and bad improvements. For the most part, his attitude had faded away pretty well. But now, he seemed to be lazy -- and on purpose too, like Shikamaru would often do. And when she'd insisted on trying to stick to a schedule and thus ask that he be up by 8 AM ... that did slightly annoy the Hyuuga heiress; enough at any rate. So when the red digits on her clock read 08:01 AM and he still hadn't made it obvious to her that he was conscious -- or at least ready to begin the lessons of the day -- that was her cue.

She'd already been dressed and ready for the past hour, having already eaten breakfast even. Nathan would soon hear a knock upon his door and then her speak up. " ... Nathan-san? Come now, hasn't this schedule become regular enough for you yet? Time to get up ... meet me outside in the backyard when you're ready. We work on your Taijutsu."

Fingers lightly moved through her hair as she walked away with gentle footsteps, pushing the door carefully open before waiting with her wrists lightly held behind her back. Hopefully she wouldn't need to drag him out of the bed ... this reminding was becoming rather annoying, honestly. True, she knew and understood she was now a student ... but she'd never met anyone quite like Nathan who outright refused to act their real age.
Upon hearing her voice, it acted as his own alarm clock and his eyes slowly opened to see her standing at the door waiting. He yawned and silently stood up, redressed in new clothes in the bathroom, and followed her outside. 'Taijutsu...We haven't begun to train me on this yet...Hand to hand combat...' He thought in his head as he leaned against a training dummy, yawning slightly as he waited for Hinata. 'Hand to hand combat should be my best bet unless she wants me to do this without my rock armor...then I might need to try a bit and not just run into her...literally.' He sighed. "So whats first, sensei?"
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/Naruto RP Pics/Hinata_by_Angel_Dark.jpg

"Let me watch you use Taijutsu against the dummy; without implementing your Earth chakra. There will be times when we won't have given the opportunity to use our strengths -- whether that means our abilities, bloodlines, whatever. And in those situations, you're going to have only enough time to stick to more typical Taijutsu moves. So let me see first off how you do against a stationary object ...."

She stopped, deciding to reveal the last half after getting an evaluation on his skills. It would determine if she'd even want him to spar against her or just remain focused upon the dummy. Remaining beside him, she then gave him an affirmative nod. "You may begin when you're ready, Nathan."
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