Poison Ivy RP(mitchthompson484/simpleroleplayer)


May 12, 2013
James sat at the table nervous... he tapped his foot on the floor as he sipped on his tea... he was never a fan of the Blind-Date Idea, but he was here... He looked around the restraunt as people came in and out, some as pairs, some in families, some going straight to the bar as singles. He wondered how his date would look, would he get lucky or would he strike out? He sat there, wearing a collared shirt and slack, with his short black hair and blue eyes....
RE: Poison Ivy RP

Pamela Isley sighed as she approached the restaurant. A co-worker set her up on a blind date. A woman who knew all about her horrible accident recently, that makes even kissing poisonous, she had to find whoever attractive for the pheromones to even kick in and work on the other person. The 20 something woman had on her glasses and her red-hair in a bun. If this blind date didn't pan out, Margaret would pay dearly. Pam wore a sporty blue three piece skirtsuit , minus the tie,and collar button of white blouse open, and calmly walked in and started looking around.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

James looked over and saw the redhead walk into the restraunt... he pondered for a moment if that was her. She did have an innocent look to her. While she did look "nerdy" he thought she had an attractiveness to her that was under the glasses and the offical look to her. He smiled sitting there hoping that she was his date... this might not be too bad after all....
RE: Poison Ivy RP

After getting directions from a waitress who didn't hide the fact she was ogling Pam, the woman approached James. "I'm Dr. Pamela Isley, are you James?" she asked before sitting.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

James smiled and stood pulling out the chair for her... "Nice to meet you Pamela... I am James...." After seating her he sat down and called a waiter over, ordering some wine for the both of them... "So... your a Doctor.. like medicine or another porfession??"
RE: Poison Ivy RP

Pam thought to herself as she thanked the gentleman, you get a plus on his manners, Margaret, but you are FAR from being off the hook. Aloud she answered his question politely, "Biology. Specifically plants. Their make-uo, chemicals, the whole nine yards... I'd go into detail farther, but I might bore you." To the waiter, she replied "Spring water for me, thank you," before picking up the menu.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He nodded as she answered him "So your into plants... I suppose you would like flowers too then??" He pulled out a rose for her and placed it on the table as the waiter got them their drinks.... "I wont bore you saying I work for a paper company then..." He smiled looking at her.. she did have a flair of aggressiveness to her...
RE: Poison Ivy RP

"I prefer they not be plucked from the ground, unless it's to benefit mankind." Pam sighed, eyebrow raised, as she graciously took the gift. In her head, she thought: strike 1, Margaret. You could have told him... That is no secret that I do not appreciate someone plucking a flower to curse it to die in a few days... She put the rose to her face to take in the aroma, but looked at him with her green eyes seperated by the red rose. A flirtatious look by most standards from James' view, to be sure.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He smiled as she smelled the flower and the waitier came to get their order... he made his order and looked Pamela over again.. she was beautiful and he hoped this would would go beyond just dinner... "So... waht do you do when you study the pants?? Do you make new ones or the plants better??" He smiled, naturally curious.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

"I'm hardly a mad scientist, unless you piss me off..." Pam laughed with a twinkle in her eyes. "cross-breeding, pollenation, enhance growth by natural means. No gene-splicing... I won't try to make a pome taste like citrus, or anything like that. I am the one behind saving the wild rose from extinction. Mr. Wayne listened to reason."
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He nodded as he listened to her... he didn't say anything about his role in logging trees for paper... he decided that would be a touch issue... instead he focused on her and getting to know her. "So your an enviromental activist?? Interesting... All forms of life should be protected from extinction.... if not in the wild, at least in a zoo or garden..." The food arrived and he began to eat...
RE: Poison Ivy RP

Hmm, Pam thought, this might work... "You're absolutely correct," she nodded taking a bite of the vegetarian's delight chef's salad. "on both counts. I'm very much the enviromentalist, and even endangered animals should be protected as well as plants. Remember, though, plants convert carbon dioxide to oxygen through photosynthesis. They're why we can breathe the atmosphere. Oh dear, I sound like I'm lecturing, it's obvious you know already from what you've said."
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He smiled and shrugged... "No.. its fine.. shows you have passion and I like that in a woman... one that has passion, shows that she cares about things...." He ate his steak as they spoke to each other... "Plants are a critical part of life, for air and resources...." He looked at her wondering if he said too much about that subject....
RE: Poison Ivy RP

Pam nodded. She saw this guy cared about the same things. "Looks like Margaret was right. We do have much in common." She didn't want to use her pheremones. At least...not yet. Dinner was over; what else was planned? Pam decided to roll with it, and arose. "Excuse me a moment. I'll meet you in front of the restaurant."
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He nodded as she got up and left... While she was gone he paid for the meal and went to the front of the restraunt wondering what else she had planned if anything... he was usally modest so he didnt go for one night stands or sex on the first date.... but he was willing to see what she wanted to do....
RE: Poison Ivy RP

Pamela came out of the restaurant wearing a smile and adjusting her glasses. Unknown to James, the waitress that had been ogling her followed herinto the restroom to proposition her. Some co-workers were cutting the vines off from around the woman's neck. "I just hit on Poison Ivy!" she gasped as soon as she could. "Then you're lucky to be alive. I warned you about your hormones." the manager growled.
Meanwhile, Pam offered her arm. "Shall we visit the botanical gardens or do you have other plans?" she asked flirtatiously.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He smiled as she came out.. he took her arm and nodded "I'd love to see it.. I suppose you can tell me all about the plants we see.. I'm sure your full of suprises..." He smiled as they walked down the path to the gardens....
RE: Poison Ivy RP

You have no idea... She thought remembering the look of surprise on the waitress' face as she went plant lady on her. She liked girls, too, but was in no mood for games tonight. As they wandered through the gardens she explained everything from the lowly purple clover to the mighty redwood. If there was a question about a plant not native to Gotham, like the redwood, she explained how it came this far east of it's home in Northern California.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

James listened to her explain every plant as they walked along... he was interested in what she had to say, but also interested in her as well... he admired her passion for her plants, even if his company was cutting down redwoods... he didnt say it... but he thought about it.... As they walked along he couldnt help notice how beautiful she was under her glasses... soon the tour was done... now he wondered what came next.... "Its been a wonderful evening Pamela..."
RE: Poison Ivy RP

Pam smiled mischievious, ohhh no, she thought slyly. This ones not getting away. "I don't think either of us wants it over yet. " she had a wry snile which made the mischievious look more flirtatous. "My place IS close" she used her head to point the direction. She didn't have to send out the pheremones to entrance, it was obvious to her, that her own natural beauty was doing just fine without the help. Perhaps, just perhaps she could convince him to leave his work without enslaving him. She'd spring the surprise on him of who she really was if she got him alone.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He nodded "Yes.. I dont want it over.. but I dont want to rush into things... I think we have something good going on here... dont you think Pamela???" He smiled and brushed some of her hair out from in front of her face... "It has been a lovely evening...."
RE: Poison Ivy RP

"Mind outta the gutter, boy, what's wrong with a nightcap at the girl's house? We're both adults." She threw a kiss, careful not to make contact with skin, at least not until she had access to the anti-dote for her natural poison, too bad the anti-dote was in her apartment. She pulled him in the direction, hoping he would not have to be drugged and carried.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He shook his head as they walked toward her place... It was his intent not to do anything with her... She told him to get his mind out of the gutter.. but he couldn't but help think about pleasing her.... "I suppose we can get a drink or something.... but thats... that will be about all we can do..."
RE: Poison Ivy RP

"That's more like it." Pam smiled as they got to her front door which had a hanging basket of an interesting plant with small blue-violet flowers. It resembled a spider fern, except for the blooms. She took a quick feel inside the pot. "time to water you again" she whispered to the plant, then brushed the soil from her hand , unlocked and opened the door. "dont be a knight, when you are the guest," she smiled, pushing it open for him.
RE: Poison Ivy RP

He walked into her place and took a quick look around.. she had lots of potted plants and flowers all over the place... she was true to her profession... "You have a nice place... so um.. what do you have to drink??"
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