A change of heart(Lady/moon)

Lily shrugged. "so long as my baby isn't dead, or unhappy." she muttered, rubbing her belly before looking astonished. "you mean... he's not a Dark Lord!?" "no. Dumbledore just wants me to be so he can further gain power. that's why he tried to turn Severus into a dark lord, so that once i was dead, Dumbledore would have a new enemy to 'battle'. only i'm not doing what he want's me to do." Voldemort admitted, crossing his arms. "i have very high doubts that Dumbledore actually knew who your parents truly where." Voldemort admitted. "and your right, we all need a vacation." Lucius interrupted. "so, Italy or France?" Lucius demanded curiously. "can we go too?" Lily asked hopefully. "i've always wanted to go abroad!" James fought back a laugh. Lily was always so upbeat, god how he loved her. "just so long as you don't expect me to go with. i have several experimental, time sensitive potions on the fire." Peter snickered a little and shook his head. "oh come on Sev. it will be fun. even you can't turn your nose up at Fun!" Sev glared at Peter. "i do not do... fun."
"No.Magic chooses their dark lords, they can't be created."She said frowning a little leaning more into marvolo, taking comfort in his presence before smiling sadly, shaking her head. "He got lucky, then, if he didn't know who they were. He's screwed up the balance again..."She muttered a slight tremor of fear in her words, because she couldn't think that she would be enough to correct the problem. Nodding as she watched them decide to go on the vacation she sighed softly. "Italy."She decided before snickering a little looking at severus. "You do sex don't you?Thats fun."She pointed out before sighing."Just come, pack the potions, it'll be okay."
Voldemort snorted a little. "Dumbledore is too stupid to be lucky." Voldemort scoffed before he smiled at her, taking her hand. "it will be fine. they will be reborn and Magic itself is on your side, Magic will help you." he assured her, smiling a little at her as Lucius nodded. "i'll get the Portkey ready then, untraceable of course." he assured before pausing to listen to Severus's response. "Sex is pleasure, not fun." he stated with a sniff. "and while i enjoy fornication very much, i enjoy my experimental potions much more. i am currently int he process of finding a cure for Lycanthropy. so far all i can do is let a werewolf keep it's human mind, but with every batch i get closer and closer." ending up working for Dumbledore had cut back Severus's ability to make new potions, so he never got past that point after the potters where killed, but he was getting much further in other potions. "and you can't just Pack a potion!!!..." "..yes Severus, you can." Lucius pointed out, looking amused. "you just don't want to go to the beach because you'll blind us all with your ghastly white skin." the blond teased before leaving, Severus following him, using his scathing and furious words to try and make Lucius get the idea out of hi head. Snape would NOT be going with! and yet an hour later he was standing with everyone else a bag in hand and a crate full of shrunken and stasis protected cauldrons.
Danica smiled looking amused as they walked into the mansion that they would be using, looking around as she ran her fingers through her hair. Looking up at marvolo she shrugged."Well, its different. Brighter."She said looking around the bright rooms that had more windows then at home. "We should just move here. Forget about the war at home."She mused knowing that they couldn't do that. They were both to responsible to walk away from the fight that was brewing at home.
Lucius smirked a little as he watched James and Lily stare at the Manor, Lily with amazement and James with slight annoyance. clearly he was thinking that Lucius was a pompous show off. granted, Lucius WAS a pompous show off, but at least he wasn't rubbing his money in everyone elses faces. Marvolo glanced at Danica and sighed a little as he shook his head a little. "i'm sorry Dani but... i just can't do that." he admitted. "you can stay here if you want to, i'll come and visit everyday but i can't abandon my people to the machinations of Dumbledore." he admitted kissing her forehead. "but we're on vacation. we'll worry about it later." he promised her, Lily taking Danica's hand. "Dani! you have to come shopping with me! i haven't gotten all the things i need for my baby yet!" James rolled his eyes, looking amused. clearly Lily had everything she NEEDED, just not everything she thought little baby Harry Deserved. "and we HAVE to get our nails done!" Lily chirped, looking gleeful as Snape perked up. "Manicures? i'm in." "... how did i not know you where gay?" James asked, blinking at Snape who snickered.
Danica sighed quietly nodding slightly. "I know...I'll go back.after this."She muttered looking up at him, running her fingers through her hair, looking around as she leaned into him, laughing quietly at lily's words."Oh?"She said looking at james, amused because he seemed so sure that they had everything before nodding."We'll go."She said looking up at the man she was leaning on."You'll be okay?"She muttered not wanting to leave him.even if she was sure he'd be okay on his own, she didn't want to leave him."You're blind james."She giggled looking amused tht he hadn't noticed snape was gay before.
Marvolo smiled at her and nodded a little. "you don't have to you know." he promised her softly. "you wouldn't be a part of this war at all if i hadn't kidnapped you... you can leave, i won't stop you." he promised before grinning at Lily who was explaining how she needed this and that and everything else for her precious baby and Snape suddenly piped up. "Lily... your baby is going to be a spoiled brat if you buy him all that." he pointed out, James actually shooting Snape a grateful look. while he could afford to buy all of that... what was he supposed to buy for Harry's OTHER birthdays!? "of course i will be ok." Voldemort muttered with a long suffering sigh. "it's only baby shopping,. it won't kill me." he assured her. "besides, i might not be gay, but i do enjoy a nice manicure. they are very relaxing." "are they really? i've never had one." Peter admitted, Jame's shrugging. "neither have i." he admitted. "i might be willing to try... but only if Lily insists." James muttered, Peter laughing as Lily nodded enthusiastically. "then we'll all go have dinner somewhere!" "and of course Lily will choose the place, being pregnant and all she gets special treatment like that." Marvolo stated simply, ignoring the shocked look James sent him. "shall we go then? i really don't want to look at baby things ALL day."
Danica frowned a little."I have to. Because it causes a ache deep in my chest, to not help."She muttered laughing softly at lily's explaination before nodding."IT would indeed be a spoiled brat."She agreed before nudging voldemort."We'll go get something for you to. Don' tworry, you baby, we'll find something for you to."She teased before grinning."Well, we'll all go get manicures now."She said looking amused as they headed out to the shopping in town, looking eager to do so.
he nodded a little. "yes well, i don't have many hobbies." he admitted simply. "i'll just let the women dictate where i go." he decided, James snickering as Snape smirked. "yes, Lily, Danica, let us women decide where to go." he chirped, catching their arms in his he led the way tot he manicurists, James shooting a shocked look at Peter who smirked and nodded. who would have guessed it, Snape was a sub. "... there are some things that can never be unlearned... and that was one of them." Marvolo complained as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "why? why do i always attract the insane!?" James and Peter just snickered and followed their 'lovers' into the nail place. Snape was haggling prices with the manicurist and Lily was contemplating what color to get for her nails. Peter just decided to do whatever Snape told him to do. soon they where all sitting in chairs with masks on their faces and cucumbers on their eyes with people massaging their hands, filing their nails and giving them foot massages... Marvolo had to admit... this was nice. James had backed out as soon as people started touching his feet and filing his nails. Peter had gone with him and they where over at the pub, talking man things and drinking Butterbeer.
DAnica giggled a little at the men's reaction to snape's admittance smiling as she walked with snape."Let's."She said looing pleased as she let them work on her nails and rubbing her feet. When they were done she stood, straightening her clothes as she looked down at the man still sitting in his hair."You look much more relaxed down."She pointed out,tweaking a piece of marvolo's hair out of his face.
Marvolo smiled as he glanced at her. "mmm i like this." he admitted happily. "it's hard not to completely relax when i have someone completely doting on ,e." he admitted with a chuckle. he had greatly enjoyed that, though he had drawn the line at the women trying to put polish on his fingers. clear coat or not, there was a line even a gay man wouldn't cross and since Marvolo wasn't gay... "well, shall we fetch the other two men and find something else to do?" he asked as he finally stood up, tipping the ladies a hefty amount before heading over to the bar where Peter and James had taken shelter. "we should go shopping for clothes." Snape stated suddenly. "i really need something than the second hand robes that Dumbledore saw fit to let me have." James raised an eyebrow at Snape. "My mother was a Prince, Potter. i have more money than you do, but Dumbledore never told me about it so i would suffer more. My Lord informed me of my riches when i joined him and he saw my... unsuitable clothes." he admitted, Voldemort chuckling. "i agree, let us go shopping. i could use some new boots." Lucius admitted. "and Narci will Kill me if i don't bring her back presents." Lucius had not partaken in the manicure, as he hadn't trusted the girls to do it properly, so he had sat in the waiting chair and read a book. but Narcissa loved manicures and would probobly kill her husband anyway, despite the presents. it was her own fault though, she didn't trust the house elves to take care of Draco properly, so she'd insisted on staying to watch him.
Danica laughed softly."You should have gotten the nail polish. In a nice lovely pink color."She teased leaning down to kiss his forehead before nodding as they headed over to the pub. "I need some clothes to. Since none of you kindly packed my bags before escorting me to riddle manor."She said looking up at lucius, a teasing smile on her face, since he knew she was glad to see him. And even gladder to have gotten to know draco and naricssa. "ah well your wife's going to kill you anyways."she pointed out shaking her head in amusement as tehy walked. When they neared the clothing store she paused biting her lip as she looked at marvolo, falling behind a little. Feeling awkward, realizing for the first time that she didn't have any money.
he snorted a little. "i think not." he stated simply. "i AM straight you know. Severus might have been content to get the clear coat but i refuse." he stated with a sniff, Lucius snickering a little as he winked at her. "it wasn't MY fault you tried to kill me. if you'd just behaved like a civilized woman i wouldn't have left you without your things." he stated simply before sagging. "i know... with Narcissa, i can never win." he admitted, shaking his head. "i will get a little leeway when i promise to give her a personalized manicure though. i did buy all the things i would need." he admitted with a nod. Marvolo smirked, well aware of what those 'personalized' manicures led to and shook his head. "come, Danica, stop lagging. how am i supposed to treat you to a full wardrobe if your taking forever to get there?" Lucius demanded, gleaning in onto the problem immidiatly. Marvolo looked startled, and then guilty as he realized she didn't have any money, and made a mental note to reward Lucius later. "hey! who says YOU get to treat her!?" Snape suddenly demanded. "i wanted to buy her a few things too you know." "well, what about me?" James sulked, scowling a little. "Lily insisted i buy Danica a few thing as thanks, how am i supposed to do that with you hogging her Malfoy!?" Marvolo choked back his laughter "now boy. you will simply have to share her." he stated calmly. "play nice with one another." and that was problem solved apparently. they where the three richet men in the wizarding world after all.
"Hm, well I couldnt tell.Definately not enough evidence of this fact."She said snickering a little before looking up at lucius. "I was being uncivilized?You were trying to take me somewhere!"She whined laughing quietly at his words. "ITs okay. I'm sure she'll forgive you with those personalized 'manicures'."Seh said looking amused because she knew what they led to. Looking startled at Lucius' words, she flushed a little, realizing they knew what had happened. Laughing as she nodded catching up." okay okay, I'm coming. It'll be fun."She said grinning as they walked into the store, starting to look around. "They sound so pleased to be helpful."She snorted looking amused as her and lily started looking for clothes.
Lucius snorted. "yes you where being uncivilized! i asked very nicely for you to follow me and you started cursing at me!" not the truth... well, maybe in Lucius's twisted mind it was the truth. "of course she'll forgive me, she always forgives me eventually." he admitted with a small smirk. they swept through the store like a tornado, this time it was Marvolo who sat out, sitting in a chair and reading a magazine while they dressed each other up like dolls. Peter got it the worst though, he and Snape kept going into dressing rooms and coming back out rumbled, which led to no amount of teasing from the others. at one point Marvolo vanished, his attention caught by something outside of the clothing store, which was all the excuse Lucius needed to buy several things in Marvolo's size, flashing Danica a wink as he did so. by the time Marvolo returned they had paid for their shopping, and next to him was a beautiful dog with golden markings. "It's an Anubis. the fool selling the poor thing had no idea what he had." Marvolo explained, glancing down at the 'poor thing' which was simply studying them all. "he's just a puppy!" Lily muttered, amazed. "Anubis are so rare!" "yes, and very loyal." he admitted, smiling at Danica. "i got him for you. i thought you might need a companion who can't snark at you."
Danica looked at him a little wide eyed as she looked down at the anubis, "its soo cute!"She giggled happily as she crouched down in front of the puppy, stroking his head before loking up at marvolo in shock, her mouth falling open a little."W-what?"She said looking amazed before nodding quietly, gathering the puppy up in her arms, cuddling the pup as she shifted the pup, wrapping her arm around marvolo with a wide smile. "Thank you!Oh thank you. Its nice."She said smiling up at him happily.
Marvolo chuckled a little and nodded as he hugged her back. "your very welcome... now be warned, an Anubis is... not well known. they have amazing magical abilities but... no one really knows what they are." he admitted with a shrug as the Anubis barked, happy in her arms but tired of being squished between two people. "too right little one." Voldemort agreed with the dog, smirking a little as he handed Danica the creatures leash and headed down the street, practically strutting. Lucius just snickered and shrunk all their purchases and headed after Marvolo, who was looking for a restaurant. it was time for food. once Lily decided... or rather unborn Harry decided... they had their dinner and then went back to the Villa for some rest, Narcissa glaring at her husband who winced and offered her the three designer dresses and the 'do it yourself manicure kit' that he'd picked up for her. he was almost instantly forgiven. the meal he'd gotten for her at the restaurant helped hi case even more, and whispered promises in her ear ensured that he wasn't going to be sleeping on the couch. Marvolo did scowl as he realized that somehow he had ended up with some new clothes and shook his head, annoyed that his followers kept buying him clothes, he had plenty of perfectly comfortable clothes!
"Okay okay little one."She muttered stroing the dogs head as they walked. Looking pleased as they ate, the dog settled in her lap as she did. By the time they got home both her and the pup were sleepy, looking amused as she realized he had gotten new clothes to."They seem to like spoiling you."She pointed out smiling as she settled on his balcony with him, the dog curled up in her lap as he smoked, to awake to go t o sleep, and to sleepy to real go do something else.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "no, they just like to annoy me." he stated simply, sighing a little as he smiled at her, his head tilted. "did you have fun today?" he asked hopefully. "you certainly look exaughsted." he admitted with a small smile as he watched the Anubis curl up on the bed and go to sleep. "so what are you going to name the pup?" he asked curiously, his head tilted a little. "i did buy everything that goes with him too." he admitted pulling packages out of his pocket. dog bowls, several collars in various styles, a massive fluffy monstrosity of a dog bed, a dozen dog toys, everything the little Anubis would want or need and then some. "do you like to read?" Voldemort asked suddenly. "you look exaughsted so i thought i might read you something until you fall asleep?" he offered, his head tilted to the side.
"i did. It was nice to get out, and remember there is more then just....the war we left behind."She said smiling a little, looking tired as she nodded."I am.Tired I mean."She yawned before looking at the anubis before shrugging. "I think I will name him luke."She said looking up at him flushing a little as she realized he'd gotten her everything she needed for the pup to."Thank you."She said sitting up to give him a sleepy hug, leaning into him before nodding."I do."She said looking up at him, curious t his offer before nodding slowly, wondering why he was being so nice, especially when she had the sense he wasn't a nice guy most of the time, despite his friendships with some of the death eaters."I would like that."
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